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Endterm - 1
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System

Case (b): unbalanced load (star or delta)

- Two wattmeter method.

Case(c): unbalanced load (star or delta)

- Three wattmeter method.
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
Case (b): unbalanced load (star or delta)
- Two wattmeter method
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
Case(c): unbalanced load (star or delta)
- Three wattmeter method.
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
• Example unbalanced delta connected load:

1. A 3 phase source having a line voltage of 120 V is connected to a 3

phase delta connected load having impedances of Zab = 15 ∠ 30 ° ,
Zbc = 15 ∠ 0 ° , Zca = 15 ∠ - 30 ° ohms.
Calculate: Assume positive phase sequence
(a) The 3 phase currents, (b) the 3 line currents, (c) power reading of
two wattmeters if installed across lines AB and CB , (d) the total power
consumed by the load.
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
• Example unbalanced delta connected load:

2. Repeat item number 1, with a negative phase sequence system, and

the two wattmeters are connected across lines AC and BC.
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
• Example unbalanced wye connected load:

2. A 3 phase delta source having a phase voltage of 130 V is connected

to an unbalanced set of impedances, ZA = 10 ∠ 36.9 ° , ZB= 10 ∠ - 36.9 °
, ZC = 10 ∠ 10 ° ohms and connected in star configuration. Assume
positive phase sequence
(a) The equivalent impedances if the loads are connected in delta, (b)
the 3 phase currents in the equivalent delta, (c) the line currents in the
actual star-connected system , (d) the total power taken by the load.
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System

1. A 3 phase ABC system having a line voltage of 100 V is connected to

an unbalanced, 3 phase star-connected load having impedances of
ZA = -j10 , ZB= j10° , ZC = 10° ohms.

Calculate: (a) the phase currents (b) power reading of three wattmeters
if installed across lines Van ,Vcn , and Vbn
(c). The total power and verify with the wattmeter readings.
Measurement of Power in a Three Phase
Power System
• Three phase four-
wire distribution
Unbalanced Three Phase Four Wire
Distribution System
1. Using the same circuit diagram, answer the following problem;
A three – phase four – wire 120/208 – volt system, delivers the following loads:
(a) Single – phase load c is 5.4 kW at unity power factor
(b) Single – phase load b is 7.2 kW at unity power factor
(c) Three – phase motor load is a 25 hp motor that operates at a lagging power
factor of 0.866 and an efficiency of 85.5 percent.
Calculate: Assume positive sequence
(a) The neutral current IN
(b) Three line currents IA, IB, and IC
(c) The total power delivered by the source.

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