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Com pa nion Ga m e Adventure


by Bruce A. Heard



Pl ayers' Background 2
DM' s Backgroun d ........ , ............... . . 2


Encount er Sellin g .............. . 3
En co unler Key ......... . . . 3


Encounter Setting ....... . . .... . ..... .. . 7
En counter Key ........................ , ....... _ . . _ . . _ . • .... _ . _ . .. _ . . 7
Edito r: Ka ren Marlin
Cover Artist: Larry Elm ore CHAPTER 3: THE ELVEN LAND
Int eri or Artist: Mario Ma ccari Encounter SClIin g 12
Ca rtographer : Tom Darden En co unter Key 13
Typography: Kim N . Lind au
Dijlribm ed 10 Ihe boo k lrade by R andom House. Inr. and in elm- Encounter Se ttin g ....... .. 25
ada by Random House ofCll llada . Lid. Di.tributcd 10 Ih" lOy and
hobby ind uslry by regional distritnl1ors. Dimihulcd in Ih e United En counter Key ......... 25
Kingdum by TS R UK L.1<!.


IMAG I NAT 10~ . and th"TSR logu"re tradc",,,rksowned byTS R En count er Se llin g ......................................... , ........ 3 1
Inc. Encounter Key . ...................... . . . 31
Cl eopy rigln 1986 TSR Inc . All Riglm R c"" r~,·d. Prin led in th e
Tlus advenl ure i. prot ected under the co pyright ir,,,,. <.If 11ll" Unll~d Opt iona l War En counter .... _ . ............. ..... . , ..... . . .. ....... . . . ... .. . 37
Stale, of ArM'rica, All}' n'prorl"'-tin" or o,her unamhllril'.Cd use of The W; sh Spell . . . ... ..... . . . . .... .... . . ... ... ..... . .. . ..... 38
Ihe material or art",ork connt in ed herein i~ prohi bIt ed w,!lunn lit e
np""u ",rillt'n I'cnn"'"m ofTSR 11\, .


pon 756 The Mill , R alhmorc Road
Lake Geneva Ca mbrid ge en t 4AD OM M ap 1: Th e Forest of Sel in ar . . ...................... , . .•. . 19
WI53147 United Kingdom OM Map 2: The M agic Ra inbow . ... ... ..•. . ........... • ..... 20
OM Map 3: The l owe r of Li ght ............................ . 21
OM Map 4: The Lost Sanctu a ry .................... 22
OM M ap 5: The El ve n Land . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. ..... .. .. ......... inside cover

Playe r's Map I: The Fo rest of Selin ar ........ ..... ........... . ......... 39
Gen eral v iew of the Tower of Li ght .24
Preroll ed C harac lcrs ..................................... • . . ........ .. ... .. . 40
M on!Hers Tabl e . ......................................... . inside cover
TSR , Inc. Rando m En count ers Table . ........ ..... 23
PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION'· Star Map ...... ou tside cover

An Adventure for Elves Level 8 and above

[SHN 394 -:"l 541:i-2TSROROO 9166
The Tree of Life is a n adven ture designed noelfwas there to be found "alive." The Syl-
for a party of elves 8th level and above. This would be se nt on a queslto find the source van Realm was ran sacked and, without
ad venlu re is not recomme nded for inexperi- of the accursed disease . knowing, many elves were destroyed. The
enced players. The (Di a l ex pe ri ence of the You have been chose n by the elders of M age leadi ng th e black hordes was th en
party of aclvcllIurcrs should be no more than Alfheim to leave at sunri se. No one has stru ck by a di vine cu rse for havin g soil ed th e
5,000,000 X P, with a maxi mum oflcn playe r been a ble 10 find any substantia l informa- Elven Land . H e and all o f hi s descendant s
cha racters . Since the elves arc basicall y lim- ti on about what the di sease could be, or would li ve a horrible ex istence, their bodies
ited 10 10th level, it is easie r to determine the what could have caused it. Howeve r, you slowl y rotting and shrivel in g. UnfonunatcJy,
pany's power by using expe rience points have been told by the realm's oldest seer this naggin g destin y was also mea nt to affect
rather than levels. One druid is desirable for that some a nswe rs could be found at the the elves, as they had attempted to save their
thi s ad ven ture. Hno ne is ava ilable, the char- heart ofSelinar, near the grave o f the first li ves rathet than d efending their hol y land to
acters will be able to find an NPC druid will - Treekeeper of the r ead iel C lan. The Old th e bitler end .
ing to join them in Cha pter 1, through an Shrine is located on the shore of the west- As the aging Treekeeper returned to the
opt ional encount er. ernmos t lake in Scli nar. You have been forest 10 awa ken her replacement , guard s of
As with any ot her module , read the booklet given an ample quantity of food, the kind the mage's grea t-grand-son, M oorkroft IV,
th oroughl y before 3ucmpting (0 play the o nl y the elves know how to make, and one captured he r. As a result, Moorkroft discov-
adventure. All the boxed texts are to be read v ial of oil of sunlight, as well as a map of ered where the elves were hiding, but the
aloud (0 the players at the moment of the cor- the sky to help you find your way. Tree of Life remained impossible to find . The
responding encounter. Any other informa- cu rrent ma ge, a g reat alchemi st, found a way
tion co ncerns the Dungeon M aster only. The food give n to the party is the traditional to extract the heans o f the " inhabited" oaks
Chec k a ll the maps, componen ts, and their one for a longjourney. Each elfin the party is and ( 0 brew an elixir able to temporarily stop
locations so they become familiar. All the given one elven ralion. Th ey prov ide suste- the disease as well as t.h e nalural aging proc-
monster stati sti cs appear on the in side of the nance for 10 weeks, rather than one week as ess.
module cove r, in order to provide a perma- fo r normal iron rations. They are normall y' Carefu ll y, th e mage sea rched the woods for
nent display of th eir ab iliti es at any time in not for sale, but on a human market they all the oa ks con tainin g a sleeping dven spirit .
the ga me. The Random Encounters table is cou ld be worth up to 300 gpo rn o rder to ex tend his life, he now protects the
located on page 23, with each column co rres- I f players ask about the usc of the star map, forest and keeps his hordes out of it, using
ponding to one or more chapte rs of the explain that it will be a useful tool to deter- spiri t-laden oak hearts when needed. The
adventure. mine the direction of their expedi tion , or Treekeeper is dead, the ancient clan is sleep-
When players arc in structed within the their loca tion o n the seas or co ntinent s, ing, vu ln erable and unaware of lheir slow
modul e to roll agai nst a n Ability Score, they accord ing to the stars. It can on ly be used doom . Their Tree o f Life progressivel y with-
are to use ld 20. Thi s is the case for a ll such duri ng clear nights . If an elf uses the map 10 ers as its Keeper is no lon ge r there to look
instances . find th e party's pos it ion compared to after il.
The Tree of Life is designed 10 be com pati - Selinar's, the chances of success are equal to However, all hope is not los t. The mage
ble with a ny campaign involving elves. The the cha racter's Intelli gence score multiplied knows that one family of the clan escaped the
Tower of Light and the Lost Sanctuary, as by three, plus hi s/her level. Direction can be realm, as none of the Feadiol s' bodies were
well as the Star M ap, may be useful items in found wit hout error. The map on ly makes found amon g the dead . The latest mage has
future games. The party 's clan is loca led in sense to elves. been looking forward to destroying that men-
the Alfheim area. Seli nar is that portion of If a player wants to have a druid character, ace. As for th e Feadie ls, refusing the passive
forest northwest ofSclcnica, above th e G rand then the hi ghes tlevcl druid of the forest sends soluti on of the clan, they took a sm all li mb o f
Duchy of Kararne ikos. Howeve r, th e original o ne of hi s foll owers, to help in the quest to th e Tree of Life a nd fled . Th ey establi shed
location o f th e party's clan may be chan ged in save what is perhaps the mightiest of all trees. another tribe, in another land , and so became
accord wi th the players' campaign , with no Despite the fa ct the druids are hum ans and th e ancestors of th e party's dan. The limb
effect on the module . Th~ Elven Land may be the quest is essent iall y an elvcn one, th e they took with them even tuall y grew to an
anywhere else on the co ntinent, the remotest elders of Alflleim will accept druidical inter- adult Tree o f Life. H oweve r, it is magicall y
area being the besl. If using the D&D® Com- vent io n for obv ious reasons. bound to its mother-tree, and as she slowly
panion Set continenta l map, the area sug- dies, so does the youn ger.
gested is the northwest corner. DM 's Background
Players' Background Long before the oldest elf of the Fead iel
tribe was born , the most anc ient elven clan
faced its doom . At the end of a lo ng a nd
All through the Alflleim woods the rumor
bloody wa r, SU t rounded by thei r sylvan
of the Feadicl C lan 's misfortune spread. A
domain, the clan decided to hide their Tree of
Tree of Life was d yin g.
Life and magic-j;lr in mass , one elf in to each
Despite months of desperatc efforts , the
Feadiels' tree seems 10 wit he r and lose its grea t oak o f the fores t, hopi ng to outlive thi s
d ark cent u ry. Only one wou ld remai n as
consc ious ness. A great coun cil has been
Keeper of the Sacred Tree, until the twi light
sum moned among th e Alfheim clans.
of hi s life, at which tim e another elf wo uld be
Finally. it ha s been decided that th c brav-
wakened to rep lace the eldest.
es t and most powerful elves of th e realm
When the black army swarmed the woods,


Encounter Sett ing j oin the party u n til the Tree o f Life is healed. out o f sight of the clan village.
O nl y three druids are visible, bein g Pepo
When th e party is ready to leave, give th e
na nked by two olhers. Pepo is a 10 th level Shortl y a ft er leav ing the vill age , you dis-
playe rs the Players' M ap 1 on page 39 and
druid . There a re 13 oth er druids hidd en in cover th at. .. you are back at th e v ill age's
unfold th e third panel of th e screen so they
the bu shes or in the trees, all 6th level. entrance ! You were sure that you foll owed
can see the Sta r M a p .
If th e p a rt y a tt ac ks th e druid s, th ey the ri ght pa th , but neve rth eless, the vil-
The Fcadicl s' c1a nh old is loca ted in th e fo r-
a tt empt to neutra li ze th e pl ayer characters lage is here.
es t of Selina r, on the shore of a small la ke.
without ha rmin g them, usin g massive enta11 - S uddenl y you realize tha t th e trees have
Th e hold is called Fead or. Selinar is pa rt o f
gle spell s o r hold person. T hen they expla in burned 10 th eir roots and mos t of the a rea
[he Alfhcim land , a group of la rge cla ns alli ed
th eir pu rpose. Tf th e pa rt y succeed s in its has been .ruthlessly ravaged . An elven
under the authorit y of a sole kin g for the
a ttack again st the druid s, the drui ds eve ntu - lady stumbles at your feet. Her left arm is
defense of th e woodl a nd a nd of th eir civili za-
a ll y retreat , a nd th e pa rt y loses th eir support. cha rred to th e bo ne. She loo ks up at you
tion . M any powerfu l druids live in Alfh eim ,
If the pa rt y accept s the o ffer, Pepo join s the and cries: " Wh y have you aba ndoned
helpin g the elves to ma inta in the sylvan
group and th e other druid s return to their cir- us ... wh y. .. you shouldn 't have le ft your
realm .
c1e. For all th e d ruids except Pepo. refer to hom es fo r th e red demon has crushed us.
There are three path s leav in g th e hold :
the M onster Table o n th e cove r. N ow look .. . look at wh at is left of Feador. ..
eas t, west a nd south , Vi sible o nl y to elves and
druids, th ey a re co nsidered a milit ary secret. I implore you, stay now and save LI S.' "
Cucurbita Pepo Sta rtled, you hea r her cri es ec ho as th e
The pafl y ca n m ove at a no rm al rate on these
pa ths. O th erwise, the party moves a t two- Neutral 10th level d ruid v ill age fad es away. O nl y remainin g are
third s its normal rale . the grea l solemn oaks of the forest, as
Stre ngth 13 g reen a nd stron g as eve r, a nd the path you
As th e part y journ eys through th e fores t,
Intelli gence 14 were foll ow in g.
random enco un ters are likely to occu r. The
Wi sdom 16
chan ces of such encounters are 30% per six
Dex te rity 13 The sce ne depicted in the boxed pa ragraph
hour peri od, 20% a t night. Th e Random
C on stitution 15 above is the result of phantasm al force a nd
En counters tabl e is located inside the module
C hari sm a 17 ventriloquism spell s. It has been cast by Sul -
If at an y time (he druid cha racter spea ks to fa I', a la rge red dra go n polymorphed int o a n
Arm or C lass 4 elf. He is cu r rently in visi ble a nd hi d in g in a
a legitimate anim al of the fo rest about th e
Hil Dice 1d6 + 4 nea rby trec. If this happens durin g th e ni ght ,
presence of unu sual crea tures in Selin a r, th e
Hit Points 46 the elves in th e party should not be abl e to
animal notes th ere is a cave rn ncar th e eas t
Save as C leri c to loca te him sin ce, as a re a ll li zard crea tu res,
path , with stra nge men and elves. Th e ani -
M oveme nt Rate 120' (40') the dragon is a cold-bl ooded monste r. Sul fa I'
mals refer to Encounter I.
Attack 1 magical cud gel + 3 has a ring of spell srol'ingwhi ch enha nces hi s
Encoun ter K ey spell capab iliti es.
Spell s: Pepo no rm a ll y has the foll ow in g
Tr the party does not have a druid ye t, read the spell s ( incl udin g spell s obt a in ed through th e Sulfa r's Spen s: (includin g th e spell s in hi s
foll owin g boxed tex t 10 the players. This Sta ff of the D ruids) magica l rin g)
encounter happens within an hour after the Level 1: C ure Light Wounds, Faerie Fire,
player characters leave Feado r (o r at an y other Light (x2), Locate First Level : C harm Person (x2), Ventrilo-
time you feel is th e best in the adventure). Level 2: H old Person (x2), S ilence 15' qui sm (x3)
radiu s, Speak with Animals, Warp Wood Seco nd Level : ESp, In visibi/ity(x2), Ph<ln-
As you move th rough th e d ense thi ckets Level 3 : Ca ll Lightning, C ure D isease, rm;m al Force (x5)
and hi gh oaks surro undin g Fead or, you Growth of Animals, Striking Third Level : C lairvoyance, H old Person
hea r a n unfa mili a r w hi stlin g so und . Level 4: C ure Serious Wound s, N eutralize (x2)
Bra nches move a round you as if stirred by Poison , Plant Door Fourth Leve l: H allucin atory 'Thrrain (x2),
the wind , but no track o r sign ca n be Level 5: Conrrol Winds, In sect Plague Polym orph Self(x2)
de tected a fter a cl oser look.
You are sta rtl ed when three old hum a ns Magical Items: lea th er arm or + 1, Boots of SuI far 's magica l rin g contain s the foll owin g
appea r in your pa th . They wea r lo ng L evitat ion , S ta ff of th e D ruids (25 spell s: In visibility, Phantasmal Force (x3),
white robes, as whit e as their bea rds a nd cha rges), Potion of In visibility HaJlu cinarory 'Thrrain , Poly m orph Self
hair. One of them ra ises a woode n cudgel.
Pepo has a ncar- pa thological ha tred of M oorkroft sent SulfaI' to a ppraise th e gen-
Th ese d ruid s spott ed the cha racte rs as th ey a nythi ng th a t uses b rea th wea pons (dragons, eral situa ti on in Feador. U nd erstand in g what
were leav ing for th eir qu es t. They know chimeras , go rgons, hellhound s, etc). He will the paJ·ty is after, Sulfa r foll ows them and uses
about th e di sease of the Tree o f Life; howeve r, go to g rea t lengths to d es troy such crea tures if hi s spell s to mi slead th e pes. Using the plulIl -
in a n att empt to avo id int e rve nin g directl y he encounters an y, or lea rn s o f their ex istence rasm al fo rces in hi s ringo f speJJ storing, Sul -
with the coun cil o f Alfh eim , they prefe rred nea l·by. fa I' prod uces images th a t coul d be int erp rc ted
dealin g directly with the pa rt y. Th eir int en- as o me ns by th e part y. S in ce th ese art'
ti on is to pro pose th a t one of their number, A. T he Shadow of the R ed Demon des igned to be ph ys ica ll y harml ess, Sul fa I'
C ucurbi ta Pepo (comm o nly call ed " Pepo"), Play thi s encou n ter as soon as th e pa rt y is m ay rema in invis ible. Pl ay o nc o f t he


"o mens" described below after the first three C . The Old King of the Woods
encount ers the parl y ma kes in Selinar. bu shes. If the part y is no t followed by the spri tes,
Om en # 1: SuJrar uses a simple phantasm al Between th e tree trunk s six crea tures read the second boxed pa ragraph only.
force to crea le th e vision o f a black cal d a rtin g can b e seen , some o f th em wol ves, others
across the part y's path . If the party foll ows half-m an ha lf-wolf, sna rling a nd growlin g
As the cha racters move alon g the quiet
th e cat , it will find , behind a thick bu sh, th e a t a smal l group of sprites held capti ve
stream o f cl ear wa ter, th ey see th e sprites
body of an elf wh o was killed several days ago beneath a lin e we ighted net. The spri tes
gettin g mo re a nd mo re exc ited . Suddenl y,
(by Sui far) . Hi s rottin g bod y bea rs the horri - try to po ke a t th e beasts' toes with their
one of th em sa ys: ' IOoooh! The Old King
ble marks of hu ge cl aws. The hand of the small sword s while cryin g for help .
is here!" The sprites come to a halt a nd
dead elf li es near a crude message tra ced on rem ain silent and motionless.
th e gro un d: "an cle nt 's grave.. d em on Th ese we rewolves were on th eir way to
red ... treachery.. ." intercept th e pa rly whcn th ey ran into a ba nd
Th e message is a fal se clue Su lfar add ed to of sprites. Seekin g some fun , the sprites
played a few tri cks on the crea tures. Totall y Fi ve dead orcs li e on th e shore, th eir helms
mi slead th e party. b ashed in a nd their skull s spl attered all
enraged , th e Iycanthropes turn ed their rage
Omen #2: Su ifar u ses a ventriloquism spell aga in st the sprites. T here a re fi ve we rewolves ove r the g rass. Th e evil eye symbol is visi-
to imit a te wh at an elf would beli eve to be th e a nd a leader. The lead er has a second net he b le on their shi eld s.
vo ices orthe fo rest. The party can hear whi s- will use aga in st a ttackers.
pers around it , like the rustle of leaves in th e If the p art y neutralizes the Jycanthro pes Th e Old Kin g of the Wood s is an ancient
w ind : "They ha ve n o r {o1lo wed o ur a nd frees the sprit es, they o ffer their help to treant. It is sta ndin g absolut ely mo tionl ess
warnings ... Th ey will abandon their b roth ers the elves. If the pl aye r cha rac tc'rs mention ab ove its v ictim s, observing the party.
to th e red demon ... only th e Grear One th at th ey a re on a quest to discove r th c disease of If the pl ayer cha rac ters a re draggin g a pri s-
sees a1l can help them no w .. .i{ only they the Tree of Life, th e sprites point out tha t the o ner with them (from encounter B), the
could get pasr th e red dem on .. . look, here part y should have a talk w ith the O ld Kin g of trea nt gives it a violent whack on th e head ,
aga in they are fleeing like th e Feadiels ha ve lh e wood s (see encounter C), fo r he should d efinit ely sealin g its d es tin y. Thus th e pa rt y
done before ... " kn ow wha t is w rong with the sacred tree. The meets the Old Kin g.
If th e part y attempt s 10 speak with th e sprit es d o not exactly know how to d escribe I f the p arty d oes not have a pri son er (o r if it
vo ices, Sulfar will try to con vince th e ch arac- the O ld Kin g, oft en givin g contradi ctory is already d ead), th e treant shive rs for a n
ters tha t th ey should go to area G and ask for informati on . T he O ld Kin g is an ancient instant and welcom es the elves and the drui d.
the help of th e Great One. H e expec ts th e trea nt lha t seems like a Ugia nt with a bu shy At th c menti on of th e sick Tree of L ife, the
part y 10 run into th e D ark Wat cher (see g ree n bea rd and bi g ugly warts all ove r " to O ld Kin g decl a res th aI the di sease mu st co me
En counter G). th e sprites. from its d eepest roots. Sin ce a Tree of Life is
If the pa rt y dec ides to go see the Old Kin g, mos t ancient a nd magical, the roots may no t
Om en #3: Sui fa r uses a phantasm al force
th e spri tes happily j oin lh e pa rty to show the necessarily be material, but spiritu al in stead.
to crea te a false ra inbow. Th e a rea a round
way, call ing some o f th eir little fri end s alo ng. Therefore, he says th e pa rt y mu st seek the
the illu sion is altered b y a ha1lucinatory ter-
Tri cks a nd pra nks punctuate th e jo urney, origins of The Tree o f Life's roots in order to
rain spell so it see ms like a small clearin g . II
unti l th e O ld Kin g shoos th em away (see find the di sease a nd cure it.
actu all y is a 20-foot-hi gh cliff in th e fo res l.
en counter C). Some pra nks could in volve The trea nt does not know how to reach th e
An yo ne steppin g into th e rainbow falls d own
gluin g weapon s to their sca bba rd s, making spiritual roots of the elven tree; however, he
the cliff and ta kes I Od6 points of d am age
the boots so stick y they drag pil es o f leaves does kn ow a m agical way to su ccessfull y
from the rou gh ston e .
b en eath the so les. With out th e ow n e r 's reac h a ny desired destin a ti on even though
If no on e steps into th e false rainbow, the
knowled ge, a grea t helm mi ght te mpora rily the exact locati on is unknow n. The treant
illu sion th en shows the cha racters fall in g int.o
grow a ni ce colo rful bun ch of fl owe rs. says th at once every hundred yea rs o r so, a
a d ark pit , a n ex pression o f ulter terror on
If the pa rty ma nages to ca pture a lleast o ne magical rainbow appea rs nea r Fead or, a t a
their faces. The ra inbow th en turn s int o th e
lyca nthrope a live, it return s to it s human waterfall no rth wes t from the clanhold . If th e
face of an u gly red d emo n a nd fad es away
shape. A sy mbol (an eye with a black moo n characters hurry, they m ay be abl e to ge t
with a horrible grin .
behind it ) is visible on th e Iyca nlhropes' fore- there in tim e and enter it , for it is about to
The allu sion s to the red d emo n are Su ifa r's
head s when they a re in human sh ape. ma teri ali ze. The magical ra inbow has the
way o f referrin g to him self. You may add
If qu estio ned , see encount er F about th e power to reach an y a rea, whether real o r
oth er " om ens"; otherwise , SulfaI' return s (Q
info rm a tion tha i could be ga in ed fro m th e m ystical, des ired b y those who d iscover its
area G a nd hides o n top of th e hill , a bove the
pri son er. In all th e cases, th e pri soner begs fo r secret .
cavern entrance th ere (sec Encount er G).
m ercy an d for so me cure to th e dreaded di s-
ease. D . The Waterfall of R ainbows
B. A Band of Sprites
If Ih e pa rty return s to th e d a n hold to wa rn
Thi s enco unt e r ha ppen s onl y once . Igno re th e peop le o f a possibl e lyca nth ro py cont a mi - As you a pproach a low hilt , th e bird so ngs
it if it has already occurred . na ti on, the pa rty should be awa rd ed 500 X P a nd n atural sounds o f th e fores t are mu f-
p CI' ch aracter. T he druid has a 20 % chance o f ned by th e loud roar o f a wa terfall .
As th e pa rt y moves a long the pa th , th e findin g Id 6 spri gs o f bell ad onna , per full d ay Th e fall gus hes out at th e top o f a cJiffto
sound s of a fi ght and cri es for help sud - o f searchin g . ru sh dow n to a small la ke at th e boltom o f
d enl y co me fro m the side, beyo nd the th e hill . A fi ne mist ri ses almos t all th e way


up the cliff and sunrays seem lO play with o ld man with an e1 ve n crow n and a Ian· d ay return to the holy land and break lhe
small a rcs of color in the ai r. te rn a ppears on lhe front. He ra ises hi s d iv ine cu rse. So will the mi ss in g limb
translu cent hand and moves towa rd you . be ..."
When the party arrives a t the wat erfall , a
band o f 12 nix ies are observin g th e characters Th e altar nea r the shore stand s above the Th e nature o f [he curse a nd what would
fro m under th e water. After a few moment s, grave of Fillindyl Feadiel , th e first. elder of th e ha ppen to th e cl an is not writt en here, and
th ey cast a cha rm spell o n th e cha racter with pa rty's clan , th erdore rema in s a m ys tery to the part y.
the hi ghest C harisma score, pre ferably a He kn ows their Tree o f Life is pa rt o f the
male elf. o ne li v in g in th e e1ven homeland . However, F, A Pack of Wolves
If the victim fails hi s sav in g throw, he he has very little time to commu nicate hi s
a tl cmpts 10 enter th e wate r a nd re ma in with message to the pa rt y. A d ista nt howling sudd enl y rem inds those
th e nix ies. If the Olh er characters a ttempt to H e ca n only appea r at ni ght , as a fea t of who have forgotten the mys teries lu rking
SlOp him , he fi ghts a nd does hi s bes t to get sheer wi llpowe r. Fillindyl is nOl no rm all y a in th is fores l.
into the water. ha unt, but he can materi alize as a Lawful As an eerie ec ho, othe rs a nswe r th e di s·
Ir the victim success full y m akes hi s sav in g ghost on the Prime Mat erial Plan e, and speak tant call , much cl ose r a nd surroundin g the
throw, the nix ies stay under the surface or the fo r only a few instant s. pa rt y. Alread y, sna rlin g a nd growlin g
water, watchin g the pa rty, bu t the rai nbow If th e pa rt y remains nca r th e g rave at sound s are a pp roachin g, light en ing the
does not appear. ni ght, Fillind yl a ppears 10 the pa rty (he neve r in visibl e links o f a leth al net.
Th e pa rt y may call o ne nixie to the surface materia li zes during d aytim e). If th ere is no
a nd talk 10 he r. She agrees to free the victim immedi ate reacti on fro m the pl ayer cha rac· Before the cha raclers ca n 'reac l, they are
from the charm in return for a d ecent ma gi c ters, Fillind yl simply rel a tes hi s message and surrounded . The party has fi ve roun ds to get
item , preferabl y one tha t can be used in return s to hi s pla ne. If the pa rty nees or read y for the a tt ack, fro m th e moment th ey
water, Otherwise, if th e party mentions the attacks, the ghost a tt empt s to pa ral yze at least hea r th e howls of th e pack 10 th e momenlth ey
magic rainbow, the nix ie says th ai il is ind eed one o f th e characters in o rder to give them hi s actu a ll y are attacked .
about to appear. H oweve r, to enter it , one message: Th e pack con sis ts o f wa r· tra in ed d ire
member of th e part y must become her ser· wolves (three per character in th e pa rt y), six
vant fo r a hund red years, othe rwi se she will " H ave no fea r, my sons, th e blood in your hellhound s a nd two we rewolves lead ing the
d ispel it. Tha t is a trick; the nixie is j ust try· vein s is o f m y kin . Listen to my pl ea, for pack. Each character is a tt acked by th ree di re
ing (0 sa ti sfy her naturaJ inclina tions. The Feado r is in grave d a nger. The tyra nt has wolves. They sprin g towa rd thei r victim in
part y may choose to igno re the threat a nd discove red our la nd a nd pl ots our doom , o rder 10 bile a nd hold the victim 's hands (or a
wa it fo r th e rainbow. No ma tt er what, it as well as the end o f Alfheim . foot, to pull the victim to the g rou nd). A suc-
a ppears at noo n (the nex t day if it is a fter "Our Sacred Tree is amicted with his cess ful hit on AC 5 means a dire wolf has
noon). ev il fo rce. Search lhe hill nea r th e south· locked ilS j aws a round a wri st. A success ful
When the m agical rainbow a ppea rs, a ern pa th , seek out th e sp y a nd enter the bit e d ocs half d a mage eve r y subscqu enl
bea m o f while li ght form s a small bridge, source o f chaos. Only then will m y proph· roun d until the victim pulls free.. A cha racter
from th e sho re to the base of the a rch . It is ecy come tru e and our na me regai n a lost may free o ne hand with a successful roll (d20)
solid and allows th e cha racters to walk on it ho nor." aga inst his S trength . O nce a cha racter is
and ent er the ra inbow. If the pa rt y d ecides to imm o bili zed , one hellh o und will use its
go int o the rai nbow, go directl y to C ha pte r 2: Fill ind yl then fades away (a nd releases the brea th wea po n to roast the victim a t close
Th e M agic R ainbow. pa ralyzed character). He will not come back, ra nge. O ne werewolf uses a net aga in st the
under an y circum stances. If Ihe characters cha racters who res ist th e d ire wolves. The
E, The Ancestor di g int o the grave, th ey di scove r th a t the oth er stays out o f th e ba ttle a nd eve ntu all y
remain s o flh ei r ances tor have tOia ll y di si nt e- retreat s if thin gs go badly. H is o rd ers a rc to
In th e middle of a peace ful glen , nea r th e g ra ted lo n g ago. An empt y scroll l ube destroy the pa rt y of el ves a nd report to the
shores of a quiet strea m , stands a whit e re ma in s in the grave wi th a pa rchm ent page Dark Wa tcher.
marble alt a r. V ines grow o n mos t o f it , a pparently ripped out o f a book, It reveals the T he!'"e a re fi ve such patrols in Seli na r. I f the
parti all y concea lin g old elvish runes on fo llow in g info rma tion: pl ayer cha racters run in lO a ll o f them (incl ud·
the sides. in g ra nd o m e ncount ers), ig nore furth er
... thi s is what the li ght o f stars revea led to encount e rs of this rype .
On ce d eciph ered , th e runes read : " R est in me, In so rrow, truth ca me to my mind
Peace, Fillindyl Feadiel, fo r you were the th at d es pit e a nythin g I could do o r say, Ihe Prisoners: rf the pa rl y takes pri soners to
leader to a new life." If the pa rt y rema in s in slow horribl e d oom of Ihe cla n was in es- gai n so me info rm a tio n , th e p riso ners lie
the area at ni ght , read the boxed tex t below: ca pa bl e. I o rdered my so ns to leave and a bo ut th eir ori gi ns an d why they arc in
refu se th e foll y of the others. Alfheim , All the crea tu res sent to Selin ar bear
The a rea slowly becomes qui et, as tho ugh Indeed we ned, "shamelessly" some the eye symbol with a black moon on their
the water stopped it s fl ow a nd the leaves sa id . The wo rd " treachery" was on the fo rehead a nd a re under a powe rful charm
froze on th eir bra nches. lips of the a ncient s. But we wi ll no t fo rge t spell m ai nt a ined by lhe mas ter spy. M agic
Th e alt ar glows with a pale au ra as a n o ur beloved kinfolk , for the sta rs cla im use is required to ge l true a nswe rs fro m the
th a t the braves I of the Feadicls would one pri so ners.


They beli eve the maslcr spy (sec encount er Sulfar does nO! use hi s breath wca pon , fear- eith er to encount er C o r I.
G) rules an ancient land a nd Ih al they we re ing to burn the Da rk Wa tcher. Once the
brought he re through a magical po rtal to beholde r is dead , Sulfar is free to usc hi s I. A Nest of Spies
destroy Feador. They believe the spy, who m breath (but he will break off combat a ft er hi s
If the cha racte rs go down the cas t path ,
they call " He Who Sees All ," controls th e second breath att ack).
the y hear a horribl e cry, so mehow mumed,
vast a rm y to which the)' all belong. They also The beholder d oes not surren d er a nd fi ght s
coming fro m the hill .
know that u H e Who Sees All" currentl y is in to the death . Furthermore, it never gives out
the cave rn (encounter G) . wai tin g for reports information on th e mage or th e Tower o f
from ot her patrols SCn! to Selinar. If asked Li gh t. At the opposit e end of this small cave
about the appearance of the master spy, the The foggy passage beyond the cyclops illu - stand s a fal ugl y man, holdin g a red hot
prisoner will say th at he looks like a huge m an sion is the magical po rtal to the Tower of metal ~ar. You recogni ze th e old see r of
with one cye. Ligh t (sec C hap ter 4) - a nd th e o nl y way to Feado r, bearin g ma ny burns a nd bl"Uises,
If a lyca nthrope is co rnered or ca ptured avo id the dragon 's brea th . The wormhole tied up and lying on the dirt noo r.
and there is no o ther creat ure around , it betwee n the two locat io ns will take IdlO The to rturer has hi s foot on the see r's
immediately begs for mercy, cryin g for some hou rs to be crossed. R a ndom encounters are th roat , preven tin g mo re sc rea ms.
cure for its abomin able di sease. likel y in th e wormhole. For each hour th e
party is in the wo rmhole, there is a 35 % The fat man is a devil swine, rh e leader o f
G. The Dark Watcher cha nceofa rand om encounter. M oorkro ft IV the six dopplega ngers o f encount er H . Th e
is immediatel y be aware o f the part y in th e eye with the black moon is visibl e o n hi s fore-
The Dark Wal cher is in a cave in th e sout h- head . He is tryin g 10 obtain informati on on
wo rmhole . As soon as they ente r th e Tower of
east side o f a hill , ove rl ookin g th c southe rn th e loca t ion of Fillind yl Feadiel 's g rave
Li ght , he shuts off the magical gate.
elve n pat h . Whe n th e pa rty reaches th e (encounte r E). Jfthe six th doppelganger from
There is a secret co mpartment und er th e
mouth of thc cave rn , read the foll owin g e ncount er H has not been inte rcept ed, it is
behold er's throne, conta inin g 5,000 gp, 850
boxed text : sitting nea r th e fire place, holdin g th e tip o f
pp an d a porion of stone to flesh .
large mctal pince rs in the names.
A hu ge hum ano id creat ure with o ne eye is H . The Intelligence Squad The old see r of Feador kn ows the ident ity
sitting on a th rone mad e of rou gh SLOne , at of the four " traitors" who captured him th e
the cenl er of the cave. He quietly observes previous ni ght ; howeve r, he is n OI aware thaI
At th e cu rve of th e shore, you meet six
the entrance o f the cavern . they are do pplega nge rs.
youn g elves from Feado r. They are walk -
At th e opposite sid e of thi s ci rcu lar The bodies of six you ng elves a re buri ed in
ing o n the muddy bank, ca l'el ess ly leav in g
cave, j ust behind the throne, is a passage this cave rn , near th e fire place. On a nat
footp rint s be hind th e m , ta lking a nd
filled wi th a stran ge glowing mi st. stone, behind the grave area, a ma p of the
laughin g loudl y.
three path s to Selinar is rolled open and held
The Dark Wat che r is in fa ct a behold er with four stones. The d evil swine is wea ring a
The youn g elves from Feado r are doppel-
concea led in a permanent illu sio n o f a ring or spe/J turning.
gangers scnt by th e Da rk Watche r to infiltrate
cyclops, hi s cent ral eye coinciding with the As the comba t goes on , there is a 10 %
Feador, obt ain val uable inform ati on, sabo-
cyclops'. The illu sio n SLOpS when th e crea ture chan ce per round tha t one of th e five lycan-
tage the hold's defenses, a nd cap ture key peo-
is sucess fult y stru ck for th e first tim e; it is Olh - thrope patrols arrives to report a nd to check
ple fro m th e clan . One of them has a porion of
erwise permane nt. on th e d cv il swin e. They will try 10 surpri se
The Dar k Watc her in sid e is paid b y the pa rt y. Jf any of these are ca ptured and
Upon mee ting the part y, th e d o ppl e-
M oorkro ft IV to spy a nd gain info rma ti on qu es ti o ned, see e nco unt e r F fo r t he ir
ga ngers welco me their "older fri end s" and
about Feado r. Th e Dark Watcher is in charge a nswe rs.
have a cha t with th em . One of the dopp le-
of all the patrols sent into Sel in a r. M oorkrof, Ir th e part y has not yel d estroyed the six
ga ngers asks 10 join the party, pretendin g th at
promised the beholder it would lead his arm y do pplegangers, they attempt to snea k up to
it would be a g reat hono r for him to fi ght
against Alfheim (a nd beyond) a nd retain th e the part y as they sea rch the cave o r as they are
besid e hi s elders. T he ot her dopplega ngers
land as its own real m . The behold er is a com- int erroga tin g the d ev il swine. One looks like
say thai , d es pite their envy to d o the sa me,
plete megalomaniac and plan s to (Urn again st the el ve n lad y tha t appea red in th e false omen
they in stead have 10 rcturn to th e cla n hold to
the mage's dynasty a t the lim!! o f success ion . (see Encounter A), a nd the oth ers, like youn -
be wit h thcir fa mili es.
The Dark Wa tcher will even tu all y speak 10 ge r elves. Their goa l is to fool the pa rt y a nd
If th e party discove rs the nature o f the dop-
the pa rt y a nd possibly prete nd to all y with a ttack th em by surpri se.
pelga ngers, fi ve stay a nd fi ght , as the o ther
them aga in st the " red d emon ," b ut in an y If a ny o f th ese seven creatures is ca ptured
run s away 10 drink hi s potion of speed. He
case, it attempts 10 des troy th e m at th e a nd questioned, sec encounter E for th e pos-
then attempt s to nee 10 hi s lair (encounter I).
moment th e pa rt y is Ihe most un awa re of it s sible informa ti on th a I may be lea rned .
The dopp lega ngers have bee n active for a
true illl enl io ns.
week now and have acquired some inform a-
Meanwhile , SulfaI' th e red drago n (see
tion. The remai ns o f their victim s and the
En count er A) has been hiding on lOp o f th e
resu lt o f th eir spying is in thei r lair (sec
hill among the rocks. II has bee n wa itin g for
Encount er I). If the party foll ows the foot
the party 10 enter the cave . Wh en the part y is
print s, it end s up a t th e bottom o f the south-
in, Sui far nies d ow n a nd blocks the ex it. It
wes t h ill , on the site of encounler F. The party
o nl y allacks if the beholdcr is in dan ge r or if
should be able 10 foll ow th e fugitive 's track,
characters a rc attempting to exi t the cave rn .


Encou nter Setting Tim e: 2d l 00 days (a t ld l O hours countin g

fro m su nrise) land . The vis io n of the clouds is soon
The Magi c Ra inbow is a crea l ion of a n rep laced by seven large, round spo ts
Distance: Idl O + 2d20 miles away.
ancient deity, now ex tin ct and forgou en from appearin g o n the floor, eac h of a di fferen t
Direction: ld8(N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and
th e kn ow n world. At the lime of th e Feadicl color.
ancestors, the old clan knew about the exist - M ost amazing is th e presence of hun -
ence of thi s creat ion . The Feadi cl family was dreds of translucent spheres noatin g about
The calcula ti on time takes 2d l0 hours;
able to fore see where the rainbow would th e roo m . All of th cm arc as bi g as a horse
however, in case of emerge ncy, the quickest
land , with the help of Fillindyl 's knowled ge of and have the same colors as the seven
way to obtai n an exact result is by casting a
the stars. Thu s, when the need appeared , large spo ts on th e fl oo r. Th ey slowly fl y
wish spell , provided one is avai lable to the
they were able to enter it and flee their hom e- through the room , softl y bumping into
cha racter (sec the Appendix Sectio n for the
land . each other or against th e crys tallin e sur-
wish spell ). In no way can any spel l cast by a
The Magic Rainbow is the common arch face of the inn er rainbow, like males of
mortal being affect the magic rainbow.
of OU f skies; however, very few people know li gh t.
that it is indeed magical a nd thal it can reach
E ncounter Key
a ny place a traveler is seeking, whether real The rainbow has now left Sclinar. The
or imaginary, if its secret is lea rn ed. The 1. The Bridge of Light charac ters are trapped in sid e the trnveling
inside of the rainbow is a dimensio n by itself, arch, hi gh above the grou nd , until they di s-
inhabited by powerful creatures. So me have The sun has been playing wit h Ih e clouds cover its sec ret. Only then docs it land some-
been placed in the rainbow by its creator; an d the mist in the air for seve ral hours whe re. The in si de o f the rainbow is
others di scovered the way in and seul ed when a hu ge, multicolored arch slowly equi valent to a n ext ra· dimensional space.
there, for a qui et cxistence, cventuall y mak· m aterializes. A small cr bridge made of Crea tures wi th a total wi ngspa n of more than
ing visitors pay them a fee to ge l back out. scintilla tin g li ght appears, arching over 2 fee t ca nn ot fl y in this area because of the
Within all the areas described in th is chap- th e water, from th e party's loca tion to the profu sio n oflevitaling spheres. A stron g wind
ter, the walls , noors and cei lin g arc totall y base of the rainbow. However, there d ocs crea ted in this a rea ca uses all th e sph eres to
impervious to physical damage and to a mo r· not seem LO be a ny opening whe re the bounce furi ously about. Although harml ess,
tal being's magic. Similarly, a ll spells cast by bridge meets the base. this totally prevents a ny further spell casting
a mortal creature tha t are related to tran spor- o r ph ysical act ivit y unti l the wind ceases.
tation (such as tdeport, levirate, fly, gate, Though the rainbow a nd th e small bridge The levita tin g sph eres are ind eed magical.
dimension door, pass-wall, etc.) do not func· take abou t a turn to materiali ze or to fad e, Each of th em is large enou gh to ca rry one
tion - they automatically fail with a mi serable they on ly rema in fully visibl e for I d6 rounds . cha racter and hi s equ ipm ent. A character
whinin g sound . The sa me limitation applies If the players see m to hes itat e, say tha t the may ride any sphe re by just climbing o n it (or
to magical items with similar powers. If ra inbow is slowly fading away. The part y is mounts ca n be fastcned to two large sphe res).
magic is detected for, every thin g seem s to still able 10 walk o n the brid ge and enter the O nce this ha ppens, th e sph ere slart S going up
radiatc powcrful mag ic. base of the rainbow as it fad es. with its rider, int o the prism of li gh t, increas-
If the PCs obse rve o ne of th eir pa rty mov- in gly ga inin g speed . Th e sJ.lrfacc of the
Optional Campaign Setting ing on the bridge, this ad venturer seems to sph eres is so ft , a llowin g the riders a firm grip .
If the opti on of such a rainbow is desirable fad e away as he a pproaches Ihe base of the If the PCs do not think of climbing o nto th e
in your ca mpai gn world, use the following rai nbow. spheres , you may help them by having a
guideJin es. When the adve nturer touches the shim · sph ere pop out fro m the in visible floor, unde r
The rainbow appears in very many places , merin g surface of the rainbow, which is a character, gen tl y ca rrying him upward
often for just a fe w minutes ( 1d6 rounds), but three-di m en sio na l, he will ac tuall y be through the rainbow prism .
it never lan ds twi ce al the same spot within dragged into it. The cross-sectio n of th e rain - Thcre arc sevcn different co lo rs, in thi s
less than a century. If it land s in the same bow appears cylindri cal to out side obse rve rs. o rd e r : red, o ra nge, ye ll ow, grcen, blu e,
region, it would be a t a minimum of 10 miles Once in side, there is no way out Dlher tha n ind igo, a nd purple. The order of the colors is
away from th e previous spot. discovering it s secre t (see encount er 2 below). impoflant in t he mechanism o f this
An experienced astrologer (a t least a 10th cncou nte r. PCs ma y choose 10 rid e the color
level magic-user or elf t rained in astrology) 2. T he Spheres of Color they wan t.
may predict where th e arch wi ll land , by Afte r a few in sta nt s, cach sph ere with a
usin g an elve n star map (such as the o nc After cross in g throu gh the out er su rface of rider rushes from one end of the rainbow to
give n to the party). The cha nces of success the rainbow , you ap pear in a huge trian - th e o ther, back and forth, as lon g as there is a
arc of 1% pcr level + I % per in telli gence gu lar roo m , much bi gge r than wha t wou ld passenger o n it. A rider ca nnot con trol his
point. If the as trologe r'S a ttcmpt mi sses be guessed from out side. The roo m has fli ght along the pri sm . The spheres do not
(secret roll) by mo re than 50%, th e predic· the shape of a crys tal prism , sta rtin g from slow d own, stop, or go backwnrd in mid-
lion will be false . If th e sec ret roll has suc· the floor of th e roo m and cxtend in g up ni ght.
ceeded, the astrologe r wi ll find a spot wi th in into the sky, like an endless curving trian- Both ends of the rainbow arc similar. with
50 miles of his/her pos ition where the a rch gu lar tube . seven round spots appea rin g o n the floo r. T he
will la nd , a nd the exact momen t from the Under you r fee t, the image of Sel in a r riders mu st a im ( roll aga inst Dex lt' ri ty) <1 t Ihl'
time hi s comp utations en d to six months becomes sma ller each instant , blending spot correspon din g to their sphl'rl"s t·(llm.
later. The time and locati on are detcrmined into white and grey cloud s, hi gh above Ihe Every ti me th ey bounce on thl' right spot.
at random the following way : thei r sph ere changes to the ,,('xc (·n/nr t l"rnlll


red 10 o range, from o range to yell ow, ctc.). me go first ... no, me ... 1 got here before ... I' m
When a purpl e sph e re finaJl y hits the purpl e Th ere a ppea rs to be a fi ght e r's to rso yo ur eld er, I have ri g ht of way... Don't
spot, th e sphere bounces a way but the rider swin gin g a hu ge twO ha nded sword at push ...", until one of them realizes they are
instanliy vanishes. H e actu all y reappea rs in th ree terrifi ed humanoids. Between them , being watched . Th e dwarves a re not hos tile,
area 3. the head of anoth er creature a ppea rs, with they are just a poo r sa mple of their race: loud ,
If the rid er mi sses the ri ght spo t , the sphe re twO lon g antlers. rude , greed y, hot tempered and not parti cu-
bounces back, with the rider, and cha nges to T he middl e sta tu e has a yell ow aura, la rl y bright. Th ey a re willin g to jo in the pany
the p revious color (ora nge to red , red to pur· a nd seem s to be made of a confusing until the elves reach th e Elve n Land . Fro m
pi e, ctc.). By the sa me loken , the sphere gain s crawling mass of sho rt a rms and legs, the re, th ey choose th eir own way. The
more speed whi ch pe nalizes the next roll beard s and ro und stock y bodi es. d wa rves, all 5th level . are brave fi ghters, but
again st Dex terit y b y 1 po int. . The sta tue on the ri ght sid e di splays a they oft en prove to be more of an emba rrass-
If th e pes do not think o f co ntrollin g th eir blu e aura. It a ppears to be a beautiful ment , pa rti cul a rly when it com es down to
spheres, no r of bo un cing off the spot s in th e wo man with four tentacl es on her back. prid e and treasure. They have a tend ency to
proper sequ ence, th en have their spheres The bollo m pa rt of her bod y see ms felin e, go berse rk a t the idea of gold o r ge ms of any
boun ce on an y colored spot, choosing the col- with e ig ht cl awed paws rath e r th a n SOrt (gold dragons a nd amber golems will d o!
o rs al ran dom . M ake sure th aI you d escribe hum a noid legs. - areas 4 b-c).
the effects of boun cin g to the players. Eventu - At th e base of each statu e is written a The third statu e, with th e blu e aura , co n-
all y, a purpl e sphere will hit a purple SpOt a nd short se nt e nce. Fo r the red sta t.u e: tain s a youn g, pretty 5th level fem ale thi ef,
it s rider di sappear. II Thmugh th e red will blood be shed ." For Aurora , with two pel di splacer beasts whi ch
The rider is allowed to jump in mid -fli ght th e yellow sta tue: " Through the gold she ca n mentally control. She is the victim of
from one sphere to a nother with a success ful burns infernal fire." And for the blue a va mpire's charm . Her task is to seek a new
Dex teritycheck. If the a ttempt fai ls, th e cha r- statue: " Th rough the blue, rest [or eter- la nd a nd fresh blood fo r her undead maste r.
acter fal ls on anoth er sphere determi ned at nity.It Beyo nd a ppea rs a passage with a She wears an a mulet that , if th e command
random. A rid er can d o so in orde r to ride a shimmerin g curtain of white lig ht. wo rd is spoken , summ ons her master. When
slowe r sph ere, thu s restorin g hi s chan ces to the wo rd is spoken in reverse , th e vampire is
hit the ri ght SpOt, o r to cha nge to a colo r Th e curtain of light at th e oppos it e side of sent back to his ori ginal land. She a ttempts to
close r to purple. the room has no effect other tha n to bl ock the call he r master a t a moment the part y is most
If a cha racter rema in s on the sa me sph ere view into th e nex t area. vulne rable, mo re likely at night when most
from the begin ni ng and the speed penalt y has Each sta tu e is a conglomera ti on of seve ral arc sleepin g.
reached hi s Dex te rit y sco re, th e sphere creatures, victim s of the rainbow 's secret. If she is turn ed back to fl esh , she tries to
ex pl odes in a violent flash of li ght. The sam e They have been tcJeported here, a nd turn ed be fri end the party and be as helpful as she
thing happens if th e cha racter inflicts so into stone as a warning for other intruders can , until her duties must be performed . She
mu ch as 1 point of d a mage to the sphere. Th e (sec a rea 4 fo r mo re deta il). If the pa rty oth erwise foll ows the pa rt y as long as she can
victim takes 2d 20 po in ts of d am age a nd fall s a ttempt s to turn back to flesh o ne statu e, all without he r secret being di scovered . Aurora's
on another sphere determin ed at rando m . th e creatures within that statu e are rev ived favorite weapons are bolas, but she also has a
Unconsciou s characters keep o n tumblin g a nd se parated unharm ed . sho rt sword and a magical wl]ip + 2.
foreve r from one sph ere to ano ther, unl ess the Th e fir st statu e, with the red aura, con -
bod y is rem oved by som e visiting creature. If ta in s a mujin a. He was chasing three hapless 4 . The HaJJ of Khroma
a pa rt y member tries to recove r an uncon- orcs when they entered the red alcove in a rea Three co rrido rs enter thi s large square hall
scious victim , he mu st do so whil e ridlOg his 4. Th ey were (deponed 10 this spOt and fro- from the sa me side. As shown on map 2. the
own sphere, a nd roll agai nst S trength to grab zen in th eir fin al pose. The mujin a was a spy corridor o n th e left has two red curtains of
th e body from a nea rby sphere. sent by M oorkro ft I befo re hi s ori gin al assault li ght. The o ne in the middle shimmers with
on th e Elven Land . He m anaged to follow the twO simil ar curtain s, but ofa golden hue . and
3. The Petrified Omens Feadiels u p int o the ra inbow , but a ppa rently the corridor on the ri ght has two blue cur-
Read th e follow in g boxed tex t to the PCs did no t have as mu ch luck (see Encounter ta in s. The curt ains block the view beyond .
who successfull y hit the purple spot with the ir Se ttin g). All three passages a re conn ected to each o ther
purpl e sphe res. If th e party turn s him back to fl esh, he is in their middle section , and lead to th e la rge r
eage r to j oin th e party and res um e hi s final hall (area 4) beyond th e curtains ofli ghl. The
mi ss ion - des troy in g the cl an . Th e orcs were pa rt y may sa fel y cross (he curta in s of light ;
The sph eres of color disa ppea r and you
rebellin g foll owe rs of the mujin a. They did however, keep track of the last twO curta in
now stand in an oval room . The walls, th e
not wa nt to e nte r the raj nbow and the mujina col ors each PC passed through . Their truc
floor, and th e d o med ce ilin g see m to be
was about to se ttl e the discussio n in a most fun ctio n, as is ex pla in ed at the end of this
made of pure solid li ght, softl y glow ing in
traditio nal way. The othe r creature is a ru St encounter, is related to the hall beyond . Read
va rying colo r patt ern s. At th e other end of
mo nster that wa nd ered in fro m area 4b . th e followin g when the party ent ers a rea 4.
th e room stand three oddl y sha ped
The second statue contain s a part y of seven
statu es, each radiatin g a bri ght aura. The
of th e most greedy and ava ricious d wa rves. In th e middle of the room stand s a small
detail on th e sta tu es is in credibl y prec ise,
When they read the wo rld "gold " a t the base squa re pla tfo rm covered with metal mir-
des pit e the fact th at they see m to be made
of the yellow sta tue , they went berserk and ro rs . The sides a re slightly slant ed . The
of a conglomera tio n ofdilTerent crea tures.
charged into th e yellow alcove in a rea 4 . ceilin g of the room is a large, ni ght blu e
Th e statue on the le ft glows a red aura.
If th ey a rc turn ed back to fl esh , there is a
sho rt scuffl e pun ctu ated with a series of " Let


pla tfo rm . At tha t particular moment, an y

dome covered with sm all refl ectin g mir- character stepping on the platform , into the under scarlet sunrays. The li ght en ters
rors, all in the shapes of stars, moons, and column is leleporled to area 5. fro m a large cavern mouth , opening onto
sun s.
a fi eld of ru st cl ouds. On the opposite side
On th e walls six alcoves have been Effect C: If a cha racter has chose n a series of of the cavern stand s anot her pedes tal ,
carved : two on th e left , two on the oppo- colo rs that do not match at all (lik e blue + similar to the one on whi ch you stand .
site wall , and three on the ri ght. Their col- yellow port als, and then any alcove other Behind it , absolutely immobile, a gigant ic
ors, fro m left to righi , are red , o range , than green ; or, red + red a nd then any alcove statu e of reddi sh meta l is starin g a t you .
yell ow, g ree n , blu e, and purple . The other than red ), the cha racter is in stan tly te/e- Tn the middle of the cave rn li es a mou nd
inside of each a lcove seems to be cove red porled to th e area co rrespo ndin g to th e of salm o n tint ed coi ns and gl it! erin g
with tiny scintill atin g ge m s: rubi es in the alcove's color (a reas 4 a-f). rubies.
red alcove, amber in the orange, topazes For exa mple: a character chooses red +
in th e yellow, eme ralds in the g reen , sa p- blu e and then goes to the yellow alcove; the The keeper of this cavern is in reaJity Fos-
phires in the blue and amethysts in the cha racter is (eJeported to the "Golden land ,"
purple. far the red dragon, brother of Sulfar (see
area 4c. If th e PC manages to come back C hapter I ). It is currently invisible, and
from that a rea , he may freely return to tha t sleeping on top of the hoa rd . The elves in the
The curt a in s of li ght in the co rrido r are area, using the sa me process. pa rt y should not be able to use their infravis-
pa rt of the m echanism to exi t th e m agical
ion si nce there is li ght co min g from out side.
rainbow. The relationship between the col- I f a character passes mo re th an twO portals Fosfar secretl y followed th e mujina into the
ored curtain s of li ght and the alcoves is the be fo re going to an alcove , on ly consider the ra inbow (see area 3). Aft er findin g this pl ace ,
key to the rai nbow's sec ret. Th e last two cur- last two. I f magic is detected , the portal s, the it decid ed to settle down, thinking that thi s
lains a character crosses dete rmin e which alcoves, and the platform will radiate a strong must be the native land of it s kin . It tot all y
alcove should be used next. For exampl e, if a aura. The ge ms in the alcoves are tin y a nd forgo t about th e Feadiels.
character passes a yell ow curtain and th en a attempting to remove th em would destroy Th e hu ge red sta tu e was th e original
red curtain , th e co rres pondin g alcove is them . Up to three characte rs ma y sta nd in guardian of this pl ace. It used to be a ga rga n-
o ran ge (yellow + red .. ora nge; yell ow + one alcove. tuan vers ion of an iron li ving sta tu e, but Fos-
blue" green; red + blue" pU I-ple).
far managed to immobilize it with the hel p of
If th e characters unders tand this mec ha- 4a-f. The Lands of Colors its pet, a ru st monster ( the a ncesto r of the o ne
nism right away, then they can avoid man y
The cha racte rs mu st reach the second ped· found in a rea 3). Since th en , th e sta lU e ha s
dangerous encoun ters. The guidelines given
estal appearing on the oppos it e side of the bee n u'nable to move, all its j oint s rusted stifr.
below ex pl ain what happens according to the
cavern in which they a rrive. It teleports them All it can do is tu rn it s head and wa tch tres-
choice of each PC.
into the alcove they o riginall y en tered. passers a pproaching, which prod uces a ho rri-
Th ese a reas are part of pa raJleJ wo rlds bl e creakin g sound . It ca n see in visible
Portals Chosen Crossed
where everything is based on their respective crea tures. In ev itably, this awa kes Fosfa r.
Alcove Effect
colors, or va ri atio ns on them. For exa mple,
Yellow + Yellow Yellow A in Scarletland (see a rea 4a), the sky, the grass, Fosfar's Spells:
Red + Red Red A the trees, and the crea tures li vin g there are
Blue + Blue Blue A red . Fo r a cam paign settin g, use the regular First Level: Charm (x2), Darkness (x3)
Yellow + Red Orange B D&D ® Expen cam paign map if the party Second Level : ESp, In visibility(x2), Mirror
Yellow + Blue Green B dec ides to ven ture into th ese worlds. Ignore Image
Blue + Red Purpl e B the cities and the peopl e norm all y appearing Third Leve1: Dispel M agic, Hold Person,
Any other combin ation C on th e m ap . An ythin g of white color remain - Slow
in g over a n hou r in these parallel world s Fourth Level: C urse, Wall of Fire
Effect A : Th e characte r is imm ed ia tely tele- beco mes the same colo r as th e world . If the
ported into th e statue co rrespondin g to the DM wants to ex pan d hi s ca mpai gn to th ose The dragon first observes the pa rt y, then
choice of colors (see a rea 3). The character worlds, crea tures a nd intelligent inhabitants casts ESP a nd Mirror lmage spells while it is
turns to stone a nd beco mes pa rt of statue ( no can be crea ted, provided they are of the co r· invisible. Nex t, it wai ts until it can roast a
sav in g throw). If th e pa rt y observes the respond in g colo r. If thi s op tio n is not desired, m ax imum number of cha rac te rs wit h it s
statue, they sec fea tures of the new victim then re mind pl aye rs of th e urgency of their breath wea po n. During the ensuin g melee
mixed with th e o ther crea tures alread y there . quest a nd tha t pa ra llel world s can wai t. with surv ivors, Fosfar att em pt s to prevent
characters from climbing o nto the second
Effect B: An invisible force gen Ll y pushes the 4a. (Red Alcove) Scarlelland pedes tal by usin g S low, Hold Person and
character out of the alcove. A bright ray of \-Vall of Fire spells. Fosfa r eventu ally bestows
the sa me color as the alcove fill s that space a C urse o n th e last PC leaving the cavern.
After a bli ndin g nash of crim son light , you
and is ren ected to the ce nt er of th e room . Howeve r, Ihe dragon docs not follow the
ap pear to be standing o n tOP of a pedestal,
If the green , purple, a nd ora nge rays have characters once they have tdeported back
in sid e a hu ge cavern . The noo r, the walls,
been tri gge red this way, then the three other and the vault are made of clouds as red as into area 4.
alcoves also project their colored rays on the T he party may rel ease the giant statu e by
blood, turning to shades of pink and fire
side of the pla tfo rm in the middle of the room. hurlin g oil fl asks on the statu e ( 10% chance
A column of white li ght th en rises fr om th e per fl ask, cumul ati ve) . When free, th e sta tu e
imm ediatel y starts wildl y pun chin g a t the



dra gon. I[the drago n is reduced to less than abIes the entra nce pedes tal by cas tin g a dispel
half o f it s hit points, it fl ees through th e cloud s, turning to gold and honey shades m agic o n il.
cavern opening. If charac ters are st ill in th e under Ihe sun rays. The li ght enterin g The dragon's cavern is in Ihe clouds, above
cavern al thi s lime, th e stat.ue (urn s agai nst from a la rge cavern m outh open s onto a th e a rea kn own as th e city o f Specula rum in
them , trying to smash them with its fi sts. field of topaz clouds . Hi gh brass pillars the original pal-ty's world. The a rea below is
The characte rs have th e op ti on of leavin g ri se rrom the sides as thou gh th ey we re widely contaminated w ith yell ow mold .
th e cave rn throu gh its opening. Howeve r, supportin g the cloud d ome. On the oppo·
thi s la ir is o n clouds, three thousa nd fecl si te sid e of th e cave rn stand s anothe r ped- 4d. (Green Alcove) Jadeland
a bove gro und . T he a rea below would corres- es tal, similar to the one you sta nd on .
pond to Glantri C it y in the origin al pa n y's In the middle of th e cave rn is a m an
After a blindin g fl ash of em erald light ,
wo rld . M os t of th e land below is infested with wi th blond hair, copper skin a nd a long
yo u appea r LO be standing on to p of a ped -
giant red ants and rust m o nsters. citrin e robe .
es tal, insid e a hu ge cave rn . Th e fl oor, the
The dragon's hoa rd contains 10,000 gp , wall s, a nd the vault are mad e of shin y
5,000 pp , and 200 rubi es al SO gp each . The man, who ca ll s him self Aurik, is a jadelike ston es, turnin g to pal e gree n
large gold en dragon polymorp hed int o a shades under viridescent sun rays. The
4b. (Orange Alcove) Amberland huma n sha pe. H e does not attac k the visitors,
li ght enters throu gh a la rge cave rn mo uth ,
unless they see m threatenin g or hostile. opening ont o a malachite forest. On th e
After a blinding flash of coppery li ght, you The gold en drago n kn ows Fillind yl, for he opposite side o f the cavern stands a nother
a ppear to be sta ndin g on to p o f a ped es tal, had mel the ancient elf when the Feadi els ped es tal , simil ar to the one you sta nd o n .
ca me to thi s world . If the party m anages to
in side a hu ge cave rn. The fl oor, th e walls , In th e middl e of the cave, a hu ge, loa th -
prove they belong to his clan , he lets them go
and the sta lact it es ha ngin g f!'Om the vault so m e, a nd rubbery human oid crea ture
to the nex t pedestal. I f questio ned about the sta nd s up as it sees you .
a re made of smooth bron ze SLO ne, as
solution to th e rainbow's secre t, he kindl y
smoOlh as a mber.
On the opposite side of lh e cave rn explain s that he m ay no t give out the a nswer,
Thi s creature, whi ch call s it self Crand-
stand s another pedestal, similar to th e o ne fo r he was him self creat ed as pari of the arti -
C Jauqu e (prono un ce "gran '-gloak "), is a
fact. H owever, if th e party in sists, he says
you sla nd on . gargan tu an troll whose stupidity is as m a nu ·
Strange ochre tinted sunrays filte ring thai th e a rt of crea tin g new colors from si m -
m e nt a l as its bo redo m . It imm ediat cly
pl e ones often opens man y doors.
through th e cave rn m outh gli sten o n th e charges one party m ember 11t random , in
back of three eerie amber lion s. They Aurik wears a ringofthrce wishes. See th e
orde~ to capLUre him . His intentions are to
slow ly turn their head s in your direction . Appendix sect ion on th e u se of the spell of
lock all the characters up , one after the o ther,
that nam e. The item a ppears as a golden ring
into sm a ll sepa rate cages, like so ng bird s, so
with three pearls embedded in it. A pea rl di s·
The three crealUres are a mber golems. th ey can entert a in him . All pri soners a re
appea rs each time a Wish is cas t. Once all
They immedi atel y sight th e pa n y, whether stripped of their equipmt:nt (50 % chancc the
pea rl s are gone, the ring loses all m agical
vis ible or not , and start roaring loudly. Thi s troll gives it away to his mate). Eventu all y,
p owe rs. If the party is friendly and brings th e
ca uses ld 4stalactites to fall on each PC in the th e troll eats th e characters w ho refu se to
body of a dead com pan ion, Aurik agrces to
party. They a utom at icall y hit , infli ctin g 1d6 sin g.
bring that cha racter back to life, using onc of
point s of damage. C rand-CJauque actuall y gain s hit point s
his wishes.
Two a mber li ons then charge lhe party, from ph ys ical da mage. On ly fire and acid can
wh ile the third remains out of th e m elee , 10 red uce it to 0 hit point s and kill it. An y sin gle
Aurik 's Spells:
continu e roaring. Fl yin g charaCters are as hit infli cting 10 point s o f ph ysical d am age o r
vu lnerab le to th e fa llin g stalactite s as the oncs First Level: Charm , Detect M agic, Light, m ore severs a pan ion of its body. It does not
on fool. Amber lio ns are immun e to the fa il - M agic Missile, Sleep rege nerate, but each piece th at is severed
in g stones, and have no treasure except them - Second Level : Detect Evil, ESp, In visibility, becomes a normal troll in ld6 rounds. The
selves. A cru shed am be r li on produ ces 2d 20 Web (x2) troll is 100 sLUpid to have any kind of valuable
fragments of amber, each worth ld6x lOO gp o Third Level: Clairvoyance, Dispel M agic, treasure .
The a mber fragments ' weighl in coin s is Hold Person (x2), Protection vs. Normal T he land beyond th e cave rn correspond s to
eq uiva lenl to half their va lu e in gold pieces. Missiles the Alfheim forest o f the original pany's
Th e area beyond the cave would co n 'es- Fourth Level: Dimension Doo l~ Poly m olph world. M ost of that land is co ntamin ated by
pond to the Ylaruam cit y in the o ri ginal par- Self, Poly m olph OflJcrs, Remove Curse clusters of green slim e.
ty's world. OchrejeUies are a co mm on ho rror Fifth Level: Conju re EJem enra l, M agicJal;
th ere, and man y g rea t ca lS of all so rt s roam Teleport 4e. (Blue Alcove) Azureland
th e land .
If the part y att acks him , Aurik turn s into After a blindin g fla sh of sa pphire li ght ,
4c. (Yellow Alcove) Goldenland hi s ancient hu ge golden dragon fo rm and you appear to be sta ndin g o n tOP ofa ped-
a tt empt s to neutralize the pa n y wit hou t es tal , in sid e a huge cave rn . Th e noor, the
Aft er a blinding fla sh of fiery li ght , yo u ph ys ica l da mage 10 them . In the process, wa ll s, and th e vault a re made of clo ud s, as
appear to be standin g on top ofa pedestal, Aurik casts spell s such as Charm , Sleep blu e as turquo ise, turn in g to li ght blue
inside a hu ge cavern. The /loor, the walls, (aga in st N PCs), Web, and H old Person. If sh ad es under cerulean sunrays. Th e li ght
and th e vault are made o f pal c pl at inum thi s fail s, he uses o ne o r hi s wishes to te/eporr enters throu gh a large cavern m o uth ,
the en tire part y back int o a rea 4 . H e then di s- openin g onto a fi eld o f azure clouds. On


the oppos it e sid e o f the cave rn slands poli shed ameth ys t. On the o pposi te side of first o ne. You have returned to the wo rld
a noth er pedestal , similar lO the one you the cave rn stands a nother pedestal, si mi - whe re a golden sun shines in a blue sky,
stand on. lar to the onc you stand on. where g rass is green and the ea rlh brown.
In the middle of the cave rn lies a large Strange violet tint ed sunra ys brighten
b lu e dragon atop a mound of aquamarine th e mau ve sa nd dunes , fo rmin g a round After stepping into th e colum n of whit e
tinted coins . hal o at th e center of the cave rn . li ght (see area D), the part y is teleported to
Despite bill owi ng lavender dust clouds [h·c final ex it. Th e part y appears al a rea A in
Thi s large blu e dragon, answering to the nea r th e entran ce, you can see two purple th e Elven La nd if they ent ered the rainbow
name of Sappho, is the keeper of thi s cave. skeletons o n a narrow ledge. There is no fro m a rea C in Selinar. Otherwise, they
The cha nces she is slee pin g are as normal. If Ol he r act ivity in the cavern . It seems appear in Feado r, if they were returning
Sappho wakes up , she sniffs at the intruders, dese rt ed and inh ospita bl e. home. Th e magical rai nbow disa ppea rs and
waiting to see if they are host il e or nolo I f they Sudden ly, you a faint shriek near the wi ll not return to this spot for at least a no th er
arc, the dragon a ttacks the pa rt y by first vaulL of the cavern . You rea li ze the vault is century.
usin g her li ghtnin g breaths. Once she run s c reepin g with thou sa nds of small purpl e If th e dwarves are still with th e party, they
out of breath weapons, Sappho beco mes hys - bats. decide to leave the PC s and go on by them-
teri cal and uses her three Web spell s at first selves. Bein g with elves is not what they ha ve
opportunity. Each lime one cha racte r is Under the sand li ve twO purple wo rm s. been strivi ng for in their li ves.
trapped , th e dragon attempts to pick up the The length of th e cave rn from one pedestallO
PC, Oy OUI and drop it beyond the clouds. the ot her is 300 ft . If the party decides to cross
the cavern o n foot, walkin g o n the sand , there
Sappho's Spells: is o ne chance out of six (roll 1d6 for every 10
fec l the part y advances) that the twO purple
First Level: Charm (x2), Darknes.~, VeneriJ-
worms feel the vi bration s a nd auack from
oq uism (x2)
below. The purpl e worms always surpri se t.he
Second Level : ESp, Mjrror [mage, Web (x3)
part y on th eir first aHack, since th ey try to
Third Level: Clajrvoyance, Djspel M Jlg ic,
engulf a victim by attacking from under the
Hold Person
sand .
If a character attempts to ny, the tho usa nds
If th e parl y doesn't appear to be hostil e,
of bats start screa ming and shriekin g, flittin g
she agrees to let them cross her a bode, in
all ove r in the cave rn . They are harmless and
excha nge for which each characte r mu st offer
ny out wi thin the round. Howeve r, the noise
her one magic item of her choice. For that
alerts th e purpl e worms. They arc big enough
purpose, she enjoys literall y emptyin g each
to ru sh o ut from und er th e sa nd and try to
PC 's pocket s and bags to make her choi ce,
swall ow th e fl ying characters in mid- air.
and satisfy her curiosit y.
The ultra-violet rays co min g from outsid e
Sappho is ex tremel y vulnerabl e to compli -
are poisonous. Their re fl ec ti o n int o th e
ments on her beaut y a nd may accept some
cavern should ca use the party to save agai nst
artifac t tha t will supposedl y improve her
Po ison, each round, or ta ke Id6 points of
appearance. Pe rfum es, powders, make- up
dam age .
and even a well played phantasmal (orce
The skeleton s are the re mains of two mem-
might get the parly o ut Oflha! situ ation with -
bers of th e origina l Feadi el famil y. As they
out loss of magical items.
a uempted to ex pl o re this cave rn , th ey real-
Ot herwi se, if a PC refu ses to give up the
ized the dan ger lurking below th e sa nd .
item Sa ppho chose , she ent e rs into a blind
Exhausted, badly wounded and sick from the
rage and concentrates her ange r o n that char-
ultra-violet rays outside, they quickl y d ied. If
acter. The dragon's hoard contai ns 8,000 gp,
the part y sea rches the ir bodies, they find a
4,000 pp, and 300 sapphires a t a n average of
note sayi ng: " Prai se the stars, fo r o nc day we
40 gp cacho
shall return to o ur Sanc tu ary. Th e 12 keys
Th e a rea below the cloud s corres po nds to
shall be reunited and our brot hers awa ken ."
th e cit y of Norvik in th e original pa rt y's
Th e a rea beyo nd the cave would co rres-
world. It is the land of frost giants and crea-
pond to th e Th ya ti s cit y in the ori ginal par-
tures of th e ice.
ty's world. Th e purpl e worms have no
4f. (Purple Alcove) Violetland
E. The Exit
After a blinding nash of purpl e light, you
appea r to be standin g on top of a pedesta l,
Th e room , the blindin g li ght and the daz-
in side a hu ge cavern . The wall s an d th e-
zlin g colo rs fad e away and you a ppear,
va llI! a re made of rough stone, like un -
ollt side, o n a bridge of li ght si mil a r to th e


Encounter Setting directly in the Tower o f Light (sec Chapter 4). havin g difficulties.
In th e first case, en counter A should give M os t of th e prog ra mm ed encounters
The land of the ancients is a remote realm ,
them sufficient clues on what to do nex t. In appear in a designated hex on the map; how-
bordered on th e north by a hu ge swa mp-
the second case, the party has a chance of ever, for the sake of pl ayability, assume that
forest, on th e east and southeast by a chain of
meetin g M oo rkroft (whom they do not know th ey may occur in lhat general area, when the
hi gh moun cains, and on the west by an
yet) , who wi ll give th em a fal se missio n . So in mo ment see ms the best for the part y to make
ocea n . The soulh is o pen to vast steppes.
e ither case, the part y will h ave clues o n where that encount er.
M ost of the rea lm is covered wi lh forest; how-
to go a nd wha t to look for in this fo rest.
eve r, Moorkrort IV keeps several areas o pen
Move ment is th e sa me as in Seli nar. If the Final Battle Option
where he has established permanent ga rri-
part y takes a direct io n leading them off th e
so ns. Th e end of the adven ture will see the final
ma p , g ive them clues about potential prob-
Shortly before the invasion ofMoorkroft J, battle between M oorkro ft 's army, the pe s'
lems (dark a nd d ange rous swamps, high
the elves hid their Tree of Life al the celller of forces and woodland allies (ancient elves, a nd
mountain s with g lac ie rs and murderou s
their c1a nh old, beneat h the surface of the crea tures of the fores t). The party may pre-
cliffs , unbea rable temperatures, lack of food ,
ground . An a rchit ec tural trick enables the pare their forces, sta rtin g from this chapt er,
etc.). If th ey pe rsist , they eventually reach
tree to have direct sunli ght d es pit e it s unnatu- Their army forces vary dependin g on the par-
their kingdom, after a six- month trek to the
raj loca tion . ty's course of action s. More details o n th at
south eas t. T heir return to the AJOleim should
The fore st was originall y divided into four matter a re give n in the Appendix section.
o nl y be poss ibl e with so me manipulations
areas ca ll ed /c(zirah, Beriah, Atziluth and Th e part y may ga ther help from severa l
su ch as an o men , a helpfu l guid e, a pranki sh
A siah, the four archaic terms fo r Water, Air, encounters. Fo r cent a urs, roes. and griffo ns.
sprite, or so me other mean s.
Fire, and Earth . The encounters which fol - see th e end o f encounters C, E, and F. For the
Rando m encounters wi ll occur on a roll of
low are based o n the 12 elve n star signs. After ancient elves, see chapter 5. Other creatures
30 or less o n a d I 00 every six hour period
a few encounters, the players may di scover may be rallied for the battle from random
(20% during ni ghttime) . Th e ra ndom
the connect io n between the encounters and encou nt ers . If the party manages to befri end
encount ers and mon ster tables are loca ted on
th e star map that was give n to them at [he th ese woodland creatures, all ow the part y 10
th e in side of the module cover. Some o f the
beginning of the ad ventu,·e. If the players maintain contact a nd call for their help at the
rando m encounte rs could be lIsed to help the
think abou t usin g the star ma p, it shou ld help mo ment of th e final battle.
players bett er understand what has ha ppened
them prepare fo r so me encount e rs. Th e At the Dun geon Master's option , the ra n-
and wha t th ey shou ld be looking for. A pri s-
entrance 10 the sanc tuary is enchanted and dom crea tures li kely to jo in th e e1ven arm y
oner may reveal some detail about M ookro ft ,
requires th e reunifi ca tio n of 12 magical keys, a re the trea lll s ( Jd 20+5), th e s prit es
a wood land being could tell about " legends
prese ntl y in the possession of variou s crea- (dIOOx IO), th e pixies (3dIOO+ 15), the blink
and folklore," etc. Tha t information wou ld
tures of the forcst. The magica l writings o n dogs (3d8x IO) and the unico rns (3d8x IO).
onl y revea l enough for the part y to clearly
the star map shou ld help the part y unde r- Th ey wou ld o nly join the part y if approached
unde rsta nd what th ey should do next , such as
stand th ey ou ght to be loo king for" 12 keys to in a friendly manner. or if the part y is able to
findin g the 12 keys, or findin g a lost sa nctu -
the stars." perform some useful service for th e creatures.
ary, destroying an evil lord , etc. You may
The part y may ei th er arrive in thi s fores t at su ch as gellin g rid of a loca l foe, curing dis-
int erve ne wi th those encounters if you feel the
the crys tal dome (area A) if the y just left the eases, brea kin g curses, ctc.
pla yers a re ch'iftin g from their goal or a re
ma gic rainbow (see prev iou s chapt er), o r


Encounter Key
Go now. Follow the four paths, and do nor hope for our dan rema ins in the White
A. The Crystal Dome waste time, for I am so weak ... " Tower. The spirit of our lord still controls
the upper leve.Js of the palace and protects
All the su r rounding area seems to be coy· The whisper, a ment al message, comes th e forest . But, as I am weakening, be will
ered with endless ruin s. In most of the from the Tree of Life below the platform. It is need more help. rf by any chan ce a pure
available space, between what must have harmless a nd tri es to in stru ct the PC on wha t . heart find s this note, go to the Whit e
been once gorgeous buildings, oaks and to do next. ft does not respond to questions. Thwer and calJ the lord in tile th rone
bushes have grown, giving the scene a room. Confide in him and Il e wiJJ guide
feeling of desolation . you."
You stand on a set of concentric circular
steps. The platform a t your feel is m ade of If the party exa mines the skeleton, they see
crystal. as a rc four ha lf-crumbled pillars. that the left arm is broken in several places, as
It seems their purpose was lO hold a small well as three fin gers o n the right ha nd in a
crys ta l dome that has si nce cras hed way that would have made it impossible to
around the platform . B. The Manticore write anythi ng. The bones of the legs clea rl y
Four paved roads , part iall y covered show that the body belonged to an old person
with weeds and bushes, leave thi s area in Flying high above the hill are three la rge wi th bone deformities (arthriti s more likely) .
four different directions . At the beginning winged creatures. Your location on the hill Since it takes so me climbing to get to the lair,
of each a metal slab is embedded , now see ms to be the center of their circu la r she cou ld not possibly have gotten there by
covered with rust and dirt. You all have fli gh t pattern . herself. To discover this, the characters have
the definite feel in g o f being observed. to remove the clothes from the skeleton .
The three creatu res a re manticores hunt-
If th e party scra tches the rust and the dirt ing fo r food . If the part y comes out of the
off the slabs, they a re able to read the follow- woods near [,he hi gher poi nt on the hill , the
ing words: m an ti cores make severa l swooping att acks
North slab: " fetzirah" before la ndin g. O nce on the ground , they
West slab: " Beri ah " launch a series of spikes in a n attempt to force
South slab: " Atziluth" the party back to the forest. A fourth one is
hiding in the woods, a short distance behind C . The Eagle
East slab : "Asiah"
the party. Once the party runs down 10 the
If they observe (he platform more closely, forest, the fourth manticore sta rts laun chin g
twelve round depressions, the size of la rge On top of a la rge rocky peak is a stra nge
its sp ikes at close distance. This sho uld sur- round wooden structure, made of tree
medallions, are visible in the steps. They are prise the party. The following round , all man·
placed in groups of three, each g roup facin g logs. No windows, no doors, nor stai rs 10
ticores lake off a nd observe thei r prey. The reach the top of the peak a re appa rent.
one of the paths. If they detect magic, the four monslers avoid a direct melee if poss ibl e.
platform radiates a stro ng aura. At the bolt om of the rocky 6u lcroppi ng
lfthe fi ght turns aga in st the manticores, or are piles of clean whit e bones , none of of
The platform is the entrance to th e Sanctu- ifit seems the party still moves toward the top
ary. The Tree of Life is located directly below. e1v ish origin. The bones seem to belong 10
of the hill , the ma nticores nee to their lair some wi ld animals com monl y dwelling in
To enter, the party needs the magic word, or where, if corn ered , th ey fi ght to th e death .
the 12 keys. The word is not ava il able since the forest .
The lair is on tOP of th e hill , in a small cavern.
the onl y person 10 know it, th e last Th e manli cores are always in their lair dur-
Treekeeper, is now dead. If the 12 keys are The structure is a roc nest. It contai ns fi ve
ing th e night. Th e lair contain s the creatures'
placed in the depressions, the party sees an unh atched eggs. The nes t also holds a small
treasure, alon g with a small sil ve r chest. The
ethereal set of stairs, going d own below the chest with the "Eagle" key to the Sanctu a ry.
" Manti core" key is inside.
ground . The stairs end up in area I , in the If the part y climbs up into the nest , th ere is a
The party a lso find s a dusty e1ven skeleton.
Sa nctuary (see chapter 6). 25% chance per rou nd that the owner sPOts
It was placed th ere in the creatures' absence
If the cha racte rs do no t figure ou t what the party. It is a large roc . The bones a rc the
by M oorkroft 's lackeys in order to confu se
their nex t step should be, choose o nc charac- old remains of the roc's previous meals .
potential intruders. The corpse belongs to the
ter at random to have a "vision " caused by The roc fearlessly aHacks until the pa rty
Treekeeper, who died of he r wounds after
the Tree of Life . Using telepathic abi lities, climbs down the peak . The roc's tactics co n·
M oo rkro ft 's tortures . An old looking parch·
the magical tree shows that character 12 large sist of mak in g a dive alongs ide the cl iff in
men t written in e1vish was placed near the
medallions wi th symbol s. The chosen cha rac- o rd er 10 pull off one character (chosen a t ra n-
body. It reads as follows:
ter has the feeling that they must be brought d om). The roc automatically succeeds in the
back to thi s place. Another character could attack if it hi ts AC 5. It repeats this a ttack
"After 1 realized my activities in the forest every fi ve rounds, wh ich is th e time it takes to
receive the followin g mental message:
were abou t to be discovered, T ran to my fl y to the boundary of the fares! and drop the
hideout on this hill. cha racter on to p of a thick tree. The damage
"". Yes, m y child, you are very close. " I knew thar iff stayed any longer, my for the fall amount s to 2d lO poin ts of dam ·
Look at the base of the platform. There, secret would have been discovered. T am age. Due lO th e shock, the characte r shou ld
you will insert the keys and find m y roots. ill, my wounds are ll ot healing and my last roll against his Constituti on sco re a[ ·4 or lose


co n sc io u s n ess fr o m th e s hock . Vi ctim s a tt acked it already), Their req ues t is to find

rema in un con sc iou s fo r 3d4 ho urs, in the the creatu re and bring it back, dead or alive a seri es of creatures wearin g long, red
branches o f the trec they land ed on . - or a ( leas t some vital pa n of it s body prov- robes. Two horn s point out of their hood s,
The su rv ivin g cha racters h ave th e opti on in g it is dead . revealing their goa tlike faces. O ne of the
to QI'gani ze a rescue pa rty to recover th e vic- Wha t the rocs do not know is tha t th e creatures points a t you , accusin g you of
tim s hangin g in the trees. Each party mem - dragon is in fact an a rtifact belongin g to tran sgressing the law. Sho rtl y th erea ft er,
ber should roll again st hi s Intelli gence (Q find Moo rkroft: a rod o[ lhe wy rm . It is thi s crea- you feci hands pushin g you towa rd a
a n un consciou s victim when passin g nearby ture that has caused th e rocs diffi culties dur- wooden choppin g bl ock, nea r one of th ose
(a nd if he was lookin g when the victim was in g th e ni ght. O nce in a whil e, M oo rkroft creatures who is raisin g a large axe.
dropped in the forest). send s it out to fetch roc eggs, as po ti on ingre-
The party could befri end rhe roc by brin g- dient s. The pa rt y mu st find M oo rkro ft be fore Lion:
ing a large quantity of food. A stack of fres h they can recove r the wyrm (see C hapter 4).
deer, boa rs, and wild turkeys should do (o r O nce the pa rty compl etes th a t miss io n, a Your vision blurs a nd it feels as if you have
monsters from random encounters in the for- ni ght. of IdlO + 10 la rge roes return s with the been sleepin g for a long tim e. You wake
est). Allow each PC to catch on e su ch a nimal , party and ass ists them durin g thei r co mbat. up in a long corridor. At one end a dozen
with a roll of 2 on a dI D, for each hou r spent la rge lions ru sh in your directi on . On e the
huntin g. O nce they pile up the animals, the oth er end of the tunnel is a opening lead-
roc nies down a nd sta rts feedin g on th e fres h ing outside.
mea l. If a n el f gets closer, the roc reali zes lh a t Runnin g out , you sudd enl y a rrive in an
the "vistors" a re fri endly (as opposed to a rena. The voices of hundreds of behold-
Moa rkroft's hateful huma noids). ers roar the wo rd " Kill. .. Kill ..." Twelve
O nce the rac becomes fri endl y, it becomes lions appea r at the gate behind you , the
ev ident tha t the creature understands the D . The Chimera glow of hun ger in their eyes.
e1ven language. Unfo rtu natel y, it can only
a nswe r by shakin g its head or noddin g. Dragon :
Wh en asked if it knows about m ed alli ons, it At th e top of a steep rocky slope, you
nods and looks up (Oward its neR The PCs glimp se th e hea ds of three crea tures
Your vision blurs and it feelsils if you have
may eve ntuall y rid e it above the clven la nd quickl y retrea tin g in to a cave rn .
bee n slee pin g for a long tim e. You a re
fo r a few reconnai ssance ni ghts, a nd even a l o n ~ in the cave rn and your fellow ad ve n-
obta in a safe shelter in the nes t. Pa rt of the The heads a re an illu sion cas t by a m agical
turers a re gone. In front of yo u sits a hu ge
nest is cove red with a crude roof to protect the stone in side th e cavern , T he stone has the
black dragon . Afte r a short cynicall augh ,
eggs from the excesses of the weath er. Th e roc sha pe of a chim era statue, facin g th e entra nce
it prepra res to breathe.
agrees to give th e medalli on to th e pa rty if of th e cave rn . The stone feeds on th e fea r it
they show they have the "C him erae" key to in sti ga tes in oth er crea tures, by cau sin g
In all three cases , the characters can ' t
th e Sa nctu a ry (see encounter D). The re may ni ghtma res and horrid visions to a ppear to
really d o a nythin g ph ysica lly (spell cas tin g or
be a length y "conve rsa ti on " between the those who enter the cavern ,
fi ghting). If th ey do so, they will face a slow
party and th e roc befo re the players lin alJ y Read the following when th e part y ent ers
doo m as th e crea tures seem to resist dam age.
unde rsta nd wha t to go a ft er. O f course, th e th e cave rn :
If th e PC res ists a ni ghtm are fo r more th an 10
pa rt y sti ll ca n a ttempt to take th e med alli on rounds, shift tha t cha racter to one of th e
by force, but th ai mea ns they have to kill th e As yo u obse rve the interio r of the cavern , rema inin g dream s. Each time a PC shifts to
roc. Th e creature feel s the prese nce of the you feel th e chill of fear crawl up your ano ther ni ghtm a re, he loses 1d4 points of
medalli on . I f so meo ne attempts to steal it , th e spin e. A sto ne sta tu e of a horrid monster Constituti on .
roc gets hold of th e " thi er s" foot a nd shakes sta nd s in the cavc. Absolutely immobile, Wh en the victim " dies," he wakes up with
the character unlil the med allion falls out. its three heads see m to gaze a t you . You Id 6 po ints of Constitutio n less. The da mage
At the end of the ad venture, if th e pa rt y is reali ze there a re a lion , a goat, a nd a is not perma nent and may be regain ed at th e
no t ab le to u se th e mag ic rainbow or dragon head . Sudd enly you feel di zzy and ra te of three point s per d ay. If all the Consti -
Moo rkroft 's po rtal, the (fri endly) roc agrees yo ur kn ees grow weak under you . tuti on points of a character are d rain ed , th e
to ny [he part y bac k home, as a rewa rd for cha rac ter dies imm edi ately. A characte r ca n-
destroy in g th e chaotic mage. Fo r ca mpaign R oll Id 6 for each cha racter. Th e result indi - not be th e victim of mo re tha n three dreams.
pu rposes , thi s could be d ev el o ped int o cates whi ch head is a ffectin g each cha racter : The ni ghtm ares las t as long as the victim s
ano th er ad vcnlure, since the ni ght could take 1-2 fo r the goa t head , 3-4 for the li on head , kee p resistin g.
weeks if not mo nth s. a nd 5-6 fo r the dragon head . Wha t the PC Durin g th e ni ghtm a re, however, th e cha r-
ca n d o is ex pl a ined a fter the three ni ghtm a re acters who make a strong mental effort to free
R allying the R oes: if the pa rt y late r think s of desc ripti ons. th em selves fro m th e nightm are or illu sio n
call ing u po n th e roc's hel p, th e crea ture ni es may roll a sav in g th row vs. Spells. If success-
to the mount ains a nd lin ds hel p from oth ers Goat: read th e foll owin g tex t to the victim : ful , the character wakes up a nd no da mage is
of ils ki nd . The communi ty of rocs th ere ta ken. O therwise, thin gs go as described
agrees to join th e pa rt y's war if th e pa rt y lirst Yo ur vision blu rs a nd it feel s as if you have above. Id6 round s a ft er th e cha racter wakes
des troys a black d rago n [h a t has been ca usin g been slee ping fo r a long time. You are sit - up , he may be th e vict im of a second or th ird
some troubl e la tely. Th e rocs d o not kn ow tin g in a la rge room , a t a tabl e along with drea m (if a ny drea ms rema in for tha t charac-
where to li nd it (oth erwise they wo uld have


ler) unless he saves vs. Spells. them . Th ey a re suspicious about these visi-
If the statu e dra in s 10 po ints o r mo re, it tors, sin ce none have ever seen a n elf before. As you battle aga inst the wa ter, a nock of
creates a spectral chimera whi ch attacks a n y- Int rigued , they listen to wha t the pa rt y has to large nyin g crea tures a ppears in the sky.
one in the cave rn , preve ntin g him fro m say in stead of fi ghti ng each oth er, After a sho rt prelim inary observation ,
ha rmin g the sta tu e. It is equi valent to a nor- Rea li zin g th e pa rty has nothing in com- severa l o f th e m initi a te a swoo pin g
mal mon ster, CXcCpllh a t it is tran slu cent and mon with th e bl ack hordes, they let the char- m aneuve r.
spell s do not alTeel it. If no t destroyed , it acte rs speak to the cl an maste r, who expl ains
re ma in s as lo ng as th e s la tu e is left wha t the problem is. It becomes obvious 10 • A ni ght of 16 griffons was huntin g for prey
untouched . the pa rt y th at the tribe ha tes th e master of the when it saw the party. Used to the ph enome-
The "Chimera" key to th e Sanctua ry is whit e tower. If th e party menti ons they a re non , they swoop down in an a tt em pt to cap-
embedded on the sta tu e's d ragon forehead . seekin g round medallions, th e c1an master tu re wha teve r has bee n ca u ght on t he
Removin g the key in stantl y des troys the says that he has one of that SO rt , but he o nly wa terspout , a'n d then ny back to thei r lai r on
statue and awakes th e victim s with no furth er gives it to the pa rt y if they ret rieve his son th e north side of the volca no.
da mage. T he stat ue itself is impe rvi ous to curren tl y im prisoned in a large white tower, Th ese gr iffons have bee n m agica ll y
ph ysicaJ damage . sout hwest of thi s place. An othe r 30 cent aurs a ffected by the a ncient elves. All of th em ,
esco rt the clan master. includin g their d irect offspring, are bound to
be loyal steeds for elves. They understa nd a
R aJlying the Centaurs: If the pa rt y success- limited fo rm of e1vish . Upo n a rri vin g a t their
full y retrieves the youn g cent aur, the entire nest, they recogni ze the na ture of their prey
tribe befriends the elves a nd agree to fi ght and no t harm them . If the pa rty asks for a
beside th em aga in st the black hordes, la ter in round medallio n, a n old griffo n scratches the
the adventure, They arc able to call LO a rms ground a nd un covers the rema in s of several
E. The Centaurs m os t o f th e tribes in th e El ve n La nd : creatures, half-man and wolf. Th ey a ttempt
3dl 00 + 100 adult ce ntaurs. to make the pa rt y understa nd that th e medal-
li on is in an enemy ca mp and th at th ey wa nt
As you follow th e path . you hea r the famil - th e pa rt y 1.0 rid e them a nd lead a ra id aga in st
ia r sound of arrows whi zzin g past th e th e cam p .
pa rty to thunk int o trees. You rcaJi ze there If th e pa rt y accept s, the griffons lead the
arc t wO groups of creatures, half· men , PCs to a collecti on of worn spec ial sad dles,
half-horses, o n bo th sides of th e path , harn esses, and long cavalry la nces for th e
shooti ng arrows and spears. party to use. Once mount ed , they make a
F. The Griffon swift but ca reen in g fl ight to the ca mp , south
Th e creat ures are centaurs. They did not of the volcano (see encoun te r N). If the part y
mean to a n ack the part y. Two faction s a re If the pa rty crosses th is vast a rea, read the success full y sto rms th e ca mp , they arc able to
fi ghtin g each other ove r a decision th e cla n· followin g text: re trieve the "G riffon " key to the Sanctuary.
master did not ma ke.
Several weeks ago, M oo rkro ft visited the As you walk through thi s la rge g rassland , R a/Jying the Griffons: If the ca mp is success·
tri be after they had a memo ra ble feas!. H e yo u fee l a low und e rgro und rumble, full y stormed , the griffo ns agree 10 fi ght in a
took advantage of th e situ ation to kidnap th e q uickly increas in g int o a loud roa r. Sud- major ba ttl e la ter in the ad ve nture. They ca n
c1anmaster 's son . Since then , the cla n master denl y, one of the pa rt y members is thrown rall y up to 5d10 normal g riffons ( + th e 16 of
faced the dilemm a of whether he would a ttack into the a ir by a violent column of wa ter thi s la ir) fro m the loca l mount a in s for thi s
th e white towe r or accept the mage 's a utho r· gushin g out of th e ea rth . purpose.
ity ove r this part of th e fo rest. Because of his
hesit ation , two factio ns di vided the tribe: Thi s a rea is one of th e ra rest geol ogical R idin g til e G riffons in Combat: Fl yin g
those eager to anack the tower a nd th ose fea r· phenomena of tbi s wo rld . Walkin g on thi s mount s of this SOrt requires mo re skill th an
in g a violent retalia ti on from the black ho rd es a rea creates a nd amplifi es powerful vi bra- ridin g a si mpl e warho rse. U nl ess the PCs
garrisoned around the fo rest. tions cau sin g geyse rlike activities. Th e geyse r have alread y received such a trainin g in their
The centaurs bega n their fi ght when th e holes a re not visible because th ey a re covered cam paign wo rld , usc the followin g guid e·
party walked ri ght in betwee n the two fac· with a laye r oflim esto ne and grass, sufficient li nes.
tions. If the part y countera ttacks, a ll th e cen- to resist the we ight of seve ral men . Howeve r, The rider should be able to control the
ta urs conce ntra te th e ir fir e o n t he when the wa ter erupt s, the cru st breaks and mount ; howeve r, jf hi t (a t least 5 po int s of
"s trangers," a nd then resume th eir qu arrel. wha teve r stand s o n it is th row n into the a ir damage in one blow) wh ile nyin g, the cha rac-
There are 30 centa urs on each side. a nd tumbles aLOp the liquid column fo r 2d6 ter should roll aga in st hi s S trength o r fa ll off
If the characters win the fi ght , the centa urs rounds. At the end of th at peri od, the victim the griffon . Befo re the cha rac te r hit s the
of bOlh factio ns a ut oma ti call y become their fall s to the ground , ta ki ng Id6 po int s of dam- g round, the griffo n d ives a nd catches the
enemi es, incl udin g any other ce ntaurs the age. rider if it hits AC 5. One such a tt empt is pos-
part y may encounter la ter in th e adventure. As the pa rt y moves, there is a 30 % cha nce sible fo r eac h 300 fect of a lt itud e. If no t
The cent aurs would never join them la ter in a per round th a t eac h cha racte r will be th e vic- o rdered o th erwise, th e griffo ns wi ll fl y at 300
wa r aga in st M oorkroft. tim of a geyse r, unless he stays absolut ely fee l. An y o th er ri der nea rby cou ld a tt empt to
If th e cha racte rs nee o r surrender, th e fi ght m oti onl ess, levitates, or flies. "i nt erce pt " the fa llin g rid er by first makin g
comes to a ha lt a nd th e ce nt aurs surround


an initiative check. If that fails , the rescuer is the " h ill ".
too far away; if the roll succeeds then proceed tree , near the house, a dozen multicolored The anima ted construct is designed to keep
as above. birds gently sin g a familiar tune, and one trespassers away from thi s spot. If someone
If the rescu e maneuvers fa il , the falling can hear the voiceofa young maiden sing- steps on the " hill ", the constructs wakes up
rid er hil s the ground . The victim shou ld save ing in the hou se, with a loud roar. An yone on its back falls off
versus Paralys is at -5 or di e on the spot. If the imm ediat ely. The monster then attempt s to
save is sucessfu l, the character survives with If the part y met th e d warves in lhe rainbow g rab one character at a time and throw him
one hit point left and 1-2 broken bones (at a nd they su ccessfu ll y came oul with th e party, away (d iDO feet) from the fou nt ai n, in a ran-
random : a leg, an arm, a rib , etc.). add the following description: dom direction. As with the bronze golem, the
When hiltin g a target during a swoop "Liza rd " key is embedded in its forehead.
3Hack with a lance, the rider hilS at + 5 a nd Seve n backpacks appare ntly of dwarven If the party runs back to cover, the con-
ionicls triple damage to the target. When make have been left on the lawn , nea r the struct li es back down into the chasm and
using missiles, the rider hilS at -3 because of ga te. remains moti onless until disturbed again .
the speed and wings movement. There is no Sho rtly after, the illusio ns o f the hill and the
further chan ge for melee weapons, except The crea ture in the hou se is a medusa. If fountain rematerialize and conceal the mon -
that a nyt hin g shorter than a swo rd is unu sa- someone peeks int o the house, the medusa is ster.
ble from the back of a gri ffon . During a on the o ther side, starin g back at the int ruder.
swoop 311ack, a grifTo n can only use it s two I f the party a llacks the cottage, she summo ns
front claws. a n in visible stalker with her magical ring.
Spell casti ng is possible when Oying on a This item ca n su mmo n one in visible stalker
grifTon , providing the grifTon is nOl engaged pe r day. She then turns invisible with her sec-
in melee and the spell caster has not su stai ned ond ring and attempts to su rpri se the party as
any damage during that round . th ey fight th e su mmon ed creature. The
medusa's gaze does not a ffect the characters J. Justice
when she is invisible. Once every two rounds Only elves are a ble to see thi s scene. M en
she appears in fro Ol of a character, gazes at and other races cannot normally see o r touch
him , and turn s invisible agai n th e next the scale a nd gold below.
round . Once in a while, the stalker and the
medu sa swi tch positions 10 add to the confu -
sio n. S he is wearing the " H ouse" key around On LOP of this rocky hill stands a strange
G. The Warrior plate mounted on a ve rti cal pole, the size
he r neck.
of an elf, and glowing with an eerie golden
If the dwarves found in th e rainbow (see
ch aplcr 3) made il to the Elven Land , and aura . Above the plat e is a needle pointing
Standing above twO rocks, a 30 fOOl high
provided they left the party, they are all in this at a gradu ated ga uge .
metal statue of a wrestler sec ms to stare
Lin ed up a t the b ase of the pole are 10
down at the narrow path windin g between house, turned to stonc. If th e party restores
open pouches, visi bly containing large
its legs. The statue is absolUlely mo tion- their bodies to Oesh, the dwarves are grateful
and propose their services for the remainder co in s.
less; however, a sligh t reOection occas ion-
of the adventure. Of cou rse, the idea o f being A voice suddenly says: "The pouches
ally glitt ers o n its forehead. conta in 10 ounce gold crowns, however,
with el ves does not enthu se them all th at
much, but their pride is at stake. They feel one them has 9 oun ce coins instead . tf you
The statue is a bron ze golem and wi ll can find which bag contain s the li ght er
awaken ifil is touched. It relentless ly pursues they owe a debt to th e party... at leas t for the
coi ns, in one single weighing, the key to
all the crea tures visible at the time it was act i- mo ment!
Ju sti ce shall be yours!"
va ted , attempting to step on them a long the
path . The small object shinin g o n it s forehead
Leaving an item on the plate causes th e
is th e " Warrior " key to th e Sanctuary. When
need le to indica te the item's weight o n the
it is removed, the bronze golem is in sta ntly
grad ua ted gauge; no coun terweights are nec-
destroyed .
I f the party manages to find the answer to
I. The Lizard the clue, the scale disappears , leav in g th e
"J ust ice" medallion on th e bare rock of th e
hill .
A small fountain can be seen o n top o f a
If a character gives th e wrong answe r, the
low hill. Pure crysta llin e wate r trickles
voice answe rs HThink harde r a nd try again in
d own from the li za rd heads all around the
a week!" The PC o r NPC who gave an
H. The House center o f the fo unt ain .
a nswer is no longer capable of seeing or
touching the scale, nor does the magical scale
In th e middle of a p eaceful clearing The hill and the fount ain are permanent " li sten" to hi s voice for a week.
appears a small cotta ge with nowers g row- illusions used to conceal a tyrannosaurus rex Coin s o r pouches taken more th an 10 fect
ing a t the wi ndows, and a white fence. In a conSll'uct sleep in g undernea th th em . The away fro m the scale teleport back to th e base
back of the large creature serves as a base for of the sca le. An yo ne who attempts to damage



the scale is randomly tdeported [0 another and let th e undin e know Ihat he did not stea l
encounter (wit hin this chapter). ately cryin g for help as a snake-lik e crea- a nythin g, she th en agrees 10 meel the nar-
At each new attempt at guessing the right ture, made o f water, drags him inlO th e whal in the ocean , and make peace with her
bag, the pouches change their order, le vjtat ~ lake . old fri end . .
ing as they shuffie to their new positi ons.
Th e creature in th e water is an undin e.
Solution to the Problem : Take one coin from The a ncient elves summ oned her to guard th e
the first bag, two coins from the second , three " Nymph " key, until elves claim it.
from th e third and so forth until you take 10 Th e man bein g dragged into the water is a
co in s from th e 10th bag. Put aU th e co in s at wyve rn rider from o ne o f th e ca mp s
the same time on the scales. (encounter N). Hi s steed was nor perfectl y
If all the coins weighed 10 ounces the tot al tamed; he los t co ntrol of it and was thrown . L . The Hydra
we ight would then be 550 ounces. Subt ract H e was on his way back to the camp, eas t of
from this total the actual weight appea ring on thi s location. If th e characters rescue him
A strange, mold y co nstru ction rises above
the scales. The result indi cates which bag has from the undin e's grip , he attempts to run
the reeds and the grey-blue trees of thi s
the li ghter co in s. away or fi ght bac k, completely pani cked at
fo ggy swamp . Fro m a di stance, it loo ks
Example: assuming th e fourth bag contain s the sight of elves.
like the wooden structure of an ove r-
the li ghter coins; 10 + 20 + 30 + 36 If th e characters let th e undin e drown thi s
turn ed ship .
(inSiead of 40) + 50 + + 100 - 546 m an , or if th ey find an excuse for th eir int er-
As you get close r, you see that large
550-546 - 4 (bag #4). vention , th e undine is wi Uing to speak, as she
round spots of bus hes and marsh vegeta -
If the parry does not guess the soluti on , t,he sees these a re elves. Otherwi se, she claims th e tion have been IOrally burn ed around the
scale di sa ppea rs totall y. H owever, the party man in black armor. She says he is an agem of
stru cturc.
may be allowed ro try again 1d6 days laccr. evil. She does not have th e " Ny mph " key.
The solution to the problem can be obtained S he believes th e narwhal (encounter M) LOok
in the Arithmetics Trea ty, in M oorkroft's The constru ct ion is the rib cage of a n
it from her. She is pa rticul arly upse t about
libra ry (See C hapter 4 , The Tower of Li ght ). ancient hu ge enchant ed hydra . If t.h e part y
this and does not unders tand why the nar-
di gs th e rest of the skeleton out, (he y discover
whal did it sin ce th ey used to be good fri end s.
the 12 heads, rhe ta il , a nd (he legs of th e crca-
So, as a ba rgainin g chip , she stole a key back
from her ex-friend. She did not ge t hers back,
The hydra was slain recently. d espit e the
but found th e narwhal's instead! She returns
fa ct thcre is onl y a bare skelcton left (swa mp
th at key to the narwhal o nly if he apologizes
d en izens lOok ca re of that ). It is apparcnt th at
10 her. In no case does she wi llingly give the
th ere is a round hole on one of the head s, co r-
key to th e pa rt y.
K. The Nymph respondin g to the size o f rhe medalli ons the
If th e pa rr y asks where to find the narwhal,
part y is tryi ng to recove r.
she tell s the pa rr y to go south and then foll ow
As you follow the sho res of thi s lake, you Thi s hydra was an a ncient one, much mo re
th e rive r 10 th e ocean.
see a man wea rin g black armor d es pe r- mali cious a nd int elli ge nt than il s prese nr rel-
If the parry has already met the narwhal
ati ves. To playa tri ck on the undin e a nd


weaken her rela ti onship with the na rwhal th e narwhal probably suspects th e hydra is a nd attempt to en gage the pa rty in aerial
(encoun ters K and M ), the hydra m anaged to in vol ved , espec iall y sin ce he has no t see n it mel ee. T hey first use the nets to entangle the
steal the undine's m edallion (the " Nymph " fo r several weeks. In tha t case, he sends the griffons' win gs or pull th e riders off th eir sad·
key to th e Sa nctuary), leav ing fal se evidence party to area L , on th e border o f the swa mps. dIes. Th en , each wyvern rider attempts to
th at the narwhal did it. U nfortun atel y, th e The island is nothin g but a rocky, j agged m elee one PC on a griffon , while the others
hydra met M oorkroft shortly afterward . H e peak pointin g out o f the ocean . If th e pa rty shoot arrows at the griffon s. The wyverns can
slew th e creature for some spell component s, sea rches it , it find s the rem ains o f two soldiers use their tails while fl ying, mos tly in an
and discovered both th e " H ydra" and the in bl ack leather armor. O ne has a big, round a ltempt to poison th e griffons. T he giant
"Nymph " keys. Sin ce then , M oorkroft has hole in hi s ches t. The o ther (w ho dragged hi s remain s on the wall , shoutin g o rders. The
returned to th e Tower of Li ght (cha pter 4) wounded fri end out o f the wa ter several years party could a ttack him in swoop au acks.
with the (wo medallions. ago) has an ivory sc roll case hanging fro m hi s If the 'giant and all present wyvern s are
If th e pa rty searches the a rea , they fin d hi s belt . It conta ins an o rder o f mission to hunt killed , there is a 40 % chan ce per round the
boot p rints and the t racks left by hi s wyvern for a narwhal a nd brin g back its horn to the orcish units will flee to th e mountains (o r
steed , as well as hi s sta ff (a rod of the wy rm). palace. It is signed b y M oorkroft IV. Both south , for the southern garrisons). If the
The Ja n er has a fa milia r shape if th e pa rty has were abandoned by th eir pl atoon a fter th e camp is destroyed or the remainin g garrison
already met the mage: the print o f the staff in narwhal attacked them . has fled , consider th e fu giti ves and the patrols
the ground is star shaped . as Hdestroyed ." They d o not appear for the
N. The Wyvern Camp rem aind er of the adve nture .
Furth erm o re, eac h tim e a garri so n is
Eleve n of these camps appear on th e map .
d estroyed , th ere is a 25 % chan ce th e other
All th ese encounters a re simil ar.
camps are alert.ed by spi es or messengers. [n
th at case , sin ce the troops have orders not to
D ozens oflarge barracks surrounded b y a enter the forest, all the troops retreat either to
palisad e overl ook th e local pla in , from the the south , o r to the mountain s to form la rger
M . The Narwhal top of a small hill. Above the ca mp , large, fi ghtin g corps (includin g their patrol units),
win ged creatures a ppa rendy mounted b y
riders fl y in concentri c pattern s, so me of O . The White Tower
Past th e limits of this dense lu sh fo res t
them la nding at the camp , oth ers leavin g
extend s a beautiful beach o f white sand .
fo r some unkn own mi ssion . From the
The large swells of an ocean endl essly Hjg h above the trees rise three t ow~rs .
middl e o f the cam p rises a high pole with a
cover the green waves with white caps, Their fin e slim architecture and their
la rge d a rk fl ag. Th e symbol is an eye with
before they crash o n the shore . white shinin g stones remind you o f the old
a black moon behind it.
On the dry sand lies a la rge bl ack row· elven constru ction style.
boa t , ove rturn ed a nd a ttached to a A wide quiet ri ver fl ows on bo th sides of
wood en pole, Fa r beyond the waves, the The camp belongs to Moorkroft 's arm y. It th e magnificent castle. An elegant bri dge
ridge of a lonel y island ri ses above the is roughly squ a re, with a watch tower a t each
arches ove r the na tural moat, to a hu ge
co rner. It conta in s 5·8 wooden barracks and
ocea n mist. gate ca rved fro m oak. Around the lowe r
two st a bl es . Th e ga rri son is no r m a ll y
part of the castle a ppear high stain ed glass
ma nned b y o ne hundred orcs and twelve w ind ows a nd sm a ll e r wa tch towe rs .
The creature dwellin g in these waters is a
wyvern riders. These are avengers, 5th level
na rwhal. It will aHack the pa rt y if they use Above the first battlements, three large
chaotic fi ghters, trained for combat on their towers ri se, fl a nked by two smaller ones .
the black row boat on the beach . The tactic o f
wyve rn s; they fi ght with spears, long bows ,
the narwhal co nsists o f rammin g th e boat On their spires, fl ags bearing elvish runes
a nd nelS. Wh en the pa rty a rri ves, there a re
with its sharp horn , in o rder to sink th e boa t. a nd sy mbols fl y in th e breeze.
70 orcs in th e camp , with eight wyvern rid ers. Familia r a rmor of el ven d esign appea rs
The boa t can take up to 50 points o f norm al
Th e oth ers a re go ne o n patrol mi ssion s alon g
d amage, a ft er which it sink s, Then th e na r· at the battlements.
th e mountain border. An ytim e a rider is
whal tri es to impale swimm ers in th e water,
killed , hi s wyvern fl ees the battle a rea and is
The boat belongs to the m age's a rmy a nd was The elven gua rds see m to be mere empty
considered 10si. The wyvern riders are not
abandoned here a ft er the la test int erventio n shells. They a re in fa ct empty a rmor th at has
subj ect to rul es a ffectin g the PCs on the back
o f the creature, If th e boa t is sunk , or if the been enchanted . They mindlessly defend the
of their griffons (see notes in encounter F).
part y is using a nothe r mode of tra nsport , castle if it is attacked or if o rdered to do so by
Th e garrison 's task is to keep watch on th e
there is a 30 % chance per round th at the the mage him self. Otherwise, they remain
neighbo rhood to prevent ra ids from th e
crea ture recogni zes the elves in the wate r. In absolutely motionl ess.
mo unta in s, or un wa nt ed visits from th e
th at case, the a ttacks end and th e narwh al li s· The pa rty can safel y advance acoss the
south . Anyone a pproachin g in the open ,
tens to the pa rt y's pl ea. brid ge in order to enter the castl e, If th ey
without prior precautions, is au toma ti call y
The na rwha l has no key! Th e undin e ope nl y try a n ythin g el se, th e enchant ed
spotted . M ost of the orcs are a rmed with
(encounter K ) stole it fro m him and he does a rm or att acks by shootin g clu sters of arrows .
short swo rds and long bows. The camp is
not kn ow why, sin ce they were good fri ends, The only way to open the gate is to slam the
under the command of a fire giant escorted
If the party has not met the undin e yet, the metal door kn ocker three times on the door.
by 12 hellhound s.
crea ture sends th em to th e sit e of encounte r K The double doors then open in ward to free
If the pa rty a pproaches the cam p while fl y-
to talk to th e undin e a nd see what happened . th e passage. The ga te is enchant ed a nd
in g o n their griffons (see encount er F), th e
If th e party already met th e undin e , then requires at least 100 hit points to destroy.
wyve rn s a nd th eir rid ers im media tely take o ff


Encounter Setting Hi s intention is to send the pa rty into the for~ out without diffi culties.
est so he can spy on th eir activities a nd di s-
T he Tower of Ligh t was an clvish palace.
cove r wha t they a re aft er. M oorkrort does not A la rge round pink ma rbl e hall rises 30
When M oorkroft seized it, he decided to
know where the Tree of Life is, nor does he feet hi gh to a brass cove red dome radia t-
make it his new abode. H e look the de feated
kn ow about the 12 keys. Wh en the cha racte rs ing a stra nge but pleasant light. Two rows
guards' armor and enchan ted it to defend the
have found wha t they were lookin g fo r, of pill a rs ex tend from the large carved oak
M oo rkro ft a mbushes the pa rty wi th a ga rri - fro nt door to a round passage in the oppo-
T he m age di scovered a way of ma king fi ve
son unit (see chapte r 3). sit e wall of the room , fill ed with a billow-
perfect " dou bles " of hi mself. In the p rocess,
he sacrificed a powerful but uniqu e artifact. in g, silve r mist.
NPC Capsule Translu cent curt ains hang between the
T he clones remai n unconscious in a secret
crypt below the pal ace until the mage's o ri gi- Moorkroft IV, The Elvenbane: AC 9; M U pill a rs. Two fli ght s of white ma rble sta irs
nal body dies, at which ti me Moorkroft 's 25; HD Id8 +4 ; hp 50; MV 120'(40 ') ; lead up to th e next floo r, follow in g the
spi rit m agic jars into on e of the in active d ou- #AT l a , + 4; AL C;S6; 11 8; W 8; DX9; round curve of the walls. Two la rge sta tues
bles. M oo rhef! can do tha t auto matically, at CN 6; C H 7; Save a' - I ; THA C O I I depictin g wa rrio r elves sta nd in the hall ,
a ny di stance, thu s ex tending his life . Sin ce thei r backs turn ed to the stairs.
then, Moorkreft I , IT and HI died , leav ing Spells Available:
M oo rkroft IV in power. T he two sets of stairs lead lip to area 2,
Afl er M oo rkroft 's successive death s, only Level I: Charm (x2) , H old Porral, Dark- above. T he statues on each side of the hall
three bod ies re main : M oork ro ft himself and ness, M agic Missile (x2), Shield have been mod ifi ed by the mage. A sel o fpe r~
the last two u nconscious doubles. If the mage Level 2: Detect In visible, ESp, In visibility, m anent wiza rd eyes have been cas t o n these
is killed , one of the two rema inin g clones Kn ock, Mirro r Im age, Ph ant asm al wall s, all owing the mage, u pon concentra-
awakens and becomes the new mage (see a rea Force, Web tion , to see anythin g ent ering th e hall. If th e
22, T he Crypt). Th e new mage will not have L evelS: Clairvoyan ce, Dispel M agic, Ligllt- cha racters look close r, they see a pa ir of eyes
any of the items th at were on the previous ning Bolt, Fly, Haste, Prorcclion from followi ng all their moves. Each eye ca n be
body, but will rem ember all tha t ha ppened Normal Missiles destroyed with 1-4 points of ph ysical da mage ,
ea rlier, includin g any uncas t spell s. Level 4: Dim ension Door, Ice Storm , Poly- or with a dispd magic. M oo rkro fl may close
As hi s reserve of doubles diminished , and m orph O ,hers (x2) , Polym orph Self (x2) the eyes, in which case th ey beco me in visible.
he grew in ca pa bl e of prod u cin g mo re, Level 5 : Cloudkill (x2), Conjure Elem ental, T he m isty openin g at the other end of th e
M oorkroft searched for oth er ways o fbeco m ~ Dissolve, M agicJ ar hall is the magic portal connected to area G in
ing imm o rt al. H e di scove red , as a b y~ Level 6 : Anri-M agic Spell, D ea th Spell, ScJi na r. If the pa rt y has aJread y used the ra in ~
prod uct, his elixir of life. H owever, tha t did Invisible Stalker (x2), Projected Image bow op lio n, an invisible wall will prevent it
not sa ti sfy him , since he desired absolute Level 7: D elayed Blast Fire Ball, M agic fro m entering the wormhole . It can only be
imm orta lit y. A ft er ce nturi es of e ndl ess Door, Power Word St un, R everse G rav- deactivated by M oo rkroft himself, a nd closes
research , M oorkro rt became mildly in sa ne, ity, Summon Object, S word when he dies. If the pa rt y just ca me in
progressively losing hi s sense of reality. Level 8: Dance, Explosive Cloud, Mind through the m agical port al fr9m a rea G in
Barrier, Symbol Selin ar, it slowl y fades away, leav in g a magi-
Entering the Tower Level 9: Ga rc, M aze, M eteor Swa rm cal circle engraved on th e stone wall . O nly
M oorkro ft ca n reopen the magical ga te.
The pa rty m ay ent er the tower without Th e large oaken d oor opens easil y from
Magical Items: R od of th e Wyn n ( Black
be ing seen usin g the secret passage at th e inside. There is a sec ret d oor on the right sid e
Dra go n), Ring of Sa fety (2 cha rges) ,
northwes t of the towe r (at the DM 's di scre- of the magical po rtal. It opens into a na rrow
Amulet of Protection vs. Crystal Balls and
tion). They could fl y into the cas rl e, but if tunn el th at slopes d own and passes und er th e
ESp, Dagger + 3 of Elf Slicing, Elixir of
they are not invisible, the gua rds on the bat- towe r's moat, endin g in the forest, seve ral
Life (see area 10)
tlements shoot arrows. If th e pa rty fli es too hun dred feet away. If the pa rt y leaves the cas-
high between th e ma in towers, the re is a tle, co ntinu e from area 0 in C ha pt er 3: T he
Due to the incredible number of elixirs he
chance of hittin g one of the three in vJ'sible Elve n Land (scc DM M ap 5).
ha s absorbed , M oorkroft 's presen t bod y
bridges connectin g the towers ( 10 % cha nce The secret alcove on th e left sid e co nta in s a
looks like an old ugly elf. The elixirs' ori gin
per round , Id 10 po ints of d a mage). Openin g releporrcr con nected to th e mage's labora tory
has caused th em to affect him in this rathe r
the ma in gate automa ti call y betrays their (see area 10 on how the rdeporrer works).
peculi a r way: an other reason why he is reJu c~
presence. If the mage beli eves he is in grea t Th ere is a small peep hole in th e alcove's
ta nt to a ppea r to hi s a rmy leaders and nobl es .
d anger, he attempt s to fl ee to a rea 11 , and fl y sec ret pa nel. The two la rge wa rri o r stat ues
Hi s spell book contain s the spells menti oned
away on his wyvern . The palace has a te/e- are ha rml ess stone stru ctures .
above a nd those he has obviously used in thi s
porting network to reach most a reas. How-
ad venture.
ever, al1 releportation mu st tra nsit through
t he m age's la bo ra to ry (see are a 10).
Encounter Key
Moorkroft m akes a mpl e use of this teleport
network again st the pan y. 1. The Great Hall
Wh en he first meets them , if he has bee n
[f the characters left Selinar through th e
expectin g them , he attempt s to trick th em
magic po rtal, they end up in thi s hall . Hthey
into beli ev in g he is th eir fri end by tellin g
decide to leave th e palace , a llow th em to get
them tha t he is the victim of a powerful curse.


2. The Throne Room does no t know exacd y what the cha racters a re of range, the guard s ignore them .
afte r (and cha nces a re a t this poi.nt , neither
The two sets of while ma rble stai rs a re do th ey!). la-b. Watchtowers
se parated from this large round hall by a If th e party leaves the pal ace, Moorhoft
se ri es of thin alabaster co lu mns . The will remain in the observatio n room (area 21) A doorl ess passage opens on a si mple set of
walls, th e Ocor, and the ce ilin g are all to spy. rf the party does not fall for the trick, spira l sta irs risi ng up to the last level of the
made of smooth while marble. rn the cen- or is coming with obvious intenti ons to attack tower, fort y fec t above. Three enchan ted
ter of the floo r appears a circle with a him, the mage uses his projected image to suits of arm or wa tch over the area and shoot
mosaic dep ictin g a large oak. An archway cas t spell s o n the party. From thi s point , a rrows a t intruders on the battlements.
of porphyry pillars ex tends from th e stairs Mo orkroft uses a hit -a nd -run tactic to
to the opposite side of the ha ll , near a cir- des troy them as they advance in to the palace. 4. The Meetin g Room
cula r dais on whi ch is a fin ely carved There is a celeportcrbehind the throne (see
ebony throne. Li ght green ve il s gently a rea 10 on how the teleporter works). The Thi s room contai ns a long mahogany
han g betwee n the pillars, fillerin g th e col- two secret doors open on small turrets. A lad - table with comfortable chai rs around it. A
ored light comi ng from eight la rge stained der is necessary to descend into th e wes tern la rger one, carved in ebony, occupies one
g la ss wi nd ows all a round the room. one. Both contain fi ve enchanted suits of end of th e table. A large ho rn sit s on th e
Through the fine veils you can see a silver armor that will rush into area 2 if there is any table, with va rious frui ts in it. A rack on
st udded door on each side of th e ball . noise of com bat. There is nothin g of interest the northwest side holds dozens of bottles.
in the turrets. There is a chest on the northeast side of
If Moo rkrort is n OI aware of the party's The doors o n the north and south sides the room . A fli ght of stai rs rises above a
presence, let th e PC s search th e area freel y. o pen o n spiral sta ircases. (2 b) co nnects with set of double doors , up to the nex t level.
Moorkroft will be in hi s private apartments area 4 a bove, but the doo r is locked . (2a) ends They are separated from the room by an
(a rea 17; 30% cha nce) or in hi s la bora tory at a metal trapdoor under the m ain battle- elegant archway. A small wooden door
(area 10; 70% chance). rr M ool'kroft is aware ments (a rea 3). opens to the north .
of th e party's presence, read the foll owin g
boxed text. 3. The Main Battlements This room, lit by a contin ual light, is where
M oo rkrofl hold s counci ls, .meetings , and
As you enter the hall , a human oid si lhou- Three large lowers rise from t hi s large banquets. The item on the middl e of the tabl e
cite materializes, silting o n the throne . It round open a rea, fl a nked by twO sma ller is a horn of plenty. 1t can produce enough
is apparentl y an old elf, dressed in while, ones, one on the eas t, the other on the west food to Ieed t 20 people per day (and horses if
holding a long black rod. H e rai ses hi s side of the batt lement s. A se t of large dou- necessary); howeve r, it docs not prod uce liq-
hand in a peaceful gestu re and says: ble doors open into the la rges t of the three uids. It is protected with a fe/cpoI'( any object
"Welco me to our a nces tral land. r have towe rs, fa cin g the second largest one. The spell . Anyone attempting to touch the item
been expectin g you fo r centuri es. Li sten three smallest towers all have a metal without spea king the command words (May
to me, for I have li tt le time to speak. doo r, facing the largest tower. M anyelven T? ... Please do!) causes the item to be (ele-
"Very seldom am r granted the power guard s weari ng pla te armor stand gua rd ported to M oo rkroft 's bedroom (a rea 17). If
10 a ppear in our holy palace . I am th e pro- at the battl ements , some of th em comin g Moo rkroft is the re, the arrival of the item on
tecto r of the fo rest. With the spirit of o ur and goin g between the two small er tOw- his table betrays the presence of the intrud ers
race have I been able to keep the ev il ers. in the M eetin g Room.
ho rdes of tile wizard a t bay; however, I am The rack against th e north wes t wall con-
bound by a powerful curse to remain in The set of double doors 10 area 4 are wiz- tains dozens of very fin e bottlcs of wine, each
th is tower. ard locked at 25 th level. The three olhers a re worth 5 gpoTwelve, at the bottom of the rack
" Return at once to th e holy land a nd unlocked. There is no a pparent door to the contain potions of extra-healing. If the pa rt ;
travel north to our beloved ci ty. Seek the second largest column (to area 12); however, pushes the rack sideways, it deactivat es the
ances tra l sec ret, retrieve it from the deep there is a secret passage that open s wi th sim - wizard lock (25 th level) affecting the double
of the forest and bring it to m e wit h no pl e pressure. doors. The enchamed suits o r armor arc not
delay. Time is sca rce, for ou r defenses are On th e south ern sid e of the battlements is a affected by the spell .
wea ken in g. The wizard is too powe rful metal trapdoor, unlocked, tha t opens OntO a Th e large ches t conta in s plates, sil ve r
and Ihe stakes so inca lcul able . Go now, fli ght of spiral stairs (2a) connecting to a rea 2. knives, spoons a nd fork s, crysta l glasses, silk
my sons, and do not waste you r tim e." Th e battlements a rc g ua rded by 20 napkins and tabl e cloths, ca ndl es, silver ca n-
The appa rition fades away and th e hall encha nted su its of a rmor. Fi ve mo re are wa it - delabra , pipes, a nd rare tobaccos. The total is
becomes oppressively quiet. in g in the guard roo m (a rea 18) and rush out wo rth 5,000 gpo The ches t is not locked.
in case of an attack. O th ers are watchi ng the If characters approach the table, invisible
Moorkroft is in area 12, above thi s room. area from a bove, three in each wa tch tower servants gen tly push chairs behind their legs ,
He obse rves the characters throu gh a magical (3a a nd 3b). The encha nt ed su it s of armor a re open the chest and set the table for a banquet.
trapdoo r that prevent s them from see in g or mindless crea tures. They cha rge into mel ee Invisible servants are merely non-intelligent
hearing him ; howeve r, spell s may be cast by {he sho rtest route possi ble to hack and magical forces that can not be affected or dam -
bot h ways. The mage ha s cas t a projected slash a t whatcver intruders th ey see. If the aged. Appetizing di shes automatically appear
image into the throne room to trick the party intruders are ou t of reach , they immedi ately from the horn of plenty while the servants
into bringing back the object of the ques t. H e sta rt shoot ing a rrows. If the intruders are o ut bri ng bottles of wine and pour their contents


into fin e crystal glasses. Howeve r, no one Moorkroft 's em pire in th e south : th e number B. M oorkroft's Library
should start eating or drinking until the mage o f garri sons surroundin g th e forest, their
sits in his chair, the large one a l the end of the stre ngths, and those of the m ain army (see Bookshelves cra mmed with ancie nt and
table. If someone else sits there or pes start Opt ional War Encounter in the Appendix dusty tomes of all so rts lin e the walls, from
eating and drinkin g without wai ting for the Section). cei li ng to fl oo r, even cove rin g the entry
mage, all the chairs suddenly trap the pes One of the drawers conta in s a qu ill of copy- door it sel f. The middle of the room is
with bands of metal th at sprin g around their ing and an ink po t. The drawer is trapped ,occupied b y a round and two com-
chests. Immediately after, the double doo rs with a sprin g-load ed poi so ned needle. A ny- fo rta ble vel ve t chairs. A book is opened on
open and ten enchant ed suits of armor step in one openin g the drawer without first rem ov- the tabl e.
to capture th e cu lprit s (w ith out ha rmin g in g the trap mu st save vs. Poi son or lose
them). Captu red characters' arc taken and consciousness fo r 2d4 hours. The trap can be The book on the table is a Treaty on Basic
locked up in the jail (arc'a 19). The party's gear sa fely tri ggered by brutally kicking the d esk. and Advanced Arithmeti cs, open at the page
is left in a rea 18. Each round, any cha racter The closet is trapped with a magic mouth entitled "Sim ple Exercises". If the cha racters
may pull free of a chair with a successful roll that scream s horribly if anyone o ther than study the book for 10 rounds or more, they
against St rength (d20 + 5). A rescu ing cha rac- M oorkroft a tt empts to open it. It is locked . find solutions to scales p roblems. If they keep
ter must inflict tcn points of physical d amage The closet contains interestin g spy reports on lookin g, they find that the third problem
t o the chair to free a trapped PC. local nobles' treachery and pl ots, o n Fead or, reveals the soluti on to encounter J in C hapt er
The stairs on the southern sid e o f the room and on the party, as well as fil es on the prepa- 3 (the Scales of Ju stice).
(4a) lead up to the next level (a rea 5). They ratio n of M oorkroft 's invasion of SelinaI' Six grem lins are si ltin g .on a books helf
foll ow th e slanted wall , as the tower narrows (dates, forc es, obj ectives, use of the worm- above th e secret passage. They ha rass the
in its middle. The stairs on the north sid e (2 b) hole, etc.). party as they attempt to study the book , even-
lead down to area 2. The sec ret passage nea r th e closet o pens on tually trying to run away with it.
a sm all turret containing fiv e enchanted suits If the characters spend over six hours
5. The Inner Garden of armor. They rush in if an yone other th an searchin g th e library, th ey find a copy of
Moo rkroft opens the passage o r if th e magic M oorkro ft 's spell book (see N PC capsul e). In
A colorful indoo r gard en grows in thi s mouth starts screamin g. These suits o f armor the process, the party uncovers many books
semi-circul ar room. Large wind ows are have a specia l powe r tha t enables th em to cast on extended li ves, etern al creatures , elixir
regu larly spaced in the cu rved wall on th e a web spell once per day. One blocks the door el abora tions, spirits a nd ghosts, constru ction
south . Two d oors open on the opposite to area 5 with a web, whil e th e others cas t o f artificial bod ies, and so forth. The ove rall
side. A low ped estal in the wes t of th e their spell s a t the characters who close in to value of-the library is over 50,000 gpo
room ri ses above a flowerbed of small blue melee.
and pu rple flowers. Nearby, a statue o f a 9. The Laboratory GaBery
youn g female elf stands in th e middle of a 7. The Art Gallery
fo un tai n . Thi s strange misty corridor is crowded
Thi s circular prom enade di splays an with furniture a nd trunks. The shutt ers
The low ped estal is part of the teleporting incredible collection o f elvi sh a rt , po ttery, on the windows are ti ghtly clos~d, keepin g
device co nnected to the laboratory (see a rea paintings, scu lptures, and ta pestries, reg- th e area d ark . At the other end , fou r eyes
10 on how the teleporterworks). Th e bu st has ula rl y spaced betwee n beautiful sta ined glow in th e obscure passage.
wizard eyes sim ilar to those in area I . glass windows.
The middle door opens o n Moorkro ft 's A seco nd set of stairs, located exactly Enterin g thi s area, invisible or not, trig-
office. It is wizard locked al 25 th level. The above the o nes comin g from the lower ge rs an aUlOmalic summonin g of 2 spectral
other d oor opens o n a se t of stairs (Sa) con- noo r, goes up to the next level. hou nds. Th e crea tures do not att ack th e I res-
necting with area 7, above. A secre t passage passer(s), but yowl to alert anyone in a reas 5
on the southwes t side of the room opens on an Th e stairs (7a) lead in g to the next level are (Q 11 .
invisible walkway. Thi s walkway arches to enchant ed. Anyone goin g up ac tu a ll y The secret passage a t the end of the corri-
area 13, in the southwest tower. There is appears at th e top of stairs Sa, a rrivin g in a rea dor opens on th e mage's labora tory.
nothing else in t he inner ga rd ens. The 7 again . Th e party mu st climb the steps fac-
flowers and the statue are harmless. in g backward to reach th e nex t level. 10. Moorkroft 's Laboratory
The secret passage on the east o pen s on a n
6. Moorkroft 's Office invisible walkway a rchin g to a rea 20, in t.he This chamber is crammed with alchemist
south eas t tower. The secret passage on the
material , several workbenches, chests and
Th is oblong room co ntains a la rge d es k inn er wall of th e gall ery o pen s on Moorkroft's
closets. Crystal containers fill ed wit h va ri -
and a cha ir, sitti ng on a thick bear fur Library.
ous human body part s preserved in g reen
which covers most o f the noor. Fl a nkin g Some o f th e scu lptures have wizard eyes
soluti on crowd the numerous shel ves. On
the desk, two large chandeliers light up as simil ar to those in area 1. The a n coll ection
a fl a tl ab le, stai ned wi th dark dried spots,
you open the d oor. A large closet sta nd s in a rea 7 could be wo rth up to 10,000 gp on a
a ppea rs a set of sm all razor sharp knives.
again st the opposi te wall. human markel.
On anoth er table sits a large chu nk o f
wood, enclosed in a spherica l glass con-
If the cha racters search the pa pers in the taine r. M a ny lubes and wires protrude
de sk, the y find rel evan t info rm at ion o n


Felix: a rea 12, T he S py C hamber to crea te sw irl s of dust a nd straw. Each

fro m ii , co nnected to an array via ls, di s- Qui, area 17, Moorkroft 's Q uarters round , a ny cha racter prese nt mu st roll Id20
till ation tubcs, funn els, reto rts with bub- Potu it: area 2 1, O bservation Room against Constitutio n or cough a nd choke.
blin g glow in g liqu ids, cruci bles, a nd so R eru m : a rea 2, The Throne Room V ict im s of th e d us t ca nnot see, fi ght or cast
fO rlh .
Cognoscere: area l a, The Sec re t Alcove spell s. M ea nwhil e, Bh aa t tri es to break the
In the cent er of th e room th e Ocor is Ca usas: area 5, The I nner Garden roof pa nel leadin g outside in order to fl y out.
engraved with a la rge m ys ti c circl e. T he M-E, a rea 22, The C rypt Bh aat has a 20 % chance per round of break·
foll ow in g wo rd s a re carved on it s bo rder :
T he eighth wo rd , HDe Retro", relUrn s the ing out of th e lower and fleei ng.
user fro m the other re/cporters back to the If the crea ture is slain , the mage can still
laboratory. All the teJeportations occur fro m use his rod of th e wyrm to escape the tower.
its middl e slands a low pedes tal with th e
o r to the laboratory. T he user mus t stand on The mechan ism on the no rth side of the roof
two words "DE RETR O" engraved on
the low pedestaJ and prono unce Ihe magic is magica l and o pens a large pan el in the roof
the lO p .
wo rd in order to be te/eported. I f th e circle is in order to allow the wyvern to fl y out and
Wooden sta irs on the south eastern wall
destroyed , the device ceases to fun ction . hunt fo r food. U nless M oo rkroft locks it it
lead up to a trapdoor in th e ceilin g.
The sta irs ( l Oa) on the southeast side of the rema in s open at night , du ring the entire p~r­
room lead up to th e nex tlevcl (a rea II ). iod th e moon is in the sky. It can be opened
If th e mage was un awa re of the pa rt y's ma nua ll y in 2d4 rounds. The wyvern has
presence, th ere is a 70% cha nce he will be in learn ed when to leave and when to come back
thi s roo m . W hen the pa rty's presence is befo re the panel cl oses. Th ere is nOlhing else
of valu e in the room .
bctrayed by the spectral hound s' bayin g,
M oorkro ft steps on the low pedesta l a nd pre·
pa res a spell. When the intruders enter, the 12. The Spy Chamber
m age cas ts a magic m issile spell , ho pin g to
surpri se th e pa rt y, and at th e ve ry beginnin g A set of spi ral sla irs ends in thi s da rk
of the next rou nd automa ti call y (cleports cha mber, lead in g dow n fro m the upper
away to a rea 5. level of the towe r. T he middle of th e room
His nex t move will be to cast severa l d e fe n ~ is occupi ed by a large comfe rtable chair.
sive spell s on him self(clairvoya nce. in visibjl~ To it s left is a fi nely carved ebon y book·
;ty, ES p, shield), and tipt oe upstairs in ho pes stand. Nearby stand s a low pedestal.
of a tt ackin g the party from the rear. He will A pleasa nt li ght fl ows in to the cha mber
th en cast a reverse gravity in the corrido r, through an opening in the floor, immedi ·
and run away to th e nea rest teleporrer. Hi s a tely in front of th e chair.
int enti on is onl y to lu re the pa rt y away from
T hi s is the labora tory whe re M oorkroft his labo rato ry. M oo rkro ft will never cast M oorkroft will be in this cha mber when he
built hi s clones (see area 22, The Crypt). spell s tha t could da mage his labora tory. kn ows th e pa rry is coming from area 1. Ot h-
Now, he uses this a rea 10 ma nufactu re hi s erwise, th e mage will be in hi s laboratory
eiix irof/ife, brewed from th e esse nce of elvc n 1 t. The Wyvern Stables (a rea 10, 70 % cha nce) or in his quarters (area
spirits. He wo rks fro m the hea rt of an oa k in 17, 30% cha nce).
whi ch res ls a d o rma nt elve n spi rit , and dis- The fl oo r of thi s la rge a tti c is cove red with T he magical opening in the fl oor enables
till s its essence int o a liquid he ca n absorb. a thi ck la yer of straw. A foul sm ell reigns th e one who sit s in the cha ir to obse rve the
M oorkro ft needs one such potio n per mo nth. in the room . Al ong with a heavy cl oak and room bel ow (a rea 2. The Throne Room). II
If depri ved of th em , he would shri vel a nd hu ge equ cstri an tra ppin gs, a stran ge sad - preve nts th e observe r from bein g heard or
pass out wit hin 3d4 d ays a fter the mo nth 's dl e and ha rn esses hang from hooks and seen ; howeve r, spells ca n still be cast int o th e
end . pegs o n a bea m . O n the nOI'th sid e of the roo m (fro m a rea 12 to area 2, or vice·ve rsa).
Th e cl osets a nd ches ts con ta in various roof a la rge mecha ni sm is visi ble, con· The magical o penin g can be cl osed with a dis~
alch emi cal equipm ent of no use to the party. nected to a metal pa nel a nd a winch . pel m agic from eith er side. A (ru e sighr
Along with the equ ipmen t, o ne of th e cl osets Ju st bel ow, behind bundl es of hay, reveals the presence of the openi ng from a rea
cont a ins three vials sea led with red wax. sh rug two hu ge ba t win gs. A la rge. 2.
T hey are ext ra elixirs of life. Th ey have no li za rdlike head looks at you. The low pedestal is pa rt of th e teleporting
efTects other tha n those of a potion ofhealing, device (see area 10 o n how to use the tele·
and stop the na tura l agin g process fo r o ne T he crea ture is Bh aat, Moorkro ft 's ta med porrer). The re is a sec ret passage on the east·
month . wyve rn . If 3u acked , th e wyve rn feigns to ern wall , ope ning into a rea 3 (Th e M ai n
The magic circle is the center of a teleporr· cower in th e o ther co rn er of th e room , whin · Ba ttlements). A peep hole in the exteri or
ing network conn ccted 10 seven o ther a reas in in g mi se rably a l its a ttackers, a nd hiding its pa nel a llows the observer to see if an yone is
the palace. The sent ence mca ns" Ha ppy is he standin g outside, nca r the passage.
head under a pile of straw. Thi s ma licious
who un ve ils the secret ca uses of ma ll cr. M · E beas l lets a nyo ne saddl e it , but immedi ately The stairs ( 12a) spiral up 1.0 a stone sla b,
." Th e two las t leit ers a re M oo rkroft 's ini· obviously part of a trapdoo r, below area 13 .
a u e mpt s to st ing a n y rid e r o th er th a n
li als. Each wo rd of th e sent ence acti va tes th e M oork ro ft sittin g on its back. Durin g th e
(c/cportmion dev ice, sendin g th e use r to a ensuin g fi ght (o r if the a tt ackers o rigina lly
specifi c pl ace: see med eager to kill it), Bhaa t fl aps it s win gs



13. Guard Room

q uiet and mo tio nless. T here is a wooden chest lies aga inst the eastern wall , across
trap door in the fl oo r, ncar a large steam - fro m a fi nel y carved close t door.
Fi ve elven gua rd s, wea rin g pla te a rmo r,
ing cauldron. O u ts ide li ght fi lt ers through Narrow sleps clim b up the slant cd wall s
arc si ttin g a ro und a wood en tabl e, abso-
a series o f a rrow slit s. to a metal trapdoo r in the ceilin g, 10 feet
lutel y quiet and moti onl ess. Very narrow
A wood en bea m crosses th e room , 10 above. On the o ther side of th e room
stairs spiral up the sla nted wall s of the
fee l above th e floor, and several doves stands a whit e ma rble pedestal with a b ust
tower, to a wooden tra pdoo r, 50 fecI
perch on it. The vau lted ce il ing of [he made of a shini ng green stone.
above. Eve ry tcn fec I, the stairs fOfm a
room is 10 fee t above the beam, with small
small platform where arrow slits let QUI -
round ope ni ngs regu larly spaced arou nd The closet conta in s M oorkroft's wa rd robe
side light enler the towe r.
th e walls. (a d ozen long robes bordered wit h various
fu rs, silk shirt s, boots, hooded cloaks, etc.).
The fi ve guards are enchanted suits of annar
The fi ve gua rds a re encha nted sui ts o f One of the pairs of boots is a pair of elven
and attack anyone other than M oorkrofl enler-
armor, a rmed with spea rs a nd bows. T hey bOOIS.
ing this area. T hey are im mune to burning oil
immedia tely a llack a nyo ne enterin g, save The chest con ta in s other valu able lOwels
and fi re, whether natural or magical. Each
M oorkroft himself. If noise o f a comba t a nd cl oths, ivory co mbs, perfum es and soa ps.
guard has been trapped with a special delayed
comes from the area bel ow, the guards pou r T he contents of the closet and the chest
blast fireball that enables it to explode as a 5th
the cauld ron 's contents throu gh the trap amount to 800 gp o The wa ter in the pool is
level fireball once it is destroyed. These guards
d oor. The cauldron is magical; it perma- pl easa n t a nd soothes the characters' brui ses
have strange suicidal tendencies in that they
nently hea ts 100 gallo ns of boili ng oil. T he oil a nd pai ns. h acts as a potion ofhea]ingo nce
always choose a combat position which exposes
causes 6d 6 po in ts of d amage (h alf on a suc- per d ay fo r those who bat he in it. T he water
them to the max im um potemial damage.
cessful Dex terit y check). The oil may also be loses in powers ou t of its receptacle.
If the fi ght gets noisy, gua rds from area 15
poured ove r a rea 3 through spou ts, if th is T he stairs ( 16a) connect with room 17
above pour boil ing oil through th e trapd oo r.
(Owe r is att acked . T he oil refill s in 1d4 hours. above. T hey a rc tra pped . Anyone steppin g
The oil infli cts 6d6 po in n o f da mage to a ny-
A secret door o penin g onto the in visible on thcm without fi rs t sli ghtly ro tating the
one in a rea 13 o r on sta irs 13a (see a rea 15 fo r
walk way [ 0 area 2 1 (Th e O bserva ti on R oo m) bu st is ej ected from the tower through a slip-
detail s).
is located 10 feet above thi s room, at one cnd pery chute, halfway be tween the ce.iling a nd
A secret d oor on the no rtheast wall o pens
of the wooden bea m . Th e doves fl yaway the fl oo r. T he vict im fa ll s direc tly to a rea 3
on an in visible walkway th at a rches lO a rea 5
through the a rrow slits as soon as th e pa rt y (a nd d rops to 0 hit point s), unless he has some
in th e north lower. A secret trapdoor in th e
opens the secret pa nel. A nother secret panel way o f fl yi ng. The guards o n the ba ttlemen ts
fl oor nea r the table opens on sta irs 12a, lead -
o n the opposite side o f the bea m lead s to a th en ta ke the body a nd d um p it into the moat.
ing dow n to a rea 12. The sta irs goin g up
turret o n th e othe r side o f the tower. 1t con- Th e sculptcd bust has a pa ir of wizard eyes
(13a) are con nected to a rea 15 above. About
tai ns an invisible stalke r tha t lea ps on th e firs t simila r to the ones in area 1. h is made o f jade
half way up the sta irs, a secret panel conceals
characte r stand in g on the bea m . He tries to and is wo rth u p to 1,500 gpo T he b ust rep re-
the entrance to area 14.
pu sh the characte r 01T the beam in to the cau l- sent s M oo rkro ft in his twen ties when he was
dro n below. The party can di smi ss him wi th a not ye t a ffected by his elix ir. The faces of
14. The Secret Bartizan
dispel magic spel l. M oorkro ft 's doubles (see a rea'22, The C rypt)
This area is located 20 feet above area 13. It A n yone falling into the ca uld ro n takes 6d6 a re simila r to the bu st's.
is a small turret on the side of the lower, sepa- poi nts of d a mage per round, until he crawls
rated from the stairs ( 13a) b y a secret panel. ou t. The enchanted suit s of armo r (if still 17. Moorkroft's Quarters
The bartizan contai ns three enchan ted suits of fun cti onin g) t ry to p reve nt a nyone from get-
annor with six-foot hooked poles. Theyanempt tin g Ollt of th e cauldron b y pu shin g hi m bac k T his circul ar roo m has no win dows or
to surpri se intruders in the stairs by suddenly with th eir spea rs. If a guard misses its oppo- ope nin gs o f a ny sort, save th e metal trap-
sliding the secret panel open and pu shing or nent in th e ca uld ro n, tha t cha racter may th en d oor on the southern si de. Across fro m it
pulling them into the space in the center of the co me out. Ifallth e PCs a re o n th e bea m , Ihe is a large bed wi th four posts, a rich can-
spiral stairs. Any successful hit th rows a cha rac- gU<lrd s then shOal a rrows a t Ih em as long as o py and long, sil k dra pes, fl an ked by two
ter down the stairs. they rema in in sight. la rge, si lver cha ndeliers. T he bed is cov-
Fall ing da mage is equal to 3d6. V ictims There is a secret pa nel in the ceil ing that ered with a n erm in e bedspread . T he floo r
a re auacked by the encha nted suits of a rmo r o pens into a rea 16 (M oo rkro ft 's Ba th roo m). is made of whi te and blac k marble tiles.
in area 13, if the gua rds have not been The walls a re greasy a nd slippe ry. The onl y Nea r th e bed stands a low pedes tal.
destroyed yet. If the fi ght gets noisy, guard s way o f reaching the secret passage o r the On the wes t side o f the room is a small
from area 15 above pour bo iling oil through tra pdoor lies in the use of a levitate or fly round table with a small oi l la mp a nd a red
the trapdoor for 6d 6 po in ts o f d a mage (see spell . velvet covered chair. H anging from the
a rea 15 fo r details). The o il d oes nOt a ffect the midd le o f the room 's dome, a n ince nse
gua rds bel ow. 16 . Moorkroft 's Bathroom bu rner emit s thi n, pearly wisps o f smoke.
Across from the pedestal on the opposi te
15 . Guard Room A small pool o f warm steam in g wa ter side o f (h e room li es a large si lve r-plated
occupi es th e cent er of Ihi s roo m . Outsid e ches t.
Five elven gua rd s, wea ring plate armor, li ght enters through stained glass wind ows
a re si ui ng at a round tabl e, absolutely regul a rl y spaced a round the roo m . An oak


always be abl e to track it beca use hi s mind is

If M oo rkroft is not awa re of the pa rty's The gua rds a re encha nt ed suit s o f arm or
linked to the item. As long as he li ves, no one
prese nce, he will be in thi s roo m (3 0 % and attack a nyone enterin g, save M oorkroft
ca n successfull y use the item . The low pedes-
cha nce) o r in his la bo rato ry (area 10, 70 % him se lf. Th e gua l'd s have nets th ey use to
ta l is pa rt o f his releport device (see a rea 10 fo r
chance). If th e tfa p on th e stairs (16a) has enta ngle the charac ters. A ches t is located
deta ils). The tube is a primitive telesco pe thal
been trigge red , M oorkro ft steps on the low under th e ta bl e; it is empt y unless th e pa rt y
enables the viewer to sec small d etail s up to 11
ped estal, a nd prepa res to cas t a spell . H e th en has been impri so ned in a rea 19 above. In thi s
2 mi le away. A small trapdoo r is visible in the
tdeports back to his labo ratory immediately case it co ntain s their equipm ent. Th ere is
ce ilin g; it o pens int o a n empt y, dusty atti c.
at th e begi nn ing o f th e nex t round . nothin g of valu e in the roo m . Th e stairs ( 18a)
The secret passage opens on an in visible
There is no ex it from thi s room other than co nn ect with r OOIll 19 above.
walkway archin g to a rea 15 in th e southwest
the tfap doo r or the te/eporlat;on d evice. If
tower. Th e trap in th e Ooor opens on the stair-
t he m agica l circle in a rea 10 has been 19 . Moorkrort 's Jail
well below (a rea 20).
destroyed a nd M oo rkro rt is cornered in this
room , he fi ght s to the death . H e immediately This d ark small chambe r is ba re, save a few
tortu re tools a nd a metal cage hanging 22 . The Crypt
turn s hi s rod into a black dragon. Whi le the
d ragon au empts to hold th e parl y away fro m from the ceil ing, 10 fcct above the ground . R ead the following to the PCs who releport
the mage, M oorkre ft most likely casts the fol- You r infra vision indicates there is a crea- in to this room :
low ing spells in thi s o rder : m agic missile, ture lying o n the wooden noor of the cage.
maze, po wer word stun, poly m orph otbers, The cha in holding the cage is hooked up to After a short period of dizzin ess, you find
and lightning bolt (even a t th e risk o f wound- a la rge winch on the opposite side of the yourself in a d ark cold place, the size of
in g hi s drago n). If the fi ght turn s aga in st room . which you can ba rel y es tima te. A strange
him , M oo rkron reso rts lO usin g hi s magical run e fl ashes in d arkness befo re your eyes.
d agger. The crea ture in th e cage is a very youn g
In case M oo l'kroft is trapped in the room , centaur na med Ca pe rlin g. H e is th e onl y son Th e run e is a perman ent symbol of insan -
but has so me time to prepare, he casts th e fol- of th e c1a nm as ter o fan import a ntlribe, north ity Mookrofl cast o n the south wall of the
lowin g defensive spell s in thi s o rder : haste, of the towe r (see encounter E, C hapter 3). room as a protecti on aga in st pro fan ers. H ave
min d barrier, detect invisibility, shield, p ro- Ca perlin g has th e habit of wa nd erin g each elf ent.erin g th e room save vs. Spell s o r
tcction \IS. no rm al missiles, a nd mirror abo ut b y himself when not given att enti on . becom e hopel essly in sa ne. Othc: r non magic-
image. H e ge ts bo red eas il y and hi s in sati a ble curios- usin g characters fail aut omatically.
A d rawe r in th e small table contains two it y pu shes him to get involved in un comforta· On the walls of this roughly shaped cavern
med alli ons. Th ey are the two mi ss in g magi- bl e situ a tio ns. There is no other ex it from thi s a ppear six mortuary tabl ets. Except for th e
cal keys to the Sa nctu ary (see a reas K a nd L, roo m . low ped es tal standin g in an a lcove , the room
chapter 3). The in cense has no effect other If the characters have been inprison ed here, is bare o f a ny o ther d eta ils. This crypt is
tha n bei ng pleasa nt a nd deco ra tive. The oil they are all shackled to the walls. The guards below the Tower o f Li ght and has no other
lamp o n the table is a lamp o f/ong burning. a re in a rea 18 below, ignorin g the PCs. The ex it than the telcporterlo area 10. Th e na me
The ches t is tra pped, b ut it ca n be deacti - manacles a re old and rusty; allow each PC a o n the ta blets is .. M oorkroft the Elvenbane,"
va ted by a sw itch in a co ncealed holl ow sec- roll against his Strength for each hour of elTort . numbered from I to V I.
tion,located o n th e ri ght side of the lock. The O nce o ne is free, th at character can b reak the The first three graves merely contain d is in ·
characte r ope ning th e ches t has a 15 % other manacles with the torture tools. teg ra ted rema in s o f his fo rm er bodies. Num -
chance of acc ident all y spo ttin g the secret be r IV is empty, except for a small ebo ny
panel, o r a 30% chance ifh e care full y studi es 20. Stairwell sc roll ches t. It is protected with a perma nent
the chest. If the pa rt y d ocs not deacti va te th e explosive clo ud speJl , at 25 th level. It is tri g-
Thi s a rea co ntains onl y a na rrow staircase
trap, upon o penin g th e ches t it immedi a tel y ge red if the chest is opened with out fir st cast-
conn eCl in g to a rea 2 1,20 feet a bove. There is
releases a d ead ly gas. All cha rac ters in th e in g a dispel magic on it. Th e chest contain s a
nothin g of va lu e here. The sec ret doo r can·
room mu st save vs. Poiso n at -3 o r die within black pea rl embedd ed in a golden rin g, with
nects to an invisible wa lk way that arches to
Id4 round s. th e a bility of grantin g o ne wisll spell. Th e
a rea 7, in th e nort hern towe r.
The chest cont a in s ex pensive covers and next twO graves contain du sty inanima te
robes. If th e cha racters sea rch the chest bo t- bodies. They a re youn g men in their twen-
2 f . Observation Room
tom , th ey will fi nd 500 ge ms in a pouch, with ties, appa rentl y twins. They a re cold and
a total valu e o f 50,000 gp oTh ere also is a slate This small room conlains a small table o n seem d ead . If the characters have visit ed area
of idenrifica tion , a wheel o f fortune a nd whi ch rests a sphe rical obj ect covered with 16, re mind the players the faces o f the two
M oorkro ft 's speJl boo k (see N PC C apsule). a dark cl oth , a nd a comfo rt abl e chai r. O n bodies rese mbl e the bust 's in that area. They
one side o f the room sta nds a low ped estal, are the twO last doubles M oorkroft was a ble
18 . Guard Room ac ross fro m a stra nge tube poi ntin g out o f to build . If he di es, his soul enters the nex t
a wind ow. doubl e. " M oo rkro ft V " then pu shes the slab
Fi ve e1 ven gua rds wearin g plate a rm or sit o pen and return s 10 continu e the reign. The
around a table in the cent er o f the room, doubles can eas ily be des troyed .
Th e sph erical object is a crystal ball wirh
absolu tel y ITI OI ion less and qu iet. A lo ng
clairaudience. M oorkro ft uses it to spy on his
rac k rou nds th e wa ll s, covered with wea p-
nob les 0 1' o n th e pa rt y if he is aware of il s
ons. Na rrow steps cl imb up the slan ted
prese nce in the fo rcs!. It is not pro tected , but
walls. to the nex t level.
jf th e pa rt y ta kes if along, M oork roft will


Encounter Setting in g the character until he ages to dea th .

exact dupli cate of th e o ne growin g in the When th e banshee is reduced to less th an half
The sanctuary existed long before the end Feadiels' vill age, in Selin ar. A feeling of
of the elve n an cesto rs' civili za tio n; howeve r, her total hit poims, she enters the eth ereal
pa in and desperation clutches a t your plane for 1-8 days. H owever, she wails once
th e an cient elves modified it to co ntain their hea rt at the sight of the tree.
Tree of Life, their slOry, their weal th , th e more before leavi n g. Once go ne, the banshee
On the southern side of the oblong att acks each cha racter lost in the eth ereal
Treekeeper, and th e mecha ni sm that wo uld roo m is an alta r, atop w hich lies a round ,
recall the elves to life. plane, using her aging blows, until the vic-
black marble bowl w ith twO go lden ha n- tim's Contituti on score reaches O. If th e party
This chap ter is di vid ed into two sections. dles. From th e in sid e so ftl y pul ses an aura
In th e first, R ecalling th e Elves, th e charac- m anages 10 awa ken the el ves (see area 5), th e
of reddish li ght in thi s obsc ure area. ban shee is freed from her und ead conditio n
ters awaken their ancestors' clan and dis- S lowly ri sin g above th e a lt a r, a dark, sh ad -
cover their hi story. In the seco nd , Th e Trial , a nd n ever returns 10 the Sanctu ary. C h arac~
owlike crea ture w ith lon g silve r ha ir utters ters who are still trapped in {he eth ereal plane
the charac ters meet the elves who accuse an inhuman, death-cold wa il.
them of treacher y. Th ey face a co urt and at that lime are released and a ppear under
eventuall y succeed in making th eir point. the tree.
Th e creat ure is a banshee, th e hau nting When th e haunt is defeated' or leaves the
Th e sa nct uary is in th e shape of a slee pin g
spirit o f th e previolls Trcekeeper. S he was not Sa nctuary, read the fo ll owing boxed text:
elf. Th e major part s of the body have th eir ori gina lly a n ev il female elf, but a ft er un end-
importance, for each of them con ta in s so me in g d ays o f a trociou s tortures, she was lu red
information that en ables the pa n y to und er- A wave of goodwill overwhelms all o r the
into revealing w here her peo pl e were. She
stand exacd y what ha ppened and what to do part y membe rs, ev iden tl y ema n a til~g
died o f her wounds as much as o f guilt before
next. The pany mu st ex plo re the fir st four from th e (ree. Lik e an echo, th e a ura Ln
she could b et ray the ex istence o f th e Tree of
a reas in th e sanctuary before it ca n enter the the black bowl pul sa tes more v igorously,
Life, the Sanctuary or the twelve keys. Th e
" head." rf the players have difficulties, the sh edd in g more li ght in the back of Ihe
dismal pa in in her bod y and in her soul mad e
Tree of Life ca n offer limited "empa thi c" room. The word " Al ziluth " ca n be read
her hopel essly in sa ne, a nd so, she fin ally
help . It should not b e abl e to im ervene too on the side of the bowl.
turn ed to her duti es as a ba nshee. H er lO r-
often because the tree is feeble and close to Reflecting some of the light , a si lver
mem ed mind bel ieves th at anyone approach-
d yin g. tab let shines embedded in th e marble
in g the tree, elfor human, is a danger for the
fl oo r. A long tex t w ritt en in th e a ncient
Encounter Key sa nctu ary, so no talking is poss ible . The ban-
tongue of elves can be seen on th e si lver
shee mu st be destroyed.
A. Reca1ling the Elves surface.
Th e ba nshee wails once a nd gazes in prior-
T here is a ppa rentl y no ex it oth cr th an
1, The Heart ity at any character other th a n an elf. If th ere
th c spec tral sta irs a rchin g to the crys tal
is non e, choose one elf a t ra ndo m . If the gaze
platform 30 feet above the tree.
The spect ral stairs en ter this dark room, fa il s, th e banshee uses her ectoplasm ic net in
where mos t of th e li ght is filt erin g th ro ugh ordcr to trap characters foolish enou gh to
Th e party presently is in " 'h e H ea rt " area
th e crystal platform a bove. The b olt am of attack her in melce. Th e n et ta kes three
o f the Sa nctu a ry.
the stairs fades away where it joins with ro unds to co mplete a ft er which any character
Th e bowl is magical and con tai ns a meta l
the grey marbl e noor. within must save versus Spell s o r be pulled
sp here as b ig as a fi st. It is red hot and occa-
Directl y und er th e crys ta l pla tform into th e etherea l plane. Th e ba n shee physi-
sionall y shed s a few low names. It is the bowl
stands a leafl ess, dry tree, desola te sign of ca ll y a tt acks anyo ne who su cceeds the savi n g
of A1Zilulh , th e Element of Fire Ihat is one of
a lost century. Thi s tree seems to be the throw a nd rema in s wi thin th e ne t , pummel-
thc four items required to awa ken the elves. If


Thi s tablet is located in area I .

the pa rl y 3u cmpts to lift it ofT the al ta r, it
(o r Beriah is th e left arm to air -6-X . Th e tex t is written in ancient elvish. Each
seems 10 be slu ck. No ph ys ical e ffo rt no r
Wh en you first come to Beriah, Po wers se nt ence requi res a roll less th an th e Int elli -
magic is able to sepa ra te it fro m the alta r.
is th e On e. Dead becom es th e On e upon gence of the reader in o rder to be understood.
The bowl com es ofT only whe n the pa rty dis-
returning to Beriah-7-X . Praise th e light Each character can try only once; otherwise a
covers the way to open the secret door to area 5
(" The Head "). To do so the pa rty must unveil for Atzi/utll is th e heart to fire - a-x . read languages spell is needed ,
l( D ead is the one, cla im th e device and T here are four sec ret doors in this roo m .
the secret information contained on the four
th e Head shall be yours-g-X . All open up und er simple pressure, except for
sil ver tablets: the one in thi s room , and the
th e no rthern o ne th at o pens o n a rea 5 (The
three others located in the " FeCI," " Left Arm "
The three first pa rt s (I , II , and Ill ) tell the H ead ). This passage requires the m agic
and .. Ri ght Ann " of the sanctuary. T he sen-
sto ry of the el ves' las t d ays. However, the sec- phrase hid den in the four Tablets of the El e-
tences on l h t' Tablets of Elemems arc num-
ond pa rI is more cryplic. It conl a in s the ments. No other magic may open it, save a
bered and mu st be placed back in their o ri ginal
secret phrase th at opens the passage to a rea 5 wish spell (see Appendix). A secret trapdoo r
order, as described below.
(Th e Head). lies behind the alta r and is co nn ected to a set
I n oth er words th e tablets mea n : of stairs leadin g down LO area 6.
Us in g the Tablets
Wh en you come to Atziluth for th e first time,
Wh en th e playe rs rew rite the sent ences the wo rd is 'S pirit ' ... then go to Ietzirah ... 2. The Rigllt Arm
acco rd ing to th eir numbe rs, th ey should When you come to letzirah fo r th e fi rst time,
obtain the followin g tex t: the word is ' Honors' ... then go to Asiah ... At th e end of thi s long stra ight archway
etc. until the pa rty has accomplished a full glows a sma ll brazier, under a silver tablet
And when the end was so close, divine tour of Ihe four pa rts of th e Sa nctuary. The embedded in the wall . It is cove red with
protection was sought for al/ the cla n - J -[ . fir st se ntence th en sho u ld be "S pirit - a ncient runes .
Th e Eldest ordered th e fin al act and our H o nors- Our- Powers,"
wealth buried deep -Z- I. From youngest When th e pa rty sta rts a seco nd tour, th e The tabl et at the end of thi s co rridor is th e
to oldest, all became one with th e holy tab lets say: When you return to Atziluth , th e one of letzirah , the Water El ement. Each
realm -j- I. So the clan went to darkn ess wo rd becomes ' Powers'. go 10 letzirah ... phra se requires a roll less th an th e lnt elli -
uneil the hordes would be gone- 4-l . etc. Th e secon d se Ol c nce th e n beco m es gence of the reader in o rder t o be un de rstood.
" Powers- Raise- AII- Dcad " . Each character may try once, as ex pl ain ed in
Only the K eeper rem ains to tend our At the end of the second tou r, the lasl tablet a rea 1.
beloved Tree of Life- I -II . S he who says: If the last word is ' Dead ', then speak the
decides upon our fa te will awak en th e da n words aloud, a nd the door wi ll o pen.
when peace has return ed -Z- lI . Twelve Tilt T.... t .r "tzl,.h
m agica l keys we re le ft for twel ve So the magic ph rase is : Tilt .Id"t ordrrd tilt nnal .. t .....u, ....Ith
enchanted g uardians to keep-j- lI. And .., .. d ...,-]-1. IIIhtn you n.. t ..... to I.t-
our tree was hidden below the cent er of Spirit H onors Ou r Powers, Powers R aise All zl,.h, ....... 1. tilt Il10,•• Ral.......... tilt 0..
our beloved city -4-fT . Dead . up.n "tu,nlns t. Ittzl,.h-3-K_ Sht who
dt,w.. .,.n .., r.t. will ....... tilt d.n ..... n
The secret of our return to a century of
peace rem ains in lhe Head - J-lIl. O nly
When the words a re pro no unced aloud ,
the d oo r to a rea 5 opens a nd the bowl in a rea
,...............4-]-11_ 0." tilt ,.......r
tilt r.u, ..... nts wli ",aI N' .,I,lts ....
the reunion of th e fo ur clem ents wil/ recall 1 may be lifted fro m its a lta r. ""Its r,... tilt ......t ....-]-111. " .... tilt
our spirits and bodies from the ancient If th e players have d ifficulties fi gu rin g out tr.. ror A.1ah I. tilt rttl to ••rth - 4-K.
oa ks-2- lIT. At the last hour rebeIJious th e tablets, they may get some li mit ed help
Feadiels took a sacred limb from th e fro m the Tree of Life. If a player gets closer to The ta blet is a secret panel concealing a
m other of all-j- TTI. Th en th e traitors Ihe soluti on , the tree co uld se nd a wave of small alcove . It contain s a la rge crys tal vial of
ran, fleeing the Land of Ancestors on lh e encouraging feelin gs to th e characte rs. If th e pure water, engraved with the name of ret-
m agical rainbow, never to be forgiven - characte rs get th e soluti on wrong, they ca n zirah . If magic is detected , th e vial di spl ays a
4-111. still try agai n without penalt y, un til they find powerful aura.
the solut ion.
Wh en you first com e to A tziluth, Spirh 3. The Feet
is the Word. Powers becom es the O ne Tilt T."t .r Atzllvth
upon th e retu rn ing to Atziluth - J-X . At th e end of lhi s long stra ight a rchway
Praise the forest for letzirah is th e right
And ..lItn tilt .nd ...... d... , dl.l.. prot,,-
tI.n ......",ht ror .11 In tilt .I.n- I-I, It O..d I. glows a sm all brazier, und er a silve r tablet
iirm to wa tcr-2-X . embedded in th e wall. It is cove red with
Wh en you first com e to l etzirah , H on -
tilt 0.., d.lm tilt d••I" .nd tilt Ht.d .h.1I ..
, .... - ~ -K. Only tilt II..,., " .. aln. to t.nd a ncient runes.
ors is the Word. R aise becom es the O ne
upon ret urning to Jetzir.1h -3-X. Praise
ou, ......4 T"••r Llr.- I-II. 11M... ,.. rlrst
, _ to, SpI'It I. tilt Il10,4_ Po..... The tablet a t the end of this co rridor is the
the trt.:c fo r Asiah is the fee t to earth - 4-
.., - . tilt 0.. u,.. "tu,n!., to Atzllvth-I- one of Asiah , the Ea rth Elemenl. Each phrase
Wh en you first com e to A siah, O ur is I. Tht Sftftt .r our fttur. t. a ttnt ..r, .r Pfatt requires a roll less tha n the Int elli ge nce of the
the Word. All becom es th e O ne upon " ...In. In tilt Htod- I-Ili. "aI.. tilt r..... r., reader in order to be un de rstood . Each char-
"tzl,a I. tilt '''ht .,.. to ...trr-]-K. acter may try o nce, as ex plain ed in area 1.
retu rning to A siah -5-X . Praise the life


there are seve ral elves chantin g at th e same

Th. Ta~ltt .r A.lah AI the oppos ite end of the room is time, all must be hit during the sa me round
embedded a large golden p laque w ith for the process to be interrupted . If all the
Fr.... young"t t. oldtst, all bttamt ont ",lIh
glowing run es. Ju st above, scu lpted in characters retreat and the chantin g is termi·
tht holy ,..lm- 3-1. Wlltn y.u n,.. rom. to
ancient eivish , appear the word s " Prepare
A.lah, Ou, I. tht UJo,d. All ~........ tho On. up.n n ated , the Fountain of Elements is was led
the fountain a nd cha nt the magic runes as and th e ancient elves lost forever. In thi s case,
rttu,nlns to A.lah- 5-H. T...I•• masl,al h.y.
the Four Elem ents blend in the artifact."
..." Itrt ror Iht ....Iut .n,hanltd sua,dlan. to th e onl y way to save the Tree of Life would be
"tp- 3-1I. AI tht 10" h.u" ,,~.III.u. f ..dltl. to ca rry it away with its roo ts still in its ori gi-
tooh a Ilm~ rrom tht motht, to 011 - 3-111. The dry fountain is the Founta in of Ele· nal ground , back to Selin aI'.
"01.. th.llr. ror ...Iah I. tht Ittl a,m to 01,- ment s. The red hot sph ere mu st be dumped
into the hole a t the center of the fount ain . 6. The Keeper 's Quarters
The two pl ates are th e co rres pondin g recep-
tacl es fo r th e onyx sphere and the sm all jade
The tablet is a secret panel concealin g a This rectangu la r roo m conta in s very little
staru e. The water in th e vial is to be poured
small alcove. It contain s a sph ere of onyx furniture, qui te elegant, thou gh simple.
into th e fountain. When this is properly
engraved with the n ame of Asiah . II radiates The bed is unm ade a nd du sty. O n th e
done, read the following text:
a powerfu l aura of magic. table near the bed is a large book. On the
opposite side si ts a n oaken chest , under a
4. The Left Arm Suddenly, names spring fo rth from the large horoscope. At the foot of the bed sev-
pedestal mixing with the whistling whirl - eral dozen books are pi led up , alon g with
At the end of this long stra ight a rchway wind blowi ng from th e statu e. Th e onyx stacks o f parchments.
glows a small brazier, under a sil ver tablet b lends w ith the rest o f the ston e, turn in g
embedded in the wall. It is cove red with the fountain into precious onyx as well . The large book is the Treekeeper 'sjournal.
ancient ru nes. The water swells and form s a whirlpool If the party read s it , th e story o n the tabl ets is
around the center of the fountain . Then confirmed . It also con ta in s the following
The tablet at the end of thi s corridor is the stea m j o in s the whirlwind, rising up w ith information :
onc of Beriah, the Air Element. Each phrase the smoke and the flam es to the dom e of
requires a rail less than the Intelligence of the th e room .
During her long time in th e sa n ctu ~ ry, Ihe
reader in order 10 be und erstood . Each char- As th e four clemen ts blend together, the
Tree keepe r studi ed astrology. As she got
acter may try on ce, as exp lained in area J . twelve sy mbol s of the star map appear on
more involved , she fin ally understood
the dome and glow with the same fire as
what Fillind yl Feadiel m ean t and why he
the runes. Shortly after, while you chant
Tht Ta~l...r .tllah fl ed. At last she di scove red in the sta rs the
the runes of th e plaques, the run es see m to
true fate o f her clan . She was gettin g too
So tht dan ...nt to da,hn... until tht hOldn burn one after the other, as you pronounce
old to remain mu ch longe r in the sanctu-
would ~. "n.- 4 -1. IIIhtn y.u n"t rom. to the word s.
ary a nd h er hea lth was wo rse nin g.
",Iah, Po"",. I. tht UJo,d. ~... mn tht
Though aware of her fa te, she decided to
On• .,.n mumlng to ",lah- 7-H. And .u, tr.. If the party chants all the runes, the el ves
leave the sa nctu ary to awa ken the next
.... hldd.n ~.Ie.. tht nnttl .r .u, "I•••d awaken in the forest a nd their bod ies are
an,ntral dtl- 4-1I. Thtn tht trait." ,an, ",,- Treekeepe r, as a fin a l ch allenge to desti ny.
reformed from the wood of the trees.
Ins tht Land .r An,nl." th,.uSh tht magl,al She a lso m ention ed important patrol
T he process takes one hour durin g which
activities above in the forest. The journal
,aln~... , ..w, to ~. r.'SI..n- 4-1II. Pral" tho chances are that crea tures from the outer
ends there.
Iishl r., Atznuth I. tht hta" t. nit - 8-H. planes appear in the room , in a las t atte mpt 10
prevent the party from accomplishing I~e
The tabl et is a secret panel concealing a Th e ches t co nt a in s an cient vest men ts,
prop hecy. The en chantm ent the pa rty I S
most of them partially rolten o r lOa old to
small alcove. It contains a small jade statu e reciting requires rhe use of th e four element s
have any valu e. Ben ea th the books is a layer
representing a fat man blowin g with his two in the uni ve rse. This creates a di sturbance
o f red velvet cove rin g a small metallic mirror
hand s around hi s mout h. The statue has a that enrages the crea tures in the outer pl anes.
powerful aura o f magic.
of/ife trapping. 1r is a n elven variation o f th e
T he whirlwi nd is a gate throu gh which the
item described in the Expert rules (page 63).
elemental energy is chan n eled in to the Sane·
The character un veilin g it mu st save vs.
5. The H ead tu ary. The creatures from the outer plane
Spell s at -5 o r be sucked in . The mirror may
enter through this opening.
Th e center of this room is occupied by a conta in up to 10 creatures o nly. II can not be
There is a 30 % chance per turn Id6 spec-
round dry fountain . In the midd le siand s shalt ered as a regular mirro r because il is
tral hounds or in visible stalkers enter throu gh
a la rge ped es tal bearin g the Atziluth rune , metallic . Th e o nly way to rel ease its vic lim s is
the whirl wind . AI least one character o r
with a hole in it s cent er. On the right a nd to melt it totall y, or to cast a wish spell from
a noth er mus t continu e cha ntin g the runes so
left of the fountain a re two small plates, ou tside.
th at the invoca ti on is not int errupted . The
one with the Asiah run e, the o ther with Th e mirror already trapped onc crea ture,
others mu st p reve nt the crea tures from int er-
th e Beriah run e. AI th e base o f th e foun - Jhawan i, a lesser djinni . H e became i~sane
fe ring. Each time the character chantin g the
tain , where water should b e, appears the during the centuri es of utt er lon elin ess .
words is hit, he mu st start again from the
rune of Ictzirah. Beca use of a permanent illusion he cast on
beginnin g. The run es to be recited sparkl e
him sel f, Jhawani appears as a human pil-
again on th e plaque from th e b eginnin g. If
grim , con stan tl y turning a wood en praye r


wheel. If the pes talk to him from the other wil en th e ea rt.h will shake. .. , etc. The use of The cra tes contain the belo ngings of allihe
side o f th e mirror, Jh awani says he is pray in g the star m ap in predicti ng th e a ppea rance of families of th e a ncient clan . Before they
10 be freed of hi s age old pri son . If pes inside th e magi c rainbow is a lso ga in ed , as magic-jarred into lhe trees o f the forest , Ihey
th e mirror try to Sl O p him , he re mai n s exp la in ed in ch ap ter 2, secured their weapons, wealth , and personal
motionless , holdin g hi s head an d sobbin g effects including cl othes, magic items , furni -
qui etl y. 7 . The Workroom ture, a rtwo rk , etc.
In hi s madness, Jh awan i has forgotte n he The fortune accumul ated th ere is incalcu -
was a djinn i. O nce he is freed, roll t d6 every Mound s of perfectl y fla t leaves are neatly lable; however, it should become evident to
hour. O n a score o f 1-4, Jhawa ni in vol untar- piled upon a low table. Beyond stands the party tha t it belongs to their a ncestors and
il y releases one of his magical abil ities, caus- com pli cated equ ipme nt , similar to that should nOt be touched . There is a large chest
ing a dctrimcnlal situatio n for Ihe pany needed to distill alcohol. Man y empty j ars wi th the name of the Feadiels. It is unlocked ,
(crea tes bad food, sta le drinks, fragile a nd vials a re lined up on the s helves sur- a nd empt y. Someone has written o n th e chest
objects; becomes invisible for an hou r; cre- ro und ing the ch am be r. the following wo rd s:
ates a scary illu sion; produces a whirlwind a l
th e wrong momen t - at random) , or eve n The distillery served 10 m ake the oil o(sun- R em ember the nam es o( tlw traitors, (or one
for Jh awani himsel f. At th e begi nnin g, Jha- ligh t necessary for th e co nstru ctio n o f li gh t- day we shall return and punish the sinners.
wani should not appea r as the obvious in sti- ships (see Com pan ion Book Two , page 22).
gator of the biza rre inciden ts. Jh awani is All th e vials are now in a false bottom , in side B. The Trial
frightened a nd clai ms he is the v ictim of a th e chest in room 6. As the party explores the sanct uary a nd
d ivine curse for hav in g ente red thi s holy The Treekeeper used this room to rev ive eventu all y perform s the ceremony of awak-
sanctu ary. a nd process the Tree of Life's leaves for the ening (a rea 5), the elves ma terialize out their
At the boltom of the chest, beneath the future constru ction o f a light ship . trees. They do not kn ow what has happened
magic mirror, ten vials o( oil o( wnlighr arc
sin ce they m agic jarred into their oaks.
hidd en in a sec ret co mpa rtment , each o fth em 8. The Crypt of the Clan With ho rror, th ey di scover that man y of
cont ai nin g 40 ounces of oil. With the vials is a
the tran sformed clven oaks arc now dead .
small go ld en chest. It is magic a nd conta in s
Thi s long hall contain s seve ral dozen mor- The face of the forest has changed ; hundred s
two clven ration s, similar 10 th e ones the
llIary pl ates em bedded in the walls on of the oaks had their hea rlS rippet:! ou t , and
characters were given a t the beginnin g o f
both sides. Nea r the end , a lo ng portio n of their beloved cit y has been eradicated from
thei rques!. The chest has the powe r to repro-
the hall is b are of inscriptions or plates. the realm . On ly pun y rui ns remain between
duce one non magical object per wee k, pro-
The names appearing o n them obviously trees and b ushes, poor souvenirs of a once
vided the item is of vege ta l o ri gins (as an
are those of pas t kings o r q ueens, fabulou s capita l.
elve n ration).
treekee pers, seers, or grea t warrio rs. With a nge r a nd pain in their hea rts, they
T he horoscope shows that lhe Treekeepcr
ga th er a round t.h e crysta l pl a tform , outside
remained in this cloister fo r more th an fou r
Behind the pl ates are the graves of a ncie nt th e sanc tu a ry, wa itin g for the Treekeeper to
ce nturies. (If the part y has not used the rain-
personalities o f the Elven Land's hi story. ff the come out. Instead , they find a group o f
bow option yet, the horosco pe should men-
party starts open ing them , there is a 20% unk now n elves. They immediatel y recognize
tion th e last three places and da les where the
cha nce a ghost appears and forces the charac- the traditional outfi lS o f the much hated
magic rainbow appeared, plu s th e nex t
ters to respect lhe graves o f lheir a ncestors . If Feadiels. As a sign o f th eir u ltimate treachery,
ex pected one in thi s century ( tdtOO + 30 d ays
the part y destroys (hese ghosts and soils the they have pe rmiued hum ans (the dmid and
from thi s poin t) .
lombs, cha nge their ali gn ment to C haotic, and the djinni, if st ill alive) to ent er the holy sanc-
Th e book s piled up ncar the bed arc elven
they become N PCs under Ihe OM's co ntrol. tuary.
lege nd s and lore, poe try, hi story, and espe-
In th e middle of the crypt is a secret trap With out a n instant of hes itati o n , th ey
ciall y ast rology a nd as tronomy. T he parch -
door conn ected to th e el ves' va ult (area 9). sWfl rm th e party, in an att empt t o cap ture
ments are d a maged beyond use. These books
them . The pri soners are bound and gagged .
arc sufficient for a n elf to learn about the
9. The Elve s' Vault They rem ain so for a few days until the
stars. The elf mu st have an Int elli gence of 17
an cient s atte mpt to dec ide their fate . Often ,
and study the books for a minimum o f fi ve
The t rapdoor opens into a deep dark well . some elves come to gloa t over the pri soners,
yea rs wi thout interruption . At the end of th is
The wa ll s a re smooth and the bottom is in sultin g them and threatening them wilh
pe riod the elf mu st roll against his In tell i-
not visi ble. terrible se ntences.
gence. If the roll succeed s, the elf gai ns the
After long hes itation s a nd violent qu arrels
"Seers' Knowledge" (sec below); if not, the
The well is 100 feet deep , If th e pa rty ma n- a mong the va rious families, the elde rs decid e
studi es mu st go on for ano th er yea r, until th e
ages to safel y reach the bo t [o m . read the fol- to finally judge the party, and so prepare a tri -
stude nt finall y succeed s.
low in g boxed text: bunal in a nearby clearing.
For gami n g purposes, th e success ful
scholar is called " H igh See r" a nd m ay fore·
Judging the Party
see important hi storical event s ( 1 % chance In this huge cavern , hundred s of cra tes
per level) a ffecling one or mo re nat io ns. The are piled up , some o fth elll made of simple For ga ming purposes, the judgement will
information thu s gained mu sl re ma in a sim - oak, Olhers cove red w ith si lver o r brass. be held in several rounds during which the
ple clue to the Seer, sllc h as Evil and pesci- Each o f them bea rs the name ofa famil y charac ters wi ll have to answer for their acts.
lence spread (rom the south before (he end of a nd is locked wi th a pad lock or chains. According to the resull , thejury is convinced,
winter, .. , Th e Sable Griffin will be crushed o r not , o f their innoce nce and goodwill. The


druid and th e djinni are not pc rmincd to Parry's Defense: PIS Ihwa rt the part y's ev il scheme of pi Ire ring the
speak du rin g the judgement. Pl eads no t gu ilt y -5 Sanctuary. ]n Ihis case the party loses 5
The bonu s ror extenuating circumstances Pleads gu ilt y as charged -3 points. S ince the a ncien t elves never saw the
is va lid only ir th e part y me ntio ns th e mage in person, the part y mu st prove th is is
described circum stance and pl ead s guilty. At Extenuating Circumstances: Moorkrort a nd not an old elr.. The o nly way
the discretion or the DM , oth er cases or ci r- They are mere d escendants of the th ey can do thi s is by callin g Ca perlin g, the
cumstances may be added. accordi n g to the accused. and Ihere rore sho uld nOl youn g centaur found in the caslle prison .
the way th e adventure developed in this mod- be held responsibl e for Ihe inci- Ca perlin g testifies thai the old elr ha s been
ul e. The tri al should take at leas t six hours dent +1 the enemy o r the ce nt aurs fo r yea rs , a nd that
durin g which Jh awani - ir still alive - The fat e of th e land was known 10 he has bee n dam agin g man y greal oaks in th e
whines a nd lamenls about hi s ftllure rate . He th e m (as ev id e nce, th e rarest. Out ofdoubt,bp the elves use magic to
goes on until the part y requ es ts he be gagged Treek ee per 's diary mu st be study MODl·kro rt. In thi s case the party scores
and lied up . AI leas t o nce durin g the trial , shown) +3 + 5 po int s.
Jhawani should unleash onc o f his powers,
crealing harml ess but total co nru sion . Aggravating Circumstances: Round 2
Run th e rollowing events as indica ted in The part y ha s bee n round in posses-
Charge: T he party is accused or murdering
each round of the Irial. Poinls ro r extenuati ng sion or weapons a nd equipmcnl
Ih e Treekce pc r who cannot be found a ny-
circumstances are awarded to the part y o nly co mi ng rrom M oo rkrort 's troops
where in the sa nctuary.
if the pe s use these argume nts ror their The ce nt au rs tes tiry that the party
derense. Add up the part y's scores ror each a n ac ked them (see chapler 3) -2
Party's Defense: PIS
round, according to their defense. The fin al The parly fo ught back w hen the elves
Pleads guilt y as charged -5
score will d ec ide whether they are judged a rresled the m -2
Pleads no t guilty -3
guilty or not.
Irthecha racters have proo rtha llhey killed
Extenuating Circumstances:·
Round 1 M oorkrort , Ihe pan y may plead nOt guilt y
The pa rt y claims there is no evid ence
and score + 5 po int s. If the part y ca plUred
Charge: Th e characlers are accused of gen- or the murd er +2
Moorkrorl and he is still ali ve at Ih e trial , the
eral Ireachery sin ce Ihei r kin have rebelled The pa rt y proves shc was already
mage wi ll pretend to be an o ld cJven hermit
against the elders' ord ers to remain in the ror- d ead +3
and accuse Ihe part y of kidnapping him . He
wi ll pretend that he actuall y was tryin g to



Aggravating Circumstances: sian of th e horn of plenty a nd o f

T here a rc traces of a figh t in a rea 6 o f the wheel of fortun e which are
the Sanct uary - 2 consid ered cl ve n pro pert -2
The party was a rres ted for carryin g
(.) Do not add bonuses together ; use the cl ven personal effects (from a rea
hi ghest in stead . 6) -2

IT the party calls upon the Tree of Life as a - If the party does not have any o f the it em s
witn ess, the accusation is dismissed a nd the found in the sa nctu ary, no r the twO found in
party scores a fin al 10 Ia i o f + 5 for lhat round . the castle, the pany m ay plead not guilt y and
score + 3 po int s ( in stead of -3).
Round 3
Round 5: The Consultation
Ch,1rgc: th e party is accused o f deliberately
profanin g the holy sanctuary by all ow in g non Othcl' Extenuat ing Circumstances:
c1fbein gs to enler it (vo id if the druid is dead If, in the process of judging the pan y. it has
and th e bod y has been found ou t o f the sane· been prove n !he characters actu ally awoke
lUary, a nd if Jhawani is also missing). th e el ves, add 5 point s to the total . If the ce n-
During this round, ifJhawa ni is not bound ta urs and the g riffons a re called as witnesses
and gagged , he should involuntaril y create in behal f of the party's goodwill , a dd 2 points
a n in cident with his powers. As a result , he for each . AT the DM 's discretio n other ex ten-
panics a nd tries to flee. uating circumstances may be added , accord-
in g to the cases.
Parry's Defen se: Pts Add up the result . If the total is negat ive,
Pleads not gu ilt y - 5 th e pany is cha rged with dis "upt in g the
Plead s gu ilty as charged - 3 ancient s' plan to survive MOOJ·kroft . Th e
part y is stripped o f all eq uipm ent whatsoever,
Exten uating Circumstances: and cast OUI of the Elven La nd .
The pan y proves !he bein g is a If the tot al is positive, the part y is pro-
respec!ful druid +2 noun ced no t guilty. They achieve a status quo
The pany proves !he being was help- a nd th e ho no r o f th e ir fa mil y is re-
ful in saving man y wood la nd lives +2 es tabli shed. However, durin g t he ensuing
Jhawani is no! presen! (th e pany slew bail ie agai nsl the bl ack hordes th e party may
him , or he is still in the mirror) +2 nOI command a ny d ve n troops, alth ough it
may control wood land crea tures.
Aggravaring Circumstan ces: If the lo tal is 10 or beller, th e ancient elves
Jh awa ni crea ted an incid ent durin g treat the party as heroes, and eventuall y
!he !rial - 3 agree to fi ght under ilS ord ers against the
bl ac k hordes. Each of th e me mbe rs is
Round 4 rewarded 20,000 gp in gems.
Charge: The pa n y is accused of a ll em pted
!heft. A t thi s po int the pan y should be
sea rched for any "s tolen" il cms belonging
the elves.
Soo n aft er the t rial is ove r, messengers
bring news o fl wo enem y armies, one ma rch-
in g from !he sOluh , anmher holdin g i! s posi -
Party 's Defense: PIS
tion north o f the volcano. The elves raise
Pl eads not guilt y - 5
!heir army a nd prepa re for the fina l battl e

Plead s gu ilt y as cha rged - 3
(see Appendi x, Op ti onal War Encounter) .
Provided the mage is still a li ve, th e party
Extenuating Circumstances:
ma y requ es t permi ss ion to s neak behind
Weal!h was needed to ra ise an a rm y
ene my lines and deslroy M oo rkro fl. If th e
aga in st M oo rkroft +I
party has alread y killed M ool'kroft , or man -
Th e Trce kceper 's kn owledge was
ages to kill him durin g the battl e ( th at is wi th -
needed to d cfea t the mage +2
o ut furt he r help), th e part y, including
The it ems were in the wrong hands +2
non-elves, is gra nt ed noble status a mong !he
a ncient el ves. The clan o f Feadiels is th en
Aggravating Circumstances:
all owed to rel urn 10 !he Elve n La nd if they so
The pany has been found in posses-
desire .
sion of ilems coming fro m th e
Sanctu a r - 2
The part y has bee n found in posses-


Optional War Event eastern garri sons all retrea l. They di vide into The eas tern ga rri son co rps
hostile factions under the power of pett y nobles loses th e equi va lent. of 1
O nce the pa rty has ex plo red the castle (sec
and pretenders to the throne. They are then ga rri so n, a nd th ere is a 10 %
chapter 4) , it knows who M oorkroft is a nd the
considered ha rml ess to th e forest and the elves. chance M oo rkro ft is kill ed in
need of a war thus becomes ev id ent. In this
The Elven Land d oes not have a strategic actio n. R oll again .
case, read the following ru les to run the battl e.
value and now would be too costly to invade. ~ OO( + ) Decisive Victory: Th e
Soon after th e a ncient elves have been
eastern COl'pS is crushed a nd
awakened , o r if the pa rt y has rai sed a n arm y
Using an Abstract System the main a rm y suffers 4d lO x
of woodl and creatures, th e m age's south ern
1,000 x p in casualti es. There
arm y marches towa rd the forest. There is an If a more abstract sys tcm is d esired to
is a 30 % cha nce M oo rkroft is
impo rt ant difference be tween th e blac k resolve the battles, use the followin g charts to
kill ed in acti on . The elves
hordes at the tim e o fM oo rkro ft I and the cur- directl y resolve the outcome of a m ajo r con-
suffer Id20 xx 1,000 xp in
rent mage's. Sin ce th en , hi s fo rces have sub- fronta tion led by the pa rty.
losses. Th e orcish arm y
stanti a ll y d ec rea sed becau se o f inte rnal Add up th e experi ence point va lues of all
retreats, a nd the el ves win
fri ctio n and tribal ri valry, a nd beca use the wood land bein gs ralli ed fo r the ba ttle,
th c wa r.
Moo rkroft IV does not appear to his army as plus th ose of th e elves (35, 000 xp for the no r-
often as he should . The mage spends mos t of m al elves, + 60,000 xp fo r the 50 leaders).
(-) Add + 10 to fUriher roll s as long as the
his tim e in the Tower of Li ght , seeking the Do the same for the mage's a rm y, givin g
elves occupy th e Towe r of Li ght . Roll a t - 10
secrets of etern al life . The fact the el ven castle the wyvern rid ers a combin ed valu e of 1,200
as lo ng as M oo rkro ft is ali ve.
is standin g is not well accepted amon g th e xp each (s teed included ). Do not count los t
ranks of hi s a rm y. Furth ermo re, some troub le pa t rols a nd d es troye d ga rri son s (see
R einfo rce m ent s a nd ba ttl e conditi o ns
has already been caused by th e Dark Watcher encounter N for deta ils).
described above a re to be a ppli cd with thi s
and hi s plots to ove rthrow the mage. Divide the two totals by 100 and compare
a bstract system. Reinforce ment s may a rri ve
them . Roll percentile dice, addin g the differ-
a t the end of each battle ro und .
Using th e War M achine ence if the elves have a higher total , or subtract-
PCs may pa rti cipat e in th e battle , Add
ing the diffcrence if the orcs have a higher lOtal.
If the War M achine is a desira ble rule , pl ay th eir valu e in ex peri ence po int s to th.e elve n
Find the result on the CRT tabl e below and
as indicated in the ru lcbook. Dependin g on a rm y's lOla ls. H owever, the re is a cha nce
a pply instructions, untillhe battle is over.
what goal s th e pa rty has achieved , vario us some a re wounded , ca ptured or kill ed in
forces will be ava ilabl e to th e pa rt y, alo ng action .·At the end of each round , all the play -
with 3,000 elves and 50 10th level el ves lO ers havin g their cha racters in volved in the
dIDO and add modifiers)-
lead them . wa r mu st roll on th e chart bel ow:
The ma in arm y of thc mage is sta ti oned Result Effect
south of th e forest, off the map . Hi s forces are Battle result Wound ed Captured Ki1I ed
- 5 1( -) Total D efeat: The elvish
5,000 o rcs and ta ke o ne wcek lO get lO th e
arm y is cru shed and th e Tmal D efeat 40-60 61 -90 9 1-00
Elven Land . Th e garri son s form two differ-
El ven La nd totally ravaged . Stalema te 60-90 91 -95 96-00
ent corps, one at the south , becomin g part of
All is lost. and survivo rs Marginal Viet. 70-95 96-98 99-00
the main army when it a rrivcs, th e other
must fl ee. Tacti ca l Vi ct. 80-98 99 00
north of the volca no . Every subsequent day,
- 50/0 Stalemate: Th e elves and Decisive Viet. 90-99 00
the ma in a rm y gets reinforcements; on a roll
the ma in so uth ern arm y both
of 4-5 on a d6: 200 orcs and two wyve rn
suffer 2d 20 x t ,000 xI' wo rth of Scores below th e minumum va lu e appea r-
riders; on a roll of 6 on a d6: 500 orcs and ri ve
casualti es. in g in the " Wo unded " column a rc consid -
wyvern rid ers.
M oo rkroft 's forces occupy the ered " No Effect" res ult s. A "wounded "
To help rind the Battle R atings for War
Towe r of Li ght. The cast ern cha racter takes I d 20 points of damage. I f th e
Machine purposes, all the troops on the PCs'
ga rriso n corps suffers no character fall s below 0, he may be retri eved
side are considered Good Troops (BFR - 95).
d a mage. Roll again . fo r hea lin g.
The wyvern riders are con sidered Elite Troops
0/ + 50 M arginal Victory: The A "captured " cha rac ter should be allowed
( BFR 130), a nd all oth er troops und e r
elves a nd th e ma in so uthern some cha nce to esca pe, o therwise, he is freed
M oorkroft 's command are Fair Troops (BFR
a rmy both suffer 1d 20 x on a dec isive victory.
- 60) 1,000 x p in casualti es. A " kill ed in actio n " cha racter is consid -
There is a 20 % chance th e ered lost on the battl efi eld . If the fin al out -
Batt1e Effects
eas tern garriso n co rps loses come of th e ba ttl e is a " dec isive" o ne , (h e
If Moorkroft dies (or is dead at the begi n- the equi valent of I ga rri son . part y has a 30% chance of retri ev in g (h e
ning of the battle), ( ld4x5)% of th e main R oll aga in . bod y for a futurc ra ise dead spell.
a rmy and 1-2 garri sons will desert the ba ttle- 5 1/ 100 Tactical Victory: Th e If th e o rc ish a rm y has bee n bea te n ,
field . If all the garrisons north of th e volca no elves a nd th e main south ern a rmy Mo o rkro ft th e n a n e mpt s to pe rso na ll y
a re destroyed or have desc rt ed , a no th e r lose3 dl Ox 1,000xpin a mbu sh th e pa rt y in o rder 10 ga in reve nge .
( ld4x5)% of th e ma in a rm y re trea ts. ff cas ua lties. Th e orcs a re pu shed He has los l hi s so urce of etern a l life, he is ra p-
Moorkroft and hi s doubl es are des troyed , and back or held a t th e fo rest idl y d yin g a nd hi s d ynas ty has bee n ove r-
the main army has suffered 50 % or more limits. The Tower of Li ght throw n.
casualties/deserti ons, the main arm y and the is occupi ed by th e el ves·.


Wi sh leav ing [he characte r ex tremel y vulnerab le to a llow a d emi -h um an to ga in o ne additio na l

Ra nge: Special other gaze a ll acks . Hil Die (fo r a max imum of9 for halfli ngs, 11
Duration : Special A wish ca n never be 'u sed to gai n either XP for elves, and 13 for d warves). Thi s affects
Effect: Special o r levels o f experi ence. o n ly hit po inl s, a nd does not change any o f
P ossi bl e E ffec t s: if a wish is used to harm th e othe r sco res (s uch as Hil rolls, elves'
A wish spell is usable on ly by a magi c-u ser a nother crea ture in an y way, Ihe victim may number o f spel ls, ctc.).
of 33-361h level who has an I ntcll ige nce of 18 make a savin g throw vs. Spells. If success ful , A wish ca n chan ge a demi-human lO a
or grea ter, unl ess the spell power is contained the viclim takes half th e ill effects and th e human , or the reve rse. Such a chan ge is per-
in a magica l it em (a rin g, a tali sman, a oth er half rebound s to the spell caster (who m anent and th e rec ipi ent does not become
weapon, CIC.). It is never fo und on a scroll. A ma y also have to avoid it , but with a -4 pen- mag ica l. H aJOin gs and dwarves becom e
wish is the sin gle mos t powerfu l spell a magic- aJt y 10 the dice roll) . A carefull y worded wish fighters of Ihe sa me level. Elves become
user can ha ve. ca n , however, move (i.e. (eleport) a nother magic-users o r fi ghters (but not both), a t the
Word ing t h e Wish : The player mu st say crea lu" e if no harm is d one in the process, choice o f the wisher. Levels of expe ri ence ca n
o r write the exac t wish made by the characte r. allowing no sav ing th row. The savin g throw then be ga ined normall y as in a hum an class.
Wording the wish is very importan t. The lit - a pplies on ly to crealUres, no t their il ems ca r- A huma n chan ges to the same level demi -
eral mea ning will usually occur, whateve r the ried o r possessed . hum an, but nOI higher than the no rm al racial
intenti ons o f th e pla yer. A wish may be used 10 ga in treasure, up to max imum . If the wish is mad e by a nother,
The OM should try to mainta in ga me bal- a max imum of50,OOO gp pe r wish. H owever, the v ictim may make a savi ng throw vs.
ance, bein g neithe r 100 ge nerous nor stingy th e cha raclcr loses I XP per gp value of the Spells with a + 5 bonus to avoid the change.
in decidin g the effects o f a wish. Remember treas ure ga in ed , a nd (his loss canno t be magi- Once a character's race is changed , two
[h al wishes should be ab le 10 do qu ite a bi!. call y restored . wishes are needed to reverse the effec t, and
Even a badly phrased wish , made with good A wish ca n be uscd , if the OM desires, to funher chan ges each require double the pre-
int entions, ma y have good res ults . However, gain the use of a magi c it.em for a short time . vious number of wishes used (4, 8, 16, etc.).
iflh e wish is greedy, or made with a malicious Generally, an y magi c item gain ed is bor- A wish can be lIsed to duplicate an y magic-
int ent , every effon should be made 10 find rowed fro m somew here el se, not creal ed . user spell effect up to 8th level, or any cl eric
d ifferin g inlerpretation s. If necessary, the Artifacts are beyond the powe r of wishes. spell of 6th level or less. Thi s co mmon use o f a
wish ca n be di sall owed, hav in g no effect. Th e cas ler may usuall y produce any item up wish is not subj ect to th e sa m ~ close scrutiny
Whenever a wish fail s or is mi si nlerpreted , to +5 enchantment . The item wi ll remain for b y th e OM , and is likely to succeed with less
the OM shou ld explai n (a ft er th e game) the o nl y 1-6 turn s. change o r erro r th an oth er Iypes.
problem o r fla w in th e ph ras in g. A wish ca n be used to temporaril y chan ge Awish so metim es ca n be used to change th e
Here a re some exa mp les of fault y wishes: a nyone abi lit y sco re 10 a minimum of 3 or a resuh s o f a past occurrence. This is limited to
" I wish I kn ew everything about chis maximum o f 18 . Thi s effect lasts on ly for 6 evellls o f the prev ious day. A losl battle may
(urns . be won, or the losses may be made far less
dungeon" could result in the character know-
ing a ll for a second a nd th en forgettin g it. Wishes ca n also be used to permanentl y severe, but impossible odds ca nnot be over-
" / wish for a million gold pieces" can be increase abi lity sco res, but the cost is very come co mpletel y. A d ea lh in melee could be
grant ed by hav ing the m land on the cha rac- hi gh. Vou must use as man y wishes as th e chan ged to a nea r-dea th sun.:i val; a perma-
ter, and then va nish . number of the abi lit y score d es ired . All Ihe nent loss could be made temporary. The OM
" I wish to immediately and p erman ently wishes must be cast within a o ne-week per- may advise players when wishes arc near to
possess th e gaze power of a basilisk while iod . You may raise an abi lity sco re on ly one exceedi ng the limit of Ihe power.
retaining fill ormy own abilities and items" is point at a time. To raise your S tren gth from Important Note: Wh eneve r an effect is
a ca refull y worded wish that is out of balance. 15 to 16 tak es 16 wisiles. To then rai se it to 17 d esc ribed as being un changeabl e "even with
Characters a rc already quite powerful. Thi s will take anothe r 17 wishes. Wishes cannot be a wish", that statem ent supersedes all others
used to perman entl y lowe r abi li ty sco res. here. H oweve r, multiple wjshes may succeed
wish could res ult in the growth of a basilisk
head in additi on to th e character's own, or A wish ca nn ot rai se the maximum level for ( DM 's choice) where one wish could not.
Ih e growth o f ex tra eyes - withoul eyelids - human s; 361h is an absolute, enforced by
quasi-divine power. However, o ne wish can

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.,.... O!
..J j
C. "~

C haracte r Nam e C I/ Lvl Rank " S, In Wi Ox Co Ch AC hp Save

I. Leadyl Feadi el (E 10) C 10 18 17 II 13 II 2 44 +4

2. Van ar Fcadicl (E 10) C II 17 18 13 11 10 1 36 +3
3. Oylcn Fcadicl (E 10) C 12 16 12 IS 10 12 0 35
4 . Tu ladin Feadiel (E 10) C 10 14 13 17 13 13 0 45 +1
5 . Fcadris Fcadicl (E 10) C IS 13 11 13 15 10 47
6. Qantir Fcadi cl (E 10) C 17 14 12 11 17 9 1 52
7. Myris Fcadicl (E 10) D 12 15 11 13 14 14 3 43
8. C ucurbil l] Pe po (D 10) 13 14 16 13 15 17 4 46 +2

C) Auack Rank (see Companion Book Two, page 23).

1. C hain mail , shield , norm al s word + J, 5 wIT OfPO IVt.'l~ Ring o f Protection + 2
2. Chain mail, no rmal swo rd , shield + 2, Staff of Wi zardry, Elvcn Bools and C loak , dagger + 3
3 . C hain ma il , shi e ld , no rm al swo rd , long bo lV + 3, 10 arro ws + I , Ring of Q uickn ess, potion o f super-healin g·
4. Shi eld, chain mail + 2, norma/ 8\Vorc/ + 2, SC;Jrilb of P ro tection, Ring of SpeJl Storing
5. Shield , plate mail + I, bastard s lVord + 5, Ring o f Fire R esistance, Bag of Ho ldin g
6 . Shield + I, plate mail + 2 cure wounds, norm al sword + 21 + 5 vs dragon s
7. Shi eld , chain mail , no rma l sword +2 flaming, Ring o f R emedies, po tioll of super-hea ling-
8. Wood en shield , leath er armor + I , Sra ff of the Druids, BOOfS of Levitation, scroll Stone to Flesh (x3)

( *) Potio n of super-healin g: trcat as a C ure C ritical Wounds spell .



-, ,
R~"shec "
Ikholde r ul'1.n
13 .. • •
I .. •• •

2- 16
30'(10') "" 9
Aging, l)li r;tly~it, ....,il
I ey". I I cycslalh
Blink DoK
Cen taur
5 ," V
V ]-6/1-6/ 1-6
1 20'(~O')
N "" Ex!",rt Bl mkl

C h' ",era 9" +0 "

6 1-3/1-312-8 120'(40') C II
F-'lfI"n Bn:ath weapon

De"il SWlIle' ~9)

,. , 9' b5 ,, ,.,
[ · 10/2- 12/3-18 180'(60')
120'(40') C II Expcn Charm, .hap,,<;hanltc
D,re Wolf
Displxu lk"J.I
6' 0'
V 2
I ~O'($O')
2- 160r'2-12 90'(30')
M"," Blinks, sl>eCiRI bllc
Whirlwmd. ill usions,
Djinnl ' (Jhawani)


7 +1 '
"V 1·12 90'(30') C 16

<;,-.,M ,ons
Sha llcrh"nSf,

, " ,, mlllt'( r{'tlSla nC"

Dr"!!:,,m. Illack
I)r~Kon.1l1uc -,
7' "
3+3 '"

'" ,
N ",., Comp
Breath' "t~pOIl, Ipdl casllnlj:
Brem h wcapon. 'Jl"11 casllng
Dragon. Gold
Dragon. Rffi -,, 2 .. ••
;:' ' ' '
6 Special
C , Comp
B... ath wfapon, 'I'dl calling
B,-.,al h weapon, 'fI"Ll cast ing
.- 120'{40') Comp C lcri~a1IDruldicai ~fI"lb

D ruid NI>C C9 '·6 N
Dw.. rfNPC
., OS
., ,
Chann. Ipenal

FMhamcd Armor
GhOlIl ' ,
'514 ....
" ,
20 2
l. ",, Ctl.l1
Immune to 011 dIann, sleep
AICmg, pamlysis, Magic)ar
Giani, Fire
GoIem, Am~r ' 6
II +2 '
5·'" 120'(40') C
N 10
Iltrow. rocks
Magic reliit ,
d"ltcI) mv i"blc
o '20" 90 '-30'" 1·10 240'(80') N 5 2· 1'2 pI, of d:unllge on

Gremlin , ,'" V ,
., SfI"cial 120'(40') C 19
"ou nd~
20' r;ldlUl chltolic a urn
Hellhound ,
H/I--I-2- 16
Id6 Or 5<16
C "
16 B...alh ,,",capon.

Slaiker , 4- 16 120'(40') N 12
detCCIS IIIv i"blr
Surprild on 1·5 on Id6
6(} M","
I ron St"I~. Gugan 2 32' 200 2/6 4d8l4d8 60'(20') N 2 B""id Au;u;kcr's ,,",capon " ick.
Comp 10 SUllu ..
Manticore 4 6+I' V

316 1-411-4/2·8
or 1·6(x6)
" Expc n ShOOl1 spikn

~t ffiu... 8
'" I
1· IO(x2)
Basic PClrifinl!lOn, poi",n

Muj,na 4 :;0 eomp
Narwhal 7 70 2·12 IBO'(60') I. 9 CQmp OcletlS t·~il
N,x,e 7 V 1·4 120'(40') N 19 F.xfl"n Ch arm
O~ , V 1·6 90'(30') C 19 Bask
l'ixie 3 I" · V! H IBO'(60') N 19 B... k ln vi.ib!c
1'1,1 rplc W",n" 6
'" 10 2 '2, 1612·B 60'(20') N 8
, ExJl<'"
Swallo,,",s whn1c. PO''''o
Ru", M oniter
ThicrN I'C
I-BI I·812·20 480'(160')

N ""
RutlJ melal

T.....", 2 V 2 2-1212-12 60'(20') N 12 Surprisn on 1·4 on 1d6

6 ... ) . 1-611-611-10 1'lO'(4O')
Troll, G"rgaOlUl"n
.. 51 "
:1 4-24'1--2414-.0 240'(80')
6-36 120'{40')
CQmp R"grn",,"'"
l'yrannosaun" Rex :3 20 F-'ll'<'n
5" V 2-12 lSO'(!>O') N Comp Victims (adt' away
Spn:lrai HQunds '
6 ,n' I-~ 5f1"U 180'{60') N "
20 Ba.ic SpdJculing
Undine ' 4 8' " 55 I 2· 160r 1·10 240'{BO') C 12 COlOI' Sl~iru
Unicorn 2 V 3 1·8/ 1·8/ 1·8 240'(110') L 16 M"," 'r;,Icp<1N 360' Iday
Vamplll: ' 2 "'" 30 I 10 120'{40') C 13 M"," Charm. douhk cOlerKY drain
V 1 2·B 180'(60') C 16 Ba~ic
Wcrewolr 5(9)
" v 2 2·]6/1·6 E ~pcn
Lycllmhropy d'''UK
Wy"un Kmlj:hl
'2 '"
5 V 1-6
C "
16 Expcn

" 19116 TSR Inc. All Rights R",u noed. Prln led In O.S.A.

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