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Criteria Excellent (10) Very Good (9-8 Good (7-5) Fair (4-2)

Time Management The project was The student needed The student needed The student did not
turned in on time or extra time to finish excessive time to finish the project on
early. the project. finish the project. the time allotted.
Hand Sewing Hand sewing was Most of the stitches Stitches were either The stitches were not
done correctly. were in correct length too long or too wide correctly stitch.
Stitches were in or width apart. apart. The closure was
correct length and not tight or knotted
width apart. Closure is correctly.
Seams The seams had the The seams had almost The seams were wider The seams had many
correct width that the correct width based than the required puckers and/or/were
instructions called for. on given instructions. width. stretched.
Appearance The project looked The project nearly Half of the project Three-fourths of the
like what it is looked like what it is looked almost like project looked almost
supposed to be. supposed to be. what it is supposed to like what it is
be. supposed to be.
Finished Product The student clipped The student clipped The student did not The student handed
off all threads. most threads. clip any thread. the project without
clipping threads.

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