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The amount of people working in ... has increased by more than 12.25%.

 a private company, such as General Motors

 the private sector

 the public sector

What are the advantages of being a government employee in comparison to being a private sector

 A government employee is paid a similar amount of money for their work, but employees in
the private sector will benefit from raised taxes.

 Private sector employees have a better 401K plan than government employees.

 Government employees have higher salaries and better healthcare benefits than workers
in the private sector.

What is the difference between public and private employment trends?

 Public employment trends are mostly affected by the performance of companies such as
General Motors, whereas the private employment trends are driven by “political” markets.

 Economic markets influence private employment trends whereas public employment tends
to be influenced by “political” markets.

 Public employment trends are driven by economic markets, where private employment
trends are driven by “political” markets.

General Motors cannot afford to ... .

 give their retirees the very generous benefits that they had promised

 continue to pay for the health benefits for their current employees

 pay its workers the high salaries that they had agreed to previously

What will state and local governments most likely do if they no longer have the money to pay for the
benefits of their employees?

 They will probably raise taxes on their tax payers who are going to be to the ones paying
for the benefits.

 They will eliminate any promised benefits.

 Their employees will no longer have pension plans.

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