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EDUCATION-NEWS CONSULT Name: ................................................................


RELIGIOUS AND MORAL Index Number: .................................................


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Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, read and observe the
following instructions carefully. Write your name and index number in ink in the spaces provided
This booklet consists of two papers; I and II. Answer Paper 2 which comes first in your answer
booklet and Paper 1 on your Objective Test answer sheet. Paper 2 will last for 1 hour, after which
the answer book let will be collected. Do not start Paper until you are told to do so. Paper 1 will
last 45 minutes.
1. Read through the questions, brainstorm and plan your answers before you finally answer them.
This is one of the good ways to manage your time in an exam and to do well.
2. Write clearly, use simple expressions and provide the best answers possible.

3. Write answers that provide additional information. If you just list answers or provide one to
three worded answers, your will fail the paper.

4. Do well to explain your answers to help earn full marks. Check your units of measurement,
spellings, grammar and read over your work before submitting.

5. Write question numbers boldly, start every new major question (answers) on a new page.
6. Do not rewrite the full question before answering. Only write the question number.
7. Show workings in all instances in section B if the question involves calculations
[60 MARKS]
This paper consists of three parts, A, B and C. Answer three questions only, choosing one question
from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Answer only one question from this section

1. Mr. Mensah, an elder of a church set out for an evangelism. He was sharing the gospel from
door to door. He entered into a particular house where he met a beautiful young lady. She
offered him a seat inside her living room. Upon hearing the message, Mr. Mensah was
compelled by the lady either to make love with her or she would shout for rape just to disgrace

a. Is Mr. Mensah right to follow the lady into the living room? Explain your answer.
[4 marks]
b. Explain any four advises you would give to Mr. Mensah after studying the temptation of
Jesus Christ. [16 marks]

2. a. God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings, as husband and wife. What does this
indicate about the intention of God concerning the institution of marriage? Explain four
indications. [15 marks]

b. James wants to change his religion from Christianity to Islam but he does not know the daily
obligatory prayers of Islam. As the Imam of your Islamic community, educate James in an
orderly manner the names of the daily obligatory prayers.
[5 marks]

Answer only one question from this section

3. a. Janet the girls prefect of Premprem basic school always avoids her responsibilities.
Explain five reasons of her behaviour. [15 marks]

b. In what five ways must students be responsible towards teachers? [5 marks]

4. Gladys has beautiful black dress. Her friends tease her as being outdated and dress like pastor's
wife. She intends to make her dress short to prevent her friends from teasing her. What is wrong
with what Gladys intends doing? Explain any five.
[20 marks]
Answer only one question from this section

5. Use the diagrams below to answer the questions that follow.

a. Explain one way each of the diagrams above destroy the environment. [16 marks]

b. State one reason for the sacredness of each of the following aspects of the environment.
i. Land
ii. Water bodies [4 marks]

6. a. What four negative effects can result from religious intolerance in a community?
Explain. [16 marks]

b. State four contributive factors of religious intolerance. [4 marks]

Answer All Questions
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each
question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same
letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question.

1. God created the firmament on....

A. Day 2
B. Day 3
C. Day 4
D. Day 5

2. The Israelites were finally led to the land of Canaan by

A. Aaron
B. Moses
C. Joshua
D. Caleb
3. The death of Jesus teaches us how we must
A. be committed to our children
B. love one another in all things
C. faithfully serve our nation
D. sacrifice for the church

4. The Akans call God "Tweduampon" because He is

A. everlasting
B. dependable
C. omnipotent
D. forgiving

5. Blessed are the meek for they shall

A. obtain mercy
B. see God
C. inherit the earth
D. be satisfied

6. Which of the following is not a mode of worship in Christian worship?

A. Meditation
B. Sermon
C. Baptism
D. Ablution

7. Festivals are celebrated every year in order to

A. make the people happy
B. thank the gods for a successful year
C. adore a new year
D. initiate the youth into adulthood

8. The festival celebrated by Christians in memory of the resurrection of Jesus is called

A. Christmas
B. Easter
C. Pentecost
D. Palm Sunday

9. The outpouring of the Holy spirit on Christians is marked by the

A. Pentecost
B Ascension
C. Resurrection
D. Passover

10. Preventing people from another religious faith to practice and express their beliefs freely is
known as
A. liberty
B. religious intolerance
C. conflict
D. tolerance

11 The Muslim prayers observed between Asr and Isha is

A. Magrib
B. Asr
C. Fajr
D. Zuhr

12. The Islamic practice where wealthy Muslims cater for the needs of the poor and needy is
A. Hajj
B. Zakat
C. Ihram
D. Talaq

13. The water and wine or gin given to the child during naming ceremony signifies
A. loyalty
B. faithfulness
C. truthfulness
D. respect

14. Hard work is most often crowned with

A. success
B. hatred
C. favour
D. failure

15. One major function of the nuclear family system is

A. to pray for one another
B. to converse with others
C. to procreate
D. to work together

16. Which of the following is not a way of promoting good relationship in the family?
A. Truancy
B. Tolerance
C. Respect
D. Forgiveness

17. What is the right form of baptism in the Holy Bible?

A. Immersion
B. Pouring
C. Sprinkling
D Spraying

18. Who takes care of the properties of the extended family?

A. Chief
B. Family head
C. Father
D. Mother

19. A person can get into authority through the following except
A. through elections
B. being a parent
C. through old age
D. being handsome

20. In the community, which of these is not in authority?

A. Chief
B. Friends
C. Queens
D. Assemblyman

21. The first book in the Bible is called

A. Genesis
B. Deuteronomy
C. Exodus
D. Revelation

22 The payment of school fees and other bill is mainly the responsibility of the
A. grandfather
B. mother
C. uncle
D. father

23 From the age of eight, Mohammed was brought up by

A. Halimah
B. Abdul Mutalib
C. Khadijah
D. Abu Talib

24.Which of the following does not promote progress in a society?

A. Conflicts
B. Confession
C. Festivals
D. Reconciliation

25.A person cannot qualify to be an ancestor if he

A. had many wives
B. had many children
C was very popular
D. committed suicide

26.The institution of authority in the society ensures

A. peace and order
B. good religious lives
C. a healthy environment
D. respect for adult

27.The sermon on the Mount was delivered by

A. Jesus
B. Moses
C. Joshua
D. Paul

28.The extended family consists of

A. children and other relations
B. children and grandchildren
C. parents, children and other relations
D. grand children and parents

29.In which book in the Bible can we find how God created the world and everything in it?
A. Exodus
B. Genesis
C. Matthew
D. Proverbs

30. Which of the following did God asked to leave his country and relatives to a land He would
show him?
A. Abraham
B. Moses
C. Noah
D. Jesus Christ

31. Tohazie means..

A. The red man
B. The strong hunter
C. The red hunter
D. The wicked number

32 At which church was Okomfo Damoah a priest before starting his ministry?
A. Anglican
B. Methodist
C. Pentecost
D. Roman Catholic

33. God made a covenant with

A. Isaac
B. Abraham
C. Jacob
D. Joshua

34: Work helps us to become

A. reliable
B. sincere
C. healthy
D. courteous

35. The most important prayer request during marriage rite is for
A. prosperity and wealth
B. good health and protection
C. protection and long life
D. long life and children

36. Which of the following does Ghanaian culture frown upon?

A. Single parenting
B. Pre-marital sex
C. Adult education
D. Communal labour

37. Okomfo Anolye was born at

A. Mampong
B. Ejisu
C. Awukugua
D. Kumasi

38. It is important for everyone to do a self-examination because

A. it is a command
B. it helps to avoid past mistakes
C. others do
D. it is godly

39. Which religious leader was able to predict the times and seasons for his people to know when
to begin farming and go for fishing?
A. Agya Ahor
B. Okomfo Anokye
C. Tohazie
D. Okomfo Damoah

40. All the following are emotional changes in adolescents except

A. conflict of identity
B. curiosity
C. change in height
D. shyness

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