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To compute the Take Off Gross Weight (TOGW) correction for an aircraft, you need to adjust the basic

TOGW based on various environmental and operational conditions. Here's a step-by-step guide to
compute these corrections:

1. Determine Basic Take Off Gross Weight (TOGW)

The basic TOGW is the maximum allowable weight of the aircraft for takeoff under standard conditions.
This value is provided in the aircraft’s performance charts or manuals.

2. Identify Necessary Corrections

Several factors affect the TOGW and require adjustments:

 Temperature (OAT - Outside Air Temperature)

 Pressure Altitude

 Runway Slope

 Runway Surface Condition

 Wind Component

 Obstacle Clearance Requirements

3. Apply Corrections

a. Temperature Correction

Higher temperatures reduce air density, decreasing engine performance and lift. Use the performance
charts to determine the weight reduction for increased temperatures.

b. Pressure Altitude Correction

Higher pressure altitudes (elevations) reduce air density. Use the charts to find the necessary weight

c. Runway Slope Correction

An uphill slope requires more runway length, reducing allowable TOGW, whereas a downhill slope can
increase TOGW. Charts will provide correction values based on the slope percentage.

d. Runway Surface Condition

Non-paved or wet runways might necessitate a reduction in TOGW to account for reduced acceleration
and increased stopping distance. Refer to the specific correction charts for surface conditions.

e. Wind Component Correction

Headwinds improve takeoff performance, potentially allowing for a higher TOGW, while tailwinds reduce
it. Use wind correction charts to adjust the TOGW based on the wind component.
f. Obstacle Clearance

If there are obstacles near the end of the runway, the aircraft may need to climb more steeply,
potentially reducing the allowable TOGW. Performance charts will provide the necessary corrections.

4. Calculate the Corrected TOGW

Adjust the basic TOGW using the values obtained from the corrections. The formula looks something like

Corrected TOGW = Basic TOGW − Temperature Correction − Pressure Altitude Correction −

Runway Slope Correction − Surface Condition Correction + Headwind Correction −
Obstacle Clearance Correction

Corrected TOGW = Basic TOGW − Temperature Correction − Pressure Altitude Correction −

Runway Slope Correction − Surface Condition Correction + Headwind Correction −
Obstacle Clearance Correction

Example Calculation

Assume the following values for a specific aircraft:

 Basic TOGW: 70,000 lbs

 Temperature Correction: 1,000 lbs reduction

 Pressure Altitude Correction: 500 lbs reduction

 Runway Slope Correction: 300 lbs reduction

 Surface Condition Correction: 200 lbs reduction

 Headwind Correction: 400 lbs increase

 Obstacle Clearance Correction: 600 lbs reduction

Applying these corrections:

Corrected TOGW=70,000 lbs−1,000 lbs−500 lbs−300 lbs−200 lbs+400 lbs−600 lbs

Corrected TOGW=70,000lbs−1,000lbs−500lbs−300lbs−200lbs+400lbs−600lbs

Corrected TOGW=67,800 lbs

Corrected TOGW=67,800lbs


The corrected TOGW is the weight the aircraft must not exceed for a safe takeoff under the given
conditions. Always refer to the specific aircraft’s performance charts and manuals to obtain accurate
correction values for each factor.

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