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Vision: “Every child is a God given Amana, to be educated and developed into balanced individuals with well-rounded personality”

Innovation Planner for Year 1 - 9, 2024-25

Year 1 - 3


 Foster creativity and a love for learning.

 Introduce basic technology skills.

Resources Needed:

 Digital storytelling software.


Interactive Storytelling:

 Use digital storytelling tools to enhance reading and writing skills. This modern form of
communication encompasses an array of digital multimedia, such as images, audio, video,
and web publishing.
 Rather than just listening to or reading a story, digital storytelling allows children to explore
narratives in an immersive, interactive setting.
 Digital storytelling transforms traditional storytelling by integrating technological features
that enhance the narrative’s interactivity
Digital story telling formats:
 Animations: With this format, stories come alive through animated characters and
backgrounds. Many animation platforms allow children to create their own stories, fostering
creativity and engagement.
 Video Stories: These involve recording videos that tell a story. They can include puppet
shows, dramatic plays, or even narrations with relevant images and text.
 Interactive Games: Interactive games turn the storytelling experience into a hands-on
activity. Here, children can influence the storyline by making decisions for the characters,
thereby becoming an integral part of the narrative journey.
 Example:

Year 4 - 6


 Enhance collaboration and problem-solving skills.

 Integrate technology into everyday learning.

Resources Needed:
 Laptops or computers.
 Makerspace materials (e.g., cardboard, LEGO, simple electronics kits).
 Internet access and digital literacy curriculum.


 Makerspace Introduction: Create a basic makerspace with simple tools and materials for
hands-on projects.
 Makerspaces are public spaces located in schools, public libraries, and other community
locations where people can meet up, share creative interests, tinker with new technologies,
and learn as they go.
 Makerspaces are designed to challenge students to create and learn through hands-on,
personalized experiences throughout elementary, middle and high school.
 Teacher does: Designs driving questions, objectives, tasks, and pathways for different house
projects, relating them back to content areas. Meets with students at least once a week,
helping them plan projects and stay on track to complete them. Communicates with
students throughout the week as needed.
 Student does: Selects project, or creates their own, based on interest. Chooses who they
want to work with on their project, based on similar interests, or works individually.
Collaborates on their project with their group
 Example:

Year 7- 9


 Promote personalized learning and self-directed projects.

 Encourage the use of digital tools for creativity and collaboration.

Resources Needed:

 Learning management systems (e.g., Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams).

 Digital portfolio platforms.
 Access to a variety of digital tools and resources.


 Digital Portfolios: Have students create digital portfolios to document their learning and
showcase their projects.
 A digital portfolio is like an online scrapbook that showcases your skills in action, your
experience, and your expertise through real-life examples.
 6 popular free portfolio websites: Journo Portfolio. WordPress. Carbonmade. Adobe
Portfolio. Behance. Dribbble.
 Step 1: Finding the right portfolio material starts with you. Recall some of your school
project or case studies that you have worked on in previous years and gather some pictures
or samples of your work. Step 2: Then you should think of what skills you learnt and
developed during these projects. Step 3: And finally, it’s about your curve: how will you best
show your project making journey to post it on teams.
 Example:

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