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UNIT 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 My is my brother’s wife. a mother-in-law b sister-in-law c brother-in-law

2 Ruan plays the guitar. a every b three times c often

3 Manu and Elena karate on Thursday evenings. a do b play c go

4 Do you like in the city? a living b liveing c live

5 Sarah doesn’t like volleyball. a plays b play c playing

6 I listen to music a lot and I play the guitar, . a too b to c but

7 My mom and I usually shopping on Saturdays. a have b go c visit

8 I have three brothers. They have six children. The children are my
a cousins b daughters c nieces
and nephews.

9 I visit my cousins year in July. a once b every c usually

10 I hate vacations! a plan b planing c planning

11 Do you want to swimming at the beach? a do b go c play

12 Do you have dinner with your parents? a usually b twice c once

13 He watches a lot of sports on TV and he plays

soccer on weekends. a too b also c or

14 Gabriel enjoys photos of beautiful places. a takeing b taking c takes

15 My is my father’s sister. a aunt b son c cousin

16 My dad golf every Sunday. a goes b does c plays

17 Where do you like ? a swim b swimming c swiming

18 We play soccer with our cousins. a four times b every c sometimes

19 Her aunt and uncle have a lot of children. She has ten
a cousins b nieces c nephews

20 I going to the gym, but I go every day! a love b enjoy c don’t like

A2 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

UNIT 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ................................................................ Date: ...................................

21 Marcus likes museums on vacation. a visiting b going c doing

22 I go to see my grandparents a year. a once b every c hardly ever

23 At the club, you can do karate and yoga, . a but b or c too

24 My is my mother’s mother. a wife b sister c grandmother

25 We usually relatives in December. a go b visit c have

26 Zola going running, but not every day! a doesn’t like b hates c doesn’t mind

27 Late again! They on time! a are never b never are c hardly are ever

28 Their are their children’s children. a nieces b grandchildren c daughters

29 It’s sometimes nice to bowling in the evenings

with friends. a go b do c play

30 I love cooking, but my mother doesn’t it! a enjoy b hate c take

31 I sometimes the violin for my sisters and brothers. a do b play c listen

32 I go running a day, at 9 a.m. a always b every c once

33 Her is her sister’s husband. a father-in-law b sister-in-law c brother-in-law

34 We play a lot of volleyball. We are good at tennis. a or b also c too

35 On the weekends, I love a barbecue with my

friends. a having b have c has

36 My uncle bike riding every day for twenty

kilometers! a has b does c goes

37 my relatives on Sunday. a Always I visit b I visit always c I always visit

38 My is my mother’s brother. a cousin b uncle c aunt

39 “Do they like doing yoga?“ “Yes, they .“ a like b do c do like

40 It’s a good idea to a picnic in sunny weather. a go b do c have

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A2 2 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

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