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Subject :- English
Name of Candidate

Medium Date 14-06-2024

INDEX TABLE Instructions

Q.No. Maximum Marks Marks Obtained
 Please read each of the following instructions
1 15
carefully before attempting questions.
2 10
3 10  There are Nine questions printed in English & One
question printed in Gujarati language.
4 10
5 10  All questions are compulsory.
6 10
7 10  The number of marks carried by a questions/part
is indicated against it.
8 15
9 10  Answers must be written in an authorized
Total language other than that no marks will be given
Marks Obtained for the answers.

 Attempt all questions.  Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in
 Your answer must be within the word limit.

 You are expected to show your awareness of the  Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
subject, originality of thought and expression in question-cum-answer booklet must be clearly
grammatically correct language. struck off.


1. Contextual Competence
2. Content Competence
3. Language Competence
4. Introduction Competence
5. Structure - Presentation Competence
6. Conclusion Competence

Overall Macro Comments/ Feedback / suggestions on answer booklet:




Question Q-1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh) 300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the sub- in this margin
ject in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and
expression. It must be well-argues piece of writing coherently and sequen-
tially with observance of grammatical rules. (15 Marks)

1. Tourism in Gujarat: untapped opportunities

2. People would rather Believe than Know

3. Schooling is not Education

4. It always seems impossible until it’s done

5. Artificial Intelligence: The Science of the Future or a Crisis

Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

Question Q-2. Incidents of fire are increasing in the state. Your superior has asked for your opin- C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh) ion on how future fire incidents can be handled. Write a letter in about 150 words in this margin
suggesting needful measures for the same.
(10 Marks)

Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

Question Q-3. Your team of trainee officers was on a visit to a Bio Mining Site for sustain- C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) able disposal of waste in the urban area. Write a report sharing your learn- must not write
in this margin
ings and experience as a trainee officer in about 200 words.
(10 Marks)

Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

Question Q-4. Write your meaningful observations about the following image in about 150 C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) words. (10 Marks) must not write
in this margin

Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

Question Q-5. Draft a formal speech in about 150 words to be delivered by the Minister of C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) Sport at the inauguration ceremony of a World junior Chess Championship must not write
in this margin
in the state. (10 Marks)

Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

Question Q-6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one-third of its C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) original length. must not write
in this margin

Bureaucracy has been viewed and conceptualized not only as an adminis- (10 Marks)
trative organization but also as a cohesive well-knit elite structure of diverse and
disparate elements, who despite a wide differentiation in terms of their background,
education, social status and upbringing are united in preserving their exclusive mo-
nopolistic hold over administration. While the old ICS ethos is still preserved in some
form or other, the new entrants have also a vision of the changed present.
The Indian Bureaucratic apparatus is riddled with newer challenges the
challenges of nation building and legitimating. The new genre of servicemen belonging
to other services are vying with each other to usurp the authority wielded by this
exclusive group. What India needs are a number of apex services to obviate the
necessity of maintaining one apex service to the exclusion of other similar services.
That alone can prevent inter-service and intra-service feuds and create an atmosphere
of cordiality and cooperation among various service segments. The basis of this parity
will have to be parity in mode of intake into the service, followed by other conditions
and modalities of promotion and other benefits which can be multiple commissions to
bring about uniformity in recruitment conditions and promotions cannot be
emphasized. A plural society, needing an infinite number of generalists and specialists
for fulfilling the coveted goals of nation building, a fool proof system cannot be devised
and even the foregoing suggestions have not been made in a perfectionist vein. All
that embody is just hypothetical response to the challenging task of bringing about an
egalitarian relationship among various societies in India.

Question Q-7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) follow. (10 x 1 =10 Marks) must not write
in this margin
What’s more fun than standing still? Jumping up and down on a springy piece of
fabric! This activity is known as trampolining and it’s sweeping the nation.
The idea of trampolining is ancient. Eskimos have been tossing each other in the air
using walrus skin for thousands of years. Firemen began using a life net to catch people
jumping from buildings in 1887. And in the early 1900s, circus performers began bouncing off
of netting to amuse audiences. These weren’t the same as today’s trampolines, but they
show that the idea has been bouncing around for a long time.
A tumbler named George Nissan and his coach Larry Griswold made the first modern
trampoline in 1936. They got the idea by watching trapeze artists bouncing off of a tight net
at the circus. The two men experimented with different fabrics and designs. They found a
winner when they stretched a piece of canvas across a steel frame and held it in place with
springs. They named their device after the Spanish word tr am polín, which means diving
At first Nissan and Griswold used their device to train tumblers. The piece of training
equipment was a lot of fun. They realized that everyone could enjoy their trampoline, not
just tumblers. The men wanted to share their idea with the whole world. In 1942 they began
making trampolines to sell to the public.
Trampolines may be fun, but they can also be dangerous. Experts estimate that more
than 100,000 people hurt themselves while using one each year. Clubs and gyms use large
safety nets and rubber padding to make it safer. Most trampoline injuries happen at home.
Since trampolines are more affordable than ever, injuries are even more common.
These injuries happen for many reasons. People may bounce too high and land off of
the trampoline or onto the springs. From the peak of the bounce, this can be a fall of 13 feet
or more. Ouch. Injuries also happen when many people are jumping at the same time.
Jumpers may collide and cause one another to land in strange ways. Lots of people have
broken bones in this way. Perhaps the worst injuries happen when untrained people try to
do flips. Landing on your neck or head can paralyze or even kill you. But don’t let all that bad
news keep you down.
There are many things that you can do to practice safe trampolining. You can cover
the springs with special pads so that people’s limbs are less likely to get stuck in them. You
can surround your trampoline with a net so that people don’t fall off of it. You can limit
bouncers to one at a time. This will prevent collision injuries. Perhaps most importantly, you
should never flip on a trampoline without professional guidance. You are much less likely to
get hurt on a trampoline if you do these things. Trampolines have been around for a while
now. They have brought a lot of joy to many people. There is no feeling quite like soaring up
in the air and then free-falling.
Trampolines can also be a good source of exercise and activity. They can help people
improve their balance and aerial moves. But they can also be deadly. Be sure that you are
practicing safety while having a good time.

1. What are causes of trampoline related injuries?

Question C and i date s
No. 2. Why are trampoline injuries more likely to happen at home? must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh)
in this margin

3. If you were buying a new trampoline, what advice do you believe that the
author would give you?

4. Should George Nissan and Larry Griswold be credited as the inventors of

the trampoline? Why or why not?

5. Trampolines may be fun, but they can also be dangerous. By this sentence
what does author mean?

Question C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) 6. What does author mean by Safe trampolining practice? must not write
in this margin

7. How trampolines are good source of exercise?

8. What were the other uses of trampoline used during ancient time?

9. What advice author giving to strictly not practice without professional


10. Why most of trampoline injuries happen at home?

Question Q.8 Do as directed: (15 × 1 = 15) C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh) Choose the correct answerfrom the given options (l) as well as write in this margin
the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per the sample
given below.
Sample Ans.: ( C ) (A) (B) (C) I (D)

1. If you agree to work for me I’ll see about you a work permit.
(A) get (B) to get
(C) getting (D) got

Answer : ( )

2. (Change the voice) Who gave you permission to enter?

(A) By whom you were given permission to enter ?

(B) By whom was given permission to you to enter ?

(C) By whom permission given to enter by you?

(D) By whom were you given permission to enter ?

Answer : ( )

3. (Change the narration)

Ravi said to Ajay, “Rahul will leave for Jamnagar tomorrow.”
(A) Ravi told Ajay that Rahul would leave for Mumbai next day.
(B) Ravi told Ajay that Rahul would be leaving for Mumbai tomorrow.
(C) Ravi told Ajay that Rahul will leave for Mumbai tomorrow.
(D) Ravi told Ajay that Rahul left for Mumbai the next day.

Answer : ( )

4. He fell in love with the princess. She fell in love with him. (Form a compound
sentence with the use of correct word)
(A) but (B) while

(C) and (D) or

Answer : ( )

5. I’m afraid I’ve only got (Choose the correct determiner) dictionary and Tom
has borrowed it.
(A) a (B) one
(C) some (D) any

Answer : ( )
Question 6. He is very ill but he’ll pull (Choose the appropriate preposition) if we look C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh) after him care fully. must not write
in this margin
(A) out (B) by (C) through (D) up

Answer : ( )

7. They are thick as thieves. (Choose the correct meaning of the idiom)
(A) Brutal enemies (B) Stupid criminals
(C) Close friends (D) Too fat to run from the police

Answer : ( )

8. Match the following phrasal verbs containing the names of the animals to
the definitions.
1. Monkey around a. to talk a lot
2. Rabbit on b. to behave in a silly manner
3. Pig out c. to avoid doing something
4. Weasel out of something d. to eat a lot
(A) 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d (B) 1-c 2-b 3-a 4-d
(C) 1-b 2-a 3-d 4-c (D) 1-d 2-b 3-a 4-c

Answer : ( )

9. Find administrative term for the “process of classifying, measuring, and in

terpreting financial transactions”.
(A) Auditing (B) Acclamation
(C) Adjustment (D) Accounting

Answer : ( )

10. Which of the following is a synonym of “grovel”?

(A) Ambit (B) Cower C) Source (D) Ken

Answer : ( )

11. Which of the following is not an antonym of “toxic”?

(A) Invigorating (B) Salubrious
(C) Safe (D) Munificent

Answer : ( )

12. Supply one word substitution for “a student/person who absents himself
from class/ duty without permission”.
(A) Negligent (B) Careless
(C) Adherent (D) Defender

Answer : ( )
Question C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh)
13. She was tired but she went to work. (Replace conjunction ‘but’ by ‘although’) must not write
in this margin
(A) She was tired although she went to work.
(B) Although she was tired, she went to work.
(C) She went to work she was tired although.
(D) Although she was tired but she went to work.

Answer : ( )

14. I will never forget this experience. (Change the voice)

A) This experience is not forgotten by me.
B) This experience would never be forgotten by me.
C) This experience will never be forgotten by me.
D) This experience would never be forgotten by me.

Answer : ( )

15. Nobody would believe you because that you say is hardly…………………
(A) Creditable (B) Credit
(C) Credible (D) Accredit
Answer : ( )

Q-9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English :
Question C and i date s
No. must not write
(«&™ Lktçkh) ËkuZ‚ku{kt ð»kuo su{™k sL{™e ‚k÷ Ëuþ¼h{kt QsðkE hne Au Œu „ktÄe yks™k in this margin
s{k™k™k yuf{kºk Þw„…wÁ»k Au. {kºk ¼khŒ{kt s „ktÄe™e ÞkË s¤ðkE Au Œuðwt ™Úke, Ëh ð»kuo
Ëwr™Þk™k rðrðÄ Ëuþku{kt „ktÄe™u ‚{sðk-òýðk {kxu, „ktÄe rð[kh™k yÚko½x™ {kxu ºkýÚke
[kh {nk„útÚkku «r‚Ø ÚkkÞ Au. Ëwr™Þk™ku ÷„¼„ Ëhuf rþrûkŒ {ký‚ „ktÄe™k ™k{ y™u
fk{Úke …rhr[Œ Au y™u yk¾ku Ëuþ „ktÄe™k Ëuþ Œhefu yku¤¾kÞ Au.
„ktÄeS ¼khŒ{kt sLBÞk, ¼khŒ{kt WAÞko y™u ¼khŒeÞ yk„uðk™ Œhefu Ëwr™Þk{kt
òýeŒk ƒLÞk, …ý „ktÄeS™k rðfk‚{kt ¼khŒeÞ …ht…hk{kt sux÷ku Vk¤ku ykÃÞku Au Œux÷k
yks™k ¼khŒ Ëuþu ykÃÞku ™Úke. „ktÄeS™ku ‚ððkO„e rðfk‚ ‚kÄðk{kt $ø÷uLz y™u Ërûký
ykr£fkyu ðÄkhu Vk¤ku ykÃÞku Au. ƒurhMxh Úkðk {kxu „ktÄeS ÷tz™ „Þk íÞkt þwØ þkfknkhe
ƒLÞk, y¾ƒkhku{kt ÷¾Œk ÚkÞk, þkfknkh™k «[kh {kxu ¼k»kýku yk…Œk ÚkÞk y™u rnLËwÄ{o
„útÚkku™wt ðk[™ …ý ÷tz™{kt þY ÚkÞwt. ð»ko {kxu Ërûký ykr£fk „Þu÷k „ktÄe ƒkðe‚ ð»ko
t hkufkÞk, ÏÞkŒ™k{ ðfe÷ ÚkÞk. ßnkur™‚ƒ„o{kt „ktÄe™k nkÚk ™e[u ºke‚ ðfe÷ku fk{ fhŒk.
„ktÄe™e ðfe÷kŒ Ve ‚kiÚke {kut½e. „ktÄe yZ¤f Ä™ f{kÞk.
(10 Marks)

Question C and i date s
(«&™ Lktçkh)
ROUGH WORK must not write
in this margin


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