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Artificial Intelligence Introduction Project

By Sri Giri

CMSC 307 – Artificial Intelligence Applications

Professor: Gorham, Christopher


Providing an impartial perspective that recognizes both the benefits and constraints of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) is crucial, thereby promoting a thorough comprehension of its extensive ramifications.

Although AI undeniably progresses in various domains, its future impact remains unpredictable for many,

creating an environment of conjecture and debate. Although extensively debated, a substantial segment of the

population lacks a thorough comprehension of its intricacies, resulting in the spread of disinformation and

misunderstandings. Artificial intelligence, with its limitless capacity, sparks inquisitiveness and compels us to

describe its fundamental nature precisely and logically within the domain of technical advancement.

Nevertheless, it is the duty of researchers to go beyond simple definitions and engage in a thorough discussion

that examines both the favorable and unfavorable features of this technological framework. As the integration

of AI continues to spread across different fields, continued intellectual investigation into its future

consequences demands thorough research and scientific examination to understand its implications completely.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has not just become a widespread presence in various sectors, but it's also

fundamentally transforming companies and altering the methods by which jobs are performed. From the deep

analysis, Szczepaniuk, H., & Szczepaniuk, E. K. (2022) had concluded that “Critical AI applications in a

Smart Grid relate to intelligent agents controlling the power grid, ensuring power grid stability, controlling

smart transformers, and real-time energy management(p.18)”. This elaborate how AI is getting popular and

used in various sector. In the energy sector, AI is not simply being used, but rather revolutionizing the core

operations of energy generation, distribution, and consumption. This transformation is not just a change but a

crucial shift leading to improved efficiency and sustainability. For instance, the implementation of AI

algorithms to evaluate abundant sensor data is not just a new method but a revolution in wind turbine

maintenance. It enables proactive maintenance and reduces downtime, thereby enhancing energy generation.

Similarly, AI algorithms in smart grid management are not just optimizing energy distribution, but reducing

system congestion, and enhancing the integration of renewable energy sources.

AI is not just playing a role, but a crucial role in driving notable progress in medical diagnosis and

treatment approaches within the healthcare sector. One of the most significant illustrations of this is in medical

imaging analysis. Benjamin, B., & Michele, E. (2023) mentioned that” The findings from recent literature

show that leading hospitals are now using AI-powered solutions to help medical staff with diagnosing and

treating patients across a wide variety of illnesses (p. 2).” From this we can analyze how AI algorithms are

proving to be highly effective in examining medical pictures, including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. These

algorithms demonstrate a high level of accuracy, assisting radiologists in identifying abnormalities and

enabling precise diagnoses. However, the potential of AI in healthcare is not just promising but revolutionary.

Personalized medicine, a prominent use of AI, is not just improving healthcare, but revolutionizing it. By

analyzing patients' genetic data, medical history, and relevant factors, AI can recommend personalized

treatment plans that are specifically tailored to each individual patient. This not only improves the

effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery but also has the potential to transform the entire healthcare


These applications highlight the significant worth and usefulness of AI in enhancing efficiency,

precision, and results in several disciplines. Implementing predictive maintenance for wind turbines reduces

maintenance expenses and enhances energy generation by eliminating periods of inactivity. AI-powered

medical imaging analysis and customized medicine can transform healthcare by improving diagnostic accuracy

and treatment results while also cutting costs and optimizing resource allocation. AI's ability to analyze large

datasets, identify patterns, and make predictions based on data makes it a powerful tool for driving innovation

and addressing complex issues in several fields.


Benjamin, B., & Michele, E. (2023). Focusing on the integration of AI in healthcare sector of USA:

Focusing on the roles of AI adoption and innovative capabilities.


Szczepaniuk, H., & Szczepaniuk, E. K. (2022, December 28). Applications of artificial intelligence

algorithms in the energy sector. MDPI.

Figure 1. AWS Academy Splash Page Screen Capture


2. AWS Academy Classroom Accepted Screen Capture

2. Figure 2. AWS Educate Classroom Accepted Screen Capture


This screenshot is the page that appears after Selecting the module, landing on lab

Launch AWS Academy Learner Lab, and logging into my AWS Academy account. Clicked on

the start lab tab, turning the AWS red button into a yellow one. I waited for the AWS button to

change to green.

Figure 3. AWS Console Splash Page Screen Capture


Figure 4 . Choose a AI Splash Page Screen Capture (#1)

Figure 5. Amazon Augmented AI Splash Page Screen Capture (#2)

6. a AI Splash Page Screen Capture (#3)


The above screen capture is of SageMaker, a comprehensively managed machine

learning service.

7. Logging out from AWS Console

8 . Ended the lab


9 logging out from AWS Academy

Summary of the screen capture

AWS Educate is an international program by Amazon that offers instructors and students

a wide range of materials to build their cloud technology skills without any charge. AWS

Educate provides students with access to self-paced information that focuses on practical, real-

world educational experiences. The content is designed to familiarize students with cloud

computing technologies, which are crucial for driving innovation in sectors like artificial


My experience with AWS Educate started when I arrived at the login page of the

classroom. Upon gaining entry, I was able to reach the AWS dashboard, which provided me with

an extensive selection of program content. Using the different service consoles, I gained

knowledge and experience in several areas such as handling Amazon S3 buckets, initiating and

connecting to Amazon EC2 instances, configuring Amazon CloudWatch alerts, and accessing

comprehensive account and payment details. This intensive experience has significantly

contributed to the improvement of my comprehension and proficiency in cloud computing.

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