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1.They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

correct Answer: They ate dinner at nine o’clock yesterday.

2. Did maría drove to work this morning?

Correct Answer: Did María drive to work this morning?

3. I not finished my homework last night.

Correct Answer: I did not finish my homework last nigth.

4. Did you busy last Monday.

Correct Answer: Were you busy last Monday?

5. What di you do last night.

Correct Answer: What did you do last nigth?

6. Did they has a Good time at the party?

Correct Answer: Did they have a Good time at the party.

7. They didn’t ate pizza.

Correct Answer: They didn’t eat pizza.

8. They play tennis last week.

Correct Answer: They played tennis last week.

9. Mary did had an accedent yesterday.

Correct Answer: Mary did have an accident yesterday.

10. My brother not studied las Friday.

Correct Answer: My brother did not study last Friday.

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