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DILG-DOLE-TESDA-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular on

Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities at the Localities (SIBOL)

Annex 1. Workforce Development Plan Template

Sections Basic Information in the LGU Workforce Notes
Development Plan

LGU Name

I. Introduction and Describe the:

A. Economic profile of the LGU, Briefly describe your LGU, its key
including (un)employment situation in economic sectors (as summarized
the LGU in your LGU socio-economic
profile), and its local economic
B. LED vision and mission formulated development vision and mission,
from the LGU plans which can be copied from your
LGU’s comprehensive
development plan.
Include information about the
unemployment situation in your
LGU (e.g. how many men and
women are unemployed?)
Provide a brief profile of the major
sector/industry of your LGU (e.g
tourism, agriculture)
C. Key economic sectors that are Tourism
present in the LGU (e.g tourism,
agiculture, IT-BPO, other industries) - Brief description of your LGU
in terms of its main gateways
and service centers, as well as
its key attraction sites.
- Trends in visitor arrivals to your
LGU over the past few years,
- Profile of the tourist market
segments to LGU, including
main purpose(s) of travel to
your area
● Profile of the tourism sector in
your LGU in terms of number
of enterprises by subsector
establishments, travel and
transport, restaurant,etc) and
the number of men vs women
currently employed in each

Source: Tourism Plan

DILG-DOLE-TESDA-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular on
Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities at the Localities (SIBOL)
Sections Basic Information in the LGU Workforce Notes
Development Plan

● Agriculture
- Brief profile of the agriculture
sector of the LGU, major
product of the LGU
- what are the potential agri-
business/livelihood enterprises
- and the number of men vs
women currently engaged in
the agricultural sector

Other information
● Other priority economic sector
like IT-BPO
- Brief profile of the sector
and number of women
D. Discuss the Economic or Investment currently employed
Plan of the LGU for the next three (3) Discuss the investment
years. opportunities at the LGU
Identify the key economic sectors
that the LGU is planning to engage
for the next 3 years
Identify the investment promotion
strategies of the LGU for the next 3
years including the plan of
engagement with private/business
What are the project job
What the manpower/ skills
E. Existing LGU Policies and Programs requirements
for workforce development What LGU existing ordinances,
regulations, or programs which can
help local residents gain access
and support for skills training and
finding employment?
F. Employment issues
Describe the gaps of the sector
related to workforce development
(i.e. absence of labor market
information, absence of information
on supply of skilled workers,
DILG-DOLE-TESDA-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular on
Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities at the Localities (SIBOL)
Sections Basic Information in the LGU Workforce Notes
Development Plan

trainings available, limitation etc)

Describe the foreseen solution on
the gaps (i.e. current employment
and projected employment
opportunities, current economic
situation and 3 year economic or
investment plan)

II. LGU Plan to Rationale:

address the Example: “The Tourism
● Briefly describe the
unemployment destination as identified by the
problem through workforce/employment LGU as the key tourism service
the priority opportunities for the LGU center of the TDA. In this regard, it
economic sector based on the expected growth is expected that there will be a
outlook for priority sector. need for more hotel workers in the
next XX years. Consequently,
● Discuss specific target there will be a need for XX
additional Xworkers (specify the
beneficiaries or communities jobs with high future demand) by
whom the Plan would like to give 201X.”
priority to, and the key
constraints they face in finding Example: “There are XXXX
decent, sustainable employment beneficiaries of DSWD 4P’s
through tourism. program from Brgy. XX, where the
main attraction is located, who are
looking for entry level positions in
small to medium accommodations
such as room attendants and
kitchen helpers, but do not yet
have the basic skills for these

Example of Goal:To find

Given the above, describe the LGU’s employment for XX residents of
GOAL with regard to workforce (Name of LGU) in tourism related
development in the priority sector. establishments in the (name of
TDA/tourism circuit) by 201X.
● Describe the LGU’s specific Objectives can be in relation to:
OBJECTIVES that it and its partners
● Training local unemployed
must achieve in certain aspects of
workforce development so as to reach its residents on new skills needed
GOAL(s). Make sure that the objectives to qualify for employment
are specific, time-bound, and ● Training current workers to gain
new or enhanced skills needed
to move up in their careers
DILG-DOLE-TESDA-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular on
Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities at the Localities (SIBOL)
Sections Basic Information in the LGU Workforce Notes
Development Plan

● Establishing LGU policies,

programs, or systems to enable
the matching of workers and/or
employers for employment and
improved competitiveness

● Trend of employment in the


III. RESULTS Describe the expected results of the Describe the results to the
(Expected Results programs/projects of the LGU in relation beneficiaries and LGUs
of the Plan) to the strategy/goal/objectives of the
Workforce Development Plan (WDP)

IV. TARGET Describe who will be the beneficiaries of

CLIENTS/ the program of the LGU in the WDP Plan
THE PROGRAM List of Skills needs requirement of the

V. Broadly describe LGU’s STRATEGIES Reference:

IMPLEMENTATION for achieving the goals and objectives by
STRATEGIES describing its approach to: Letter E. Employment issue

● Providing or facilitating access to Describe the gaps of the sector

related to workforce development
training programs for residents to gain (i.e. absence of labor market
skills needed for employment in the information, absence of information
priority economic sector of the LGU on supply of skilled workers,
trainings available, limitation etc)
● Dialogue/coordination with local
Describe the foreseen solution on
employers to determine the specific the gaps (i.e. current employment
skill areas that they most and projected employment
needed/value and designing training opportunities, current economic
programs that respond directly to situation and 3 year economic or
these employer needs. investment plan)

● The LGU’s performance of an

enabling role in providing prospective
workers and potential employers with
mechanisms and systems for
effective and efficient matching of
worker and employer needs.

Describe how the LGU and its partners

DILG-DOLE-TESDA-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular on
Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities at the Localities (SIBOL)
Sections Basic Information in the LGU Workforce Notes
Development Plan

intend to implement the workforce

development program of the LGU to:
- Increase the number of
- Increase investments in the area
that will create more jobs
- Have access to financing
institution for capitalization of


1. Established PEIS
2. Established network/partnership
with the local PS
3. Access NGAs
programs/projects/activities on
workforce skills training and
4. Job matching/placement

VI. KEY ACTIVITIES These are activities that LGU must do to Activities being translated from the
implement the plan Strategies
Or other major activities, that will
contribute to the institutionalization of the
Workforce Development of the LGU

VII. KEY List the Key Partners and their roles in Partners maybe those within the
PARTNERS the Workforce Development Program of LGU, outside the LGU such as the ,
(skills training, job LRIs, etc.
facilitation/employment, financing)

Describe how the LGU plan to establish

and manage the relationship/network

VIII. BUDGET Describe the costs needed and sources Funds from LGU, NGAs, etc.
of funds to perform the Key Activities

IX. MONITORING Show a Monitoring and evaluation based

AND EVALUATION on the indicators of the activiites

X. Describe how you communicate the plan

COMMUNICATION of the LGU to its beneficiaries and
PLAN implementing partners (before, during
and after the im[lementation of the plan)
DILG-DOLE-TESDA-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular on
Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities at the Localities (SIBOL)

Prepared By:

__________________ ____________________

Approved By:


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