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1- Where did you go to elementary schools?

 Where did you go?

 How many years did you go?
2- Where did you go to junior high schools?
 Where did you go?
 How many years did you go?
3- Did you go to university?
- What major do you like to have?
4- What is the age that children begin school?
5- What do you remember about your teachers?
 Who is your favorite teacher?
 What teacher impressed you the most?
 Do you have any teachers you didn’t like?
6- Describe the students who attended university
 Do they have a good influence on you?
 Do you consider being smart or slow person?
 Do you consider being lazy or hardworking?
7- Did you make friends in before school that you still keep in touch with?
8- What subjects were you good at?
9- What subjects were you bad at?
10- Why do students cheat during tests and exams?
11- What is the attitude towards cheating? How should parents/
teachers react?
12- Did you study a foreign language in school? Was it taught well?
13- Do you know anyone who attended a private school? Do private
schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?
14- What did you major in? Why did you choose this major?
15- Did you live in a dormitory while you went to college?
16- Does your country provide a good public school system?
17- What improvements does the school system need?
18- Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?
19- If a school gets more money, will the quality of education improve?
20- Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do
you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?
21- What realistic changes would you make to your country’s attitudes
toward education?
22- What are the skills that separate good students from bad ones?
23- Were good grades important to you?
24- Did you skip classes very often?
25- Is college tuition free in your country? Is it easy to get scholarships
or government grants?
26- Are there any subjects you wanted to study but they weren’t
available at your school?
27- Do you think that teachers are paid enough? Do you think that
teachers are well educated?
28- Is it difficult for people without a college education to get a good
job in your country?
29- Does education guarantee a good job?
30- What are the qualities of a good student?
31- What are the qualities of a good teacher?
32- Once you graduate from university, should you stop learning?
33- Would you ever vote for a politician who did not attend college?
34- What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of state and
private schools are?

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