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Project Proposal

Project Title:

Introduction & Background:

Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods.
Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important
economic resource. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for
millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for
combating climate change.
Every year, 13 million hectares of forests are lost, while the persistent degradation of drylands
has led to the desertification of 3.6 billion hectares, disproportionately affecting poor
While 15 percent of land is protected, biodiversity is still at risk. Nearly 7,000 species of
animals and plants have been illegally traded. Wildlife trafficking not only erodes biodiversity,
but creates insecurity, fuels conflict, and feeds corruption.
Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are
part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change
mitigation and adaptation, and peace and security.

Global Impact:
Deforestation and for- est degradation results in loss of habitat for all species, a decrease in
freshwater quality, an increase in soil erosion, land degradation and higher emissions of
car- bon into the atmosphere. In short, not taking action on forests impacts both the health of
the planet and our communities.

 Sea levels continue to rise as a result of melting glaciers which points towards
increased and devastating storms, hurricanes and tsunamis
 Deserts continue to expand in drier places which reduces the land for growing food
resulting in severe droughts
 Frequent forest fires lead to the endangerment of several species which would
ultimately result in an almost fatal imbalance in the ecosystem
 Temperatures are rising all across the globe which ultimately results in a disruption in
the usual balance of nature causing unprecedented heat waves and wildfires

Local Impact:

As Karachi has already seen heat waves this year which has become a normal practice in every
summer season from over a decade.
 The temperatures would keep soaring in the coming years if no action is taken to curd
the disastrous effects of climate change
 Extreme weather conditions caused by climate change would be almost impossible to
 The health of the general public is at extreme risk because of the increasing numbers of
skin cancer which is directly linked to the deterioration of the ozone layer because of
climate change
 People who work outdoors have increased chances of being inflicted by a fatal heat
 More insect outbreaks would occur because of the imbalance in the ecosystem
 Air pollution would result in serious health conditions

Project Objectives:
(What is intended to achieve by this project?
Tips for writing objectives:

 Take part in making the earth greener by planting more and more trees
 Avoid the use of pesticides to grow plants as it can seriously deter the quality of the
 Recycle as much as you can and try to reduce your trash
 Buy products from companies that directly cater to reduce the effects of climate change
 Raise awareness about the effects of climate change in your social circle so more and
more people can get to know about the serious threats it poses
 Avoid buying from fast fashion brands that directly contribute to climate change.
 Clean up your nearest parks and local beaches to support a healthy ecosystem


Project Description:

Denmark has been ranked as 1st to fight against Climate change. Therefore, there is a lot to
learn from the policies and procedures adopted by Denmark in order to fight against climate

We will be arranging plantation drive in order to plant numerous trees, in the areas with bad
air pollution like Korangi Industrial Area. In addition, we will also hold food drives among
needy people who doesn’t have access to food twice a day and some cash amount would also
be given with the help of charity. Furthermore for the animals and birds water and food pots
would be placed at 05 locations across the city and a visit to Hands Pakistan (An NGO for
Human Welfare ) is also planned to raise awareness regarding different aspects.
Project Deliverables:
 Participate in plantation & food drives.
 Raise awareness regarding animal poaching and our cruelty towards them.
 Adopt pets instead of shopping for them
 Boycott companies which test on animals and contribute to cruelty free brands
 Reduce your use of paper instead opt for more sustainable ways such as the use of
electronic devices
 Recycle paper, glass and plastic to reduce waste so that less and less trash ends up in

Team Members (Names with Registration Numbers):

Mohsin Amir 10643
Usman Siddiqui 10685
Anas Siddiqui 10304
Mazhar Ali Shaikh 59678
Hyder Ali Bhutto 60313
Zakir Haider 10863

Action Plan: (add lines as needed)

Task to be done Member Resources needed deadline

responsible for the
Proposal Mohsin Amir Online Research 7Th May 2022
Usman Siddiqui
Logo & Shirt Design Mohsin Amir Funds from All 20th May 2022
Shirts Ordering Mohsin Amir Funds from All 21st May 2022
Locating Plantation Mohsin Amir With mutual 21st May 2022
Drive Spot understanding

Plantation Drive All Group Plants, tools and 22nd May 2022
Members Transport

Beach Cleaning Drive Mohsin Amir Garbage Bags, gloves 23rd May 2022
01 Anas Siddiqui and Transport
Usman Siddiqui
Interview Conduct 01 Mohsin Amir Location: Kababjees 24th May 2022
Usman Siddiqui Camera and its
Anas Siddiqui equipment
NGO Visit Mohsin Amir Permission, transport, 26th May 2022
Mazhar Bhutto camera and
Usman Siddiqui equipment
Interview Conduct 02 Mohsin Amir Camera & equipment 26th May 2022
Beach Drive 02 Haider Bhutto Garbage bags, gloves 28th May 2022
Mazhar Bhutto
Social Media and Video Anas Siddiqui From 7th May – 4th

Shoot & Editing June 2022

Food Drive 29th May 2022

Project Approval Date: Sign:

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