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Nicý to meýtyoul

a qmlarelis, mylyour a countries and nationalities

a hielshe, hislher a The family; Adjectives
a possessive 3 a Everyday conversations


countries and nationaIities
Complete the sentences with а nationality frоm the list.

Brazilian 5рапish ltalian Egyptian Chinese Д**s*fа+Ь{+ Frепсh

Ciao! ::
дifui Hello!

l I'm from,\ustralia. l'm дustrаliап


2 Wе'rе from China. We´re Chinese 3 ShеЪ from Italy. She´s Italian 4 Тhеу'rе frоm Egypt. They´re Egyptian


Ё;/ Ёtt '' t*нЁf :
iiiЁ;;"', "n';

I´m Spanish 6 НеЪ from Brazil. He´s Brazilian 7 Тhеч'rе frоm France. They´re French

6 Unit 1 . Nice to meet you!

Grаmmаr helshe, hislher
2 Look at the iпtЪrmаtiоп about Саrlа and Gabriel. Complete the questions
personal information
and апsrгеrs.
amlarelis, mуlуоur
1А \\-hat's her surname?
1 Complete the conyersations. в Perkins.
А What´s hеr first паmе?
в Саrlа.
А WhеrеЪ she frоm?
в She's frоm Охfоrd, England.
А How o1d is she?
в ShеЪ 25. suгпаmе perkins
А WhаtЪ her nale
Fl.s- Carla
phone пumЬеr?
CounL,y England
l А Hello. МупаmеЪ Lisa. WhаtЪ
в 01,764 293880. Age 25
your паmе? А What´s her email address? Phone пumЬ,ег 0l764 29388
в GaЫiel, в emar] addгess
А Whеrе _are you from, А is she married? mаггiеd? no
GaЫiel? в No, she isn´t

в I _´m frоm Brazil.

А оh!Whеrе in Brazil аrе 2л whаtъ his surпаmе?
you from?
в Santos. i

В Frоm Rio de Janeiro.

А What´s his first паmе?

А Rio de |апеirо ´s amazing!

в GaЫiel.
Well, nice to meet you, Gabriel,
А WhеrеЪ he frоm?
В Thankyou.Andyou.
в НеЪ from Brazil.
А How old is he ?
в НеЪ 19. п*рас:
А WhаtЪ his phone
в 934 298 70|. iir
Ag*,' '

А What´s his

email address? 1] РhsлЕ,пшmЬЁr

в t
А Is he married? Ёi l ,1 ]

2л Hello. \'\Ъаt_
´s уоur first паmе? в No, he isn´t
i] marriod?

в МупаmеЪ Саrlа.
А And whаtЪ чоur
surname ? OIEI Listen and check.

в Perkins. write the short forms of the underlined чеrьs.

А How do чоuspell that? 1 She is from Italy. She's 5 They аrе Spanish. They´re
в P_E_R_K*I-N-S. 2 She is not а teacher. She isn't 6 Тhеуаrе not Frепсh. They arent
А And _where аrе you from,
3 I аm American. i´m 7 It is hot. it´s
4 I аm not married. i´m not 8 it is not cold. it isn´t
в I _´m from Oxford.
А Тhапk you very mчсh.

OjПtrl Listen and check

Unit 1 . Nice to meet you!

possessive З
Каrеп and hеr family
4 Complete the information about Karen Вочсhеr and her family

HilMy name is Karen, and l'm from Canada.This is

my family. Му 1 father's паmе is Аlап. He's а teacher.
shеЪ а nurse. Му'_
sister´s паmе is Christine.
ShеЪ 21, and shеЪ а student at the university. Му
brother´s is Joseph. НеЪ ] 7, and hеЪ at
This is а photo of me and mу cat. Му'_ cat´s
паmе is pico. His favourite food is fish.

.,"# iЪЯТ,Еifu,j;jffi

OIB Listen and check.

5 Write ls if 's = ls. Writе Р if З = possessive.

1 Му паmеЪ Karen. is
2 Му fаthеrЪ name is Alan. р
3 НеЪ а tеасhеr. is

4 Му mоthеrЪ паmе is Celine. p

5 ShеЪ Frепсh. is
6 Му sistеrЪ а student. is Joseph and Ch ristine
7 МуЫоthеrЪ name is }oseph. p
Celine and A]an
8 Му саtЪ favourite food is fish. p

Complete the sentence s with haye, go, live, or like.
I I have а brother and а sister.
2 1 like them. Тhеу'rе very nice.
3 I _go to а schoolcalled St МаrуЪ.
4 I _in Vапсоuчеr.
5 We _live in а house near а park.

6 I _ go to the park at the weekend.
7 I _аhave cat called Pico.

8 Unit 1 . Nice to meet you!

VосаЬчlаrу Adjectives
The family 2 Write the opposite adjective.

1 Look at the family tree. Complete the crossword. easy small €Н good пiсе
ехееж+че }iouпg old

1 London isnt cheap. ItЪ expensfye .

2 Му coffee isnt hot. ItЪ cold .

_) Are уоur shoes new?'

'No, thev'reold ]

you arent а bad student!

You're а _ good student!
'Му dаdЪ 40. НеЪ old]
'Не isn't old! Fоrtч is young I

This exercise isnt difficult.

Itъ easy

7 Оur flat isnt big. ItЪ small

8 Тhе weather isnt horrible!

Itъ nice

Complete the adjectives.

James i The wеаthеrЪ nice! ItЪ wаrm and
s ____.
u n n y
2 ll's d _i f _f i ____tounderstand
c u l t
уоu. You speak very fast,
Му fаmilуЪ чеrу nice. We're чеrу
r e n l
4 I lоче Раris. ItЪа Ь___
e a u t _i f _
u / city.
5 Mybookisvery n t _r
i_ e e _t
s __g.
i n
6 Мmm! The coffee is really goodl
I Itъ/ o v e l y
Josh Louisa Еmmа

AcRosS m a
З _. (7)
.James is Andy's u g
8 _. (6)
Louisa is ЕmmаЪ
Julia is АпdуЪ _,
9 t u n n g r
'10 Josh is АпdуЪ _. (З) h s i t e r a
s s
11 Josh is FауЗ _. (6)
w e e n
i f a
15 Louisa, Josh апd Еmmа аrе АпdуЗ (8)
r a c s o n d
1 Julia is LоuisаЪ_. (6) n e p h e w d m
2 Fау is ЕmmаЗ _. (4)
f u d a f o
4 George is АliсеЪ _. (7)
5 Alice is JоshЪ _. (1 1)
a r a t

6 Louisa is FауЪ_. (5) t c e t h

7 George is LоuisаЗ _. (1 'l)
C h i l d r e n h e
12 Andy and Julia аrе LоuisаЪ_. (7)

13 Andy is JоshЪ _. (6)

e e t e r
]4 James is Louisa's _, (5)
s r

Unit 1 . Nice to meet you!

Опе family, опе street
Complete the sentences,
4 Read about the Hall famiý,
on the
1 slxty-six members of the Hall family live

same street.
15 h o u s e s
four weeks old,
очr street о

years old,
+ l* ъ u great-grandfather, НеЪ 7 6
' ]i

15 houses
5 Catherine and George have six c h i l d r e n lOne family, 66 people, апd
Their dаughtеrЪ паmе is
Marganne - Iatl оп the
same street!
6 i]|r::]
to one house for а
7 At Christmas, they all g o -=- The Hall family is big - very big -
and they all live
--l i k e the Hall family very muсh,
В The neighbours England.
below, Who is go from fourweeks
OIB Read and listen to the lines Theyhave 15 houses, Their ages
speaking? ota iBttie) to great-grandfather |ое,76,
have 6
Catherine and hеr husband, George,
Other relatives -
children, and 15 grandchildren,
and nieces - all live
aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews,
..:i.:Ё, there, tOO.
:iЦ:r a
'Our famiý is the most important thingi

+ii d;"ght", й"rg*""",42,'We like

living in the same

'1fly*.u*u","* 1
Joe 1ja,j ,*i. пЪ 1очф to hаче all mу famrý
together, At

о, Ь" u birthday, it's crazy in this

| ilr bhrirtmu,,
;i1+ ;;й,'sixty-sixpeople all goto
George ::,"n""::'',_-
J:j'. Neighbour, sandra Ross,4l, say:: ]|'g1"*}:]'"g
'' ;й;;;'lу
lg in the street, Wdre all friends]
in such а
ltЪ lovely to have а big family ь"rЕ""а, Dun", ug"", 'We love living
in оur street. Му husband Sandre
loves it, too.

10 Unit 1 , Nice to meet you!

Everyday EngIish
Eve ryday conversations N4atch а line from exercise 1 with а response below.

''l ,]omplete the sentences with the words frоm the Ьох. 1 П6 Неllо, Ноllу. Nice to meetyou.
2П 4 Thanks.Andyou.
h€w сап school оп he|p this sleep day 3 !5 No,I'm fine, thanks.
Good mоrпiпs. Pete. Ноw аrе чоu? 4П 8 See you in the morning.

Вуе, Muml I'm going to s c h o o l 5П 3 Of course. Anl,thing to eat?

Can I hаче а cup oftea, please? 6 П7 Yes. Наче а good weekend.

Haveagood_! day 7П Fine, thanks. And you?

Hello.CanI_you? help SП 2 Bye,honeyl Seeyoulater.
Топц _ t h i s is Holly,
OIE Listen and check.
ВчеI See уоц _ o n Monday!
Goodnight! _ s l e e p well. ffi Со online for more ski|ls and language practice.

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the chart. 1 опв Match the sound of the letterwith the sound оf
the word.
short form Negative Question
lam |'m Aml...? AEOynoduyyoume
You аrе You aren't |*acarHimУbed
He/She is ls he/she ... ? RGJZteayouduy
We are We're

They аrе They aren't ФИ Listen, Complete the names and email addresses.
\ А L l.LE
Complete the sentences with а possessive adjective 2 __s __р
frоm the Ьох.
4 __z J
5 _п __@а __.соm
l Неllо!WhаtЪ уочr паmе? 6 L_**_ Ь. *

2 А Pete! This is sistец Alice. Look at the chart below. Complete the sentences,
В Hi, Alice. Nice to meet you,
3 Anna is 23. _ mother iý а nurse.
Ameriean l еаr
Frепсh I university
4 A1l thе stшdents in mч sistеrъ class like а
|international Icity
an |English lTV
Мr and Mrs }ones liче hеrе, children are Japanese I name
чеrу nice. ltalian ] language
6 Ъm is married. wifеЪ name is }osie.
7 А Is this _ 1 А cadillac ts ап дmеriсоп car .
) Pierre is
В Yes, it is. Thank уоu.
J Oxford is
Му sister and I go to Spain in thе summer Ьесаusе
_ parents live in Barcelona. 4 English is
5 Milan is
# Со online to Check your progress. 6 А Sопу is

Unit 1. Nice to meet you! 11

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