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Health, Safety & Environmental Plan

(HSE Plan)



Prepared by: Checked by:

Sholin Joy P. G. Pieterse

HSE Officer HSE Advisor
Revision 0


1 Introduction 3
2 Project title and brief scope of work 3
3 Organisation chart 3
4 Communication 6
5 HSE Meetings 6
6 Vicinity map & key plan 6
7 Alarms and emergency procedures 6
8 Hazard identification 6
9 Parking 7
10 HSE policy and assignment of responsibilities 7
11 Desert driving 9
12 HSE inspections 9
13 HSE reports and records 10
14 Welfare facilities 10
15 Work permits 10
16 Welding and cutting equipment 10
17 Personal protective equipment (PPE) 11
18 Tools and portable power tools 12
19 Ladders 12
20 Cartridge operated tools 12
21 Electrical installation and equipment 12
22 Scaffolding 13
23 Cranes and rigging equipment 14
24 Mechanical equipment 14
25 Equipment performance check 14
26 Traffic 14
27 Plant operations 15
28 Injury and damage reporting 15
29 Fire prevention 15
30 First aid facilities 16
31 Dust control 16
32 Job site inspections and audits 16
33 General HSE rules 16
34 Emergency evacuation procedures 17
35 Hazardous waste management 17
36 Security procedures 17
37 Ionising Radiation 17
38 Demobilisation plan 17
39 Training 18
40 Safety reward system 18
41 Slogans/posters 19

1 A Specimen of Hazard Identification Plan (Risk Assessment)

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This document outlines Anabeeb’s worksite HSE plan and incorporates, as far as
possible AL-BAYRONI’s requirements as specified. It shall take into account the special
nature of the work to be done including the hazards associated with all tasks specified in
the scope of work and other related documents. This document is subject to change
should conditions require any changes or on specific requests from the AL-BAYRONI.

Project title and brief scope of work

All work and activities associated with the Mechanical static jobs as specified in the
scope of work.

Organisation (Organogram)

Typically the organisation will be as shown below; this may be adapted according to any
specific service requirement or scope of work.

HSE Manager

HSE Supervisor

Supervisors Foremen

Various Crafts
Crafts Various
Various Crafts

The responsibilities of ANABEEB staff are laid down in the ANABEEB Quality Manual
supported by the relevant procedures. The Quality Manual is part of the Quality System.

The ANABEEB Quality System satisfies the requirements of the international Standard
ISO 9001 - 2000. Certification has been obtained from ABS.

HSE Policy, Objectives and Targets

HSE Policy

3.1 Responsibilities

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3.1.1 Project Manager


 Overall responsibility for HSE related matters.

 Implementation of HSE rules and regulations imposed on the project by ‘ ANABEEB
HSE Manual’ and the ‘HSE Arrangements.’
 Implementation of the client’s HSE documentation in all its ramifications.


 Attend HSE Meetings scheduled by the client and provide input as required.
 Report any incident or accident, etc. to the ANABEEB HSE Advisor or his
representative on site.
 Initiate and/or participate in Risk Assessments
 Depending on contract requirements the Quality Plan/Inspection and Testing plan for the
job will be reviewed for Risk Assessment factors, section marked accordingly, monitor
and supervise all activities that are identified as "High Risk".
 Participate in staff induction sessions as required.
 Satisfy any training need as identified for the specific job.
 For large contracts, sit in on HSE Meeting chaired by ANABEEB HSE Advisor
scheduled at regular intervals. This attendance requirement may be combined with other
meetings provided ANABEEB HSE Advisor is present.

3.1.2 Supervisor


 Delegated responsibility for implementation of all HSE related matters.

 Safety induction of staff prior to and during the execution of the job.
 Firm commitment to the avoidance of incidents and accidents.
 Maintain daily log, entering all HSE-related incidents.
 Execution of all HSE rules and regulations as applicable to the job.
 Conduct Toolbox Talks/Meetings with staff at the beginning of each job. The topic
addressed shall be entered into the daily logbook; the actual frequency depends on the
duration and nature of the work.


 To carry out unsafe act audit as required the results to be reported to the ANABEEB HSE
 To liaise with ANABEEB HSE Advisor for specific toolbox sessions/ instructions /
audits/checks or any other HSE related effort to be attended to during the execution of
the job. Schedules may be provided as instruction tool to perform certain tasks.
 Follow up on all directions from Client's HSE Officers.

3.1.3 HSE Advisor


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 On behalf of General Manager, coordinate the HSE effort for ANABEEB.

 To monitor the effectiveness of the HSE Management System by assessing (auditing) the
activities of ANABEEB and conduct regular discussion with Managers and Supervisors
with responsibility for groups of employees or areas of activity.


 Liaise with all managers to ensure that they have identified and effectively controlled all
hazards within their area of supervision.
 Review and investigate, where necessary, any reports of accidents and incidents involving
ANABEEB employees or persons whose accident may be attributable to the actions of
ANABEEB or its employees.
 Identify, in conjunction with the relevant manager, safety-training needs related to the
execution of the job proper.
 Bring to the attention of the General Manager HSE deficiencies and anomalies.
 Seek the approval of the General Manager, where substantial expenditure is required to
rectify a HSE issue.
 Act as a focal point for HSE queries arising from employees or others.

3.1.4 HSE Representative


 The HSE Representative shall co-ordinate the HSE effort on site on behalf of the HSE
 Conduct HSE assessment as required and represents the HSE Advisor in construction or
other meetings, if so required.


Carry out monitoring, assessments and audit activities as per this HSE Document or as per
the requirements as agreed with the client, inclusive the planned audit and review
 Provide guidance and training to Junior HSE Officers as directed by the HSE Advisor.
 Perform equipment checks throughout the duration of the ANABEEB activities at the
client’s premises.
 Report immediately all incidents, accidents, unsafe conditions and deviations from the
planned HSE activities and work activities rated M or H on the Risk Assessment list.
 Maintain a daily report on all HSE-related activities and main items of the ANABEEB
activities at the client’s premises.
 Co-ordinate HSE related activities for the night shift HSE Officer, if applicable.
 Maintain all required statistical data, and update the performance notification board.
 Keep the relevant HSE- and work related documents and specifications on site for
easy reference.
 Maintain HSE awareness lively among the ANABEEB workforce.
4 Communication

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Effective and fast communication systems are essential to the effective operation of Anabeeb.
Procedure ASMP.01B “Communication”, is specifically designed to facilitate fast easy
communication channels to be established.

When mobilising to CUSTOMER and setting up the necessary infrastructure, communication

devices shall be considered an integral and essential part of the infrastructure. Where possible a
fax machine, with telephone incorporated shall be installed. Computer e-mail shall be provided
where possible.

When at CUSTOMER, it will be necessary to establish communication channels with

CUSTOMER and the various Departments within Anabeeb.

Internal communication (e.g. between site and main / area office) may be in any form. Important
communication shall be documented (often through the use of a memorandum). Memorandum is
a form of internal communication and should not be transmitted outside of the company.

Other company systems exist for communicating important subjects, such systems include the
Corrective action and Non-conformance systems, Suggested Improvement Notices and
Unsatisfactory Condition Reports. These are all internal systems and should not be used for
communication outside of the company unless specifically required or expected.

5 HSE Meetings

HSE shall be the first agenda item at all meetings. Additionally Safety Tool-Box talks shall be
conducted at the commencement of each shift. HSE meetings will be held with CUSTOMER as
and when it prefers. Normally this is daily, however the frequency and timing may be adjusted as

6 Vicinity map & key plan

A vicinity map & key plan will be inserted into this HSE Plan, when it is available.

7 Alarms and emergency procedures

The alarm sounds and meanings will be communicated to all Anabeeb personnel, including any
Anabeeb subcontract personnel, during the safety induction phase (see training). On hearing the
alarm, personnel will report to the nearest safe assembly area and await further instructions.

8 Hazard identification

Hazardous conditions have been considered and identified by using a Hazard Identification Plan,
Control measures are proposed to reduce or eliminate the risk, and the control measures are
evaluated to determine their effectiveness. Control measures are periodically reassessed, to ensure
their continuing effectiveness. Hazard identification is carried out using the Anabeeb procedures
ASMP 14A "Risk Assessment" and ASMP 14B "HSE Assessment".

9 Parking

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CUSTOMER controls traffic movements and the control of vehicles on site. A lay-down /
parking area will be allocated for Anabeeb to use during the course of the work, vehicles shall be
parked, handbrake applied, so that they are not interfering with operations and so that they do not
cause an obstruction, either to plant or other vehicles.

10 HSE policy and assignment of responsibilities

The Anabeeb HSE policy is duplicated below:

The Anabeeb policy for Health, Safety and Environmental Protection is meant to ensure a safe
and healthy workplace for all. Anabeeb expect the highest level of vigilance and awareness of
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) matters from all personnel.

ANABEEB objectives are to:

 Eliminate serious accidents and incidents.

 Continually reduce Lost Time Injuries.
 Minimise the environmental impact of Anabeeb's work.
 Raise the level of HSE consciousness in employees and contractors.
 Create a healthy, safe, clean work environment of which we can be proud.

These objectives will be achieved by:

 Conducting its activities in a manner that will secure the health of its staff,
contractors, visitors and other persons whom its activities affect.

 Ensuring the protection and safe operation of all plant and equipment.

 Safeguarding the natural environment by promoting environmental awareness and

the protection of plants and wildlife.

 Complying fully with the laws and statutes of the countries in which Anabeeb

 Training personnel in Health, Safety and Environmental matters.

 Allocating qualified and appropriate personnel to assume an advisory, monitoring,

auditing and training role in all aspects of Health Safety and Environmental

 Reporting and analysing any accidents, incidents and near misses and
implementing effective preventive measures.

This policy has been reviewed and endorsed by the Anabeeb management who take
responsibility for its implementation.

Anabeeb expect to have healthy, accident free workplaces for all employees, subcontractors and

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Anabeeb Induction of all staff for the basic HSE requirements of CUSTOMER, these shall be
considered as minimum requirements:

- Alarm signals, assembly point, and action to take in case of emergency.

- Items not allowed to be taken into the plant premises.
- Regulations for smokers.
- Mandatory PPE, all plants.
- Supplementary PPE requirements.
- Near miss reporting.
- Injury reporting.
- Basic requirements for work, PTW.
- Traffic regulations.
- Emergency telephone numbers.
- Identification of H2S areas, PTW + monitoring device.
- ID cards.

Preparation for HSE officer:

- Review of HSE implementation plan as per this document.

- Scheduling meeting with management- and supervisory staff to highlight HSE requirements.
- Review of contract requirements related to HSE.
- Review of Quality Plans/Inspection and Testing Plans for check on incorporation of
Risk Assessment factors and applicability and HSE related activities as stand-by-man, etc.
- Pre-work check on lifting gear and equipment.

Preparation for supervisory staff:

- Detailed instructions for near miss reporting.

- Detailed instructions for accident reporting.
- Unsafe act auditing.
- Explain three "What"'s.
- Risk assessment basics.
- PTW basics.
- Access barriers/plant boundaries.
- Toolbox meetings requirements.
- House keeping.
- Task of stand-by man
- Confined space requirements.

During the job, the following activities may be addressed, depending on the nature of the job
and the contractual scope.

- Follow up and provide guidance to staff for:

- Incident reports
- Near miss reports
- Unsafe act audits
- Risk assessment
- Participate or monitor toolbox meetings.
- Perform unsafe act audits.

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- Perform Risk Assessments.

- Monitor RA factor activities.
- Compile required statistical data. (only if required by contract)
- Maintain poster and HSE bulletin action. (only if required by contract)
- Keep track of Safety Reward system.

10.1 Subcontractors

Subcontractors are expected to adopt and comply with the Anabeeb HSE Policy and
Abide by all Anabeeb HSE rules. Subcontractors are provided with sufficient information
to enable them to do this.

11 Desert driving

It is not anticipated that any desert driving will be necessary or required for the scope of
work provided for the CUSTOMER work

11.1 Search and rescue procedures

In view of the above it is considered that search and rescue procedures will not be

12 HSE inspections

Daily: Two unsafe act audits by HSE officer.

Continuously monitor of effective use of PPE by all.
Continuously monitor for near misses by all.

Weekly: Two risk assessments on mechanical and cleaning work.

Check on equipment performance by HSE officer.
Toolbox meeting and instructions when distributing work.

The purpose of the unsafe act audit is to identify acts that can lead to a hazardous
situation. The work situation is evaluated against a mental checklist or hardcopy and
reported accordingly. The factual result of the unsafe act audit shall be used to instruct
staff through the supervisor on the avoidance of the hazardous situation. The method to
use is:

Freeze situation and ask the following questions: (Three "W's")

* What can go wrong?

* What can cause it to go wrong?
* What can we do to prevent it from going wrong?

Report on observations and corrections.

13 HSE reports and records

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The following data will be collected: (depending on the specified scope of work, and
contract requirements)

- Man-hours worked per day,

- Number of incidents,
- Number of accidents, LTI,
- Number of near miss reports,
- Number of other reports relevant to the safety effort,
- Number of unsafe act audits carried out by supervisors,
- Number of unsafe act audits by HSE staff.

14 Welfare facilities

Anabeeb shall ensure that any camp facility provided for Anabeeb personnel shall meet the
provisions of the local Labour law, the CUSTOMER Safety Health and Environmental
requirements and any other identified HSE regulations.

Anabeeb will provide adequate and sufficient welfare facilities at site. The facility should be
kept neat and clean. Food to be taken in designated area only. No contractor person should
take food or rest inside the working areas.

15 Work permits

For the execution of any work on CUSTOMER premises a PTW is required, specific and general
requirements shall be indicated on the PTW. Verification of adherence to the PTW requirements
is carried out routinely.

A Work Permit must be obtained for all work to be carried out. Before starting the job, ensure all
conditions stipulated in the permit are complied with. Return the permit after execution of job to
the Issuing Authority. A copy of work permit should be displaced at work site. All contractor Key
Personnel should attend CUSTOMER Permit To Work Course.

Anabeeb shall only provide qualified and certified personnel to execute or supervise work. The
CUSTOMER HSE Department provides permit courses. The relevant CUSTOMER
Superintendent shall approve the certificates of all Anabeeb personnel. Supervisory personnel or
other qualified staff shall always be present at the work site while any work is in progress.

All work permit procedures shall be carried out in accordance with CUSTOMER regulations.

16 Welding and cutting equipment

All welding and cutting equipment shall comply with the best industry standards and be
maintained in good condition. All welders or welding operators must be qualified as appropriate
for the work they will be doing.

17 Personal protective equipment (PPE)

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Verification of proper use and availability of PPE shall be carried out in relation to the
requirements and the work to be performed. Random checks shall be carried out, also as part of
unsafe act audit. Reporting accordingly.

Standard PPE to be worn at all times will be Safety Boots/Shoes, and Safety Helmets. All
personnel shall wear Coveralls, except those in a supervisory capacity, who shall wear working
clothes (Anabeeb supplied trousers and shirt).

Special Protective equipment may be required for any operation involving chemical handling,
tetraethyl lead, asbestos, abrasive blasting, painting/coating and other hazardous or toxic material.
In each case, the selection of protective equipment and clothing shall be decided by the Site
Supervisor, taking into account the well being of the operatives and those who may be affected by
the operations concerned.

17.1 Foot protection: - All personnel shall wear safety shoes or boots with steel toe
caps. Such footwear shall comply with the appropriate CUSTOMER standard
or equivalent.

17.2 Body protection: - All personnel shall be fully and properly clothed for work
at all times. Sleeveless shirts and half shirt shall not be permitted. Loose or
floppy clothing shall not be wear to avoid entanglement with the moving or
rotating equipment. Should clothing become saturated with oil, fuel or
chemical, the individual shall change clothes and wash affected areas
thoroughly. Jewellery shall not be worn in work areas as it may snag or hang
on moving machinery and cause serious injury.

17.3 Hand Protection: - Personnel shall wear fibre type gloves to protect the hands
and fingers from abrasion type injuries, Short, tight fitting gloves shall be worn
around moving equipment to prevent the glove material from being drawn into
machinery. Gloves used for protection against chemicals must be matched to
the substance. Rubber gloves are to be used for acid handling.

17.4 Head protection: - All personnel shall wear head hats complying with the
appropriate standard. The wearing of metallic or customised head hats is
strictly forbidden. Personnel working 6 feet or more shall secure their head hat
to prevent it from falling.

17.5 Hearing Protection: - Personnel working in or near high noise level areas or
pertaining work which generates high noise levels shall wear approved hearing
protection. Such protection shall have a sufficient Noise Reduction Rating
(NRR) to reduce noise exposure to permissible level.

17.6 Eye and Face Protection: - All personnel shall wear appropriate eye
protection to protect against danger to eyesight due to the nature of the work.
Approved safety goggles shall be worn where flying materials, chemical
splash, pressure release, grinding, chipping, hack sawing, scrapping,
hammering, cutting, grit blasting etc. Face shield shall be worn when the
operation presents a hazard to the face and neck.

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17.7 Fall Protection: - All personnel working at height where there is danger of falling shall
wear approved work vest, safety harness and lifeline and fall arrest system.

18 Tools and portable power tools

Tools shall be equipped with proper safeguards and used only in applications for which they are
designed. Portable power tools shall be of the double insulated, three wire grounded type and
should not be rated or used at a voltage exceeding 240 Volts. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters
shall protect all electrical outlets. All tools shall be free from any defect and maintained in good
working condition.

19 Ladders

All ladders shall be of metal construction, and shall be used only for ingress or egress from
workplaces those are un-accessible by any other normal means. Ladders shall not be used for any
other purpose and shall not be used in a horizontal position.

Only one person shall be allowed on a single ladder at any one time. Wherever possible, ladders
shall be secured at both top and bottom to a self-supporting, sturdy structure. Where a ladder is
not fixed or secured in such a way, the bottom of the ladder must be held by a second person,
which shall be responsible for the security and safe use of the ladder.

20 Cartridge operated tools

Cartridge operated tools shall only be used with the prior written approval of CUSTOMER.
Anabeeb shall ensure those only cartridge tools meeting CUSTOMER standards are used and that
they are maintained in good condition

No person may clean, maintain or repair any cartridge tool unless certified by the cartridge tool
manufacturer. Documentation of certification shall be in the possession of a person or Supervisor
on the work site at all times as proof of certification.

21 Electrical installation and equipment

21.1 Electrical equipment includes mains powered equipment, lamps, portable tools,
flexible cables, switchgear, motor, battery powered equipment, electrical
equipment powered by diesel.

21.2 All electrical equipment must be approved by CUSTOMER. All electrical

equipment shall be demonstrated to comply with the provisions as contained in
“Contractor's HSE Regulations” before being used in hazardous areas.

21.3 All portable electrical equipment will be installed, used and maintained, in safe
and good condition. Special attention is to be given to equipment that might
cause sparks, e.g., switches, relays etc., and all cables including welding

21.4 When not in use, all portable electrical equipment will be isolated from the
mains. Means of quick and effective isolation of all circuits shall be provided.

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21.5 Although equipment may not be directly exposed to the weather, switches
should be weather proof or contained in a weatherproof enclosure. Socket
outlets, plugs and cable couplings shall be splash proof and located well above
ground level.

21.6 Before energising temporary supplies and portable tools/equipment a work

permit shall be obtained and any restrictions on the permit rigorously observed.

21.7 The electrically operated portable tools shall conform to the requirements of
the electrical engineering department.

21.8 Regardless of any internal earth conductor, a second visible and effective earth
connection consisting of a separate flexible line of insulated copper wire of
sufficient cross section must be fitted to those external metal parts of
transportable electrical equipment, such as generators, transformers,
switchgear, distribution gear and appliances which in the event of a “defect”
may become live. The separate earth connection shall be arranged so that it is
made before the plug is inserted in the socket and not broken until the plug has
been withdrawn from the socket.

21.9 All electrically operated tools and equipment are subject to inspection by the
CUSTOMER at all times and any found to be in an unsafe working condition
shall be removed immediately and either replaced or repaired as directed.

21.10 Prior to energising any electrical equipment at the work site, either fixed or
temporary, the installation should be checked by the CUSTOMER designated
Electrical Engineer.

21.11 Lamp holders, sockets etc., shall be chosen such that equipment operating on
different voltages are not inter-changeable. Spark producing torches shall not
be used within the installation. Only approved and certified safety torches,
which are fully protected, shall be used.

21.12 All Temporary lines, hoses etc. must be EARTHED.

22 Scaffolding

Where work cannot be done safely from ground level, scaffolding platforms or temporary floors
shall be used. The scaffolding shall be constructed of metal components (Unless CUSTOMER
permits wooden parts, e.g. Kicker boards etc.).

Scaffolding shall be erected in compliance with the requirements of the Anabeeb procedure PP.12
which includes the following general rules:

Scaffolding should be erected by competent scaffolder. Scaffolding system and material to

be approved by CUSTOMER HSE dept. prior to mobilization at site. Prior to use of any
scaffolding it must be ensured that it is inspected by competent scaffolding supervisor and
have a valid SCAF- TAG. Scaffolding is to be inspected every week by a scaffolding
supervisor and signed on SCAF- TAG. Records of all the scaffolding are to be maintained

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by the scaffolding supervisor. All modification to the scaffolding requires re-certification by

scaffolding supervisor. If the scaffolding is not in use the SCAF- TAG shall be removed.

23 Cranes and rigging equipment

All lifting appliances and every part thereof, including all equipment used for anchoring or fixing
such appliances shall be in good mechanical operating condition, free from any defect and
constructed of materials with strength suitable for the intended use. All Anabeeb lifting
appliances and rigging equipment are inspected on an annual basis by a third party inspection
agency and are subject to a maintenance check after every use.

All chains, hooks, slings, shackles and other equipment used for lifting purposes shall be used
correctly by trained riggers and maintained in good condition. Should any damage, no matter how
small, be detected on lifting equipment then it shall not be used and shall be returned to the
Anabeeb stores for replacement.

All mobile lifting equipment and crane operators shall possess a valid heavy equipment operator's
license and be certified by CUSTOMER to operate such equipment. CUSTOMER must inspect
all cranes and lifting equipment before being used. Anabeeb shall also certify all riggers before
working with lifting equipment.

For all critical lifts, a lifting plan shall be submitted in advance to CUSTOMER for approval.
During lifting operation approved lifting plan should be at site. All such lift should be
performed under direct supervision of competent contractor rigging supervisor. All Lifting
Machinery and Equipment shall have a valid Test Certificate approved by CUSTOMER QA
Dept. Certificate to be submitted to CUSTOMER HSE Dept.

Lifting operations should be done by competent certified Crane Operator and Rigger. The
Rigger should be identified at site by a reflective jacket.

24 Mechanical equipment

All mechanical equipment shall be maintained in good condition. Persons working on or passing
through the work site shall securely guard all moving parts of any equipment to prevent access.

25 Equipment performance check

Competent personnel shall carry out verification and inspection of all equipment that is to be used
on site. Equipment shall be in safe condition and working properly. Specific requirements from
CUSTOMER shall be taken into account.

Safety and environmental aspects related to the equipment shall be evaluated and reported.

26 Traffic

Vehicle Entrance to Plant Area is prohibited unless prior Authorisation has been obtained. All
vehicles entering inside the plant shall have a valid Vehicle Access Pass.

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Speed limits to be strictly adhere to on plant road. Vehicles are restricted to make up roads only.
No overtaking inside the plant area is allowed. Parking of vehicle should only be at appropriate
designated places only. No parking of vehicle will be allowed near the plant facilities. Wearing of
seat belt should be strictly adhered to while inside the plant area. Reversing of heavy vehicle
inside the plant road to be avoided.

27 Plant operations

All personnel under the supervision of Anabeeb shall be instructed not to open or close any
valves or operate any electrical switches or any other equipment in the plant, without the prior
approval of CUSTOMER. Where approval is given then operation of switches, valves or plant
shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the Supervising Operator or Foreman.

28 Injury and damage reporting

All accidents and incidents, however small, shall be reported. Following an accident or incident
an oral report shall be made immediately to the local HSE Officer and the immediate Supervisor.
An Anabeeb Accident and Incident report shall be completed for all accidents and incidents not
matter how small they may appear to be. (A judgement on seriousness will be made at a later

An immediate oral report shall be made to CUSTOMER in the case of all:

 Fatal injuries
 Injuries requiring medical attention that result in lost time
 Damage to Anabeeb property in excess of $4,000
 Any damage to CUSTOMER property
 Fires
 Damage and all accidents involving cranes and heavy equipment.

Where an accident results in a fatality, serious injury to five or more Anabeeb employees, or
damage to CUSTOMER plant and equipment, a written report is required.

An accident register shall be maintained, that records:

 All work related injuries

 Fires
 Accidents involving property damage in excess of $4,000
 Traffic accidents
 Any accident involving CUSTOMER property
 All accidents and incidents involving cranes and heavy-duty equipment.

The register shall be available for inspection by CUSTOMER representative's at all reasonable

29 Fire prevention

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Fire fighting equipment shall be provided by Anabeeb and maintained in good working condition.
As a part of the safety-training program, Anabeeb personnel are trained in the use of fire fighting
equipment. Periodic checks are made of fire extinguishers to ensure that they are ready for use.

Storage and lay-down areas will be laid out in accordance with CUSTOMER standards with
respect to the spacing of rows, fire lanes and the compatibility of material.

30 First aid facilities

Anabeeb shall provide and maintain adequate first aid facilities at the work site. Anabeeb shall
make available an emergency vehicle to transport injured personnel to the nearest health care

30.1 Medical evacuation procedures

A trained first aid person shall determine whether evacuation is necessary and shall always err on
the side of caution. If any doubt exists then evacuation shall be arranged at the soonest possible
time. Where and in the event that it becomes necessary to evacuate injured personnel, appropriate
transport will be made available to transport the injured personnel to the nearest hospital. Injured
personnel shall be subject to minimal movement and transfer from one vehicle to another shall be

31 Dust control

Work operations and methods shall be such that airborne dust is minimised. Where appropriate,
the work area shall be wetted, prior to commencing the work. Where this is unavoidable for
technical or chemical reasons, all personnel in the vicinity of the airborne dust shall use breathing

32 Job site inspections and audits

The Anabeeb HSE system requires a regular safety inspection on the following subjects

 Housekeeping
 Permits to work
 Work methods

Appointed HSE Supervisor shall carry out these safety inspections. Additionally audits will be
carried out to ensure that the HSE system is implemented fully and is effective. The Anabeeb
procedure ASMP.18 will be applicable for internal HSE audit.

33 General HSE rules

The basis for the implementation of the HSE rules is training, thus creating and maintaining
awareness among staff.

Proper housekeeping is the avoidance or cleaning up of spills, dirt, etc, and also the proper
routing of cables and hoses in the plant.

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Haphazardly stored material as insulation wool, scaffolding parts, bolts and nuts, etc can create a
hazardous situation and should be avoided. The storage of new supplied material shall be kept at a
suitable location to avoid deterioration and damage.
House keeping inspection shall identify or locate areas where improvement is required and
suggestions shall be made for rectification.

34 Emergency evacuation procedures

Should an emergency occur in an area where Anabeeb personnel are working, the CUSTOMER
emergency procedures shall be followed, this involves raising the alarm by using the site
emergency telephones and providing information on the location and nature of the emergency.
Where necessary, Anabeeb personnel will assemble at the nearest designated assembly area.

Where an emergency situation exists elsewhere on the plant, Anabeeb personnel shall obey the
CUSTOMER procedures for assembly and evacuation. When the emergency alarm is sounded
Anabeeb personnel will assemble at the nearest designated assembly area and follow instructions
provided by CUSTOMER.

A role call will be made at the assembly area, so that Anabeeb can be assured that all personnel
are accounted for. Should any person be un-accounted for then the last known location of that
person shall be determined and emergency personnel shall be informed accordingly. On no
account shall a "search" party be sent back into the evacuated area.

35 Hazardous waste management

Where and to the extent that Anabeeb are responsible for the disposal of Hazardous wastes a
"Waste Management Program" will be prepared and implemented, this program will take into
account the requirements of CUSTOMER and the Environmental policy of Anabeeb. All waste
shall be disposed of responsibly using a recognised and approved waste disposal facility.

36 Security procedures

The security procedures of CUSTOMER shall be complied by Anabeeb personnel, including the
use of ID cards. Anabeeb do not have any special security requirements. Any material losses or
thefts while on CUSTOMER property will be reported to the CUSTOMER Security Department.

37 Ionising Radiation

Anabeeb shall ensure that any radioactive source used is with the prior permission of
CUSTOMER. Anabeeb shall implement safe working practices for all operations involving
radioactive materials, ensure that all operators using this equipment have a valid "Permit to use
material and equipment producing ionising radiation", and are aware of the mandatory
precautions to be taken against ionising radiation hazards. During any industrial radiographic
operation, if a radioactive source cannot be retracted, Anabeeb will immediately inform
CUSTOMER so that CUSTOMER personnel can provide appropriate assistance to control the
damaging effect of ionising radiation.

38 Demobilisation plan

After completion of the work, the following activities will be carried out:

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 Collection of data.
 Review of the effectiveness on actions taken.
 Collection of comments.
 Close out report.

39 Training

Safety induction sessions will be provided to all staff, (both Anabeeb and all sub-contractors to
Anabeeb) for their own safety, addressing the requirements for PPE, the reporting of near misses,
incidents and accidents, the specific alarm sounds for CUSTOMER, emergency telephone
numbers and assembly points. Safety induction courses will include the requirements listed in this

Although all efforts will be made to safeguard CUSTOMER facilities, it will be appreciated that
the specialised know how required to take appropriate action on unsafe conditions in the process
plants or other facilities, is not available among our staff. Detected unsafe conditions will be
brought to the attention of client's staff.

Safety induction- and training sessions are given specifically for staff involved in special tasks as:
stand-by-man, confined space entry, catalyst handling, BA related work, etc.

For supervisory staff, training is given in unsafe act auditing, risk assessment exercises, induction
of staff through toolbox meetings, and job instructions.

HSE Officers are trained in incident- and accident report writing, conduction of HSE audits, risk
assessments and follow up activities, HSE awareness on the job, stimulation of near miss

39.1 Toolbox talks/meetings and job instructions

At the start of each job the supervisor shall relay the following information to the HSE team

 Scope of work to be performed.

 Safety aspects of the work to be performed, also in relation to the work location and outside
 For safety induction guidance, related to job or site, the relevant checklist shall be used.

Before the commencement of each task, a "Tool Box" talk will be conducted, The relevant
supervisor and the duty HSE Officer shall provide a short lecture on a topical and relevant HSE
subject: Typical subjects are:

 Working at heights
 Material properties
 Scaffolding
 Permits to work

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Anabeeb operate a quality system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000, this
system requires a documented procedure for all activities that would be adversely affected by the
absence of a procedure. The Anabeeb documented quality system is structured so that the
relevant, procedures and work instructions are available at all points of use.

40 Safety reward system

A Safety Reward system will be in place to honour safe working practices. This system
administered by the site HSE team and is designed to encourage safe working practices

41 Slogans/posters

Sign boards, and if required slogans and posters, will be displayed on safety on Safety topics.
Will be displayed in and around working areas.

Attachment 1


A specific Hazard Identification Plan /Risk Assessment will be provided after a site visit and
risk identification process has been carried out. A specimen of the same is attached on the
following pages.

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Isolation / Blinding of Failure in identifying Check / cross check the Mark it on the blind list and
process equipment. blind(s) location. Blinding List (s) hi-light it on the
equipment’s drawings in
your possession.
Insertion of required Identify and confirm the Inform CUSTOMER
blind by mistake. appropriate locations for immediately and correct the
blinding physically, and tag situation.
them clearly for blinding
crew (s).
Supervise the blinding Stop working on the
works closely. equipment until the required
blind is inserted.

Recheck the equipment for

any more missing blind
before resuming the work.
Mobilisation, Traffic Accidents Ensure fitness of all trucks, Report all Incidents and
Preparation and vehicles, mobile plant and Accidents to CUSTOMER
Handling equipment equipment Representative and
Anabeeb Site Management

Personal injury Respect Site Rules for Call for emergency services
speed restrictions and in an emergency arises
access routes
Damage to the plant Follow Permit To Work Inform CUSTOMER
facility Procedure and obtain Representative immediately
applicable PTW's and complete Accident /
Incident Report.

Presence of Explosions Permit To Work. Use fire extinguisher / fire

Hydrocarbons hose.

Fire Visual Inspection of the Call for help / sound fire

work site. alarms if possible.

Spillage Gas test prior to work start Report to Operations.

Exposure leading to No source of ignition Report to ANABEEB Site

health problems. Management.

Provision of fire First Aid to victims.

extinguisher and / or fire

Using chain pulleys Failure of a chain pulley Avoid using chain pulleys Stop all working activities
for lifting heavy loads. can cause severe injury wherever it is possible. as per your PTW
to personnel and / or
damage to the
equipment and the

Check for good physical Provide immediate First Aid

condition before using a to injured party (if any).
chain pulley.

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Check the pulley for its Report the Incident to
Safe Working Load (SWL) Anabeeb Site Management
that must be appropriate to and the CUSTOMER
the load to be lifted. Check Representative(s)
the colour code of the immediately.
Never use live pipelines
and fragile structures to
hang chain pulleys for lifting
a load.
Make sure that spring-
loaded Safety Latches are
in place with the both hooks
of the chain pulley and are
working satisfactorily.

Check for good working

condition of rest of the
rigging used with the chain

Make sure that your PTW

allows you to use a chain
pulley, if not, do not use it.

Lifting by crane. Crane failure because of Lift the loads within the Provide First Aid to injured
overloading. capacity of the Safe party (if any).
Working Load (SWL) of the
crane only.

Personnel injury / damageCheck

to all the lifting Report the Incident
facility and equipment. equipment and gear for any immediately to
damage / deterioration prior CUSTOMER
to use it. Representative and
Anabeeb Site Management.
Failure of the load Check the lifting gear for Anabeeb Management to
because of defective the current year colour investigate the Incident and
lifting equipment / bad coding. to determine the immediate
rigging. and root causes of the
Incident and to suggest
corrective measures to
prevent recurrence.
Use trained, certified and
experienced Riggers only.
Prepare a Lifting Plan for
heavy loads.

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