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The Project Method of teaching was first propounded by John Dewey. The basic idea of
this method is that pupil can learn a lot of things with the help if association and mutual co-
operation. This method promotes purposeful activities through a group of pupils and the pupil
will work co-operatively. The pupils will work together by forming small groups according to
their interest and abilities. The main objective of this method are learning by doing and
learning by living together.
“A project is a whole hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social

“A project is a problematic act carried to completion in its natural selection”.

-Prof. Stevenson

“A project is a bit of real life that has been imported into school”.

Principles underlying Project Method

1. Purposiveness
There must be some objective of the project because the pupils do that work with
more enthusiasm which has definite and clear objectives.
2. Freedom
The pupils are free to select the project. They select the project according to their will
and they execute it with the advice of the teacher.
3. Activity
The project should be activity centered because the knowledge gained if activity is
stable and useful.
4. Reality
The project should be real. Only then the pupils would be able to complete it naturally
and in real conditions.
5. Utility
The project must process the quality of utility because the pupils do the work more
interest which is useful for them.
Essential Steps of Project Method
The following steps are involved in this method
1. Providing a situation
2. Choosing the project
3. Planning
4. Executing the project
5. Evaluation of the project
6. Recording of the project

1. Providing a situation:
In this step, a situation is provided to the students to think over in choosing some
project to work on. They may be confronted with a problem while studying in the classroom,
participating in co-curricular activities and going on excursion etc. It may force them to think
about for choosing some project.
2. Choosing the project:
In this second step students try to choose a definite and appropriate project keeping in
view of the resources in hand and the nature of the problem faced in the first step. They are
properly guided by their teachers in this selection task. Then the aims and objectives of
choosing a project are properly discussed through group participation.
3. Planning:
The project chosen is again discussed in terms of laying down a plan and procedure
for the execution of the project.
4. Executing the project:
In this step students are engaged in the execution of the project in a natural way without
involving any artificiality. They plan their roles according to their abilities and capacities
with a true, social and co-operative spirit.
5. Evaluation of the project:
In this step the work done on the project is evaluated from time to time. The line of
action and mode of execution may be modified on the results of such evaluation.
6. Recording:
A complete record of the work, their planning, discussion on significant aspects, their
achievement etc. has to be developed by the pupils at the end. Also they should record the
criticism of their own work and the suggestions for the further work.

Criteria of a good project

A good project can be accessed using the following criteria.
 A project should be purposeful, useful and practically applicable to the daily life of
the students, with clear, well defined objectives.
 The project should help in providing useful and meaningful learning experiences to
each member of the group.
 The project should be within the reach of the students in accordance with their interest
and ability levels.
 The project should be feasible in terms the availability of human and material
resources and time limit.
 The level of complexity of the project should match the ability level of the students.
 The learning activities of the project should be life-like purposeful and natural.
Merits of project method
1. Psychological method
Project method is based on psychological principles. The innate tendencies,
interests and aptitudes of the students are best utilized in this method.
2. Democratic way of learning
Liberty, equality and fraternity are some of the cardinal principles which form
the basis of project method. Right from the selection of the project till its execution
students are provided sufficient freedom for thinking, decision making and going
ahead in their assigned tasks. All of these students cooperate in a common project
according to their tastes, temperaments, abilities and capacities.
3. Development of the social virtue
Many virtues essential for good citizenship like self-confidence, tolerance,
patience, self-dependence sense of responsibility duty blondness, resourcefulness,
mutual love and co-operation etc.
4. Practical method
This method of the maxims of teaching like ‘learning by doing’ and learning
by living. Therefore what is to be learnt in project method is learnt by doing that in a
very practical way. In project method the problems concerning actual life activities
are undertaken therefore, it provides sufficient training to the students to use their
learning in their practical life.
5. Dignity of learner
Project method emphasizes dignity of labour. Students irrespective of their
caste, creed and social status join their hands in doing mental and manual labour in
the execution of the project.
Demerits of project method
1. Difficulty on the part of the teacher
Project method provides many challenges to the teachers in charge right from the
selection of the project till its execution. Every teacher is not equipped with such enthusiasm
abilities and leadership essential for working with such a method.
2.Uneconomical method
Project method is an uneconomical method in the sense that the time, labor and
amount spent in this method is quite larger than return received.
3. Not suitable for teaching subject
No organized and systematic teaching is possible in the project method.
4. Difficulty in covering the syllabus
Project method put obstacles in terms of the coverage of lengthy school syllabus.
Through projects hardly a part of the syllabus can be covered and therefore, it doesn’t suit the
present day teaching.
5. Not suitable to the present day condition
In India, our schools can be neither afford sufficient money nor provide appropriate
personal for teaching with project method. For using this method, suitable textbooks are also
not available. Schools are over crowed and the educational structure is examination oriented.


Peer means students of same category. Peer tutoring is a student-led instructional strategy
used to support improved academic achievement. Peer group members are intimate with
each other and so there is no place for shyness or hesitation. Research shows that students
involved in peer tutoring show
 Higher academic achievement
 Improved relationship with peers
 Improved personal and social development
Peer tutoring programme can be setup to whole class or a group in the class or each
one touch one model. High school students are trained to take classes. The following
sequence of programme may give better results.
1. Discuss Tutoring with Head of Institution
Before to set up a successful peer tutoring programme, teachers and interested
students should discuss the programme with the Headmaster. It is important to
make arrangements for a place to tutor, hours when students are available and
ensure every student in the class/ school is aware of the tutoring programme.
2. Fix the timings
Peer tutoring does not necessarily need to take place after school hours. Students
can make arrangements during lunch or during class hours based on the
availability of space and needs of students who want tutoring.
3. Set goals
An effective peer tutoring programme needs clear goals and a well organized plan
of action to succeed. The gal should focus on simple ideas hat students can work
toward. Goals for the programme should start with small steps and then work up
to a larger.
4. Select tutors
A successful programme must have students who are motivated and capable of
providing help to their classmates. It is important to set clear standards for tutors.
They should have material well enough to teach other students. Beyond the
knowledge they should have the motivation to help others. Tutor should have
behavioural problems or show any major attendance issues. Class teacher or
subject teacher will select tutors.
5. Provide training
The training programme focus on teaching the philosophy of peer tutoring and the
techniques that work best. Even if a student have sufficient knowledge it is not
always easy to communicate the knowledge to others. Tutors are taught
techniques of teaching. Training includes explaining tutors how teaching is often
the most effective way of learning , how peer relationships allow students to open
up inways they may not feel comfortable doing with their teachers and how to
deal with stdents who are problem makers.
6. Evaluation
Teachers begin by checking in with their students asking how things are going
on . Then teachers spend a couple of minutes reviewing what they did last session.

An individual activity is primarily authored by students themselves. The individual
activities helps students focus on goals and develop future plans and how to use the time in
high school to accomplish their personal objectives.
Individual Activity method is techniques adopted by a teacher to teach through
activity in which the students participate thoroughly and bring about efficient learning
experiences. It is a method in which the child is actively involved both mentally and
physically. Learning by doing is the main focus in this method and more a person learns and
longer he/she retains
It means any organized behaviour that the teacher and students engaged in for a
common purpose. Individual Activity is an approach adopted by the teacher whereby
activities are used to bring about effective learning experience.
Types of activity
1. Exploratory – gathering knowledge, concept and skill.
2. Constructive - Gathering experience through creative works.
3. Expressional – presentation.
Purpose of Individual Activity
Individual Activity method acts as an Active problem solver for the students. It enhances
creative aspect of experience. It also gives reality for learning. This type of learning uses all
available resources. It Provides varied experiences to the students to facilitate the acquisition
of knowledge, experience, skills and values. It builds the students self-confidence and
develops understanding through works. It helps to develop happy relationship and interest in
them. When we give an activity it is said to be the language of the child. It is effective in all
the subjects and Social relation provides opportunities to mix with others.
Principle of Individual Activity
As we know that Individual Activity is a learner –centered-approach. It emphasis on
experimental learning. Individual Activity promotes acquisition of social skills by providing
opportunities for learner to work cooperative and collaboratively. It provides potential and
creatively in individuals. it encourages the union of work and play and it Uses child friendly
educational aids to foster self-learning.
Role of a Teacher Role of a student
A planner, an organizer and evaluator Active participation

Facilitator More interaction in collaboration with

Decision maker Discussion (discourse) and research

Knowledge imparter Confident and well prepared

Disciplinarian Involved in the program flow

List of individual activities

1. Individual exercises
These provide an opportunity for the students to practice skills. This could include
objective type questions and problem solving questions. Exercise should be
completed in given time and the teacher verify and give correct answers.
2. Personal design
Given a topic or learning objective, the students are asked to relate it to their real
3. Quiz
Quiz will be conducted for individual students. Answers for the quiz will be also
be provided by the teacher.
4. Computer work
Hundreds of books and topics are available in computer which will open the door
of knowledge . Student may be asked to collect points for a topic from computer
net work and submit to the teacher.
5. Library work
Students are asked to collect material from the library for a topic given by the
6. Interview with celebrity
Teacher may invite star celebrity to the class and asks students to prepare 10
questions to ask. Teacher may also asked students to prepare celebrity ‘profiles’.
7. Preparing poster for a function
The teacher may ask his student to design a poster for a function in the school.
Student can fill letters with drawings or pictures. After completing the poster it
should be hanged on walls or bulletin boards. Students enjoy seeing everyone’s
Planning is must for all teachers and to everybody, as it guides to do the work properly.
Success is all brought because of well planning. Before doing something we have to plan at
the beginning. While planning an activity to students we have to think of what? When? How?
Where? Why?
While giving an activity to the students, teacher should think of how he/she could
make his/her students involved in doing activity given. The activity must be planned in such a
way that all students can participate.
Making children’s involved in doing activity can make them active learner. If they are
in a group, make a point that, they must contribute their opponents’ to the group discussion
and let the group members have some comments.
For each activity make sure that you follow the principles of:
 What?
 What type of activity you are going to give to the students?
 How? Students must be given clear instructions (Work direction step by
step, including; with whom? Where? How long?
 What after?
Ensure that you give clear instruction before each activity.
Individual activities method Can be used in all the subjects. It Promotes better
understanding of a lesson as it is learning by doing. Ethics are usually formed when using
activity based. It Enhances Self efficacy in child. it gives an opportunities to work
independently and in groups. It inspires the students to apply their creative ideas, knowledge
and minds in solving problems.
Students who have Low ability can’t take active participation. Learners would lose
interest and become dormant in the discussions. It will have Lengthy procedure and requires
flawless planning. Focusing on activity to make learning fun can actually hamper those
students who would make good progress without it.

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