Design Strands

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Our understanding of the strands

A1: Describes an appropriate problem that leads to a design opportunity

- one A4 page or the equivalent,
- approximately 200 words
Appropriate problem - An appropriate problem is one that is worthwhile
investigating, and that is feasible for a Diploma Design Technology inquiry
Design opportunity - A design opportunity is a situation that can be improved
by developing a solution.
What is a problem - Redesign of an existing product with the goal of improving
its performance, environmental sustainability, efficiency, etc., for the user
Development of a new solution that addresses a unique problem based on
user research A design problem that addresses a need in your community
Mood board:
Mood boards are a great tool for creative projects, as they help to set the visual direction of
the project. A mood board (or inspiration board) is a physical or digital collageof ideas that
are commonly used in fields like interior design, fashion, and graphic design.
What can you include in a mood board?
 Images about things that interest you. Example: sports, baking, singing, dancing etc.
 Quotes, you like.
 Colours schemes which speak to you.
 Various designs which you can incorporate in your product.
 Photography
 Textures
 Illustrations
 Descriptive words

Natasha and Mannat- Market and user research: Market researchers look at customer
behavior to determine demands. They unearth statistical, economic, and demographic data
pertaining to a particular industry. Conversely, user researchers collaborate with product
teams to design features specifically for individual users. A lot of user research is qualitative.
The term market research refers to the process of evaluating the viability of a new
service or product through research conducted directly with potential customers. It
allows a company to define its target market and get opinions and other feedback
from consumers about their interest in a product or service.

A2: Design brief that identifies relevant parameters of the problem -

Aditi and Jiya

Develop a detailed design brief that identifies relevant parameters of the

A design brief is a document that outlines the core details and expectations of a
design project for a brand.
- 1 page
- Approximately 150 words
- 2 paragraphs
Paragraph 1
- A PEEL Paragraph that describes the expected outcome of the inquiry
- Describe what specifically will be produced to solve the design
- What will be created to solve the problem
- State the type of solution
- State whether the design will be high or low fidelity prototype
- State how this solution will benefit the problem
Paragraph 2
- A prioritized list of the broad requirements of the solution
- Requirements: Performance consideration, major ergonomic and human
factor consideration, cost constrains if relevant, likely material and
manufacturing processes, environmental considerations, marketing
considerations, time, dimension, or other considerations
Need supporting Images

A3: Develops a design specification that justifies the requirements, based on

the outcomes of the research
Three A4 page or the equivalent, approximately 800 words
Design specification - A quantifiable and testable feature, characteristic, or
element of a design that is used to evaluate the success of the design
Justifies the requirements - Requirements need to be justified and supported
to be valid and meaningful.
outcomes of the research - Every specification needs to be supported by
evidence from research in A1 and A2. Citations can also be included here
The only required evidence for this strand is: A set of design specifications
justified with reference to supporting research and citation of sources. The
specifications should be prioritized from most to least important
The design specification for the prototype will need to address the following
■ Aesthetics
■ Target audience
■ Target market (if different from audience)
■ Function
■ Production constraints
■ Material selection
■ Size
■ Quantity
These should be presented in a prioritized list. Additional categories (e,g.
Environmental can be added, if necessary.

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