Activity Ws

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Rewrite the words in bold with alternative words having the same meaning.

1. The small boy was fast and easily raced up the large mountain.
2. She found the questions hard and felt sad when she was unable to solve them fast.
3. I was very happy and ran across the road in a funny manner.
4. Tina is very kind though she lives a hard life.
5. Mother had prepared her children for a long and difficult journey
6. My sister can bake a large cake very fast and so easily.
7. He has a fast and funny walk.
8. Kim lives an easy life yet she is sad.
9. The little puppy ran fast towards it’s master.
10. An easy life does not teach you as much as a hard one.
Read the story and fill in the blanks as per the instructions given

1.Type of car ____________________ 2. Small animal ______________________

3.Big animal _____________________4. Unit of distance ____________________

5.Distance away__________________ 6. One of the 5 senses _________________

7. Unit of time ___________________ 8. Famous building_____________________

9.Type of flowing water _____________10. impossible feat_____________________

Once upon a time there was a dog named Bruno. Bruno was as fast as a _____________(1)

and as strong as a _________________(2) One day Bruno was so hungry he could eat a

_________________(3) so he went to find himself something to eat. Bruno had an amazing

sense of smell and could smell food from a ____________________(4) away.

As he walked through the park he caught the smell of a delicious bone somewhere near

him. It was so ________________________(5) he could almost ______________(6) it.

He searched for ______________________(7) but couldn’t find it. Suddenly a man as tall as

the ___________________(8) passed him eating a chicken leg. Bruno drooled so much.

It was like a _____________________(9) flowing from his mouth! The man laughed, pet

Bruno on the head and handed him the bone. Bruno was so happy he could


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