Workshop 1

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Technical Vocabulary Activity

1. Write the meaning of the following words (escriba en español el

significado de las siguientes palabras)


account interest outlay salary

balance investment payroll securities
borrowing invoice purchase speculation
budget margin quotation takeover
capital market receipt transaction
float offer refund valuation


advertise develop invest recruit

allocate distribute invoice refund
authorise diversify maintain report
calculate employ manage respond
compete establish negotiate run
control estimate produce streamline
delegate fund promote supply
deliver improve purchase target

2. Match each definition with the letter of one of the following (Ubique
la palabra en el espacio correspondiente)

a - balance sheet/ b - liquid assets/ c – liability/ d - net income/

e – property/ f – payroll/ g – equity/ h – journal/ i - cash flow/ j-

1. a list of all employees and their wages -->

2. an accounting record where all business transactions are INITIALLY entered


3. money that is spent to purchase goods or services provided by someone

else -->

4. a detailed summary of a person's or a company's financial condition at a

specific point in time, taking into account their assets, liabilities, etc. --

5. something that is legally owned by a person or company -->

6. an obligation to settle a debt; money owed to someone -->

7. this word has 2 meanings: "stock (shares)" and "net worth" -->

8. the balance of cash receipts minus cash payments over a given period of
time -->

9. cash or something that is easily convertible into cash -->

10. money remaining after all expenses and taxes have been paid -->
Activity 3. Indique y marque que tipo de cuenta es cada una de las cuentas señaladas a

Account Asset Liability Expense Revenue Ownership

Insurance     

Bank Charges     

Bank Loan     

Telephones     

Cleaning     

Creditors     

Donations Received     

Debtors     

Depreciation     

Electricity and Gas     

Fixtures and Fittings at Cost     

Fundraising Income     

Provision for Depreciation on     

Fixtures and Fittings

Interest Earned     

Interest Paid     

Motor Vehicles at Cost     

Postage     

Premises at Cost     
Printing     

Provision for Depreciation on     

Motor Vehicles

Bad Debts     

Purchases     

Rent Received     

Repairs and Renewals     

Salaries     

Sales     

Sponsorship Receipts     

Stationery     

Stock     

Government Grant Received     

Bank A/c     

Activity 4. Choose the correct answer (Escoja la respuesta correcta)

1. I'd like to _________________ an account.

2. You don't have any _________________ ( = money) in your account.


3. The bank _________________ my husband's credit card because he didn't pay his
credit card bills.

4. A document which shows all your withdrawals and deposits (usually for one month) is
called a "bank __________________"

5. What's another way to say "to withdraw"?

to make out
to stake out
to take out

6. I'd like to _________________ some money to my other account.

7. A cashier's check is a check that's _________________ by a bank.

8. Another way to say "debit card" is _________________.

credit card
plastic card
bank card

9. Is there _________________ around here somewhere? ( = a cash machine)

an electronic machine
an ATM
a money machine

10. If you've lost your bank card you can _________________ for a new one.

Activity 5. Write the corresponding term in front of each definition (Escriba frente a cada
definición el término correspondiente).

a - fixed
b - terms
c - fees
d - to refinance
e - principal
f - promissory note
g - disbursement
h - interest rate
i - to accrue.
j - co-signer
1. someone who promises to pay for you in case you can't ->

2. a contract between the borrower and the lender (bank, etc.) -->

3. conditions, rules -->

4. what you have to pay for a particular service -->

5. to accumulate -->

6. the percentage of a loan that you are charged for borrowing money -->

7. to change the terms of a loan, agreement -->

8. paying out the money (as agreed upon in a loan) -->

9. the amount of money that is being loaned -->

10. unchanging, not variable -->

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