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1. Which of the following statements account for the occurrence of land breeze, sea breeze, and
A. I, II, and IV only B. I, III, and IV only C. II, III, and IV only D. I, II, III, and IV

2. Jay and his family went to a night swimming. He observed that the water felt warm even
though the sun had already set. What makes this possible?
A. water heats and cools faster than the land
B. water heats and cools slower than the land.
C. water heats faster but cools slower than the land.
D. water heats slower but cools faster than the land.

3. What causes the cold temperature we experience from December to February?

A. Amihan B. Habagat C. ITCZ D. Christmas season

4. Monsoons are seasonal changes in the direction of the wind, what causes these
A. the difference in altitude C. the difference in position.
B. the difference in location D. the difference in temperature

5. The latitude of an area affects its climate. Which of the following describes the relationship
between latitude and climate?

I. The closer the latitude to the poles, the hotter the climate.
II. The closer the latitude to the poles, the colder the climate.
III. The closer the latitude to the equator, the colder the climate.
IV. The closer the latitude to the equator, the warmer the climate.

A. I and III only B. I and IV only C. II and III only D. II and IV only

6. What will be the season of a place located in temperate zones if the nighttime is longer?
A. Autumn B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
7. Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between the length of daytime and
the amount of energy received in a certain latitude?
A. Length of daytime is not affected by the angle of the Sun’s rays.
B. Daytime is longer in latitudes that receive vertical rays of the Sun.
C. Daytime is shorter in latitudes that receive diagonal rays of the Sun.
D. All places in high latitudes received vertical rays of the Sun all year round.
8 .Latitude is an imaginary line used in locating places, which of the following describes
a latitude?
I. These are lines from north to south of the globe.
II. These lines are known as meridians.
III. Equator is a latitude located in 00.
IV. These are lines that never meet.

A. I, II, III only B. I, III, IV only C. II, III, IV only D. I, II, III and IV

9. If Ana traveled in a place located at 41 degrees North

Latitude, Ed went to a country at 12 degrees North
Latitude while Val visited an island at 19 degrees South
Latitude. Who among the three travelers are closest to
the Equator?
A. Ana B. Ed C. Val D. Val and Ed

10. Using the globe on the right, what is the correct

coordinate of country “C”?
A. 150W, 1500N C. 1500E, 150N
0 0
B. 15 S, 150 W D. 1500N, 150E

For items 18 -19, refer to the graph below.

11. Which of the following sentences correctly describes the given graph?
I. Thermosphere has the lowest temperature.
II. The temperature of the mesosphere reaches -90˚C.
III. Troposphere is the layer found near the Earth’s surface.
IV. Stratosphere has an altitude that ranges from 10km-50km.
A. I, II, III and IV B. I, II, and IV only C. I, II and III only D. II, III, and IV only
12. Which of the following sentences is true about the relationship between altitude and
temperature in each atmospheric layer?
I. In the troposphere, temperature decreases as altitude increases.
II. In the stratosphere, temperature increases as altitude increases.
III. In the mesosphere, temperature decreases as altitude increases.
IV. In the thermosphere, temperature decreases as altitude increases.
A. I and II only B. III and IV only C. I, II, and III only D. I, II, III, and IV
13. The Philippines is one of the countries in the northern hemisphere, why did the country
experience longer daytime in June?
A. Because the Earth is rotating on its axis.
B. Because the north pole is tilted toward the sun.
C. Because the Earth is moving farther along its orbit.
D. Because the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun.

14. What will happen if the Earth was NOT tilted?

A. There will be no daytime and nighttime.
B. There will be a switch of ocean currents.
C. There will be the same season in all parts of the Earth.
D. There will be 24 hours of daytime and nighttime in all places on Earth.

15. Jun was tasked to show how eclipses are formed, he used a flashlight to represent the sun,
a smaller ball to represent the moon and a bigger ball to represent the Earth. How will
he arrange the given objects to show Lunar eclipse?
A. bigger ball – smaller ball – flashlight C. flashlight – smaller ball – bigger ball
B. bigger ball – flashlight – smaller ball D. smaller ball - bigger ball – flashlight

16. What do we observe when the Earth comes directly between the sun and the moon?
A. New moon B. Solar Eclipse C. Lunar Eclipse D. Quarter Moon
Study the figure on the right to answer questions 17
to 19.

17. In what position is summer observed in the

northern hemisphere?
A. Position A C. Position C
B. Position B D. Position D

18. At which positions are equinoxes observed in the

northern hemisphere?
A. A and C C. A and B
B. B and D D. C and D

19. At which positions are solstices observed in the northern hemisphere?

A. A and C B. B and D C. A and B D. C and D

20. The diagram below shows the relative positions of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth when
an eclipse was observed on Earth. Positions X and Y are locations on Earth’s

Which statement correctly describes the type of eclipse that was occurring and the
position on the Earth where this eclipse was observed?
A. A total solar eclipse was observed in position X
B. A total solar eclipse was observed from position Y
C. A total lunar eclipse was observed from position X
D. A total lunar eclipse was observed from position Y

21. Which of the following Filipino beliefs about eclipse has a scientific basis?
A. It is a sign of danger.
B. large animal is swallowing the sun.
C. It is bad to look directly at the sun during an eclipse.
D. Unborn child may be harmed if a pregnant woman goes out during the eclipse.

22. Which of the following shows the advantage of a solar eclipse?

A. Scientists can see part of the Sun’s atmosphere.
B. Doctors can understand the emotions and behavior of mankind.
C. Researchers may take the opportunity to measure daytime and nighttime.
D. It opens an opportunity to economy as we showcase a natural phenomenon for
23.The Philippines is one of the countries in Southeast Asia, which of the following
statements about the Philippines is NOT correct?
A. It is in the western Pacific region.
B. It is located between Borneo and Taiwan.
C. It is in the southern hemisphere of the globe.
D. It is bounded by the South China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Celebes Sea, and the
Bashi Channel.

24. Hannah was tasked to discuss in their class the different geologic structures in the country
and the presence of minerals. She was asked by one of his classmates if there was a
relationship between the geologic structures and the presence of minerals. She
answered yes. Do you think her answer is correct?
A. No, the presence of mineral resources in the country does not depend on the
different geologic structures present.
B. Yes, the rich mineral resources can be attributed to the presence of many active
volcanoes and trenches in the country.
C. Yes, the presence of mineral resources tells us that our country experiences
frequent geologic events such as earthquakes.
D. No, there are no known scientific investigations showing the association between
geologic structures and the presence of minerals in the country.
25. The Philippines is bounded by bodies of water,
which of the following is in the western part of the country?
A. Celebes Sea B. Pacific Ocean C. South China Sea D. Sulu Sea

26. The Philippines is an archipelago surrounded by landmasses and bodies of water, which of
the following are the advantages taken from its geographic location?
I. frequently visited by typhoons formed in the Pacific
II. offers a variety of natural resources
III. provides economic opportunities
IV. experiences a tropical climate

A. I and II only B. I, II, and III only C. II, III, and IV only D, I, II, III, IV
2 7 . A place can be located on the map with
the coordinates of the degrees of latitude and
longitude, using the map on the right, what are
the coordinates of Banaue Rice Terraces?
A. 16.9ºE, 121ºN
B. 16.9ºS, 121ºN
C. 16.9ºN, 121ºS
D. 16.9ºN, 121ºE

For items nos. 28 to 31, study the table below.

28. When was the length of daytime the longest?
A. May 22,2022 B. June 22, 2022 C. August 22, 2022 D. September 22,2022

29. When was the length of nighttime the longest?

A. January 22, 2022 C. November 22, 2022
B. June 22, 2022 D. December 22, 2022

30. Why is it likely to be colder in December than in June?

A. It is colder in December because the days are longer during that month than
in June.
B. It is colder in December because the days are shorter during the month than in
C. It is colder in December because the days are equal to night during that month
than in June.
D. It is colder in December because the nights are equal to the day during that month
in June.

31. Which of the following statements BEST explains the effect of the length of daytime and
nighttime on seasons based on the table?
I. Longer hours of daylight mean that there is a long time to heat the surface of the Earth, and a
short night means the time to cool down is less which results in summer months.
II. A short day means there is less time for the surface of the Earth to warm up and a long night
means there is more time to cool down which leads to the cold months.
III. Longer nighttime means that there is a long time to heat the surface of the Earth, and a
longer day means the time to cool down is less which results in cold months.
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

32. The ozone layer serves as a protective shield for life on Earth, in what layer of the
atmosphere does the concentration of ozone is most likely to be found?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere

33. What are the most abundant gases in the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Nitrogen and Oxygen C. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
B. Nitrogen and Hydrogen D. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
34. What can you say about the two statements below?
1. Greenhouse effect is Earth’s natural process of warming itself.
2. Greenhouse gases include oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
B. Statements I and II are both TRUE.
C. Statements I and II are both FALSE.
D. Statement I is TRUE while statement II is FALSE.
E. Statement I is FALSE while statement II is TRUE.

35. In what phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse happen?

A. New Moon B. First Quarter C. Full Moon D. Last Quarter

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