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AC7117/2 REV DΔ1

Issue Date 2006-11

161 Thorn Hill Road Revision Date 16-JAN-2024

Warrendale, PA 15086-7527
Editorial ‘Δ’ Change 29-APR-2024

Superseding AC7117/2 Rev. C

For Automated Peening



1.1 This Audit Criteria is used to survey a facility seeking Nadcap

accreditation for the automated shot peening method. This process
method Audit Criteria shall be used in conjunction with AC7117.


2.1 See AC7117 Section 2.


3.1 Instructions for the Auditors

3.1.1 In completing the Subscriber specific assessment, Auditors are

instructed to respond with a “YES” or “NO” to address compliance with
each statement or requirement. For any negative responses, the
Auditor must clearly indicate if the “NO” reflects noncompliance with
respect to existence, adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates
to documented procedure or policy, and compliance relates to evidence
of effective implementation. The “NA” option is used only when the
question is not applicable to the Auditee process. Choosing the “NA”
option requires an explanation note.

3.1.2 The Auditor shall apply the questions in the supplemental Audit Criteria
only to the Auditees who specify the Subscriber in the audit scope.

The Airbus supplement sheets shall only be used if the Auditee is

already approved by Airbus.

3.2 U8 – Airbus Supplement SECTION NA

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Copyright 2023 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.

t-frm-1115 5-Dec-2023
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 -2-

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for Airbus check

the box to collapse the U8 section.

3.2.1 (U8) Where the arc height is outside the required range/tolerance, do YES NO
procedures describe appropriate actions to identify the cause and take
corrective action?

3.2.2 (U8) Do procedures require re-verification of intensity after a significant YES NO

change in the process?

3.2.3 (U8) Is peening equipment either: Fitted with separators and classifiers; YES NO
Without classifiers but which are fitted with separators which remove
fines and it can be demonstrated that there is minimal risk of non-
conformance immediately prior to the next scheduled re-assessment
and/or shot replacement interval; or Without classifiers and/or
separators and with specific written authorization by Airbus?

3.2.4 (U8) Is new steel shot conditioned before use? YES NO

3.2.5 (U8) Does the Auditee have a procedure for shot additions? YES NO

3.2.6 (U8) Does the Auditee’s procedure ensure that coverage does not YES NO
exceed 500%?

3.2.7 (U8) MECHANICAL CLEANING AFTER SHOT PEENING SECTION NA (U8) Is the media type and size in accordance with internal procedure, YES NO
and where required, specification requirements? (U8) Is abrasive blasting grit changed/controlled per defined YES NO NA

Guidance: NA applies if mechanical cleaning other than abrasive
blasting is performed. (U8) Are abrasive blasting cabinets or media controlled to minimize YES NO
cross contamination of alloys (e.g., aluminum and iron based alloys)?
Guidance: This can be accomplished through media change, dedicated
blast equipment, etc. (U8) Is the blasting nozzle distance / angle controlled per defined YES NO
requirements? (U8) Is the blasting pressure controlled per defined requirements? YES NO (U8) Was hardware visually checked to verify that shot peen residue YES NO
and abrasive media had been removed?
Guidance: Visual in-process inspection must be performed prior to the
next operation.

3.3 U10 – GE Aviation Supplement SECTION NA

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for GE Aviation
check the box to collapse the U10 section.
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 -3-

3.3.1 (U10) Do the Auditee’s procedures prevent the use of wheel and YES NO
manual peening for GE Aviation parts?

3.3.2 (U10) Does the Auditee’s equipment, used for P11TF3 peening, include YES NO
the required hardware interlock or alarm controls that protect against
unintended or lack of intended motion?

3.3.3 (U10) Does the Auditee have a coverage map for the part and do the YES NO NA
peened parts meet the coverage map?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If a coverage map is not required.

3.3.4 (U10) Are GE Aviation parts being peened during the automated job YES NO
audit(s), on a shot peen machine that does not use wheel peening?

3.3.5 (U10) Do the Auditee’s procedures verify if there is a requirement of YES NO

coverage maps for GE Aviation?

3.3.6 (U10) For each audited job, is there objective evidence that saturation YES NO
curves have been run at least every 12 months?

3.3.7 (U10) Are the intensity verification limits flowed down to the shop floor YES NO
based on the required test strip type?

3.3.8 (U10) Do the intensity verification limits meet the minimum YES NO
requirements based on the latest saturation curves for the represented
test strip locations?
Guidance: Verification limits are usually tighter than drawing limits.

3.3.9 (U10) Is masking effectiveness verified under the minimum required YES NO
10X magnification or documented in the approved technical plan?

3.3.10 (U10) For machines certified for P11TF8 parts, is there objective YES NO NA
evidence of compliance with P28TF4 for operator and machine
Guidance: NA substantiation – If not approved for P11TF8
components. Annual operator requirements include operational
proficiency and written testing. Equipment requires maximum 6 month
shot flow calibration interval unless documented and approved by GE
within the technical plan.

3.4 U11 – The Boeing Company Supplement SECTION NA

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for The Boeing
Company check the box to collapse the U11 section.

3.4.1 (U11) Does the Auditee have the required D1-4426 approvals for YES NO
processing Boeing parts (approvals are listed on the D1-4426

3.4.2 (U11) Is the Auditee Processing parts to the correct revision and YES NO
applicable PSDs? (Current Revisions and PSDs are listed on D1-4426
Web Site)
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3.4.3 (U11) Verify that the revision of the specification and applicable PSDs
are listed in job audit questions,,….etc?

3.4.4 (U11) Is manual peening only being used if specified in BAC5730 and YES NO NA
applicable PSDs?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – Auditee does not perform manual

3.4.5 (U11) Does the Auditee use media that has a hardness required by YES NO NA
BAC5730 and applicable PSDs?
Guidance: NA substantiation - When not working to BAC5730.

3.4.6 (U11) Does the Auditee verify that sharp edges and corners are YES NO
radiused prior to peening to meet the requirements of applicable The
Boeing Company specifications?

3.4.7 (U11) Does the Auditee have evidence of inspection for bulging or YES NO
rollover condition on parts after peening?

3.4.8 (U11) Does the Auditee have and are they following procedure to YES NO NA
visually inspect carburized and hardened The Boeing Company
Helicopter parts for damage and notify The Boeing Company Helicopter
Material Department when damage is detected, prior to any further
Guidance: NA substantiation - If Auditee is not processing carburized
and hardened Helicopter parts.

3.4.9 (U11) Are the Auditee’s personnel that are performing or inspecting YES NO NA
shot peening operations certified as required in BSS 7630 Table I?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – When not performing work to BAC

3.4.10 (U11) Does the certification training for the Auditee’s shot peening YES NO NA
operators meet the requirements of BSS 7630 Sec.5?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – When not performing work to BAC

3.4.11 (U11) Does the re-certification interval meet The Boeing Company YES NO
requirements of twelve months?

3.5 U13 – Bombardier Supplement SECTION NA

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for Bombardier
per BAPS (Bombardier Aerospace Process Specification) check the
box to collapse the U13 section.

3.5.1 (U13) Are media procured from a customer approved source and is YES NO
there evidence of compliance?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 -5-

3.5.2 (U13) Is there evidence of media monitoring per BAEMM-001 YES NO


3.5.3 (U13) Are test strips procured from a manufacturer certified to ISO9001 YES NO
or AS9100 (or specified in BAEMM-001) and is there evidence of

3.5.4 (U13) Is the cleaning performed per BAPS180-015 for corrosion YES NO NA
resistant steel parts?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – No corrosion resistant steel parts.

3.5.5 (U13) Is the cleaning performed per BAPS180-029 for aluminum and YES NO NA
titanium alloy parts?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – No aluminum or titanium parts.

3.5.6 (U13) Is the Auditee or the Supplier performing the cleaning approved YES NO
by Bombardier for the applicable cleaning (BAPS180-015 and/or

3.5.7 (U13) Is the Auditee captive laboratory or the independent laboratory YES NO NA
performing the copper sulphate spot test approved BAERD-GEN-018
field 1B?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – If no copper sulphate test required.

3.5.8 (U13) Is the Auditee captive laboratory or the independent laboratory YES NO NA
performing corrosion resistance by salt spray (Fog) testing approved
BAERD-GEN-018 field 5A?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – If no corrosion testing required.

3.5.9 (U13) Is the cleaning of aluminum and titanium alloy parts performed YES NO NA
within 48 hours of peening or 168 hours if parts remain in the same
facility and environmental conditions as when they were shot peened?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – If not aluminum or titanium parts.

3.6 U3 – Rolls-Royce SECTION NA

Guidance: This supplemental Audit Criteria does not apply to Rolls-
Royce Corporation (RRC) legacy specifications i.e., EPS and so can be
answered NA for this Audit Criteria. This Audit Criteria is also NA for
RR data cards specific clauses approved to Rolls Royce legacy
specification RPS428 but is applicable to the technical control of the
facility and peening process with data cards approved to RPS428 and

3.6.1 (U3) Where different steel shot types and hardness are used in the YES NO NA
same machine or are centrally classified, is hardness testing or media
controls carried out and recorded as per RRP56000?
Guidance: NA substantiation - only one type and hardness of steel shot
is used in the same machine.
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3.6.2 (U3) Is there a written procedure in place that ensures when a media YES NO
test fails for size, shape or hardness, that the time between (in-process
media) tests is reduced until stability is restored?

3.6.3 (U3) For dry peening of any media type, do machines commissioned YES NO NA
after the start of 2019 include a separator?
Guidance: NA substantiation - where the machines were commissioned
prior to the start of 2019.

3.6.4 (U3) Are spiral classifiers or equivalent equipment used for media YES NO NA
shape classification identified and traceable to technical documentation
that approves the working range of media sizes permissible per the
spiral design for machine run times exceeding 8 hrs?
Guidance: NA substantiation - where spiral classifiers or equivalent
equipment isn’t used for media shape classification to permit time
interval between media test greater than 8 hours.

3.6.5 (U3) For equipment controlled by programs, is there a written YES NO NA

procedure for the control of software, new and modified programs, and
machine software that includes program backup frequency (not
exceeding monthly) and storage requirements to prevent data loss and
also ensures all programming revisions are archived and not
Guidance: NA substantiation - where peening equipment isn’t
controlled by programs.

3.6.6 (U3) For equipment controlled by encoders, with pre-determined off YES NO NA
sets to known home positions within the machine or to an artefact, have
the offset encoder position values and or datum methodology been
recorded at installation?
Guidance: NA substantiation - where equipment isn’t controlled by
encoders for pre-determined off sets.

3.6.7 (U3) Are all gauges/monitoring devices used to control the process in YES NO
view of the operator whilst in operation and not located obscurely from
the operators controller position?

3.6.8 (U3) Is there a written procedure in place that ensures, following a YES NO
machine breakdown or significant maintenance, the repair/maintenance
activity is reviewed and is recalibration of the machine carried out
where it’s deemed necessary?

3.6.9 (U3) Does the machine’s calibration cover the full working range of the YES NO
machines parameters?

3.6.10 (U3) Are the machine’s working ranges recorded and visible on the YES NO
machine for each machine parameter?

3.6.11 (U3) For sub size or otherwise standard shaded or masked test strips, YES NO NA
where the facility or data card calls for pre-bow compensation, has this
been applied correctly?
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Guidance: NA substantiation - where pre-bow isn't called out to be used

for sub size or otherwise standard shaded or masked test strips for
data cards approved to RPS428.

3.6.12 (U3) Are drawings available for all fixtures used during setup and YES NO NA
processing when the data card has been approved to RRP56000, to
ensure continuity of processing performance?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – When data card has been approved to
the requirements of RPS428, prior to the issue of RRP56000.

3.6.13 (U3) Machines peening to AMS2430, are nozzles held in a fixture or YES NO
setup to a touch frame or equivalent as per the requirements of
RRP56000, approved by the Rolls Royce Technical Authority, so the
angle of impingement and distance to the part conforms to the original
validation and data card?
Guidance: This is only applicable to data cards approved to the
requirements of RRP56000.

3.6.14 (U3) Is the peening intensity reviewed in accordance with RRP50000, YES NO
and any drift from the established norm may indicate an unexpected
change in the process has occurred that could affect component

3.6.15 (U3) Have data card saturation curves approved to RRP56000 using YES NO
AMS2430 equipment been re-verified as per the requirements of

3.6.16 (U3) Are there controls in place to ensure the Auditee only allows for YES NO
one repeat peen during manufacturing without applying the non-
conformance process as per RRP56000 requirements?

3.6.17 (U3) Is there evidence to demonstrate that the Auditee is conducting an YES NO
internal process review gap analysis audit against the requirements of

3.7 U28 – Airbus Canada SECTION NA

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for Airbus
Canada per A2PS 185-002 (Airbus Canada Process Specification)
check the box to collapse the U28 section.

3.7.1 (U28) Are media procured from a customer approved source and is YES NO
there evidence of compliance?

3.7.2 (U28) Is there evidence of media monitoring per A2EMM-001 YES NO


3.7.3 (U28) Are test strips procured from a manufacturer certified to ISO9001 YES NO
or AS9100 and is there evidence of compliance?

3.7.4 (U28) Is the cleaning performed per A2PS180-015 for corrosion YES NO NA
resistant steel parts?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – No corrosion resistant steel parts.
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3.7.5 (U28) Is the cleaning performed per A2PS180-029 for aluminum and YES NO NA
titanium alloy parts?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – No aluminum or titanium parts.

3.7.6 (U28) Is the Auditee or the Supplier performing the cleaning approved YES NO
by Airbus Canada for the applicable cleaning (A2PS 180-015 and/or
A2PS 180-029)?

3.7.7 (U28) Is the Auditee captive laboratory or the independent laboratory YES NO NA
performing the copper sulphate spot test approved A2ERD GEN-018
field 1B?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – If no copper sulphate test required.

3.7.8 (U28) Is the Auditee captive laboratory or the independent laboratory YES NO NA
performing corrosion resistance by salt spray (Fog) testing approved
A2ERD GEN-018 field 5A?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – If no corrosion testing required.

3.7.9 (U28) Is the cleaning of aluminum and titanium alloy parts performed YES NO NA
within 48 hours of peening or 168 hours if parts remain in the same
facility and environmental conditions as when they were shot peened?
Guidance: NA Substantiation – If not aluminum or titanium parts.

3.7.10 (U28) Do procedures require Airbus Canada approval after a significant YES NO
change in the process?

3.7.11 (U28) Is peening equipment either: Fitted with separators for the YES NO
continuous removal of broken or defective shot, rust, dirt and other
contaminants during peening or Without classifiers and/or separators
and with specific written authorization by Airbus Canada?

3.8 U29 – GE Avio SECTION NA

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for GE Avio
check the box to collapse the U29 section.

3.8.1 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
do the Auditee’s procedures prevent the use of wheel and manual
peening for GE Avio parts?

3.8.2 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
are GE Avio parts being peened during job audit(s) processed on a
shot peen machine that does not use wheel peening?

3.8.3 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing YES NO
and the periodic in-use media inspection results in any non-
conformance, do the Auditee’s procedures prevent the dilution of the in-
machine media charge with additional shot to restore the media to

3.8.4 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
does the Auditee’s peening machine include the required hardware
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 -9-

interlock or alarm controls that protect against unintended or lack of

intended motion?

3.8.5 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
do the Auditee’s procedures verify if there is a requirement of coverage
maps for GE Avio?

3.8.6 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO NA
does the Auditee have a coverage map for the part and do the peened
parts meet the coverage map?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If a coverage map is not required.

3.8.7 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
are the intensity verification limits flowed down to the shop floor?

3.8.8 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
do the intensity verification limits meet the minimum requirements
based on the latest saturation curves for the represented test strip
Guidance: Verification limits are usually tighter than drawing limits

3.8.9 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, is YES NO NA
masking effectiveness verified under the minimum required 10X
Guidance: NA substantiation – When masking is not required.

3.8.10 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO
do the Auditee’s procedures allow masking tolerance for presence of
dimples in the area required to be masked not greater than 6.35 mm, if
not differently required by the drawing?
Guidance: When the drawing peening sketch shows a “peening
allowed” area next to a “peening required” area, this is meant as
masking tolerance area and supersedes the above requirement

3.8.11 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, is YES NO
there objective evidence of compliance with spec 7930F for operator
and machine requirements?
Guidance: Annual operator requirements include operational
proficiency and written testing with at least 20 questions and pass/fail
criteria 80% minimum. Equipment requires key machine parameters be
calibrated at least semi-annually. For critical part applications
calibration requirements are meant as a % error on the reading. For
non-critical part applications calibration requirements are allowed to be
calculated on the gage full scale

3.8.12 (U29) When process spec 7600F applies to the engineering drawing, YES NO NA
when doing chemical cleaning is the Auditee able to show their process
will prevent pitting or intergranular attack (IGA) of the base metal
according to a GE Avio test plan?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 10 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If tap or deionized water is used

3.9 U22 – Leonardo Helicopters SECTION NA

Guidance: If no automated shot peening is performed for Leonardo
Helicopters check the box to collapse the U22 section. Section NA
applies in case the Auditee designs and manufactures articles for which
THEY hold design responsibility and utilize their own special processes
and process specifications.

3.9.1 (U22) Before processing Leonardo Helicopters’ products, has the YES NO
Auditee obtained a Declaration of Process Qualification (DQP) from
Leonardo – Helicopters, as required by QRS-104?
Guidance: If the answer is YES, then the DQP number and the
expiration date shall be reported here _____________

3.9.2 (U22) Are equipment, applicable specification(s), approved activities YES NO

and limitations, any approved deviation (RFVA), inspections and
periodic tests clearly and unambiguously addressed in the DQP?


4.1 General

4.1.1 Does peening equipment have the capability of mechanically moving YES NO
the media stream and/or the workpiece?

4.1.2 Does the equipment have an integral system to classify the media prior YES NO NA
to returning the media to the nozzle?
Guidance: NA substantiation – When classification is not required by
the customer or when media is not returned to the nozzle.

4.1.3 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable Customer YES NO NA
specifications during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – When no customer requirement or no
wet media peening is performed.

4.1.4 Is the equipment qualified/certified according to Customer YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no Customer requirement.

Guidance: No additional audit criteria.

Guidance: No additional audit criteria.

Guidance: No additional audit criteria.

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8.1 Records

8.1.1 Does the Auditee have written procedures to ensure the identity of the YES NO
specific operator; time, date of start and completion is recorded and

8.2 Software Quality Assurance SECTION NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If machines are not software controlled.
For this Audit Criteria, “software” is intended to only cover part-specific
process control software (e.g., NC Programs).
This section applies to Auditees and processes where the approved
process controls are based, at least partially, on a stored and retrieved
program or program listing. Typically, these programs are loaded and
executed on the peening machine.

8.2.1 Is there a written procedure for the control of software? YES NO

8.2.2 Is each program uniquely identified? YES NO

8.2.3 Is there a revision history maintained of changes to a program? YES NO

8.2.4 Is the program revision identified in the router or operation sheet/work YES NO
instruction to allow operator to verify against the control header?

8.2.5 Is there an approval process for new and modified programs? YES NO

8.2.6 Is new or changed program validation (1st piece) approved by quality YES NO
and records maintained in accordance with the Auditees quality system
and Customer requirements?

8.2.7 Are the storage requirements for programs used to control and monitor YES NO
the product defined and preserved in a way to prevent loss?

8.2.8 Is there a system in place to prevent unauthorized changes to a YES NO

program after first piece inspection has been completed and approved?

8.2.9 Is there a system in place to prevent access to obsolete programs? YES NO

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9.1 Job Information

9.1.1 An Auditee who has computerized peening equipment may choose to

be audited to the automated peening Audit Criteria, provided that their
Customers do not require computerized peening. Jobs should be
chosen according to the Job Audit Policy.

9.1.2 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information
(technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements. What Export Control Status did the Auditee identify the part as being? _______________
Guidance: Identification of the US Export Control status of the part shall
be identified by the Auditee and not the Auditor. If the part being
audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations, questions
in the job audit marked EC cannot be answered as the information may
be considered as restricted. Simply record “EC” in the command box
for those questions. Job Identity/Number: _______________ Technique ID: _______________ Generic Part Description: _______________ (JT) Part Number and Revision level (if applicable): _______________ (JT) Immediate Customer: _______________ (JT) End User Customer(If known): _______________ Purchase Order/Revision Level: _______________ Part Quantity: _______________ Serial/Lot Numbers (if provided): _______________ Start Date of Job: _______________ (JT) Processing Specification and Revision Level: _______________ Special Purchase Order Requirements: _______________ Is the job audit part live production, demonstration or previously _______________
processed? What status did the Auditor(s) identify themselves as being in the _______________
opening meeting? (Restricted to US Export Controlled or Unrestricted
to US Export Controlled) (JT) Operator:

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 13 - (JT) Machine ID/Number:

9.2 Customer Requirements

9.2.1 Is the process identified as a frozen process and if so, has applicable YES NO NA
Customer approval been obtained?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If frozen processes are not performed.

9.2.2 Are the engineering requirements provided from the purchase order, or YES NO
in a variety of other forms, flowed down to the shop?

9.2.3 Are media size and type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

9.2.4 Are intensity and strip type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

9.2.5 Are peening required areas, optional areas, and/or prohibited areas YES NO
flowed down to the shop floor?

9.2.6 Is the amount of part coverage flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

9.3 Implementation of Auditee Procedures

9.3.1 Is the peening operation at this facility performed in the correct YES NO
sequence as allowed by the traveler?

9.3.2 Are all operations, inspections, and tests performed prior to peening YES NO
recorded on the traveler or electronic form, stamped, signed, or initialed
and including date?

9.3.3 If there are changes in travelers and/or technique sheets, are they YES NO NA
approved and dated by authorized personnel?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there have been no changes.

9.3.4 Do the personnel who are performing automated peening operations YES NO
and final inspections have the required training and qualification?

9.3.5 Do all gauges used to measure parameters in the technique sheet have YES NO
current calibration identification?

9.3.6 Are individual gauges that are not calibrated, labeled as “reference YES NO NA
only” or similarly marked?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there are no “reference only” gauges.

9.3.7 Are the Part Verification Tool (PVT), part holding, masking, and nozzle YES NO
fixtures compliant to applicable specifications?

9.3.8 Is the operator capable of identifying equipment malfunctions? YES NO

9.3.9 Does the operator know how to proceed when there is an equipment YES NO
malfunction or automatic shut down?
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9.4 Pre-Processing

9.4.1 Does the Auditee visually inspect the area to be peened for the YES NO
absence of sharp edges, corrosion, contamination or damage prior to
peening and were appropriate actions taken?

9.4.2 Do the pre-peen cleaning methods used conform to the requirements? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-peen cleaning is not performed or

9.4.3 During the job audit, the Auditor shall witness the following pre-
processing tasks. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in applying the masking per Customer requirements to the parts?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in equipment and fixture usage? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the test strip gauge and test strips? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the PVT and test strip blocks? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in calculating the resultant arc height (if pre-bow compensation method
is used)?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-bow compensation is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in nozzle/wheel position setup? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in understanding saturation curves? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in media sampling which accurately represents the condition of the shot
stream media?

9.5 Processing

9.5.1 Did in-process media quality inspection method for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for media type?

9.5.2 Are the correct screens used for the media quality inspection? YES NO

9.5.3 Did the in-process media quality inspection meet the requirements for YES NO
sieve analysis results?
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9.5.4 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for shape sample inspection area?

9.5.5 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for the actual unacceptable shape?

9.5.6 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the Customer or industry standard requirements?

9.5.7 Are periodic media quality inspections performed at the required YES NO

9.5.8 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable specifications YES NO NA
during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If no wet media peening.

9.5.9 Are parts processed in accordance with a technique sheet? YES NO

9.5.10 Does the technique sheet or traveler document all relevant operations YES NO
performed by the operator?

9.5.11 Do the test strip locations represent the surfaces per the approved YES NO
technique sheet?

9.5.12 Does the PVT being used provide the same number, type, location, and YES NO
orientation of the test strips described in the technique sheet?

9.5.13 Does the PVT tooling match the tooling number and locations defined YES NO
in the technique sheet?

9.5.14 If shaded strips are used, does the Auditee have approval to use them? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shaded strips are not used.

9.6 Technique Sheet and Shop Floor Discipline

9.6.1 Is the part number specified on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

9.6.2 Is the technique sheet revision controlled and correctly followed in YES NO

9.6.3 Are job audit part program(s) with revision identified on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and being followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – Only if NC program or similar is not
used to control the machine.

9.6.4 Does the technique sheet have the required approvals? YES NO
Guidance: Auditor to review applicable Subscriber specifications and
drawing requirements to determine all required approvals.

9.6.5 Are part specific tooling and fixtures identified on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 16 -

9.6.6 Is the PVT identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO

9.6.7 Is part masking identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed YES NO NA
in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used.

9.6.8 Is the identification of peening equipment listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

9.6.9 Is number of nozzles or wheels listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

9.6.10 Is air pressure or wheel speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

9.6.11 Is nozzle size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If wheel peening is used.

9.6.12 Is air jet size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If equipment does not use air jets.

9.6.13 Is part rotation or translation rate listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If part does not translate or rotate.

9.6.14 Are setup sketches or photos listed on the technique sheet and is the YES NO
observed set up in the job audit accurately described?

9.6.15 Is nozzle or wheel translation speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

9.6.16 Is travel direction, and travel distance to the part listed on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

9.6.17 Is nozzle or wheel position to the part listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check nozzles are set to the technique sheet
requirements including incident angles, etc.

9.6.18 Is the part orientation setup relative to the machine listed on the YES NO
technique sheet and correctly followed in production?

9.6.19 *Is shot flow control method listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 17 -

9.6.20 Is shot flow value listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shot flow value is not required.

9.6.21 Is part peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check that the operator is adhering to the peening
time on the technique sheet.

9.6.22 Is test strip peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

9.6.23 Is media size, hardness, and type listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

9.6.24 Is required intensity and test strip type listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

9.6.25 Is the amount of coverage listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

9.7 Process Validation

9.7.1 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include a saturation YES NO
curve consisting of a minimum of 4 points (not including “0” point) for
each intensity determination location?

9.7.2 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include intensity YES NO
verification tests performed at required intervals?

9.7.3 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include appropriate YES NO
actions (e.g. accept/reject) based on the job audit test strip readings?

9.7.4 Verify the following values for two test strip locations or if applicable a
single location at two times for the job audit part. Are the observed test strip locations used to verify the intensity YES NO
correctly located? Is the observed test strip type used to verify the intensity correct? YES NO Is the observed intensity value compliant to the Customer intensity YES NO
requirement? Is the observed intensity verification range compliant to requirements? YES NO Is the observed initial intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO


(EC) Initial Arc Height Value: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 18 - Is the observed final intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no final intensity verification reading is

(EC) Final Arc Height Value: _______________

9.7.5 (INST) For one of the job audits, the Auditor shall witness the SECTION NA
generation of saturation curve data and media inspections to verify that
the following are correct. For additional job audits evaluation of
saturation curves is allowed. Does the generation of the saturation curve utilize a minimum of 4 YES NO
points for each intensity determination location (not including the zero
point)? Are the practices of the latest revision of SAE J443 and any additional YES NO
customer requirements for saturation curves followed? Is the saturation curve solver SAE J2597 compliant? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If a computer-generated saturation
curve solver is not used. Does the media inspection verify shot size by sieve analysis or wet YES NO
media verification by bead slurry concentration? Does the media inspection verify shot fracture counts and shape YES NO
inspection; or wet media verification by bead slurry fines concentration?

9.8 Post Peening Inspection

9.8.1 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
during the inspection of fluorescent tracer?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If fluorescent tracer is not used.

9.8.2 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
during part inspection for coverage using magnification and other
inspection aids?

9.8.3 Is final inspection for coverage and effectiveness of applicable masking YES NO

9.8.4 Is the coverage inspected visually on all parts (100%) or in accordance YES NO
with an approved sampling plan? (INFO) Record the frequency of inspection: _______________

9.8.5 Are part serial numbers maintained throughout the peening operation? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If parts are not serialized.

9.8.6 Do the post-peening cleaning methods used conform to the YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 19 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If post-peening cleaning is not

performed at the Auditee.

9.8.7 Are parts handled, stored, and transported in a manner to prevent YES NO

9.8.8 Did final inspection result in the proper disposition of the part(s) YES NO

9.8.9 Did an inspection check that the part is free from media debris (internal YES NO
and external), masking residue, edge rollover, and handling damage
and were appropriate actions taken?

9.8.10 Is the traveler properly completed prior to the part continuing to the next YES NO
operation or shipment to the Customer?

9.8.11 Does the release documentation that is returned to the Customer meet YES NO NA
the Customer requirements?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If release documentation is not
completed at the time of the audit.

9.8.12 (INFO) If YES record the Certification number here: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 20 -


10.1 Job Information

10.1.1 An Auditee who has computerized peening equipment may choose to

be audited to the automated peening Audit Criteria, provided that their
Customers do not require computerized peening. Jobs should be
chosen according to the Job Audit Policy.

10.1.2 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information
(technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements. What Export Control Status did the Auditee identify the part as being? _______________
Guidance: Identification of the US Export Control status of the part shall
be identified by the Auditee and not the Auditor. If the part being
audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations, questions
in the job audit marked EC cannot be answered as the information may
be considered as restricted. Simply record “EC” in the command box
for those questions. Job Identity/Number: _______________ Technique ID: _______________ Generic Part Description: _______________ (JT) Part Number and Revision level (if applicable): _______________ (JT) Immediate Customer: _______________ (JT) End User Customer(If known): _______________ Purchase Order/Revision Level: _______________ Part Quantity: _______________ Serial/Lot Numbers (if provided): _______________ Start Date of Job: _______________ (JT) Processing Specification and Revision Level: _______________ Special Purchase Order Requirements: _______________ Is the job audit part live production, demonstration or previously _______________
processed? What status did the Auditor(s) identify themselves as being in the _______________
opening meeting? (Restricted to US Export Controlled or Unrestricted
to US Export Controlled) (JT) Operator:

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 21 - (JT) Machine ID/Number:

10.2 Customer Requirements

10.2.1 Is the process identified as a frozen process and if so, has applicable YES NO NA
Customer approval been obtained?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If frozen processes are not performed.

10.2.2 Are the engineering requirements provided from the purchase order, or YES NO
in a variety of other forms, flowed down to the shop?

10.2.3 Are media size and type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

10.2.4 Are intensity and strip type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

10.2.5 Are peening required areas, optional areas, and/or prohibited areas YES NO
flowed down to the shop floor?

10.2.6 Is the amount of part coverage flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

10.3 Implementation of Auditee Procedures

10.3.1 Is the peening operation at this facility performed in the correct YES NO
sequence as allowed by the traveler?

10.3.2 Are all operations, inspections, and tests performed prior to peening YES NO
recorded on the traveler or electronic form, stamped, signed, or initialed
and including date?

10.3.3 If there are changes in travelers and/or technique sheets, are they YES NO NA
approved and dated by authorized personnel?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there have been no changes.

10.3.4 Do the personnel who are performing automated peening operations YES NO
and final inspections have the required training and qualification?

10.3.5 Do all gauges used to measure parameters in the technique sheet have YES NO
current calibration identification?

10.3.6 Are individual gauges that are not calibrated, labeled as “reference YES NO NA
only” or similarly marked?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there are no “reference only” gauges.

10.3.7 Are the Part Verification Tool (PVT), part holding, masking, and nozzle YES NO
fixtures compliant to applicable specifications?

10.3.8 Is the operator capable of identifying equipment malfunctions? YES NO

10.3.9 Does the operator know how to proceed when there is an equipment YES NO
malfunction or automatic shut down?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 22 -

10.4 Pre-Processing

10.4.1 Does the Auditee visually inspect the area to be peened for the YES NO
absence of sharp edges, corrosion, contamination or damage prior to
peening and were appropriate actions taken?

10.4.2 Do the pre-peen cleaning methods used conform to the requirements? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-peen cleaning is not performed or

10.4.3 During the job audit, the Auditor shall witness the following pre-
processing tasks. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in applying the masking per Customer requirements to the parts?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in equipment and fixture usage? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the test strip gauge and test strips? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the PVT and test strip blocks? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in calculating the resultant arc height (if pre-bow compensation method
is used)?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-bow compensation is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in nozzle/wheel position setup? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in understanding saturation curves? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in media sampling which accurately represents the condition of the shot
stream media?

10.5 Processing

10.5.1 Did in-process media quality inspection method for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for media type?

10.5.2 Are the correct screens used for the media quality inspection? YES NO

10.5.3 Did the in-process media quality inspection meet the requirements for YES NO
sieve analysis results?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 23 -

10.5.4 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for shape sample inspection area?

10.5.5 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for the actual unacceptable shape?

10.5.6 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the Customer or industry standard requirements?

10.5.7 Are periodic media quality inspections performed at the required YES NO

10.5.8 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable specifications YES NO NA
during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If no wet media peening.

10.5.9 Are parts processed in accordance with a technique sheet? YES NO

10.5.10 Does the technique sheet or traveler document all relevant operations YES NO
performed by the operator?

10.5.11 Do the test strip locations represent the surfaces per the approved YES NO
technique sheet?

10.5.12 Does the PVT being used provide the same number, type, location, and YES NO
orientation of the test strips described in the technique sheet?

10.5.13 Does the PVT tooling match the tooling number and locations defined YES NO
in the technique sheet?

10.5.14 If shaded strips are used, does the Auditee have approval to use them? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shaded strips are not used.

10.6 Technique Sheet and Shop Floor Discipline

10.6.1 Is the part number specified on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

10.6.2 Is the technique sheet revision controlled and correctly followed in YES NO

10.6.3 Are job audit part program(s) with revision identified on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and being followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – Only if NC program or similar is not
used to control the machine.

10.6.4 Does the technique sheet have the required approvals? YES NO
Guidance: Auditor to review applicable Subscriber specifications and
drawing requirements to determine all required approvals.

10.6.5 Are part specific tooling and fixtures identified on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 24 -

10.6.6 Is the PVT identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO

10.6.7 Is part masking identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed YES NO NA
in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used.

10.6.8 Is the identification of peening equipment listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

10.6.9 Is number of nozzles or wheels listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

10.6.10 Is air pressure or wheel speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

10.6.11 Is nozzle size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If wheel peening is used.

10.6.12 Is air jet size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If equipment does not use air jets.

10.6.13 Is part rotation or translation rate listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If part does not translate or rotate.

10.6.14 Are setup sketches or photos listed on the technique sheet and is the YES NO
observed set up in the job audit accurately described?

10.6.15 Is nozzle or wheel translation speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

10.6.16 Is travel direction, and travel distance to the part listed on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

10.6.17 Is nozzle or wheel position to the part listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check nozzles are set to the technique sheet
requirements including incident angles, etc.

10.6.18 Is the part orientation setup relative to the machine listed on the YES NO
technique sheet and correctly followed in production?

10.6.19 *Is shot flow control method listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 25 -

10.6.20 Is shot flow value listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shot flow value is not required.

10.6.21 Is part peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check that the operator is adhering to the peening
time on the technique sheet.

10.6.22 Is test strip peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

10.6.23 Is media size, hardness, and type listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

10.6.24 Is required intensity and test strip type listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

10.6.25 Is the amount of coverage listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

10.7 Process Validation

10.7.1 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include a saturation YES NO
curve consisting of a minimum of 4 points (not including “0” point) for
each intensity determination location?

10.7.2 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include intensity YES NO
verification tests performed at required intervals?

10.7.3 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include appropriate YES NO
actions (e.g. accept/reject) based on the job audit test strip readings?

10.7.4 Verify the following values for two test strip locations or if applicable a
single location at two times for the job audit part. Are the observed test strip locations used to verify the intensity YES NO
correctly located? Is the observed test strip type used to verify the intensity correct? YES NO Is the observed intensity value compliant to the Customer intensity YES NO
requirement? Is the observed intensity verification range compliant to requirements? YES NO Is the observed initial intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO


(EC) Initial Arc Height Value: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 26 - Is the observed final intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no final intensity verification reading is

(EC) Final Arc Height Value: _______________

10.7.5 (INST) For one of the job audits, the Auditor shall witness the SECTION NA
generation of saturation curve data and media inspections to verify that
the following are correct. For additional job audits evaluation of
saturation curves is allowed. Does the generation of the saturation curve utilize a minimum of 4 YES NO
points for each intensity determination location (not including the zero
point)? Are the practices of the latest revision of SAE J443 and any additional YES NO
customer requirements for saturation curves followed? Is the saturation curve solver SAE J2597 compliant? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If a computer-generated saturation
curve solver is not used. Does the media inspection verify shot size by sieve analysis or wet YES NO
media verification by bead slurry concentration? Does the media inspection verify shot fracture counts and shape YES NO
inspection; or wet media verification by bead slurry fines concentration?

10.8 Post Peening Inspection

10.8.1 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
during the inspection of fluorescent tracer?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If fluorescent tracer is not used.

10.8.2 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
during part inspection for coverage using magnification and other
inspection aids?

10.8.3 Is final inspection for coverage and effectiveness of applicable masking YES NO

10.8.4 Is the coverage inspected visually on all parts (100%) or in accordance YES NO
with an approved sampling plan? (INFO) Record the frequency of inspection: _______________

10.8.5 Are part serial numbers maintained throughout the peening operation? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If parts are not serialized.

10.8.6 Do the post-peening cleaning methods used conform to the YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 27 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If post-peening cleaning is not

performed at the Auditee.

10.8.7 Are parts handled, stored, and transported in a manner to prevent YES NO

10.8.8 Did final inspection result in the proper disposition of the part(s) YES NO

10.8.9 Did an inspection check that the part is free from media debris (internal YES NO
and external), masking residue, edge rollover, and handling damage
and were appropriate actions taken?

10.8.10 Is the traveler properly completed prior to the part continuing to the next YES NO
operation or shipment to the Customer?

10.8.11 Does the release documentation that is returned to the Customer meet YES NO NA
the Customer requirements?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If release documentation is not
completed at the time of the audit.

10.8.12 (INFO) If YES record the Certification number here: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 28 -


11.1 Job Information

11.1.1 An Auditee who has computerized peening equipment may choose to

be audited to the automated peening Audit Criteria, provided that their
Customers do not require computerized peening. Jobs should be
chosen according to the Job Audit Policy.

11.1.2 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information
(technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements. What Export Control Status did the Auditee identify the part as being? _______________
Guidance: Identification of the US Export Control status of the part shall
be identified by the Auditee and not the Auditor. If the part being
audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations, questions
in the job audit marked EC cannot be answered as the information may
be considered as restricted. Simply record “EC” in the command box
for those questions. Job Identity/Number: _______________ Technique ID: _______________ Generic Part Description: _______________ (JT) Part Number and Revision level (if applicable): _______________ (JT) Immediate Customer: _______________ (JT) End User Customer(If known): _______________ Purchase Order/Revision Level: _______________ Part Quantity: _______________ Serial/Lot Numbers (if provided): _______________ Start Date of Job: _______________ (JT) Processing Specification and Revision Level: _______________ Special Purchase Order Requirements: _______________ Is the job audit part live production, demonstration or previously _______________
processed? What status did the Auditor(s) identify themselves as being in the _______________
opening meeting? (Restricted to US Export Controlled or Unrestricted
to US Export Controlled) (JT) Operator:

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 29 - (JT) Machine ID/Number:

11.2 Customer Requirements

11.2.1 Is the process identified as a frozen process and if so, has applicable YES NO NA
Customer approval been obtained?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If frozen processes are not performed.

11.2.2 Are the engineering requirements provided from the purchase order, or YES NO
in a variety of other forms, flowed down to the shop?

11.2.3 Are media size and type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

11.2.4 Are intensity and strip type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

11.2.5 Are peening required areas, optional areas, and/or prohibited areas YES NO
flowed down to the shop floor?

11.2.6 Is the amount of part coverage flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

11.3 Implementation of Auditee Procedures

11.3.1 Is the peening operation at this facility performed in the correct YES NO
sequence as allowed by the traveler?

11.3.2 Are all operations, inspections, and tests performed prior to peening YES NO
recorded on the traveler or electronic form, stamped, signed, or initialed
and including date?

11.3.3 If there are changes in travelers and/or technique sheets, are they YES NO NA
approved and dated by authorized personnel?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there have been no changes.

11.3.4 Do the personnel who are performing automated peening operations YES NO
and final inspections have the required training and qualification?

11.3.5 Do all gauges used to measure parameters in the technique sheet have YES NO
current calibration identification?

11.3.6 Are individual gauges that are not calibrated, labeled as “reference YES NO NA
only” or similarly marked?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there are no “reference only” gauges.

11.3.7 Are the Part Verification Tool (PVT), part holding, masking, and nozzle YES NO
fixtures compliant to applicable specifications?

11.3.8 Is the operator capable of identifying equipment malfunctions? YES NO

11.3.9 Does the operator know how to proceed when there is an equipment YES NO
malfunction or automatic shut down?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 30 -

11.4 Pre-Processing

11.4.1 Does the Auditee visually inspect the area to be peened for the YES NO
absence of sharp edges, corrosion, contamination or damage prior to
peening and were appropriate actions taken?

11.4.2 Do the pre-peen cleaning methods used conform to the requirements? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-peen cleaning is not performed or

11.4.3 During the job audit, the Auditor shall witness the following pre-
processing tasks. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in applying the masking per Customer requirements to the parts?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in equipment and fixture usage? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the test strip gauge and test strips? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the PVT and test strip blocks? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in calculating the resultant arc height (if pre-bow compensation method
is used)?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-bow compensation is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in nozzle/wheel position setup? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in understanding saturation curves? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in media sampling which accurately represents the condition of the shot
stream media?

11.5 Processing

11.5.1 Did in-process media quality inspection method for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for media type?

11.5.2 Are the correct screens used for the media quality inspection? YES NO

11.5.3 Did the in-process media quality inspection meet the requirements for YES NO
sieve analysis results?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 31 -

11.5.4 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for shape sample inspection area?

11.5.5 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for the actual unacceptable shape?

11.5.6 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the Customer or industry standard requirements?

11.5.7 Are periodic media quality inspections performed at the required YES NO

11.5.8 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable specifications YES NO NA
during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If no wet media peening.

11.5.9 Are parts processed in accordance with a technique sheet? YES NO

11.5.10 Does the technique sheet or traveler document all relevant operations YES NO
performed by the operator?

11.5.11 Do the test strip locations represent the surfaces per the approved YES NO
technique sheet?

11.5.12 Does the PVT being used provide the same number, type, location, and YES NO
orientation of the test strips described in the technique sheet?

11.5.13 Does the PVT tooling match the tooling number and locations defined YES NO
in the technique sheet?

11.5.14 If shaded strips are used, does the Auditee have approval to use them? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shaded strips are not used.

11.6 Technique Sheet and Shop Floor Discipline

11.6.1 Is the part number specified on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

11.6.2 Is the technique sheet revision controlled and correctly followed in YES NO

11.6.3 Are job audit part program(s) with revision identified on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and being followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – Only if NC program or similar is not
used to control the machine.

11.6.4 Does the technique sheet have the required approvals? YES NO
Guidance: Auditor to review applicable Subscriber specifications and
drawing requirements to determine all required approvals.

11.6.5 Are part specific tooling and fixtures identified on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 32 -

11.6.6 Is the PVT identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO

11.6.7 Is part masking identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed YES NO NA
in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used.

11.6.8 Is the identification of peening equipment listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

11.6.9 Is number of nozzles or wheels listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

11.6.10 Is air pressure or wheel speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

11.6.11 Is nozzle size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If wheel peening is used.

11.6.12 Is air jet size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If equipment does not use air jets.

11.6.13 Is part rotation or translation rate listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If part does not translate or rotate.

11.6.14 Are setup sketches or photos listed on the technique sheet and is the YES NO
observed set up in the job audit accurately described?

11.6.15 Is nozzle or wheel translation speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

11.6.16 Is travel direction, and travel distance to the part listed on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

11.6.17 Is nozzle or wheel position to the part listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check nozzles are set to the technique sheet
requirements including incident angles, etc.

11.6.18 Is the part orientation setup relative to the machine listed on the YES NO
technique sheet and correctly followed in production?

11.6.19 *Is shot flow control method listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 33 -

11.6.20 Is shot flow value listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shot flow value is not required.

11.6.21 Is part peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check that the operator is adhering to the peening
time on the technique sheet.

11.6.22 Is test strip peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

11.6.23 Is media size, hardness, and type listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

11.6.24 Is required intensity and test strip type listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

11.6.25 Is the amount of coverage listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

11.7 Process Validation

11.7.1 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include a saturation YES NO
curve consisting of a minimum of 4 points (not including “0” point) for
each intensity determination location?

11.7.2 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include intensity YES NO
verification tests performed at required intervals?

11.7.3 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include appropriate YES NO
actions (e.g. accept/reject) based on the job audit test strip readings?

11.7.4 Verify the following values for two test strip locations or if applicable a
single location at two times for the job audit part. Are the observed test strip locations used to verify the intensity YES NO
correctly located? Is the observed test strip type used to verify the intensity correct? YES NO Is the observed intensity value compliant to the Customer intensity YES NO
requirement? Is the observed intensity verification range compliant to requirements? YES NO Is the observed initial intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO


(EC) Initial Arc Height Value: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 34 - Is the observed final intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no final intensity verification reading is

(EC) Final Arc Height Value: _______________

11.7.5 (INST) For one of the job audits, the Auditor shall witness the SECTION NA
generation of saturation curve data and media inspections to verify that
the following are correct. For additional job audits evaluation of
saturation curves is allowed. Does the generation of the saturation curve utilize a minimum of 4 YES NO
points for each intensity determination location (not including the zero
point)? Are the practices of the latest revision of SAE J443 and any additional YES NO
customer requirements for saturation curves followed? Is the saturation curve solver SAE J2597 compliant? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If a computer-generated saturation
curve solver is not used. Does the media inspection verify shot size by sieve analysis or wet YES NO
media verification by bead slurry concentration? Does the media inspection verify shot fracture counts and shape YES NO
inspection; or wet media verification by bead slurry fines concentration?

11.8 Post Peening Inspection

11.8.1 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
during the inspection of fluorescent tracer?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If fluorescent tracer is not used.

11.8.2 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
during part inspection for coverage using magnification and other
inspection aids?

11.8.3 Is final inspection for coverage and effectiveness of applicable masking YES NO

11.8.4 Is the coverage inspected visually on all parts (100%) or in accordance YES NO
with an approved sampling plan? (INFO) Record the frequency of inspection: _______________

11.8.5 Are part serial numbers maintained throughout the peening operation? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If parts are not serialized.

11.8.6 Do the post-peening cleaning methods used conform to the YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 35 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If post-peening cleaning is not

performed at the Auditee.

11.8.7 Are parts handled, stored, and transported in a manner to prevent YES NO

11.8.8 Did final inspection result in the proper disposition of the part(s) YES NO

11.8.9 Did an inspection check that the part is free from media debris (internal YES NO
and external), masking residue, edge rollover, and handling damage
and were appropriate actions taken?

11.8.10 Is the traveler properly completed prior to the part continuing to the next YES NO
operation or shipment to the Customer?

11.8.11 Does the release documentation that is returned to the Customer meet YES NO NA
the Customer requirements?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If release documentation is not
completed at the time of the audit.

11.8.12 (INFO) If YES record the Certification number here: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 36 -


12.1 Job Information

12.1.1 An Auditee who has computerized peening equipment may choose to

be audited to the automated peening Audit Criteria, provided that their
Customers do not require computerized peening. Jobs should be
chosen according to the Job Audit Policy.

12.1.2 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information
(technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements. What Export Control Status did the Auditee identify the part as being? _______________
Guidance: Identification of the US Export Control status of the part shall
be identified by the Auditee and not the Auditor. If the part being
audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations, questions
in the job audit marked EC cannot be answered as the information may
be considered as restricted. Simply record “EC” in the command box
for those questions. Job Identity/Number: _______________ Technique ID: _______________ Generic Part Description: _______________ (JT) Part Number and Revision level (if applicable): _______________ (JT) Immediate Customer: _______________ (JT) End User Customer(If known): _______________ Purchase Order/Revision Level: _______________ Part Quantity: _______________ Serial/Lot Numbers (if provided): _______________ Start Date of Job: _______________ (JT) Processing Specification and Revision Level: _______________ Special Purchase Order Requirements: _______________ Is the job audit part live production, demonstration or previously _______________
processed? What status did the Auditor(s) identify themselves as being in the _______________
opening meeting? (Restricted to US Export Controlled or Unrestricted
to US Export Controlled) (JT) Operator:

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 37 - (JT) Machine ID/Number:

12.2 Customer Requirements

12.2.1 Is the process identified as a frozen process and if so, has applicable YES NO NA
Customer approval been obtained?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If frozen processes are not performed.

12.2.2 Are the engineering requirements provided from the purchase order, or YES NO
in a variety of other forms, flowed down to the shop?

12.2.3 Are media size and type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

12.2.4 Are intensity and strip type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

12.2.5 Are peening required areas, optional areas, and/or prohibited areas YES NO
flowed down to the shop floor?

12.2.6 Is the amount of part coverage flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

12.3 Implementation of Auditee Procedures

12.3.1 Is the peening operation at this facility performed in the correct YES NO
sequence as allowed by the traveler?

12.3.2 Are all operations, inspections, and tests performed prior to peening YES NO
recorded on the traveler or electronic form, stamped, signed, or initialed
and including date?

12.3.3 If there are changes in travelers and/or technique sheets, are they YES NO NA
approved and dated by authorized personnel?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there have been no changes.

12.3.4 Do the personnel who are performing automated peening operations YES NO
and final inspections have the required training and qualification?

12.3.5 Do all gauges used to measure parameters in the technique sheet have YES NO
current calibration identification?

12.3.6 Are individual gauges that are not calibrated, labeled as “reference YES NO NA
only” or similarly marked?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there are no “reference only” gauges.

12.3.7 Are the Part Verification Tool (PVT), part holding, masking, and nozzle YES NO
fixtures compliant to applicable specifications?

12.3.8 Is the operator capable of identifying equipment malfunctions? YES NO

12.3.9 Does the operator know how to proceed when there is an equipment YES NO
malfunction or automatic shut down?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 38 -

12.4 Pre-Processing

12.4.1 Does the Auditee visually inspect the area to be peened for the YES NO
absence of sharp edges, corrosion, contamination or damage prior to
peening and were appropriate actions taken?

12.4.2 Do the pre-peen cleaning methods used conform to the requirements? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-peen cleaning is not performed or

12.4.3 During the job audit, the Auditor shall witness the following pre-
processing tasks. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in applying the masking per Customer requirements to the parts?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in equipment and fixture usage? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the test strip gauge and test strips? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the PVT and test strip blocks? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in calculating the resultant arc height (if pre-bow compensation method
is used)?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-bow compensation is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in nozzle/wheel position setup? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in understanding saturation curves? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in media sampling which accurately represents the condition of the shot
stream media?

12.5 Processing

12.5.1 Did in-process media quality inspection method for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for media type?

12.5.2 Are the correct screens used for the media quality inspection? YES NO

12.5.3 Did the in-process media quality inspection meet the requirements for YES NO
sieve analysis results?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 39 -

12.5.4 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for shape sample inspection area?

12.5.5 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for the actual unacceptable shape?

12.5.6 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the Customer or industry standard requirements?

12.5.7 Are periodic media quality inspections performed at the required YES NO

12.5.8 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable specifications YES NO NA
during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If no wet media peening.

12.5.9 Are parts processed in accordance with a technique sheet? YES NO

12.5.10 Does the technique sheet or traveler document all relevant operations YES NO
performed by the operator?

12.5.11 Do the test strip locations represent the surfaces per the approved YES NO
technique sheet?

12.5.12 Does the PVT being used provide the same number, type, location, and YES NO
orientation of the test strips described in the technique sheet?

12.5.13 Does the PVT tooling match the tooling number and locations defined YES NO
in the technique sheet?

12.5.14 If shaded strips are used, does the Auditee have approval to use them? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shaded strips are not used.

12.6 Technique Sheet and Shop Floor Discipline

12.6.1 Is the part number specified on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

12.6.2 Is the technique sheet revision controlled and correctly followed in YES NO

12.6.3 Are job audit part program(s) with revision identified on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and being followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – Only if NC program or similar is not
used to control the machine.

12.6.4 Does the technique sheet have the required approvals? YES NO
Guidance: Auditor to review applicable Subscriber specifications and
drawing requirements to determine all required approvals.

12.6.5 Are part specific tooling and fixtures identified on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 40 -

12.6.6 Is the PVT identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO

12.6.7 Is part masking identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed YES NO NA
in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used.

12.6.8 Is the identification of peening equipment listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

12.6.9 Is number of nozzles or wheels listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

12.6.10 Is air pressure or wheel speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

12.6.11 Is nozzle size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If wheel peening is used.

12.6.12 Is air jet size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If equipment does not use air jets.

12.6.13 Is part rotation or translation rate listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If part does not translate or rotate.

12.6.14 Are setup sketches or photos listed on the technique sheet and is the YES NO
observed set up in the job audit accurately described?

12.6.15 Is nozzle or wheel translation speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

12.6.16 Is travel direction, and travel distance to the part listed on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

12.6.17 Is nozzle or wheel position to the part listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check nozzles are set to the technique sheet
requirements including incident angles, etc.

12.6.18 Is the part orientation setup relative to the machine listed on the YES NO
technique sheet and correctly followed in production?

12.6.19 *Is shot flow control method listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 41 -

12.6.20 Is shot flow value listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shot flow value is not required.

12.6.21 Is part peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check that the operator is adhering to the peening
time on the technique sheet.

12.6.22 Is test strip peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

12.6.23 Is media size, hardness, and type listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

12.6.24 Is required intensity and test strip type listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

12.6.25 Is the amount of coverage listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

12.7 Process Validation

12.7.1 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include a saturation YES NO
curve consisting of a minimum of 4 points (not including “0” point) for
each intensity determination location?

12.7.2 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include intensity YES NO
verification tests performed at required intervals?

12.7.3 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include appropriate YES NO
actions (e.g. accept/reject) based on the job audit test strip readings?

12.7.4 Verify the following values for two test strip locations or if applicable a
single location at two times for the job audit part. Are the observed test strip locations used to verify the intensity YES NO
correctly located? Is the observed test strip type used to verify the intensity correct? YES NO Is the observed intensity value compliant to the Customer intensity YES NO
requirement? Is the observed intensity verification range compliant to requirements? YES NO Is the observed initial intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO


(EC) Initial Arc Height Value: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 42 - Is the observed final intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no final intensity verification reading is

(EC) Final Arc Height Value: _______________

12.7.5 (INST) For one of the job audits, the Auditor shall witness the SECTION NA
generation of saturation curve data and media inspections to verify that
the following are correct. For additional job audits evaluation of
saturation curves is allowed. Does the generation of the saturation curve utilize a minimum of 4 YES NO
points for each intensity determination location (not including the zero
point)? Are the practices of the latest revision of SAE J443 and any additional YES NO
customer requirements for saturation curves followed? Is the saturation curve solver SAE J2597 compliant? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If a computer-generated saturation
curve solver is not used. Does the media inspection verify shot size by sieve analysis or wet YES NO
media verification by bead slurry concentration? Does the media inspection verify shot fracture counts and shape YES NO
inspection; or wet media verification by bead slurry fines concentration?

12.8 Post Peening Inspection

12.8.1 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
during the inspection of fluorescent tracer?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If fluorescent tracer is not used.

12.8.2 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
during part inspection for coverage using magnification and other
inspection aids?

12.8.3 Is final inspection for coverage and effectiveness of applicable masking YES NO

12.8.4 Is the coverage inspected visually on all parts (100%) or in accordance YES NO
with an approved sampling plan? (INFO) Record the frequency of inspection: _______________

12.8.5 Are part serial numbers maintained throughout the peening operation? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If parts are not serialized.

12.8.6 Do the post-peening cleaning methods used conform to the YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 43 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If post-peening cleaning is not

performed at the Auditee.

12.8.7 Are parts handled, stored, and transported in a manner to prevent YES NO

12.8.8 Did final inspection result in the proper disposition of the part(s) YES NO

12.8.9 Did an inspection check that the part is free from media debris (internal YES NO
and external), masking residue, edge rollover, and handling damage
and were appropriate actions taken?

12.8.10 Is the traveler properly completed prior to the part continuing to the next YES NO
operation or shipment to the Customer?

12.8.11 Does the release documentation that is returned to the Customer meet YES NO NA
the Customer requirements?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If release documentation is not
completed at the time of the audit.

12.8.12 (INFO) If YES record the Certification number here: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 44 -


13.1 Job Information

13.1.1 An Auditee who has computerized peening equipment may choose to

be audited to the automated peening Audit Criteria, provided that their
Customers do not require computerized peening. Jobs should be
chosen according to the Job Audit Policy.

13.1.2 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information
(technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements. What Export Control Status did the Auditee identify the part as being? _______________
Guidance: Identification of the US Export Control status of the part shall
be identified by the Auditee and not the Auditor. If the part being
audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations, questions
in the job audit marked EC cannot be answered as the information may
be considered as restricted. Simply record “EC” in the command box
for those questions. Job Identity/Number: _______________ Technique ID: _______________ Generic Part Description: _______________ (JT) Part Number and Revision level (if applicable): _______________ (JT) Immediate Customer: _______________ (JT) End User Customer(If known): _______________ Purchase Order/Revision Level: _______________ Part Quantity: _______________ Serial/Lot Numbers (if provided): _______________ Start Date of Job: _______________ (JT) Processing Specification and Revision Level: _______________ Special Purchase Order Requirements: _______________ Is the job audit part live production, demonstration or previously _______________
processed? What status did the Auditor(s) identify themselves as being in the _______________
opening meeting? (Restricted to US Export Controlled or Unrestricted
to US Export Controlled) (JT) Operator:

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 45 - (JT) Machine ID/Number:

13.2 Customer Requirements

13.2.1 Is the process identified as a frozen process and if so, has applicable YES NO NA
Customer approval been obtained?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If frozen processes are not performed.

13.2.2 Are the engineering requirements provided from the purchase order, or YES NO
in a variety of other forms, flowed down to the shop?

13.2.3 Are media size and type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

13.2.4 Are intensity and strip type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

13.2.5 Are peening required areas, optional areas, and/or prohibited areas YES NO
flowed down to the shop floor?

13.2.6 Is the amount of part coverage flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

13.3 Implementation of Auditee Procedures

13.3.1 Is the peening operation at this facility performed in the correct YES NO
sequence as allowed by the traveler?

13.3.2 Are all operations, inspections, and tests performed prior to peening YES NO
recorded on the traveler or electronic form, stamped, signed, or initialed
and including date?

13.3.3 If there are changes in travelers and/or technique sheets, are they YES NO NA
approved and dated by authorized personnel?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there have been no changes.

13.3.4 Do the personnel who are performing automated peening operations YES NO
and final inspections have the required training and qualification?

13.3.5 Do all gauges used to measure parameters in the technique sheet have YES NO
current calibration identification?

13.3.6 Are individual gauges that are not calibrated, labeled as “reference YES NO NA
only” or similarly marked?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there are no “reference only” gauges.

13.3.7 Are the Part Verification Tool (PVT), part holding, masking, and nozzle YES NO
fixtures compliant to applicable specifications?

13.3.8 Is the operator capable of identifying equipment malfunctions? YES NO

13.3.9 Does the operator know how to proceed when there is an equipment YES NO
malfunction or automatic shut down?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 46 -

13.4 Pre-Processing

13.4.1 Does the Auditee visually inspect the area to be peened for the YES NO
absence of sharp edges, corrosion, contamination or damage prior to
peening and were appropriate actions taken?

13.4.2 Do the pre-peen cleaning methods used conform to the requirements? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-peen cleaning is not performed or

13.4.3 During the job audit, the Auditor shall witness the following pre-
processing tasks. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in applying the masking per Customer requirements to the parts?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in equipment and fixture usage? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the test strip gauge and test strips? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the PVT and test strip blocks? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in calculating the resultant arc height (if pre-bow compensation method
is used)?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-bow compensation is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in nozzle/wheel position setup? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in understanding saturation curves? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in media sampling which accurately represents the condition of the shot
stream media?

13.5 Processing

13.5.1 Did in-process media quality inspection method for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for media type?

13.5.2 Are the correct screens used for the media quality inspection? YES NO

13.5.3 Did the in-process media quality inspection meet the requirements for YES NO
sieve analysis results?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 47 -

13.5.4 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for shape sample inspection area?

13.5.5 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for the actual unacceptable shape?

13.5.6 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the Customer or industry standard requirements?

13.5.7 Are periodic media quality inspections performed at the required YES NO

13.5.8 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable specifications YES NO NA
during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If no wet media peening.

13.5.9 Are parts processed in accordance with a technique sheet? YES NO

13.5.10 Does the technique sheet or traveler document all relevant operations YES NO
performed by the operator?

13.5.11 Do the test strip locations represent the surfaces per the approved YES NO
technique sheet?

13.5.12 Does the PVT being used provide the same number, type, location, and YES NO
orientation of the test strips described in the technique sheet?

13.5.13 Does the PVT tooling match the tooling number and locations defined YES NO
in the technique sheet?

13.5.14 If shaded strips are used, does the Auditee have approval to use them? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shaded strips are not used.

13.6 Technique Sheet and Shop Floor Discipline

13.6.1 Is the part number specified on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

13.6.2 Is the technique sheet revision controlled and correctly followed in YES NO

13.6.3 Are job audit part program(s) with revision identified on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and being followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – Only if NC program or similar is not
used to control the machine.

13.6.4 Does the technique sheet have the required approvals? YES NO
Guidance: Auditor to review applicable Subscriber specifications and
drawing requirements to determine all required approvals.

13.6.5 Are part specific tooling and fixtures identified on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 48 -

13.6.6 Is the PVT identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO

13.6.7 Is part masking identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed YES NO NA
in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used.

13.6.8 Is the identification of peening equipment listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

13.6.9 Is number of nozzles or wheels listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

13.6.10 Is air pressure or wheel speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

13.6.11 Is nozzle size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If wheel peening is used.

13.6.12 Is air jet size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If equipment does not use air jets.

13.6.13 Is part rotation or translation rate listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If part does not translate or rotate.

13.6.14 Are setup sketches or photos listed on the technique sheet and is the YES NO
observed set up in the job audit accurately described?

13.6.15 Is nozzle or wheel translation speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

13.6.16 Is travel direction, and travel distance to the part listed on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

13.6.17 Is nozzle or wheel position to the part listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check nozzles are set to the technique sheet
requirements including incident angles, etc.

13.6.18 Is the part orientation setup relative to the machine listed on the YES NO
technique sheet and correctly followed in production?

13.6.19 *Is shot flow control method listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 49 -

13.6.20 Is shot flow value listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shot flow value is not required.

13.6.21 Is part peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check that the operator is adhering to the peening
time on the technique sheet.

13.6.22 Is test strip peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

13.6.23 Is media size, hardness, and type listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

13.6.24 Is required intensity and test strip type listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

13.6.25 Is the amount of coverage listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

13.7 Process Validation

13.7.1 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include a saturation YES NO
curve consisting of a minimum of 4 points (not including “0” point) for
each intensity determination location?

13.7.2 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include intensity YES NO
verification tests performed at required intervals?

13.7.3 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include appropriate YES NO
actions (e.g. accept/reject) based on the job audit test strip readings?

13.7.4 Verify the following values for two test strip locations or if applicable a
single location at two times for the job audit part. Are the observed test strip locations used to verify the intensity YES NO
correctly located? Is the observed test strip type used to verify the intensity correct? YES NO Is the observed intensity value compliant to the Customer intensity YES NO
requirement? Is the observed intensity verification range compliant to requirements? YES NO Is the observed initial intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO


(EC) Initial Arc Height Value: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 50 - Is the observed final intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no final intensity verification reading is

(EC) Final Arc Height Value: _______________

13.7.5 (INST) For one of the job audits, the Auditor shall witness the SECTION NA
generation of saturation curve data and media inspections to verify that
the following are correct. For additional job audits evaluation of
saturation curves is allowed. Does the generation of the saturation curve utilize a minimum of 4 YES NO
points for each intensity determination location (not including the zero
point)? Are the practices of the latest revision of SAE J443 and any additional YES NO
customer requirements for saturation curves followed? Is the saturation curve solver SAE J2597 compliant? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If a computer-generated saturation
curve solver is not used. Does the media inspection verify shot size by sieve analysis or wet YES NO
media verification by bead slurry concentration? Does the media inspection verify shot fracture counts and shape YES NO
inspection; or wet media verification by bead slurry fines concentration?

13.8 Post Peening Inspection

13.8.1 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
during the inspection of fluorescent tracer?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If fluorescent tracer is not used.

13.8.2 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
during part inspection for coverage using magnification and other
inspection aids?

13.8.3 Is final inspection for coverage and effectiveness of applicable masking YES NO

13.8.4 Is the coverage inspected visually on all parts (100%) or in accordance YES NO
with an approved sampling plan? (INFO) Record the frequency of inspection: _______________

13.8.5 Are part serial numbers maintained throughout the peening operation? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If parts are not serialized.

13.8.6 Do the post-peening cleaning methods used conform to the YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 51 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If post-peening cleaning is not

performed at the Auditee.

13.8.7 Are parts handled, stored, and transported in a manner to prevent YES NO

13.8.8 Did final inspection result in the proper disposition of the part(s) YES NO

13.8.9 Did an inspection check that the part is free from media debris (internal YES NO
and external), masking residue, edge rollover, and handling damage
and were appropriate actions taken?

13.8.10 Is the traveler properly completed prior to the part continuing to the next YES NO
operation or shipment to the Customer?

13.8.11 Does the release documentation that is returned to the Customer meet YES NO NA
the Customer requirements?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If release documentation is not
completed at the time of the audit.

13.8.12 (INFO) If YES record the Certification number here: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 52 -


14.1 Job Information

14.1.1 An Auditee who has computerized peening equipment may choose to

be audited to the automated peening Audit Criteria, provided that their
Customers do not require computerized peening. Jobs should be
chosen according to the Job Audit Policy.

14.1.2 Complete the following and then check the Auditee’s information
(technique sheets, travelers) against the purchasing requirements. What Export Control Status did the Auditee identify the part as being? _______________
Guidance: Identification of the US Export Control status of the part shall
be identified by the Auditee and not the Auditor. If the part being
audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations, questions
in the job audit marked EC cannot be answered as the information may
be considered as restricted. Simply record “EC” in the command box
for those questions. Job Identity/Number: _______________ Technique ID: _______________ Generic Part Description: _______________ (JT) Part Number and Revision level (if applicable): _______________ (JT) Immediate Customer: _______________ (JT) End User Customer(If known): _______________ Purchase Order/Revision Level: _______________ Part Quantity: _______________ Serial/Lot Numbers (if provided): _______________ Start Date of Job: _______________ (JT) Processing Specification and Revision Level: _______________ Special Purchase Order Requirements: _______________ Is the job audit part live production, demonstration or previously _______________
processed? What status did the Auditor(s) identify themselves as being in the _______________
opening meeting? (Restricted to US Export Controlled or Unrestricted
to US Export Controlled) (JT) Operator:

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 53 - (JT) Machine ID/Number:

14.2 Customer Requirements

14.2.1 Is the process identified as a frozen process and if so, has applicable YES NO NA
Customer approval been obtained?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If frozen processes are not performed.

14.2.2 Are the engineering requirements provided from the purchase order, or YES NO
in a variety of other forms, flowed down to the shop?

14.2.3 Are media size and type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

14.2.4 Are intensity and strip type flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

14.2.5 Are peening required areas, optional areas, and/or prohibited areas YES NO
flowed down to the shop floor?

14.2.6 Is the amount of part coverage flowed down to the shop floor? YES NO

14.3 Implementation of Auditee Procedures

14.3.1 Is the peening operation at this facility performed in the correct YES NO
sequence as allowed by the traveler?

14.3.2 Are all operations, inspections, and tests performed prior to peening YES NO
recorded on the traveler or electronic form, stamped, signed, or initialed
and including date?

14.3.3 If there are changes in travelers and/or technique sheets, are they YES NO NA
approved and dated by authorized personnel?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there have been no changes.

14.3.4 Do the personnel who are performing automated peening operations YES NO
and final inspections have the required training and qualification?

14.3.5 Do all gauges used to measure parameters in the technique sheet have YES NO
current calibration identification?

14.3.6 Are individual gauges that are not calibrated, labeled as “reference YES NO NA
only” or similarly marked?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If there are no “reference only” gauges.

14.3.7 Are the Part Verification Tool (PVT), part holding, masking, and nozzle YES NO
fixtures compliant to applicable specifications?

14.3.8 Is the operator capable of identifying equipment malfunctions? YES NO

14.3.9 Does the operator know how to proceed when there is an equipment YES NO
malfunction or automatic shut down?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 54 -

14.4 Pre-Processing

14.4.1 Does the Auditee visually inspect the area to be peened for the YES NO
absence of sharp edges, corrosion, contamination or damage prior to
peening and were appropriate actions taken?

14.4.2 Do the pre-peen cleaning methods used conform to the requirements? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-peen cleaning is not performed or

14.4.3 During the job audit, the Auditor shall witness the following pre-
processing tasks. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in applying the masking per Customer requirements to the parts?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in equipment and fixture usage? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the test strip gauge and test strips? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in the use of the PVT and test strip blocks? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
in calculating the resultant arc height (if pre-bow compensation method
is used)?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If pre-bow compensation is not used. Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in nozzle/wheel position setup? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in understanding saturation curves? Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
in media sampling which accurately represents the condition of the shot
stream media?

14.5 Processing

14.5.1 Did in-process media quality inspection method for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for media type?

14.5.2 Are the correct screens used for the media quality inspection? YES NO

14.5.3 Did the in-process media quality inspection meet the requirements for YES NO
sieve analysis results?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 55 -

14.5.4 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for shape sample inspection area?

14.5.5 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the requirements for the actual unacceptable shape?

14.5.6 Did in-process media quality inspection results for this job audit meet YES NO
the Customer or industry standard requirements?

14.5.7 Are periodic media quality inspections performed at the required YES NO

14.5.8 Is the slurry volume of beads maintained per applicable specifications YES NO NA
during wet media peening?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If no wet media peening.

14.5.9 Are parts processed in accordance with a technique sheet? YES NO

14.5.10 Does the technique sheet or traveler document all relevant operations YES NO
performed by the operator?

14.5.11 Do the test strip locations represent the surfaces per the approved YES NO
technique sheet?

14.5.12 Does the PVT being used provide the same number, type, location, and YES NO
orientation of the test strips described in the technique sheet?

14.5.13 Does the PVT tooling match the tooling number and locations defined YES NO
in the technique sheet?

14.5.14 If shaded strips are used, does the Auditee have approval to use them? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shaded strips are not used.

14.6 Technique Sheet and Shop Floor Discipline

14.6.1 Is the part number specified on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

14.6.2 Is the technique sheet revision controlled and correctly followed in YES NO

14.6.3 Are job audit part program(s) with revision identified on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and being followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – Only if NC program or similar is not
used to control the machine.

14.6.4 Does the technique sheet have the required approvals? YES NO
Guidance: Auditor to review applicable Subscriber specifications and
drawing requirements to determine all required approvals.

14.6.5 Are part specific tooling and fixtures identified on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 56 -

14.6.6 Is the PVT identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO

14.6.7 Is part masking identified on the technique sheet and correctly followed YES NO NA
in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If masking is not used.

14.6.8 Is the identification of peening equipment listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

14.6.9 Is number of nozzles or wheels listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

14.6.10 Is air pressure or wheel speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

14.6.11 Is nozzle size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If wheel peening is used.

14.6.12 Is air jet size listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If equipment does not use air jets.

14.6.13 Is part rotation or translation rate listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If part does not translate or rotate.

14.6.14 Are setup sketches or photos listed on the technique sheet and is the YES NO
observed set up in the job audit accurately described?

14.6.15 Is nozzle or wheel translation speed listed on the technique sheet and YES NO NA
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

14.6.16 Is travel direction, and travel distance to the part listed on the technique YES NO NA
sheet and correctly followed in production?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If nozzle or wheels are fixed.

14.6.17 Is nozzle or wheel position to the part listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check nozzles are set to the technique sheet
requirements including incident angles, etc.

14.6.18 Is the part orientation setup relative to the machine listed on the YES NO
technique sheet and correctly followed in production?

14.6.19 *Is shot flow control method listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?
Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 57 -

14.6.20 Is shot flow value listed on the technique sheet and correctly followed in YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If shot flow value is not required.

14.6.21 Is part peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?
Guidance: Auditor to check that the operator is adhering to the peening
time on the technique sheet.

14.6.22 Is test strip peening time (or cycles) listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

14.6.23 Is media size, hardness, and type listed on the technique sheet and YES NO
correctly followed in production?

14.6.24 Is required intensity and test strip type listed on the technique sheet YES NO
and correctly followed in production?

14.6.25 Is the amount of coverage listed on the technique sheet and correctly YES NO
followed in production?

14.7 Process Validation

14.7.1 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include a saturation YES NO
curve consisting of a minimum of 4 points (not including “0” point) for
each intensity determination location?

14.7.2 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include intensity YES NO
verification tests performed at required intervals?

14.7.3 Does the Auditee process substantiation data include appropriate YES NO
actions (e.g. accept/reject) based on the job audit test strip readings?

14.7.4 Verify the following values for two test strip locations or if applicable a
single location at two times for the job audit part. Are the observed test strip locations used to verify the intensity YES NO
correctly located? Is the observed test strip type used to verify the intensity correct? YES NO Is the observed intensity value compliant to the Customer intensity YES NO
requirement? Is the observed intensity verification range compliant to requirements? YES NO Is the observed initial intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO


(EC) Initial Arc Height Value: _______________

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 58 - Is the observed final intensity verification reading compliant to YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If no final intensity verification reading is

(EC) Final Arc Height Value: _______________

14.7.5 (INST) For one of the job audits, the Auditor shall witness the SECTION NA
generation of saturation curve data and media inspections to verify that
the following are correct. For additional job audits evaluation of
saturation curves is allowed. Does the generation of the saturation curve utilize a minimum of 4 YES NO
points for each intensity determination location (not including the zero
point)? Are the practices of the latest revision of SAE J443 and any additional YES NO
customer requirements for saturation curves followed? Is the saturation curve solver SAE J2597 compliant? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA substantiation – If a computer-generated saturation
curve solver is not used. Does the media inspection verify shot size by sieve analysis or wet YES NO
media verification by bead slurry concentration? Does the media inspection verify shot fracture counts and shape YES NO
inspection; or wet media verification by bead slurry fines concentration?

14.8 Post Peening Inspection

14.8.1 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO NA
during the inspection of fluorescent tracer?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If fluorescent tracer is not used.

14.8.2 Did the operator and/or appropriate personnel demonstrate proficiency YES NO
during part inspection for coverage using magnification and other
inspection aids?

14.8.3 Is final inspection for coverage and effectiveness of applicable masking YES NO

14.8.4 Is the coverage inspected visually on all parts (100%) or in accordance YES NO
with an approved sampling plan? (INFO) Record the frequency of inspection: _______________

14.8.5 Are part serial numbers maintained throughout the peening operation? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA substantiation – If parts are not serialized.

14.8.6 Do the post-peening cleaning methods used conform to the YES NO NA

Nadcap AC7117/2 Revision D Δ1 - 59 -

Guidance: NA substantiation – If post-peening cleaning is not

performed at the Auditee.

14.8.7 Are parts handled, stored, and transported in a manner to prevent YES NO

14.8.8 Did final inspection result in the proper disposition of the part(s) YES NO

14.8.9 Did an inspection check that the part is free from media debris (internal YES NO
and external), masking residue, edge rollover, and handling damage
and were appropriate actions taken?

14.8.10 Is the traveler properly completed prior to the part continuing to the next YES NO
operation or shipment to the Customer?

14.8.11 Does the release documentation that is returned to the Customer meet YES NO NA
the Customer requirements?
Guidance: NA substantiation – If release documentation is not
completed at the time of the audit.

14.8.12 (INFO) If YES record the Certification number here: _______________

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