Sheetal Mail Answer

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Instructor HR and faculty support Coordinator Writing Sample Instructions At this time, we would like

for you to submit writing samples in the areas listed below. You may wish to review our Faculty
Handbook as you form your responses (see attached).

Instructor Evaluation

Create an email to an instructor to share notification of low performance, to offer coaching, and to
emphasize that the next evaluation must note improvement in the key areas named in the scenario
below to remain eligible for future teaching assignments. Please use word honorarium, contract and dedicated.

Scenario: The following performance concerns were noted in Pat Smith’s recent instructor evaluation
for ENGL 0101, section 42 – a. attendance/not logging in frequently, b) not grading or returning
student assignments on time, and c) supplying students with minimal feedback.

Please Input you answer below this line:

Subject: Performance Review and Coaching Opportunity

Dear Concern,
I hope this email finds you well.
I wanted to discuss the recent evaluation of your performance as an instructor for ENGL
0101, section 42. While many aspects of your teaching are commendable, there are a few
areas where improvement is needed.
The evaluation highlighted concerns regarding:
a) Attendance/Logging in Frequency: It was noted that there were instances where
attendance records were not accurately maintained, and you were not consistently logging in
to the system.
b) Grading and Return of Student Assignments: There were delays in grading and
returning student assignments, which impacted the timely feedback students received on
their work.
c) Provision of Feedback: Students reported receiving minimal feedback on their
assignments, which is essential for their growth and development.

It's crucial to address these issues promptly to ensure the quality of education our students
receive. As part of our commitment to supporting our instructors, I would like to offer you
coaching and support in these areas.

Our contracts are contingent upon meeting certain performance standards, and we must
honor these commitments to ensure the success of our students.
With your dedication and our support, we can address these concerns effectively and
continue to provide an excellent learning experience for our students.

I look forward to discussing this further with you and exploring how we can work together to
achieve our goals.

Best regards,
Sheetal Kumari

Coordinator- Instructor HR
Mob no-8130912667

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