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h Assignmen

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Study about Hummbud. Create a single page PDF Document -

What is Hummbud, and how do we stand out from the snoozefest

that is traditional design agencies?

Why should anyone care about Hummbud's Top 3 USPs?

Who dares to challenge us in the wild world of design? (We’re asking

you to do research on our global competitors.)

Why did you decide to dive into the crazy life of graphic design?
What gets your creative juices flowing OR What motivates you?

Why did Hummbud catch your eye like a shiny disco ball in a dimly
lit room? Remember, honesty is the best policy.

Submission by: May 30th, 2024, 5pm. Email:

Pro Tip: Feel free to tackle these questions with as much or as little
creativity as you like!

NOTE: Please refrain from summoning any GPT prowess. We're here to test YOUR
research and analytical skills, not to summon the digital overlords. We’ll know!

Peace out! ✌️

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