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Daily Answer Writing Initiative Day 83

1. What are Plateaus? Explain the different types of plateaus based on their origin with examples.
(10 Marks, 150 words)

 Introduction: Write in briefly about the plateaus and their formations.
 Body: Explain the types of plateaus based on origin like Tectonic plateau, Intermontane plateau etc with
 Conclusion: Conclude by writing about the importance of plateaus.

A plateau is a flat, high landform with at least one side that rises dramatically above the surroundings. As
lava rises to the surface of the Earth but is unable to penetrate the crust, many plateaus are created. A third of
the surface on Earth is made up of plateaus, which are present on every continent.

Different types of Plateaus based on Origin:

 Fluvial Plateau: These plateaus are the result of sedimentation done by the rivers, where these sediments
get uplifted due to endogenetic force to form a plateau. Examples: Kaimur plateau, Panna plateau,
Bharner plateau.
 Intermontane Plateau: Plateaus which are surrounded by the mountain ranges are known as
intermontane plateau. Examples: Tibet plateaus between Kunlun and Himalayas.
 Piedmont Plateau: In this type of plateaus one side has a mountain as it is found only on the foothills
and the other side will have a steep slope facing either on ocean /sea or a plain. Examples: Piedmont
plateau of South America.
 Tectonic Plateaus: These plateaus are the result of upliftment or faulting and subsidence. Meghalaya
plateau or Shillong plateau are examples for it.
 Dome-shaped Plateaus: When the upliftment happens in such a way that the slopes are round in nature.
Example: Chhota nagpur plateau, Ojark plateau in USA.
 Continental Plateaus: They are generally found away from the mountains but surrounded by coastal
plains. Examples: Brazilian plateau, Arabian plateau.
 Volcanic Plateaus: These plateaus are formed by the deposition of lava. Examples: Panchagani,
Mahabaleshwar, Columbian plateau of America.

Due to their abundant mineral resources, plateaus are extremely beneficial economically. The plateau
regions are home to many of the mining regions in the world. Gold and diamond mining are well known on
the African plateau. Huge amounts of iron, coal, and manganese are found on the Chota Nagpur plateau in


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