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To our Assistant Chief Police Regional Training Center 1 / and our Overall Training Supervisor, PLTCOL

AQUINO PAGNAS BAYANGAN (sir);/ to our Assistant Chief Non-Academic Section, / PLT GLINN
LAWIYAN CAWENG (sir);/ to the training staff (sir’s and ma’ams) ;/ to our juniors, / Class MASUGID;/ and
to my classmates, / Class MANSIKLAB. / Ladies and gentlemen, / Good morning!

As we embark on this journey to become police officers, / I want to remind you of the importance / of
staying motivated throughout our training and future career. / Policing is a challenging and demanding
profession / that requires dedication, / perseverance, / and a strong sense of purpose. / Every day, /
we will be faced with difficult situations / and must make split-second decisions / that can have a
significant impact on the lives of others. / It is crucial that we remain focused, / determined, / and
committed to upholding the values of integrity, / honesty, / and professionalism / that are the foundation
of law enforcement.

In times of doubt or difficulty, / remember why you chose to become a police officer in the first place. /
Whether it was a desire to serve and protect your community, / a calling to make a difference, / or a
passion for justice, / hold on to that reason and let it fuel your determination. / Let it be the light that
guides you through the darkest of times /. Motivation is the fuel that keeps us going, / the spark that
ignites our passion and propels us forward. / It's what helps us overcome challenges, / embrace new
opportunities, / and achieve our dreams. / But let's be honest, / sometimes that spark can flicker and
dim. / We all face moments of doubt, / fatigue, / and frustration. / We're all at different points in our
learning, / but we're united by a common goal / – to grow, / to learn, / to push ourselves further. / And
that's where motivation comes in./

Firstly, / remember why you're here. / What brought you to this training? / What are your goals? / Is it a
dream career, / a desire for personal growth, / or simply the thirst for new knowledge? / Hold onto that
vision, / that driving force, / because it's the fuel that keeps you going. /

Secondly, / find your tribe. / This training is not just about individual growth, / it's about connecting with
others who share your journey. / Surround yourself with people who inspire you, / who push you to be
better, / and who celebrate your achievements. / Remember, / you're not alone in this. /

Thirdly, / embrace the challenges. / We all face obstacles, / but they're not meant to break us, / they're
meant to make us stronger. / Every challenge is an opportunity to learn, / to adapt, / and to grow. / Don't
shy away from them, / face them head-on with a positive attitude / and a willingness to learn.

Fourthly, / celebrate the small wins. / Don't wait for the grand finale to acknowledge your progress. /
Every step forward, / every skill mastered, / every hurdle overcome deserves a pat on the back. / These
small victories fuel your confidence / and keep you motivated for the next challenge.

Finally, / be kind to yourself. / We're all human, / and we're all going to have days where we feel drained.
/ Don't beat yourself up about it. / Take a break, / recharge, / and come back stronger. / Remember, /
progress isn't always linear, / it's a journey with its ups and downs.

Let's use this training as a platform / to ignite our inner spark, / to fuel our journey, / and to achieve our
full potential. / Let's fuel our motivation with our goals, / our connections, / our challenges, / and our
victories. / Let's embrace this journey with enthusiasm / and a thirst for knowledge. / And most
importantly, / let's support each other every step of the way. / Together, / we can achieve anything. /

Before I end my speech / I will leave you with a quote /, “ BE A WARRIOR NOT A WORRIER, /

May GOD bless us always.

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