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Grid Code Requirement Statement

[based on KEPCO Grid Code Documents]


Document No. KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003

Project: Haewoori Offshore Wind Farm
Contractor Name Mott Macdonald
Revision [01]
Revision Description [Issued for information]
Classification Unclassified
Author Mark. Kim
Checker Ashwin Masaraj
Approver Seyyad Aslam

Only the intended addressees are allowed to access and read this document.
This document may contain confidential information and shall not without Haewoori
Offshore Wind’s prior written approval be disclosed to any third party or be
Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

Revision History:
Revision Date Status Author Checked by Approved by
01 06/04/2023 IFI Mark.Kim Ashwin Masaraj Seyyad Aslam

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Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

Table of Contentss
1 Introduction ...............................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose of the Document ............................................................................4
1.2 References ..................................................................................................4
1.3 Abbreviations ..............................................................................................5
2 Definitions..................................................................................................5
3 Connection code of electrical equipment for transmission ...................7
3.1 Determiningb of property liability limit ..........................................................7
3.2 Electrical safety liability limit ........................................................................7
3.3 Protection devices and facilities...................................................................8
3.4 Frequency and Voltage ...............................................................................8
3.5 Cooperation for installation and operation of protective devices, monitoring and control
system etc ...................................................................................................9
4 General requirements ...............................................................................9
4.1 Reactive power supply ..............................................................................12
4.2 Active Power Control Capcity ....................................................................13
4.3 Reacitve Power Control Capacity ..............................................................13
4.4 Voltager Quality .........................................................................................14
5 Validation and Verification Requirements .............................................15
5.1 Communication requirements ....................................................................15
5.2 Real time TSO communication ..................................................................15
5.3 Test at Completion ....................................................................................16
5.4 Grid Compliance Investigations .................................................................18

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Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

1 Introduction
Copenhagen Offshore Partners (COP) is developing 3 projects with a total capacity of 1.5GW. The
Haewoori offshore wind 1,2 asnd 3 are located approximately 80km off the coast of Ulsan, in the
East Coast of South Korea. Water depths in the development area range from 130m to 160m in
relateion to MSL. The folating offshore wind turbine and dynamic cables are considered because of
the water depth in wind farm area and HV offshore and onshore export cable system will be
reviewed between offshore platforms for Haewoori offshore wind 1,2 and 3 and KEPCO Grid.

Figure 1. Initial Development sites

1.1 Purpose of the Document

This document is an Annex to the Employer’s Requirements and the scope is to set out the grid
requirements for the WPP(Wind Power Plant) that is to be integrated onto the TSO grid based on
the TSO requirements. The local governing TSO in South Korea is KEPCO.

1.2 References
Below is a list of documents referenced within this document

Document No. Title

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

H0-송변-기준-0070 KEPCO Renewable Energy Technical Connection Code for Transmission

KEPCO Grid Code
Level 2021.03
KEPCO Transmission KEPCO Regulations on the use of electrical equipment for transmission and
Code distribution_2022.6

Table 1: References

1.3 Abbreviations
Below is a list of Abbreviations used within this document

Abbreviation Description
TSO Transmission System Operator(KEPCO in South Korea)
Employer Developer for project(COP)
CB Circuit Breaker
FRT Fault ride through
HV High voltage
I/O Input/Output
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
KPX Korea Power Exchange
KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation
LV Low voltage
LVRT Low voltage ridt through
OPC Open Platform communication
PCC Point of common coupling
PF Power factor
PPA Power purchanse agreement
TSO Transmission system operator(KEPCO in Korea)
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
VSR Voltage variation relay
WPP Wind Power Plant
WTG Wind turbine generator
Table 2: Abbreviations

2 Definitions
The definition of terms which is used in System connection standards of Renewable energy power
generator is defined as below.

Terms Definitions
Contractor Supplier and Installation contractor for project
The point where the electrical equipment of the Employer is connected
Connection point to the connection equipment also referred to as Point of Common
The point where the connection equipment is connected to the shared
transmission network or shared distribution equipment.

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

The power lines and its switching devices, buses, and other relevant
equipment used to reach the electrical equipment of a specific Employer
from the shared transmission network or shared distribution equipment.
Connection equipment Provided, for new/renewable energy power generators (limited to wind
power, solar energy, and fuel cell power generators), new/renewable
energy power generator monitoring and control systems shall be
The bus that serves as the standard for measurement of voltage or
System connection
active/reactive power connecting the power generator equipment to the
power system.
The collective of all connection equipment and functions used to connect
Connection system the new/renewable energy power generator to the transmission/
distribution system
The power generator producing electricity using new/renewable energy
stipulated in the provisions of Article 2 of Reference 3, and if two or
more units of power generators are connected to the same bus, such
energy power
group of power generators shall be considered to be a single unit of
power generator. For the purpose of this document it is equivalent to the
complete offshore wind power plant to the PCC.
The instructions given by the system operator to the electric operator to
Dispatch instruction maintain the balance in power supply and demand and to stably operate
the power system depending on the system operational circumstances.
The speed of the increase for the active power output of the power
Output increase rate
Differentiated from simple parallel operation (operate by connecting the
private power generator to the distribution system, which is for the
purpose of consuming the all electricity generated internally, and the
Back-feed parallel system is operating in a parallel form where the electricity produced
operation does not flow in to the KEPCO system) prescribed in subparagraph 23
of Article 2 of Reference 3 and a parallel system where the electricity
produced by connecting the power generator to the distribution system
is entirely or partially flowing into the distribution system.
The voltage only being supplied by the new/renewable energy power
Independent operation generator with a portion of the distribution system being electrically
disconnected from the power of the distribution system.
A consecutive or regular voltage change (voltage change refers to the
change in effective or maximum voltage value between two consecutive
Voltage fluctuation
levels maintained over a certain duration and the same shall apply
Equipment installed on the power generator for real-time data
acquisition and transmission, and remote control of the new/renewable
energy power
energy power generator (power generators using wind power, solar
generator connected
power, or fuel cell) connected to the power distribution/transmission
terminal unit
Speed adjustment The ratio of the change in frequency (change in turbine rotation speed)
rate based on change to the change in power generator output depending on the change in
in frequency system frequency expressed in a percentage.
The standard output that an independent unit of power generator can
Rated output
produce while operating under normal working conditions.
The method of controlling the reactive power employed by the system
Set reactive power
operator to be able to maintain a certain level of reactive power output
according to prescribed standards from the connection point.
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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

Reactive power
The method of controlling reactive power to maintain the voltage within a
control for voltage
certain prescribed range from a connection point.
The range of voltage holding defined in the power system reliability and
Operating voltage
electrical quality maintenance standards.
The rapid change in the effective value of the fundamental harmonic
system voltage generated during transient state caused by movement,
Instantaneous voltage derailment, or frequent output change in the new/renewable energy
fluctuation rate power generator (rapid voltage - 59 - change, ex. Refers to the
difference between the maximum and minimum value of effective value,
etc.) expressed in a percentage.
A change that can recognize the intensity of lightbulb illumination based
on the fluctuation of input voltage.
A ratio between the effective value of the harmonic voltage and the
Total harmonic
effective value of the fundamental harmonic voltage and used to indicate
voltage distortion
the level of harmonics generated.
Minimization of shock in the system by quickly separating the
Protective system malfunctioning portion from the healthy portion of the power system
upon abnormal behavior or failure of the power system.
Power generation The modeling data such as power generator impedance, power
equipment generator time constant, etc. used for interpretation of the power
characteristics data system.
Table 3 Definitions

3 Connection code of electrical equipment for transmission

3.1 Determiningb of property liability limit

(1) The property limitation between WPP and TSO shall be established by the connection
point, but the node may be established as the property limitation in the following
1. If a non-standard equipment is connected instead of an equipment with TSO standard
2. If the power generator is connected to a single transmission line;
3. If there is no possibility of utilizing the equipment as a shared transmission network in the
(2) Contractor should support the Employer in discussions with TSO to establish ownership
limitation if there are other technically unavoidable circumstances aside from the
circumstances prescribed in paragraph (1) above.

3.2 Electrical safety liability limit

Liability limit for safety and operational maintenance between the Employer and TSO shall be
established based on the property limitation and the Employer shall be responsible for the
electrical equipment of the WPP and TSO shall be responsible for the electrical equipment of
TSO. If there are unavoidable circumstances due to the state of on-site equipment or technical
factors, the Employer and TSO may negotiate to establish the electrical safety liability limit at a
point outside of the ownership limitation.

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

3.3 Protection devices and facilities

(1) If there are any of the following causes interference or may interfere with the use of
electricitiy for another electricity user or the electrical equipment for transmission, the
Employer shall begotiate with TSO to install adjustment devices or damage prevention
A. If the loads between each phase lose balance significantly;
B. If the voltage or the frequency chages significantly;
C. If there is significant distortion in the wavefrom due to harmonics etc.:
D. If there are other equivalent circumstances
(2) Notwithstanding the previsions of paragraph(1), if especially necessary, the connection
equipment must be changed or a dedicated connection equipment must be installled.
(3) If there are concerns for economic loss due to suspension of use of the electrical
equipment for transmission, rapid voltage change, or open phase due to unavoidable
circumstances, TSO may recommend the Employer to install appropriate internal protective
devices such as uniterruptible power supply(UPS), open phase protection device, power
failure alarm deviece. etc.
(4) The employer shall be responsible for the expenses regarding installation, etc. of damage
prevention devices pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) above.

3.4 Frequency and Voltage

(1) The standard frequency from the connection point shall be 60Hz.
(2) The voltage used shall be determined by either of the following:
A. For the electrical equipment for transmission voltage shall be 3 phase 345kV and
the Employer and TSO shall negotiate to determine the voltage.
B. Initial connection line of the power station should be applied as follows in
consideration of the maximum capacity(total power generation plan capacity if joint
use of connection equipment is appropriate) of the power station. If there are no
issues in the power system, TSO and the power generation business operator may
mutually negotiate to apply changes.

Power station
Connction line
1) Two 154kV lines(lines with transmission capacity above the
connected demand)
2) A single-line may be used at the Employer’s request and if
there are no issues in the system conditions
40MW – 500MW 3) 345kV can be applied in the following circumstances if
there are no issues with system conditions
A. When total generation capacity exceeds 500MW
through joint use of connection equipment with another
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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

B. When 154kV connection to the nearest substation from

the substation or power station that the customer
whshes to connect at 345kV is not possible: Provided,
condition for consent for mandatory utilization of joint
connection equipment with a follow-up power
generation business operator if there is no possibility of
additional utilization of the connection equipment based
on the Master Plan for Electricity Supply and
Demand(includes submission of letter of intent), electric
utility license etc. shall be required.
1) Two 345kV transmission lines(ACSR 480mm 2×2B or lines
with equivalent or higher transmission capacity)
500MW – 1000GW 2) Two 154kV transmission liens who two routes(ACSR
410mm2 × 2B or lines with equivalent or higher
transmission capacity)
Table 4 Power station connection voltage and line based on maximum transmission capacity

3.5 Cooperation for installation and operation of protective devices, monitoring

and control system etc
(1) The contractor should support the Employer and TSO shall mutually negotiate on the
installation, correction and operation of protective devices and circuit breaker control
devices related to the use of electrical equipment for transmission.
(2) The contractor should support the Employer in mutually negotiating with TSO when working
on the protective realys related to the connection equipment, and AC and DC wiring used
for protection and control.
(3) If necessary, the WPP may request TSO to suspend or activate the functions of auto-
reclosing for the circuit breaker of the substation. The details shall be determined through
negotiation between the Employer and TSO.
(4) The Employer must install and operate the monitoring and control system for acquisition/
transmission of real time data and monoitoring and remote control of the WPP to
requirement in section 4 below.

4 General requirements
The following sections are the relevant performance requirements of wind turbine technology
extracted from grid code above. However, the Employer shall provide WTGs that complies with the
Grid Code requirements in items listed as below.

(1) The WTG with double-fed induction generator or an equivalent generator in consideration
of transient stability and voltage stability of the power system shall be installed.
(2) The WPP shall have a collector bus which can gather generation capacity to obtain
smoothing effect for the output fluctuation to connect TSO system. The number of collector
bus shall be determined in consideration of the final capacity of generation and voltage
stabgility of power system.
(3) The WTG shall be equipped with frequency variation relay(ROCOF) and phase voltage
variation relay(VSR) or relevant protection function to prevent turbine from starting up, cut-
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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

in and operation during grid output, preventing island operating effect.

(4) The WTG shall be capable to cut-out and follow to shut down immediately and not be in
operation during grid outage. The turbine shall be equipped with relay or relevant function
to detect grid low voltage.
(5) WTG shall be able cut in and syncrhronize with grid automatically.
(6) WTG shall be capable to prevent from automatic cut-in and ensure disconnection in case of
grid outage. For the avoidance of the doubt, disconnection can be done at LV side of the
WTG transformer.
(7) When desired, for instance, for periods of long grid outage, the WTGs shall be equipped
with a self-sustained turbine(“SST”) for charging the UPS battery and maintaining the
auxiliary components consumption.
(8) The SST shall be powered by the WTG roter and sourced from the generator and shall
auto matically commence charging of the UPS batteries if a lack of grid power is detected
and low UPS charging level.
(9) Maintain performance capable of supplying reactive power between lagging power factor of
0.9 and leading power factor of 0.95 based on the rated output (MW) at the rated voltage.
(10) A power generator should be capable of operating continuously within the range of
±5% of the rated terminal voltage at the rated output (a power generator does not need to
operate continuously outside of such voltage range to satisfy the reactive power capacity of
the power generator).
(11) WTG shall be equipped with high or low frequency relay(81H/81L) or relevant
function that WTG shall not trip or shut-down within the frequency ragne between 58.5Hz –
61.5Hz. It just shall be available to operate more than 20 seconds in range between 58.5Hz
– 57.5Hz (permit breaking tht circuit of the power generator below 57Hz).
(12) Contractor shall provide document, to prove the protection relays or protection
device of WTG complied with IEC or ANSI or IEEE or UL or VDE standard.
(13) WTG shall not cause variation of +/- 2.5 % of rated voltage based on the electrical
power plat grid model provided by the contractor.
(14) WTG should be equipped with the function of Low Voltage Ride Through(LVRT).
A. Withstand rated voltage at the low voltage side of the wind turbine transformer drop to
minimum residual voltage of 0%.
B. Voltage drop to minimum residual voltage of 0%
C. The WTG must stay connected to the grid for at lease 150ms (0.15 seconds) if rated
voltage at the low voltage side of the wind turbine transformer drop to minimum residual
voltage level(0%)
D. Voltage recovery profile : 90% recovery within 1350ms (1.35 seconds) after eliminating
the cause of failure.
E. The WTG must stay connected to the grid if raged voltage is between 90% and 110% of
nominal pu voltage at the low voltage side of the wind turbine transformer.

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

The WTG must in continuous operation during the grid disturbances as shown on Figure 2. In case
of discrepancy between graph and text above prevails.

Figure 2 Fault Rid Through Capacity Curve

(15) The WTG shall be equipped with the reactive ecurrent supply capacity that meets
the conditions portrayed in Figure 3 within three(3) cycles after the failure to support system
voltage. The criteria for connection point voltage(1pu) shall apply the average value for a
minute prior to the failure and the measured value after 100ms(0.1 seconds) shall be in the
range of error of ± 20%. In case of discrepancy between graph and text, text above

Figure 3 Reactive Current Supply Capacity after Failure

(16) After the cause of failure has been eliminated, the WTG shall be capable of
producing the active power which is the same prior to failure within five(5) seconds after the
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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

connection point voltage is restored to the range of contunuous operating voltage.

(17) The WTG shall be capable to connect with grid and operate within the range
between 0.9pu and 1.1 pu of rated voltage. The wind turbine’s target voltage shall stay
between 0.95pu and 1.05pu to supprot the best possible performance by staying within the
opeation limits. However Emplyier recognizes the maximal switchgear voltage level of
(18) Power plant Controller (PPC) shall have the capability to regulate power and
voltage/reactive power/power factor at point of common coupling(PCC) in substation in
coordination with grid operator fulfilling the following:
A. The WTG shall be capble to operate within the range of 0.95 lagging inductive to 0.95
leading capacitive power factor at LV side of the WTG transformer.
B. The WTG configuration setting shall be capable to adjust active power and
voltage/reactive power/ power factor in coordination with TSO.

4.1 Reactive power supply

The WTG shall be equipped with the reactive power supply capacity depending on the
active power output within the range of operating voltage as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Range of Reactive Power Supply depending on Active Power Output

A. Active power output between 100% - 20% : Absorb or supply reactive equivalent to 33% of
the rated output of active power.

B. Active power output between 20% - 0% : Linear reduction of supply capacity depending on
reduction of active power output.

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

C. Tolerance for reactive power in normal state should be below 5%.

D. If the WTG connot independently supply the reactive power specified in Figure 4, a
separate reactive power supplying equipment such as STATCOM and SVC etc. may be
applied to supply reactive power.

The contractor must give the Employer a diagram that shows the guaranteed reactive power
capability of the wind turbine generator(WTG) at different voltage levels within the normal operating
range. The diagram must also include normal voltage operation envelope curves for 90% and
110% of the norminal voltage level as well as the abourmal voltage operation ragne between 85%
to 90% and between 110% to 115% of nominal voltage at the low voltage side of the wind turbine
transformer. The WTG’s reactive power capability must not be intentionally limited.

4.2 Active Power Control Capcity

The WTG should be able to reduce the output of active power down up to 20% of the related
output within five(5) seconds after the instructions are given by the sysem operator.
The converter of the WTG should be capbel of governor free response for high and low
frequencies and equipped with the control capacity to perform corrections as shown in Table 5
below depending on the chagne in frequncy.

Category Setup Tolerance

Output adjustment rate depending on
frequency change

Dead zone Less than 0.06% of the frequency

Table 5 Range of Governer Free Response Setup

If a WTG is operating above the minimum output, the upper limit for the output should be
adjustable to prevent the average value of active power production measured in each 10 minutes
interval exceeding the set value.

The WTG Inverter should be equipped with a control capacity to restrict the speed of active power
output increase/decrease up to below 10% of the rated output within a minute after instruction
given by the system operator.
The Contractor shall support the Employer in testing the WTG avtive power supply capacity and
provide the results to TSO, where New/Renewable Energy Power Generator Testing Procedure
Manual in Reference 4 shall apply for test items, pass/fail criteria, etc.

4.3 Reacitve Power Control Capacity

The WTG shall be capable of performing one of the functions instructed by the system operator
among the following three types of reactive power control method.
(1) MVar control mode: The power generator should be capable of being controlled to produce
a certain amount of reactive power within the range prescribed in Article 7 of the
Reference 5 - Electric Utility Act regardless of the active power output.
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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

(2) PF control mode: The power generator should be capable of reactive power output control
depending on the change in active power to produce output at a certain power factor.
(3) V-Q control mode: The power generator should be capable of being controlled to produce
reactive power automatically depending on the voltage.
The Contractor shall support the Employer in testing the WTG reactive power control capacity
(MVar control mode, PF control mode, V-Q control mode) and provide the results to KEPCO,
where New/Renewable Energy Power Generator Testing Procedure Manual shall apply for test
items, pass/fail criteria, etc.

4.4 Voltager Quality

The WPP shall maintain the flicker and harmonic control, and 3-phase voltage unbalance within
the standard prescribed in “Regulations on the use of electrical equipment for transmission and
distribution” under performance standards of electrical equipment for transmission:
(1) Permissible Flicker:

Category Permissible Level Remark

Estimation Below 2.5% Indicate as the maximum voltage fluctuation

Actual Measurement Below 0.45%V Indicate as ΔV10 and this refers to the average

over an hour

Table 6 Permissible Flicker

(2) Permissible Levels of Hormonics(at PCC):

Instrantanuous voltage fluctuation rate from connection upon a renewable energy power
generator connecting to the system should not exceed the following acceptable harmonic
levels from the connection point(PCC) depending on the frequency of change.

Transmission system Total harmonic voltage distortion Remark

22.9kV(dedicated line) Below 5.0%

70 – 154kV Below 2.5%

Table 7 Permissible level of harmonics

(3) Voltage unbalance factor: Less than 3%. This value may be exceeded if the electrical
equipment for transmission is in an abnormal state or when the circuits are being
The WTG shall be capable of operating continuously within the voltage holding range which is set
in the power system reliability, Electricity Quality Maintenance Standards and Regulations on the
use of electrical equipment for transmission and distribution in “KEPCO Regulation on the use of

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

electrical equipment for transmission and distribution” and “KEPCO Renewable Energy Technical
Connectio Code for Transmission Level”.
A) 345kV : 345 ± 5% (328kV – 362kV)

5 Validation and Verification Requirements

5.1 Communication requirements

The Employer shall install equipment to monitor power generator, connection status,
active.reactive power output, operating power factor, voltage etc. and provide relevant information.
The following signals shall be available to exchange via the protocol of in OPC or mudbus or IEC
104 protocal;
(1) Overall active power of the whole wind farm(MW)
(2) Overall active power production of the whole wind farm every hour(MWh)
(3) Overall reactive power of the whole wind farm(MVAr)
(4) Overall reactive power production of the whole wind farm every hour(MVARh)
(5) Overall current of the whole wind farm (A)
(6) Voltage of th whole widn farm(kV0
(7) The status of CB, D/C and E/S of WTG switchgear
(8) The status of SF6 alarm in HV Switchgear(if applicable)
(9) Wind speed
(10) Wind directions
(11) Surrounding temperature and number of operating turbines
The Contractor shall provide the tag/signal list and I/O point IP address according to Employer’s
request protocol. The above list shall be kept up to date and distributed to the Employer on
request or when any item is removed, replaced or added.

5.2 Real time TSO communication

The power generation above 1MW capacitiy connected to the mainland system shall prepare the
information providing equipment stipulated in below and remotely provide the real-time
information on power generation to TSO and KPX(Korea power exchange). The contractor who
will connect to transmission between 22.9kV and 154kV shall prepare control functions and
communication equipment to be capable of executing output control instructions from TSO.

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Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

Equipment Imformation
Communication line Providing cycle Key items provided
Capacity providing

• MV and Mvar /
Avaiable MW

Remote terminal • Wind speed, Wind

Above 154kV Dedicated network 4 seconds direction,
Mumber of
operating turbines
Table 8 Provision cycle, method and key ites for real-time communicaiton connected above 154kV

TSO may exceed or instruct output control etc. for the wind energy power generator connected to
the distribution system for stable system operation and maintain electricity quality under normal or
emergency situations pursuant to Articles 10.2 through 10.6 under “Table 32” of the Electricitiy
Market Operating Regulations of the Electri Utility Act.
Point of connection to Evaluation and
Acquisition Monitoring Forecast
power generator Control
Transmission line
above 154kV
Table 9 System Operating Entries of Wind Power Generators

5.3 Test at Completion

The following tests(Table 10, Table 11) and inspection listed below shall be carried out to evaluate
the system connection maintenance and output control of WTG and the Contractor shall provide
the relevant documents as soon as the activities are finished. The Contractor shall test the
responsiveness(duration, reactive current supply, active power output) of the WTG and provide
the results to Employer to communicate with TSO ans per in New/Renewable Energy Power
Generator Testing of KEPCO Renewable Energy Techncal Connection Code for Transmission
Level. The procedure manual outlined in same document described with detail for test items,
pass/fail criteria etc.

Test items
Test Category Function
Functionality test
System Reactive
HMI Communication Voltage connection
connection current
provision interface test drop(LVRT) with high/low
maintenance supply
Reactive Inverter
HMI Communicaiton Active Power
Output control current start/stop
provision iterfact test control
control control
Table 10 Test categories and items described in KEPCO Grid Code

Test Items Relevant Tests

The ownership of this document belongs to [Haewoori Offshore Wind 1 Co., Ltd./Haewoori Page 16 of 20
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Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

Category Subcategory

HMI provision review HMI provision review

Communication interface test Communication interface test
Low voltage ride through
Low voltage ride through (LVRT) test
(LVRT) test
System Reactive current supply test (for
connection Reactive current supply test (for low voltage)
low voltage)
Maintaining connection during Test on maintenance of connection during
high/low frequency high/low frequency

Active power control test Active power control test

Active power
Inverter start/stop control test Inverter start/stop control test
Frequency-active power control
Frequency-active power control test

Reactive power control test Reactive power control test

power Power factor control test Power factor control test
Voltage-reactive power control
Voltage-reactive power control test
Simultaneous control test
Simultaneous control test (active power, reactive power, and inverter
start/stop test)
Table 11 Test Items described in KEPCO Grid Code

Additionally, the following inspections and checks to be carried out:

(1) Specification for inspection of completion of renewable power generation system for power
plant permission;
(2) SCADA Records of accumulated 24-hour production (accumulated hours and production);
(3) Inspection list of completion of commissioning of WTG;
(4) Inspection of earthing cable mounting of WTG and HV equipment;
(5) Inspection of HV equipment (include transformer and switchgear);
(6) Inspection of mounting of lightning protection system;
(7) Inspection of tower installation, tower ladder, light and fall arrestor device;
(8) Inspection and test reports carried out at factory for isolation of generator, transformer and
(9) Commissioning test and the site inspection before WTG energization;

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Offshore Wind 2 Co., Ltd./Haewoori Offshore Wind 3 Co., Ltd.].
Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

(10) Function and operation test for SCADA system;

(11) WTG automatic cut-in and cut-out test;
(12) WTG Acoustic Emission level document or measurement report;
(13) WTG trip test at grid outage;
(14) Relay setting records for switchgear and relevant protection system (if applicable);
(15) Communication test for SCADA system;
(16) Repair record for switchgear and relevant protection system (if any);
(17) Repair record for transformer, converter and relevant protection system (if any); and
(18) Repair record for SCADA or communication device system (if any).

5.4 Grid Compliance Investigations

Grid Code Compliance Investigations are project-specific tests which are performed to
demonstrate the compliance of the Wind Farm with the project specific TSO requirements as
defined section 3 of this document:
(1) Load Flow Investigations
(2) Short Circuit Investigations
(3) FRT Investigations
(4) Energization Investigations
(5) Stability Investigations

For the details;

A. Short Circuit Investigations

The Contractor is required to conduct a short-circuit analysis to determine the maximum

and minimum short-circuit currents that could occur in the WPP. The analysis should
consider various potential network configurations.

B. Load Flow Investigation

The contractor must perform a load flow analysis for the Wind Farm, considering various
operating conditions and configurations as specified in the WTG Supply requirements. The
objectives of the analysis are as follows:

a. Calculate the expected voltage at each busbar of the Wind Farm, considering different
operating conditions and configurations. The calculated voltages must be within the
limits of the equipment.
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Offshore Wind 2 Co., Ltd./Haewoori Offshore Wind 3 Co., Ltd.].
Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

b. Calculate the expected currents flowing through the 66kV cables and transformers,
considering different operating conditions and configurations. The calculated currents
must be within the limits of the equipment.

c. Verify that the reactive power capability during steady-state operation of the Wind Farm
meets the necessary requirements.

C. Fault Ride Through Investigations

The Contractor is responsible for performing an FRT analysis to ensure that the WTG can
ride through LVRT faults while injecting reactive current to support grid voltage. The
analysis should simulate the WTG's behavior during voltage dips and external faults in
order to:
a. Verify that the WTG's reactive current and ground short-circuits at the PCC meet the
grid requirements.
b. Verify that WTG has the capacity to remain connected to the network during short
voltage dips, meeting the grid requirements
D. Energization Investigations
The Contractor must conduct an energization study to evaluate the impact of switching
actions related to the energization of the wind farm equipment on voltage and current. The
analysis should calculate the voltage drop and inrush current when a 66kV string is
energized with one, two, or all WTG transformers connected. The main objective of the
analysis is to determine whether;
a. The full 66kV string can be energized without causing the protection system to trip
b. Ensure that voltage dips at the PCC meet the grid requirements
E. Stability Investigations
The Contractor must perform a stability analysis to check for potential instability issues. The
objectives of the analysis are as follows;
a. Show that the Wind Farm can meet its performance requirements
b. Identify any potential instability issues with the WTG
F. Additional Analysis
If the Grid Code compliance studies show that the Wind Farm is not able to meet the TSO
grid code requirements or the Wind Farm's actual performance during TSO grid compliance
field tests does not match the simulation results, the Contractor must inform the Employer.
If the problem can be resolved by adjusting the parameters of the WTG or WPP Controller,
the Contractor will provide an updated analysis as part of the Works using the new

The ownership of this document belongs to [Haewoori Offshore Wind 1 Co., Ltd./Haewoori Page 19 of 20
Offshore Wind 2 Co., Ltd./Haewoori Offshore Wind 3 Co., Ltd.].
Document No.: KRHWOO-OSS-COW-RP-00003
Document Title: Grid Code Requirement Statement
Revision: 01

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Offshore Wind 2 Co., Ltd./Haewoori Offshore Wind 3 Co., Ltd.].

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