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Workand family life

о Jobs
Present Simple ('l); questions and negatives
Daily routines; verb + noun
. What time is it?

Present Simple (1)
'l Look at the photos. write the sentences with the correct person,
не writes пеws steries. She works in а h*spital.
Не цr*rks ацtsidе"
She studies history.
Н€-5€#yеs-dritтk*.. ýhg wеаrs * шпifоrm.
ýhe coaks lta!ian food. Не travels а |ot.
Не lives iп the сочпtrу. ýhe works in а kitchen"
She goes ta classcs every day, Не int*rviews people,

2 3 SimопЪ а journalist.
l Alec's а flight attendant. SаrаhЪ а nurse.
He interviews people
She works in a hospital
не serves drinks, He writes news stories
She wears a uniform
He travels a lot

,. е
_.. ..


*. *

- .i' ,..i.
5 Sophie's а student. 6 МаrtiпЪ а farmer.
4 Diana's а chef. He works outside
She studies history
She works in a kitchen
She goes to classes every day He lives in the country
She cooks italian food

12 Unit 2, Work and family Iife

5pelling *f verb + -s Questions and negatives
2 Write the verbs iпthе he/she {оrm. 5 complete the questions about Leo with question words
frоm the Ьох.
1 teach teoches 7 8о goes

2 live lives 8do does

3 work works 9 study studies

4 write writes 10 рlау plays

5 еаrп earns l1 watch watches

6 hаче has 12 finish finishes

Complete the sentences with the helshe form of а чеrЬ

from exercise 2.

1 Alan is а footballer. Не eorns {,100,000 а week.

Не _ plays in the Рrеmiеr League,

2 Robert is а professor. Не _ teaches Еurореап

history, and at weekends hе writes articles for
а magazine.
3 Топу works at а реtrоl station. Не finishes

work at l0.00 in the evening.

Marthadoes in London.
а lot of business

She _lives in а modern house 20 miles frоm what wh€+е what tirne whу
the centre. who hоw hоw old hоw rпапу

МоllуЪ married, and she has а daughter,

Еча. Еча likes watching ТV. She -- watches crime

What time does hе start work?'
6 Sally -- goes to the gym every morning, In the
maths at college.
о, she ---studies What does hе hаче for Ыeakast?'
OjEtrl Listen and check.
is hе married to?'
рrопuпсiаtiоп of yеrь + -ý

4 write the чеrьs frоm exercise 2 in the correct column.

How does hе get to work?'
lэl lT,l llzl
works plays teaches
watches How many children does he hаче?'
writes earns
does How old is he?'

'Весаusе hе needs the money!'

оЕ Listen and check.

оЕ Listen and check.

Unit 2. Work and family life
DaiIy rоцtiпеs
6 Look at the pictures of Nina's day. Complete the sentences with а чеrЬ in the correct fоrm.

g€+{*р have breakfast have lunch get hоmе start work finish wоrk
go to Work have а shower wаtсh Tv get dressed have diппеr go to bed

оЕ Listen and check.

NiINA Nina '

getsuр at 7.00. Then
gets dressed
Iikes tea and toast.
she ,_and
has a shower

she goes into the kitchen and

washes her hair. Аftеr tht
has breakfast Sh,

goes to work starts work

has lunch finishes work

and r_
gets home at 6.15. In the evening, she 'О_
has dinner and "--. watches TV
She }ikes Netflix,
goes to bed at 11.00.

Questions Negatives
7 Look at the answers and complete the questions.
8 Соrrесt the sentences about Nina.

I she / does / get

1 Nina works in an office.

uр? At 7.00. She doesn't work iп оп office. She works iп а clothes shop.
Whattime doessheget
2 hаvе / does / she 2 she has coffee for Ыeakfast.
She doesn´t have coffe for breakfast. She has tea.
What does she have for Ыeakfast? Теа and toast.

З does / work / she

3 She starts work at 10.00.

Whеrе does she work ? In а clothes shop.

She doesn´t start work at 10.00. She starts work at 9.00

she/start/does 4 She has luпсh with hеr sister.

What time does she start work? At 9.00. She doesn´t have lunch with her sister. She has lunch with her friend

she/have/does 5 She watches sport on ТV.

Where does she have Iunch? In а саfё.

She doesn´t watch sport on TV. She watches Netflix

6 do / she / does
6 She goes to bed at 10.30.
She doesn´t go to bed at 10.30. She goes to bed ay 11.00.
What does she do in the evening?
she has dinner and watches Тv.

14 Unit 2. Work and family life

Captain Coek Cruises
9 Complete the leaflet with thе verbs frоm the Ьох. Dan, the ferry mап
hа{Ёе watch drink eat stop


See the sights of Sydney НаrЬоuг with Capraln
Cook Cruises. We 1 hcye сгuisеs ruппiпg ечегу
day оf the уеаr, ечеп Сhrisimаs dayl
0uг t'еггiеs "_stop at а lot of fаmошs рlасеs including
Dап Baker is а fеrrу driver fоr Captain Cook Gruises in
llanly Beach, Ihгопgа Zoo, апd Shагk lsland. Go оп опе of
оuг rчопdеrful ечепiпg сruisеs. eat '_
а delicious diппеr,
t_drink сhаmраgпе апd 5_watch lhe Suп Sel.
Australia. Не drives ferries iп Sydney Harbour.
Не works four days а week. Sometimes he's free at the
wееkепd, but he оftеп wоrks оп Saturday апd Sunday.
These аrе very busy days because а lot of tourists want
] 0 Read about Dan the ferry mап and complete the sentences. cruises thеп. Не печеr works оп Mondays. Captain Cook
Cruises ruп З65 days а уеаr, ечеп 0п Christmas Day!
1 Dan sometimes works in the evening.
The first cruise leaves the hаrЬоur at 7.30 iп the mоrпiпg,
2 Не doesn'twork on Mondays.
Dan staгts wоrk at 6.45 а.m. and does three cruises а
3 Не _starts work at 6.45 а.m. day. Не finishes work at 5,00 p.m. Sometimes Dап does
4 Тhе cruise _takes two hours thirty minutes. the evening cruises апd thеп he doesn't start wоrk uпtil
5 The ferries don´t go very fast. 5.30 р.m. апd finishes at midnight,'The evening cruises

6 Dan earns $i40,000 а уеаг.

аrе чеrу рорulаr' says Dап,'because people like to have
diппеr, watch the sunset and look at the stars with а glass
7 |tiia works at Таrопgа Zoo in Sydney. of сhаmраgпе
8 They _don´t go оп camping holidays. Тhеу go on cruises!

'l 'l Complete the questions and answers. The сrчisе

| 'How mапу days а week does Dan work?' The сruisе takes two hours thiф minutes. The ferry doesn't
go fast because ечеrуOпе wапts to see the sights. lt stops
'Не works four days а week]
at а lot of famous places iп Sydney, including Мапlу Beach
2 '_ Do Captain Cook ferries run оп Christmas day?' апd Таrопgа Zoo.
'Yes, _they _: do Dап meets people from all очеr the wоrld. Не speaks
3' What time does the first fеrrу 1еаче in the morning?' Spanish and а little Chinese.
'7.з0: Не еаrпs S1 40,000 а уеаr and he has 30 days' holiday,

4' how many cruisesdoes Dan do а day?'

lп his free time Dап likes walking his two dogs with his
wife, Julia. Julia is а zoologist - she works at Таrопgа
Zoo апd оftеп works at weekends, too. What do they do
Does hе always finish work at 5.00 р.m.?' оп holiday? 'We go оп cruises. Julia апd l love а cruise!'
'No, he doesn´t Не sometimes works till midnightl' says Dan.
How long does the cruise take?'
'Two and а half hours]
7' where do Captain Cook fеrriеs stop?'
At lots of famous places in Sydneyi
Does Dan _speak fluent Chinese?'
'No, he doesn´t Не only speaks а little Chinese]
' How much does he еаrп?'
'Не earns $140,000 ayear!
'_What do Dan and his lvife do оп holiday?'
'They _ go оп cruises]

оЕ Listen and check.

Unit 2. Work and family life 15
Vocabulary vYPHa
DT н А А а н Y
Jobs sMEQv

xD н т р L 0 т

zx l-t гlREMAN lT(Tz


1 Look at the pictures and write the job, Find the jobs in
е Е ц- Е N
the wordsearch.
Wн N н А I R D Б' EsSER
Аt t J l а в t G NтммJ
lJ U l а х R N D NlSLS
тt 0 s т а м EPGAl


ED к х U а L Е н lEWWN
Rl к н Е к х D А YUUYG
YR в N 0 р U 0 Е (рFЕЕ
l, 2
тW ( ( W к D к

5N А R ( н l т Е

GU D 0 ( т 0 R S GH IRS
Dl W W Е D l t х т (WS U

GL L U G D R н р tFвWт
hairdresser doctor

@ #Ё
чЁ /,,ъ
dentist architect
teacher pilot

VеrЬ + почп
3 write а чеrь frоm the Ьох.

еаrп wattrh wash write da drive

wear speak have play walk teil
lawyer waiter
l rлrаtсh Тv
2 _а
speak foreign language
3 wash hair
2 Complete the words with -or ot -er. 4 _а
wear uпifоrm

1 footballer 6 doct_ or 5 _snooker


6 drive асаr
2 wait_
er 7 manag er -your
7 _two
have weeks'holiday
3 act or 8 police offic_er
8 write

4 hairdress_
er 9 interpret_er 9 _аearn lot of mопеу

5 profess_
or 10 film direct_
or 10 --tell the time
1i ____.---
do the housework
|2 ---=--the dog

16 Unit 2. Work and family life

Everyday English *ýжЕW
what time is it? Grammar
l ФЕ Underline the times you hеаr.
1 Compiete the conyersation,wit} jзп hяs;оr does;, .

1 10.30 / 10.40 А Му brother iJ чеrу cleTer.:He];**__;

а veiy
2 _____
2.|5l2.50 important job,
3 two oclock /___________
ten o'clock В 1,Yhаt l hе do,? : : :

4 __________________
quarter past three / quarter to three А Не а_ а соmрutеr рrоgrаmmеr.
5 ______________
halfpast eight / ten past eight В Whеrе5 _ hework?
6 ten to two / ______________
twený to two А Не works iп Virginia in the Unite,cl,ýtates.
7 six thirty / six twenty
В 1,Vtoc.-heworkfor? ,. ,.l ,

8 half past twelve / _______________

ten past twelve А Microsoft.
В mаrriеd? 1 :"
2 ajЙ Listen and complete the conversations. '________.*he

1 А Excuse mе! What time is it?

А Yes. His wife *_____,

В _about twenfy past five.

В '- he have anychildren?'
А Yes, hе Ю_ а three*year-old sоп,,
2А Do you have the time, please?
В Yes, itЪ just after 2 Coпtplete thе sentences with the corr,ectword.
ten otlock. 1 Не tvork in а hospital , , ,

а wo*k " :, Ь rlrorks,

3 А What time is it?
В ItЪ_halfpasttwo.
nearly 2 Rachetr is а
а docter Ь, doctor
3 write the times in numbers. 3: Daye' , . .., ,.,' ,;,. ,lлrorkаt,5,00,:l
а finishes,' Ь,' finishg,
1 1,
lI !
,а, eafitý ',ý. ,:earrll l;, ,,,; ,,,11;.1
l: .:


.а ап Ь & ',.,i:,]
":: 6'.._.______.._ doeshеworК] .llпапoйcei
*,Whefe Ь WЪаt,
10.30 4.45 7 'Whеrе does he go , holiday?' "Francej
аin fu,,.".QЛ,; :;,,],.:l' .

а la

]. ] ::.

Pni Бе wor.ds, inthi correct jcolвtжrr,:

office еi}FRý beautiful amazilяg

10,10 5.05
goes farmer delicious has finishes
clever ferry weekend interesting writes

чеrЬs почпs adjectiveз

]--\i= еаrпs farmer аmаziпg

9.20 11.25

Е} Со online for mоrе skills and language practice. f;} Go опliпе to Check уочr pfogress.
Uпit2 . Workandfamilylite 17 ;i

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