Standard Operating Procedure TKI AUDIT

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for TKI Monthly Audit

Purpose: To ensure all activities related to Spraying, Slashing, Pruning, and Planting are
performed according to set standards and are audited for compliance and efficiency on a
monthly basis which end on 25 for every month, with a focus on the outcomes of these tasks
for oil palm cultivation.

Scope: This SOP applies to all employees and contractors involved in Spraying, Slashing,
Pruning, and Planting at the oil palm estate.


 Spraying: The application of herbicides and pesticides to control weeds and pests.
 Slashing: The manual or mechanical cutting of weeds and grass.
 Pruning: The removal of dead or excess branches and leaves to promote healthy
plant growth.
 Planting: The process of planting new oil palm trees.


 Field Conductor/ Assistant Manager: Oversees daily activities, ensures compliance

with SOPs, and reports to the Estate Manager/Operational Manager.
 Estate Manager/Operational Manager: Reviews audit results, ensures corrective
actions are taken, and reports to upper management.
 Audit Team(Survey Team): Conducts monthly audits, prepares reports, and makes
recommendations for improvement.

Job Descriptions and Outcome Criteria:

1. Spraying:
o Objective: Control weeds and pests to protect crop health.
o Tasks:
 Mix herbicides/pesticides according to recommended ratios.
 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.
 Apply sprays evenly and avoid overspray.
o Outcome Criteria:
 Weed Control: Minimal weed presence in sprayed areas.
 Pest Control: No significant pest damage on oil palm trees.
 Chemical Use: Appropriate herbicide/pesticide concentrations used.
 Safety Compliance: Proper use of PPE and no incidents of chemical
2. Slashing:
o Objective: Maintain field cleanliness and reduce competition for nutrients.
o Tasks:
 Use appropriate tools (machetes, slashers, or mechanical cutters).
 Cut weeds and grass at ground level.
 Remove cut material from the field.
o Outcome Criteria:
 Field Cleanliness: No overgrown weeds or grass.
 Nutrient Competition: Reduced competition for nutrients in the soil.
 Debris Management: No accumulation of cut materials in the field.
3. Pruning:
o Objective: Promote healthy growth and facilitate harvesting.
o Tasks:
 Use clean and sharp pruning tools.
 Remove dead, diseased, or excess branches.
 Dispose of pruned material properly.
o Outcome Criteria:
 Plant Health: Vigorous growth and absence of disease symptoms.
 Harvest Efficiency: Easier access to fruits for harvesting.
 Proper Pruning: Clean cuts without damaging the plant.
4. Planting:
o Objective: Ensure successful establishment of new oil palm trees.
o Tasks:
 Prepare the soil and planting holes according to specifications.
 Select healthy seedlings or seeds.
 Plant at the correct depth and spacing.
 Water and protect new plantings as needed.
o Outcome Criteria:
 Survival Rate: High survival rate of newly planted trees.
 Growth Rate: Healthy initial growth of new plantings.
 Planting Technique: Correct planting depth and spacing.
 Protection and Care: Adequate initial care and protection measures

Audit Process:

1. Planning:
o Schedule audits monthly of after the work done mostly on 26hb-30hb of every
o Notify relevant personnel in advance.
o Prepare audit checklist based on job descriptions and outcome criteria.
2. Execution:
o Spraying Audit:
 Inspect sprayed areas for weed and pest control effectiveness of every
5-7 days after spray.
 Check records for correct herbicide/pesticide mixing ratios.
 Verify PPE usage and safety compliance.
o Slashing Audit:
 Inspect fields for cleanliness and reduced nutrient competition.
 Check for evenness and completeness of slashing.
 Verify proper debris removal.
o Pruning Audit:
 Inspect pruned trees for health and growth.
 Check for clean cuts and proper disposal of pruned material.
 Assess ease of harvesting access with disposing the pruned material
o Planting Audit:
 Inspect newly planted areas for survival and growth rates.
 Verify correct planting techniques and spacing/Lining.
 Ensure proper initial care and protection of new plantings.
3. Reporting:
o Document findings using the audit checklist.
o Highlight areas of non-compliance and areas for improvement.
o Provide recommendations for corrective actions.
4. Follow-up:
o Review audit findings with the Field Conductor and Operational
Manager/Estate Manager.
o Implement corrective actions as needed.
o Schedule re-audit if necessary to ensure compliance.


 Maintain records of all audits, findings, and corrective actions.

 Store documents in an accessible location for future reference and review.


 This SOP should be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure continued
relevance and effectiveness.

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