Design Considerations For Modular Open Building Sy

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R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden &

Sunday Popo-Ola
Modular construction is widely used for residential buildings of 4 to 8 storeys. In the context of open building systems,
modular construction provides a systemised approach to design in which the benefits of prefabrication are maximised.
There is demand to extend this form of construction to more than 12 storeys for residential buildings. This paper pre-
sents a review of modular technologies, and describes load tests and analysis on light steel modular walls that are
used to justify the use of light steel technology to support higher loads.
For taller modular buildings, the effect of installation and geometric inaccuracies must be taken into account and
it is proposed that maximum out of verticality of a vertical group of modules is 50mm relative to ground datum. Using
these geometric tolerances, the notional horizontal force used to evaluate stability of a group of modules should be
taken as a minimum of 1% of the applied vertical load on the modules. Robustness to accidental load effects is impor-
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

tant in all high-rise buildings and it is proposed that the tie force in the connections between modules should be taken
as not less than 30% of the total vertical load applied to the module in both horizontal directions.

K e y w o r d s : Modular, Structures, Stability, Steel, Tolerances.

INTRODUCTION ules, panels and steel frames to create more adapt-

able building forms.
Modular construction comprises pre fabricated There are two generic forms of modular con-
room sized volumetric units that are normally fully struction, which affects directly their range of appli-
fitted out in manufacture and are installed on site as cation:
load bearing ‘building blocks’. Their primary
advantages are: • Load bearing modules in which loads are
transferred through the side walls of the mod-
• Economy of scale in manufacturing of multi- ules – see Figure 1
ple similar units. • Corner supported modules in which loads are
• Speed of installation relative to site –intensive transferred via edge beams to corner posts –see
open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011

construction. Figure 2
• Improved quality and accuracy in manufac-
ture In the first case, the compression resistance of the
walls (comprising light steel C sections placed at
The current range of application of modular con- 300 to 600 mm spacing) limits the maximum
struction is in cellular type buildings, such as hotels, height of modular buildings. Current uses of mod-
student residences, military accommodation, and ular buildings of this type are in the 4 to 8 storey
social housing, where the module size is compati- range, depending on the size and spacing of the C
ble with manufacturing and transportation require- sections.
ments. The current application of modular con- In the second case, the compression resis-
struction of all types is reviewed in a recent Steel tance of the corner posts is the controlling factor
Construction Institute publication (Lawson RM, and for this reason, Square Hollow Sections (SHS)
2007). A paper (Lawson RM, Ogden RG et al, are often used due to their high buckling resistance.
2005, p28-35 ) describes the mixed use of mod- Building heights are limited only by the size of the

R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola
Figure 1. Partially open sided module with load Figure 2. Open sided module with corner posts
bearing walls (courtesy PCKO Architects) and a structural frame (courtesy Caledonian
Building Systems)

Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

SHS that may be used for a given module size (150 in the walls of the modules – suitable for 4 6
x 150 x 12.5 SHS is the maximum sensible size of storey buildings
these posts). • Separate braced structure using hot rolled
Resistance to horizontal forces, such as wind steel members located in the lifts and stair area
loads and robustness to accidental actions, or in the end gables – suitable for 6 10 storeys
become increasingly important with the scale of the • Reinforced concrete or steel plated core –
building. The strategies employed to ensure ade- suitable for taller buildings
quate stability of modular assemblies, as a function
of the building height, are: Modules are tied at their corners so that they act
• Diaphragm action of boards or bracing with- together to transfer wind loads and provide alter-

open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011

Figure 3. Typical high rise building forms using Figure 4. 17 storey modular building in west
modules and concrete cores (courtesy HTA London stabilised by a concrete core (courtesy
Architects) (2B4P means a 2 bedroom 4 person Caledonian Building Systems)
apartment, for example)

R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

Figure 5. Steel framed construction forming a podium to create

open space below and to support modules above

native load paths in the event of one module being without a separate structure in which the modules
severely damaged. A paper (Lawson RM, Byfield M are designed to resist compression and the core
et al, 2008 p 3016) reviews the robustness require- provides overall stability. This concept is illustrated
ments for modular construction based on ‘localisa- in Figure 3, where the modules can be accessed
tion of damage’ in which modules are removed from the core. A called Paragon in west London,
individually to assess the ability of the rest of the shown in Figure 4, used a concrete core to provide
modular assembly to support the applied loads at lateral support to modules constructed with load
the accidental limit state. bearing corner posts.
For taller buildings, questions of compression An adaptation of this technology is to design
resistance and overall stability require a deeper a ‘podium’ or platform structure on which the mod-
understanding of the behaviour of the light steel C ules are placed. In this way, open space is provid-
sections in load bearing walls and of the robust per- ed for retail or commercial use or car parking.
formance of the inter connection between the mod- Support beams should align with the walls of the
open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011

ules. A further issue is that of installation and man- modules and columns are typically arranged on a
ufacturing tolerances, which cause eccentricities in 6 to 8 m grid (7.2 m is optimum for car parking),
the compression load path and also lead to addi- as shown in Figure 5.
tional horizontal forces applied to the modules.


A series of tests was carried out to verify the struc-
Modular construction is conventionally used for cel- tural action of load-bearing walls in a typical mod-
lular buildings up to 8 storeys high. However, there ular system using 75 mm deep x 45 mm wide x 1.6
is pressure to extend this technology up to 15 mm thick C sections. The test arrangement is illus-
storeys or more. One technique is to cluster mod- trated in Figure 6. Orientated strand board (OSB)
ules around a core to create high rise buildings was attached externally and, in some tests, cement

R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...
Table 1. Failure loads of C section wall studs and comparison
with design to national standard BS 5950-5

particle board (CPB) was included to assess the dif- 2000), based on measured material strengths. This
ference in restraint provided by the boards. Two suggests that the buckling curve used for cold
layers of 15mm fire resistant plasterboard were formed sections is conservative.
used internally, as required for 90 minutes fire resis- The eccentricity of load application using a
tance. In two of the tests, this plasterboard was plate below the wall accentuates local crushing, as
omitted on one face. well as overall buckling. The crushing resistance
Additional tests were included on taller walls may be taken into account by considering a
to examine the influence of slenderness and also on reduced compression area. It was found that a 10
walls with eccentric loading. The boards were fixed mm eccentricity caused a 19% reduction in load
using 2 mm diameter air driven nails at 200 mm capacity and a 20 mm eccentricity caused a 36%
centres, as used in production of the wall panels. reduction in capacity.
The boards were attached 2 mm short of the web
of the top and bottom track so that the boards were
not loaded directly. STRUCTURAL ACTION OF GROUPS open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011
The test results are presented in Table 1. It OF MODULES
was found that composite action due to the stiffness
of the boards attached on both sides of the wall The structural behaviour of an assembly of modules
increases the buckling resistance of the C sections is complex. The key factors to be taken into account
by over 30% in these tests. From bending tests, the in the design of high-rise modular buildings are:
effective stiffness of the C sections is increased by • The influence of initial eccentricities and con-
62% for boards fixed on both sides but by only 2% struction tolerances on the additional forces
for OSB board on one side. Calculated compres- and moments in the walls of the modules.
sion resistances are also presented in Table 1. The • Second order effects due to sway stability of
strip steel was S350 grade and measured strengths the group of modules.
were in the range of 380 to 405 N/mm2. The • Mechanism of force transfer of horizontal
model factor is the ratio of the test failure load to loads to the stabilising system.
the compression resistance to BS5950-5 (BSI, • Robustness of modular systems to accidental

R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola

Figure 7. Permitted tolerances in the manufacture

of modular units
more than 12 mm on plan, which requires careful
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

control on site. For a vertical stack of modules, the

cumulative positional error, e, due to installation
can be partially corrected over the building height,
and may be taken statistically as e = 12√n mm,
Figure 6. Buckling of a load-bearing light steel wall where n is the number of modules in a vertical
with plasterboard on one side and sheathing board group.
on the other (courtesy Building Research Added to this positional error is the possibili-
Establishment) ty of a systematic manufacturing error in the geom-
etry of the module. For a single module, the maxi-
mum permitted tolerance in geometry may be
taken as illustrated in Figure 7. However, over a
In terms of constructional tolerances, Eurocode 3-
large number of modules, the average out of verti-
1-1 Clause 5.3.2 (EN 1993-1-1, 2004) limits the
cality of the corner posts may be taken as half of the
out-of-verticality of a single column to L/200, but
maximum tolerance per module, or h/1000, where
this is reduced to δH [ L/300 when considering the
h is the module height (typically 3m). Therefore the
average out-of-verticality over a number of storeys.
total permitted out-of-verticality δH over the building
The permitted out of verticality of a whole structure
height, consisting of n modules vertically, is a com-
open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011

is obtained by multiplying this value for a single col-

bination of out of alignment and geometric toler-
umn by a factor of
ances. It follows that δH = 50 mm for n=6 storeys,
which is equivalent to an out of verticality of
approximately h/350 per floor.
A way of assessing the sway stability of a
for m columns in a group horizontally, which tends
group of modules is using the notional horizontal
to δH [ L/420. A further requirement in the
force approach. The second-order effects in a ver-
approach of Eurocode 3 is that this out-of-vertical-
tical assembly of modules takes into account the
ity is considered in combination with wind loading.
increasing eccentricity of one module is successive-
These tolerances may not reflect the practi-
ly placed on another, combined with reducing com-
calities involved in modular construction because of
pression forces acting at higher levels. The equiva-
the difficulties in precisely positioning one module
lent horizontal force leads to an over-turning
on another and in making suitable connections. It
moment that is the same as the second order effect
is proposed that the out of alignment of one mod-
of vertical load. These horizontal forces that
ule relative to the top of the module below is not
R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola
Figure 8. Connection of modules to a braced corridor – drawing detail and as-built (courtesy Unite Modular
required for stability are transferred as shear forces for overall stability.

Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

in the ceiling, floors and end walls of the modules.
For modular construction, it is recommended STUDY OF HIGH-RISE BUILDING
that the notional horizontal force is taken as a min- USING MODULAR CONSTRUCTION
imum of 1% of the factored vertical load acting on
each module. It should be combined with wind A high-rise modular construction project in
loading (although with reduced partial factors) to Wolverhampton in the midlands of England was
assess overall stability of the assembly of modules studied to evaluate the efficiency of the construction
or to transfer forces to the stabilising system. process. The project consists of 3 blocks of 8 to 25
Shear forces may be transferred to braced storeys and used 824 modules. The tallest building
walls or cores through the continuous corridor is Block A, which is shown in Figure 9. It has vari-
members. The connection of the modules to the ous set back levels using cantilevered modules.
corridor may be made by a detail of the form of Lightweight cladding was used on all buildings and
Figure 8. The extended plate is screw fixed on site comprises a mixture of insulated render and com-
to the corridor members and is bolted to the re- posite panels, which are attached directly to the
entrant corners between the modules so that it also external face of the modules.
acts as a tie plate. The total floor area in these three buildings is
A further load case defines the ability of a 20,730 m2 including a podium level. The total
group of modules to transfer loads in the event of floor area of the modules is 16,340 m2, which rep- open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011
serious damage to a module at a lower level. The resents 79% of the total floor area. The average
loading at this accidental limit state is taken as the module size was 21 m2, but the maximum size was
self weight of the module and its façade materials as large as 37 m2.
plus a proportion of the design imposed load (nor- The contractor was Fleming Developments
mally one –third) acting on the modules. The main for client Victoria Hall Ltd and the architect was
design solution is to ensure sufficient tying action , O’Connell East Architects. The modular manufac-
in this case at the corners of the modules (Lawson turer was Vision, part of the Fleming Group. The
RM , Byfield M et al, 2008). . For simple design, it project started on site in July 2008 and was hand-
is proposed that the tie force in both horizontal ed over to the client in August 2009 (a total of 59
directions should be taken as not less than 30% of weeks). Importantly, the use of off site technologies
the total vertical load applied to the module and meant that the site activities and storage of materi-
not less than 30 kN. The same connections may be als were much less than in traditional construction,
used to transfer wind loads to braced walls or cores which was crucial to the planning of this project.
metallic cladding and insulated render. The thermal
R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola

properties of the cladding (U values) ranged from

0.18 to 0.27 W/ m2 and 1.9 W/ m2 for the glaz-
ing, giving an average of 0.45 W/ m2 over the
whole façade.


The installation period for the 824 modules was 32

weeks and the installation team was a total of 8
plus 2 site managers. The average installation rate
was 7 modules per day although the maximum
achieved was as high as 15 per day. This corre-
sponds to 14.5 man hours per module (9.5% of the
manufacturing effort), or 0.7 man hours per m2 of
The overall construction team varied from a
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

further 40 to 110 with 3 to 4 site managers for the

non modular components, and the number of per-
sonnel increased at the finishing stage of the 59
week project. The total man-hours on site work
were estimated as 170,000 (or approximately 8.2
man hours per m2 of the completed floor area. It
Figure 9. Modular residential building, was estimated that the reduction in construction
Wolverhampton (courtesy Vision Modular period relative to site intensive concrete construc-
Structures) tion was over 50 weeks (or a saving of 45% in con-
MANUFACTURING DATA struction period).
The estimated breakdown of man effort with
It was estimated that the manufacture and in respect to the completed building was; 36% in
–house management effort was equivalent to a manufacture, 9% in transport and installation, and
productivity of 7.5 man -hours per m2 module floor 55% in construction of the rest of the building. The
area (for a 21 m2 module floor size). This does not total effort in manufacturing and constructing the
take into account the design input of the architect building was approximately 16 man–hours per m2
and external consultants, which would probably completed floor area, which represents an estimat-
open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011

add about 20% to this total effort. ed productivity increase of about 80% relative to
The module weights varied from 10 to 25 site intensive construction.
Tonnes depending on their size, which is equivalent
to approximately 5.7 kN/ m2 floor area. For mod-
ules at the higher level, 14% of the module weight ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF MODULAR
is in the steel components and 56% in the concrete CONSTRUCTION
floor slab. At the lower levels of the high rise block,
the steel weight increased to 19% of the module Modular and off-site construction technologies take
weight. The steel usage varied from 67 to 116 kg/ most of the production away from the construction
m2 floor area, which is greater than a typical figure site, and essentially the slow unproductive site activ-
of 45 to 60 kg/ m2 for medium-rise modular ities are replaced by more efficient faster factory
buildings. processes. However, the infrastructure for factory
The total area of cladding was 10,440 m2 production requires greater investment in fixed
for the 3 blocks, which included composite panels, manufacturing facilities, and repeatability of output
R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...
Figure 10. Comparison of breakdown of costs of site-intensive and modular construction)

to achieve economy of scale in production. ) for traditional housing. However, savings of 7-8%
An economic model for modular construc- when using modular construction are readily iden-
tion must take into account the following factors: tified in the NAO Report, which offset this cost pre-
• Investment costs in the production facility. mium. The economic arguments are presented
• Efficiency gains in manufacture and in mate- below.
rials use.
• Production volume (economy of scale).
• Proportion of on-site construction (in relation INVESTMENT COSTS IN
to the total build cost). MANUFACTURING
• Transport and installation costs.
• Benefits in speed of installation and reduced The investment in factory production of modules
‘snagging’ costs. takes into account the following fixed costs:
• Savings in site infrastructure and manage- • Manufacturing machinery and infrastructure.
ment (preliminaries). • Storage, materials handling and distribution
facilities. open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011
A comparison of the breakdown in the costs of a • Heating, lighting and running costs of the fac-
building constructed using site –intensive processes tory.
and fully modular construction is shown in Figure 9. • Skilled personnel involved in manufacture.
Materials use and wastage are reduced and pro- • Management and administration overheads
ductivity is increased, but conversely, the fixed costs • Design personnel and CAD/CAM facilities.
of the manufacturing facility can be as high a pro- • Testing and system approvals
portion as 20% of the total build cost.
Background data may be taken from a A typical advanced production facility for modular
recent report by the UK’s National Audit Office , construction would require an investment of £8 to
2004 In this report, the typical as-built cost of a fully 10 million (10 to 12 million Euros) and running
modular residential building is stated as £1000/ costs could be as high as £4 to 5 million (5 to 6
m2 (1200 Euros / m2 ) in relation to a cost-medi- million Euros) per year, including the costs of 80 to
an of £800 to £850/ m2 (950 to 1020 Euros / m2 100 personnel. Such a capital investment would
be amortized over 5 years and would require a reduced from typically 6 – 8% in traditional design
R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola

minimum output of 1500 modules per annum to and tender projects to 3 – 5% in modular projects,
achieve its ‘pay back’. as more design work is carried out in-house by the
It follows that the manufacturing cost per modular supplier. Furthermore, these costs will
modular unit is approximately £5,000 (6,000 reduce if repeated over a number of projects.
Euros) excluding materials (or £200/ m2 (250
Euros/ m2) for a typical 25 m2 modular unit). This
is a very significant investment, and must be bal- PROPORTION OF WORK ON-SITE
anced against other tangible savings, as identified
below. Even in a highly modular project, a significant pro-
The efficiency gains may be summarised as: portion of additional work is done on-site, due to:
• Foundations.
• More efficient materials use and ordering of • Service connections.
materials. • Cladding and roofing.
• Less wastage and more recycling of materials. • Finishing.
• Higher productivity in factory production • External works
• Less work on site in difficult conditions.
• More reliable performance of the completed The NAO report estimates that this proportion is
Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

building approximately 30% in cost terms for a fully modu-

lar building, and may be broken down approxi-
It may be estimated that off-site production leads to mately into Foundations (4%), Services (7%),
at least 15% saving in materials and wastage. Cladding (13%) and Finishing etc (6%). However,
Given that materials cost is about 30% of the total in many modular projects, the proportion of on-site
building cost, this is equivalent to about 4% overall work can be as high as 55% -see case study.
saving in build cost. Modular construction also saves on commissioning
Productivity benefits are significant, and it and ‘snagging’ costs that can be as high as 2% in
may be estimated from the above case study that traditional construction.
the labour costs in production are reduced by at Some efficiency gains may be achieved by
least 30% relative to on-site work, and the number pre-attaching cladding to the modules. Lifts and
of site personnel is reduced by over 70%. This stairs and air conditioning service units may also be
means that overall productivity is increased by produced as modular components.
about 50% relative to site-intensive building.
An annual production of 1,500 units may be
broken down into 10 to 20 individual projects, with TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION
some opportunity for repeatability of components. COSTS
open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011

A typical modular project may be as small as 30

modules, although the median is close to 100, and Transport costs are relatively independent of mod-
the largest maybe 300 for a high-rise modular ule size and may be taken as £600 (720 Euros) per
building. module for a 200 mile (320km) travel distance
Design and production costs will decrease (each way to the site). A large mobile crane would
depending on the number of modules in any pro- normally be required at a cost of up to £2,000
duction run. A nominal 10% increase on produc- (2500 Euros) per day, and an average installation
tion costs for internal design and management rate of 6 to 8 modules per day can be achieved.
costs may be assumed for a typical modular pro- The combined transport and installation cost is
jects. Background testing can also lead to efficien- therefore approximately £900 (1080 Euros) per
cy gains by optimising performance and removing module, which for a 25 m2 module is £36/ m2 (45
unnecessary waste in the design and manufacturing Euros m2 ) or approximately 4% of the overall con-
process. struction cost.
The cost of external consultants is also
BENEFITS IN SPEED OF sive construction , depending on the speed of con-

R. Mark Lawson, Ray G. Ogden & Sunday Popo-Ola

INSTALLATION struction and economic of scale in manufacture.
However, it is recognised that a cost premium for
Overall construction periods are reduced by 30 to modular construction in smaller projects is due to
50% relative to site intensive building techniques. the significant investment in manufacturing infra-
The financial benefits of speed of installation may structure.
be considered to be:

• Reduced interest charges by the client. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

• Early ‘start-up’ of business or rental income.
• Reduced disruption to the locality or existing This paper uses information supplied by The Steel
business. Construction Institute (UK), the Building Research
Establishment and Unite Modular Solutions.
These business-related benefits are clearly affected
by the size and type of the business. The tangible
benefits due to reduced interest charges can be 2 REFERENCES
to 3% over the shorter building cycle. The NATION-
BS 5950 PART 5. 2000: Structural Use of Steelwork in Building.
AL AUDIT OFFICE (NAO) 2004 report estimates Code of Practice for Design of Thin Walled structures, British

Design Considerations for Modular Open Building...

that the total financial savings are as high as 5.5%. Standards Institution, BSI 2000
In traditional construction, site preliminaries
EN 1993-1-1:EUROCODE 3. 2004: Steel Structures- General
may represent 12-15% of the total cost and take Rules and Rules for Buildings.
into account:
• Management costs. EN 10327. 2004: Specification for continuously Hot Dip Zinc
Coated Structural Steel and Strip – Technical Delivery Conditions.
• Site facilities, storage and accommodation.
• Equipment and craneage. LAWSON R.M. 2007, Building Design using Modules, The Steel
Construction Institute P367, 2007

Savings can be achieved due to the reduced num- LAWSON R.M., BYFIELD M ,POPO-OLA S and GRUBB J ,2008,
ber of site personnel (and hence costs) over the Robustness of Light Steel Frames and Modular Construction, Proc.
Inst. Civil Engineers, Buildings and Structures, Vol 161 SB1
reduced construction programme. The site prelimi- February 2008 p 3-16
nary costs may be taken as 5% for fully modular
buildings, leading to a saving of 7 to 10% in com- LAWSON R.M., OGDEN R.G., PEDRESCHI R, POPO-OLA S
and GRUBB J, 2005. Developments in Pre fabricated Systems in
parison to traditional building. Light Steel and Modular Construction. The Structural Engineer. Vol
83 N0 6, 15 March 2005 p 28-35

NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE, 2004 Using Modern Methods of

CONCLUSIONS Construction to Build Homes More Quickly and Efficiently,
London, UK open house international Vol 36, No.1, March 2011
The structural design of modular building systems
Authors’ Addresses
should take into account the influence of construc- R. Mark Lawson
tional tolerances which increase the eccentricity of SCI Professor of Construction Systems,
loading on the walls of the modules. Tests on light University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK
steel walls used in the modules showed that the
compression resistance was 97 kN per C section,
Ray G. Ogden
which is 455% higher than predicted by design
Professor of Architectural Technology
standards, due to composite action with the boards Oxford Brookes University
on both sides of the walls. Oxford OX3 0PB, UK
A case study on a high-rise modular building
presents manufacturing and constructional data. Sunday Popo-Ola
The economic benefit for modular construction Research Fellow,
Imperial College,
may be as high as 15% in comparison to site inten-
London SW7 2AZ, UK

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