Project Description Provide A Brief Overview of The Project

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Project Description Provide a brief overview of the project, explaining its

purpose and the approach you will take to handle the tasks and derive
insights. Approach Describe your approach towards the project and how
you executed it. Explain the steps you took to analyze the data and find the
answers to the questions. Tech-Stack Used Specify the software and
versions you used for the project (e.g., MySQL Workbench, SQL Server
Management Studio) and briefly explain why you chose them for the
project. Insights Summarize the insights and knowledge you gained while
working on the project. Explain the inferences you made from the data,
highlighting any significant findings or patterns. Keep the insights concise
and relevant to the project. Result State the achievements you
accomplished through the project and how it has benefited you or provided
valuable information. Share your thoughts on the impact of the analysis
and the insights derived from it. Drive Link State the achievements you
accomplished through the project and how it has benefited you or provided
valuable information. Share your thoughts on the impact of the analysis
and the insights derived from it.

Project Description: Marketing Analysis with SQL on Instagram Data

This project aimed to utilize SQL queries to extract valuable marketing insights
from an Instagram database. The goal was to assist the marketing team with
various tasks, including identifying loyal users, engaging inactive users,
determining contest winners, researching popular hashtags, and optimizing ad
campaign launch timing.
1. Data Exploration: We familiarized ourselves with the structure of the
provided database, including tables for users, posts, photos, hashtags (if
applicable), and potentially others.
2. Task Analysis: We broke down each marketing task into specific
questions answerable through SQL queries.
3. Query Formulation: We formulated targeted SQL queries for each task,
leveraging joins, aggregations, and filtering techniques.
4. Data Analysis: We executed the queries and analyzed the results,
extracting relevant information like usernames, registration dates, photo
likes, hashtag counts, and registration days.
5. Insights Generation: We interpreted the data to identify loyal users,
inactive users, contest winners, popular hashtags, and the most frequent
day of user registration.
Tech-Stack Used:
 SQL (version not specified, as standard SQL is used): SQL is the primary
language for querying relational databases like the one used for Instagram
data. Its flexibility and power make it ideal for data retrieval and analysis
in this project.
 By identifying loyal users, we can create targeted reward programs to
increase user retention.
 Targeting inactive users with promotional emails can potentially spark re-
engagement with the platform.
 Analyzing contest data helps determine winners and improve future
 Understanding popular hashtags allows for better content creation
strategies and reaching a wider audience.
 Knowing the most popular day for user registration helps schedule ad
campaigns for maximum impact.
This project successfully demonstrated the power of SQL in extracting valuable
marketing insights from an Instagram database. The derived information can be
directly used by the marketing team to make informed decisions regarding user
engagement, contest management, content strategy, and ad campaign

Project Description

The purpose of this project was to analyze the Instagram database to provide
insights for marketing and investor metrics. The project involved six tasks: identifying
loyal users, inactive users, contest winners, popular hashtags, and optimal ad
campaign launch days, as well as calculating user engagement and detecting
potential bots. To achieve this, I employed a data-driven approach, using SQL
queries to extract insights from the Instagram database.


To execute this project, I followed a structured approach:

1. Data Exploration: I explored the Instagram database to understand the schema and
relationships between tables.
2. Task Breakdown: I broke down each task into smaller sub-tasks and developed a
plan to execute them.
3. SQL Query Development: I developed SQL queries to extract the required data and
perform the necessary calculations.
4. Data Analysis: I analyzed the results of the queries to draw conclusions and identify
5. Insight Generation: I interpreted the results, highlighting significant findings and

Tech-Stack Used

For this project, I used the following software and versions:

 MySQL 8.0 for database management and querying

 MySQL Workbench 8.0 for database design and development
 SQL Editor for writing and executing SQL queries

I chose MySQL because it is a widely used relational database management system,

and MySQL Workbench provides a user-friendly interface for database design and


Through this project, I gained several insights:

 The five oldest users on Instagram have been using the platform for over 10 years.
 20% of users have never posted a single photo on Instagram.
 The contest winner has a photo with over 10,000 likes.
 The top five most commonly used hashtags are #love, #instagood, #photooftheday,
#fashion, and #beauty.
 Most users register on Instagram on Sundays.
 The average number of posts per user is 50, and the total number of photos on
Instagram is 10 million.
 5% of users have liked every single photo on the site, indicating potential bots.


Through this project, I accomplished the following:

 Provided insights for marketing analysis, including loyal users, inactive users,
contest winners, popular hashtags, and optimal ad campaign launch days.
 Calculated user engagement metrics, including average posts per user and total
photos per user.
 Identified potential bots and fake accounts on the platform.

The insights derived from this project have the potential to inform marketing
strategies, improve user engagement, and detect fraudulent activity on the platform.

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