CDC Web Development Learning Hierarchy

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Web Development Hierarchy

HTML Topics
Part 1 Part 2
HTML Introduction HTML Quotation

Programming in HTML HTML <blockquote> for Quotations

HTML Basic HTML <q> for Short Quotations

HTML Documents HTML <abbr> for Abbreviations

HTML Headings/ HTML <address> for Contact Information

HTML Paragraphs HTML <cite> for Work Title

HTML Links HTML <bdo> for Bi-Directional Override

HTML Images More on Tages -
Debugging Code (Inspect Element)
HTML Comments
HTML Elements
HTML Comment Tag
Nested HTML Elements
Add Comments
Understanding tags (html, body, heading, paragraph)
Hide Content
HTML Attributes
Hide Inline Content
href Attribute
HTML Colors
src Attribute
Background Color
width and height Attributes
Text Color
alt Attribute
Border Color
style Attribute
HTML Styles - CSS
lang Attribute
Using CSS (Inline, Internal, External)
title Attribute
HTML Links
More About Attributes - Hyperlinks

HTML Headings The target Attribute

HTML Paragraphs Absolute URLs vs. Relative URLs

HTML Display Use an Image as a Link

HTML Horizontal Rules Link to an Email Address

HTML Line Breaks Button as a Link

HTML <pre> Element Link Titles

Basics Tags (p, hr,br, pre) HTML Link Colors

More Tags References - Link Buttons
Bookmark in HTML
HTML Styles
HTML Images
HTML Style Attribute
src Attribute
Background Color
alt Attribute
Text Color
Image Size - Width and Height
Images in Another Folder

Web Development Hierarchy 1

Text Size Images on Another Server/Website

Text Alignment Animated Images

HTML Formatting Image as a Link

HTML Formatting Elements (b, strong, i, em, mark, Image Floating

small, del,ins, sub, sup)
Image Maps
HTML <b> and <strong> Elements
HTML Background Images
HTML <i> and <em> Elements
Background Repeat
HTML <small> Element
Background Cover
HTML <mark> Element
Background Stretch
HTML <del> Element
HTML <picture> Element
HTML <ins> Element
HTML Image TagsMore Tages Option -
HTML <sub> Element

HTML <sup> Element More Tages Option -
HTML Text Formatting Elements HTML Page Title

More on Tags -
Part 4
Part 3 HTML Block and Inline Elements
HTML Tables
Block-level Elements
Define an HTML Table
Inline Elements
HTML Table Borders
The <div> Element
Style Table Borders
The <span> Element
Round Table Borders
HTML Tags -
Dotted Table Borders (dotted, dashed, solid, double,
groove, ridge, inset, outsetnone, hidden)
More on Tags -
Border Color

HTML Table Sizes HTML class Attribute

HTML Table Width Using The class Attribute

HTML Table Column Width Multiple Classes

HTML Table Row Height Use of The class Attribute in JavaScript

HTML Table Headers getElementsByClassName()

Vertical Table Headers HTML id Attribute

Align Table Headers Using The id Attribute

HTML Table Padding & Spacing HTML Iframes

HTML Table - Cell Padding Iframe - Set Height and Width

HTML Table - Cell Spacing Iframe - Remove the Border

HTML Table Colspan & Rowspan Iframe - Target for a Link

HTML Table - Colspan HTML JavaScript

HTML Table Styling HTML <script> Tag

HTML Table Colgroup Taste of JavaScript

HTML Lists HTML <noscript> Tag

Unordered HTML List HTML File Paths

Web Development Hierarchy 2

Ordered HTML List HTML - The Head Element

HTML Description Lists <head> Element

HTML List Tags - <title> Element
<style> Element
More on Tags -
<link> Element
<meta> Element

Part 5 <script> Element

HTML Layout <base> Element

HTML Layout Elements HTML head Elements -
HTML Layout Techniques
More On Tags -
CSS Frameworks
CSS Float Layout

CSS Flexbox Layout Part 6

CSS Grid Layout HTML APIs

HTML Responsiveness HTML Drag and Drop API

Setting The Viewport HTML Web Storage API

Responsive Images HTML Web Workers API

HTML Computer Code Elements HTML SSE API

HTML Semantic Elements

HTML <section> Element

HTML <article> Element Author Information

<article> in <section> or Vice Versa Nandan -

<header> Element
Open Source Developers Community
<footer> Element
The Curious developers Community -
<nav> Element
<aside> Element
Telegram Link -
<figure> and <figcaption> Elements

Semantic Elements in HTML - Resources Link Learning Materials (Web Dev)
More On Tags -
HTML Forms usp=drive_link

<form> Element Best Websites -
<input> Element usp=drive_link
Text Fields
Informative Documents
<label> Element Archives -
Radio Buttons archives/

Checkboxes Roadmaps -

Submit Button
Name Attribute for <input>
Important Examples -
HTML Forms Attribute
Target Attribute preparation-checklist/

Web Development Hierarchy 3

Method Attribute ATS Resume Building Guide -
Autocomplete Attribute
How To Be A Good Programmer -
Novalidate Attribute
List of All <form> Attributes - programmer/

HTML Form Elements Copy Rights

<form> Elements These complete data is build by doing research on
learning things so it belong to Indian Opensource
<input> Element
Developers Community The Curious Developers
<label> Element Community

<select> Element

<textarea> Element

<button> Element

<fieldset> and <legend> Elements

<datalist> Element

<output> Element

HTML Input Types -

Input Type Text

Input Type Password

Input Type Submit

Input Type Reset

Input Type Radio

Input Type Checkbox

Input Type Button

Input Type Color

Input Type Date

Input Type Datetime-local

Input Type Email

Input Type Image

Input Type File

Input Type Hidden

Input Type Month

Input Type Number

Input Restrictions

Input Type Range

Input Type Search

Input Type Tel

Input Type Time

Input Type Url

Input Type Week

HTML Input Attributes

value Attribute

Web Development Hierarchy 4

readonly Attribute

disabled Attribute

size Attribute

maxlength Attribute

min and max Attributes

multiple Attribute

pattern Attribute

placeholder Attribute

required Attribute

step Attribute

autofocus Attribute

list Attribute

autocomplete Attribute

HTML Input form* Attributes

The form Attribute

The formaction Attribute

The formenctype Attribute

The formmethod Attribute

The formtarget Attribute

Web Development Hierarchy 5

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