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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

Risk Assessment & Method Statement (RAMS)




It is the responsibility of the Contractor or his employee who has been issued with this RAMS to ensure that all the
relevant information and safety requirements of this RAMS has been suitably and sufficiently communicated to the work
force in their native language prior to starting work. A toolbox talk sheet shall be completed at the worksite with all
worker’s signatures. This to verify that the information has been given to the workforce and has been understood.
EFEXS Project Manager:
I confirm that I will explain all the relevant Name: Andrew
information and safety requirements of this Date:
document to the workforce in their native tongue
and provide a translated Risk Assessment to the
PIC Mobile No.: 09126133293

Rev. Document Name Title Signature Date

EFEXS Safety
0 Prepared By: Donna Belle Ajoc

Reviewed & Approved

0 by: Joseph Safety Officer
Reviewed & Approved Cargill
by: Daniel Lepardo Construction
(Copia Engineer) Manager
Reviewed & Agreed COPIA Refinery
by: Gilbert Zamayla Manager


Project Manager Signature Document ref no. Final Revision No.
Document Information
Nelson Ayuda MSRA/EFEXS/0001 0

Reviewed and accepted by Cargill E.H.S Lead YES NO Signed ____________________

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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

Table of Contents

1) Purpose.................................................................................................................................................. 3
2) Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 3
3) Communications................................................................................................................................... 3
4) Risks....................................................................................................................................................... 3
5) Supervision & Personnel...................................................................................................................... 3
6) Tools& Equipment………………………………………………………………………………………………5
7) Health & Safety Management and Control Measures.........................................................................5
8) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements........................................................................5
9) Sequence of Work Activities................................................................................................................ 5
10) Emergency Procedures...................................................................................................................... 10
11) Permits to Work................................................................................................................................... 10
12) Training................................................................................................................................................ 10
13) Legislation………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

14) Certifications........................................................................................................................................ 10
15) Risk Assessment................................................................................................................................ 10

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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

Method Statement
This Method Statement is the document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried
out. It should detail the possible dangers/risks associated with your particular part of the project
and the methods of control to be established, to show how the work will be managed safely.

1) Purpose
- The reason for the existence of this document is to identify work activities and
hazards and risks, and eliminate/minimize the hazards and risks that may occur
during the project execution and providing adequate control measures.

2) Scope
1) Excavation for foundation pit shall include the following site activities:
(a) Mobilization – Refer to the approved traffic management plan
(b) Preparation of excavation and compaction equipment
(c) Excavation Activities
(d) Compaction Activities

3) Communications
A. Report to the Construction manager Daily, upon entering the Cargill/Copia
premisses and thoroughly discuss work activities.
B. Communicate to the plant manager for confirming the scope of work and any
additional requirements. Carry out daily Toolbox Briefing.
C. Any health and safety incident shall be reported immediately to Construction
manager, Project manager and COPIA HSE Officer. All works will be stopped
and will only resume only after getting clearance from Cargill EHS Manager.
D. Key Personnel:
a. Copia Project Manager – Nelson Ayuda (Cel.:09177154099)
b. Copia Project Manager – ThanhNgoc Nguyen (Cel.:09455806072)
c. Copia Construction Manager – Daniel Lepardo (Cel.: 09613026625)
d. Copia Civil Engineer - Jonh Harris Aring(Cel.:09959428183)
e. Copia Electrical Engineer – Joven Corpus (Cel.:09385542378)
f. Copia Mechanical Engineer – Jerry Bumatay (Cel.:09272916742)
g. EFEXS PIC/Project Manager – Andrew Elopre (Cel.: 09171594142)
h. EFEXS Project Head – Reynaldo Espigol (Cel.: 09171222776)
i. EFEXS Safety Officer – Joseph Flores (Cel.: 09126133293)
j. EFEXS Civil Engineer – Donna Belle Ajoc (Cel.: 09153276204)
k. EFEXS Foreman – Jolito Cuizon (Cel.:09100986551)

4) Risks
The following issues may contribute towards a major incident or accident:
a) Incompetent personnel.
b) Equipment Failure
c) Failure to wear / use PPE
d) Manual handling
e) Communication gap due to high noise level
f) Poor housekeeping could lead to slips & trips.

5) Field Supervision During Job Execution

6) Manpower List
a) Backhoe Operator – NC II certified (1)
b) Plate Compactor
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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

c) Spotter (2)
d) Excavation Supervisor (1)
e) General Workers
7) Schedule
a) December 2021 – Backhoe and Plate Compactor arrival in Cargill Phil.
b) December 2021 – Commencement of Excavation and Compaction Works
8) Layout of materials and equipments arrangement.

laydown area

9) Traffic Flow Diagram (Refer to approved Traffic Management Plan for full Details)
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10) Tools & Equipments

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a) Backhoe = 1 unit
b) Dumptruck = 1 unit
c) Plate Compactor = 1 unit
11) Health & Safety Management and Control Measures
a) A recorded Daily Toolbox Meeting will be conducted on site for the workers
before commencement of work.
b) Ensuring appropriate supervision practices are followed at all times.
c) Ensure that personnel performing activities are competent and/or must be
supervised by a competent person.
d) Make sure workers have been trained to use and operate all tools, equipment,
and machinery before use.
e) Operators shall visually inspect tools, equipment and machinery & fill-up the
checklist provided for any defects or damage that may affect its safe use.
f) Report any safety hazards and remove any defective tools or equipment from
g) Clean up spilled oil, grease and other slipping and fire hazards immediately.
h) Use safe lifting techniques when moving heavy parts.
i) Maintain effective communication with Cargill Project Manager, construction
manager or any Cargill Representatives.
j) First Aid kit and portable fire extinguisher to be kept at place of work.
k) Always keep copy of approved RAMS on site during the work.
l) Provide suitable rest area and toilet facility for workers
m) “Stop the job if UNSAFE” shall be re-inforced amongst all personnel.
n) Provide safe working platform and follow 100% tie off procedure.

12) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements

a) Coveralls, Safety Helmets, Safety Glasses, Gloves and Safety Boots.
b) Dust mask to be used in case of dusty conditions
c) Ear plug / ear protection if noise area.
d) Any additional PPE requirements will be assessed and issued as required


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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA
14) Sequence of Work Activities

A. General
 For all activities described below, Apply Cargill/Copia Work Permit (PTW) prior
to commencement of site work.
 All site work shall not interfere with the existing plant equipments.
 The PIC will conduct safety toolbox talk prior to start of each working day.
 Provision & use of site information board.
B. Mobilization
 Ensure that all personnel have undergone Cargill Safety induction.
 Ensure that the approved MSRA is available on site at all times during the
work executions. MSRA shall be communicated to all through Toolbox talk.
 Ensure toolbox talks and equipment checks are carried out. Ensure proper
usage of PPE i.e coveralls, safety helmet, gloves, safety glasses and boots.
 Ensure sufficient protection to existing services during mobilization of
materials to construction site.
 PIC shall at all times control the access and allow only the personnel under his
care within the work area.
 No other personnel or contractor is allowed to pass through the working area
without prior consent and approval from PIC.
 Povision of hand wash facility with liquid soap, clean up rubbishes daily, virus
safety awareness that will be included in discuss in daily toolbox meeting.

Temporary Storage Area of Construction Materials and Equipment’s


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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

C. Excavation and Compaction Works

C.1. Work Preparations
 Before commencing with excavation, safety checks must be done and the
Method Statement and Risk Assessment or MSRA must be secured.
 The site engineer must be knowledgeable or familiar with the latest
construction drawings and method statements.
C.2. Site Clearing, Surveying and Staking
 The area to be excavated must be free of any materials, trees, boulders, and
other packages that may hinder a continuous and smooth working
environment. These materials must be removed and disposed at a proper
disposing area.
 The surveying team must then establish benchmarks and stakes around the
excavation area.
C.3a. Excavation
 Excavation will be carried out using a backhoe. The excavated material will
then be loaded directly into the dump truck and transported to a temporary
stockpile area.
 Site inspections should then be done first to ensure that the design as per
plan is followed correctly. After inspection and approval, the excavated area
will then be compacted as per design requirements.
C.3b. Dewatering
 If necessary, a submersible pump will be used to discharge water out from the
excavation pit.
C.4. Soil Compaction
 Site inspections should then be done first to ensure that the design as per
plan is followed correctly. After inspection and approval, the excavated area
will then be compacted as per design requirements, using a road roller.

Ste Layout Manpower &

p Task Sequences Arrange equipments Risk Potential Prevented Action
no. ment Arrangement
 Strict compliance with PTW system.
 Toolbox meeting before task commences.
 Ensure access & egress are free from
 Poor access & egress -
Slips, trips & falls on
 Put padding on sharp edges and/or wear
Refer to same level.
hand gloves.
Pre-Use inspection section Refer to  Head Bump - Head injury
1  Risk assessment must be placed in worksite &
of the equipment 8 for section 9 & 6  Diesel - Soil
properly communicated to all workers
layout contamination due to
through toolbox talk.
oil spillage
 Adequate Supervision
 Fire
 Ensure no leakage on diesel tank and engine
 Provide Task appropriate PPE’s
 Provide fire extinguisher
 People nearby may get  Toolbox meeting before task commences
Site Clearing and
2 hit by the backhoe  Hire competent personnel for the activity
bucket during swinging  Cordone the area
People nearby may get  Toolbox meeting before task commences
Excavation Works hit by the backhoe  Hire competent personnel for the activity
bucket during swinging  Cordone the area

D. Materials Delivery
 The project will receive delivery of construction materials, equipments, tools &
etc.using certified Hiab truck, with qualified operators for backhoe and
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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

E. Site Tidiness and Housekeeping

 Ensure the site to be kept tidy everyday.
 All equipment shall be stored at the approved area.
 Site housekeeping will be conducted on daily basis.

15) Emergency Procedures

 Any incident / accident / shall be reported to Copia Construction Manager & Cargill
HSE Incharge.
(a) Cargill Project Manager - Nelson Ayuda (Cel.# 09177154099)
(b) Cargill Construction Manager – Daniel Lepardo (Cel.# 09613026625)
(c) Cargill HSE Incharge – Antonio Juelo (Cel.# 09518091286)
For non-emergency injuries, use First Aid Kit on site to first aid treatment to minor
injuries such as bruise, cuts etc and report to Supervisor/HSE officer/Cargill site
 For medical treatment - If ambulatory Call Ambulance and bring to nearest
 Relocate the injured person (IP) to safe location.
 Do temporary First Aid by trained person, if required.
 Report all injuries to Copia HSE officer, Supervisor and Cargill Site representative.
 In the event of fire, remain calm and follow Cargill evacuation plan and Fire
Marshall instructions.

16) Permits to Work

a) EFEXS Builders Inc.- Excavation Permit

17) Training
a) Safety Induction for all personnel.
18) Legislation
a) All activities and operations conducted in Cargill Phil. will as a minimum comply
with The DOLE OSH Standard, DOLE DO 13, RA No. 11058 DO 198 and
subsequent regulations.

19) Certifications
a) Backhoe inspection certificate
b) Backhoe operator competency certificate NC II

20) Risk Assessment

Containedin the following section is based upon the Sequence of Work Activities documented
under Section 9 (a).

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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

1) Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is a systematic examination of a task, job or process that you carry out at work for the purpose of: Identify hazards; Analyze or evaluate the risk
associated with that hazard; Determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the hazard.
Risk Assessment: Unloading of construction materials and equipment’s
Brief Description of work:
Excavation and Soil Compaction RAMS ref no.: RAMS/EFEXS/001
(Method Statement Title)
Location of Work: COPIA Contract No.
Contact Number:
Created By: Joseph Flores (Mobile Phone 09126133293 Date Created: December 13, 2021
Hazard Category(what might go wrong)







Potential Hazards Potential Hazards Potential Hazards





1 Contact with Electricity ☐ ☐ ☐ 17 Exposure to Vibration* ☐ ☐ ☐ Other Hazards
Trapped Between
2 Lifting Operations* ☐ ☒ ☐ 18 Repetitive Motion / Action ☐ ☐ ☐ 33
☐ ☒ ☐
Collision (Moving Objects / Fall Down Stairs /
3 Working at Height ☐ ☐ ☐ 19
☐ ☐ ☐ 34
☐ ☒ ☐
4 Manual Handling* ☐ ☒ ☐ 20 Struck By Moving Object ☐ ☒ ☐ 35 Excessive Noise ☐ ☐ ☐
Struck by Falling Damage to existing
☐ ☐ ☐ 21 Explosion ☐ ☐ ☐ 36
☐ ☐ ☐
6 Collapse / Overturning ☐ ☒ ☐ 22 Drowning ☐ ☐ ☐ 37 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
Contact with Air /
Water / Pressure / Loss of Containment (Liquid /
Pressurized Gas / Gas
☐ ☐ ☐ 23
☐ ☐ ☐ 38 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
/ Liquid
Trip / Fall on Same
☐ ☒ ☐ 24 Asphyxiation ☐ ☐ ☐ 39 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
Fire / Flammable
☐ ☐ ☐ 25 Adverse Weather ☐ ☐ ☐ 40 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
Contact with Tools /
Equipment / Etc.
☐ ☒ ☐ 26 Strike Stationary Object ☐ ☐ ☐ 41 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
Contact with
☐ ☐ ☐ 27 Radiation* ☐ ☐ ☐ 42 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
12 Excavations ☐ ☐ ☐ 28 Exposure to Fumes / Dust ☐ ☐ ☐ Other Considerations
13 Sharp Objects ☐ ☒ ☐ 29 Young Person* ☐ ☐ ☐ 1 Waste Products ☐ ☐ ☐
Fall from Height Young People /
☐ ☐ ☐ 30 Contact with Heat / Cold ☐ ☐ ☐ 2
Pregnant Women
☐ ☐ ☐
Contact with
Hazardous Substance*
☐ ☐ ☐ 31 Environmental Threat ☐ ☐ ☐ 3 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
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16 Exposure to Noise* ☐ ☒ ☐ 32 Asbestos* ☐ ☐ ☐ 4 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐

Hazard Identification and Mitigation
Risk Matrix
Severity Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
1 2 3 4 5
Description Likelihood Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
5 5 10 15 20 25
Likely 4 4 8 12 16 20
Possible 3 3 6 9 12 15
Unlikely 2 2 4 6 8 10
Rare 1 1 2 3 4 5
Abbreviation Levels start at:
Extreme E 15
High H 10
Moderate M 5
Low L 3
Insignificant L 1

In case of Emergency: Immediately stop work and make the area safe. Report to your supervisor, and notify the Cargill Representative.
Project Manager: Nelson Ayuda 09177154099 Ambulance 911
Copia Construction Manager: Daniel Lepardo 09613026625 Police 911
Copia Mechanical Engineer: Jerry Bumatay 09272916742 Fire 911
Copia Civil Engineer Jonh Harris 09959428181

Risk Risk
Responsible Party Control
Work Activity Evaluation Evaluation
Hazards Control Measures for maintaining measure review
(Job task steps) without with
control measures frequency
Controls Controls
1. Entering the plant for Work  Improper PPE while entering 3 3 9  Proper PPE must be worn 2 3 6 1) Person-in-charge At all time
the plant (coverall,safety helmet, safety 2) All personnel
 Entering the plant without glass,hand glove when required &
authorization from Cargill. safety foot protection.
 NO induction has been attend.  Get authorization from Cargill
 Not following the host while reprensative before entering the plant.
doing the site visit.  Attend induction before entering the
 Entering an unauthorized area plant.
or highly restricted area.  Always follow the host while the site
visit is still going on.
 Get notified or get permission from
Cargill reprensentative before entering
unauthorized area or higly restricted

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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

Risk Risk
Responsible Party Control
Work Activity Evaluation Evaluation
Hazards Control Measures for maintaining measure review
(Job task steps) without with
control measures frequency
Controls Controls
 To follow Copia emergency procedure
and emergency route if any emergency
happen inside the plant.
 Providing information and training for
correct manual handling techniques.
 Assess individual handling tasks.
1) Person-in-charge
2. General activities  Manual handling 3 3 9  Use mechanical aids where possible. 2 3 6
2) All personnel
At all time
 Gloves required for all handling tasks.
 Ensure adequate personnel available
to provide assistance.

 Mandatory PPE must be worn

(coverall, safety helmet, safety glass,
hand glove, ear plug and/or ear muff &
safety foot protection).
 Incompetent personnel  Toolbox meeting and a clear instruction
1) Person-in-charge
 High noise level will be given prior work commencement
3 4 12 2 4 8 2) Backhoe operator At all time
 Sharp edges  Only certified / trained personnel to do
3. Excavation of Foundation Pit 3) All personnel
the task.
 Barriers & sign boards shall be
adequately provided.
 No person must be around the
backhoe radius

 1)

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Risk Assessment & Method Statement for COPIA

Risk Risk
Responsible Party Control
Work Activity Evaluation Evaluation
Hazards Control Measures for maintaining measure review
(Job task steps) without with
control measures frequency
Controls Controls

4.   1)

 Licensed/certified drivers/operators
 Incompetent driver / operator  Drive within speed limit and good 1) Driver/operator
5. General traffic management  Speeding 3 3 9 practices of defensive driving. 2 3 6 2) Person-in-charge At all time
 Long/heavy haul  3) All personnel

 Site common waste will be collected by

 Poor housekeeping EFEXS Builders Inc.
 Ensure to dispose rubbish on
 Slippery surfaces
appropriate bins. 1) Person-in-charge
6. Housekeeping  Sharp edges 3 3 9 2 3 6 At all time
 Dust
 Proper PPE must be worn: safety 2) All personnel
helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves and
 Hazardous substances
other PPE requirements.

 Follow Cargill emergency response

 Ensure that all emergency
requirements are clearly highlighted
and proper signage is in place.
1) Person-in-charge
7. Emergency response  Personal injury 3 4 12  Trial emergency response within two 2 2 4
2) All personnel
At all time
weeks of project start and 6 monthly
 Maintain a record
 Liaise with Cargill staff for identification
of responsible people.

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