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Where do we start in sales?

All sales start with lead generation.

Without leads, who are we going to sell to?

In fact, lead generation is so important that a lot

of companies have a separate department solely
focusing on generating leads.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead generation, as we stated before, is the act of
getting new clients and leads. It is all about
getting new clients and prospects into our sales

Some might call it prospecting but prospecting is

just one way to get new leads (although most
high-ticket sales like real estate and insurance get
most of their prospects from prospecting).

Call me....maybe

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

In general, there are three main ways to get new
leads: prospecting, marketing, and business

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

Prospecting is all about outbound.

It means we are actively going around looking for
and approaching people. We knock on doors. We go
to a prospect’s office. We give our calling card to
this certain fellow in the coffee shop. We add this
certain CEO on LinkedIn and messaging him. In
Tagalog, its naglalako.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

This is the most widely used in high-ticket sales like

that of insurance and real estate. Not only is this
widely used, this is mainly used. The beauty with
prospecting is we have so much control over it. We
do not have to be dependent on anything for us to
get new leads. Basically, we only have to put in our
smarts and effort and voila, new leads coming in.
The problem, of course, is that it is only as productive
as the effort we put into it. Basically kapag hindi tayo
nagtrabaho, walang makukuha
In other words, if you have no experience in sales or
you need leads as soon as possible, prospecting is your
guy. This content alone cannot emphasis how
important prospecting is in sales.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

So how do we do prospecting for high ticket sales?

Different industries have different markets thus use
different prospecting methods. We cannot just use
what works for insurance to real estate. It doesn’t
necessarily work like that.

But here is what we have to remember when


who is our market and how and where do we

personally reach them?

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

If for example our product is office spaces, who then

is our market and how and where do we reach them?
One possible way is through door-to-door in office
buildings. Basically we go to each office and offer our
product to the decision-maker. Of course, we will be
met by gatekeepers who will keep us from meeting
the real decision-maker but that is a story for some
other time.

We could also reach out to our market

virtually on Linkedin or Facebook or
email. We basically send them a
message on FB Messenger or an In-
Mail on Linkedin or even a cold email.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

But the key here is we have to know who our

market is and how and where do we
personally reach them. Okay, so lets say
we’ve reached out to them. They are now in
front of us, what now? What do we say?

Well, we have a module for that on “Elevator

Pitch 101.” Check it out there.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

For starters, here are some platforms to do

1. Sales booth (if you have)
2. Flyer-ing or handing out business cards on
streets or malls (wag ka lang magpapahuli)
3. Making “abang” potential prospects on coffee
shops (pwede rin bar) r wherever they hang out
4. Door-to-door or Office-to-office (for example,
going to 168 Mall in Divisoria and talking to each
business owner there; or going from one school to
another and offering our product)
5. Networking events

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

1. Joining Facebook groups and searching for
potential prospects there
2. Checking out business’s social media pages
and getting their email or contact number (and
cold calling or cold emailing them)
3. Searching for the targeted job title on
Linkedin and messaging potential prospects

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Prospecting

There are just so many ways to do prospecting

but the most important thing here is we have to
know who is our target audience and where do we
find them and how we can reach them out.

If for example we are selling insurance, office-to-

office might not be a good idea unless your target
are the employees working there. Or if you are
selling real estate, making “abang” on McDo in
Divisoria is not the best way unless you are
making "abang" the business owners.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

Marketing meanwhile is all about inbound. It

means people come to us, asking help from us.
This is where social media marketing,
advertisements, and content marketing (like that
of vlogs) come in. You let yourself known to
others and people will come to you. We use
Facebook ads. We put posters of our product in a
certain place. We do vlogs about anything
relevant to our product hoping people will see it.
Or if you are really good, you might even
dominate SEO so that when people search about
your product, you are the first one that pops out.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

Unlike prospecting, marketing is rather passive.

We create assets and we put it out unto the world,
hoping people would see it and be interested
enough to do what you want them to do (like
signing up or calling you, etc.). We have less
control over it and sometimes this is expensive.
On the other side of the coin, if our marketing
strategy works out, we can get tons of leads even
if we are sleeping or doing nothing.
Unlike prospecting, so many marketing
strategies can be used regardless of
what industry we are in. Real estate?
Social media ads can help Insurance?
Hello Social media Ads.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

So how do we do marketing that is specific for

salespeople? The most obvious is leveraging
social media. Frankly speaking, our knowledge on
social media is not deep enough. You can look for
social marketing strategies on Youtube or Google.

But here is where salespeople, esp. in high-ticket

selling, differ from normal businesses: we need to
make people know, like, and trust us. Most social
media strategies are geared only towards the “know”
and in some ways the “like” part of the equation. Is
knowing us enough? In a crowded world full of other
competitors in the same market and businesses
competing for their attention, good luck with that.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

For people to like us and trust us, there is only one

marketing strategy that can make that happen: Content
Marketing or sharing valuable information or
inspirational words to our audience. A Vlog is a content
and so is a Tiktok video and an Instagram post.

In short, anything that comes out of social media is

content but here is the thing: how valuable or
inspirational is our content as it relates to our market?

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

In other words, we have to create contents that give

value to the people we are targeting. It could be
educational, informational, or even inspirational. And
as we do, we position ourselves as experts in our
industry which will make people like and trust us

Here is the other thing: we

don’t have to create our own
content. We can use contents
of other people and share it
with our audience. It can be
other bloggers in the industry
or news about our industry.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

Is social media and content marketing enough to get

leads? Unfortunately the answer is No. Facebook owns
your audience. Tiktok owns them. Instagram owns
your audience. And so does Youtube. If they one day
choose not to post your content, your content will not
reach your audience. They can instantly wipe our
business if they choose to.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Marketing

In other words, we need to have a direct contact with

them. We have to take them out of our social media
and into our own sales funnel. And how do we do that?

We need to have a lead magnet: something of value

that people will exchange their contact details for. It
could be in a form of a free trial, a free step-by-step
guide as it relates to their problem, a “For Dummies”
guide of our industry, a free gift certificate, etc. It must
be good enough that people will exchange their emails
or Viber or weChat for it.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

Lead Generation: Business Development

Lastly there is also business development. It means

partnering up with someone or an organization to
promote your product or get new clients. Teaming up
with an influencer is an example. Going to the property
manager of a certain building and creating a win-win
situation wherein the property manager advertises
your product to all the building tenants and he gets a
big percentage of every sale is also business
development. Heck, courting the secretary to get closer
to the boss who could be a potential client can also be
considered as business development (but please, don’t
do it……don’t break another person’s heart). Business
development is what others would call “working smart.”

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

There is so much more to what we have talked about
than just these.

But here is the key to getting leads:

know who your target market is,

find out where they are,
and find a way to get them into your sales funnel.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

And here is another important thing: strategies and
plans are important but execution is way more
important. The key here is to always execute. Chances
are that our initial strategy or plan will fail.
We cannot get everything right in the first try.
But as we go on, we will find out what works and what

So just keep on executing

and putting yourself out into
the real world so that you
will find out what works and
what doesn’t. The beauty in
this is that once we find out
what works, it will work out
effectively and productively.

Onboarding Ahente Masterfile

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