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Wars have occurred countless times in human history. Because of war, many sacrifices and bloodshed
were made in order to attain peace. In our modern era, why do we still have wars when wee clearly
know of its consequences? Some people think that war is the best way to acquire peace, but we believe
that peace can be grasped without going through war. Because we believe there are more loss than
wins in war .

The root of the first world war was one man who was not even ordered or controlled by his country,
this man is Gavrilo Princip. He assassinated the Archduke of Austria-Hungary which caused Serbia,
Princip’s home country to be in war with Austria-Hungary even though Serbia had no direct involvement
with Princip’s action. That was how the first world war started, but even before that Austria-Hungary
and Serbia were already at odds, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the perfect reason
for Austria-Hungary to officially wage war on Serbia. World war 1 had the effect of bringing political
transformation to most of the principal parties involved in the conflict, transforming them into electoral
democracies by bringing near-universal suffrage for the first time in history. The first world war
destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-states, encouraged independence movements in
Europe’s colonies, forced a world power and lead directly to Soviet communism and the rise of Hitler.
This war caused unjust agony and suffering to the innocent civilians. Soldiers sacrificed their lives
without meaning because their home countries despised each other. On November 11, 1918, after more
than four years of horrific fighting and the loss of millions of lives, the guns on the Western Front fell
silent. Even after the war, civilians had to suffer the aftermath, children were orphaned, wives were
widowed, families were destroyed.

World war two started because of Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Poland. The war that was only supposed
to be between two nations widened as countries that supported each nation got involved as well. The
war had taken a staggering toll in both military and civilian lives. Shortages of food, fuel and all kinds of
consumer products persisted and in many cases worsened after the peace was declared. War-ravaged
Europe and Japan could not produce enough goods for their own people, much less for export. The
war’s aftermath also defined by the rising threat of nuclear warfare, the creation and implementation of
the United Nation as an intergovernmental organization, and the decolonization of Asia and Africa by
European and east Asian power, most notable by the United Kingdom, France, and Japan. Though the
war ended with a peace treaty the aftermath was too devastating that countries struggled to rebuild
their foundations.

The ongoing wars of Russia and Ukraine and of Egypt and Palestine both caused by territorial dispute.
As of now the people of Ukraine and Palestine are suffering because of the constant attacks coming
from their enemy country. Most of the citizens have evacuated to another country to avoid the war
happening in their own. The economic-budget of Ukraine is now mostly focused on fueling its military
power causing large increase in the prices of commodities like water and food. Everyday Palestine gets
bombed and Palestinian blood covers the soil of their land, they have no proper resources to the point
of women resolving to using tent scraps as menstrual product. The children come orphaned and dirty
because the entire country was cut off of any resources such as water. The next thing we know these
countries will seize to exist.
[counterclaim] Some people may say that wars are necessary because extreme measures countries are
willing to go to in order to protect their territory or to widen it. All though

Wars cause more harm than good. It caused many casualties, deaths, downfall of nations, and most of
all wars caused the sufferings of poor civilians who were once living a peaceful life. Perhaps wars could
be prevented if humans were not so and greedy, maybe if we just immediately serve each other with a
peace treaty then no sacrifices and no damages will ever happen. But then again, we are at the end of
the day just humans, that is why history just keeps repeating itself, wars happen and destruction falls
upon the lands. History repeats itself because we have not yet found a successful way of solving conflict
without war, so we must continue to find ways to prevent wars because in truth there are no winners in

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