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Dear Parents,

To enhance security and streamline campus access, we kindly request all parents to register
their vehicle information with us. This will allow us to issue the necessary parking stickers,
which must be displayed on your vehicles to gain entry into the school campus.

Please provide the following details for each vehicle you will use:

1. Student’s Name:
2. Parent’s Name:
3. Number of Vehicles:
4. Vehicle Number(s):


● Student’s Name: Ananya Kumar

● Parent’s Name: Rajesh Kumar
● Number of Vehicles: 2 ( 1 two wheeler & one four wheeler)
● Vehicle Number(s): TN 01 AB 1234(Two wheeler )

TN 02 CD 5678(Four wheeler)

Please submit this information via ClassDojo(Ms.Gayathri: by

June 22nd 2024 to ensure timely issuance of your parking stickers. Note: Only vehicles with
the official school sticker will be allowed entry into the campus.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school environment secure and organised.

Best regards,

Ms. Gayathri

Asst Executive & Librarian

Anand Singapore International School, Chennai

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