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Written Assessment - Lab Report Instructions

Due Date: Week 12 Friday 31st May 2024, 4pm
Word count limit: up to 1,500 words

You are to write a brief laboratory report regarding the topic below, using the lab exercise that you carried
out in week 9:
“An investigation of the guaiacol peroxidase activity in a potato extract.”
The lab report must have the following sections:
 Title
o Provide a title relevant to the experiment/topic.
 Introduction
o Provide brief background information regarding the topic. Properly cite your references.
o State the aims/ objectives of the investigation carried out.
o State your hypothesis/hypotheses.
 Methods
o Brief description summarizing how you carried out the experiment(s).
 Results
o Description of data (in paragraph form). Refer to the table and the graph in your paragraphs.
o Present the table (Table 1) and a graph (Figure 1) as appropriate.
 Provide both a table of your results and present what you have observed.
 Table title & legend need to be placed above the table.
 The graph X & Y axes need to be labelled and a title provided for the graph. Note that
graphs are referred to as Figures in scientific documents, so your graph title should begin
with Fig 1. and should be referred to as Figure 1 in your text (not Graph 1). When plotting
the graph do not join the data from point to point, instead you should draw either a line or
a smooth curve through the data points, depending on which fits the data better. You may
plot the graph using the graph sheet provided in the lab manual, then scan or take a picture
of the graph and embed it into your report. Alternatively, you may use a graphing software
program such as Excel to plot the graph and then embed the graph into your report. Note:
Do not upload the graph as a separate file, the graph must be embedded into the lab
report document.
 Discussion
o Provide interpretations regarding the results and how they relate to the aims/objectives.
o If there is a difference between the expected and observed results, provide an explanation.
o Discuss limitations of the experiment and suggest improvements and/or future experiments.
o Ensure that statements are supported by relevant scientific literature. Properly cite references.
 Conclusion
o Briefly summarise your findings in relation to your hypothesis and/or research aims.
 References
o References MUST be cited in-text and listed at the end of your report. There are many
different referencing formats; for this report you are required to use the APA 7th style of
referencing as recommended by the university. Refer to the AUT Library website for further
information regarding APA style of referencing.
o Cite your references immediately after the idea that you have used.
o Minimum of 5 references; please use reputable sources only.
oDO NOT use the lecture notes nor the lab manual as a reference, but you may use the original
references cited in these.
 Use Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman font. Use 11-point sized text.
 Use 1.5 line spacing. Use default margins.
 Pay attention to good punctuation, grammar, consistent formatting etc.
 Paraphrase correctly and demonstrate comprehensive assimilation of concepts.
 Word count includes in-text references, headings/subheadings.
 Word count does not include figures/tables/graphs, figure/table/graph legends or reference list.


 Submit an electronic copy (in MS WORD or PDF file saved from WORD) by the due date.
 The submission link will be in our Canvas course (Assignments>Assignment 4: Lab Report)
 Note, any figures in the document will not be a problem. However, the text/paragraphs should not
be saved as a figure.
 No need to submit a signed cover sheet. The system will automatically generate the declaration form
once you submit.
 Please put your name, student ID, the course name and course code on top of the first page, then
your student ID on every page as a header on the top right corner.
 Please note your first submission is final. You will have only one opportunity to submit so please
ensure that you have the final version and have not copied your work from anyone else.
 IF there is an upload failure during your submission, take a screenshot showing the error message
and the date/time. Please email this with your assignment document ON OR BEFORE DUE DATE &
TIME to Please put your name, student ID, the course name and course code in
the subject line.
 Do not copy-paste any material from any source- you must paraphrase. Do not use any artificial
intelligence software to write any section, sentence, or phrase in your assignment.
 *Your submission will be checked for plagiarism by the system using automated checker tools such
as Turnitin. Unacceptable match results will likely result to penalties OR invalidation of the submitted
assessment. Plagiarism cases will be referred to the Academic Integrity committee and will be kept as
a record.


 There will be materials in our Canvas course for further guidance about scientific writing.
 There are academic writing resources and workshops offered by the AUT Library.

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