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ME, MYSELF AND MY DAY MASTER SERIES YIN EARTH ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH C i Although Ji Earth is associated with soil, it does not mean that you are alike to the soft beach sand. There is more to you. But that depends on the degree of your affinity towards the day master itself. Few questions that would be answered in this guide are: What are your most basic personality traits? What are you like in your career in your relationships and how do you deal with money? What type of entrepreneur or businessperson are you likely to be? What type of person are you in the workplace and how do you operate as a leader or manager? What kind of friend or colleague are you? There are many factors that possibly point out to a person’s character. Therefore it is safe to say that a Ji Earth person's outlook towards life would be significantly different than others. a ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERI How Ji (©) are you? In BaZi the strength of the element plays _| If your Day Master is Ji Earth, you are likely a major part in determining your to exhibit the characteristics below. If you characteristics and destiny. Therefore are not, but you have Ji Earth in one or apart from the Day Stem, the other three_| more Heavenly Stems, you might exhibit Stems and four Earthly Branches should the characteristics in a lesser degree. It s | YIN EARTH also be taken into account to complete | also depends on the context and situation your chart. These parts are also as to whether you have the potential to responsible in deciding the strength of | exhibit these tendencies described below. your Day Master. * Knowledgeable x Work Personality * Tall Grass in the Wind Soil of life & Relationship Yes? No? Maybe * The Google * Quality seal * Planning for the Future ‘Strong and Durable we rarvastis all yours Harvest «Kind Planting the seeds of tomorrow * Cares Deeply Genuinely sincere now Mother Earth . a Needs to Have The Last Say Financial Plans for My way or no way + Supportive No Matter What Guaranteed wellbeing Growth Taking the well-worn path * Relationships- Friends & Colleagues + Softest of the Kind Seeing the best in others * Fair Lived Life Comfort zone limits "iby Joay Yap Research International Soh ho How Ji (©) are you? Strong and Durable Ahr Mother Earth Soil of Life CO A ry Cy iS) b=) 2 iE ts af PERSONALITY ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Knowledgeable Soil of life You are creative and have many hidden talents. You have the tendency to take life as bad as it is and change it to the best you can. You take stress very well and have no issues handling last minute plans or change of arrangements. But you need lots of training and preparation before you can shine your talents. The Google Strong and Durable You are very patient and tolerant. You have the ability to be kind to others even if your life has been put under lots of stress. You are very resourceful and know where to get what. You always know the right person for the job, where to go to get the right kind of help, the right place to eat, right place to buy cheap yet quality clothes, and many more. Your issue is you have no idea on how to use your resourcefulness for your own benefits. It takes someone else to make your produce results. Most of the time, you don’t realise your worth. pg4 ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Cares Deeply Mother Earth This Day Master has the strongest maternal instinct, and the inclination to nurture, protect, and look after other people. Therefore, you are very caring, and will go all out to help others. You are charitable and supportive. You like to serve the community by any means possible. You will make extra effort to make others happy and get what they desire. Others tend to come to you for help. You are the one who takes over when there is an issue and no one wants to step up to clear the situation. pgs ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH How Ji (©) are you? Softest of the Kind The Harvest is All Yours Seeing the Best in Others Fair Lived Life Genuinely Sincere Comfort Zone Limits TET arg My Way or No Way CAREER Emel erativay ts) Ee LT Guaranteed Wellbeing pg6 ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Work Personality & Leadership Quality The Harvest is All Yours You are a very hardworking person. You tend to carry all the burden where work is concerned, Because of this, you are very durable to stress and can deliver your best however demanding the situation is. You have the rare ability to adapt to any circumstances. You are always ready to absorb and put to use newly acquired knowledge. You are well known for your multi-tasking ability in office and for simply being the person everyone can count on. You have the tendency to improve your knowledge and skills as suited and have no worries doing so. Because of this, they are always productive and are in luck in times of bonuses and promotions. Kind Genuinely Sincere As a very talented stress handler, you are the place everyone would turn to when there is a situation that needs to be handled. Even if you can be of any help, you tend to at least try to be helpful in any way possible. You are considered as a valuable asset to your team, and to certain extent, your company. Sometimes, things might go sour between you and your co - workers, but at the end of the day, you will always be there for everyone. You don’t have the habit of picking your favourites among your subordinates. You are very fair and diplomatic, and will give your best in helping others, regardless of your opinion on the person. pg7 ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Work Personality & Leadership Needs to Have The Last Say My Way or No Vay Because you are the one solving issues at work, you tend to have all matters under your control. You prefer working that way so that when a crisis comes, you know how to avert it. You listen to your staffs and let them contribute their ideas and are willing to make specific changes. But if the changes contradict your initial plans, you will be more than happy to discard those changes and stick to your version of the plan. If a Ji Earth person is your boss, you can expect to have lots of paperwork to be done, as they need everything prepared and planned before taking actions. Supportive No Matter What Guaranteed wellbeing You are very protective and supportive towards your subordinates, and wouldn’t mind to go to any extent to help them if situation arises. But you also tend to be more supportive towards employees who adhere to your version of rules and procedures. If you have any staffs who do not follow your regulations, you tend to show your displeasure in many ways. As long as people follow your style, you are fun to be with. You are known to have your employees’ backs no matter how bad the situation is. pg8 ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Friends & Colleagues Softest of the Kind Seeing the best in others You like to make friends. In nature, you are very social and would spend most of your time making new friends and sustaining old ones. You have the tendency to avoid hurting anyone and it is not your best interest to be in hostility with anyone. When you make conversations, you are very careful as to not hurt anyone’s feelings and will go extra lengths to choose the right word to convey what you mean. It is not easy to find someone who despises a Ji Earth individual. Most of the time, people who hates will eventually be won by your great heart and helpful nature. Fair Lived Life Comfort zone limits You are very likeable to others because of your outgoing and balanced nature. You believe in having a balanced work and personal life, and are keen to take up your interests outside office. You tend to join groups and clubs that has the same passion as yours. You make lots of friends here, and these are the people you would enjoy making small talks to intellectual discussions about each of your passions with them. pg 9 Tall Grass in the Planning for the Wind UUM tela Yes? No? Maybe Planting the seeds of tomorrow now WEALTH Financial Plans for Growth Taking the well-worn path ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Tall Grass in the Wind Yes? No? Maybe You find it hard to decide which to take when presented with more than one opinion. Therefore, it is easy for you to be swayed. You lack a firm mind and this will cause you to change decisions in a fraction of seconds. But in the matters of finance, you are a tad bit safe because you are very cautious. Hence you are not prone to sway back and forth where money is concerned. As you don’t have your own opinion, you give a thought to what others have to tell you. This causes you to sometimes blindly follow what others advise without analyzing the rationality behind it. Planning for the Future Harvest Planting the seeds of tomorrow now If you are a strong Ji person, you are in luck because you have a firm mind and focus on your goals, You are a futuristic person and are resourceful in planning strategies. You are very careful in money matters; therefore you make efforts since young to make it. Your hard work will be visible since young age. You don’t waste any time or chance that you have to make money and sustaining it. You have your eyes in long term business plans as it gives consistent income and financial security. ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERIES | YIN EARTH Financial Plans for Growth Taking the well-worn path You tend to choose the ones that are usually lower in risk and are long term, in the context of business or financial plans. As said before, you are very cautious in money aspect so you don't like to take risks. You are a firm believer of slow and steady. You prefer recommended paths that have been found successful by others when planning finance, such as blue chip stock and properties. This is because of your stance that these investments will guarantee stable income. As you are a futuristic person, you save for the future. You prefer to have your money grow at its own pace. You have no interests in quick money schemes or short term investment plans. MY DAY MASTER MYSELF & Weaknesses a Supportive rs Sacrificial Capable @ Possessive @ Fexibie @ Controting Productive “%@ idealistic io @& creative © Dependent Considerate "® Stubborn "@ @ Maternal @ Pessimistic innovative ® © Intuitive Type of Industries associated with EARTH ELEMENT Insurance Properties, Real Estates Cement, Bricks Building materials Natural Resources @ EARTH ELEMENT --------------------------~----------------------------------- 314 ‘Copyright © 2016 by Joy Yap Research International Sdn.8hd pgl ME, MYSELF & MY DAY MASTER SERI ban | YIN EARTH Amancio Ortega Donald Trump _ A Spanish fashion businessman and ‘An American businessman, politician, founding chairman of the Inditex fashion television personality, author, and the group, best known for its chain of Zara presumptive nominee of the Republican clothing and accessories retail shops. He + is currently the second richest man in the | world, with total fortune of USS73 billion. Party for the United States in the 2016 election, and also the chairman of The ‘Trump Organization, His net worth as of 2016 is USS4.5 billion ‘An American politician serving as the 44th President of the United 1 fan American hedge fund manager anc States, the first African American to. 'e founder of Point et hold the office as well as the first Management and S.A.C, Capital president born outside of the! Advisors, He is also a well-known art collector. His net worth is continental United States. toes io zien core Barack Obama sight © 5016 by Joey Yap Research Invernational Sdn Bhd pg 15 How to Plot your BaZi Chart ‘ype In your name, gender, date of birth an time of birth BUEPAE chice Piot 8821 Chart buston, AY (iaK Pe Your Chart will aopear as per below. You can locate your Day Master in this pillar. This is your 10 years Luck Pillar Your 10 Profiles here Your 5 Structures

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