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Conservative and nonconservative forces

(Osama Mohamad Abdulghani)

1. Copy the following link :

2. Go to Google Chrome, select (Energy Skate Park: Basics) then click on the
“Intro” graph box.
3. Click on (Quarter skateboard ramp)
4. Show (Bar Graph), (Grid), (Speed), and select the smallest mass (msmall=50
5. Drag the skater to the top of the track (height at 8m) and start the animation
6. To take an accurate data, click on (Slow Motion) then Pause and play step
by step .
7. Record the maximum height at the top of the ramp and the speed of the
skater at the bottom of the ramp and then record the results in data table 1a
in your lab report . (Note: the speedometer scaled by 1m/s with a maximum
reading of 20 m/s)
8. Drag the skater upward to the same vertical height (8 m) and release it from
rest “free fall” and then record the final speed before it hits the ground.
9. Calculate the potential energy and the kinetic energy for both cases; ramp
and free fall, then compare the results and write down your conclusion.
10. Change the mass of the skater to large mass (mlarge=100 kg) and repeat the
previous steps then record the results in data table 1b .
Part (1): Conservative and nonconservative forces

Table 1a

mass of skater m = 50 kg, g = 9.80 m/s2

Maximum Kinetic
Potential Final
Type of Height Energy
Energy speed
Motion (m) (J)
(J) (m/s)

(Skateboard 8 Mgh=3920 3721=1/2


(Free Fall) 6 2940 6 900

Table 1b

mass of skater m = 100 kg, g = 9.80 m/s2

Maximum Potential Final Kinetic
Type of
Height Energy speed Energy
(m) (J) (m/s) (J)
(Skateboard 8 Mgh=7840 12,2 7442=1/2
(Free Fall) 6 5880 6 1800

i- Does the work done by gravity depend on the path taken? Explain
El trabajo realizado por la gravedad no depende de la trayectoria puesto que
la energía total en el punto más alto es equivalente en el punto más bajo.

ii- Is gravitational force conservative or non-conservative? Why?

La fuerza gravitacional es conservativa dado que el trabajo no depende de la

iii- Does the speed of the skater depends on its mass?

En el experimento observamos que para masas de 50 kg y de 100 kg la
velocidad en el punto más bajo es la misma por lo tanto la velocidad no
depende de la masa.

5- Conclusions:
• El experimento se observa que el trabajo realizado por la fuerza
gravitacional es independiente de la trayectoria
• En el experimento observamos que la velocidad no depende de la masa


1- Copy the following link:
2- Go to Google Chrome, select (Energy Skate Park: Basics) then click on the
“Intro” graph box.
3- Click on (Quarter skateboard ramp)
4- Show (Bar Graph), (Grid), (Speed), and select the smallest mass
(m small=50 kg)
5- Drag the skater to the top of the track and start the animation
6- To take an accurate data, click on (Slow Motion) then Pause and play step
by step.
7- Record the maximum height at the top of the ramp and the speed of the
skater at the bottom of the ramp and then record the results in the data
table (Note: the speedometer scaled by 1m/s with a maximum reading of
20 m/s)
8- Drag the skater upward to the same vertical height (6 m) and release it from
rest “free fall” and then record the final speed before it hits the ground.
9- Calculate the potential energy, kinetic energy and mechanical energy for
both cases; ramp and free fall, then compare the results and write down
your conclusion.
10- Change the mass of the skater to large mass (m large=100 kg) and repeat
the previous steps then record the results in the data table
Table 1
mass of skater m = 80kg g = 9.80 m/s2
Maximum Potential Final Kinetic
Type of
Height Energy speed Energy
(m) (J) (m/s) (J)
(Skateboard 8 6271=mgh 6250=1/2mv2

(Free Fall) 6 4704 6 1440=1/2mv2

Table 2

mass of skater m = 150 kg g = 9.80 m/s 2

Maximu Potential Final Kinetic
Type of m Energy spee Energy
Motion Height (J) d (J)
(m) (m/s)
(Skateboar 8 11760=mg 12,5 11718.75=1/2mv
d Ramp) h 2

6 8820 6 2700=1/2mv2
(Free Fall)


- Does the speed of the skater in the skater in the simulation depend on its
mass? If not, state why?
Hoy observamos que la velocidad del patinador no debe depender de la
masa dado que se cumplen las leyes de las fuerzas conservativas

- Based on the final speeds we got for both the tables with different masses
what do we conclude?
hoy tenemos que la velocidad en el punto más bajo tanto que para m=80 kg
y m=150 kg la velocidad es la misma por la propiedad de caída libre

• cuál en ambos casos concluimos que la velocidad final es la misma para
distintas masas
• en el experimento se observa que la energía total en el punto más alto es el
mismo en el punto más bajo

Energy Forms & Changes Simulation

In this simulation, you will be able to “see” several different forms of energy and
the changes (transfers) that can occur between them. You are also able to
work with a system where you can manipulate the energy input, observe the
process of electrical energy generation and manipulate the output.

Google “Phet energy forms”. Click the first link which will load the University of
Colorado’s PHET page. Click the play triangle button.
Click on the “Energy Systems” tab. We will do all of our work here. Be
sure to click the “Energy Symbols” box so the different types of energy will be
visible throughout the process.

Getting Familiar With The Options

Please experiment with the different source, generation and output options –
there are many combinations to play with – then complete the questions below.

1. Which energy sources (input) can cause the turbine (wooden wheel) to spin
and generate electrical energy?
− Energia quimica y energia mecánica
2. Which energy sources (input) cause the solar panels to generate electrical
− Solar
3. Which energy output objects work with the turbine?
− Mecanica y electrica
4. Which energy output objects work with the solar panels?
− Solar y electrica

5. What happens to the amount of electrical energy that is generated when


Specify “a little” or “a lot”

a. Faucet is on high? Mucho

b. Faucet is on low? Poco
c. There are no clouds? Poco
d. There are lots of clouds? Mucho
e. Low heat on the kettle? Poco
f. High Heat on the kettle? Mucho
g. The girl pedals slowly? Poco
h. The girl pedals quickly? Mucho

6. Explain why the cyclist must be fed in order to continue to pedal?

Para ejercer energía mecánica es necesario que se alimente la producción
de energía química

7. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that

la cantidad total de energía en cualquier sistema físico aislado permanece
Exploring Energy Transfer
Set up your system as shown in the picture. Let it run for a while and then
complete the sentences using the energy symbols to help you “see” the flow
of the energy within each system. HINT: Make sure to check the Energy
Symbols box. Use the color of the “E” boxes to know what form the energy is.

8. Turbine Moved by Medium Water Flow from Faucet With A Water Heater

In this system, ______kinetic_______ energy from the moving water of the faucet
turns the turbine. The movimiento energy of the spinning turbine generates
eléctrica energy which is transformed into ________termica ___________
energy that causes the temperature of the water to increase. The water then
becomes steam and gives off more ___________cabritica ________ energy into
the atmosphere.

9. Solar Panel in No Cloud Cover With An Incandescent Light Bulb System

In this system, ________radiacion_______ energy from the sunlight causes the solar
panel to create ___________electrica________ energy which flows into the
incandescent light bulb. In the light bulb, the __________solar_________ energy
is transformed into two different types of energy: _________electrica__________
energy and _________mecaanica __________ energy.
10. Turbine Moved by Steam from Medium Heat Kettle With A Fan

In this system, _________calor__________ energy from the flames of the fire transfer
energy to the kettle causing the liquid to become steam. The thermal energy of
the steam spins the turbine (_____mecanica_____ energy) which generates
_____electrica ______ energy that is used to operate the fan. The moving electric
motor and the spinning fan blades are a form of _____mecanica_____ energy.
After running for a while, the fan becomes hot to the touch, and ever so often
releases ______termal____ energy into the air.
*Note* Another form of energy is released from the kettle. What is it?
11. Turbine Moved by Cyclist Pedaling at Medium Speed With A Fluorescent Light
Bulb System

In this system, ________chemical______ energy from the cyclist is converted to

a lot of _____electrical____ energy and a little bit of ______mecanica____
energy. The ______mecanical______ energy from the turning bicycle wheel
spins the turbine which generates ____electrica___ energy. The fluorescent
light bulb converts this energy into two new forms: a lot of ______termal____
energy and very little _____electrical____ energy.
12. Switch out the fluorescent bulb (curly one) with the incandescent bulb
(rounded) and observe the energy output. What do you notice about the
difference in the energy and output of these two bulbs?
− Las bombillas consumen igual energía y lo que la diferencia es la
In your opinion, which light bulb is more efficient?
− En mi opinión sería la bombilla fluorescente

− Explain how you know this por la iluminación

What common form of energy (not including kinetic or potential) is not . Use
a specific example to support your answer.

13. Application question: In Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, it is common for

members of the Amish community to use wind mills to pump water from
underground to fill a tank for drinking water. The wind causes the turbine
blades to spin, rotating a shaft, which is transferred through some gears to
operate a pump, which pumps water up from deep below the ground to fill
an above ground tank. Identify the energy conversions happening at each
step below.

A. Wind blows (____Eolica ____ energy)

B. causing the turbine to turn, rotating shaft works pump(____mecanica______


C. Motion of water moving up from well (____mecanica_____ energy)

D. Water in tank which is positioned 5 feet above the ground level (

____gravitatoria____ potential energy)

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