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Concept Map Template: HESI patient review Jack Bell

Mental Health
List the signs and symptoms of the Nursing Assessment of the illness List your nursing interventions (at
illness with the case study. least 3 with a rationale as to why
Mr. Jack Bell is a 40-year-old you pick the interventions. Write
Subjective Assessment: Patient
homeless man who was admitted to them here:
mumbled unclear responses the
surgical unit one day ago for
other two times; said, “hornby -Recognize Mr. Bell’s strengths and
frostbite of both feet and
answering." Patient states, “I’ve lived provide feedback about these
schizotypal personality disorder.
S&S: on the streets before, I can do it strengths. This will help in recognizing
again.” He admits to having been a his strengths and improving his self-
-Patterns of social isolation and patient at several psychiatric hospitals concept.
detachment from the environment. across the state.
- Peculiar, eccentric or unusual
thinking, beliefs or mannerism. Objective Assessment: "Mr. Bell is
- Encouraging Mr. Bell to identify his
alert. Oriented to self. Knows that he
- Suspicious or paranoid thoughts. own needs: This will allow him the
is in the hospital, but is not sure
opportunity to heave some control of
-Belief in special power. i.e., mental which one. Knows that it is winter.
his situation.
telepathy or superstitions. Does not know the date or day of the
week. Affect flat, except when asked
about his frostbitten feet. At that
point, he laughed. Verbal responses - Promote self-acceptance and
List the psychosocial factors of
to nurse's questions appropriate in positive self-image; The aim of this
the illness.
content three out of five times; very goal is to help the individual develop
- Intense social anxiety a positive perception of themselves
brief responses.
- Poor social relationship and improve their self-esteem.
- Not have close friends or
- Pervasive patterns of Based on your data, what is the
strange or odd behavior, nursing diagnosis/problem
appearance or thinking. statement? List 1 here.

- Risk for chronic low self-

Drug treatment: esteem related to continued
failure to get needs met. Evaluate how the interventions are
- Risperdal (risperidone) working. Write the evaluation here:

Mr. Bell is being discharged after five

What is your goal for this client? days in the hospital. He is able to
Write it here. wear soft shoes and walk short
What are treatments related to distances carefully with a cane, but
the diagnosis? -Mr. Bell will keep his first surgical requires dressing changes twice a
clinic appointment after discharge. day.
- Psychotherapy (talk
therapy) - Mr. Bell will meet with his case Mr. Bell is tolerating Risperdal
- Low-dose antipsychotic manager the first day after discharge. (risperidone) and will be followed by
(neuroleptic) medication the mental Health Clinic. He looks
- Mr. Bell will sleep at a safe shelter
- Cognitive behavioral clean and neat in new clothes
for the first five days after discharge.
therapy (CBT) provided by the social services, but
- Dialectical behavior seems uncomfortable with all the
This study source attention he’s receiving.
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