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Introduction to Human Resource Menagement “The basic functions ef the management process include all ofthe following EXCEPT. 'k. Prnnng 8 Oganizng ©. Outsourcing D, Leading Which one of the flowing is the person responsible for ‘accomplishing 8n organtaton’s goals by managing the ‘fort ofthe erganizaton’s people? ‘5. Manager Entrepreneur ©. Generalist D. Marketer Which function of the management process requires a manager to establish goals and standards and to develop ‘ules and procedures? ‘8. Planning Organizing ©. Stating B. Lesding Consuela, a manager delegates the autho tora project © Lee, her subordinate. Consuela fs most kel involved is ‘nich function of tne management process? “A. Siang B. Organizing Motivating D. Leading, when managers use meties to assess performance and then develop stategies for covrecive acon, they are performing the Tuneton of the management process ‘A Panning 5 Leading ©. Contating D. Organizing 10. In the management process, which one ofthe following is an ‘scily sezoeated wih the leading fnction? 'A: Motivating subordinates 5 Seting perormance starcards Training new employees. ©. Developing procedures Personnel sciviles associated with human resource management mast Ikey nlude ale the following EXCEPT T Gientng and training new employees B._foprasing employee performance Bing empoyee commitment . Developing customer relationships ‘Ane manager's human resource responsibites most Hey include al of the folowing EXCEPT ‘A. Maintaining department mole 3. Contoling labor cos C. Protzcing empioyess' heath 1. Marketing new products and services Yuki wores at 2 positon in his organization were he maintains contacts win the local community arc raves to Search Tor qualified job appicants. YuKTS positon Is best ‘Seserbed a8 ‘A. Recruiter Manager . Labor relations apecialit D. Job analyst wtnin Taide the Human resource managers generaly exert ‘he numan resources department and human resourees department ‘A. Line authority: stat authority 8. Staff authorty ine authority (Functional autor tine authority ©. Saf author; implied authority Wier wore inthe HR Sopariment ang ie in charge dovscrng ‘he pons fo how people ve puis and how the sioje erat ‘ogtam is run. Winer is most They Polang the Pelton of Tang spect 8 e 5 Recuter Compensation manager sebaraiet ‘An HR generat at Wison Manacung has been assigned 1 ‘ho sales aoparnent fo proude HA manager oeded. rien of he flowing bet deaeies he srucre of he Ttsaricos provced ot sor Manutectuing? * a 5 ‘Sharea teams Eppedded teams Centers expertise Corporate HR teams faniaten of the human resource function invsues dedcated HR mernbers that assat op management in sues such {8 developing the personnel aspect ofthe companys lngiem Sratege pan? = 8 e 3 Ennadees He tame Corporate HR teams Centos onperise Shared serscee Wg term frst he told, sa, and bien of fis a a e 3 Human resources Human capital Insane eae Coraingent personne ‘What isthe ten for worfres tke thos at he company Uber, Where elancrs and Independert contactors wom hen they (an on wat hey want e werk en and when the company needs Sone pomr Telecommutars Human cai ‘bars Snedemand workers 16 17 19. Te recent tend where in some ovcupations (such as high-ech) unemployment rates are lon, while In ohers unemployment rates are. sil very high and recurs in many companies cant find candidates, whie in others ‘here's a weath of caraiéates is calles ‘Talent analytes 8. Globalization . Unbalanced labor force Human capita Which one ofthe following best exemplifies recent rends in technology that we feng man reouce management? sting "open postions on Nonstercom, CCaveeroulcercom, ana simsar websites ‘Tho use of gaming features fo enhance taining ‘and performance appraisal ‘Alowirg workers to telecommute Providing employees with laptops or tablets so they can werk ote Evidence based human resouroe mana of he folowing types of evidence EXCEPT "A. Soni igor 5 Exsting cata Research sties Qualitative opinions ment rales onal In small organizations, line managers frequenty handle all personne! dutes wihoutthe assistance cf human resource oot a. True 2 Fae iat are the two distnet functon cared out by human resource managers? ‘A. Life Function and Staff Function Employee Testing and Selection A eile empeyment st wil mst aly sil ‘Consistent scores when a parson Takes two ‘alternate forms of the test Improved scores when a person takes the same test ‘ore than once in a singe day High scores when a person takes two altemate forms ofthe test on aiferent occasions Similar seores when two diferent people are dministered the test at ifort tines Which one ofthe following trms refers to the accuracy with vin fet fils he funeton for when twas dessgnes? Retabity 8. Valiciy ©. Expectancy D. Consistency Selection tests should be used as supplements o other tools Ike nteviows and background checks. ‘A. True or 8 Flee? [AS part of the selection process fra poston at UPS, Jack hasbeen asked to It weights and jump rope. Which ne of ‘he flowing fs mest ikely being measured by UPS? "A. Motor ability 8. Personality ©. Cognitive . interest Carlos recently particpated in a selecton test fo: a positon ‘a Northam Aeronautics. The test measured Carlos’ fnger Gexteriy and reaction tie, som was most likely a(n) test A Inerpersonal sis B. Cognitive sis Physical abilties D. Achievements, ‘The Big Five personally dimensions include all of the following EXCEPT ‘5 Neuraiciem 8. Optimism C. Exaversion 1. Conscientousness Which one of the folowing terms refers. to. training ‘candiates to perform several of the be tasks and then assessing the candidates! performance rior to hire? ‘A. Achievement testng B. Work sampiing tecmiqu C. Managementassossmont center miniature job taining Which one ofthe foloning isthe primary reason tat fms ‘conduct background investigations of job apatcarts? ‘A. Adhere to legal hirng pracices Limit the numberof sopicants xn) is a mult-day smulatonin which candidates perorm realsie tasks in hypothetical stations and are Scored on their performance ‘A. Work sampling event B._ Situational judgment test (C. Management assessment contor Applicant personaly test Job Analysis end Talent Management Process In an efectve talent management system, an employee's perfomance appraisal would) intate’ traning and ‘evelopment opportunites a. True 5 False fective talent management focuses on developing ‘employee competencies that align vith strategic goals, A. True 8 False Allo the flloning types of iformation wil most Ikely be Collected by a human resources specalt tvough a Jed ‘analysis EXCEPT "A. Job descriion B. Gob specication . Job analysis D. dob content All f the flowing types of information wil most thely bo ollacted ty 2 human resources specalt trough a job salpie EXCEPT Wore aches Human behaviors Pevformance standards Employee benefits options poor Jennifer, 2 manager at an engineering frm, has been ‘assigned the task of conducting a jb analysis. What shoul be Jennifer first stop in he process? [A Deciding how the gathered information will be j t : : | ‘Seeing representative jb positions to assess Reviewing relevant background information [A ofthe fotoving requirements are typical aceressed in job Spectemons EXCEPT ‘Desres persority Tans 8. Rewured ecxcalon eves ©. Necessary experience Working eoncitions itch one of folowing inseats the dsion of wore win 8 {im and be nes of auerty and cemmuricaton? ‘A Process char 8. Enpioyee matix Organizational chart 1D. Corporate overiew Which one of the folonng is an example of business process reengneoing? 1K” Using computerized systems to combine separate tasks 8. Greaing 2 visual char fr workiow procedures ©. Assignng addtional acivaes aren employees 1D. Developing empioyee skits and behaviors nie ertrming the th step ofa job anasis, x's essentalto ‘conf te valaty of coleced data withthe ‘Kv EEOC representative a OAR Legal department DL Worker itch one of the following terms refers o systematically moving \wotters fom one bo anther? IR dob rotation 8 lop ennehment ©. dob entrgerert BL deb aaustmene Conducting the job analysis isthe sole responsi of the HR. 2. 8. 4. 15. Jerome, @ manager at an electronics company, needs 10 {gather job anal/sis informaton fom & large number of {Employees who” perform similar work. Which one of the ‘alouing would be mos! appropiate for Jerome? ‘A’ Observing all employees 8. nerviening the HR manager . Holding @ group interview with @ supervisor 1. Conducting telephone surveys ofall employees ‘One of the problems with direct observation is wiih is when were alter thei normal actives Beoause they are being watched, A Flexaty 1B Falefeation . Reactivty . Diversion Informal_interviews provide quanttaive job analysis ‘formation, which is why they are Fecuerdy used by ‘managers who need fo determine the relative worth of ajo ‘er pay purposes, "a True 8. False loaquin recorés every actviy in which he participates at ‘work along wit the tme it takes him to complete each acivity. Which of fhe falloning approaches to job analysis Gata callecton is most tkely being used at Joaqur's workplace? Diarioe 2 interviews C. Onsarvatons 3. Gusstonnares § Performance Appraisal Which one of the folowing tems reters to the process of ‘evaluating an employee's current andlor past performance Felatve this or her performance standards? A’ employee selection B. performance appraisal ©. employee orertaton D, Organizatonal development ‘The primaty purpose of providing employees with feedback luting a performance apprasal eto motivate employees Rood tor managerial positions Remove any performance deficiencies Revise thet perfomance standards 1. Enallin work-related raining programs Allof the flloning are reasons for appraising an employee's performance EXCEPT ‘A. Coreg any wor7aaied deficiencies BB. Creating an organizational strategy map (Determining appropriate salary and bonuses 1. Making decisions about promations In most exganizators, who is primarly responsible for appraising an employee's performance? ‘A. Employee's direct supervisor 2 Company appraiser ©. Human resourses manager D. Employee's subordinates \Whatis the fst step of any performance appraisal? ‘A’ Giving feecack Setting work standards (Making plans te prowce taining D._ Assessing the employee's performance 10. What usually occurs when employees rate themselves for Pedormance apprasals? "A. Ratings ae reliable buna BL Ratings ae subject ip halo eects (. Ratings. are higher than when provided by supervisors. 1, Ratings are about the same as when detemnined by peers hich one of the folowing tems refers to the process of ‘lowing subordinates to rate thelr supervear's perfomance anonymously? ‘A. Supplemental evaaton Upward feedback . Pared evaluation 1D. Peerevakiaton hich one of the folowing tems refers toa performance ‘apprisal based on surveys fom peers, supersors Subordiates, and customers? 'A. 360-dogroe feedback 5 Team appraisals ©. Upward teectack Rating commie Supenisers should provide employees with feedback evelopment, and incentives necessary fo help empoyees ‘liinate performance deficiencies oo continue perfor wel ‘a. True 2 Fale ‘The HR department montors the performance appraiea! ‘system, but is peal pat iolved inating employees a True 5 Fase 1 2. 8. «4. 15. Ip orer to ensure that performance appraisals are effective, Felicia, a tne supenisor, shoulé make sure to schedule 2 feedback session to address each subordinates performance, progress, and uture developmert plans a. True 5 False Which one ofthe folowing & the easiest and most popular Iechnieue for appraising employee performance? ‘A. Alteration ranking B. Graphic rating seale . Ferees estibuton D. Constant sum rating sale Rot, the supervisor of the manufacturing department at a computer fem, Is in the process of evaluating Nis slafs Derformance. He has celermined that 15% ofthe group wil be idenffed as high performers, 20% as above average performers, 30% a5 average periermers, 20% a5 below ‘erage performers, and 15% a5 poor performers. Which Berean apeaial al has Joh shoren we? ‘Benavlraly anchored rating scale Forced debate © Atemation ranking D. Pared comparison \Which term refers to ranking of employees from besto worst fon a tater tals, choosing highest than lowest unt all are vanes? "A. Performance management 3 Pared comparison . Altenation ranking D. Diracton sharing Management by objectives requires a manager to set specie measurable, o;ganzaionaly relevant goa wth ch employee and then periodical ciscuss the employees progress tonard these goals ‘a True 5 Faloe Personnel Planning and Recruitment ‘TWhat ie the fest step in the recrutment and selecion process? ‘A. Pecorming iil screening interviews Bulding apeolof candidates (. Perorming candidate backaround checks . Deciding what positions to fil 2 Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what postions the fim should fil inthe next six monte, mtich means Mareus is curently working on ‘A. sereeningjob candidates personnel planning . Itervening job cancisates 1. wring desenptons| 3. The process of deciing how to fil execuve postions at a fms known as ‘A Intemal erating B. Succession planning ©. Leng crm forecasting D. Advanced intervening 4. Which ene of the flowing terms refers to studying a fms past employment neecs over a peried of years to predict ‘gure neces? "A. Rato analysis 8. Trend analysis © Graphical anatsis DL Computer analysis 5. Newton Bulking Supplies hopes to generate an extra St milion in sales next year A salesperson ‘radtonaly (Generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using rato analysis, how many new salespeopie should Newton hre? in? a5 & 10 3. 20 10. Which one of the folowing contains data regarding ‘employees! educaton, career development. and special ‘Sills and used by managers when selectng inside ‘andiates fr prematan? ‘A. Computerized forecasting tools 8. Skis mventories ©. Trend recorss B.Sc plots When managers need to determine which current ‘employees are avalible for promation or transfer, they wil ost ikey use ‘A Seater pole 8. Skil inventories Estimated sales trends 1. Personnel forecasts [Al of the folowing are methods used by frms to develop highrpotental candicstes for fture postions EXCEPT K Froviing intoral training Implementing job tation (.Oferingglotal assignments 1. Developing skills inventories ‘Smith Industies is thinking of having another company take (ate of benefits management. This scaled ‘A. Outsourcing 2 Reouiting ©. Telecommuting 1D. Sereering Recruiting is necessary to ‘A Osermne whetner To Use inside or outsie candidates Forecast he shor-ierm supply of outside candidates , Greate postive wora-t-mout about afm ©. Develop an applicant pool Which one ofthe lng i he primary deadvariage of using rama! sources of easiest fara potions In? * a e 5 Lack c knowledge rogarcng caniatessrenging Potential tolose employees whe are promoted ‘ueatontlecommtinantteandstes tthe tm Slontear vaning and ovntaten requrcrents Maia Bad hae boon heed by Bemum Hotels to manage stating ‘Sethe ragons how shan Eafmummnendsto penta sew hols itn the now te years and wl ave many job postons Historia, employee tumover ls high a Sarum ae omployece ‘remain wih he company or one or wo years before auiltng Mara rnizes tat Bomum ress to rake sgrear changes nt Personnel strategy in orcr to meet the companys goal fr the ite ens pote einoyenvtertan valent fe folwang ‘estons fe vlevant to Nas decision of op postion the ‘enol irl aie EXCEPT 8 c ° "hat are the Kay ranagerl postions tha ae avaiable me new hota? ‘What percentage of employers inthe service industry Use sucesssion planning?” ‘a ile sdvemon, and tiring have ban provided io Peter cericates? Whats the desgratod procedure fr sssessng ond sectng poral concletoe? ‘tic one of he folowing is NOT a foo sed by first ect ute sancceee?| 5 é 5 Newspaper sveseng Intranet ob postings Erplymertogeneles Chin ab beards \Wrich one of the folowing tacos plays he greatest rie In ‘dtrming the best med fora jb dvertumant? ‘= 2 é 5 ‘hile needed forthe seb cemensaton and salary Timeatlowed te poston Grapes use inthe advertsement e an employer wll most hey se a psa employment agency in crete ‘ceive essence wring job ace ‘ere opal ing pactces Fit specite jo opening aulchy pend more tine recuting appears 2. Newton Meutacuing is using priate enptyment agency to ‘ecu reals for ranagerent sions Ashe NR mage a Newton you noea to enaufe thal plese oe seesnea propel, sia ‘Provide Te ancy wit an accurate Job description Postjts on Be in fant and bulla Bond Develop apaant ecraning etre rte oe Sine toipene to mantor he. agency reciting aves Newton Manufactiing is using a preate employment agency to ‘ecu reals for ranagerent sions. Ase NR sage a Newon,you need fo eraut hel epaicares ae scoaned propery, Soyeuse ‘Provide he ancy win an accurate job description Poste on bef vat an bultn Soars Develop apaant crecning stare x tana oe Sind BR arpa manter he agentys recuting atin poop Kate works a6 a nurse on temporary essgnment for hospi ‘rougheut hereon on an ae-eeced bass Kates ost hey Working as a contingent worker BPartipting nab ation Using elargerert 5. Bonchmtng oe hat isanacvantage of using enpoyee efor camoaions? "x “Lott pouty workers canbe rected iy Applicants have recelved realist ob previews. (C_Rawarde ndineantves se sinate, BL Apptcentshave commutes Pableing an open joo to curent employees tough a fis ‘rane or buen ats known as ob posting Tue 2 False Training and Development “On Let's fst day of work at softvare frm she atended 12 meeting with the HR manager and other new employees. Lotta leamed about employee benefts packages, personnel poles, and the structure o the company, In when one of {he folowing id Letta most kel partopate? A Rectutent 5 Section ©. Employee orientation D. Employee development 2. Which one of the flowing is most ikely NOT one of the sale ot at's emicye oertaton program ‘Making new employees feel ke part ofa team Hato nem enpoyess become soiaed ns the fim . Assisting new employees in selacting the best labor union 1. Teaching new employees about the frm's history and srategs 3. Employee crentation programs range tom brie, informal inredctons fo lengthy, formal courses. a True B False 4. Hing highi-siled employees wih great potential clminates the need to provide crentation and waning ‘A Te 8. False 5. The metheds used to give new or present employees the shils they need pertorm ther jabs are called 1k Grantation 8. Training ©. Development Management 10. Identifies the taining employees vill need tf onnall 7 ‘Competency modaing ertormance analysis ‘Strategic training needs analysis Screening Whats the fst step inthe ADDIE traning process? ‘A Assessing ihe progran’s successes BL oprasing the programs budget ©. Analyzing the training need 1, Aequleng taining materiale ‘Amy, an accounting supervisor, has been asked to provice traning for her subordinates about new tax laws. In orderto matvate the individuals who altend her traning session, ‘Amy should most iely <0 all ofthe folowing EXCEPT TK Cie as many visual ads as possible durng the Provide an overview of the materiale be covered . Use new terminology and technical concepts 1. Give information in egies, meaningful secon Employers wil most Ikely use al of he folowing methods to ieentty airing. needs. for new “employees” EXCEPT "R Rralyzng job descriptions Reviewing performance standards . Questionng curent job holsers BL Conducting « work sampling “Training sessions shouldbe hatt-day or three-fourths day in length rather than a full day, because the earring curve ‘9065 down fate inthe day, a. Tue 5 Fase 1 2. 1. 4. 45. Which one of the following would most Ikely occur during the feurt stp of te ADDIE taming oocess? ‘A. Holding on-the-job training sessions 8 Seecing employees for traning CC. Preparing onine traning materials 1. Asking participants for feecback Rebekah was hired soon afer graduation and assigned to complete & management tance program. She wil move © ‘argue jobs each month fora nine-month pered afte. Het employers ub the. form of rang. ‘A. Job rotation B Undrsticy ©. dob expansion 1. Informal tearing |A structured process by which people become. skied ‘workers through a combination of dassfoom insvuction anc Omthe job raning i calles "A Jeb instracton ‘raining Programmed tearing Apprenticeship training DL Coaching technique lan is curenty being rained on the job and is atthe fst spin the OLT process, wrich volves. ‘Showing the trainee how do the ok 1. Verbalzing the steps ofthe task Checking to make sure the task was learned by he .. > ‘aires Famillarzing tho trainee with equipment, tools, fand trade tome When jobs consist of a logical sequence of steps and are Dest taught step-by-step. the most appropriate taining method 10 use. ‘A. Job instruction waning B. Apprenticeship taining Programmed learring D, dobrretation

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