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Abandoned Bastard of the Royal Family

Author: Ikuhito

Translation: stabbingwithasyringe

After being Abandoned, the Bastard of the Royal Family turned out to be the Strongest, and is
now Embracing every Woman with He Likes with his Extraordinary Prowess

Warning. This novel has adult content and is not safe for work. You must be 18+ to read this
Chapter 1 – The War with the Demon Race Begins

Schild has won his first battle against the Demon Race.

However, he also knew they should not be carried away by this victory alone.

The war has just begun, and there would be dozens of battles to come.

This was only the first victory.

The enemy Demon Race forces, in particular, were still a mystery for them, and nothing was
known about their home base, overall size, or even the faces of their commanders.

In the theory of “He who controls the information controls the world,” the Kingdom’s Army
led by Schild was at an overwhelming disadvantage.

“We don’t have enough information.”

Schild said in a tone so grave that it was hard to believe that he was the winner of this first

“Continue to send out secret agents and scouts to gather information on the enemy. Then notify
the cities. I want all cities to double their security measures in preparation for an attack by the
Demon Race.”

Schild was even more impatient, especially since he realized he didn’t know where the enemy
was based.

If guerrilla warfare were to start in various areas without them having a clear target for attack,
the war would soon become a dilemma.

Schild wanted to find out where the demonic army was based before that happens, no matter
what it takes.

“If we don’t get to know where the enemy’s base is, we cannot set a goal for this war to end…”

At present, they had to wait for action on the part of the Demon Race before a new battle could
be triggered, and that irritated Schild.

If it’s sex, he is okay to be on the receiving end once in a while, but if it’s a fight, he will have
to be in control, or else he will be guaranteed to lose.

“Hou, so young, and yet…”

But even with all that worrying, this was the Oscar’s former patriarch’s remark – in a tone as if
he was amused by Schild.

“But, prince,” he began the talks. “This kind of warfare is common against the Demon Race,
though you may not understand it yet since you have yet to experience fighting them.”


These were the words of a retired man over 80 years old who had been fighting the Demon
Race since the days of the kings before him and the kings after him.

Schild was grateful for the information, but the fact that the old man was speaking in an upbeat
tone made Schild a bit annoyed nevertheless.

“These guys are not Humans, and I suggest not treating them as one. In fact, they were even
worse back then, as they had various abilities that could hide them in any place. That’s why in
the past, our battles with them were a repetition of the question of how to find them and beat
them when they were hiding somewhere. Yes. Always assuming they are everywhere, ready to
spring at us. That was how we prevailed back in the days.”

“Old man, you really change the way you talk as soon as you start bragging about the old

“These are what old people do. Well, it’s true that being drawn into guerrilla warfare is scary,
but in this day and age where our cities are already well prepared to deal with them, and our
forces are scattered throughout the country, there is no longer a need to fear the dark so much.
Besides, you’re talking to someone who literally lives in it.”

The Apparition of the Oscars, Elovairo.

And the “Kingdom’s Shadows”, the Oscar House.

Him speaking with confidence was enough to lighten the burden on Schild’s shoulders.

Schild was not happy to have to change his tactics because of someone else’s advice, but he
followed the advice of his mentor regardless and stood down.

“…before you brag about your good ol’ days, tell me one more thing. What should I do now?”

“Heeding the advice of a veteran, eh? You’re a good kid. Well, there is only one thing you can
do, really. And that is to wait for our guys to get information.”

“I guess that’s the only way.”

Wait for the scouts to bring back information about the Demon Race.

And once the scouts successfully learn their whereabouts, it will be the time for the military to
take action.
By that time, Schild will be forced to do the hard work of a king once again, which was out of
character for him.

“Then again, old man, you knew many things that I didn’t know yet. Your experience fighting
many battles against these Demon Race is as precious as gold, and for that, I am grateful.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Your Highness, for I am only doing my duty. Also, that is one of
the benefits of being an old man – to brag about experience. I have long been of no use to my
country, and my title of “Apparition” is losing its shine too. So, being able to have the
opportunity to do this kind of work before I die of old age is a Goddess-sent chance for me,

“For the time being, I have nothing to do. I need women. At least five.”

“I knew you would say that.”

The “Apparition” clapped his hands, and ten maids entered from another room in a line.

“I have selected them for the prince’s personal attention. You may use them as you please.”

“You came prepared, huh. Now then…”

Schild dragged the ten maids to the bed in turn and undressed them.

He then inserted his penis into their vaginas and enjoyed the sensation of friction of their flesh.

The old man felt nostalgic. After all, he remembered that back in his time, this was how the
nobles used to provide women to their kings when they were still princes. At least it was the
same for King Protesto and Preslate, whom he had served.

However, for some unexplainable reason, this lustful behavior would only last until they
become a king. Once they officially ascend to the throne, they would become surprisingly well-
behaved. They would not indulge in sexual intercourse with anyone other than those formally
designated as Queens and concubines, as if they had become a different person entirely.

This was true for King Waldborn, who had already officially acceded to the throne when
Elovairo began his service in the royal castle, and of King Preslate, the most average of all the
generations in terms of sexual desire.

Of course, there were also exceptions like King Protesto, King Preslate’s father. He still did
these acts of debauchery and impregnating women non-stop, which immediately plunged the
kingdom into civil strife after his death, having so many children. He was so indulged in sex
that he couldn’t even announce an heir after having a heart attack(it was suspected to be a heart
attack that time) while having sex with several women in his bed.

To this, Elovairo couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to Schild, who would
eventually become king, in the future. With such dismay in his heart, the former patriarch left
the chamber, in which panting voices of the ten maids started to reverberate throughout.
Chapter 2 – The “Hundred-Eyed” Argome

Schild was not the only one irritated by the war’s sudden stagnation.

While the victors were already in a state where they could not suppress their desire to retaliate
at the war situation, which could turn upside down at any moment, it was even more for the
ones who lost the war.

The “Evil Virgin” Zaria, who was leading the New Demon Lord Army for the sake of
convenience, was greatly upset at the report of the first defeat.

“A male of the royal family existed!?”

The defeat of one of the Devas of the New Demon Lord Army, the “Ant Sovereign” Ante.

The loss of one of the four Devas was a source of great discomfort to the perfectionist such as

“Such a person should no longer exist in this world! How could you have overlooked such an
important matter, Argome?”

“My absolute apologies.”

In front of the “Evil Virgin” knelt a woman as plump and voluptuous as she was. Though it was
also obvious at first glance that she was an abnormality.

For starters, the woman in question had a hair so long it covered up to her calves, almost
resembling a cocoon as it wrapped her sexy body in question. But what was the defining part of
her eeriness, or abnormality, was that in those hairs, hundreds of eyeballs were buried in it, like
those of a peacock, but with real eyes instead of just plumes.

The size of the eyeballs varied widely; some were the size the same as those in a normal human
being, while others were as large as a clenched fist.

She called the eyeballs she kept in her hair “terminals,” and when necessary, she could send
them far away to perceive what she wanted to see over a distance.

It was almost akin to literal clairvoyance, with the meaning synonymous to “all-seeing”. And
because of this characteristic, she was inevitably assumed the role of intelligence officer of the
New Demon Lord’s Army, gathering all kinds of information and becoming the most important
executive who is recognized both by herself and her peers as “The New Demon Lord Army’s
This was the power of the “Hundred Eyes” Argome, the fourth and last of the Devas of the new
generation of the Demon Lord’s Army.

Today, however, such being is under severe reprimand.

By none other than the first of the four Devas, Zaria, the “Evil Virgin,” whom they considered
their leader.

“Gathering information is the most important thing in a military operation. No matter how
strong and elite you are, it is useless if you do not know the way forward.”

“Indeed, it is exactly as you said…”

“That is why our father, the Demon Lord, created you, and that is why he made the intelligence
side so solid. With you, the New Demon Lord’s Army would not miss any anomaly, not even
the slightest movement. Wasn’t that so, Argome?”

“It is as you say.”



Zariah threw a glass vial, which was close at hand, at her comrade.

The bottle missed its target and shattered on the floor right next to Argome, but the chemicals
inside spilled out and melted the material of the floor.

Zaria was apparently conducting some kind of research, as there were still countless glass
bottles containing such chemicals around her.

“If only you had done your job properly, you wouldn’t have missed such a big deal! And that is
that Prince Schild…The illegitimate son of that man and whose existence had never been
revealed until now…exists!!”

“With all due respect. I reported his existence to you and warned you again and again. It was
you, Zaria, who refused to accept it.”

“Am I to blame now?”

At the recent meeting, Argome was quick to see the presence of Schild, who had defeated
Prime Minister Dernonos, as a threat and called out to the other four Devas regarding this

“You were the one who dismissed the information, saying that it was up to you to review it and
that all we had to do was follow your decisions. It was you who decided that there was no need
to be wary of that dreaded royal family.”

“At that point, we received no report that he was royalty, did we?”
“Well, that’s true, but…”

“No matter how strong he may be, a mere soldier is not enough to alarm anyone. As such, it
was you, Argome, who overlooked his most important characteristics and failed to report

Being confronted at her sore point, Argome was unable to refute anything.

Her ability to see for a thousand miles is by no means universal.

The fact that she controls the “eye” means that she can “see” from afar. She also has “eyes”
that can “hear” and “speak” her thoughts, like the one she used in their Four Devas meeting
which happened a few days ago, but even though they also have these abilities, their abilities
were too mediocre compared to her “sight”, and has to be done close-up in order to function

An eye floating in the air up close is just nothing but begging her to be compromised.
Especially for a warrior with sharp senses like Schild.

This was why she could not find out the secret of Schild’s birth, even though she was very
careful about monitoring him.

“Ante’s efforts have gone to waste. I gave them the “Hex of the Gladiator”, only to go ahead
charging against the only opponent it doesn’t work on!”

She called out the name of her comrade from the Four Devas, who had been defeated in the
previous battle.

“That Ante is… in hiding now, shifting their plans. I expect they will be ready for a counter-
offensive within a month.”

“So Ante didn’t die… At the very least, they had saved the face of the Four Devas, at least for
the time being. Unlike you.”

The intense sarcasm from Zaria tore Argome’s pride.

“But still, the “Hex of the Gladiator” that we gave to them is valuable. If we had known that
there was a member of the royal family that could nullify it, we could have gone with our other
plan from the very beginning and avoided wasting the hex.”

“…so it’s my fault.”

“That’s right.”

Argome could almost hear the sound of her own pride shattering into pieces.

“I’d like to take responsibility for this in my own way.”

“What will you do?”

“Kill that royal blood, Schild. By my own hand.”

Zaria’s expression changed when she heard this.

“Argome, you are the eyes and ears of our army. You are assigned this rank not only because
you are good at gathering intel but also because your direct combat ability is also the lowest
among the Four Devas. You are the least capable of fighting, and you should know that too.”

“With all due respect, Zaria, our opponents’ strength is far beyond the realm of common sense.
In a proper clash, I doubt that even our Berzeld would be able to defeat him.”

“He is that strong!?”

“That is why I will be the one who’s moving. With my abilities, I can do all kinds of tricks. If I
watch him day and night with all my ‘hundred eyes’ without a moment’s pause, I will surely
discover his weaknesses and shortcomings. That will be the time I will strike.”

If she were to use her abilities to the fullest, even the strongest opponents would have no choice
but to cave in. And what’s even better is that she has always been doing it at a safe place, far
from any danger. It would not provide her with any risk.

The flames of hatred in Argome’s hundred eyes were already shimmering from the wound to
her pride.

“…Hmph. If you want to give yourself a chance to humiliate yourself, then I won’t stop you.
But if you are to lose, expect a heavy punishment for bringing yourself another shame to us
Demon Race.”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“You have great confidence. Do you really plan on winning against him?”

“Of course, I am. Or else I won’t be saying this much. But even in the unlikely event that I
lose, you won’t have to worry about losing face, Zaria, for I have no intention of adding to our

“What do you mean?”

“The moment I will lose, then and there I will extinguish this life of mine gracefully, all to
defend the pride of the New Demon Lord Army. So with that, Zaria, I hope you watch the last
battle of this “Hundred-Eyed” Argome closely, up to the very end!”

“What did you say!? Argome, stop!”

Zaria rushed to stall Argome upon hearing those words. However, she was too late as Argome
had already disappeared, and only a void remained where she stood.

“Argome! The war against the Humans has just begun. Do you know how much damage you
will do if you, our information gatherer, disappear? What will we do if you’re not here!?”
Zaria’s ramblings still echoed throughout the room, making no sense whatsoever as the woman
she was talking to was no longer there, and just like that, the dispute between the two Demon
Race women, who are also the members of the Four Devas, ended with one being left alone in
the Demon Lord Army’s stronghold.

“‘That royal blood Schild! You are guilty of offending my pride!!”

Meanwhile, after leaving Zaria, the insidious anger of “Hundred-Eyed” Argome was on the
verge of reaching critical levels.

The anger, now brewed in a nettlesome way by her comrade’s remarks, was directed at Schild.

“I may lack the skills required for direct combat, but you don’t know that I can also become the
most vicious sword that can defeat you in many ways, even if you’re the strongest amongst our

Countless balls of light shot out from Argome’s long hair, tracing a path through the sky.

Those balls were none other than her eyeballs, countless eyeballs that made Argome gain her
title of “Hundred-Eyed”.

They could fly up to a thousand miles away in the direction of the main body, and no matter
how far away they were, they would immediately transmit what they saw on their retinas to the
main body in real-time.

Now, hundreds of them flew in full force, stealing all kinds of information on the ground.

This was the power of the “Hundred Eyes” Argome.

“Now, let us begin, Prince Schild! There will never be a more appropriate time for you to be
put to rest than now! Whether working or resting, eating, sleeping, bathing, shitting, or
ejaculating in a human woman’s pussy, every moment of your life will now be under my
watchful eye!”

And then, after gathering all of Schild’s information until there was nothing left of him to see,
she will hunt him down and kill him by any means necessary.

This was Argome’s plan to eliminate Schild.

“No one can escape Argome’s hundred eyes, Schild! I am now watching your every move!
And once you let down your guard, that very moment will be your demise!”
Chapter 3 – Under Argome’s Watchful Gaze 1

Schild continued to persistently lodge in Lady Nazah’s “mansion”, literally and figuratively,
even though his origins were known to the aristocracy and the general public.

After all, Schild was still refusing to become king.

The scouts had not brought back any useful information either, and it was likely that the army
would not be ready to go to war for some time.

Because of this, Schild had surprisingly so much time to spare, even though the country was in
a state of war.

Just like today, where he is wandering around the capital as he used to do when he was a

Now that it had become clear that he was a member of the royal family, he was again expecting
to be surrounded by a crowd once he got outside. But, contrary to his expectations, no one
surrounded him again, unlike the phenomenon where he became the “hero” and gained the title
of [Slayer of Forty-Eight]. Or was it because of this previous achievement that the populace has
already gotten used to his presence?

Either way, Schild simply strolled around the city like he was some sort of familiar celebrity.

“Hey, auntie, give me that meat with a huge bone over there.”

He bought a snack at a roadside stall, which he could eat while walking, and the woman who
ran the stall gave it to Schild with her usual smile as if she was already used to seeing his face.

“Is the seasoning the usual?”

“Oh, this time, make it very hot with lots of hot spices. Let me have sex with you as well while
at it.”

The stall owner, whom Schild calls “auntie,” was a hardworking woman who reached the age
of 40 but did not look like her age.

She was working at the moment, meaning she was covered in sweat from the heat of cooking
meat, which also reduced her sex appeal, but Schild could still see that her base was good
enough to be attractive as long as she wore light makeup and got dressed.

‘You sure about that last part? I heard that you are a prince now. Is it still okay for you to
embrace such an old woman like me who’s selling meat skewers by the roadside?”
“I’ll always be me, no matter what I become.”

“Well, I can’t help it if you say it like that. Give me a few minutes, okay?”

The time was still late morning. There was still some time to get into the “game”.

The proprietress put up a “still in preparation” sign and invited Schild into the stall, where then
she lifted up her skirt to reveal her bottom.

“Still, for you to buy my meat and then have sex with me as a bonus, aren’t you asking too
much, Prince? Also, I want to finish preparing my skewers before noon, so please make your
dick cum in my pussy real quick.”

“You’re making me sound like I’m sabotaging your business.”

Nevertheless, Schild immediately inserted his penis into the insides of the mistress, who was
hard at work preparing his meal.


“Really, though. You’re already sweaty from your skewers job, but you’re always sweatier
inside your pussy every time I skewer it. Aren’t you the one who is benefiting much here?”

“You and your lame puns again…♡♡ But it is all your fault, though♡♡ I did not know that
having sex at work would feel this good♡♡ And because you made me realize it, you better
take responsibility♡♡♡♡”

“Ain’t that right, madame? So that’s why you’re always hot and wet and sticky every time I
come to have sex with you at your stall even though I haven’t done anything. Ah, your face is
all sweaty, too.”

As Schild prompted to move his hips, he too approached the skewer seller’s face and roughly
licked off the beads of sweat running on her cheeks.

Plock plock plock plock plock plock.

Along with it came the sounds of buttocks being slammed, echoing in the narrow stall.

“Ahhnn♡♡ No kissing♡♡ No tongue kissing as well♡♡♡♡”

“But why is that?”

“Because you’re still eating the spicy meat I’ve given you. I don’t like spicy food.”

Like the stall owner had said, Schild was still in the process of eating his meat skewered in a
huge bone while he was skewing his other meat with a huge boner inside her meaty insides.

There was still plenty of meat stuck to the bone, so there was still a lot of leftovers he could eat.
Because of that, his mouth is now spicy, and it would guarantee to give a hot kiss, a literal one,
if Schild were to kiss the auntie now.
And so, because Schild was also the type with no intention of leaving any edible meat behind,
he had no choice but to stuff himself with the tender and juicy meat instead, in compare with
the raw but juicier one attached to the auntie.

He tasted the meat with his tongue and the other meat with his penis.

“You’re a really good meat skewer seller, auntie. Not only can I eat your cooked delicious
meat, but I can also skew your delicious pussy meat.”

“Really, enough with your lame puns♡♡ If you’re going to intend to waste your energy, touch
my tits instead of just talking♡♡ There’s also a pair of soft meat here, you know♡♡♡♡”

With these words, the proprietress untied her business apron and took off her upper clothing,
exposing her breasts.

“Are you sure? If you get completely naked here, it would take a while for you to go back to
work. After all, I won’t be able to hold myself back.”

“It’s okay♡♡ Besides, you’re already fucking me in the pussy, so it’s too late to pussy out

And just like that, behind that narrow stall, a man and a woman overlapped each other’s bodies
as if they were crushing each other, sending mists of sweat and lewd water flying.

And the adult store owner, one whom you could tell as a hardworking woman at first glance,
has now transformed into a slut and a dumpster only built to receive cum.

“Ah, I’m being served♡♡ I’m being served, along with the meat I sell♡♡ As my customer eats
the meat I sell, he is also eating the pussy meat I own♡♡♡♡ My meaty pussy♡♡♡♡ My
delicious, juicy, meaty pussy♡♡♡♡”

Soon after, the meat rod that was pleasantly eating the pussy reached its fill, and its crawling
white sauce was poured with relish inside the meat seller’s meaty vagina.

Splurt, splurt, splurt.

“Ahieee♡♡ Mmchuup, mlemm♡♡”

The stall owner was led to a climax by just an ejaculation.

And at the end, she also allowed herself to be kissed in a deep kiss, the ending being
overlapped by Schild as if he was her “toppings”, where she was eaten all over without any

On a side note, the deliciousness of the aunties’ meat skewers became popular after she and
Schild had sex on the back that day. Or more specifically, when she sold that batch of meat
skewers that were already prepped when they had sex on the back.

Rumors of its goodness kept popping one after another, even something extreme that the
auntie’s skewers could double your vigor once eaten.

Was it because those skewers that day were so much marinated by the lewdness caused by their
sex that it was also transferred to the customers? Or was it because the whole prepping area is
basked by it?

Only the Goddess would know.

After having his fill in both ways, Schild visited the bank.

Even before he publicly announced that he was a prince, Schild was already one of the topmost
account holders with the highest priority.

Indeed, being a subjugator is a job known to be looked down upon by many. But it still cannot
be denied that this job is a necessity.

But most importantly, he was also the richest of them all.

Because all the monsters he subjugates are all with high bounties because they are also the
most dangerous ones, Schild’s fortune has piled to the roof. It was an amount so great that it
was enough for him to be considered a triple-A customer with it alone.

Of course, as someone who follows a belief that he won’t be able to take this money to the
afterlife, Schild always tried his best to spend it all. Still, the amount of money he would
receive was just too much that no matter how hard he splurged, it would only increase and

So much money was roiling in Schild’s account that he could have already passed as a high-
ranking aristocrat or a very wealthy merchant from it alone.

For this reason, Schild’s visit was always a big event for the bank as it would always involve
huge numbers of money, so it was only right that they had to do their utmost service to
welcome him.

Today too was no exception. Upon his arrival, he was immediately guided to a reception room
in the back of the building, something ordinary customers with regular accounts would never
be allowed to enter.

When he reached the back room, he was greeted again.

“Thank you very much for visiting us! And, what can we do for you today?”

“I’m here to check my balance and expenses for this month. Can I use this room for a while?”

“Please feel free to use it as long as you like! Uhm, will “it” be the one with the options too?”

“Of course.”
Even though he has lots of money, enough for him not to worry about his financial statements,
he still visits the bank to check the money that was going inside and outside of his account.

He was a surprisingly meticulous man, doing it this way, but as “Schild”, he also had other
purposes for his visits.

“We have brought you some… tea….”

A female employee, who seemed too sexy to work at the bank, entered the reception room
alone as Schild checked his records.

The woman was dressed in a uniform and, at a glance, was as neat as it would for a government

“I wonder if the banks here are state-owned as well…”

He asked this question because he noticed that the woman‘s uniform bore a resemblance with
Lirica’s, who was the branch manager of the Subjugators’ Guild, and one of Schild’s women.

“The tea… I will leave it here, sir…”

For some reason, the female banker, who was supposed to have finished her business,
continued to stand by Schild’s side without leaving the room.

As it was, Schild checked the records of the money that came in and out of his account without
being bothered by her presence.

“…I have a question.”

“Yes? Is it about regarding your expenditures and your transfers? Please ask away! I will try
my best to answer everything!”

“Have you had sex lately?”

Chapter 4 – Under Argome’s Watchful Gaze 2

“Have you had sex lately?”

“…no, sir! I haven’t… Ah.”

The female banker just realized she had answered the question without thinking.

Immediately, her face became boiling red.

Nevertheless, she continued.

“I hadn’t done it since Master Schild fucked my pussy last month.”

“Then, would you let me fuck your pussy again?”

“…Yes, I’d be glad to. Please make use of my pussy once again.”

Without stopping his right hand that was checking the paperwork, Schild raised his left hand
and stroked the female banker’s ass.

Wrapped in a tight-skirted uniform typical of bank employees, her buttocks responded a unique
tension and texture that made them very pleasurable to fondle.

“Mmmm… ♡♡”

The female banker, still red in the face, tried to bear it, but she soon couldn’t take it, and her
hips began to squirm.

This was Schild’s other half of the reason for visiting the bank personally.

Or rather, this was actually the main reason Schild was doing his visits to the bank: he would
fuck and play with the uptight female banker under the guise of checking his account balance

From the establishment’s perspective, there was no way a single woman could resist the
approach of a customer who boasts one of the highest deposits on an individual basis. Adding
Schild’s “Majesty of the Lion” into the mix, the woman was as good as a whore in banker’s

Thus, this female banker, who was also regarded as the most beautiful and staunch woman in
the kingdom’s bank, was now reduced to a meat toilet servant who would offer her vaginal hole
to Schild whenever he comes to visit their establishment.
“Ahaa…♡♡ Master Schild♡♡ Once again, thank you very much for depositing your load into
my pussy♡♡♡♡”

The female banker moaned this while taking off her tight-fitting skirt and panties and burying
her indoor-work buttocks between Schild’s legs.

The banker’s spirit, which was her willingness to open her vagina in order not to miss out on a
good customer, was already laced with the woman’s lust, and because Schild is now a prince
on top of being a hero, her desires to be humiliated by him was boosted even more.

“Mmfuuh♡♡ Mmm♡♡ Mm♡♡ Mmmmh♡♡♡♡ How is it, Master? Does my pussy feel

“Quiet, please. It’s messing up my calculations.”

“Yesh, I’m shorry♡♡♡♡”

He was being mean, but in reality, Schild was actually pleased with the soft vaginal flesh of the
uptight female banker.

The fleshy part of the meat inside her was so tender that it almost seemed it would melt away
whenever he plunges his heated dick.

“Nfuuuh♡♡♡♡ Mmmhhh♡♡ Mmmhhhmmm♡♡♡♡”

But it wasn’t only that. Schild also found it cute that she was also desperately trying to hold
back her moaning after being warned about the annoyance.

That made him want to be even meaner.

“Reading this paperwork is tiring in the arms. Can I put them on your back?”

“Nhaaa♡♡ Yes please♡♡ Feel free to use my back as a desk♡♡♡♡”

Schild and the female banker were in a position where the female banker was being nailed from
behind. As such, when the papers were placed on her back, it made it seem like her body was a

“A desk with a pussy, huh. Your bank sure is well-equipped.”

However, as soon as Schild restarted his slamming, the documents he placed on the “desk” fell
over due to their movements, which made it even harder for him to check his accounts and
balances, if he was actually checking them.

But they had already reached this point. Caring about these matters isn’t needed anymore.

So this time, they switched to a missionary position, where they embraced, overlapped their
lips, and rubbed their genitals over and over and deeply against each other.

“Mmmghhhh♡♡♡♡ Please♡♡ Deposit your load inside my pussy♡♡♡♡ mlem, chuup♡♡ Deep
inside me, please transfer lots and lots of it♡♡ While at it, make my pussy your main bank of
your semen♡♡♡♡”

Blurt, blurt, blurt, blurt.

Splurt, splurt, splurt.

Just as the female banker requested, Schild deposited his load of semen deep inside her pussy
until she had reached her “bank” limit.

In the end, he wasn’t able to check his income and balances well, but for Schild, who has
accomplished his main goal, he was content.

After using the uptight bank as a brothel, he left the bank’s premises as it was.


Schild’s schedule has opened up a bit, though he is now only with a bit of time.

Schild knocked on the door of a house that caught his eye.

Judging from the size of the house, it was probably the residence of a middle-class nobleman.

“Hello. I’m the new Prince.”

Schild had no hesitation in wielding the power of royalty when it came in handy.

He was a man who used his power but never let his power use him.

“P-Prince Schild!? W-welcome to our abode!”

The man who greeted Schild as he stepped out of the house was a middle-aged aristocrat who
seemed to be its owner, a typical small noble who would be willing to suck up the air of the

“I’m sorry to drop in unexpectedly at a busy time of the day. I was just passing by. Am I
intruding on something?”

“No, no, you are not intruding, Your Highness. You are always welcome in our humble home!
In fact, it is already our greatest honor that our future king has visited us!” said the noble,
completely prostrating himself and not even hiding his intentions to suck up his authority.

“I’m actually a little horny still, so I was wondering if there is a young lady here who is old
enough to have sex with me.”

“If that’s the case, leave it to us! We have a daughter who has just reached a marriageable age!
No, actually, we have two! An older sister and a younger sister! Which one shall I give to
“I want both of them if you please.”


And as Schild has expected from him at first glance, the aristocrat was the type of noble who
would do anything, even offer her daughters without hesitation as lambs for slaughter, just for
him to gain power.

“Just to be clear, those girls don’t have fiancées or boyfriends, do they?”

“They are all fine and single, Your Highness! They have no such relationships with anyone

(I wonder if that’s true.)

Schild was worried at first, but after having a private conversation with the girls themselves, he
discovered that they were not accompanied by hesitation or sadness in their movements which
is typical of an engaged woman. Schild decided to embrace them with peace of mind.

“Thank you, our prince, for waiting for us.”

“We will serve you to the best of our ability.”

The two ladies were dressed in fine clothes and acted with refinement as expected of noble

Though these soon didn’t matter as Schild immediately stripped them naked and made them
scream like sluts.

“Ahhh♡♡ To have the prince’s cock in my pussy, I’m so happy♡♡♡♡”

“It’s not fair that only big sis is getting it♡♡ Please give your cock to this pussy as well♡♡♡♡”

Even though both of them were virgins, the noble ladies were already able to use vulgar
language that aroused the men in bed, signifying that they were already taught the language in
the bedroom.

“To be able to receive the prince’s cock, my pussy has never been so happy♡♡ My pussy is so
happy right now, Prince Schild♡♡♡♡”

“Your Highness♡♡ Please have grace on my pussy too♡♡ Please grace it with your big cock,
and not just my sister♡♡♡♡”

The daughters of the nobility, who were supposed to have been raised as butterflies and flowers
in a greenhouse, were having their virginity scattered in a mood of passing the time.

But even though they were actually being tossed about by the power of the aristocratic society,
the two still seemed happy.

Was it because they are now in the arms of a rare hero named Schild that they feel safe?
Or was it because they are now being embraced by the future king named Schild that they feel

“Hnyuuuuuuuu♡♡♡♡ Come inside♡♡ Cum inside me, Your Highness♡♡♡♡ Please fill my
pussy with your royal cum♡♡♡♡♡♡”

“Me too♡♡ I too, want to be impregnated along with my sister♡♡ Please make me pregnant
along with my sister, Prince Schild♡♡♡♡”

Just like that, the sisters were all ejaculated vaginally, and once he was satisfied, Schild
withdrew his penis.

Using their buttocks, he wiped off the semen and love juice from his penis, cleaned himself up,
and then got dressed.

Schild politely declined the aristocrats’ invitation to dinner and left the mansion, and once
again, he was free and at a loss of what to do.

“…I’m still not content. No choice then, let’s go to the brothel.”

Upon deciding on what to do, Schild went to his last destination for the day, which was none
other than Brothel Rafflesia.
Chapter 5 – Still Under Argome’s Watchful Gaze 1

Brothel Rafflesia has already become Schild’s favorite go-to spot whenever he wants to have a
quick sex.

And whenever he goes there, at least three prostitutes will immediately entertain him.

“Master Schild♡♡ Welcome to our establishment♡♡♡♡”

“I hope you enjoy my raw pussy as much as you can today♡♡♡♡”

“Master Schild, please cum inside my pussy once more♡♡♡♡”

The prostitutes would always ask Schild to ejaculate inside them, even though it was supposed
to be prohibited for commercial reasons.

For this reason, Schild would always have forbidden play with these whores in the brothel

After he had had his fill of whores, Delpoix, the owner of the Rafflesia brothel, would arrive
and say, “Oh, my Goddess, you have sunk a bunch of our best-selling hookers out of service
again. Now I’ll have to change their schedule once more.”

With that, she would take off her own clothes and cover Schild’s body with her own on the

Once an active prostitute herself, Delpoix danced on top of various men and collected their
nectar from the tip of their penises in the past.

She was like a fluttering butterfly with a very colorful wingspan, but unlike the fleeting
lifespan of the insect, her beautiful coloring did not diminish at all even though she had long
retired from the job.

But even if her firm buttocks and well-shaped breasts were still reminiscent of a twenty-
something maiden, this tenacious body was already a mature woman in her forties.
Nevertheless, if she were to sell herself as a prostitute again, she would still probably sweep the
whole Delpoix Brothel district by her presence alone.

“Or should I be grateful to you instead? That even though we now know of your princely
origins, you are still continuing to patronize our service?”

“I’m afraid I’m becoming more of a nuisance than a benefit in your business, though. Is that
Instead of responding, Delpoix took Schild’s bare penis in her hand, placed the tip between her
legs, and sank herself down deeply.


The bewitching vagina that has extracted the souls of thousands of men swallowed Schild’s
princely penis just like that.

And she also did it raw.

Delpoix, despite announcing she had long retired from the front line as a prostitute, still
allowed Schild to invade her vagina with his penis.

“Oooh♡♡ Your cock is the best as ever♡♡♡♡ It’s not every day you get a cock that makes you
want to enjoy it without all the business pretext, which is why I’m glad you keep on coming

“You knew it, didn’t you? You knew who I was?”

“What makes you say that?”

“I kind of have a feeling.”

It was not an entertaining topic to discuss during sex, and Schild wasn’t the type to do such a
thing to interrupt the mood. However, since he and Delpoix had already been in skin-to-skin so
many times, Schild thought this would be a good chance to talk about it.

“My title and name, Delpoix, is given to those regarded as the best prostitute in the royal
capital. I have told you this before, didn’t I?”


“Who would you think has the right to recognize us as the best prostitute, then?”

To give such a peculiar yet respected title to prostitutes who are regarded as one of the lowest
jobs in society, much more the royal capital, that person has to be a powerful noble at least.

But who would do something like that in their right minds, which would also acknowledge
them as lustful perverts who patronize lowborn sluts?

No way… Schild thought.

“It was King Preslate, who was still a prince at that time.”

Schild’s thought was on point.

“In those days, he was very promiscuous. He visited the red-light district every day, and he
always enjoyed having different prostitutes in his arms. Naturally, this humble lady became his
favorite, making me earn that title.”
Using his royal authority, he gave Delpoix the name she is using now.

That legendary prostitute, who is now being held by his son, Schild.

“I am deeply moved… is that what you expect me to say?”

“You? Deeply moved by that? Surely, you jest, Your Highness. Even if you let out such decent
words, it would only sound hypocritical as your family line is famous for being indecent. Also,
if that were true, you would be feeling disgusted by now, having touched a woman who had an
affair with your father.”

“Well, if a woman has such a nice ass and pussy, there’s no reason for me not to like her, no
matter what she is. Besides, it’s not like you’re in a relationship whatsoever.”

Saying this, Schild released his first batch of semen inside Delpoix’s vagina.

But that was not the end.

For most men, that would be, or at the very least, they would take a short break afterward, but
for Schild, it was just a sign that “I’m going to go gung-ho from now on.”

“But what I don’t understand is that his personality would vary from person to person, making
me even more puzzled on what he really is like.”

Some say that King Preslate didn’t like sex so much that he only did the bare minimum of his
duty to provide an heir as royalty.

Another one says that King Preslate is a walking sex fiend, that back when he was a Prince, he
was so promiscuous that he always filled his hands with all sorts of women.

(Which one is true, really!?)

“Well, that question is for you to answer in the end and not mine. Come to think of it, I haven’t
seen him since he ascended to the throne. If what you are saying is true, and since I only met
the walking sex fiend version of him who is still a prince, something must have happened when
he ascended that made him stop his urges when he became the king.”


“Why are you looking at me like that? Are you telling me I should’ve suspected something? He
is the king, you know? Who knows if he had enough of the low-class prostitutes and has
switched tastes to highborn noble ladies in the royal court? After all, they are of a higher
standard than us low-class sows.”

“Whatever he is, let me clear up one thing. I’ll never get tired of you all.”

After that, Schild rammed at Delpoix’s bewitching vagina and poured a heaping load of his
semen into her once again.
“Ahhfuuh…♡♡ Really, quite the audacious man you are, cumming inside the very owner of
this brothel even though it is forbidden…♡♡♡♡ But I like it, so I’ll allow you to do it♡♡♡♡”

By breaking the rules that have already been broken, the excitement of the two increased
multiple folds.

“One more round…is what I’d like to say, but isn’t it enough for today?”

“I thought there wasn’t supposed to be a time limit on me?”

“I don’t mean the service hours in this store. Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“What do you… ah.”

“Fufufu. It seems you have finally remembered. You go have a good rest tonight. I still need to
prepare the girls for tomorrow’s feast, and with that, please look forward to it♡♡♡♡”

Delpoix giggled a bit as she said this, then she stood up from her seat and walked out of the

Schild could see the semen he had just injected as it dripped out from her vulva.

Added the graceful smile she expressed as she closed the door on him, Schild could feel he was
bewitched once again.

After spending the night at the Delpoix brothel district, Schild hurried back to Lady Nazah’s
mansion the next day, though his hurrying was not because he wanted to leave the premises as
soon as possible.

It was because he had just remembered last night that he had planned to hold a small event

“Lord Schild, you’re late! Everyone is here already!”

“That’s right. Today’s event is for you to enjoy, so it’s meaningless if it’s held without you.”

Carney, Cymbium, and Serenea, his main wives-to-be, had already gathered and greeted him
together with the official residents of the mansion, the mother-daughter combo of Lady Nazah
and Tanifa. There were also the maid sisters Nina and Nena, as well as Sister Greidia,
Serenea’s tutor.

Of course, there was also Cymbium’s bodyguard Shan, the newcomers like Bachelorette
Ardelheide and Secretary Shokki, and even the Queens themselves, Petrome and Olivia. There
were also the strange group combinations of the low and high-class women like the daughters
of the Ryngbergs and the team of prostitutes at Brothel Rafflessia led by Delpoix. Among them
was, Schild’s exclusive prostitute, the dancer Shakira.
At the Leschbein side was Carney’s sister Rezahata. Tanifa’s classmate, Selinus, was also

What was surprising was that Lirica, the branch manager of the Royal Capital Branch of the
Subjugators Guild, and Lesnussa, the head of the Royal Court Knights, were also there, despite
their busy schedules.

Many other participants crowded the garden of Lady Nazah’s home other than the ones said
above, with their numbers already reaching a hundred mark by estimate.

All of these participants had one thing in common. And that is, they were all women who had a
sexual relationship with Schild at one time or another.

And yes, all of them would be devoured by him again later on.
Chapter 6 – Still Under Argome’s Watchful Gaze 2

In the garden with no trace of a man in the vicinity, all the women Schild had gathered are
already present, their bodies naked.

Standing confidently in the garden, they swung their pubic areas, nipples, and anuses in the
open air without reserve.

The garden at the back of Lady Nazah’s mansion is blocked by a high fence and trees. Thus,
the insides couldn’t be seen when viewed from the outside.

Because they are all in the open area, the possibility of being caught is still there. However, not
a single one showed a hint of embarrassment in movements and bodies, even in this fact.

“The weather is perfect, too. A warm sunny day and no raincloud in sight.”

Saying this, Schild also stripped naked, exposing his penis to the women. After a good night’s
rest, it again pointed up to the heavens as if he had never dived into the vaginas of numerous
women yesterday alone.

“Today, I want to thank you all for coming together in this gathering. Really, who would have
thought that a mere musing of mine, to the point that I had almost forgotten about it, would
blow up and become a festival this grand? Anyway, for you to support me, even though it was
only a whim, I could have never been so grateful.”

Yes. All of this grand gathering of women began with Schild’s mere musings.

At one time, he thought it would be a spectacular sight to gather as many beautiful women as
possible and have them urinate simultaneously.

So he set a date and gathered all the beautiful women he knew.

All to make them urinate at once.

Since it would be difficult to clean up afterward if the event was held indoors, not to mention
the clean-up would be a big turn-off after that, they decided that an outdoor setting would be
more… preferable.

The garden of Lady Nazah’s mansion was chosen as the venue. If it’s a soil instead of
floorboards, he thought they would be able to pee as much as they wanted.

For this, Schild thought that a gathering of about ten people would be enough. Yet, these ten
people unexpectedly ballooned and reached a hundred people, much to his surprise.
“Hundreds of hot women peeing all at once… this will be a spectacular sight!”

While Schild was overwhelmed with the beautiful scenery of nude women prancing about, the
women, on the other hand, were busy drinking the refreshments distributed in the yard.

Some were steadily filling their bladders with water, while some hadn’t urinated since this
morning. Of course, they knew that holding back their urine too much was bad as it would
cause complications, hence some taking a refill as they have already dumped the early batch,
but in the end, their enthusiasm to give a good squirt could already be traced in their faces.

“Well, then, it’s time to move on to the final event.”

Schild, the organizer, began the opening ceremony.

The naked women in front of him are beautiful women who had received his semen in one way
or another. In other words, they were already prepared to do anything for him, no matter how
shameless it could be.

“As you have already known, I have gathered you here to make me witness a grand spectacle
of beautiful women peeing simultaneously. But I think just peeing in front of me would be too
simple since it has already become a grand gathering. Thus, I will be asking you to pose in
various embarrassing positions later on to further enhance our excitement.”

Naturally, there was a commotion in the abrupt change of rules, but no one was bothered.
Instead, they were all showing signs of anticipation.

“Everyone, follow my instructions and assume the positions as you are told. First, sit down on
the grass, then open your legs wide.”

All the women present obeyed Schild’s instructions, even though they were naked and

Shedding their last human dignity, they opened their legs. They exposed their special places to
the open air, those lovely places they would typically never expose in public, even more so in
the soft greenery of someone else’s garden.

The degree to which they performed varied from person to person. While all the women were
already doing the best they could, some still couldn’t open their crotches wide because they
were still not used to the movements.

“Uhuh. Good. You, over there. Open your crotch more. Use Carney here as an example. Yes,
that’s it. Good, good! Keep stretching your legs until they’re almost in a straight line. Keep it
up, keep it up!”

With Schild’s coaching, the women were able to open their left and right legs successfully.
Well, more or less as he wanted.

As a result, the pelvises at the center of those legs got exposed in full view.
However, Schild was far from being done. He isn’t satisfied with just that.

“Okay, now that you’ve opened your crotches, let’s go to the next step.”

” ” ” ” ” “Next step!?” ” ” ” ” “

Many women were surprised, but Carney and the other old-timers immediately accepted the

“With your legs spread, spread your pussies apart with your hands. I want to see your pussies
down to your very holes.”

It was a demand more shameful than before.

This puzzled many women, but without asking questions, Carney, Cymbium, and the other old-
timers held their labia with the tips of their right and left fingers and spread them grandly for
Schild to see.

Under pressure from the old-timers, the novice maidens also spread their pubic areas and
shamelessly exposed their shameful parts, which they had yet to show to anyone.

Not only the vulva but also the spot where their clitoris and the urethral opening, literally
everything one could see inside.

It was as if a hundred flowers made of flesh had suddenly bloomed in the garden of Lady
Nazah’s mansion.

“Good, very good. Now, the moment you have been waiting for. While maintaining that
position, squirt it out of the hole above your cunt to your heart’s content all the piss you have
been holding back! Do it as hard as you can!”

The moment the signal was given, the humidity in the garden rose dramatically.

At this moment, the women holding back finally let out what must be let out.

Holding back was a struggle, both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, when the signal for
its release actually happened, a tsunami-like wave of euphoria immediately engulfed their

The calming feeling of having it released.

And it is not just for one person, but dozens… hundreds of them.




The momentum of urination varied from person to person. Yet, all of them flowed together to
create the appearance of an arcing waterfall.

An arcing, relieving waterfall.

Normally, urinating is a shameful moment that should never be shown to others, even more so
for the young women here, who are the majority, as they are sensitive to shame.

However, it all changed when it was under the orders of a king.

Although he wasn’t a king yet or considered himself as such, Schild was already experiencing
what could be called a “king’s moment”, with a hundred women peeing naked on his

And yes, it wasn’t really an order, but a mass volunteer, as all these women offered themselves
to Schild. But because none of them were forced, the pleasure that was well received by Schild
increased a hundredfold.

“While you are doing that, proceed to the next step, and that is…”

” ” ” ” ” ” “There’s still more!?” ” ” ” ” “

The women screamed at Schild’s insatiable desire.

“Stand up and turn on to your backs, and this time, pee the rest while spreading your buttocks
wide! I don’t care if it flows through your legs! Let’s make it more embarrassing this time!”

Because they had already reached this far, the women decided to follow Schild till the end.

Any shame in the newbies was immediately turned into shreds in this new form of shame

And because all of them desired Schild, they had no choice but to obey his instructions.

They turned around on their heels, spread their buttocks with both hands, and exposed their
anuses, continuing to urinate in that position.




It was a spectacular scene.

The splashes of urine different from before resounding in the garden,

The wastewater that was coming out of their bladders and dripping onto the grass like dew
before they got sucked into the ground with various water noises,

The hundred-plus maidens urinating in a hundred unique ways,

And finally, the odor of the gallons of wastewater being dumped in one place, which gave the
pungent smell of ammonia all over.

Stimulated mentally and practically by this grand event, Schild’s penis got more ravenous than

“That’s it! Your disgrace, show it to me! Make my cock feel hard by it! Because I’m gonna
fuck you all later! And I’m gonna fuck every last one of you until you drop! So spread your
pussy more and pee with your best!”

After that, Schild attacked the women one after another and began a mad party that would last
until morning the next day.

In the middle of it, Carney complained to Schild.

“Aahh~ what a waste of pee. I’d loved to drink them all one by one.”

Only to be replied by Schild in the end.

“Good idea, Carney! That would be our project for a later date!”

On a side note, after the party, Lady Nazah received numerous complaints from her neighbors
about the noise they had heard yesterday.

“Can you keep your cats down? Their noises are a bother, and I could hear them even though
we are far away!”

“How many dozens of those pussy cats do you have in your house!? I could smell their pee
from a mile!”

…and so forth were the contents.

Chapter 7 – The Invasion of Argome, Who Has
Reached Their Limit 1

The morning after the great mass peeing festival.

Schild was looking over the yard of the Nazah mansion, which happened to be the site of the

“…a hundred of the beautiful women’s pee has been absorbed by this lawn. And now, it has all
been washed way.”

The first statement made Schild want jump into the lawn and roll around it.

He felt that it now had some kind of special blessing, like some fountain of youth.

But due to the complaints from their neighbors about the smell, it was all cleaned up, much to
his dismay.

“Now then, shall I visit Tanifa’s university and have sex with a student today…”

But while he was saying his plans and was about to go out…


…a voice called out from somewhere.

Schild was surprised and confused. He should have been able to detect the presence of people
easily as a practiced warrior, but he did not detect any sign when the voice called at him.

He looked around, but there was still no sign of anyone.

If so, was the voice he heard just now an auditory hallucination caused by smelling too much of
the maidens’ urine?

[This way! Down, down, down!]

As the auditory hallucination told him, Schild looked down at his feet.

Then he saw something strange.

An eyeball.
Only an eyeball – a part of a human body was floating in the air, staring at Schild.


Schild jumped in surprise, but the eyeball did not stop staring at him.

It stared at Schild and did not move an inch.

[I am “Hundred-Eyed” Argome, one of the Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army.]


Naturally, Schild was baffled and astonished by the sudden introduction.

“Follow my terminal because it will guide you to the main body. I want to talk with you alone,

Schild responded to an invitation that could seem like a trap because the voice spoken through
the eyeballs was in the tone of a woman.

Schild will not refuse a woman’s invitation in any way even if it’s from an enemy camp.

He followed the drifting eyeball through the air, across the city, through the gates, and out the
royal capital.

“How far do you plan on making me walk!?”

Where he was led to was an unspoiled nature outside of the city, with grasslands, small hills,
and dense forests spreading out in various places.

Some of these forests were perfect places for a prowler to hide.

After entering the forest around the royal capital and proceeding a little further, he finally
found the end of the journey.

He was met by a plump, well-fleshed woman who, from all angles, looked like she would be
worth raping if a bandit would see her.

“So, you said to me that you are one of the Four Devas.”

“Yes, one of the Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army, Argome the [Hundred-Eyed].”

The eyeball that had guided Schild flew in an arc and hid in Argome’s hair.

She had lush hair so long that the ends hid her calves, which also apparently contained and
concealed more than a hundred eyeballs inside of it.

The heteromorphy alone could make Schild recognize that the other party was truly of the
Demon Race.

“The ant-being who attacked us the other day said something like that, too. What’s with the
Four Devas thing?”

“The four most important beings who lead the New Demon Lord’s Army. They were created
by the Demon Lord, each with their own role to play in the extermination of Humanity.”

Argome answered the question in a disciplined manner, which surprised Schild.

“The [Ant Sovereign] whom you defeated the other day, is tasked with producing soldiers. The
insect monster’s ability to self-replicate is optimized on him to the maximum extent to mass-
produce the elite of the New Demon Lord’s Army. As for me, the [Hundred Eyes] Argome…”

Numerous eyeballs shot out of her hair.

They floated around Schild and surrounded him.

“…using these ‘terminals’, I can see a thousand miles ahead and gather information from a
wide area – information that will be useful for the Demon Army. With my help, we can foresee
the dangers awaiting us and find the opportunities we must seize.”

“Information is the cornerstone of a soldier. I see that the Demon Race has done their

Schild was impressed, but he remained on his guard at the same time.

“…you say you were in charge of gathering information to the New Demon Lord’s Army. But
what do you want, calling me all the way here?”

“Schild, the only male royal blood. Your presence is very detrimental to us Demon Race
people. And I mean that in a very nasty way.”

Schild could understand what the other party was trying to say.

Schild’s existence as royalty was revealed only recently.

But here, she was already saying that he was an obstacle that they must surpass. The biggest
one at that.

That it would pose a great problem to them if they did not pay attention to him and take

“I have been watching you. That is my ability. If I can watch you 24/7, I will be able to find out
your faults and weaknesses, and from there, I can eliminate you on the spot.”

“I see. Now you’re making sense.”

With the “Hex of the Gladiator”, the Demon Lord’s Army was as good as victorious once
Schild, its counter, was eliminated.
“So, how’s that working out for you? Did you find my weakness? I assume that’s why you
called me… here…?”

“No. Sadly, I did not find it. Your weakness, that is.”

“Eh, you didn’t find it?”

Then why did a heavyweight in charge of intelligence, a post that would normally never come
to the forefront, invite the very head of the enemy to her premises?

And one with the greatest firepower at the enemy side at that.

Normally, the only reason that comes to his mind is that they were confident of victory.

“I’ve been watching you for the past few days. And what I’ve learned is that ……!”

“What have you found out?”

“All you do is have sex!”


“In the morning! Day and night! Always having sex, anytime, anywhere! And not just one
partner, but dozens! I was serious about counting them at first, but I gave it up halfway

“I think there were about three hundred in the royal capital alone…? I have also given up on
counting, though I could also feel that they’re still increasing.”

“You are too sexually licentious! Any store you go to becomes a brothel, and any woman will
open her legs for you if you command her to do so! It doesn’t matter their status or age! And to
top it off, what was that Peeing Festival last night? Do you know what I, a Demon, thought
when I saw it?”

“An act of human madness?”

“That’s right! And this comes from a Demon who was taught that Humans are scary throughout
our lives! I never imagined they would be much scarier, being able to hold such a crazy event!”

Argome gasped for breath, showing the zealousness of her protests.

“So that’s how it was.”

As for Schild, he began to understand the reason for the other party’s outburst.

She had been watching Schild’s every move for the past few days.

Inevitably, she saw Schild having a dazzling array of sex with numerous women.

Morning, noon, and night, they were having sex without a pause.
What would happen to the psyche of a normal human being if they continue to be exposed to
such things?

Of course, Schild hasn’t forgotten that the other party is of the Demon Race.

However, seeing the other party no different from a human…

It could only mean one thing.

Chapter 8 – The Invasion of Argome, Who Has
Reached Their Limit 2

“Mou. I can’t take it anymore!”

Besides her frustration, Schild also noticed.

While Argome kept complaining, Schild noticed that she has also been wriggling her crotch the
whole time.

Although Argome said that she was a high-ranking member of the Demon Race, her figure was
not particularly different from that of a human, except for her long hair that housed her oddly
shaped eyes.

Her buttocks are plump and well-fleshed, and her thighs, which were tightly closed, possessed
a taut flesh reminiscent of a voracious horse.

Her face, too, was an epitome of beauty. Every curvature of her face seemed sculpted,
suggesting the peak of artistry if it were a human creation.

Schild hugged this “creation” and put her lips on his.


They were thick and glossy lips.

“Mmmmh!? Mmlem, mlemm, mmwathareyou…!! Phuaaa!!”

“I understand now what you are trying to say.”

As it was, Schild pushed Argome down into the forest grass.

“You want to have sex with me too, don’t you? Just like all those women you’ve been
snooping on.”

“H-ow did you come up with djat!? You really are a shex-crazed ash hole, aren’t you?”

Even though her tone was complaining, Argome, who was no longer in the right state of mind
with her slurred speech, did not resist Schild’s movements to remove her own clothes in any

Soon after, she was stripped completely naked, revealing a fresh naked body full of vitality.
From here, Schild noticed that there was not much difference between the Human Race and
Demon Race in this area.

That the Demons are just as capable of sex as Humans.

“Come to think of it, this will be the first time I’m having sex with someone of the Demon


Schild too quickly stripped naked and placed his penis between the soaking wet legs.

Schild’s assumptions were correct. Argome, too, felt horny by the daily peeks into Schild’s sex

The evidence of it was her crotch had turned like a marsh.

“Do you understand what you’re doing!? It’s bestiality! For a Human to have intercourse with
someone of the Demon Race, it’s nothing but bestiality! It is like having intercourse with an
animal! How could you, who is even a royalty, commit such a vile act!?”

“You are no different from a Human to me. Also, comparing yourself to a beast even if you’re
a proud “Deva”, isn’t that too degrading?”

Schild said casually.

“You have a pretty face, soft tits, and a round ass, and your cunt is full of a sexy smell and is
exquisite in size and depth. Moreover, you speak our language.”


“You see, I have a preconceived notion that if it’s a Demon Race’s pussy, once you put a cock
in them, your cock will feel like melting like a candle. In any case, I want to give it a try, so
pardon my intrusion, Miss Deva….”

Squelch, squelch.

The human stake gave watery sounds as it penetrated deeply into the hole of the female of the
Demon Race.

“Nyugghh♡♡ Nyuggghhhhhh♡♡♡♡”

The sensation of having one’s own body ripped open caused Argome to writhe violently.

Schild embraced her as if to hold her down, and her bare, naked skin came in unobstructed
contact with Schild’s own.

Then, the area of contact became widespread.

The pleasure of sex had a unique way of increasing. It would increase multiple fold when your
partner’s bare skin also touches your own aside from your genitalia.

Right now, Schild and Argome are experiencing this unique sensation with their bodies

“It feels good, doesn’t it? As for me, I still can’t find the difference between the Human’s and
Demon’s pussy, but both of them are superb.”

“Aheeaaaahhhh♡♡♡♡ How dare you♡♡ How dare you fuck this pussy of this Deva,
Argome♡♡♡♡ I will definitely remind you of your position later♡♡♡♡”

In the battle between the Human Race and the Demon Race, or actually, in every war there is, it
was natural for those on the winning side to rape and plunder those on the losing side.

However, Schild’s battle with Argome hasn’t even yet begun.

It wasn’t even considered rape as Argome didn’t even put up a fight after Schild laid on top of
her, or rather, they were even embracing each other like lovers, connecting their genitals and
licking each other’s lips.

“Churrup♡♡♡♡ mlemmmlam♡♡ Ahieeheee♡♡♡♡”

Splock splock splock splock splock.

The extraction movement of the penis accompanied by a dense watery sound continued.

Schild’s penis fully savored Argome’s vagina and kept on enjoying it, but he was still

“Oh yeah. Argome, you said you were in charge of gathering information for the Demon Race,

“What did you say♡♡ Or rather, now is not the time to talk about that♡♡ Move your penis

“If you’re in charge of information, try reporting on the sex you’re having. Shouldn’t you be
able to do it accurately and concisely?”


The penis, busily moving in and out of her crotch.

Argome writhed madly as she looked down at it.

“My♡♡ My pussy is♡♡ Our enemy, the Human Prince Schild, has his cock stuck in it♡♡♡♡
Rape♡♡ I’m actually being raped♡♡”

“Nope, not like that, Ms. Information Officer. You have to be true to your report.”

Finding out the most sensitive part of Argome’s vagina then focusing on that part, Schild’s tip
slammed repeatedly, and Argome writhed and wiggled like a snake in response to it.

“Hiuuuuhn♡♡♡♡ I’m sorry♡♡♡♡ I’ll correct it, so please♡♡ It’s actually sex, and it’s not rape
at all♡♡ This is a lovey-dovey sex where we are making consensual love to each other♡♡♡♡”

“Good work. Let me give you a kiss as a reward.”

“Mchuu♡♡ Mphh♡♡ Mlem, mlemm…♡♡♡♡”

Their intercourse continued, and Argome’s already conditioned vagina became more and more

Despite this, this woman, who was having sex with Schild all over, still behaved as an
information disperser as Schild had ordered and transmitted images of their sex to her other

“Right now♡♡ My pussy is being filled by the enemy general Schild’s cock♡♡♡♡ Since we
are enemies, you might think that this is an act of humiliation after a battle, but it is not♡♡♡♡
It’s an act of lovemaking with a mutual desire for each other♡♡♡♡ Ahhnn♡♡”

The two embraced and put their lips together.

“I’ve been soaking wet in my pussy because of the sex acts this guy has been showing me day
after day♡♡ Because of that, I thought I might do it as well♡♡♡♡”

“So that’s why you invited me? For you to get fucked?”

“That’s right♡♡ It can’t be helped, though♡♡♡♡ I was shown so many naughty things after

With his penis in her vulva, Argome’s ass danced in every direction as if trying to rip Schild’s
penis off.

“I want to have lots of sex♡♡ Like having me lick your cock, putting that cock inside me, and
have my pussy and womb get fucked by it repeatedly♡♡♡♡ Then, make me pee in my crotch
with pleasure as you stare at my butthole♡♡♡♡”

Having observed Schild repeatedly, Argome was now knowledgeable about sex.

After she had done that report, she pulled Schild’s penis out of her vagina and at once, put it in
her mouth herself after giving it some licking halfway through its girth.

Algorm sucked on the penis with such vigor that even a starving fish would be put to shame as
they would still hesitate before taking a bait.

“Mchuu♡♡ Mgh mmgh♡♡ Urg urg urg urg urg…♡♡♡♡”

It was a tremendous sucking, and was almost like a prostitute’s blowjob.

“Schild♡♡ Schild♡♡ Look closely, Schild♡♡♡♡”

Suddenly, Argome released his cock from her mouth and moved away. Then, spreading her
bare legs and revealing her pubic area in a way similar to the girls she had seen last night…

…Argome pissed towards the forest ground as it is.

“Ahhh…♡♡♡♡ It feels so good♡♡ I didn’t think it would feel this good, peeing while being

“The color and smell of urine doesn’t seem much different between Demon Race and the
Human Race, does it?”

“Why are you making some scholarly analysis!? Stop it! Or rather, now is the time to
appreciate my nude urination more, from an artistic point of view!”

“Yes, you’re right. Sorry about that.”

“So, how is it? Did I pee beautifully?”

“Yes, it’s beautiful. You look like a Goddess.”

“Mou♡♡ Calling a female of the Demon Race like me a Goddess is just♡♡♡♡ Well, not that I
mind it, though. Mind if you praise me that again♡♡♡♡”

“You are as beautiful as a Goddess, Argome.”

“Ahh, I like you♡♡♡♡ And now that I like you now, I’ll even show you my anus as a thank

“It’s a beautiful anus, Argome. Truly like a Goddess.”

Like this, Schild continued to have intercourse with the enemy Deva, Argome.

The more they continued to have sex, the more their feelings became entangled, and the more
their hearts became close to each other.

Schild repeatedly shot his semen into Argome’s vagina.

Even though it was his first time having sex with a female of the Demon Race, he felt it was no
different from a female of the Human Race. Because of this, Schild enjoyed it the same as
enjoying a Human female – and by that, he enjoyed it a lot.
Chapter 9 – The Fall of Argome of the Four Devas

“But, well, hostile forces are still hostile, so…”

With that, Schild decided to capture Argome for his own.

Not after sex, but while in the middle of it.

“Ahiiinn♡♡ Afuuhhaa♡♡ My pussy♡♡ My pussy feels so good…♡♡♡♡”

“If it’s with this, you won’t be able to escape.”


With both arms and his genitals to wrap around and fix her in place, Schild ensured that
Argome could not move.

And just like that, the fouth of the Four Devas was captured and restrained.

“I will bring you back to the castle with me, so help me get dressed.”


“My hands are full restraining you. So you’ll have to dress me up yourself. Or shall we travel
naked like this? It’s your call.”

“Wait, waiiit!”

With Argome’s “help”, Schild managed to finish getting dressed, and immediately, he turned
towards the direction of the royal capital, away from the forest where their secret meeting took

“Wait a minute! What about me? I’m still naked with my pussy still connected to your cock!”

“It won’t be a problem if you cover us with my cape.”

And so, just like that, Argome entered the royal capital of the Human Race still naked, with
Schild’s penis between her legs.

She was held up in what was called stand and carry sex position throughout the scene.

Although she was wrapped in the cloak Schild had originally worn as a warrior’s mercy, she
was completely naked underneath it.
And because they were in such a foolish and strange state, they attracted even more attention
from the capital’s people instead of not being noticed.


“You’ve been spying on my sex all this time with your powers, haven’t you? If so, isn’t this a
good atonement?”

Because you’ve been spying on people’s embarrassing parts, it is only fair that you should
expose your own embarrassing parts to others.

Although they had covered their nakedness with a cloak, it was easy to guess that Argome’s
genitals were connected to Schild’s because of their positions.

But the reaction of most of the people of the royal capital was the accustomed “Prince Schild
was doing it again?”. This was not a surprise as Schild’s debaucheries and antics had already
been known since the days when he was still famous as the “Slayer of Forty-Eight.”

“Hiieeeee!! He’s watching me! They’re watching me! They are staring at me as I have sex with

“I’ve covered our naked bodies with a cloak. They aren’t staring at anything.”

“Ooohh♡♡ Ahhh♡♡ Don’t poke me deep in my pussy while I- Ooohh♡♡ You’re doing it
again♡♡ Ahh, they know now♡♡♡♡ They definitely know now that we’re having sex in the

And so, cutting through the streets with their bodies in close contact in this way, Schild and
Argome eventually reached the royal castle.

“Hey, I caught one of those of the Demon Race.”

“What did you say-“

Naturally, the castle became in an uproar.

One of the top executives of the New Demon Lord’s Army, whose movements were still
uncertain, was taken prisoner.

What’s more, the one who accomplished this was none other than the commander-in-chief of
the Human Race himself, Schild, their primary opponent, which added even more to the panic.

“I-in that case, we need to interrogate them…uwaaa!! Wh- why are you having sex with…

“Do you need a reason to have sex?”

“I see, so it was a woman! As expected of His Highness Schild! Anyway, gentlemen, leave the
room immediately! No matter how much of an enemy they are, you can’t expose a woman’s
indecent appearance to so many men!!”

And so, the assembled male dignitaries were immediately removed from the conference room,
and only the females remained.

The reason for this was the strange theory that it was OK for them to be present at the sex scene
if they were also female.

In the meantime, Schild was still kneading Argome’s naked body, which was now laid on the
conference room desk.

“Ahhn♡♡ Ahhh♡♡ Noo!! I can no longer escape because my body was already numbed from
my pussy being fucked repeatedly♡♡♡♡”

Argome was completely captivated by the pleasure of sex.

“As expected of our Schild… or so, I would like to say, but I also can’t help myself

Those who remained were not just the usual members of the royal court’s women: they were
Cymbium, Carney, and Lesnussa.

“…She is Argome, one of the Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army. She has the ability
of clairvoyance and is in charge of information control of the enemy.”

These “leaders” were trying to be serious about the information provided by Schild, but they
couldn’t help but be concerned about the sex going on next to them.

If it were another situation, they would have already said, “This is a serious topic, so stop it!”
but they also knew that Argome was currently incapacitated because of the pleasure brought by
Schild’s cock, so they had no choice but to let this one pass.

“In any case, this is an unexpected stroke of luck. We still have no legitimate information of
this New Demon Lord’s Army, and yet we were able to capture a senior enemy leader, and an
intelligence officer at that.”

“There is a high possibility that she is in possession of some very important information due to
her area of work. We should interrogate her right now and make her tell us everything she
knows. The information we get here could lead us to victory.”

Both Cymbium and Lesnusa were excited, but next to them, Argome was…

“Ahiaaah♡♡ My pussyy…♡♡♡♡ Keep fucking my pussy more…♡♡♡♡”

…also excited in another meaning.

The meeting should be a serious one, but it was not, thanks to the panting and moaning of this
woman all throughout.
Unable to hold it in, Cymbium was the first to pour out her thoughts.

“…Um, Schild, you can stop having sex now, you know? After all, you already brought her to
the castle, so there should be plenty of other ways to restrain her.”

“I’m not restraining her. I’m having sex because I want to have sex. That’s all there is to it.”

“…I guessed as much.”

[Sex should not be used as a means of restraint, but rather should be enjoyed as sex.]

Schild’s thorough approach to sex left Cymbium no choice but to give up.

“You call this eyeball a ‘terminal’? It looks… like a toy than a real eyeball. And it feels like
one too, like a rubber ball but with a creepy design.”

On the other hand, Carney was interested in the “terminal” she pulled out of Argome’s hair.

“And you say that you can make these eyeballs fly long distances and instantly transmit what it
sees to the main body? You Demon Race sure have pretty impressive abilities.”

After that, Carney removes her pants and underwear, leaving her naked on the bottom half of
her body.

Because all the men were kicked out except for Schild, who now has his ass in full view, it was
fine, and in that state, she started examining each of Argome’s terminals.

“…this one is too big. I need something smaller.”

The eyeballs that Argome uses as “terminals” vary in size. Some are like large fruits, others are
the size of small peas.

“This is about the right size.”

Everyone at first was puzzled about what she meant by right size, but soon as Carney picked
out that moderately-sized eyeball, everyone was shocked.

It was because the eyeball she picked up, she…

…put it inside her vagina without batting an eye.

Chapter 10 – Treating the New Prisoner of War


Argome exclaimed immediately, still with Schild penetrating her body.

“What the hell are you doing? Ahh, my vision is… the image of what’s inside a Human Race’s
pussy is being shown to me…. is this what it’s like inside a pussy?”

The surprise was turned into confusion, then into curiosity.

“I just had an idea and wanted to try it out. Why don’t you put one in your pussy as well, Your

This time, Carney pulled out an eyeball twice larger than the ones she had just put in her
vagina, much to the chagrin of Argome.

“Is this a slander toward me? A slander because I’m your enemy!? You guys are crazy!”

Meanwhile, Schild, who was watching Carney and his women playing in this manner, pulled
his penis out of Argome’s vagina and switched it at Carney’s crotch, who is now swinging it


The penis snuck in from Carney’s bare buttocks and easily penetrated the insides of her vagina.

However, this caused Argome, not Carney, to make the most violent scream.

“Nyaaaaaaahh!? What is this!? A cock, a massive cock is coming right in front of mee!! And
it’s throbbing hard, it’s throbbing as if it wants to swallow me whole!!”

The “terminal” that was put inside Carney’s vagina must have been further pressed by the
insertion of Schild, hence the scream.

The vaginal flesh on the sides, added the approaching penis in front.

Argome vision was now covered with such obscenity.

“Ahh♡♡ Oohh♡♡ I’m feeling a new, stiff sensation inside my pussy…♡♡♡♡”

Meanwhile, Carney is still Carney, except that now she is getting a newer sensation with the
moderately sized sphere stuffed inside her vagina.
“Hiiiiiiiiiieee♡♡ S-stop iiit♡♡ Stop showing this to me this instant♡♡♡♡ Ahhh♡♡ Why, why
can’t I cut off this connection of all times!?”

Argome continued to writhe violently.

She tried to escape, even cut off the connection from the eye that was being lodged inside
Carney’s pussy, but her body just won’t listen to her.

As a result, she was shown the insides of a human vagina during sex, which should be
impossible to see normally, and it filled her vision. Before long, she has her hands fingering
wildly between her legs to replicate Schild’s fucking.

“Ohieeeeee♡♡♡♡ Ahieeeeee♡♡♡♡”

“Alright. I’m about to cum now.”

Right after, Schild ejaculated into Carney’s vagina.

Splurt splurt splurt splurt.


But for some reason, once again, it was Argome who climaxed in time with the moment.

Her whole body induced convulsions as she watched the white fluid flowing in Carney’s
insides on the “terminal”.

It was like a raging tide.

“Ooooh, that felt good♡♡”

When Schild’s penis was pulled out, Carney squeezed the contents out of her vaginal opening.

As a result, the “terminal” in question was spilled out along with the semen as if it were an egg
being laid by a sea turtle.


Carney stooped to pick it up.

And that same white ball, which was now coated with Schild’s semen and her own love

…this time, she pushed it inside the vagina of its owner, to Argome herself.


Because Argome is now in a state where her body has long collapsed from the repeated
climaxes, she was unable to stop it.
The sensation of having your vaginal flesh being pushed open by a foreign object. Combined
with the sight of your own vagina filling up your field of vision.

Even though her body has long been numbed, Argome’s hips still jumped up from these
multiple stimulations.

“Nhiiiiii♡♡ I can see it♡♡ I can feel and see what’s inside my pussy♡♡ I can’t believe it♡♡
What I’m looking at in the terminal right now is the insides of my pussy♡♡♡♡”

“Since we’re at it, let’s try stuffing a couple more. Fufufu, they’re so rubbery they really feel
like toys…and if it wasn’t for the iris, it would be mistaken for a white toy ball.”

“Nhiiii♡♡ Nhiiihihiiiiiiiieee♡♡♡♡ Please, stop♡♡ I’m gonna go crazyyyyy♡♡♡♡”

Carney’s relentless offensive left Argome breathless.

“Schild, isn’t that too much mistreatment of our prisoners of war!?”

“You’re telling me that now?”

It was a bit late, but complaints about going too far came from the two women who were
watching the scenery.

Even though when Schild was violating Argome earlier, they were all but silent, which puzzled

Could it be that Schild having sex with the prisoner of war isn’t considered mistreatment for

“Oh well. Carney, you may stop now. Carney, Carney! How many eyeballs do you have to
stuff in her cunt to make you feel better?”

“Ah, Lord Schild.”

“If you keep stuffing it, there won’t be room for my cock, will there?”

Saying this, Schild inserted himself back into Argome.

“Nhooooooo♡♡♡♡ Pussy walls♡♡♡♡ My terminals are now becoming my own pussy

walls♡♡ The insides of my pussy are filled to the brim, yet this Human’s cock is still ramming
in it♡♡♡♡”

Argome’s sanity was completely shaved by the sensation and was no longer there.

It was to the point that the others could only take pity on her.

Soon, white stuff was again ejaculated inside her womb from Schild’s erected rod after it
accumulated enough pleasure.

Blurt blurt blurt blurt blurt.


Seeing with her own eyes the torrent of semen pouring into her vagina, what’s more, from all
angles, Argome burst into a fit of excitement, jumping up and down as if she was being boiled
alive in every single nerve in her body.

After this climax, Schild withdrew his penis, to which in the process, some of the egg-like
“terminals” also spilled out from where he had been, mixed with semen that resembled sugar
glaze on top.

As for the Deva herself, her eyes had already turned white, showing she was completely
engulfed to the depths of her psyche by their sex.

It was to the point that she would no longer dare to resist even if she wakes up after this.


“What is it, Your Highness Cymbium?”

“You should be ashamed of yourself. Reflect on what you’ve done.”


Of course, the fact of Carney’s act of doing as she pleases and even going overboard was not
left unnoticed by the people around her.
Chapter 11 – Crisis Told by the Surrendered Argome

“Please… Forgive me already…”

Fainted and then reawakened of the intense sex repeatedly, Argome pleaded to Schild as she
fell to her knees.

“I surrender. I accept my defeat. From now on, you can use me as you like, whether as a
Demon Race fleshlight or a semen toilet. I don’t care anymore.”


Meanwhile, Schild’s side was confused by this too obedient of a surrender.



“I put all this blame on you. You have shattered her mentality with your reckless play. You
should really be ashamed of what you’ve done.”

“No? Besides, Lord Schild, isn’t this your fault from the very beginning? When I started my
play, Lord Schild had already come a lot inside her, so I think Lord Schild is the one who
should take responsibility.”

Let’s put aside the blame game between the two for now and consider the facts at hand.

Argome, one of the key figures in the New Demon Lord Army, has been captured by Schild.

From any angle, with her as leverage, it was now quite possible for the kingdom to gain an
advantage in the war.

“In that case, Argome, can you care to tell us first about the formation of the New Demon
Lord’s Army? About who… or what kind of beings are the generals and all…”

“General, huh. If you are talking about the literal human ranks, we have none. But if we talk
about its equivalent in importance, it would be us, the Four Devas.”

Argome started to talk about their camp fluently as if she wasn’t fucked senseless by the two

“Also, this will be a long, complicated story. Is that all right with you?”
“Then let’s talk over a cup of tea. I’ll bring enough for everyone. Do you Demons drink tea?”

“Ah, me too! I also feel a little hungry, so please bring me some snacks.”

“Carney, you…”

Thus, over tea and sweets, the interrogation of Argome in a strange way began in earnest.

“The leader of the Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army is Zaria, who is also the first of
our Demon Lord’s creations. She has received the title of ‘Evil Virgin’ from the Demon Lord
and has been bestowed the authority to give orders to the rest of the Four Devas.”

“So she’s the actual head of the Demon Lord’s Army right now?”

“Yes, technically, since the Demon Lord themselves has given her the full authority. This start
of another war with the Human Race is also based on Zaria’s decision.”

After that, Argome gave further testimony that summarizes the rest of the Four Devas.

Berzeld, the “Mad Demon Warrior”.

Argome, the “Hundred-Eyed”.

Ante, the “Ant Sovereign”.

Each is the keystone of the Demon Lord’s army, controlling the essential elements of military

Ante, the “Ant Sovereign”, produces soldiers, the most basic component of the army.

As an insect monster, they produce eggs by themselves, which would hatch into an infinite
number of powerful soldier ants, which together would also make up their capable army.

Argome, the “Hundred-Eyed” seizes information with their hundred eyes.

Adhering to the ironclad rule that “intelligence is the key to military success,” Argome flies her
“terminals” to sneak into the depths of the enemy’s territory and steal important information.

In front of Argome’s all-seeing eyes, both friend and foe are completely good as naked.

As for Berzeld, the “Mad Demon Warrior,” this entity is the strongest warrior in the New
Demon Lord’s army.

No matter how many people they gather, they are not effective as an army if they are weak. For
that, they picked the best of their warriors in the Demon Race and had them battle with each
other to create the ultimate supreme warrior that could conquer the battlefield on their own,
similar to an ace.
“…It certainly makes sense.”

Schild, who heard the explanation, unintentionally let out a breath of admiration.

“Intelligence, logistics, and military firepower. Since their military is now given a cohesive
structure by having a senior officer in charge of each of the things necessary for the corps, I can
say that they have really thought this out this time around. Now, all it needs is a competent
general on top, and then it will be perfect. I presume that this Zaria, the “Evil Virgin,” is taking
that role right now, correct?”

“Like I said, there’s no “general” amongst us. Her leadership is more like equivalent to your
now dead Prime Minister Dernonos, or at least, she doesn’t touch the military at all. Zaria is the
kind who wants to be scheming at the backs rather than jumping at the very front. The prime
opposite of Ante.”

“Nevertheless, the ultimate enemy is still the “Evil Virgin” Zaria, considering she’s the defacto
leader. I never thought I would feel a great difference just knowing a person’s name. I feel like
my previously dark path has brightened up.”

“Also, if her testimonials are true, then aren’t we, the Human Race, already have a big
advantage, Lord Schild?”

“What do you mean, Carney?”

“I mean, out of the four enemy leaders, we’ve already defeated two of them, haven’t we? And
two of which who held very important posts at that.”

To supplement Carney’s point, just the other day, Ante, one of the Four Devas, was cut in two
in the first skirmish against the New Demon Lord’s Army.

And the “Hundred-Eyed” Argome was dealt with by swallowing her up in a torrent of sex with
Schild and Carney. Mentally succumbed, she was now in front of them, providing them intel of
her own accord.

This means there are only two of the Four Devas left.

“The key enemies are now reduced to half! What can I say to this if not calling it an

“Well, if you point it out that way, it certainly is.”

As Carney pointed out, Schild and the kingdom had successfully eliminated half of the enemy
leaders. It was already safe to say that the biggest hurdle had been crossed.

The remaining “Mad Demon Warrior” Berzeld and “Evil Virgin” Zaria’s abilities were still
unknown, even with Argome’s intel. Nevertheless, if they kept up their momentum, their
enemies would never be able to have the chance to fight back, and they would win this war.

Just as they were thinking that…

“…is alive, you know?”


The one who suddenly said that line was Argome, who now rolled her eyes toward Schild’s

“Alive? Who?”


Ante, the “Ant Sovereign”.

And the first Deva Schild fought the other day.

Ante led their army of ants to attack the royal capital and clashed with the royal army led by
Schild in a field battle.

“But that’s impossible, you know? That Deva was cut in half and died in direct combat with
Lord Schild.”

“That’s what they want you to think. Just before that, Ante turned into a small insect and
separated themselves from the main body, escaping death from Master Schild’s blade. What
Master Schild has cut was just a husk.”


This new revelation shook everyone.

“The only one of the Four Heavenly Kings you have defeated is this Argome. Do not
underestimate Ante. That guys’ not only looks like an insect, but is as resilient as one as well.”
Chapter 12 – Underground Upheaval

“Is this the area?”

“Yes. Please dig right there.”

Following Argome’s advice, Schild is now in front of a huge hole being dug in the courtyard of
the royal castle.

He is doing this because he was told that one of the Four Devas, Ante, whom he was told to
have miraculously survived, is hiding beneath these grounds.

Schild was still skeptical, but since their loss would only be a ruined plot of land to an extent,
and as Argome had come this far to confess without being asked, he mobilized the knights to
dig in.

“Ante can change their body at will. As long as it is within the bounds of the insect theory, that
being can take any form they choose.”

The ant-being can molt, grow wings, revert into pupae or eggs, or grow to any size at their will.

“I see.”

“Surprisingly, that Ante’s specs are loose even though that guy’s already have an exoskeleton.
There were even times that, when I haven’t seen that being for a while, Ante’s whole body
would change so much that I couldn’t even tell that it was that guy unless we do our self-
introductions again.”

From this, Schild has found out that changing forms is just a piece of cake for Ante, which was
also why Argome is confident of the being’s survivability.

The fact that Ante survived Schild’s blade was because of their body’s ability to transform.

Just before Schild split Ante’s body in two, the being transformed from their combat form to a
smaller, covert form and escaped.

What Schild cut was only the husk of the battle form after the main body had escaped.

“Ante in covert form is a small insect no different from an ordinary ant. That way, they could
stick to your body and hide behind your clothes, then jump off at the appropriate time. And
they did just that without you even realizing anything.”

“You mean it’s because of me not noticing that punk attaching to me that now they had gotten
inside the castle? But what would they do after that? Burrow into the ground and build nests?
Like real ants?”

“You’re correct once again, Master Schild.”

Schild and the knights were again baffled by the facts that were too illogical for them to

After all, they were words coming from a woman who had been an enemy of theirs until just
the other day, not to mention the creature they were talking about right now was the kind that
did not follow any human logic at all.

“Please don’t take my words for nothing, Master Schild. Though you may have defeated me, I
am still Argome, the “Hundred-Eyed,” and has singlehandedly carried the role of the eyes of
the Demon Lord’s Army. I have been following the movements of Ante since that punk
infiltrated the royal castle.”

Argome had declared that Ante was safe and sound. After turning into a small insect, it entered
the royal castle’s grounds by attaching itself to Schild’s body, then left at the appropriate time
to a place with soil to go underground and hide.

“But what is the point of that?”

“I think Ante is trying to return to their adult form first. That guy has told us personally that it
is easier, almost to the point of instantaneous, to change from a large insect to a small one, but
it is difficult to enlarge themselves from a small one to a large one.”

To do that, they would have to absorb nutrients from the soil and increase their mass over time
to a place uninterrupted by external factors.

That was why Ante chose to spend time underground, as it would serve as an incubator for the

Now that Schild has found this out, he has now become aware that they are in a terrifying

In the heart and center of the kingdom, their enemy, which they had thought to have defeated,
would come back to life to attack them in a way they won’t expect.

“I’m really grateful to you for informing me of this, Argome.”

“I-I don’t deserve your gratitude, master! It’s my job to know and report, after all! Really!”

“But is this what you really want?”

“What do you mean?”

Even though she was a prisoner of war, Argome was too “cooperative”.
It was not like she was interrogated by Schild’s side about Ante’s situation. There was also the
fact that if left unchecked, Ante would eventually be resurrected in the heart of the capital, and
Argome would have a chance to take advantage of the chaos and escape from there.

At first, Schild had guessed that his sex with her had robbed her of the energy to have the right
judgments, making her confess, but he scrapped that thought as it would be too absurd for an
enemy commander to have succumbed to him with just sex, even though his mating specs were
already too high that it could now be considered a possibility.

“Ante is your former colleague and ally, aren’t they? I can’t believe you would actively do
something that would easily compromise of your own kind, especially with your standing too
being one of the New Demon Lord’s Army commanders.”

“I’m not one of the commanders, Master Schild. I’m just in a position of a head observer. Also,
I don’t really mind, or should I say I no longer care about them?”


“You see, Master Schild, I’m already pissed at them. I’ve been trying my best to gather
information, but they don’t make the most of it. I’m already I’m fed up!”


“Especially that Zaria! Yes, it’s true that I missed the fact that Schild is royalty, but I was still
convinced long ago that Master was a man to watch out for, but she just won’t listen!
Numerous times in the past, I had already warned her about you! But in the end, the blame still
fell on me not informing her?! What the hell!”

“I-is that so…”

Schild felt somewhat strange in his heart to be genuinely appreciated by his enemy.

“She said, “It’s my role to make decisions based on the information I have,” and yet didn’t she
won’t listen to my warnings at all! And when she fails, it’s my fault! I’m so mad! In our last
meeting, I dared to say that I would kill myself if I failed to slay Master Schild out of
frustration. Though I didn’t die, I’ve still lost to you, so this life now belonged to Master
Schild! So please use me as you like from here on!”

“I-I see…”

“Ante isn’t exempt from this, either! After all, that being is a fool who still rushed in alone after
I had warned them of Master Schild’s prowess in the past! Just what kind of commander rushes
headfirst to the base of the enemy!? If that insect wants to die, then he should just die and
regret it!”

Based on the interactions Argome was confessing, Schild had learned that the top executives of
the Demon Race are apparently not working well together.

That part was also advantageous for Schild’s side, but…

(I’m hoping it lasts until the end, but I guess asking that part is already too much to hope for.)

“Prince Schild!” “Your Highness!”

The knights who were digging the hole suddenly shouted.

“We found an unnatural cavity in the soil. It’s like a passageway leading to somewhere!”

And it was found at last.

Ante’s precious hole, which the being was hiding the most carefully.

“There… in the back…”

Spoke Argome, who has already flown her “terminal” to examine the very back of the passage.

“There is no danger in the passage for now. I saw no traps, and with the sides of the
passageway covered with fluids that also function as adhesive, it is unlikely that there will be a
cave-in in the slightest.”

“Her ability to get things done quickly is really useful…”

Schild couldn’t help but praise Argome, whose usefulness is now at its peak.

“Well, let’s dive in, shall we?”

“Wait, it’s too dangerous, Your Highness! Please leave the investigation to us knights instead!”

The knights pleaded to him, but Schild denied their offers.

“Ante might not be in their best state right now, but remember that that being still has that “Hex
of the Gladiator” on them. For that, I have no choice but to go alone. Moreover, the
underground passage is so narrow that only one person can get inside at most.”

Even with the adhesive holding it in place, if more than one person tried to force their way in, it
would cause traffic, or worse, the hole would collapse in the chaos and they would all be buried

“Let’s add one of my “terminals”. This one is specially made with a vocal and auditory organ.”

Argome still insisted, floating another eyeball next to Schild.

This time, however, the eyeball was of a considerable size. Too large, in fact, to be used for
covert operations. Hence its only use was to send information to her former colleagues as some
sort of speaker-receiver.

If this was used by Argome during the time he killed Dernonos, it would have changed the
outcome of the first skirmish.
However, while it also has those functions, their auditory senses are subpar, and one has to get
really closer to hear the target of their intentions.

An approaching eavesdropping eyeball is just too conspicuous to the naked eye… or that was
what Argome believed.

Maybe because of her treatment in the New Demon Lord’s Army, or maybe because her
“comrades” treated her as “the least worthy”, Argome had long lost confidence in herself.

She hadn’t even realized that even her largest eyeball was so covert that Ante, and even Schild,
only noticed them when she started speaking to him through them.

In fact, if she wills it, she could clog the airways of any living target by jamming their throats
with her eyeballs alone. They wouldn’t realize until it was in until they suffocated.

Such is the power of the “Fourth Deva”.

Of course, Schild hadn’t known that Argome could do these tricks yet, so he couldn’t help but
feel pity for Argome and contempt for Zaria, the general commander who had hurt her pride
and treated her like a tool in the Demon Lord’s Army.

And of course, the main reason was that she is a very beautiful woman, and Schild couldn’t
bear making a beautiful woman look sad.

For now, to solve the problem they’re facing, Schild dove alone inside the mysterious
underground tunnel.

The tunnel entrance was never made for humans, and Schild had to stretch and advance
through it.

“I will show you the way. Follow me.”

“It’s a perfectly straight path, though.”

The ‘terminal’ released by Argome led the way, and Schild followed.

For some unexplainable reasons, the tunnel’s diameter grew larger and the hole wider as they

It seemed as if the person… or being who dug this tunnel was getting bigger the further they

“We are here.”

“So this is what’s at the end of this cave.”

By the time they reached the end, the tunnel became big enough to make Schild stand and walk
through it.

It was almost like a room. A room enough for someone to spend a moment of peace inside.
And at its far end, what Schild witnessed was….
Chapter 13 – Ante’s True Plans

“This is…!?”

At the bottom of the underground tunnel, Schild saw a mysterious spherical object in the
deepest room.

It was large enough to be held up with both hands, white in color and translucent.

And there are a lot of them, all lined up in countless rows, not only on the floor but also on the


Argome’s “terminal,” which had accompanied him, said.


[They are the eggs of soldier ants produced by Ante. It seems that that being not only intended
to regenerate their body, but also to reproduce their army of ants here.]

Then, from these translucent spheres, monster ants will one day hatch and…

And right under the royal palace…

The thought of it sent a shiver down Schild’s spine.


Schild immediately unsheathes his Hihi’irokane sword and swings it around messily.

Each slash sliced an egg in half, and in no time at all, most of them are crushed and gone.

“Argome… I’m really grateful to you. If these guys had hatched and crawled into the royal
capital, we would have been in big trouble…!!”

[Eh? N-no, I didn’t do that much…]

I’m so glad we were able to destroy this place before that…Schild thought sincerely.

“Don’t devalue yourself. Information is important. In fact, it is our best fortune that we were
able to suppress you first, you who can use that information most effectively. If not, we would
be fighting a losing battle from here.”
[Are you praising me or dissing me? Anyway, I don’t really like such praise.]

Nevertheless, Schild noticed that Argome started to fidget at the “terminal”.

Indeed, once a woman lets go of her virginity, even a little movement of hers would become

(But it feels weird, though, noticing this at this “terminal”…)


Anyways, just by this alone, Schild has found out that all the Four Devas of the New Demon
Lord’s Army are all opponents that should never be underestimated, even by him.

Like Ante, who could build a nest right under the enemy’s stronghold, Argome could easily
destroy a country by using her ability.

Suppose they were in cooperation with each other, and using each other’s abilities to the fullest.
In that case, they could defeat the enemy forces without sacrificing much, even against a
powerful enemy.

But the reality wasn’t always the case, as one of the Devas has defected now, and the other is in
the middle of being hunted down.

So rather than Schild’s luck, this advantage could be attributed more to the lack of leadership
skills of the enemy commander.

“The eggs have been annihilated… but where is Ante, the most important of them all?”

The enemy was able to dig a hole right under the royal castle, mass-produce soldiers in it, and
prepare for a surprise attack at the right timing.

Schild is no longer thinking that Ante is a mere pawn.

That’s why he is now determined to end them here once and for all.

[The ambush operation is ruined. Now I’m really pissed off.]

Suddenly, from an unknown direction, a voice echoed in the hole.

And this voice is familiar to Schild. It was none other than the voice of Ante, with whom he
had crossed swords in the field on the last skirmish.

“Where are you?”

[I heard it from the back. Over there!]

Guided by Algorm’s “terminal,” Schild continued onward.

The “egg chamber” at the far end was much deeper than expected. They still had to walk
further to get to the end of the room.

Further in the back, he found…

“…you son of a bitch.”

…a familiar “humanoid” sitting on the floor.

It was none other than the “Ant Sovereign” Ante.

[…Argome, why are you hanging out with the humans? Have you betrayed us?]

[I have been made to submit by Master Schild, both body and soul. As such, I can no longer
defy him.]

Spoke Argome, conversing to her former comrade by using her “terminal”.

[Besides, why should I be obliged to a bonkers bitch like Zaria? Master Schild would do me
more justice than that disrespectful woman. I’ve learned that very well in less than a day.]

[I agree with you that Zaria is a bit off in the head, but that isn’t enough of a reason for you to
betray our Race! Well, It doesn’t matter. After I bury him, it is you who will be next!]

[You talk big. Are you even in a position to do that?]


Schild was quiet.

This is because everything he wanted to say was said by Argome before he could even open his

Anyways, it cannot be denied that the enemy was planning a great surprise attack right from the

The evidence is all the things they had seen here.

If they succeeded, the capital would have suffered catastrophic damage.

And Schild, in front of Ante, would be rendered helpless, even with him being the counter for
the opponent’s “Hex of the Gladiator” Curse.

Thankfully, this was foiled by Argome defecting and providing intel to Schild.

What’s more, that same Schild already had a track record of defeating this being to their mercy.

With this Schild in front of him, Ante would be a problem no more.

“Mimicking a small insect and sneaking into the city to prepare such an ambush… I can’t deny
that what you did is praiseworthy, even though I’m your enemy. But let’s see how you’ll
survive this time.”

[My “Hundred Eyes” won’t miss you even if you try to escape by mimicking a small insect
again. This is your defeat, Ante.]

The strongest of the Human Race and the sharpest eyes of the Demon Race.

Surrounded by these two forces, it looked as if Ante’s fate was doomed.


But even with the odds being small being shown to them, Ante didn’t flinch.

The being even dared to laugh.

[You still don’t understand, do you? Did you think our preparations are only about creating
soldier ants to make a surprise attack on your capital?]

“What do you mean?”

[This one is the “Ant Sovereign”, Ante. “Sovereign” means I can control all insects, which can
be said that I am already the “King of Insects” from that power alone. But that’s not all there is
to it.”

Some species of insects change into pupae for reasons such as adapting to their environment,
and when they make cocoons, they would dramatically change their appearance.

This power was also a power that “Ant Sovereign” Ant also possessed.

In other words, metamorphosis.

[I am very proud of you, Prince Schild. You are indeed very powerful, so powerful that I could
not compete with all the power we’ve gained so far. But that changes now!]
Chapter 14 – A New Ante Reemerges

[Ante… don’t tell me, you…]

Argome’s terminal noticed something and started to become very upset.

[Master Schild! That one!]


“That humanoid is just bait. The real Ante is on that giant ant husk on the far side! At first
glance, it might look like a molted exoskeleton, but it’s actually a chrysalis!”

“A chrysalis?”

“That ant molt is a cocoon! It’s going to evolve into another form after that!”

Ante said they had “learned” from his fight with Schild.

This meant that they had analyzed Schild’s capabilities and would now be morphing their body
into a being that could face him as a countermeasure.

[This is the true power of this “Ant Sovereign” Ante – Metamorphosis! I can rebirth myself
again and again into a form that fully adapts to the capabilities of my enemies, a never-ending
and forever-evolving countermeasure! Which means as long as I survive, I’ll get stronger and
stronger! That goes for my fellow ant soldiers as well!]

The head of the “ant chrysalis” cracked open little by little.

The hatching had begun.

In the last battle with Schild, Ante has learned about Schild’s power.

And now, their body will evolve to adapt to that power.

[That moron Zaria has made a mistake. The strongest of the New Demon Lord’s Army is not
Berzeld, but us! Ante is the strongest! Even if our body is killed, we can be reborn again and
again, and what’s more, evolve to a being that would adapt to the one that defeated us as many
times over! For that, we are the strongest!]

The old carapace was split in half, and finally, a new body of Ante emerged out of it.

It was truly like a new hatchling.

“Behold! The new Ante, the Ant Sovereign!”

The rich breasts spilling out of their body.

Waist as tight as a gourd, and buttocks taut and heavy.

A female body, radiating female pheromones, emerged from the chrysalis and was not clad in a
single thread of clothing.

Yes. The body exposed in the nude was unmistakably that of a beautiful human woman.

Perhaps because she had just emerged from her chrysalis, this Ante’s new body was covered in
mucus, glistening in her skin.

“How do you like it? Are you surprised, Prince Schild? This is the strongest of this Ante’s
form, which has adapted to your powers! And the body that will slay you!”



Both Schild and Argome’s “terminal” were simply stunned by what they had witnessed.

[Ante… uhm… that…]

But Argome, or her terminal, was the first to step forward.

[I just want to check, but is that really… it? Are you sure this is not some kind of mistake?]

“What is it, Argome? Are you scared to death of our final form?”

[Yes, I’m scared, but it’s for a different reason than you think! Ahh, I can’t believe you held all
the suspense for that!]

As she said that, light emitted from Argome’s terminal, and “Ante”, or what could be said to be
their new form, was projected onto the wall at the end of the room.

And it was a clear projection of Ante’s new body.

“What is this?”

[it’s a function that projects the images seen in my “terminal”.]

“That’s really handy.”

Of course, what the “terminal” projected was none other than Ante’s new form, which they had
just witnessesed.

Two beautiful and attractive nude female figures, one real and the other a projection stood side
by side.
“What is this poor-looking human female? What’s the point of showing me these images?”

[That’s you.]


[I’m saying that’s what you look like now!]

“What did you say!?”

Shockingly, Ante was the most surprised at the change.

“Indeed, if you look closely… these legs, these hands…they’re the same as those in the image!
And for some reason, my breasts have swollen as well? How in the hell did they change into
this shape?!”

[That’s what we want to hear from you! Just what are you thinking!? Are you an idiot!? Have
you turned into an idiot now!?]

It seems that even the owner of the change did not expect this situation at all, and at that point,
all hell broke loose.


[Don’t scream at me, you fool!]

“Calm down, calm down, both of you.”

For some reason, Schild had to play the mediator in this chaos.

“It is indeed a shocking situation, and I think it’s natural for people to be puzzled. Even I’m
quite puzzled myself.”

[Master Schild…?]

“But first and foremost, we need to fix this mess. Everything starts there. And with that being
said, I have a proposal to the new [Ant Sovereign] Ante.”


“Let me touch your tits.”


Schild said without flinching, staring straight at the nude female form of Ante.

Primarily at her chest.

“You arrogant bastard! What a stupid thing to say in the face of battle! I’m sure there’s been a
mistake on our part, but we’re still enemies!”
Ante shook those tits agitatedly.

“We’re going to fight this out!”

“In a sex battle!”


As if to match the nude Ante, Schild also stripped off his clothes, and the big horn in between
his legs soared up like a Hercules Beetle.

“Let’s gooooo!!”


[Ahh… I’ll, I’ll make the terminal return!]

Argome, who had already experienced being violated by Schild, immediately saw what was
about to happen and made her eye leave the premises.

This may be an act to not disturb her master, but most of it was really because she doesn’t want
to witness her former comrade be subjugated by Schild.

It was also the least she can do to save her comrade’s pride.

“Ant Sovereign Ante… or I might as well call you “Queen Ant” with that figure… you are
quite the bold one, setting up an ambush under our royal capital. For that, you deserve to be
subjugated! I will make you fall! Right here, right now, and using my loving sex as
Chapter 15 – The “Queen Ant” and the Human
King’s Interracial Sex Battle

Insects are lower life forms.

They are considered as such because they are creatures with a simple structure, but most of it it
was because their survival instincts, which they almost entirely rely on for their behavioral
tendencies rather than their thinking ability, surpass those of higher organisms like humans.

As much to say, the “Ant Sovereign”, which has brought together the best traits of these
insects, also incorporated the simplest of these instincts in their body, which could be said the
best in terms of survivability.

So, what will happen if that Ante encounters the strongest being in the world?

Ante, as an exemplary of insects, has the ability to adapt to their environment by changing their
form in various ways as they go through their chrysalis.

If they encounter a stronger enemy, they can “learn” that “power” and adapt to it, their body
becoming a complete countermeasure to them.

Though it might sound simple, it is not.

For example, if the opponent’s power is in their horns, and Ante is defeated by them, Ante will
not grow horns as a countermeasure. Instead, they will develop a carapace so hard that it is
nearly invulnerable to those horns, rendering the opponent completely powerless.

This was Ante’s true ability. Metamorphosis to adapt at its peak.

However, what happens if they encounter a strong enemy they can never overcome, no matter
how hard they try to evolve?

For this, rather than taking the route of resisting an enemy they can never defeat no matter how
much they are strengthened, their instincts to survive, which are more powerful in insects, will
kick in instead. And instead of battling, they will now attempt to transcend the entity by
coexisting with them. Because by taking in the enemy’s strong genes, they will not only
survive but also achieve prosperity for the species to come.

And how will they do that?

By mating, of course.
Naturally, to achieve that goal, their bodies must be compatible first.

Hence Ante’s, or rather her body’s choice of change becoming the perfect mate for Schild.

Yes. Instead of becoming the strongest, their instincts chose to become the mate of the
strongest, a meat toilet, a slave, or a wife if possible, where they will produce the strongest
offspring in the world that will ensure the continuity of their existence.

Ante’s subconscious chose this path, hence the voluptuous body she was now.

Naturally, or should be said as expected of the being that attained peak metamorphosis, the
bodacious body and exquisite limbs they changed into immediately affected their target, Schild.

Because they are now made to induce the most primitive instinct of the strongest enemy, Schild
is now fully prepared to mate them.

The most powerful human enemy in the world has been reduced into nothing but a carnal
animal, ready to mate her in an instant.

This is the new power(?) of the “Ant Queen” Ante. Of which she didn’t know…yet.

“Ahhn♡♡ Ahhn♡♡ So good♡♡ So goooood♡♡♡♡”

The being themselves doesn’t know how they got remade into a female human body, but
what’s for sure is that because of their survival instincts kicking in and dominating them, Ante
is no longer a bonafide “Demon Race” anymore.

Yes. “Her” body is almost the same as a human woman and no longer that of an insect, nor of a
Demon Race, at least from the outside, and that also goes for the hole between “her” legs that
invites Schild’s penis to enter without hesitation, sucking it in and out of her depths.

“Her” mating process going smooth is also evidence that “her” body, which has been
remodeled to suit Schild’s tastes, is working perfectly on its intended purpose.

And that purpose is to bear the offspring of a man.

And not just any man, but a man named Schild.

“Oh, that’s a nice pussy you got here, Ante. To think you went through a lot of trouble to
rebuild your body to compete with me in this manner. Really, I am very happy.”

Schild, the prime target for this change, expressed his satisfaction with the pussy of this new
female he was penetrating.

It was only natural, as the body of Ante, the [Queen Ant], is now fully accepting his penis in
full, with all of her instincts telling her to be impregnated by the man as soon as possible.

This resulted in a bonafide animalistic “mating” with the purpose of copulating rather than
human “sex” with the intent to entertain.

… where the bearer completely accepts and yields to the male for the sake of the future
existence of their species and not the interests of the individual itself.

For the prosperity of their species beyond, bowing down and submitting to a strong male and
begging for their vaginal ejaculation has become the natural.

This was what had become of Ante, and the humiliation of the female organisms that had
repeated for hundreds of billions of years is now repeating once again in her, here and now.

What about pride? Of course it was already thrown out of the window. When one’s survival is
on the line, such things become no longer significant.

Splurt, splurt, splurt, splurt.

Once again, Schild’s concentrated semen got released into the female vagina of Ante.

The same material of which her newly evolved body was craving for in order to make her ant
soldiers evolve into a stronger species, that same species she could not defeat.

For the “Queen Ant,” it was a rare treasure more valuable than gold, and yet, all of it was
poured generously inside her womb.

But it didn’t stop there.

With Schild being Schild, he immediately went to the second round without pulling out, and
without even finishing his first vaginal ejaculation to Ante.

Plock plock plock plock plock.

“Nnhee♡♡ Oooohhhhh♡♡♡♡ Our womb♡♡ Our womb is♡♡♡♡”

Breasts bounced, and buttocks rippled.

Schild’s pumping motion made Ant’s female body move in a way that only a lewd woman

But Schild also noticed that every time he pumps, Ante would secrete beads of sweat which
would evaporate at body temperature and disperse a lewd scent.

Was it another feature of her evolution, or was it just a woman’s natural way to release

Schild wasn’t sure. But what he was sure of is that the primary cause of it was their copulation,
which is happening right now.

“Kehuuuuhhh♡♡ My instincts are telling me to get my pussy fucked as hard as I can♡♡ But I
won’t lose♡♡ This “Ant Sovereign” won’t lose♡♡♡♡”
Said the “Queen Ant” Ante, proceeding to bark all over the place.

“You might have thought you have won, but in the end, you are just an inferior human! You
are nothing but an easy kill for us, who are equipped with all kinds of insect weapons! Eat these
fangs of a stag beetle!”

With that, Ante bites Schild’s shoulder as they mingle.

But it was nothing more than a playful biting of a human woman to a man’s body.

“Grrr, pretty resilient, huh? Then I will give you an acid that dissolves anything it touches!”

On the next, she dripped spit on Schild’s body.

But it only seemed like it was a perverted saliva play.

“Mmm! In that case, let me see how you’ll fare with my venom needle! Come out, my poison
needle inside my ass…!!”

She yelled onto her butt, but all that came out of it was beads of sweat dripping off the
woman’s peachy bottoms. No needle whatsoever came out of it.

On the contrary, because she was also rubbing herself hard against the stick that was stuck
between her legs as she did it, she only felt even more pleasure added to the one she was
experiencing, making matters worse, or better, for her.

“This is what your instincts truly want, isn’t it?”

Schild says as he slams his hips against her.

“The only reason you rebirthed in this form is for you to be fucked by me. Because it wants
you to stop being my enemy.”

“No way♡♡ We can’t accept this♡♡ We are…♡♡ We are… aahhhhnn♡♡♡♡”

“Even if you don’t understand it with your mind, you should have probably understood it by
instinct. That you, in order to beat me, in order to survive me, your body chose to become my
meat urinal, to become my slave, to become my woman.”

“Ahh♡♡ Ahh♡♡ Aaahhhhh♡♡♡♡ So good♡♡ so good……♡♡♡♡”

“But what’s wrong with that!? Living is winning! After all, it is the most basic instinct of all
creatures in existence! If we ignore all our silly obsessions, all that will be left of us is the will
to survive!”

With their genitals still connected to each other, Ante’s body was then brought to the ground
then held in place by a crushing embrace of Schild.

“Mmmhuuu…♡♡ Ahhn aaaahhh♡♡ Hyaaaaaa…♡♡♡♡”

Not only the genitals but also their lips overlapped, with Ante being treated not as a woman to
be raped but as a woman to be loved.

The pride of the fighter, which she had taken for granted, cracked, then shattered, and from it,
another imperative appeared out of nowhere to take its place.

The imperative was that [You are now a meat toilet created to flirt with Schild and open your
vagina for him].

From then on, Ante the “Queen Ant” became finally aware of her female status.

Her glamorous legs entwined around the other party’s body, and her arms wound around the
man’s neck.

Her tongue also sought its own partner while more love juices flooded from her orifice

I am…♡♡ I am now a female♡♡ I am a female mate exclusive only for Schild♡♡ I am

rebirthed to feel this good♡♡♡♡ To have my pussy feel this good from being fucked by his
Chapter 16 – “Queen Ant” Ante’s Acceptance

At long last, a human woman’s voice of debauchery came out of the mouth of Ante, the “Ant

And it was no longer just on her body. This time, her acceptance of being a woman was
incorporated into her mind as well.

“My pussy feels so good♡♡♡♡ So this is the happiness of mating♡♡♡♡ I’m just being fucked
my female pussy with a male cock, yet to think it would be this good♡♡♡♡ It makes us want to
lay eggs right now♡♡♡♡♡♡”

From here, Queen Ant Ante’s buttocks began to twist and turn in a bewitching, sexy manner.

Clearly, her intention was to squeeze the male’s semen out of Schild’s balls.

And she wiggled it even more.

“Ahh♡♡ I can’t anymore♡♡ My pussy wants it♡♡ My pussy wants your cum♡♡♡♡ it wants to
swallow a lot of cum and make a lot of eggs from it♡♡♡♡”

“Why don’t you just let yourself enjoy it? and give birth as a normal human should?”

“That’s no good♡♡ We have to create the strongest army of soldiers with your ultimate
sperm♡♡♡♡ For our belly is designed to become the strongest production center♡♡♡♡”

“I think children should be born with love. That way, the one who gave birth to them will
cherish them, no matter how bad a meat urinal they are.”

“Cherish…♡♡ You mean, like what you are doing to us right now? I see♡♡ I love to be
cherished♡♡♡♡ Ahh, I’m so happy♡♡ this female is so happy♡♡♡♡ My pussy is even
trembling with joy from being a female right now♡♡♡♡”

Before they knew it, they were in a cowgirl position, and “Queen Ant” Ante was shaking her
ass on top of Schild.

Together with a penis coming in and out of her vagina, the moist buttocks resembled a huge
pair of fruits rippling and distorting as they released a sweet scent.

“Nfuuuh♡♡♡♡♡♡ Mmmmhh♡♡♡♡ Being a female is so good♡♡ and it feels so good to be

fucked by a male♡♡♡♡ For sure, I’ll be nothing but a machine that lays eggs after this♡♡♡♡”

Her rich breasts swayed from side to side as her body trembled with pleasure.
The woman’s breasts were big, really big, which was a rarity even amongst human women that
Schild had encountered.

But that wasn’t all.

It was unknown if her instincts told her that she had to be the best when her body chose to
become of the female mate, but Ante, the “Queen Ant”, has developed a very voluptuous body
that was very in line with Schild’s tastes. In fact, she was so in line that she could already be
considered as one of the best women Schild has ever tasted in terms of the body alone.

It was like she was a supreme treat solely made for males to be devoured then dumped their
most concentrated sperm inside her womb.

That if her status as a Deva of the New Demon Lord’s Army is to be put aside, then Ante
would be an excellent human woman that could make any sane man want to fuck her.

Of course, that goes for Schild as well.

“Tits worth squeezing, hips worth slapping, and even the pussy is excellent. It’s like it has a
hundred small snakes inside, slithering and straggling my cock…no, make it a thousand snakes

How many times was a vaginal ejaculation fulfilled during their act?

Schild has lost count. Or rather, he did not bother to count in the first place.

For Schild, who can pour semen into a woman’s vagina as much as he wants, ejaculation is not
an indication of the finish line but just a starting point.

“It’s being ripped apart♡♡ My deepest ends of my body is being ripped apart♡♡♡♡ It’s being
torn open by my enemy’s huge penis♡♡♡♡”

“Queen Ant” Ante screamed as she climaxed, sending electric currents throughout her body
each time she squirts her juice.

And with each time, she would feel bliss, mainly with the hallucination of her ovaries popping
eggs and them being impregnated by the invading sperm. This was induced in her mind every
time she was cummed inside by Schild.

“Ahieeee♡♡ Ahieeeee♡♡ My pussy♡♡♡♡ My pussy is being remade into an apparatus that’s

only sole purpose is to produce eggs♡♡♡♡ And it feels so good♡♡♡♡”

Being fucked repeatedly, “Queen Ant” Ante found that she was approaching her physical

“It’s about time we end this!”

Schild, sensing that this was the case, struck Ante’s buttocks even harder as if to break her for
“Ohieeeeeeee♡♡♡♡ Fuucckk mee♡♡♡♡ Yesss♡♡♡♡ Break my pussy with your cock♡♡♡♡”

“Yes, that’s it. Go flashy. To commemorate you becoming a bonafide female and a mate of

Just as she was ordered, the perfect woman’s buttocks of Ante swayed as she moved.

It was a completely lewd swaying with only one thing in mind – to flirt with men and extract
semen from them.

As a result, born from Schild’s scrotum, the smallest yet the vilest of the “worms” with one
enough to make a woman bloat her belly was released from the urethra of his tip, going into the
newborn yet fertile vagina of the new Ante.

Splurt splurt splurt splurt splurt.


The Queen Ant’s whole body jumped up as a result of this “mating”.

And…as expected of a member of the Demon Race with the qualities of the best insects,
something started to pop out from her back and spread out to her left and right, filling the space
behind them with a beautiful pattern.

It was the wings of a butterfly.

Was it an expression of “I’m so happy to have lots of sex”?

Schild only wondered for a moment, then he resumed fucking.

After dumping almost a bucket of load inside her and making the enemy faint from a series of
climaxes, Schild carried the new “Queen Ant” Ante out of her hole and put her under his care.

He transferred her into a room in the royal castle and placed her in a luxurious bed, where from
there, he commenced fucking her again.

“Aaaahhhhh♡♡ You’re doing it again♡♡ I thought we have already finished over there♡♡♡♡”

It was the usual train of thought for a woman who still hasn’t experienced enough sex with

After that, Schild undressed Argome, who is back to accompanying him, and then he fucked
the two of the four fallen Devas simultaneously.

“Ahaaaa♡♡♡♡ Even me♡♡ My pussy is somewhat happy, though♡♡♡♡”

“Help♡♡ Heeelp♡♡ My pussy is at its limit♡♡ I’m going to breaakk♡♡♡♡ “The precious eggs
in my belly are breaking♡♡♡♡”
In this way, the relentless libido of Schild became his weapon that turned even the hardest of
the enemy women into a devoted ally.

However, it was more “brutal” compared to a sword, that even if they give in, he will continue
to fuck them relentlessly.

…though half of it was with the intention of making the other party submit, the other half was
just because he wants to fuck.

Anyway, Schild kept committing the two, loving them thoroughly even though they were full.

Even beyond the point that the women would think “I don’t care anymore” and would just let
Schild fuck them.

“Yes♡♡ Yes♡♡ Yes♡♡ Fuck my pussy more♡♡♡♡ Make my pussy feel good♡♡ Ahh, I’m
feeling it♡♡ I’m feeling it so much that the tips of my nipples are perking up♡♡♡♡”

“Aahh♡♡ My ovaries are jumping in joy♡♡ I can feel it in my insides♡♡♡♡ I can also feel
them firing so many eggs♡♡♡♡ They are so much I’m expecting them to shoot all out of my
pussy soon♡♡♡♡”

The buttocks of the two strangers jumped and bounced, much to the amusement of Schild’s
vision and penis.

Schild continued to fuck the two women regardless, spending the entire night doing just that.
He only stopped after he had judged that they had enough semen in and out of their bodies that
they couldn’t get rid of it, no matter how hard they washed.

“ “I don’t care anymore.” ”

Spoke the two languidly, completely caved in to Schild’s prowess.

Though Argome had already fallen from the very beginning.

“I don’t care about the fighting between the Demon and Human Race anymore. All I want is to
be under Master Schild and have him put his cock in my pussy”

“I’m okay with either way, though. If Schild continues to make a human pussy out of me, I can
create a much stronger army than before, so there’s no loss.”

It was as if they had been through a successful exorcism.

But with this, the number of the Four Devas was reduced to two, which also reduced Schild’s
remaining obstacles in the same number.

Yes, all that was left was Berzeld and Zaria, the two remaining Devas.

Only after defeating them, they would win this war.

Chapter 17 – Setting the Decisive Battle

Reinforcements came in from the West Adele territory.

They are led by Lagothe, a female warrior under the direct command of the lord of West Adele

“Schild! We’re here!”

Lagothe is, of course, one of the numerous women in a physical relationship with Schild. And
here, she greeted him like usual, though seemingly in higher spirits than normal as she was
thinking she will be finally of help as a support for her lover’s forces from here on.

“But we didn’t request for you to come, though?”


The main reason for this remark of Schild was because the Demon Lord’s Army is with
whereabouts as uncertain as shadows in the night.

Their movements cannot be pinpointed out, all the more their future advances, making the
kingdom have no clue when and where they will next appear.

Because of this, the most alarming thing for Schild’s side became the surprise attacks of the
enemy on defenseless towns or villages. It was alarming as the kingdom could collapse if such
guerrilla warfare is repeated constantly on these parts, as casualties would grow in time.

To solve this, the royal court under Schild’s control refused all the reinforcements proposed by
the lords since the beginning of the war against the Demon Race and made it a rule to
strengthen the defense of one’s own territory instead.

In the event of a shortage of troops, reinforcements will be sent from the royal capital.

“Indeed, the vigilante corps in West Adele is well-known for their bravery. But can you still
afford to devote your strength to the front lines without worrying about your own territory in
case they get attacked at the same time?”

“If we can’t, then we won’t be here in the first place! I’m here to represent those
reinforcements just in case you need one, Schild!”

Lagothe’s morale was sky-high. It was obvious that she is very excited about the upcoming
battles from here on.
But if one should think deeply, Lagothe’s words certainly had some backing in them. The West
Adele Territory is pretty much one of the safest places besides the capital, as, Marie, their lord,
is already capable of leading an army on her own. Not only that, she is also surrounded by
talented people around her. If yo u ar e ab le to r e ad this mes sa ge, y ou are re ad ing from an
una u hori zed a ggreg ate si te. Rea d at my W ord Press at st abbing wi th a syr inge. h ome. bl
og to su pp ort me an d my tra nsl ations .

“At first, the Count was insisting to go by herself. She was also saying words like she wanted
to have lesbian sex with the princesses or something. But thanks to the repeated persuasion of
“Servant” Nancy, she eventually gave up, well, for now.”

“Hahaha, that’s pretty much like her. But as one would expect, the lord themselves being away
from home at this period is just too much. I’m grateful to Nancy for this. But why are you the
one leading?”

“Well, I was decided to lead because, you know? Since the battle against the Demon Race will
be fought with a mixed force of Subjugators and knights of this country, which has a previous
reputation of being hostile to each other, it was thought would be difficult for the outlander Sae
to handle it, so the representative became me instead. And because you snatched Rezahata
away, they haven’t had much of a choice, really.”

“A rational decision. Indeed, that is really like Nancy. Well, since you are now here, I will be
counting on you to play an active part in battle from now on.”

“Yes! Leave it to me!”

With Schild’s confidence in her, Lagothe became more and more enthusiastic.

“Of course, you’ll do an active part in this too.”


Schild stroked Lago’s buttocks from an optimal position, out of sight of his surroundings.

As a veteran warrior, Lago had been blessed with a large physique, which also made her
buttocks exceptionally large, almost reminiscent of a horse’s. And with the muscles she had
built up throughout her career and the luxurious curvature it had, this made these fat lumps of
flesh to become even more comfortable to caress, especially for Schild.

“I knew you’d do this as soon as I met you, Schild…♡♡”

“Oh? In that case, shall we go straight to bed then, so that I can toy with this ass. Of course,
your pussy as well.”

“With pleasure♡♡ After all, I’ve also come all this way to be raped by Schild♡♡”

“You really love the word “rape”, aren’t you, Lagothe? Even though we’re totally not doing
However, even though he said he would bed her this, he would toy her that, Schild has no
intentions of granting Lagothe’s wish to fuck, at least not yet.

After all, a decisive battle is just around the corner.

A military meeting was scheduled for today to prepare for the army’s departure, and Schild had
to go to the war council to finish the preparations – which was the exact moment Lagothe

“…and that’s the gist. And seeing you now became the representative of the reinforcement
troops, I think you should come with us too.”

“Eeehhh? Then, that means I won’t be raped until we win this battle?”

“You’re not the only one enduring it, Lagothe. Well, I think we’ll still have time to have sex at
least once before we head out. Let’s squeeze a quickie at that time.”

“Really? I’ll be expecting it, okay? I’ll be absolutely expecting it! Ahh. Finally, a lovey-dovey
rape with Schild…it’s been so long♡♡”

“Right, right. No time to daydream now. They’re waiting.”

Thus, with this, Schild attended the war council with Lagothe in tow.

Attending the war council meeting are Lesnussa, the leader of the Royal Court Knights,
Carney, representing the monster subjugators, and Lirica, the head of the Subjugators Guild
Royal Capital Branch, who is in charge of giving an opinion on administrative matters.

Cymbium is also present to convey the will of the royal court.

Furthermore, in preparation for the battle against the Demon Race, Elovairo, the retired
patriarch of the Oscars, who had actually experienced war with the Demon Race in the past,
was also invited to serve as the chief of staff.

There were many other participants in the meeting, but two “people” stood out from the crowd.

They are Argome the “Hundred-Eyed” and Ante, the “Queen Ant”, who had surrendered from
the New Demon Lord’s Army.

Most of the conference participants looked at them with puzzled eyes.

“They say they were made to surrender solely by the hands of Prince Schild…”

“If that’s true, just how unfathomable is he…?”

The meeting began amidst the whispers with such topics of conversation.

“I’m going to cut to the chase,” Schild began the meeting by saying this in front, sitting from
the commander’s seat.

“We now know where the New Demon Lord’s Army is based, and we will attack them there.”

These words sent shockwaves throughout the crowd.

“We have found out the base of the New Demon Lord’s Army!? The very stronghold of our

“Yes, we have.”

Schild’s next response was in a less serious tone.

“The two sources of information are Ante and Argome, who are standing here with me.
According to them, a large part of the army of the Demon Race and their commander-in-chief,
“The Evil Virgin” Zaria, is garrisoned…here!”

Schild pointed to a spot on the map that was posted at the conference hall. It was the same map
he drew on the wall previously in his “lessons” with Bachelorette Ardelheide.

Then, a second shock ran through the conference.

“That location is……!!”

“Isn’t that just right under the nose of the capital?”

“The Demon Race was hiding and living in such close proximity? Ridiculous!”

The demonic stronghold revealed by Ante and Argome, also called the Demon Cradle Castle,
was in a direction just off the large city road, which was pretty much nearby looking at the map
alone. This surprised of the bureaucrats in the meeting. And upon looking closer, the location
was surrounded by a series of steep mountains and forests, which apparently shielded them
from the eyes of the people, hence the Human Race not having a clue of its existence. Thi s ch
ap ter tran sla tion is m ade po ssib le by stabb in g wit h a syr i nge tran slatio ns . chec k onl y
up-t o-da te trans lations on my W ordpres s s ite.

“How are we not aware that an enemy stronghold had been built this close to our capital? What
are the royal capital guards doing?”

“Come to think of it, there are also no reports of monsters being discovered in that area.”

Lirica this time speaks up as the one who manages the subjugators.

“It’s possible that the reason they got us unnoticed is that the area is originally uninhabited. No
people, no monsters, no anything. As such, there are no reports of people residing nor missing
in it in our guild. And because of the lack of monsters, our Subjugators Guild has no records of
involvement in that area. Though I think that they might have kept the monsters quiet to avoid
the base from being discovered. After all, the most distinctive trait of the Demon Race is their
ability to control monsters at will.”
“We have no time for blame games nor to backlog the past records. What we need to discuss
right now is what we should do in the future. And by the “future,” I mean the immediate future,
the day after tomorrow where we will strike.”

Then, in a renewed tone, Schild declared in high spirits.

“Yes, you heard it right! Together with the Knights of the Royal Court and the Army of
Subjugators, I plan to attack the Demon Cradle Castle with me in the lead! This will be first-
ever offensive of the Humans against the Demon Race! And from there, I will defeat Zariah,
the [Evil Virgin], who is the commander-in-chief of this New Demon Lord’s Army, and end
this war once and for all!”

Tension ran through the place.

After all, many people were astonished at Schild’s sharpness in immediately making this
necessary but critical decision, which everyone hesitated to make.

“Count Mariastel of the territory of West Adele has already sent me a detachment of which I
could use. They came with a perfect timing. With the addition of the troops that had been
preparing for this moment, the day after tomorrow, this expeditionary force will march under
my banner. Any questions before we head out?”

“Who will protect the capital while the prince is away?”

“For that, I will leave the city in Lesnussa’s hands.”

As for why Schild decided this, the defense of the royal capital was originally the job of the
royal court knights, and since they chose Lesnussa based on their analysis that they would be
able to entrust her with the defense with peace of mind, Schild also assigned her the post of
being the defender.


“I don’t like it.”

Lesnussa surprisingly objected.

Chapter 18 – Backing out from the Front Lines

“The knight’s duty is to protect the king. Thus, tis is the height of shamefulness that I am
ordered to stay at home while Prince Schild, my lord, master, and king, is outside battling on
his own.”


Schild couldn’t help but be stupefied on the unexpected reply of her loyal knight.

In the first place, why did Schild arrive at such decision?

In the previous battle with Ante, it was predicted that the outcome of their skirmish would be a
short one, so Schild allowed Lesnussa and the knights to participate as he thought he could
immediately make them return just in case something happens to the capital.

But this time, it would be a long campaign that could lead to a possibility of a castle siege. And
considering it was also the enemy’s stronghold, heavy resistance should be expected upon their
arrival. In other words, it was already a guaranteed prolonged battle of attrition either way.

Whatever happens, they must leave adequate personnel in place to defend the royal capital just
in case the enemy splits their forces and attacks the city.

Lesnussa also knew of this, but she was so uncomfortable staying at home that she started
talking back, even though she wasn’t asked to.

“Also, wouldn’t it be more appropriate if it’s Lady Carney who is in charge of the royal capital
defense instead of me?”


Carney yelped out in surprise upon her sudden call, but Lesnussa further added.

“The Lady Carney’s abilities are already well known, and since rumors have already been
confirmed both inside and outside the country that she will be the first consort of Master
Schild, I think this is the best time to make her establish her standing throughout the kingdom.
Also, what better person is there to choose to defend one’s home in her husband’s absence if
not the wife?”

“I refuse! I have been with Lord Schild in every battle since he came to the royal capital!
There’s no way I will declare my absence now!”

Carney also took a firm stance of refusal.

“Right. In that case, since Miss Lagothe has come all the way here, how about we put her in

“Are you right in the head, Schild!? How can you expect me, a complete stranger to these
things, to be in charge of such heavy responsibility!?”

No one wanted to play the role of the keeper, and sparks flew at the meeting.

It was a problem that no one saw coming among the attendees in the room.

“Can I ask something?”

It was then when the Oscar’s former patriarch came in. He raised his hand in a gesture of
exuberance as if he was totally not an old man.

“Instead of him leading the army, why not let the prince stay in the capital?”

“Come again?”

This time, it was Schild who was perplexed by the sudden mention of his name.

“The royal family has always been a militaristic one. I know that because I had been at the
forefront of their campaigns and operations numerous times. Not to mention, Prince Schild is
one of the bravest kings in modern times. I am sure that he is itching to settle the matter with
his own hands, just like his father, King Preslate, who once took the lead in the battle to
exterminate the previous army of the Demon Lord.”

“But in that case…”

“But as you mentioned earlier, this is a castle siege. To take down a well-defended stronghold
requires far more effort and time than a field battle.”

And because that is the case, we shall not rush the commander-in-chief of our army at the first
opportunity to avoid showing them our whole hand, the old patriarch continued to add.

“Instead, Prince Schild shall first get a bird’s eye view of the war from the royal capital. Then,
when it comes to the critical point, he will lead the reserve force from here and go all out to
crush them once and for all.”

“I see.”

“As for the first party, leave it to the three women here who are busy screwing around with
each other. If they make a good show by the time His Highness comes over, who knows? They
might be rewarded well…if you know what I mean.”

At the suggestion of the retired old man, Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe, who had been
quarreling and arguing a while ago, immediately widened their eyes. Then, they took the offer
of the former patriarch with no questions asked.
“Very well! As a man who fights alongside Lord Schild, I will prove that I’m not only good as
an enthroned assistant!”

“It is the knight’s duty to fight for the king. As such, to this humble officer, a battle like this is
nothing but the best outcome!”

“To fight in the front lines is what I’m here for! And I’d rather choose this any day than
becoming some sort of glorified warden!”

Seeing the three of them now on good terms as if the earlier bickering was just a farce, Schild
let out a sigh of relief.

Then, he approached the Oscar elder and told him in a whisper.

“Thanks. You really saved my hide back there. Thanks to your compromise, the meeting didn’t
turn into a lovers’ quarrel.”

“It’s the wisdom of old men. You will have the chance to fulfill these roles yourself when you
get old.”

Anyways, with this plan, Schild’s presence from the front line would be absent in the first half
of the battle.

Instead, his presence would be put into use in the rear guard at the royal capital, staying home
and playing as an overseer as the vanguard composed of Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe
commence their assault on the enemy forces.

“I have another concern, though. In this upcoming big battle.”

“What is it?”

“The Hex of the Gladiator.”

It was the curse derived from the innate powers of the royal blood and is used by the New
Demon Lord’s Army in their series of experiments with the abducted King Preslate.

It was a spell that made those “enslaved to the king” invincible, creating the strongest valiant
warriors on the battlefield that are impervious to harm unless it is from a royal blood.

“It’s true that the hex is not a problem for me, as the hex has the disadvantage of being useless
against the royal family, but that is not the case for them.”

If a possessor of the “Hex of the Gladiator” were to appear on a battlefield without Schild, it
would only mean that the defeat of the Kingdom’s army would be good as assured.

In the past two cases where the “Hexes” had appeared, both sides had been resolved due to
Schild’s presence, but it couldn’t be denied that if Schild had become unavailable at that time
or came at a much later date, it would have been the human side that had lost by a huge margin.
“This makes me think that our victories till this day have been nothing but sheer luck…”

“Indeed, and it’s spine-chilling for me as well. In any case, it is a good idea not to let the prince
leave the capital so carelessly.”

There is but only one Schild.

If he leaves for the battlefield, the capital would be empty, and if he stays in the capital, there
would be no cards for the Kingdom’s vanguards to counter the Hex of the Gladiator.

It will be a distressing situation, no matter where he will be put in.

“Argome. How many of those “Gladiators” does the New Demon Lord’s Army have at the

“Not too many, that’s for sure.”

Upon asking, Argome easily revealed the confidential information of their camp in a generous
way to Schild.

“The “Hex of the Gladiator” is Zaria’s private research, and she is so tight-lipped about it that
even I am not allowed to see the details. However, from the way she sometimes talks about it, it
seems that it is impossible to bestow the curse on many soldiers at once.”

“I see. In other words, the possibility of a situation where all of our enemies are “gladiators” is
as good as nil then. At least, that’s one problem solved.”

This was Schild’s concern ever since he discovered the existence of such “Hex” from
Dernonos. As such, he was relieved to hear that the horror he imagined will not become a

“Still, it is inevitable that we will encounter one of these “Gladiators” before we reach Zaria.
For one, the “Mad Demon Warrior” Berzeld already had the blessing.”

The “Mad Demon Warrior” Berzeld.

The third of the “Four Devas” Schild has been told about in the past.

“Berzeld is a dangerous being. That Demon is the most powerful of the Four Devas in terms of
raw strength alone, and their only interest is in destruction and killing.”

“That being is so dangerous that we couldn’t even hold a proper conversation as allies. Or
rather, even though we are the same “Devas”, we never actually “talked” to Berzeld.”

Ante also joined in the conversation, confessing to them the strangeness of the strongest
singularity of the New Demon Lord’s Army.

“If such a curse is added to a being like that, then that being is as good as untouchable. Should I
“Please rethink again, Master Schild! We will feel even more useless if we always leave all the
troublesome things to you!”

Lesnussa cited her persistence, but Schild was unfazed.

“There’s nothing we can really do about it. Should we rethink our formation from scratch for
the remaining Devas and that troublesome curse?” But when Schild was about to say that…

“Hold on.”

The one who threw a light of salvation on the darkening situation was Argome, the former
enemy of Schild.

“About the “Hex of the Gladiator” and Berzeld. I think I might have something to fill in that
Chapter 19 – Farewell Foursome

The countermeasure against the “Hex of the Gladiator” has been formulated, and the expedition
will be led by Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe as planned.

And as decided, Schild will stay in the capital, to defend the base and also to prepare for the
climax of the battle that was sure to come.

On the eve of the departure of the army.

Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe, who are to lead the expeditionary force, were summoned by

In Schild’s bedroom.

It was obvious what was going to take place there, without needing to ask.


After finishing his meal and when he was about to head to the bedroom at the royal castle,
Cymbium, her “half-sister” and the first princess, called on to him.

“Can I join you?”

Again, it was obvious what Schild was going to do when locked in a room with women.

That is, of course, sex.

And as Cymbium is also a woman who has been having sex with her “half-brother” Schild, it is
only natural that she would be tempted to join in the debauchery that is about to begin.


“I’m sorry, but not today.”

The princess was met with a sullen reply from Schild.

“Of course, it is. I am sorry.”

Tonight’s sex will be a parting gift to the women warriors who are going off to battle.

Cymbium, who will be staying idle in the castle, is not qualified to participate.
“I know what you’re thinking, but that’s not it.”

Schild, who was aware of her intentions, immediately sent a follow-up.

“How do I put this…”


“Today’s sex will surely injure you if you participate half-heartedly. Worst case scenario, you
will die.”

“What do you mean by that!?”

The three people Schild will be embracing tonight are Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe.

These are basically women who have chosen combat as their way of life, regardless of whether
they are knights, warriors, or other specific occupations.

This was also why they were chosen as the vanguard troops of the decisive battle against the
New Demon Lord’s Army.

What Schild meant is that all three of them are strong.


They simply have strong arms and a lot of muscle.

Unlike most women, their bodies are taut rather than soft, and they have the resilience of a bull
or a steed.

Schild can say this because he has held many such women in his arms.

Sex with such a female warrior is a pure game of power.

Even more, all the women waiting for him in his bedroom are top-class female warriors
unrivaled throughout the kingdom.

Cymbium will not stand a chance.

“Lord Schild, please embrace us tonight…!”

“Before we take up our roles on the battlefield, please rouse the spirit of this lowly official…!”

“Give me the fortune of war in my pussy, Schild…!”

When Schild returned to his bedroom, he found these physically fit women waiting for him,
completely naked.
They were prostrating before him in the most modest manner possible.

The way they flirt alongside each other was cute, like puppies wanting to be cared for by their
owners, but deep inside, their puppy-like appearances were nothing but hungry and salivating

Yes. Although their naked bodies are full of allure, if you’re a veteran on the battlefield, you
will feel that they are exuding a unique pressure that is greater than ordinary.

Or rather, the atmosphere around them was already so firm and elastic that, with the added
scenery of their taut skin and limbs packed with muscles, it was as if the air in the room itself
had acquired the texture of a woman’s tits.


Schild also took off his clothes, not wanting to be different from the three. Then he spread his
arms in front of them after becoming naked.

It was as if he was telling them that he welcomed them with open arms.


“Lord Schild♡♡” “Master Schild♡♡” “Schild♡♡”

The three maidens jumped into Schild’s chest, each with their respective masses.


Schild took the brunt of them while taking a couple steps back, but that was it. Despite being
three-to-one, he was able to successfully hold his ground.

This is because Schild is also the strongest warrior of the land. If this had been an ordinary
man, not only would he have been pushed down, but he would have been crushed like a frog.

But he is Schild.

And because he is Schild, it is possible for him to fuck the three of the strongest women on the
land all at once.

“Lord Schild♡♡ Ahh, Lord Schild♡♡ I love you I love you I love you♡♡♡♡♡♡”

“This sounds like an adoration coming from a lowly petty officer… but I love you with all my
heart, Master Schild♡♡♡♡”

“I’m but a woman made to be raped by Schild♡♡ So please, please rape me with all your

As they said that, these “puppies” started licking Schild’s broad chest, his abdomen, his penis,
pretty much everywhere.
They were like a Husky, a Retriever, and a St. Bernard in terms of physique.

Anyway, such three big puppies came at him at once.

Schild, as expected, was almost forced to move backward, but he mobilized all of his silly pride
and pushed back.


“ “ “Kyaa♡♡♡♡” ” ”

“As if I’m gonna let myself be fucked by a woman! It’s me who gets to fuck, not the other way
around! So you guys get your tits and asses out! I’m going to fuck you all!”

Striking back even though it was a bit half-assed, Schild hugged the aggressive maidens from
one side to the other, where he sucked their lips, squeezed their tits, grabbed their asses, and
inserted and pulled his penis into and out of their vaginas.

“I must keep up the offensive, or I will be fucked!”

This was what was in Schild’s mind.

The girls’ bodies, trained to fight and win, are capable of tremendous violence, even if they just
play with each other.

With one or two people, it is still easy to catch up with them and love them back, but when
there are three of them, it has to be a raging attack one after the other.

Schild struggled to scramble his hands to keep himself from being sunk in this rough sea of

“Lord Schild♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you so much♡♡♡♡”

“This petty officer loves you too♡♡♡♡”

“Grab my ass more♡♡ Grab it strongly enough to crush iit♡♡♡♡”

Perhaps inspired by Carney, even Lesnussa and Lagothe came and rubbed their whole bodies
against Schild in a more indulgent tone than usual.

Tits and buttocks.

They are toys that delight men but also have the functionality to deliver a killing blow by
suffocation. And now, they are pressing against Schild with full weight and pressure.

And since there are three of them, and they push from three different directions, this resulted in
Schild being sandwiched and crushed.

These tits are different from the softness of ordinary women, which seem to sink down forever
wherever they get squeezed. They are the tits of female warriors who had the elasticity enough
to repel blades by bouncing them off rather than by sinking them towards them.

Of course, the above was an exaggeration.

But what is not an exaggeration is that the odor emanating from their tens of thousands of pores
is more graceful, lewd, and lustrous than that of any lady.

Just by inhaling their lewd smell deeply through his nose, Schild felt as if he was about to

“Carney. Lesnussa. Lagothe.”

“ “ “Yes?” ” ”

“Let me lick your tits.”

Chapter 20 – Debauchery with the Strongest Women

The girls, obedient to whatever he ordered, immediately brought their breasts to Schild’s face.

All three are blessed with ample breasts, and even the smallest, Lesnussa, have a certain
amount of bulkiness in her.

Moreover, these female warriors’ udders are suitably full of flesh and bounce well when
pressed with a finger.

As such, it was heaven for Schild to be covered not only by one but three pairs of breasts all
over the face, even though it was to the point that it almost suffocated him.

“Lord Schild♡♡ It’s about time♡♡”

Schild quickly guessed the meaning of Carney’s gesture, which was fidgeting around her waist.

“About time for what? I cannot do anything to a girl who doesn’t ask clearly.”

But he chose not to say it. Instead, he decided to be mean.

Of course, there is also a reason for it.

Which Carney immediately understood, to which she responded next.

“Your cock♡♡♡♡ I want your cock in my pussy♡♡♡♡ This pussy that is meant for Lord
Schild only♡♡ Please put your cock in this nasty pussy of mine♡♡♡♡”

This in itself is the usual Carney, but tonight she is not alone. There are now an additional two
of the same ilk on both of her sides, and they, too, are dragged along by this woman to become

The first to be “infected” was Lesnussa.

“Master Schild♡♡ This lowly Lesnussa’s pussy too wants to ask for your great cock♡♡♡♡
Though I am but a vassal and asking my lord like this is nothing but inappropriate, this
Lesnussa’s pussy has already become so erotic that it doesn’t care about etiquette

Then Lagothe.

“My pussy as well♡♡ It wants Schild’s cock too, this pussy that has long since been completely
wretched open by Schild♡♡ Rape mee♡♡ Rape mee♡♡ Violently subdue my pussy until I can
no longer fight back♡♡♡♡♡♡”

The three asses lined up on the bed showed their overwhelming volumes just by standing side
by side.

These female knights and warriors have trained their female buttocks in battle, making their
size and density drastically different from those of ordinary women.

Moreover, the asses of Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe, refined for functionality, were also
trained by Schild through repeated intercourse. Thus, they now have the sweet taste of
nastiness equivalent to superb sex toys.

Schild took his time to love such asses.

He played with them by slapping the tip of his towering penis against their thick buttocks.

“Ahhn~♡♡ It’s slapping me♡♡”

“Lord Schild♡♡ though I also like you playing with my ass, my pussy is getting lonely♡♡
Hurry up and fuck my pussy♡♡ And then, make me cum lots♡♡♡♡”

And so, in response to such heroines, his valiant penis is finally inserted into their vaginal holes
that encompass a woman’s depths.


The first to taste this was Lesnussa.

The new commander of the Knights of the Royal Court.

And the female knight who should be the noblest and strongest in the country’s troops.

But now she is naked, shaking her own buttocks, and is in a state of confusion with the pleasure
of having Schild, the king, inside her vagina.

Though she is lewd and vulgar as she is, this does not compromise her pride in being a knight.

For it is the king, or rather the future king, who is violating her.

And as a knight, she is even proud of the fact that the king is using her like a slave to sate his
own satisfaction.

“Oohhh♡♡♡♡ This knight pussy is trembling with joy right now♡♡♡♡ For I am not just any
knight, but a female knight♡♡♡♡ And giving a nice fucking for the king’s cock with our
pussies is what we do♡♡♡♡”

Splurt, splurt, splurt.

Sounded Schild’s penis as it ejaculateed vaginally without hesitation and as he devoured

Lesnussa’s tainted knightly spirit in terms of servicing her king.
“Ahieeeee♡♡ The raping finally came♡♡♡♡”

This time, it was Lagothe’s turn.

Coming from a low birth, Lagothe has fought half her life as a lone female warrior.

Maybe because of this lifestyle, she has grown more rugged compared to the other two, with
the most noticeable feature of her being her big physique that can look down on most men.

But even she has turned into a cute woman in Schild’s arms.

Yes. Her club-like arms and legs, reminiscent of a strong farming horse, was turned into
nothing but pretty limbs in front of Schild.

“Ahh, I’m so happy♡♡ My pussy is so happy right now that it met Schild♡♡♡♡ If Schild
hadn’t put his cock in me, my pussy would never have known real sex in my life♡♡♡♡”

With a look of debauchery that she had never shown to anyone, this woman flirtatiously
indulged Schild as he violated her vagina and shook her huge ass as lewdly as she could.

Nothing else but Schild’s rigidity was able to make her huge buttocks reminiscent of a wild
horse’s ripple in sex.

The giant cock of Schild also penetrated the depths of the giant woman, forcing the female
warrior to remember that she is a woman, even though she had long tried to forget this feeling.

“Ahieeeeeee♡♡ Ahieeeee♡♡♡♡ Ahiehieiiiieeeeeeeeee♡♡♡♡♡♡”

Splurt splurt splurt.

After dumping his load into the second vaginal canal and pulling out his penis, causing the
semen to overflow to the outside, Schild finally sets his sights on the third and last pussy.

He went straight inside Carney’s vagina. And that is without even wiping Lesnussa’s and
Lagothe’s love juices in it.

“Yess♡♡ The cock is finally here♡♡♡♡”

With her becoming the most accustomed to having sex with Schild among the three, the last
one, Carney, is also a monster subjugator like Lagothe belonging to the Royal Capital Branch
and a person who has experience as a knight like Lesnussa.

In short, she is the hybrid of the two.

But her ass and pussy are also the same – all packed with muscles nurtured in actual battle.

Of course, it isn’t only that. Her vagina also possessed the plumpness of a freshly peeled

This could be easily felt by the tip of his penis, giving Schild the ultimate sensation of being
fucked to the max.

“So good, it feels so good♡♡ Yes, fuck me♡♡ Fuck me more♡♡ Fuck me fuck me fuck me
fuck me fuck meee♡♡♡♡ Fuck my pussy with your big, hard cock♡♡♡♡ Oooohhhh♡♡♡♡”

These vulgar words, which seem to never end, came from Carney, the same Carney who is not
only a knight but also a daughter of one of the greatest noble houses in the kingdom.

But despite going on and on and continuing to fuck Carney until he was used to it, Schild never
got tired of her.

Though part of it was because of Schild’s teaching, was it because of her training beforehand as
a knight that the quality of her vagina became what it is today?

“That’s it, yesshh♡♡ Fuck my pussy moree♡♡♡♡ My pussy feels so good if you do

“Yes, Master Schild♡♡ Ahhh♡♡ My pussy will always be happier if you put your cock in

“Conquer my pussy, Schiiildd♡♡♡♡”

Anyways, just like that, the night before going to war was spent in debauchery as the three
muscly vaginas got filled repeatedly.

The theme of this evening’s sex was intended to encourage the female warriors who were going
off to battle.

It was for this reason that these three women were invited into the bed-chamber while the rest
of the women were refrained.

Now, three freshly-painted buttocks are piled lazily on top of each other, while the culprit of it,
Schild, panted on the corner as he watched.

“How is it? Do you think you’ll be able to fight comfortably tomorrow?”

As one would expect, Schild was physically drained after fucking not only beautiful but also
well-trained and muscular female knights and warriors.

The process of fucking them was to give them courage for the battle to come, and this goal has
been achieved.

The force that came on him was so strong that he had to retaliate with a stronger force, or else
he would be devoured by their pleasure.

Of course, the sensation they had gained for it is massive, but nevertheless, it was still very
exhausting for Schild.
“Yes♡♡ Thanks to Master Schild loving my pussy, I now have enough to push on for
tomorrow’s battle♡♡♡♡”

“But you see…♡♡♡♡”

“We prefer to be fucked more in our pussies, so that we can have enough energy to win over
the Demon Race all the way…♡♡♡♡”

They are thick, fleshy beauties and such have surprising toughness.

Despite being vaginally ejaculated on more than once, they never ran out of stamina and even
crawled up to Schild on all fours as if the night had just begun.

Huge, thick, resilient, and beautiful.

And on such women who are used to battle, volatile sweat is also mixed with their natural
sweet scent, making the man before them crave for more.

“…I’m glad that I rejected Cymbium on the way here.”

If she, a mere princess, had participated in this carnal sex, she would have been crushed and
become out of play long ago.

Anyways, Schild continued to have sex with the girls with the same determination as if he were
going into battle.

Later though, a passerby around the room testified that he thought they were fighting because
the noise coming out of the room was too intense.
Chapter 21 – Crazy War God VS Three Female

The battle for the Demon Cradle Castle has begun.

With the expeditionary force led by Carney, Lesnussa, and Lagothe, the human side had
already arrived at the enemy headquarters and had started their attack.

The enemy put up heavy resistance, creating a state of intense melee.

In the midst of it all,


“What was that? Men are being blown sky-high one after the other!”

“And friend and foe alike? What the hell is that? What the hell is going on over there?”

Dozens of people were being thrown into the air at once, including soldier ants who were
supposed to be on the Demon Lord Army’s side.

It was an indiscriminate attack that made no distinction between friend and foe.

At the place that should be called the epicenter of the attack, a mutated warrior in full body
armor was standing.


It was the “Mad Demon Warrior” Berzeld.


The third of the four heavenly kings, the one who has been called the worst and the craziest of
all, has finally made their appearance.

They were wrapped in full-body protective plate armor, and not even a crack of bare skin could
be seen beneath them.

It looked as if their armor was attacking them from the inside, as their movements were that of
a crazy person trying to remove their bindings. But compared to a crazy person, this being was
a lot worse, as every tremble they made with their body was eerie, like it wasn’t for that armor,
that madness inside of it would have already spilled out and devoured the whole battlefield by

Although dressed in knightly armor, the being had no sword or spear in their hand. Seeing them
beating up anyone in company with their gauntlets, friend or foe alike, was a bizarre sight.

“That thing has finally shown up!?”

Shouted Carney, who was in command. She could clearly see the enemy’s viciousness from

“Our casualties?”

“The soldiers who were blown sky-high were still alive, but the rest are being beaten up from
one side to the other! What is odd is that they are beating up anyone they see, regardless of
whether they are friends or foes! This is no longer an act of sanity!”

The report was almost identical to what Carney had confirmed from afar.

“The enemy has no other unusual activity? If so, give me a situation report.”

“As you wish.”

The messenger bowed his head, then he continued.

“While the enemy defenders are all soldier ants previously created by Lady Ante, we haven’t
yet spotted any other beings of the Demon Race. Furthermore, the movements of the soldier
ants are chaotic and disorganized. I believe this is due to the lack of a chain of command since
Lady Ante has switched sides.”

Before, the movements of the soldier ants were orderly and efficient, giving Carney the
impression that they were bio-weapons designed to fight.

But now, it has changed.

That is because the “Ant Sovereign” Ante, the creator, and leader of these ants, who is also
acting as a commander that relays orders, have become the “Queen Ant” and is now on the
human side.

With no one else to command these ants on the battlefield, they are no longer different from

Even if you have the best of the best of the troops, with no capable commander on top, they
will be no different from a usual mishmash of soldiers.

“This is like sending the best of the best out to die.”

Carney felt pity for the ants who could not show their true value and were just getting killed,
but she also knew that it was improper to feel this way, as there should be no room for
sentimentality on the battlefield.
Or rather, being the commander of the enemy camp, she has to utilize this opening to her

“Tell Alfredo, the veteran subjugator, to take over the command! I’ll take care of Berzeld, the
“Mad Demon Warrior” myself!”

Carney then gallops her horse and heads for the center of the battlefield.

To the middle point of the war, where the battle was most heated and swirling.

And Carney was not the only one who took such action.

Two “meteors” also rushed into the whirlpool from other directions on the battlefield.

“Sir Lesnussa! Miss Lagothe!”

They were a female knight and a female warrior taking command in the other directions.

“We’ll go as planned! The three of us will hold off that formidable foe!”

“As expected, the opponent seems to be inflicted with the “Hex of the Gladiator”! Ordinary
weapons will get destroyed the moment they hit them!”

“But that’s why we’re here! If it is as predicted, that “hex” won’t work on us!”

Lagothe was the first to reach the target. She swung down her greatsword as if to make the
initial strike.

Berzeld reacted reflexively and raised their arm to defend.

The blade of the sword clashed violently with the armor of their hand, sending sparks flying.

“It’s hard! But it didn’t break my weapon! Argome’s theory is right!”

Lagothe barks as she takes her distance as if she has confirmed something on that single strike.

Yes. Oddly enough, compared to the weapons from the soldiers that clashed earlier, it was only
Lagothe’s that didn’t break, despite being of the same material.

Before this, or rather, before the farewell foursome with Schild, Argome has speculated
something about a “loophole” in the “Hex of the Gladiator”.

The “Hex of the Gladiator”, as they have known it, is a curse formulated ages ago and was
bestowed by reigning royal families to people as some sort of curse. It was one of the several
“hexes” lost in the generations.

This curse makes the possessor of it impervious to any blades, their bodies invincible from any
damages, but it does not work against a person who is considered royalty.

But where does one draw the line with royalty? At first, Schild and the others speculated that
“royalty” are those of royal blood. But upon checking the history, there are countless times that
the throne was usurped by people not of royal blood.

Meaning they are not royalty by birth.

Then comes the question.

[Which one does the “Hex of the Gladiator” consider as royalty?]

Of course, the royalty comprised the king, the princes, and the princesses.

What about the Queens? They are not of royal blood, but they are still considered royalty.

For they are the wife of the king.

And now such Queens are gathering around the Mad Demon Warrior.

“I knew it! The “Hex of the Gladiator” loses its effect even on the queen!”

“And that is even though we are still yet to hold a wedding ceremony! As long as it’s a woman
loved by the king, she is also considered as a part of the royalty, and the curse will lose its

“Thankfully, because all three of us have become the property of Schild, even more, that he has
fucked us all night until our pussies are filled to the brim of his cum, we are now able to face
the “Hex”! It is all according to plan!”

With this, a new trump card was established against the “Hex of the Gladiator” besides Schild.

“But still, Lady Carney! Miss Lagothe! Don’t let down your guard! Even if the curse is
ineffective on us, our opponent is still the “strongest singularity” of the Demon Race! We can’t
be too complacent!”

“I’m having a desire to compete with who is the true strongest in terms of single combat with
them, but right now…!!”

“We don’t have time to pursue personal interests on the battlefield! In order for us to return in
one piece and to make Lord Schild fuck our pussies again, we’ll have to make sure that all
three of us will defeat this Berzeld for good!”


But before they could act, the battlefield was filled with the echoes of a madman.

Berzeld, the “Mad Demon Warrior”, is a close-quarters fighter without a shred of bladed steel
in their belt.

Their only weapons are their hands, equipped with mighty gauntlets.

Their only means of attack is to rampage on the opponents head-on, a very simple action, but it
also made their impression of madness even more striking.

“This petty officer is coming in first!”

The first to take the brunt of such attacks was Knight Commander Lesnussa.

“Baaaaaaah! Baahh!!! Bubba! Ogeebaaaaaah!!!”

A hail of blows came to her from the mad warrior, but thanks to her shield, no effective blow
has passed through.

It also showed Lesnussa’s firmness, tempered by her legitimate training as a knight, and no
sign of breaking was spotted in her even under the direct contact of Berzeld’s onslaught.

She had also sunk onto her rear deeply before this, so no matter how heavy the barrage was, it
won’t have much of an effect as she had already secured every leverage that might collapse her

So, what would happen if you encountered an enemy with an almost immovable posture and
was able to keep tanking your blows?

You would charge up to them an even heavier blow.

However, that blow would also give you an opening.

“Now’s my chance!”

Right after that gap, Carney swung her sword at Berzeld’s temple.

The opponent was in full body armor. Because of this, the blow Carney inflicted wasn’t fatal,
but it was still powerful enough to shock the opponent and make their eyes roll back in their

That is, if the opponent is an ordinary soldier.

But the opponent this time is the strongest warrior of the Demon Race. As such, the blow only
inflicted minor injury.

However, for some reason, the mad warrior showed signs of being frightened for the first time.

“Now! Miss Lagothe!!”


Of the three, Lagothe is the only one who has dedicated herself to fighting monsters since she
first picked up a sword.

Carrying the huge sword she always uses to inflict fatal wounds against huge monsters, this
same sword was swung down by Lagothe at the “Mad Demon Warrior” with all her strength.
This fierce-looking sword became the deciding factor.

As for what came next, it was the spectacle of the full-faced helmet that covered the crazy
warrior’s head, leaving its owner and flying into the air.
Chapter 22 – Surprising Outcome of the Battle

The Demon Cradle Castle had fallen.

Schild received this news in the capital.

“What? We already won!?”

Naturally, he was surprised.

He had expected the siege of the castle to be difficult and protracted and that he would
eventually have to go to war, but contrary to his expectations, the camp he sent out had won
without even him stepping out of the castle.

“The enemy general Berzeld was defeated by the three commanders of our army, Lady Carney,
Knight Commander Lesnussa, and Miss Lagothe. After that, no enemy generals came on the
enemy side, and eventually, the whole army collapsed at once!”

The messenger who preceded to report the war situation enthusiastically gave Schild the details
that led to their victory.

“But even though we have made a lot of efforts to raid the castle, it was all wasted as its insides
were an empty shell. There were no signs of the [Evil Virgin] Zaria, who is regarded as the
commandant of the enemy army, so it was anticlimactic when we declared a complete control
of the enemy base.”

However, midway, the report suddenly took an unclear direction, making Schild couldn’t help
but feel a sense of discomfort.

The alleged enemy base fell too easily, and the enemy commander-in-chief was still at large.

To such sickening nature of the situation, it was no doubt that Schild was reluctant to announce
a complete victory.

“Argome, Ante.”

He suddenly called the two “Devas” that had surrendered to him.

Schild had been patting their butts with both hands for a while now.

“Is it really true that that Demon Cradle Castle is your primary stronghold? What I mean is, are
there more strongholds than this that you know?”
“There are none, Master Schild! And all the information I gave to Master is correct! I would
never lie to you, Master!”

“In the first place, Zaria would always return to the Demon Cradle Castle each time she
accomplishes her goal. There’s also the fact that she did a lot of research inside that castle,
including the “Hex of the Gladiator” curse. I don’t think she has any other base, at least from
what I know.”

Schild could feel their true intentions through his hands massaging their buttocks, so he was
able to decide that they weren’t lying to him.

Of course, it also has another purpose.

“But if she’s not there, then where did Zaria go?”

But he was received with no reply.

Feeling that further discussion of the missing person would be futile, Schild changed the

Primarily on the now-subdued [Mad Demon Warrior] Berzeld, who is also one of the enemy
leaders and the biggest obstacle in this battle.

No matter how mad they were, they should not remain completely unaware of what had
happened over there.

But when he asked the messenger about it,

“W-well, about that…”

Along with the main body of the returning expeditionary force, Berzeld, who had been taken
prisoner, was also brought along.

“Who is this cute lady?”

This was the first impression of Schild upon their arrival.

It was a pretty girl who did not fit in any of his imagination of the enemy, which was more of a
brave muscular man.

Carney and Lesnussa, who had brought her with them, also couldn’t help but smile wryly.

“But first, welcome back. As expected, the best way to bring the campaign to a close is by
being victorious in it.”

“It’s our greatest honor, Master Schild.”

“Thank you, Lord Schild.”

“By the way, who is this?”

Only giving light praise of the fact that they had won a huge war, Schild asked straight what he
was the most interested in currently.

It was a cute little lady.

Though “little” is an overstatement. She was more like a “petite” woman.

Though despite her age, she was acting like a child, clinging behind Carney as if a kid who was
confused with the unfamiliar environment.

With her bluish silver hair, it was obvious at first glance that she was not just a human being,
but her gestures and facial expressions were completely those of a young girl despite being of
marriageable age if she was a human.

“She is one of the Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army, the [Mad Demon Warrior]

“That girl!?”

“Yep, the one and only.”

That’s a lot different from the impression I’m getting, Schild thought.

“No way! This can’t be Berzeld!”

“Berzeld is much gloomier and snappier! They are a being who has a very strong “you should
never get close to them” aura! They are not the kind of princess that makes you want to protect

And it wasn’t only Schild. Even Ante and Argome, who were supposed to be her colleagues,
were perplexed.

“I heard that……the “Mad Demon Warrior” Berzeld has the appearance of a warrior covered
in full body armor?”

“Yes, she was. She was like that when we fought her.”

“Then about this girl?”

“She was the one in that armor.”


“That’s what I’m telling you. When we took off their armor, out of it came this petite girl.”

From there, Carney, who said she interviewed the person in question beforehand, began to
Berzeld, the “Mad Demon Warrior,” is an individual who, as far as they know, was created to
be the strongest singular fighting force in the New Demon Lord’s Army.

By condensing flesh and magical energy to the utmost limit, a super-dense body will be
generated, boosting the body’s inherent combat capabilities.

This was the concept behind the creation of Berzeld, the “Mad Demon Warrior”.

The physical body was so thoroughly condensed that they ended up being a bit more petite in
size. Still, it was apparently welcomed at first because of its advantage of being small enough
to maneuver around and easily avoid enemy attacks.

However, a problem was discovered after the person in question was completed.

Although she passed the physical test, a problem was discovered in her personality.

When Berzeld woke up, she was so timid that even jumping insects frightened her, and she
would run away.

She was too weak-willed to be utilized in battle.

The commander-in-chief, Zaria, at a loss for what to do with the strongest yet weakest member
of her force, came up with a plan.

Berzeld also had another character flaw.

She was severely claustrophobic.

It was speculated that this was due to the high-density condensation used to generate the
strongest “gift” for her, but Zaria decided that the cause was irrelevant and continued to create
a suit of armor for her.

A well-sealed plate armor covering their entire body.

What happens when you throw a claustrophobic person into such a thing?

“Well… that’s the gist of it…”

“Gist of what, exactly?”

Schild was still not convinced after Carney’s explanation.

“In other words, the reason why Berzeld was on a rampage like a maniac, regardless of friend
or foe…”

“Is because she was claustrophobic and trapped in full body armor and was just too tight and
scary for her!?”

As for the petite lady, she was still clinging to Carney from behind and would not let go, as if
she was still afraid of Schild.
Chapter 23 – An Effective Way to Cure Trauma

The full-body armor that Berzeld was wearing, or rather was confined in, was found to have
been specially made by the [Evil Virgin] Zaria.

It was deliberately made to be several times larger than her petite build so that Berzeld, who is
claustrophobic, would lose her mind from the phobia of being locked in.

As for how she was able to move properly – or rather – violently, even though the size did not
fit, Zaria made it so that it would be able to respond to the wearer’s innate mana and muscle
movements. With this, she was able to make her rampage without any problems.

Of course, for Berzeld, who feared enclosed spaces, this was nothing but torture for her mind.

Her bouncing around and rampaging was in order to break through her armor. Combined with
her fear of everything, she would punch and kick anyone approaching her by reflex, regardless
of whether they were friends or foes.

That was the truth behind the [Mad Demon Warrior].

“What a terrible thing to do. That [Evil Virgin]…”

Schild’s dismay deepened when he heard the attempts made by the [Evil Virgin] Zaria, who
was in overall command of the New Demon Lord’s Army.

“Even if it’s for the sake of gaining strength, to not even have a fragment of conscience in
doing something that will make their allies suffer without their consent is nothing but the height
of arrogance. That Zaria is like a kid of a noble who suddenly learned about the power of
authority and flaunted it by treating those lower than her like trash.”

“That’s not all, Schild. To tell you the truth, this girl’s claustrophobia is so serious that…”

According to Carney’s testimony, Berzeld was extremely reluctant to enter a place surrounded
by walls on all sides, even after being taken prisoner.

She could not enter an inn where she could stop to sleep, nor could she pitch a tent and sleep in

If they tried to make her enter, she would display her strongest military power befitting of a
Deva and collapse their houses until she is no longer surrounded by them.

“Thanks to that, we stayed in the open all the way back from the battlefield.”
“I’m so glad it didn’t rain on the way here!”

Lesnussa and Lagothe, who had returned with Carney, spoke next. They also looked a bit
tanned on their faces.

“You guys could have just slept at the inn.”

“I can’t leave such a vulnerable girl alone in the open!”

“That’s sweet of you.”

By the way, the venue for the audience to welcome the triumphant, victorious army was not
inside the castle. It was held in the courtyard outside the royal court.

It finally dawned on Schild why they were so persistent in doing it outside, which could be
easily affected by the weather.

“Anyways, the maltreatment of Zaria to this sweet girl has made her claustrophobia much
worse. So worse that I think it needs to be addressed immediately. She needs an immediate
cure, Lord Schild!”

Carney then started pleading.

“Please, Schild. I know that she’s an enemy, but with their very own ally treating her like this,
and for her to be left untreated, I don’t think I can bear it!”

“That is very kind of you, Carney.”

Taking good care of someone helpless, even though they are their former enemy, was really
like her.

To be honest, there should be no need to care so much about Berzeld. In fact, if he decided to
end her then and there, though it may be unpleasant for some, there would only be a minimal
complaint as she is still an enemy.

Was there something that triggered the motherhood of Carney after seeing Berzeld in such a

As for the person herself, now that she was freed from her full-body armor, she has turned into
a meek person who has no traces of wanting to agonize Schild and the others.

Executing such a girl in public is a no-go, just because she was captured. She cannot be treated
in the same manner as Argome and Ante either, as her claustrophobic tendencies would get in
the way.

“Okay, I’ll let you take care of her. But what exactly are you going to do about her sickness?
Does anyone even know how to cure claustrophobia?”

Schild looked around, but no one raised a hand, despite the fact that the audience of the
victorious army was more crowded than usual.

“I’ve been thinking about it, Lord Schild…”

Correction, there was one.

It was Carney.

She was a woman who was unlikely to come up with anything crazy. At least at this time

“While I was traveling with her, I’ve been working out a plan, you see! If we do this, Belle’s
claustrophobia will be cured in no time!”

“Belle? You mean Berzeld? Also, you know of such a method!? If so, why not just get on with
it instead of telling me all the way here!?”

After all, Carney brought Berzeld in from enemy territory and stayed with her the whole time.

“That can’t do, Lord Schild! Because the cooperation of Lord Schild is essential for this


“Yes, that’s why I brought Belle here!”

What is Carney trying to make him do?

It was sex, of course.

“To think I believed you for a moment there. I should have expected this from you.”

Schild said this as he took off his clothes and exposed his penis.

In front of him is Carney, who was already undressed and exposing her big and taut body, and
for some reason also, Berzeld, now showing her naked and petite body compared to the huge
Carney on the side.

“Are you really sure about this? Will she really be cured if we have sex?”

Schild asked again as he observed the slightly petite woman before her.

Slim-built and flat.

She had a short figure that barely even reached Schild’s chest and a bottom that didn’t have the
slightest trace of feminine fullness.

Though she was of the size that was already accepted for a “young woman” and not of a “little
girl” that would surely put him in jail, Schild was still skeptical as the person in question was
not in the right state of mind.

“Eh? It’s not getting hard?”

“You… Just what do you think I am?”

Schild may be a man who devours any woman he can get his hands on, but even though he is
such a man, he knows that there is an absolute line that must not be crossed.

In the first place, Schild’s nature is that of a warrior.

A warrior is meant to fight, and fighting is done either to take something or to protect it.

The thing to be protected can be property, family and friends, or for personal justice.

For such fighters, vulnerable-looking women are the easiest target to protect.

And to fuck them just for the sake of treatment is an abomination that affects Schild’s self-
esteem. A sort of taking advantage of their vulnerabilities for their own gain.

…even though the petite woman in front of him is in no way vulnerable because of her strong
body, and that doing it with her would even be more beneficial for her for it will cure her

“Please, Schild. I know what you’re thinking, but Belle didn’t choose to become like this.”

Carney asked as she gently hugged the scared Berzeld.

“She was plenty traumatized by the harsh treatment that was inflicted on her, and only you,
Schild, can make her do away with that! Only you and your pleasing sex can overcome her
fear! Please, Schild! Make her feel the best with your cock so she can forget her trauma and
cure her altogether!”

Carney’s words became a bit messed up in the end, But Schild had already grasped what she

As for why he was worried over this, Schild also possessed an even bigger build than usual.
Enough to even overpower the one with the biggest stature of them all, which is Lagothe.

After repeating in his head that “this sex is to help her overcome her trauma” and that “this sex
is to cure her”, Schild proceeded to join bodies with Berzeld.

First, he stared at the maiden’s body.

Her breasts are smooth and flat, yet they have nipples as large as soybeans, a characteristic that
she is no longer a kid and now a fully developed woman, despite having a petite build.

As for the rest, she looked no different from a male human, naturally, except for what was in
her genitalia.
And as he had expected, there was no pubic hair on her smooth crotch, and there was nothing
but a faint line between her legs.


Seeing this contrasting young yet mature lady, Schild finally got an erection…

“That’s my Lord Schild!”

…to which Carney exclaimed in delight.

Chapter 24 – Contrasting Feelings of Pleasure

“Now, for our beginning therapy, first, you must hug Belle!”


As pushed by Carney, Schild hugged Berzeld as he was told, where he felt through his skin the
frailness of the woman that could not be captured from her appearance alone.

“She’s so slim and fragile… It’s like she’s going to break from a mere touch…”

Though Schild was saying this, his penis only became more and more erect.

Meanwhile, Carney also embraced Berzeld from the opposite direction, making the petite lady
get sandwiched from both sides by the muscly and broad adult pair.

“Ahh… Mmh… “

A voice leaks out from the petite lady.

Schild heard Berzeld’s voice for the first time.

“Is this all right? Won’t this sandwiching induce even more of her claustrophobia?”

Schild became concerned as if he wanted to escape, but Carney stopped him and made him

“Indeed, physically, she is being squeezed tight. But this is a loving embrace, so it’s different.
Unlike her cold, suffocating armor, we are warmer to the touch and more refreshing. Besides,
won’t it be better for Belle to know firsthand that being loved and embraced is not a thing to be
afraid of?”

“I see.”

Though Schild said that, he wasn’t able to understand the logic.

The next thing will be Berzeld lying on the ground to penetrate her.

By the way, the place they were in was still the courtyard for the woman not to trigger her
phobia, but now the difference is that the audience was driven off.

They were doing it in a well-maintained patch of grass so that it won’t be hard on their backs
even if they lay and roll on the ground.
All of this was because Berzeld, or “Belle”, is afraid of the indoors.

“Mmh……!! Haaah……!!”

The petite woman’s mouth let out a cute girlish gasp as the angry tension of the warrior king
invaded her crotch-hole.

“Ugh. Careful, careful, careful… right.”

Schild was cautious in his movements not to injure the woman, carefully pushing his penis on
the miniature hole, only to be reminded at the last minute that the vagina he was penetrating
belonged to the toughest and strongest of the Demon Lord’s Army, even stronger than the three
female warriors combined.

It could be said that despite her size, this woman already has the most powerful cunt Schild has
been in.

“Ui……?! hii……!!?’

Berzeld screams in agony at the feeling of being pushed through her virgin vagina.

Was she having difficulties receiving a man with this physique?

If this continues, it may cause further trauma to her, which may get him blown away.

“Keep going, Lord Schild!”

While Schild was thinking this, Carney urged him to continue.

“She has always been afraid of being in an enclosed space. But now it is different, for it is now
she who is on the side of providing the enclosed space! See this, Belle? You are now enclosing
Schild’s cock in your own pussy!”


“Lord Schild! Now is the chance to push through! If we can make her get through this, we’ll be
able to make her overcome her fear!”

Schild still couldn’t grasp the idea of what Carney was saying, but now that he had inserted his
penis inside a vagina and hadn’t yet ejaculated, he no longer had a choice but to keep going.

From here, Schild commenced his usual back and forth motion inside Belle.

“Hiaahh…… Mmhh mmhiii…… Abbuuh……”

The voice coming out of the petite woman’s mouth also went louder and louder at the sensation
of being slammed into her cervix.

However, it was not Berzeld, but Schild, who was in distress.

“It’s really tight! It’s like I’m putting it in a place it shouldn’t be!!”

Whether it was because of Berzeld’s innate strength or Schild being too cautious, Schild could
not perform his deed well.

The pleasure was exhilarating, but at the same time, it was something that did not amuse him.

Even though he is exercising self-control in his brain, his penis was playing truant and greedily
seeking pleasure by itself, brazenly trying to move back and forth to the seemingly fragile
vagina that is also the toughest of all existences.

“Ihiieee… Hiii… Ohieee…♡♡ Ahieee…♡♡”

In the meantime, Berzeld’s cute voice began to take on a woman’s glamour.

Her frail hands and feet also intertwined around Schild’s body, full of wetness and warmth of a
mature female.


Surprisingly, that last sound did not come from Berzeld.

It came from Schild.

As for the reason, when she clamped on him and wrapped him on his back, Berzeld
unconsciously used all of her force, making Schild feel the full weight and power of the third

“So this is the strongest singularity of the Demon Race!”

The strongest arms of the Demon Race and their strongest vagina had almost crushed Schild’s
body, both his ribs and his penis.


If it wasn’t Schild and instead another human being who was doing the deed, they would have
been done for then and there.

But it was Schild. And the latter was his penis.

As if detecting its life was in danger, Schild’s body became more swollen and stiffer. The same
also went for his rod.

As for the woman,

“Ahhh, my crotch, my crotch is…♡♡ Something big is rubbing it…♡♡ And it feels good…♡♡
Especially deep inside my hole♡♡♡♡”

“That hole is called a “pussy”, Belle.”


Carney then started to teach the Demon about the organ that is most useful for Humans in

“Yes♡♡ A pussy is an amazing hole that can enclose a man’s cock and make him feel good♡♡
See? There’s nothing to be afraid of in being enclosed upon♡♡♡♡”

“I see♡♡ It’s good to be enclosed♡♡ I’ll do my best to enclose it more♡♡♡♡”


It was Schild who once again responded with a moan.

Or rather, he was the one who was feeling claustrophobic now, as he felt like his penis was
about to get crushed. But he also felt extremely good at this “crushing” that it almost felt like a

A curse he couldn’t remove.

Painful, yet much more pleasing.

Finally, while stroking her undeveloped chest and pinching her fully developed nipples, Schild
and Berzeld exchanged lips.

“Mmmhh sllurp♡♡♡♡ Sho good, do it again♡♡♡♡ Do that again to my pussy, that back and
forth thingy♡♡♡♡ Do it more♡♡♡♡”

As she said this, Berzeld again wrapped her arms and legs in a tight, almost crushing grip,
causing Schild to have no choice but to get closer and ram his cock deeper than ever.

They were so close together that Schild wasn’t sure if it was she or him that was having the
claustrophobia anymore.

Berzeld’s embrace was so tight on him that Schild already had an illusion that he had become
the penis itself, all enclosed inside Berzeld’s vagina that was crushing him tight, and that is
even though the other party and he had a great difference in their builds.

And yet, Berzeld successfully stimulated Schild. Because she is that strong.

But of course, Schild also didn’t let this go by. He retaliated by swelling his muscles more and
putting more force.

Both his body and his dick.

“Ahhh♡♡ My pussy, my pussy is being stretched open♡♡ It’s going to tear apart♡♡♡♡ But
I’m so happy♡♡ This feeling is making me so happy♡♡♡♡ Ahhh, I’m cumming♡♡ I’m

Oddly, even though she was not being taught by anyone, Berzeld screamed the word
“cumming” on her own.

A gush of semen was poured into her right after.

After having sex for the first time in her life and conducting various therapies and “therapies”
on her, Berzeld’s claustrophobia was finally cured.

She was able to spend time indoors with both Argome and Ante, her colleagues who were also
of the same race as her, and she was never again turned into a “Mad Demon Warrior” when the
armor was put on her.

Before they knew it, the Human side had already become advantageous in the war, with the
three out of the Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army completely surrendering in
Schild’s hands.

But it couldn’t be denied that one such problem still remained.

Enough for Schild to sit uncomfortably in his seat.

And that was the supreme commander of the New Demon Lord’s Army.

The first and last Deva, was yet to be captured.

“Just where did the “Evil Virgin” Zaria go?”

Chapter 25 – Contradiction of the Demon Cradle

After “Demon Cradle Castle” was successfully sieged, the soldiers were left to thoroughly
investigate the inside of the castle, but nothing good was found.

There were no clues about the new commander-in-chief of the Demon Army, the “Evil Virgin”

After a lapse of 20 years, a new conflict between the Human and the Demon Race rose again.
She is the main culprit and is supposed to be the commander-in-chief of the side of the
Demons, but even after her army’s stronghold has been destroyed, she has not appeared.

Her movements were beyond eerie and puzzling, and because of this, Schild could not let his
guard down even though he had the overwhelming advantage.

In fact, he was even irritated.

And so, while holding back this agitation, Schild continued interrogating the three of the four
Devas who have surrendered to him.

“Schild, carry me~.”

“Yes, yes.”

While picking up Berzeld, who has grown very fond of him, he greeted the other Devas.

“Argome, Ante, how are you guys doing? Are you comfortable here?”

“Yes. The food is good, the beds are soft and fluffy, and it’s much easier to live here than in the

Ante, the “Queen Ant”, was the first to respond. Unlike the hybrid physique when they first
met, her body is now that of a beautiful woman.

And because of that, she is now wearing clothes provided by the royal castle and looks no
different from an ordinary human, well, aside from her beauty.

“Master Schild. Here is a list of the nobles planning to manipulate the court after the war.
Please use it to help you strengthen your rule♡♡”

“Argome, when did you become so witty!?”

Argome said lovingly as she handed a piece of parchment to Schild. The list detailed the plan
concocted by another set of nobles wanting to puppet Schild. The list even included useful
clues to uncover them, highlighting the horror of “Hundred Eyes”.

“How could the Demon Race side have lost with all these people in tow-“ Schild made a
monologue, but he cut this short and went right into the point.

“About the “Evil Virgin” Zaria’s whereabouts, are there any new findings?”

“ “ “ ……” ” ”

But all the three went silent.

“We’re very sorry, Master Schild.”

Argome was the first to speak up.

“I have flown my “terminals” far and wide and investigated any spots that came into mind,
but… Zaria has completely covered her tracks. I can’t believe she has this much ability to block
tracking. I underestimated her.”

“Don’t worry much about it. It’s not like we are rushing things. But I’d like a word in advance
when you find something in your “terminal”.”

This was Schild’s response, who kept on believing in them

“Zaria is a very secretive person.”

Ante spoke next.

“She is usually away from us, working alone, and the only time we get to interact with her is
when she shows up once in a while to give us instructions. I heard that before this, she was
conducting infiltration of a human city and doing something in there, but as for the details, I
don’t know.”

“Human city?”

Then that must be the royal capital.

But for the general of the Demon Race to operate in the royal capital…?

“That’s mostly what I heard from Argome, by the way. What do you think? You should know a
little more about it, don’t you?”

“Indeed, due to the nature of my abilities, I have assisted Zaria in her secret maneuverings in
the royal capital, but…”

Argome’s face was downcast.

“Even with that, she wouldn’t reveal the core of her story to me, either. Zaria is very cautious. I
don’t think she has trusted anyone.”

Not even you guys, who are the same “Deva” as her?”

“That’s right. As the commander-in-chief of the demon army, Zaria is authorized to interfere
with my “Hundred Eyes” activities. Without her permission, no “terminal” of mine can come
close to her designated area. Thinking about that time, I shouldn’t have become so obedient.”

This was probably one of the reasons why even with Argome’s “Hundred Eyes,” she was
unable to provide any information about Zaria.

Schild could not understand what was going on in Zaria’s mind.

When accomplishing something big, human beings need the help of others, whether they like it
or not.

At that time, those who are to accomplish great things must trust others, even if they don’t want

Those who cannot do so will end up as small people who can only accomplish small things.

Schild asked himself if that was the reason why the New Demon Lord’s Army eventually saw

“Do you think…other people only exist for you to use them? What a petty reason…” Schild
muttered as he made a profound realization of the latter’s personality.

“By the way, Zaria is not only the commander of the Demon Race but also a magic researcher.
She has several laboratories in the castle and is devoted to her research.”

“Magic researcher? Her own research?”

“Have you forgotten? “Hex of the Gladiator” is one of the byproducts of Zaria’s research. It
was also a project she was sneaking behind our backs, though, so we could only express our
shock when she announced it to us.”

“The only time we were able to enter her laboratory was when it was raided. However, it was
empty, and we found no clues wherever we searched.”

With this, it was concluded that Zaria had indeed covered her tracks.

“Maybe Zaria and her ilk will never plan to surface again?”

To Berzeld’s naïve suggestion, Schild deepened his thoughts.

(Maybe Berzeld is right. Maybe she doesn’t plan to resurface anymore.)

Zaria had been deserted by three of her comrades and practically lost all her fighting strength in
that castle siege.
The fact that she was so spectacularly hiding can also be taken as a sign that she had given up
everything and fled when the war was going so badly against her.

“Putting that aside, Schild, more cake, please!”

“Yes, yes.”

That thinking was interrupted by the selfish desire of Berzeld, who is now eating like an
innocent child on the confectionaries presented before her.

“Did Zaria truly abandon her desire to defeat the Human race?”

If so, then so be it.

Schild doesn’t plan on hunting down those who flee to the ends of the earth all to eradicate

“I don’t know. It is up to the will of the Demon Lord to decide.”


Schild felt a great deal of discomfort at that statement.

Or, more specifically, a certain set of words contained in it.

The term “Demon Lord”.

“By the way, who is this Demon Lord? Isn’t Zaria the commander-in-chief of the demon army?
That also makes her the Demon Lord, right?”

“It is the Demon Lord who gave Zaria the overall command of the Demon Army. The Demon
Lord is the creator and ruler of all the Demon Race. He is our great father.”

“So they exist!? I thought it was some kind of deity you worship or something!”

Schild has once again made an uncomfortable realization about their enemy.

“So you’re saying that the Demon Lord is the real mastermind behind the war between Humans
and Demons, and not Zaria? And even if we defeat Zaria, there will be no fundamental solution
unless we can do something about him?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s no good! Then we have to do something about the Demon Lord too! Where is he?”

If the Demon Lord, or whoever he is, is the true king of the Demon Race, the battle will never
end if we do not strike him.

Even if we don’t know where Zaria is, if we can find out the whereabouts of this Demon Lord
or whatever they are, our next move will naturally be decided.
As Schild was thinking of this,

“ “ “I don’t know.” ” ”

All the three Devas responded in unison.

Chapter 26 – The Truth Behind the Demon Race


Not only Argome but even Ante and Berzeld spoke in unison.

“Indeed, it is what you have said, Master Schild. The Demon Lord is more of a “deity” to us.
Only Zaria knows where the Demon Lord is. And she told us beforehand not to make a fuss
about their whereabouts, the being who is sacred to us Demon race people. But all I am certain
of is that they do exist.”

“After all, it was he who has given Zaria full authority over the war with the humans and has
instructed us to follow her, so no matter how bad that bitch’s leadership is, we had no choice
but to obey her, for it was their orders.”

“The Demon Lord is the one who has created us. He is a really great person!”

Without any warning, the story totally went in a different direction.

The New Demon Lord’s Army has a real big boss, the Demon Lord, that is even higher than
Zaria, but for some reason, they have left all the authority in the hands of Zaria and have done
nothing themselves.

Because of that, their whereabouts are unknown. In the first place, if not for the Devas
mentioning it, Schild wouldn’t even know such a being still existed.

“But what is a Demon Race, anyway?”

Schild was once again put in deep thought.

The Demon Race is an army that they, the humans, must lead their army to fight.

Schild had simply thought of them as a higher form of monster, but when he actually interacted
with them, he realized that it was more than that.

“Their cunts were no different from a human!”

Argome’s vagina, Ante’s vagina, and Berzelda’s vagina were all superb! And what’s more,
they are…

Schild put these true thoughts aside…then,

“What is it like to live among the Demon Race?”

“Come again?”

“I’m talking about everyday life. Even you Demons are living creatures, so you guys have to
have a normal life, don’t you?”

If they proclaim themselves as a race, they need to have a certain number of individuals, and
those individuals must gather together to form a community.

If they are as intelligent as humans, their community should become a society, then a
settlement, then eventually, a country, with their own customs, traditions, laws, and way of

“Maybe that’s where the Demon King is? Somewhere out there is some kind of Demon Race
country, and the Demon Lord rules there?”

It was very fitting to think that way. However,

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken, Master Schild.”


It was Argome who quickly denied these thoughts of Schild.

Then, she dropped an even bigger bombshell that was enough to shock him further.

“After all, there are no longer any Demon Race left but us Four Devas.”

“W-what did you just say?”

With this, the talks became even more complicated.

“The “Demon Race”, us, was created by the Demon Lord for one sole purpose: to fight against
Humans, and for the time being, they placed Zaria as our temporary leader.”

“When I was created, though, Zaria altered our constitution in a way that we couldn’t harm her
physically. That bitch! She knew I would get her one day that she decided to do that!”

“You were altered? I didn’t know that! Then, me being unable to get close to Zaria’s lab as per
her order is also because she has also altered my mind and body?”

“That is just my conjecture, as the person herself hasn’t said anything. That said, I wouldn’t be
surprised if she really did that to you. As for me, I have already tested it myself, and sadly, I
couldn’t even bear myself to punch that woman. No matter how angry I became.”

“Zaria is a bad woman. That is all I know.”

Ante was the one who spoke next, confessing something so shocking it left Argome speechless.
The last one, Berzeld, spoke with a bit of remorse.

But the more Schild asked, the more he couldn’t understand.

The Demon Race wasn’t a civilization, nor it was as close to monsters or humans as he had

“All in all, the Four Devas at the top are to lead the monsters as soldiers to invade the Human
lands. That is the new Demon Lord’s Army. “Eradicate the human race, then replace them as
the new superior race.” That is the mission ordered to us. The rest is “Follow Zaria’s orders”,
as what you have already known.”

“These were ingrained in our minds from the moment we are born.”

It was Argome, then Ante, who spoke.

“But now, I no longer care about those orders anymore! After having sex with Master Schild,
for some reason, all my desires to follow those orders have been blown away!”

“I think it’s true that it would be too much trouble for us to eradicate all the humans now that I
think about it. Why were we trying to do that in the first place?”

“I love Schild. I don’t want to fight anymore.”

For Schild, it was good that the girls were no longer hostile, but the eeriness of the situation
only became even more apparent.

What in the world is a Demon? And just who is this Demon Lord?

Schild’s feelings were akin to a person about to complete a difficult puzzle, only to realize in
the end that he was missing the final piece, and that he had no idea where to start searching for

There’s also one more thing that Schild needed to ask to the women who used to belong to the
Demon Race camp.

Schild, however, left the room without asking it.

In a sense, it was something he needed to hear more than the whereabouts of Zaria or the
identity of the Demon Race.

The whereabouts of King Preslate, who was abducted by the Demons.

Even after the fall of the Demon Cradle Castle, the stronghold of the Demon Race, there was
no sign of the king staying there.

Where in the world had the king disappeared to?

In the end, Schild left their room without asking the most important question.

Was this conscious or unconscious on Schild’s part?

Even that was not clear.

While the search for Zaria, the “Evil Virgin,” continued, Schild was offered something.

A gift.

Moreover, the “item” was a woman.

Schild’s love of women was already well known throughout the country, so it was no longer
unusual that there would be those who would try to curry favor with him by offering him a
suitable beautiful woman.

But this time, he was wary.

For the name of the person who offered Schild the beautiful woman, this time, was

He was the current head of the Oscar House, brother of Queen Olivia and the uncle of Serenea.
And also the one known for their incompetence and mediocrity in leading the biggest faction of
the three great noble houses right now.
Chapter 27 – The Offering of the Present Oscar Head

When Schild received the news that the current head of the Oscars, not the retired Elovairo, but
his son, offered up a woman, he became on full alert.

“Why him? What is he planning?”

As he had known, the current head of the Oscars wasn’t totally like Elovairo, who is still
capable and meticulous even though he has long retired. He is weak and incompetent, and it is
widely believed that the Oscar House would fall in his reign.

The whole case of Marquis Sambani rebelling was also because of him being unable to put him
in check. He was so incompetent that he couldn’t even see the signs that the lords he allied with
were plotting against him.

Schild himself heard a glimpse of his voice during sex with the Second Queen Olivia. Still,
even the tone of his voice and the content of his speech alone was enough for him to
immediately distinguish how small this person was, and it was clear that he would never be
able to lead a large force alone.

And such a man, right now, dared to say he would offer a woman to Schild.

“Why now?”

Is he trying to flatter Schild?

According to a secret conversation that Schild had overheard, the current head of Oscars was
unhappy with Schild’s existence appearing in the capital.

The Oscar House had a clear vision that the second princess, Serenea, the daughter of the sister
of the current head of the family, must succeed to the throne, but now, due to a change of plans,
it has been given to Schild instead.

The retired patriarch and the second queen, who had the ability to make snap decisions in the
House, saw through Schild’s brilliance and immediately transferred their bets to him. Still, the
current head of the family remained indecisive and hesitant about what to do.

Now, there he was, suddenly revealing his flattering attitude toward Schild.

Does this mean that he has finally made up his mind?

Or was it something else?

In any case, Schild decided to look at the offering first, then he would decide from there.

Despite the giver being totally unworthy, the “gift” they offered was the reverse. If it was a
thing, it would be akin to a superb and bewitching sceptre that was truly worthy of a tribute to a

“It is a great pleasure for this humble one to see Your Highness, the Prince, in person.”

The “offering” began with a polite greeting.

If ten men saw her, nine or ten would sigh in admiration at her gesture alone.

Such is the polished charm of this lady, who is now in front of Schild.

“What is your name?”

Schild asked shortly.

“My name is Maria.”

Which was also returned with a brief reply.

“I’m sorry you had to go to all this trouble, but I generally turn down offers of this kind.”

“Offers of this kind?”

“The kind of which that offers a woman as a gift.”

Schild then began his talks.

“Surprising, isn’t it? The recently crowned crown prince, Schild, is a licentious man. He is a
bastard child of lowly upbringing, so as long as he is given a woman, he will be oh so delighted
that he will no longer pay attention to anything else. He’s a very convenient puppet to
manipulate and control… you know the gist, right?”

“And? are you not pleased with it? Or are you just putting on airs right now because of your
position? You might get branded as a pretentious man, you know?”

“I don’t care what the nobles think of me. And even if they did dare show it, sooner or later,
they will have to face the truth. This truth.”

Schild tapped his trusted sword to the side.

It was the same sword he used to cleave Marquis Sambani and his associates, the “Aristocratic
Federation”, whom tried to confront him just some time ago.

“As you have already known, I am not lacking in women. I never have. So if you expect me to
jump for joy upon receiving you from that trash, then it’s a pity because you won’t see any of
that. Ever. There is also the fact that it would be troublesome if someone forced me to accept
something I could win on my own, only for that same someone to make me feel like I owed
them something later on.”

“In other words, it will be worth more if you take something with your own hands than to have
it given to you? If this one is what Your Highness believes, then I won’t stop you. But this one
thinks otherwise.”

The sound of shuffling and rustling of clothes was heard after that.

This was because the lady, who identified herself as Maria, began to undress in front of Schild.

Her dress fell to the floor, revealing her lacy violet underwear.

“What do you think? I am different from other women. I am first-class in terms of beauty,
intelligence, and charm. And now, all of this will be yours to embrace.”

“You came to be embraced? So you’re saying that you don’t care about the intentions of the
current head of the Oscars, who offered you to me as a gift?

“It’s not like I am naïve to his intentions. Or should I say that he, too, was being used by me? I
used him so that he would carry me to His Highness the Prince personally.”

“I see. I wouldn’t have believed that you have used the head of the biggest noble faction here as
a stepping stone, but after seeing that man personally, I get strangely convinced that you could
certainly pull it out.”

(But still, isn’t she quite arrogant? I would have immediately lost interest in fucking her if it
were the usual. Nevertheless, I could also see a great level of ambition in her eyes. It told me
that if I left her to her devices, I would be in big trouble later on. I must not let her get away, at
least not yet.)

“My body, which I will give you, is worth more than any other woman you can win over. Now,
what will you do? Are you brave enough to approach my pussy and not run away from it?”

“Oh? So you’re challenging me?”

“Of course. You can’t fuck me without getting closer, can you?”

To the woman’s provocation, Schild rushed and dragged her over in his arms, where
immediately after, he sealed her lips with his own.

His hands also simultaneously squeezed the woman’s buttocks.

Then, to her underwear that was in the way, he tore it off with such force that her bra and
panties ended up in shreds before falling on the floor.

“Mmph, chuup. Fufufu, quite rough, aren’t we?”

The ambitious lady spoke to Schild. She was now completely naked, and all that was left in her
was her marble sculpture body that was so sexy as if it only pursued to embody beauty over
everything else.

Breasts of the most ideal size and roundness.

Skin with not a single blemish nor mole, and fingernails with not a single distorted shape, and
even radiated the luster of a cherry shell.

This woman with such a body, too, hugged Schild back with her slender arms.

However, rather than romantic, the gesture strangely resembled the forelimbs of a spider
catching its prey.
Chapter 28 – Buried Poison

“Fuu…♡♡ Ahaa…♡♡ So good…♡♡ My pussy feels so good♡♡”

Like the usual, Schild ended up embracing the woman on the bed, where he immediately
plunged his thick, strong dick deep into her hole and moved it back and forth at will.

“Yes, yesss♡♡ So this is what sex feels like♡♡ I never thought doing it would feel this

Surprisingly, this was the first time for the ephemeral lady who called herself Maria. Schild
discovered this when her vagina bled when she started “accommodating” his penis.

However, her attitude and gestures had no traces of virginity after that, enough for Schild to be
mind-blown of this woman. She became nimble and mature, like a slutty bitch who has already
sucked dozens of penises.

“Yes, my Prince♡♡ Harder♡♡ Please rampage in my pussy♡♡ Screw my pussy hard until you
rip it apart♡♡♡♡”

The two are currently connected in a missionary position, with Schild’s arms and legs
embracing the other tightly and causing a great deal of skin to come in contact with the two.

The lady’s arms and legs are intertwined with Schild as well, and it was tight as if she had no
intentions of letting go.

“Yes, yesss♡♡ My pussy feels so good♡♡♡♡ My walls are spreading from side to side as your
huge cock thrusts in and out of me♡♡♡♡ I’ve never felt such a sensation in my life♡♡ It’s like
someone else is trampling on my place that I don’t know I have♡♡♡♡”

Splack splack splack splack splack.

Flesh and flesh collided, creating loud watery sounds as if the woman’s soft flesh and the
man’s hardness had become a single lustrous instrument.

“My pussy is, my pussy iiss♡♡ it’s getting so numb even though it’s going to get split
open♡♡♡♡ And whenever it gets struck, it’s like I’m being hit by lightning inside my


Without stopping the thrusting and pulling movements of his penis, Schild spoke again.
“What do you want, coming here to have sex with me? The Queen’s position?”

“Ahaaa♡♡ Don’t, my prince♡♡ If you suddenly talk nonsense in the middle of our sex, my
pussy temperature will drop♡♡♡♡”

Though Maria was saying that, the frictional stimulation of her vaginal flesh became even more
intense from there.

“Well, getting to know your partner well is the foundation of good sex.”

“Then I will answer your question…♡♡ What I really want is the prince’s cum♡♡ And that
cum to get inside of my slutty pussy♡♡♡♡”

“You want to skip over being the king’s wife and go straight to become a royal mother?”

“Yes! Wouldn’t that be something?”

Schild thought that was also an enormous ambition.

But even with the display of such worldly ambition, Schild’s penis did not deflate. Or rather, it
became more erect instead.

In Schild’s eyes, a woman burning with ambition is also attractive.

And all the more reason for him to want to have sex with them.

“Ooohiiiieeen♡♡♡♡ Just now, the hardness of your cock got stronger♡♡♡♡ Ahhh, so good♡♡
At this rate, it’s going to penetrate the back of my womb♡♡ It’s going to pierce right through

The lady’s ass wiggled bewitchingly.

Her limbs wrapping around Schild also grew in strength, and it was clear that she was
determined not to let go at the decisive moment that was soon to come.

“I’m cummiiingg♡♡♡♡ I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cumming♡♡ My pussy is cumming
harrrd♡♡♡♡ It’s cumming hard as my prince’s semen is about to get poured in meee♡♡♡♡”

Rumble rumble rumble rumble.

Blort blort blort blort blort.

As she had predicted, an extra thick vaginal ejaculation did occur in her pussy.

It was a raging torrent of semen almost comparable to water flowing out of the cracked jar, an
intensity that was also received directly into her uterus through the woman’s vagina.

With this, the woman was now ensured to hold in her womb the essence she required to create
a new life, as long as they get to mix it properly with her own.
Then, the penis was pulled out of Maria’s vagina, where from there, Schild’s white liquid
gushed out next, which was the best proof that she had been ejaculated inside.

“Fuhh♡♡ fuuh♡♡ Fufufufufufufu…♡♡♡♡”

All of a sudden, the woman laughed.

She laughed like something was funny as she lay naked on the bed with her legs open.

It was very out of place.

“Thank you, my prince♡♡ With this, my womb is now full of your semen…♡♡”

She expressed a smile. However, that smile held a devilish magnificence, which Schild sharply

It was as if she was a villain in an opera that was about to say, “I finally have it.”

“Thank you, Prince Schild. With this, my business here is done. I will take my leave now.”

“Isn’t that too early? Why don’t you stay here for the night? And have sex with me five or six
more times while at…” “But first, let me reintroduce myself once again.”

Schild’s words were cut short by the woman. But when he was about to say something in
return, something spread from the woman’s back.

They were wings.

Not the feathered kind seen in birds, but a skin membrane like that of a bat.

The woman’s skin color also changed from marble-white to that of a bronze tone, and the color
of her eyes began to glow with blood.

She has transformed into something very different from a human being.

“My true name is Zaria. Zaria the “Evil Virgin”.”

The beautiful bronze maiden then spread her bat-like wings.

“I’m sure you have heard me from the traitorous Argome. Zaria, the one and only commander-
in-chief of the New Demon Lord’s Army. And the one who was given full authority by my
father, the Demon Lord, to annihilate you humans.”

“Is Maria a false name?”

Oddly, the name Maria whom she used to introduce herself was the first thing that worried

“Did it disappoint you? If so, I’m very sorry, my prince, for letting you down in your
expectations. But it’s true that I really needed it. Your semen that is now in my belly.”
Saying this, Zaria pats her own belly lovingly.

That same belly, which now contained Schild’s fresh seed.

“Anyway, Prince Schild, your appearance was completely unforeseen. Because of you, almost
all the Devas were defeated, and our New Demon Lord’s Army’s plan to exterminate the
Human Race was forced to fail.”

Before he knew it, Schild was pushed down by Zaria, and their position was reversed, from him
being on top to her being on top instead.

“To compensate for that failure, the Demon Lord has given me another plan. If your presence is
not calculated, then we’ll just have to consider your existence and take advantage of that

“What are you talking about? And why are you telling me this?”

“I’m telling you this because it is the end. Besides leading all the Demon Race and monsters to
destroy Humans, I have another important task. Do you know what it is?”

Zaria gloated in a boasting tone as if she had won. Then, as if finding Schild’s reaction below
amusing, she continued.

“That other important task is to give birth to a new Demon King! A king that will rule a Demon
Country! It is because once the Demons’ age arrives after the human race’s destruction, a new
generation shall be needed that will lead this world into a new age. That is why I am called the
“Evil Virgin”! Once my virginity is taken, it will become the symbol of your race’s ultimate

“Is that so?”

“Do you have any idea how much research I have done in order to create the most powerful
Demon Race? But it all came to naught, as did the plan to exterminate the Human Race with
Argome and the others. All because of you.”

“But now, using your seed, which contained your super powerful bloodline, the creation of the
ultimate and most powerful Demon Race will now be possible! And I have succeeded in this
plan’s first step, for your semen, which will give birth to a new Demon King, is now trapped in
my womb!”

Zaria exhilaratingly spoke as she gently stroked her belly again.

“The moment this child crawls out of my pussy, the plan to exterminate the human race will
start again! At that time, we will be invincible and strong with the new demon king, for he
would then possess your blood! As well as my own! For I, the “Evil Virgin”, will nurture them
fully with my womb dedicated for this moment!”

By crossing the strongest of the Humans and the most supreme of the Demons, a perfect
Demon King will be born.
This was Zaria’s plan. To rear an offspring that would eventually fight Schild.

“Prince Schild. Enjoy your fleeting peace while it lasts! For your days are numbered, and it will
end once your very own son comes to destroy your kingdom! This is the ultimate revenge for
all that your race have done to us!”
Chapter 29 – Unexpected Comeback

“It was a nice speech you got there. However…”

“Ahuuuh♡♡ Ohohohohn♡♡ Nhoooohhhmm~~~♡♡♡♡”

Indeed, despite the grand speech she gave earlier, Zaria ended up being fucked by Schild once
more, her ass held in an eagle grip with both hands and her pussy roughly thrust into by his

“Ahieeeee♡♡ Whyyyy♡♡ You already came once, so you should be weakened already♡♡♡♡”

Zaria, the [Evil Virgin], was planning to create a new, strongest generation of Demon Race
from Schild’s bloodline.

As a preliminary step, she dared to be embraced by Schild, and her mission was already
completed when she made Schild ejaculate his semen in her womb. But when she was about to
escape utilizing Schild’s post-nut clarity as an opening, Schild continued to embrace her,
contrary to her expectations where she was expecting him to be wilted and languid instead.

“Ahieee♡♡ Ahiahieee♡♡ It’s pouring into my pussy♡♡ More cum is being poured into my
pussyyy♡♡♡♡ Ohieeeeeeeeeee♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡”

“If you think you can have a baby after just one try, you’re too naïve. Babymaking isn’t that
easy. If you really want to become pregnant, then you’ll have to make me cum inside you at
least ten times tonight alone.”

“T-ten times!? Nooo, it’s impossible♡♡♡♡ Ooh ooh oohhhhoh ohhhh♡♡♡♡ I’m going to die
from pussy rupture if I get ejaculated in my pussy with your huge cock ten more times♡♡♡♡”

Zaria probably intended to leave with a sense of triumph after seducing her opponent and
making them cum inside her once.

But just as when she was about to fly away, Schild hugged her, pushed her down, and inserted
his penis back into her again, and here we are, with her butt meats reverberating with her
partner’s violent extracting movements.

“You♡♡ Youu♡♡ Didn’t you hear what I just said♡♡♡♡ I was having sex with you to create
your worst enemy♡♡♡♡”

“So what?”

“So what♡♡ You know that, and you still want to have sex with me♡♡ Are you stupiid♡♡
Ahhnnn♡♡ Don’t poke me in there♡♡♡♡”

Blort. Splort splort splort splort.

More sperm was poured into Zaria’s womb.

Sperm that will eventually become his enemy.

“Fathers, sons, and brothers all become enemies in the end if you are royalty. I can’t be
bothered with just one being added to the list.”


Many times, Schild always came inside Zaria. But he still banged the woman’s ass nonetheless,
as if the numbers didn’t matter to him.

It was as if her ass became a percussion instrument, a very lewd one, the instant she stepped on
the bed.

“It’s gonna overflow♡♡♡♡ There is so much semen that it cannot fit in anymore, and it’s
gonna flow out of my pussy♡♡♡♡ I can’t take it anymore♡♡♡♡ My pussy, my pussy is going
to explode it out♡♡♡♡”

“Do you really think you can give birth to a child who will destroy humanity with such pathetic
guts? Be more determined. Show me that you deserve the right to be the Demon King’s

“Ohhieeeeeeeeee♡♡ Ohieeeohieeee♡♡ My pussy is getting fucked hard♡♡ It’s getting fucked

so hard that I’m going to dieeee♡♡♡♡”

Zaria’s rich breasts shook and swayed so hard on the momentum that they seemed like they’ll
gonna tear and fly out.

Bodily fluids leaked from various holes all over the face, flying in droplets along with the

All her five senses were pushed beyond their limits, and it was not long when the [Evil Virgin]
Zaria was at the mercy of the pleasures she was feeling.

Her body has lost its freedom, only functioning as a toy to be fucked and played with by

“Ofuuuuhhh♡♡ Ohooo♡♡ Ohohohooooohh♡♡ Hiiee♡♡ Hieeee♡♡♡♡”

“I’ll feel lonely if all you do is make strange moans. Go on, try to say something sexy.”

From here, Schild’s movements stopped. As if to show he intends to listen to his partner’s

“Oohhh♡♡ Please, harder♡♡ I want your baby♡♡♡♡ I want to have your cute and innocent
baby, so please, give me more of your semen inside mee♡♡♡♡♡♡”

“Your end goal is evil, but if you put it that way, it sounds like we’re making a lovemaking

“Yes, yesss♡♡ Make me pregnant with your child♡♡ Make your loving semen combine with
my egg so that we can produce the strongest and most adorable baby everrr♡♡♡♡”

“Well said.”

Splurt, splurt, splurt, splurt, splurt.

Another batch of semen pooled inside Zaria, flooding her uterus and expelling the old batch of
semen that was already inside.

“And while we’re at it, let’s have a kiss.”

“Fuuhh…♡♡ Kiss? Why?”

“It’s because if we have sex while kissing, we will get more stimulation and produce better
quality cum. And better quality cum means stronger children.”

“Let’s do it♡♡ This kiss♡♡ And suck in some good quality semen so that my pussy can give
birth to a strong baby♡♡♡♡”

While still connected at the bottom, Schild and Zaria’s lips met, their tongues entwining for a
deep kiss.

“Ummmchuup♡♡ Curup, churuu♡♡♡♡ Mlem, mlemm…♡♡ Nchu~~rup♡♡♡♡”

They sucked each other’s mouths as hard as they could and mixed their saliva with the other
partner’s saliva, making them indistinguishable.

They also sent large amounts into each other’s mouths, forcing Zaria to drink Schild’s fluids
halfway. It was as if he wants to make her do the same on what he did with her lower mouth.

Then, with a puhahhhh, they pulled their lips apart.

“That’s enough♡♡ Stop it♡♡ At least let me rest♡♡ Let me rest my pussy♡♡ I’m gonna
die♡♡I’m gonna die if this continues♡♡♡♡”

“Stop being so pathetic. You’re not going to create a strong Demon King in your pussy with an
attitude like that.”


Then he thrusts the back of her vagina further, to which Zaria finally reaches her true physical
limit and lose consciousness from there.

“You’re a disgrace, Zaria.”

“-!? Who?”

When Zaria came to her senses, the first thing she noticed was that the number of people in the
royal bedchamber had increased.

Zaria, the “Evil Virgin”.

She has been successfully subdued by Schild.

But now, in addition to her, three more women joined the fray.

Though they aren’t “just women”, but also women of the Demon Race.

Just like her.

“Argome!? And Ante and Berzeld as well!?”

The Four Devas of the New Demon Lord’s Army.

The three are already prisoners, or rather volunteers staying in the royal castle under Schild’s
military command.

To her unexpected reunion with her colleagues, Zaria unconsciously moved away, only to
realize she couldn’t as she still had Schild’s penis firmly lodged inside her vagina.

“Why are you in this room, Argome the “Hundred Eye”? This shouldn’t be possible, for I have
the authority as your commander-in-chief to block your monitoring capabilities with my will!”

“And that is specifically the reason why I am here. Nothing can block my terminal except you.
So naturally, if the terminal suddenly stops working for some unknown reason, I can’t think of
anything else but your arrival.”

Because of this, Argome and the others immediately saw what was happening and rushed over.

“…So, what are you doing, Zaria? And swallowing our Master Schild’s cock inside your pussy,

“I came here in a hurry, thinking you were trying to assassinate Schild to make some kind of a

“Zaria, you pervert―.”

The girls immediately went into a relentless all-out dissing against the lust of the commander-
in-chief who once reigned over them.

“S-shut up, all of you! You guys have no idea how hard I have worked because of your

“You worked hard? In what? Being a meat toilet?”


Either way, the bickering of the four showed to Schild that even though they’re allies, that
doesn’t mean they are close to each other.

And that their hostility was already at the level where they would continue to argue endlessly
even if left on their own, or rather, even if a penis was lodged into each of their mouths, or at
least that is what it was to Schild.

Therefore, it was not later that Schild intervened before the situation turned unpleasant.

It was also to make it head in a different direction, a direction that he wanted.

“More importantly, now that you are all here,”

Schild restarted the conversation, where this time, he included the newcomers into the group.

“You, too, can take off your clothes and line up with your asses facing me.”
Chapter 30 – All Devas Finally Conquered

Four beautiful asses were lined up on the bed a while later.

They were the butts of the Four Devas who threatened the very existence of the kingdom.

First was Argome’s.


Schild screwed his penis inside her in a doggy-style position.

To that Argome, who was now the most orthodox beauty among the Four Devas, and has
delectably soft buttocks.

Every time he slammed his hips, a huge wave would run through her ass where it would distort
its shape like that of a water balloon.

“Look, Argome. Can you see it?”

Schild takes one of the eyeballs drifting around the Argome and directs it to look down at her
from his own line of sight.

The eyeball-shaped “terminal” transmits the images it projects to Argome across space.
Therefore, she should be able to see her rear view of herself being violated, which the
“terminal” is now facing towards.

“Ahieeeeeee♡♡ I see it♡♡ I can see it♡♡♡♡ I can clearly see my whole butt, which is getting
crushed and bouncing as Master Schild fucks meee♡♡♡♡”

“Don’t miss the moment where I come inside you.”

Splurt splurt splurt splurt splurt.

After ejaculating firmly into the back of Argome’s vagina, Schild went to devour the next one.

That is the buttocks of the beautiful woman who had hatched from the “Ant Sovereign”, which
was none other than Ante the “Ant Queen”.

“Kyuuuh…♡♡ You didn’t even hesitate to put it in♡♡♡♡ Not that I don’t want it,

The ant-being, who could not very well be seen as a sexual object in their first encounter, has
now become a fleshlight for Schild’s liking after a dramatic metamorphosis.

Her buttocks became large and tight, one with the texture reminding Schild of the firmly
attached buttocks of an insect.

The insect’s rump is a dangerous organ that produces stingers to stab and kill enemies and
threads to bind prey, but some species also produce sweet nectar to attract other beings in order
to produce a symbiotic relationship with them.

Ante’s ass, on which she claims to be the most superior of all beings, is a fascinating mixture of
both of them.

A dangerous yet attractive fragrance.

Seduced by this, Schild thrust his hips even more on her, in a way as deep as he could muster.

“Ahieeeen♡♡ Ahieeeeeee♡♡♡♡ Schild, be more merciful♡♡ You’re thrusting too hard♡♡♡♡

Care a little more about my ass and pussy♡♡♡♡”

Blurt, blurt, blurt, blurt.

As if those words she just said did something on him, Schild’s rectitude climaxed abruptly,
making all of his seed barge roughly into her womb. But instead of staying still and savoring it,
he immediately moved to the next buttocks.

Towards the petite lady ass of Berzeld, who is also the strongest being in the Demon Race.

Although he still couldn’t bring himself to drive into her recklessly even though he already
knew her petite yet tough body could take it, Schild still managed to please the lady and came
inside in a doggy-style position while gazing at her ass. The pleasure she provided in her pussy
was as great as the others, showing she was already mature inside despite the difference in size.


Splurt splurt splurt splurt splurt.

Again, similar to the last time, it was Schild who moaned at the muscular strength and power of
Berzeld, that was no doubt the strongest of the Demon Race, where concealed under those
buttocks was a petite yet strong pussy that was able to encase Schild’s penis in a tight grip.

“Schild’s penis…♡♡ It’s sho good…♡♡♡♡”

A moan had also come from the body of Berzeld, who was huggable considering Schild’s
broad size. To this, Schild pushed even deeper and wrapped his arms around her, finally
ejaculating heavily inside her as well.

“Fumuuiiiihhh♡♡♡♡ My pussy is being filled by your semen♡♡♡♡”

This makes three.

With this, the only thing left is the ass of the chief of these three asses. The “Evil Virgin”
Zaria’s ass.

“Me again? But you have already put it inside of me a lot of times…♡♡ Haven’t you fucked
me enough…♡♡♡♡”

But even with Zaria’s insisting, her vaginal meat was scraped again.

“Nguiiiiiihh♡♡♡♡ So good…♡♡♡♡”

Zaria’s hips are large and wonderfully perky, befitting her name of [Evil Virgin].

They were also bountiful enough to provide a cushion, so the new life that would be developed
would be ensured a safe growth as long as it is undisturbed.

“I can’t…♡♡ This child-giving cock of yours, I don’t care anymore♡♡ Just fuck me whenever
you want♡♡ Even after I give birth to the Demon King, it’s fine if you keep on fucking my

Screaming as she indulged in the pleasures of womanhood, Zaria’s huge, motherly buttocks
that are guaranteed to ensure safe delivery swayed heavily.

This was also while her hole that should pull out a baby in the future was happily being filled
by a man’s penis.

Without warnings, what should have been a conception of a woman named Maria suddenly
turned into a fivesome of Demon Race women who wished to become mothers, where all of
these four kept drowning themselves in pleasure that only a single man can give them.

“Ahieeeennn♡♡ My pussy feels so good♡♡ Master Schild’s penis is so good, that I feel like
my pussy is going to get destroyed from pleasure♡♡♡♡”

“It’s okay, don’t hold back♡♡ I have already surrendered to you, so it’s okay if you fuck me
hard♡♡♡♡ Treat my pussy as a meat burrow that you can use as much as you like,

“So good♡♡ So gooood♡♡♡♡ I love you, Schild♡♡♡♡ I love you so much♡♡♡♡”

“My womb♡♡ My womb is finally conquered♡♡♡♡ And by an enemy human’s cock and its
seed, no less♡♡♡♡ Ohieeeeeeee♡♡♡♡”

Four beautiful women stood side by side, providing each their unique comfort for Schild.

Moreover, these beauties are not just any beauties, but beauties of the terrible Demon Race that
aims for the extinction of humanity.

The four women who reign at the top of the Demon Race were fucked all at the same time.

From a different perspective, this can be seen as a thorough humiliation from the victor to the

A loser who is robbed of everything by the winner. Even the purity of their bodies.

As if to embody this circumstance, the four had their virginity taken from them, as well as their
vaginas were polluted with the white spunk of the enemy to the very depths of it.

But for some reason, there was no tragic atmosphere in each of these “losers”.

“Oooohh♡♡ Ooh♡♡ Oooohh♡♡ I knew it♡♡ Master Schild’s cock♡♡ It is the best when it
comes in and out of my pussy♡♡♡♡”

“I’m already a “Queen Ant”, so it’s okay for me to have babies♡♡ In fact, I want lots of it♡♡
So please have a lot of semen splashed inside my pussy, Schild♡♡♡♡”

“Auuhh♡♡ Aahuu♡♡♡♡ Whenever I get embraced by Schild, I become no longer afraid of

tight places anymore♡♡ That’s why I love you, Schild♡♡ So fill me up lots and lots♡♡♡♡”

“I amm, I amm♡♡ I am the commander-in-chief of the New Demon Lord’s Army♡♡♡♡ Who
is bound to destroy Humanity♡♡♡♡ And yet, I’m feeling so good from them♡♡♡♡ If this
continues, I won’t be able to live without them anymore♡♡♡♡♡♡”

With this, the battle between the New Demon Lord’s Army and the Human Race was finally
brought to a close.

Strangely, it was by sex, where all the primary commanders – the Four Devas – ended up
adorned in their asses the white of Schild’s semen.

However, a win is a win, no matter the method. And with this, the threat of the New Demon
Lord’s Army reforming to attack humans was no more.

All that is left is to deal with the last one.

The Demon Lord, who created the Four Devas.

Chapter 31 – Demon King

Currently, Schild is walking alone outside the royal capital.

He was in a remote wilderness where not a single person could be seen.

This is not a problem for him because he’s used to walking around in remote areas from his
experience as a Subjugator, but because of this act, the capital is currently in an uproar.

After all, the most suitable man to be the new ruler in terms of ability and virtue has gone
missing. Again.

Even so, Schild had to come alone, without his companions.

To this place.

The whereabouts of the Demon Lord.

It was the crucial information that Zaria, the “Evil Virgin” who had fallen at the end of their
sex, had told him.

For some unexplainable reason, Schild’s premonition told him that he has to go there alone.

The Demon Lord’s abode is said to be in an undeveloped wasteland far away from the royal
capital, across a mountain valley.

As he could not verify the exact location, Schild had to scour through the entire forest and the
bottom of the valley by himself.

From there, he finally found his destination.

It was a small mountain hut.

It was not luxurious, but it was well built, and looking from the outside, it was fit enough for a
single person to live in.

Schild found the front door and opened it without knocking.

The door was unlocked.

As soon as he entered the room, the smell of medicine immediately stumbled his nose.

It was a smell he had never smelled before, but it immediately reminded him of medicine

The inside was dimly lit.

Even though it was a small mountain lodge, its interior was divided into several partitions, and
the way it was structured was very solid.

Just as he was about to go through the rooms one by one, …… ‘it’ appeared.


One of the doors opened, and from there, it revealed a person.

It was a middle-aged man.

Although his age could be read from his appearance, he didn’t have the sagging skin and
obesity of that of the middle-aged people.

Rather, he looked young.

Even through his clothes, Schild could tell that his body is toned and that he is not just a

However, his expression is smiling and gentle, with a generosity that seemed to envelop the

He is a great man with strength, gentleness, and various virtues in his body.

Such a man and Schild are now facing each other.

“Here you are. Finally.”

The man spoke.

Then, he turned to face Schild.

“But I’m not impressed that you didn’t knock. It made me nervous because I thought you were
a thief. Well, even a thief wouldn’t come to this remote wilderness, would he?”

“I was never taught manners. After all, I had no parents to teach me.” Schild, too, says back as
if nothing was wrong.

“And, even if I’ve learned any manners, I believe it is unnecessary to show them here. After all,
this is the stronghold of a Demon Lord who wants to destroy the kingdom…… or should I say,
King Preslate?”


A silent pause.

“You’re the Demon Lord, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I am.”

For the first time, the man – the King Preslate I- smiled with a friendliness that you would not
expect from a king at first glance.

He greeted Schild like a kind father who has been deprived of ambitions, contented in only
spending his life with his loving family.

But it was not like that for Schild.

“You must be Schild. This is the first time we’ve met, even for looking.”

“I as well.”

“I told you earlier that I thought you were a thief. That was a lie. I could feel your ‘Majesty of
the Lion’ even from a hundred miles away……The truth is, I was thrilled to see you.”

The king’s smiling face was covered with a slight shade.

“I was really excited. My son is coming here for the first time. He’s grown up so well. I think
he might resent me. But he’s still coming here to see me.”

“It’s not worth bearing a grudge against you. At least, not anymore.”

Schild said sharply.

“There was a time when I resented you. That I want to hit the sword you entrusted to me in
your head. However, I have something more important than that now. I came here to get

“Fine. You’re my own child, yet I didn’t even buy you a single toy. I don’t intend to make up
for that, but I’ll answer whatever you want to know.”

“Then, firstly. About the war between humans and demons that Zaria and her people started.”

Despite meeting his long-awaited person, Schild was in no mood for a frivolous talk. He stated
his business right away.

“You’re the one who planned this, right?”


“So you were the mastermind?”

“And you lied about being sick. It was just a way to hide your plans.”

“I’ve been good at faking illness since I was a boy. Even the sharp-eyed Cymbium and Olivia
were no match for my act.”

“How long have you been planning this? Since when did it start?”

“Since when, you ask?”

“Yes. For starters, how long have you been organizing this New Demon Lord’s Army to fight
against the humans? And your purpose. What’s the point of doing all that?”

The true identity of the Demon Lord is Preslate I, the king of the humans.

He managed to manipulate Zaria and the others into attacking the humans. This act could only
be interpreted as the doings of someone insane, but it was also the harsh truth that must never
be shown to the public.

The disaster was averted because of the presence of a warrior hero named Schild. Otherwise,
the kingdom might have been destroyed by the hands of the New Demon Race then and there.

But the fact that the king wanted to destroy the kingdom he ruled with his own hands was
undeniably an incomprehensible act.

What kind of means he used to organize the demon army and how he manipulated it with his
own will was also incomprehensible.

This mass of incomprehension which is King Preslate and Demon Lord Preslate, is now
standing before Schild.

“Didn’t you……destroy the Demon Race in a battle twenty years ago?”

“Yes, that’s right. But the details recorded in the annals of history are……slightly different.”


“We……made a deal. Yes. Twenty years ago, I struck a deal with the Demon Lord who was
leading his Demon Army at that time. I’m just a fake Demon Lord, but he’s the real Demon
Lord. He was a true king of the Demons, the one who carried the fate of the Demon Race on
his shoulders. Yes, no longer a “lord” but a “king”.”

Twenty years ago, King Preslate clashed with the Demon Lord as commanders leading their
opposing armies in a battle to eradicate the demon army.

“I didn’t need to tell you about the result. It’s already etched in history, isn’t it?”

“……Yes. Your side won.”

“The odds were in our favor from the start. I was just finishing the strategies that the previous
kings had worked on.”
“Then, why-“

“But at the last minute, I made a proposal to the Demon Lord. ‘Give me something I want, and
we’ll stop the attack and allow the Demon Race to flee the country’, is what I said to him.”

“And what is that ‘something’?”

“The power of creating and manipulating monsters.”

Chapter 32 – The Power of Demons

One of the most remarkable advantages that demons have over humans.

That was the creation and control of monsters.

The monsters that Schild had fought as a Subjugator for many years were originally minions
that the Demon Race manipulated to fight against humans.

After the Demon Race was defeated, many of these monsters lost their masters. Because they
had no more such beings domesticating them, these creatures became feral and roamed freely
in the wilderness around the kingdom since then.

Monsters can only become a real threat when they are under the command of the Demon Race.

“But in these past battles, you were also involved with them, am I right? The new monster
soldiers Ante had made into their own fighting force, and the monster swarm we defeated in the
first monster swarm extermination battle.”

“Partly. Those assaults were only made possible because Zaria, Belzerd, Ante, and Argome are
not pure demons in the first place.”


King Preslate dropped a bombshell without batting an eye.

“Those four weren’t “Demons”, but “monsters” I personally created. The peak results of my
efforts of merging my own research together with the power of monster creation given to me
by the real Demon Lord. A monster that has the ability to evolve and adapt.”


“The original Demon Race is no different from humans, except that they can also control
monsters by their will. That kind was the “pure” Demon. They don’t have special abilities
unlike Zaria and the others, because ‘they’ were “monsters” from the very beginning. This also
explains why they have such unique traits. To put them simply, I “gave” them those traits.”

In this method, King Preslate was able to organize his fake demon army.

Secretly, without anyone knowing.

“What about of the real Demon Race?”

“Because I “missed” a good amount of them in that war, many of them fled successfully far
across the border. Who knows? Maybe they’re hard at work now building a new country in
their new lands.”

“I see.”

(This pretty much establishes that he was the mastermind behind all those attacks at the capital.
Still, it didn’t clear up his mysteriousness by a bit.)

“You didn’t mention why you did it, though. Your motive. Let’s hear about it, shall we?”

Why would the king take such an act of destroying his own country?

And why did he take such a roundabout way?

“You are a king, and with your power, it is not so difficult to destroy your country on your
own. And yet, you did not use that authority, which should have been the first thing you should
do, not even an accomplice or whatnot. Instead, you resorted to a way so roundabout it’s
ridiculous. What is the reason for that? Don’t tell me it’s only to avoid detection. Just what
exactly are you aiming for in the end?”

“You’re wrong about one thing. I’m not aiming to destroy my country; I just don’t mind about
it getting destroyed in the process of fulfilling my true desire.”

“Then, what is this true desire you’re speaking about?”

“Right. This is getting long. Before that, let me know about yourself first.”

In a way he didn’t expect, Schild was put on the receiving end of a question.

“Asking questions isn’t bad, but I want to know you better as well. I’m your father, yet I don’t
know anything about you. Care to help your old man understand his beloved son better, now
that he’s finally in his arms reach?”

“Beloved? Are you saying you loved me as a son?”

“As much as the love I gave to Cymbium and Serenea, even though they aren’t my true

“I want to ask about that as well, but fine.”

A dry smile spilled out of Schild’s mouth.

Suddenly, his urge of wanting to spit on his face wasn’t there anymore.

“The more we understand each other, the easier it will be for us to talk after all.”

“But why, though? What do you want me to say? About how much I hated you back then?”

“But I’m not deserving of your hate anymore, am I? Looking at you conversing with me, I can
see at least that you didn’t come here as a revenant. Then what is it?”

The father asked his son.

“Who do you think you are now, coming to see me this far?”

“What do you mean by who……”

“I meant that question literally. Who are you now? Think. Are you still the son whose only goal
is to see his father? Are you a warrior that came to finish off the Demon Lord for good? Are
you just a bystander who just to sate his curiosity? Or……are you none of the above?”


“……A future king, perhaps?”


“I see. So, a king it is then, huh. Well then. As a king in charge of a country, have you come to
identify me as the enemy of the state? Not out of vengeance, not out of love, not out of warrior
spirit, not out of curiosity, but by the sense of responsibility?”

“……the sense of responsibility?”

“The responsibility of a ruler, the duty to keep the nation running upright.”

King Preslate moved his gaze straight to Schild. A stare so great he couldn’t stare back or look

The only thing Schild could do was take a step back in a hapless manner.

“……I see. You’re still in limbo. That’s good. Confusion is the privilege of the youth.”


You’re still trying to figure out who you are. No, that’s not it. You’re still trying to decide who
you are.”

King Preslate walked into the corner of the hut.

At that end was a set of chairs and a table, which seemed to be a space for eating.

Empty plates, apparently from eating breakfast, were still there, unmoved.

“I grew up in a place where there are only men in the house. Pardon me for being messy. Also,
when I’m absorbed in something, I tend to neglect my chores.”

“…… What’s a king doing in such a small, dirty room anyway?”

A simple question popped out of Schild’s mouth.

“I’m sure there are more elegant ways to spend your time in hiding.”

“Research. I’m working on mastering the monster creation and controlling powers given to me
by the true Demon Lord, completely my own.”

Upon hearing this, Schild was also convinced.

(So that’s why there is a smell of medicine filling up these rooms.)

“The creation of Zaria and the others was one of my accomplishments, and the ‘Hex of the
Gladiator’ was also revived by me. Our royal family possessed many of the same magical
powers as the demons in the ancient times, you see. I just applied a bit of them here.”

“That’s easier to be said than done.”

“You’re right. And because of that, I’ve been doing this for a while now. Zaria may have some
similarities to me, but in the end, she’s just copying me, and I’m the original. At first, I came
here just to make some trial and errors, but as I gradually repeated it, I started enjoying myself
in this place. It turns out that I am a researcher at heart. I discovered that when I decided to start
living here. For the first time in my life, I felt……free.”

While they were talking, King Preslate cleared the table and made it look presentable.

“Come, sit. It’s going to be a long story from here. I can’t just let my son stand there all the


“You want to know, don’t you? What I’ve been doing since I left the kingdom. What is my
goal? What I’ve been ‘planning’ for the past twenty years since I chased away the real demon
army? No, that’s not it…….”

King Preslate changed his tone on the latter words.

“It is what I’ve been ‘doing’ in those twenty years since you were born. This is what you want
to find out the most, isn’t it?”

Not saying a word, Schild sat down on the chair he was prompted.

Across the table; and on the opposite side of his father.

“I’d like to make you some tea, but I don’t have anything fancy like that in the house. The only
thing I have is alcohol. I’ve even thrown in it a snake extract to help me sleep. Are you okay
with that? You don’t mind snakes, do you?”

“I’m not some kind of court lady to be irked with that. Also, how can I be a monster subjugator
if I’m afraid of snakes?”

“Oh, so you’re a Subjugator? I see. That’s a cool job. They’re also the most popular with

For the first time in his life, Schild had never been so thrown off his pace by a person he had
just met for the first time.

The person he knew best, and yet he also knows nothing about.

The person he had spent a large percentage of his life trying to reach out.

In order to understand that person, he had to continue this conversation for a while.

This is what’s in Schild’s heart right now.

Chapter 33 – Hard Times Create Strong Men

On his journey to search for the Demon Lord’s whereabouts, Schild unexpectedly met his
father for the first time.

From there, he discovered that the true identity of the Demon Lord was also him, King Preslate

But as if this revelation wasn’t shocking enough, it was also revealed to Schild that those who
led the attacks on the capital were his father’s creations, not the actual Demons of the past but
evolved monsters that were brought out by his power.

And right now, Schild is having a drink with such a man.


Soon as he sipped the alcohol his father poured, a piercing medicinal smell filled Schild’s

(He said that snakes were thoroughly soaked in it to get their extract, but there must have been
many other medicinal herbs in it as well.)

The alcohol content applied was high in order to bring out the extract of the snake, but because
of it, the taste became so pungent that an ordinary person would have spewed it out in his
mouth on his first sip.

However, Schild just rolled the liquor around on his tongue, examining the taste carefully
before swallowing it all.

“Oooh, looks like my son, too, is a good drinker.”

King Preslate spoke, impressed. Then, he poured another into the now-emptied cup of his son.

“You like drinking?”

“I like it, but I like some things better than others.”

“How about women?”

“That, too, but I also like fighting and mingling with different people. Maybe because of my
life until now, I’ve also taken a liking to traveling around and seeing new things. I’m always
fond of accumulating insights.”
The fact that he was so talkative was probably because he was trying to look good in his own

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Schild was surprised that he still had the desire to make
himself look as big as possible to his father, even though they had never met before.

“But you still like women best.”

“……why are you so persistent about that?”

“No, no, I didn’t mean that. Well, I don’t blame you. All the guys in the royal family are like
that. Even I couldn’t control my lower body until I took the throne, and because of that, I used
to go to the brothel almost every day……. That takes me back. Do you know the Delpoix
Brothel District? You’ve been there at least once, haven’t you?”


Though he was seen fathers saying such dirty jokes related to ”lower halfs”, Schild didn’t
expect it to be more embarrassing to be subjected to it personally.

(Why is he so insistent about these topics?)

“Well, my father…your grandfather was very promiscuous, too. The last King Protesto. He was
known to be the most debauched of all the kings.”


“To be precise, he was a king whose only distinguishing characteristic was his debauchery.”

Most of the past kings were lascivious and devoured many women, but they were also strong in
battle and vigorous in politics.

“You, my son, are also the same.”

“You’re making me sound like I’m a stereotype.”

“But unlike you, my father, King Protesto, was only interested in women. Most of the time,
kings only have affairs when they are still princes, and once they ascended the throne, they’ll
stop playing with women and only take care of their queens or concubines.”

From this, Schild was reminded of the testimonies of the Queens and the favorite prostitutes
that had copulated with this king in front of him.

“But my father, Protesto, did not care about anything but women even after he ascended the
throne. He never stopped going to brothels, even up to the point that he frequently had his way
with the maids who worked at the royal castle. He even had an affair with a nobleman’s wife at
one time, which almost became a political issue.”

“He’s an idiot.”
“That’s your grandfather.”

Because the topic suddenly shifted to strangers he didn’t know, Schild was even more puzzled
about what the king was trying to tell him.

“I was born to such a prodigal father. My mother was one of the women he devoured in his
debauchery. She was a lowborn and not even eligible to be his wife.”


“Just like you.”

From there, Schild began to understand.

The story the father is trying to tell his son from the very beginning.

It was…… the very moment when King Preslate was born in this world.

“I’ve had a low status ever since I can remember. I was a prince in name only. As there were
already a number of older brothers and sisters born from the bellies of queens and concubines
in the castle, they looked down on me. I’ve been branded a failure just because I was born from
a lowly mother’s belly.”


“But look at me now. I’m the king. Why do you think that is?”

What was the reason that a lowly and powerless end-ranking heir was able to beat out his many
competitors and grab his father’s throne in the end?


“Because they’re dead. All the heirs to the throne except me.”

“A power struggle?”

“Good answer. You have also experienced it, haven’t you?”

“I can’t help it. In the end, everyone wants me to be their king.”

“That’s because you’re strong. Strength is always the highest criterion for selecting rulers in
this country, after all. The weak fall under the thumb of the strong.”


“Back to the story. King Protesto, despite him laying his hands on many women and giving
birth to many princes and princesses, he failed to announce a strong successor before he died.”

They were all mediocre, with no clear advantages or disadvantages.

Such a group of mediocre people was the brothers and sisters of the now King Preslate.

“My father Protesto was really an ordinary man except for his libido. As I said before, he was
so preoccupied with sex that he gave no interest in politics, so his underlings went and did as
they pleased.”

“Isn’t that horrible? If I were him, I would try to at least maintain a good state of things even
after the generation changes. He should have announced at least one preferred successor that
will take over the throne.”

“Exactly. My son is really clever.”

From there, an ugly, dark struggle began in the royal castle.

Each nobleman, one after another, feted a royal family member who was related to them,
saying, “This one is worthy of being the next king,” while making all sorts of fuss.

Since there was no talent difference among the royals, the court battle became a quagmire.

“From there, it didn’t take long for someone to take the last resort.”

“Assassination, huh.”
Chapter 34 – Strong Men Create Good Times

“Yeah. Physical elimination of anyone in their way. It’s the easiest and most reliable way.
Once used, anyone who succeeds in it will become addicted to its simplicity.”

Death by poisoning, Disguised murder, False accusations and forced suicides.

One by one, the sons and daughters of King Protesto disappeared in various means.

“They’re really stupid. I guess they couldn’t imagine that though it’s very easy to erase
someone, that rule also applies to themselves.”

“So you’re the last one left, is that it? After all, you’re the one sitting in front of me here.”

“Another good answer. Isn’t it strange? I was born to a lowly mother and had no strength nor
influence, yet I survived to the end. For that, there are two reasons. You have any idea what
they are?”


“One of them was, of course, because I am weak. Because I was born to a mother of low status,
everyone was ignorant of my existence. What could a simple ‘heir’ with no political backing do
to them? They thought of me in that way.”

Because he was a low-value target, it safeguarded the young prince Preslate from his difficult

“The other reason is my grandfather. Which also makes him your great-grandfather.”

“My great-grandfather?”

“The late king…wait, what should I call him at this point……never mind. To sum it up, King
Waldborn was very fond of me as a child. To the point that he doted me so much.”

King Waldborn. Schild had heard of this name several times and that this predecessor was the
most powerful king in terms of military prowess.

Schild had thought he must have been a great warrior king in his time because even now, the
Oscar’s retired patriarch, the most fearsome man alive, still harbored fear towards this man.

“After handing the throne to Protesto, he became old and less impressive than he had been in
the past. Still, everyone was afraid of him.”
“Yeah, I have heard of him plenty.”

“But he was kind to me. After my mother ‘died early’, I was raised in my grandfather’s
retirement villa. From then on, my grandfather was always watching over me.”

“I see now. Because of that, the snobs who want to be next in line for the throne didn’t see any
merit in assassinating you. After all, the trade-off of gaining spite of the previous king who had
made a name for himself was just too much.”

“Exactly. There was also the fact that even though I was the favorite of the previous king, they
perceived it as an insufficient reason to put me on the throne. I was born from a lowly birth
after all.”


“I survived that shitty time because of my weakness and my grandpa’s love, while in the
background, more and more of my brothers and sisters were dying, one after the other.”

The biggest irony is that the root of all of these was the greed for power of the nobles backing
their prince and princesses, rather than the royal-born’s greed for glory.

A showdown of life and death where the gladiators are the royals, and the verdicts are the
nobles enjoying the show from the outside.

It was as Schild himself had experienced, where whenever there is a struggle for the succession
of a king, their patrons were usually the more eager ones than the successor themselves.

They want to put the royalty they carry on the throne and covet the power that comes with them
without taking any responsibility.

“The late King Protesto sowed not only the seed of his children but also the seeds of these
nobles’ desires, giving a chance not only to those who had long been at the top and knew how
to fight at court like the three great noble families, but also to those who were lowly and did not
know moderation, which naturally led to a muddy battle.”

The princes born to the three major noble families were the first to be poisoned, turning the
royal palace into a bloody battlefield. Moreover, this happened when King Protesto was still

But because he was a person who had nothing in his brain except sexual desires, even though
he was the king, he took no action. He just watched these private battles of such aristocrats
without a care in the world.

“There is no point in having a king without the power of authority.”

The next words of Preslate were accompanied by a heavy feeling.

“Because of that incompetent king, the royal power has weakened. The court has become a
plaything for noblemen with low bloodlines. And when the previous King Waldborn, the
symbol of the age of strong kings and my greatest protector, died of old age, its collapse was
set in stone.”

There was no longer anyone to stop the tyranny of the nobles.

“After a flurry of assassinations and false accusations, the few remaining heirs fled the country
in a hurry, saying that their lives were more important than the throne. Eventually, there was no
one left but myself.”

Leaving behind only one person who would later become the king.

“I no longer had any backing and no power to leave the country. The nobles had no choice but
to recognize me as the next king.”


“Fortunately, I was not that of a bad choice for the power-hungry nobles. In their eyes, the new
king has no backing, no power. This meant that there was still a chance for anyone to be feted,
and so their next step was to fight over the glory of ‘who would be the new king’s regent.’”

“What about King Protesto?”

“He died not long after. The theory of him being assassinated arrived into the ideas of many,
but after a lack of evidence and a lack of reason to kill such a useless king, it was decided that
its cause was simply illness, heart attack, or that he reached the end of his life expectancy. He
was even made fun of after his death despite being a king, saying that he must have ejaculated
his soul along with his semen for having too much sex.”

“What a sad end, even for a lustful good-for-nothing king.”

“Finally, I was inaugurated as the king. But all the nobles were interested in was “how can we
puppet this powerless king?”. Some even spoke that right in front of my face.”

“I was very mentally stressed at that time. You’ll never know when you might lose value and
get killed after all.”

The nobles already had no respect for royalty.

At the time, they were only keeping Preslate alive because he was still of use to them, and as
soon as it was no longer of use or he got in the way, he would have a poisoned soup on his
table the next morning.

“Of course, there were also times when I wanted to end my life then and there, but the corner of
my mind is still telling me to keep myself alive. After all, they also had several reasons for
wanting me to live.”

“Such as?”
“To bring a successor, for the most part. Because the only one remaining is me, and all others
were either dead or in hiding, the royal family’s survival would be jeopardized if I didn’t leave

Even though the nobles treated the royalty like garbage, they ironically didn’t forget that their
existence would not be possible without the royal family.

Because of that reason, Preslate knew he couldn’t just carelessly create an heir.

For the nobles, the moment a good successor was born, Preslate’s sole value would disappear.

“That’s why I stopped touching women after I became king. And since my life is what’s at
stake, it became surprisingly tolerable.”

“But you had Cymbium from Queen Petrome and Serenea from Queen Olivia. That too, what’s
with that thing you told Cymbium before you left her anyways?”

“Is it about that matter where I told Cymbium that she and Serenea aren’t my real daughters?”

“Yes. No matter how we searched the whole country, we couldn’t garner anything related to it.
We found slight discrepancies here and there, but there was no definite proof. Even the Queens
treated what you told Cymbium that time as delusional mutterings of a sick person.”


“Tell me. Are Cymbium and Serenea really my blood-related sisters? And if we did, how did
the “Harmony of the Lioness” appear on Cymbium and the “Spirit of the Lioness” to appear on
Serenea, proofs that never have appeared among the females that possess the blood of the royal

“That, huh. On that part, I’m not even sure what happened. It was so absurd that I still couldn’t
believe it, even to this day.”

“My father is the current Demon Lord who tried to destroy his country. What could possibly be
more surprising than that?”

“I see. Fair point. Well, it’s up to you whether to believe it, but it all started……in a dream.”
Chapter 35 – Good Times Create Weak Men

“A dream?”

“You still want me to continue? We can end it here as it will turn stranger later on.”

“No, please continue.”

“You see, before you become king, you must first undergo a so-called “Rite of Passage”.”

“There’s something like that before you become king?”

“Has Cymbium not told you this yet? Ah, it must be because you’re not still resolved on
becoming a king.”


“Hahaha! Looks like I hit the bulls-eye again! Anyways, before a member of the royal family
becomes the king or queen, one must first undergo a… how do I explain this… some sort of
ritual, perhaps? Of which they would take a ‘holy body’ that sets them apart from the rest
before sitting on the throne.”

“And how does it relate to Cymbium and Serenea not being your daughters? Or following the
words you told Cymbium, them “becoming daughters of the throne” and not the daughters of
the king?”

“That is because the seed – semen that made them into a human being came from that “ritual”
and not from myself.”

“Excuse me!?”

“Yes, it is as you have heard. Before sitting on the throne, they have to first visit the Temple of
Furfanil, where they shall receive the Goddess’s Blessing. From there, they will only be
classified as a proper king.”

“A ritual you must undergo to become king? Sounds so bogus to me.”

“You will know why it is when you get there. Anyway, to answer your question. You see,
when I got there, I made a deal.”

“A deal? With whom?”

“I don’t know. My mind isn’t clear what sort of entity I encountered, but all I can say is that
because of that deal, I was able to progress with my plans, which led to here. Also, haven’t you
noticed it?”

“Noticed what?”

“That every prince, no matter how lustful they are, would become docile once they become
king. Well, there are a few exceptions, but the majority are like that.”

“I have heard of this somewhat from the old man of the Oscars. But I thought it was just a
“taking responsibility” thing.”

“Elovairo, huh. That sends me back. Is he still fine? Err, anyways, it is more than that. You
could say this ritual is the most vital part of being a king.”

“Most vital? Why?”

“Haven’t you noticed anything, Schild? No, let me ask you a question. Of how many women
you came inside, how many got impregnated with your seed?”


“That’s right. None. The same for every prince once they get to become the king. So even if
you fuck or get fucked by a royal family member, unless they have undergone the ritual, they
would never bear offspring, no matter how lustful they are.”

“So you’re saying that this entity you made a deal with has the power to make the “sterile”
royal family “fertile? And that this ‘holy body’ they are receiving is a blessing of fertility for
the royal family?!”

“I don’t know. Back then, I was literally a ball of hate. ‘I don’t want to be a king’, ‘The throne
can go fuck itself as I care’, just like you, but greater.”

Preslate was already engaged to the two queens at that time, of which he loathed them also.

Petrome was thinking too highly of herself, spewing harmony, yet they did nothing when the
country was in turmoil at his time, and Olivia for her obvious power-mongering tendencies.

“To sum it up, I too hated to become the breeding horse for their offspring that they will
obviously use as a tool later on.”

“So that’s why you didn’t spend much time with them.”

“Yes, but that isn’t only it. In any case, I knew I would be thrown away like a whore who has
finished her service as soon as I give birth to an heir. I was only a puppet to them, after all. And
so, fearing for that, I struck a deal regarding me becoming fertile. I didn’t know it was possible,

And that deal was for the ability to choose the traits of the offspring he would have to these
women he was engaged to.
“With that, I was able to select the traits of my future offspring, their personalities when they
grow up, their timing of impregnation, and most importantly, their gender. It may sound like an
absurd fairy tale, but here we are now.”

“Is that the reason why Cymbium became more proactive instead of harmonious and Serenea
being selfless, the complete inverse of the traits of their family?”

“Yes, and also the reason both of them are female, and the fact that I was able to time their
pregnancies in that order. It wasn’t without a consequence, though.”

“There are consequences for that?”

“There are, unfortunately, hence the deal. And what was put in the table to exchange is-“

“Your libido, is it?”

“Oh? You noticed?”

“I just felt it.”

Schild is not exactly right. What was really “replaced” in his father is his seed, which will, in
turn, impregnate the women of the child he wants, when he wants, and how he wants it.

“But this “seed” is just too much for a human like me to bear, so I was only given two chances
to do it, and after that, I won’t grow hard again. But for me, that was enough.”

And from there, Preslate “sired” Cymbium and Serenea with his “seed” that wasn’t exactly his
but that of this “entity”.

“Wait. If you are only given two chances before becoming impotent, how was I born?”

“That will be later on in the story. Now, where was I? Right after having that dream, I
“implanted” those seeds in the two Queens. Then I went impotent, proving that the deal was
real. But instead of being dismayed, I was only relieved. Then, I found out that my firstborn
was a girl, of which had the traits I deliberately chose.”

“That was Cymbium.”

Chapter 36 – Weak Men Create Hard Times

“Since the throne is given to boys first, the nobles who had pre-empted me were relieved for
the time being and did not go into a rage, for I already have an heir, even if it was temporary.
To sum it up, I’ve succeeded in maintaining the status quo from her birth alone.”

“I wonder what Cymbium’s face would look like if she heard that.”

“Don’t worry. She’s a woman who can sense such subtleties unlike you.”


As if it hit the bulls-eye again, Schild didn’t say anything.

“As I said, this made me prolong my value of existence, or at least half of it. As for the other
half, well, there was still the threat of the Demon Race as a force. A king back then was needed
as a symbol to unite the country and fight against these Demons.”

“From there, you successfully destroyed the Demon Race and were praised as a great king.”

“On the surface, yes. In reality, however, the Demons had already been suffering a series of
defeats even at the time of the previous kings, especially from grandpa Waldborn’s time, and
were already a dying force. It was a merit held with the cooperation of generations of kings.”

The old King Waldborn, upon arriving at his peak of achieving greatness, handed over the
throne to his son Protesto.

However, the second king didn’t continue the legacy of leading on the frontlines, which was
almost complete, and indulged himself in debauchery instead.

As a result, the work and burdens of two generations were passed on to the next generation
Preslate in its entirety.

“Despite treating me as a tool, the nobles had high hopes for me. After all, I was the only
prince raised by the “Warlord” Waldborn, well, with the exception of my father, of course.
Because I was under his tutelage, I was expected to unleash results at least comparable to him
as a warrior. After all, that’s what grandpa was known for.”

Actually, it would have been better for the nobles if they had been more active in the war, like
what they had done during the previous generation Protesto’s reign.

But for these aristocrats, the Demon Race was just a distraction – annoying extras – that tagged
along with their internal disputes from time to time.
“Maybe they had lost their patience with them, or maybe because they were gaining ground,
the eradication of the Demon Race became an essential task that was put to me by these nobles.
But for me at that time, it was nothing but a heavy burden. The reason being, if I successfully
destroy these demons, these nobles will have one less thing to worry about, and I’ll lose value
even more.”

In the final battle between the humans and the demons, the mental state of the king of the
Preslate was at its worst.

Yet, he faced the battle bravely to destroy the demon army.

He has to win the war, but if he wins the war, there will still be nothing but a despairing life
once he comes back.

The king, who was no longer of any use to the nobles, would finally be made into a complete
puppet, and a system would be established in which the nobles would control the country for
their own personal greed.

For Preslate, his ascent to the honorable top of the Great Kings was no different from the
thirteen steps leading to the gallows.

“A king should have the power to destroy his own country……or something. You said that
earlier, right?”


“That’s not true. I’m a king, yet I had no power. I had no backing because of my low birth, and
even before that, the kingdom that should be following my rule was already in tatters because
of the incompetence of the previous king. I had to become a puppet who did as the nobles
wished in order to save my life!”

“And you didn’t like that, did you?”

“Of course, I did not! If you were born with a slave mentality imprinted on you to obey people,
you might have felt happy in that situation. But I’m still royalty. This abominable bloodline
could not bear the humiliation of having its fate controlled by others, and it was even more for
me, who had spent half of his life under the tutelage of a great king!”

Being under his grandfather’s direct care, the young Preslate had also grown and become
exposed to the stories of King Waldborn’s past sagas, the time when the warrior king still ruled
the country with his own might.

It was an era where the king lived in prosperity, and all the glory in the kingdom was his.

“During those days, the king was the true ruler, not a puppet or a placeholder of some sort,
completely different from Protesto and me. His tales were like……like a fairy tale aimed for
successors like me. However, the more I grew up, the more miserable I felt each time I recalled
them. After all, I couldn’t help but compare my reign to his, which always makes me depressed
each time.”

“Nevertheless, the kingdom’s army is steadily exterminating the demons, and at the speed that
even I didn’t expect. I was reminded again that once this battle is over, this feeling of being
“alive” in near-death will also be over. And I will return to live as their lifeless puppet for the
rest of my life. I was really backed into the corner that time. It was then… when a certain girl
came to the private quarters I was resting, probably employed from the village we were in. “Is
there anything I can do for you, Your Majesty?” I still remember how beautiful she was when
she asked me those lines.”

Schild’s eyes blinked furiously at those words.

“That’s……my mother?”

“Yes, you’re right. Soon as she entered the room with that dainty and defenseless body of hers,
the extreme stress accumulating inside me all burst out and transformed into sexual desires.
Before I knew it, I already bedded her, which should have been impossible because of my
constitution after that deal.”


“It was the first time in years I had fucked a woman out of pure lust, and also never expected
that that night would become the most memorable moment of my entire life.”

These matters weren’t of the kind that should be talked out loud in front of everyone, especially
your own son, but Schild remained calm and collected as he listened to his old man.

“I was born out of your wrath, wasn’t I?”

After a while, Schild finally spoke.

“Wrath? Those are big words, and I’m pretty sure that that description does not qualify on what
I felt at that time. “Anger” is more fitting. After all, there’s nothing more pointless than the
“anger of the weak”. “Wrath” is only a word reserved for “strong” people, like you.”

Anger, at the absurdity of what was happening to him. Anger, at himself on whose royal
authority is belittled.

All of this anger got compressed and solidified into a single diamond.

And that diamond was Schild.

And when he came to being, the boy immediately pursued the path of finding his father’s
footsteps and knowing about his “roots of origin” from him so that he could finally be

Now, his roots have been revealed by that very same man.

And that he had been a product of a feeble king’s anger all along.
“For some reason, I immediately knew I had given life to the village girl I violated. I also knew
right away that she would be carrying a boy. No. I wished for it to become a boy.”

From here on, King Preslate began to state himself joyously, as if his depressing demeanor was
just a lie.

“At first, I was dismayed at what I’ve done. but then, like a flash of lightning, it struck me – a
plan to take back from the impudent nobles the power of authority a king should be having in
the first place.”

And so, the feeble king’s far-reaching plan was started from there.
Chapter 37 – King

“Your Majesty, by ‘plan’, do you mean…”

Schild was too shocked by the consecutive revelations that he unconsciously addressed his
father politely.

“…restoring the king’s authority back to the royal family? To revive the royal power ruined by
the incompetent former king and to constrict the haughty nobles?”

“Yes. And all that hope, which I thought I had lost, came when I saw your innocent face,
Schild. No, it was even before, because I already knew that what will be born in your mother’s
womb will be a strong baby, which will become a strong man later on.”

While Schild was still in her mother’s womb, the king had already begun formulating a plan
based on him.

“First, I made a backroom deal with the Demon Lord in the midst of battle to obtain the power
to control monsters in exchange for the Demon Race’s safe escape from the country. And I
think I did a good job. I did not even let old man Elovairo, one of my closest aides at the time,
know of my move, so that was a big victory for me.”

Elovairo Oscar was the real name of the Oscar’s retired patriarch, who is assisting Schild now.

“If I were to put it in a bad way, I have now possessed a powerful tool to fight against the
aristocrats. However, what is supposed to be my trump card… was also my only card, for I was
weak. I was a helpless, weak king, and I have learned that the hard way.”

Preslate says this in a self-deprecating tone.

“But you, you are different. You are born with something, and I just knew it. It is still possible
for you to grow into a strong king. A strong king, undeterred by bloodlines or the “Majesty of
the Lion” or anything like that. Grandpa Waldborn had it. Protesto and I didn’t have it.”

A must-have quality for the next king.

“I was brought up under a strong king, but in the end, I never developed the qualities of a
strong king. I have lived in fear of the assassinations of nobles. After all-”

“I was wondering what you are talking about, but in the end, this is just your excuse for leaving
me behind, isn’t it?”

“That’s because I really wanted you to reach the capital on your own feet, against all odds. I
believe that the soul of a true strong king resides in the achievement of overcoming ordeals.
Believing this, I began my preparations for the moment you arrive in the royal capital.”

First, he activated the seed he implanted in the second queen, Olivia, together with the traits of
being selfless, which gave birth to the second princess, Serenea, two years later, to ensure that
the Oscars would be held back in the inheritance order. He also chose it to become a girl.

As for why he chose it a girl again, it was also to ensure that a struggle for succession would
break out under the royal bloodline, as it would become a battle between two female heirs, and
to make the nobles reduce their power amongst themselves once Schild steps in.

To put it simply, he used the ‘seed’ provided to him by the ‘entity’ to create civil unrest.

“That’s another story Serenea must not hear.”

“She’s my daughter too, so she should be fine. Even without my gene, she still has the Oscar’s
blood in her. And the women of that house are strong.”

The king laughed like he was talking about something else.

“After ‘defeating’ the Demon Race, I began researching monster creation and control methods
behind the scenes while ostensibly allowing myself to become a puppet for the nobles. It
wasn’t so hard since it is the nobles who are doing all the work, and bacause I was just a
puppet, it has left me plenty of free time. Of course, that action also brought me merits to my
own survival.”

The more he immersed himself in his research, the more the impression that he was a ‘puppet
king uninterested in political affairs’ spread through the court, and the king’s safety became
more ensured.

“Research went on, and Zaria, Berzeld, Ante, and Argome were ‘born’ next. As for Why I
‘birthed’ them, I needed those children as difficult enemies that you would eventually have to

“But why, though?”

“Because a strong king needs strong adversaries. He needs enemies to show his strength, his
power of ‘might’. For the crucial difference between nobles and kings is whether they fight
with swords or not. At least in this country, that is.”

If his son were to reach the royal capital by his own power, then he surely must have an
incomparable power that is fit to be a king.

“But power is meaningless unless you have the chance to show it. As a father, I wanted to give
my son that chance. To show off that power to the populace.”

“This is where new demon army enters, huh? Along with those “Devas,”. They’re like mares
brought to a stallion which is me, in order to test my readiness to mate, or in your words, to be
a king.”
――A king recognized by all the people, even though he came from the outside. That is what
Preslate wants.

“May I speak frankly?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“This is batshit insane. You didn’t even see me when I was a baby. What would you do if I
didn’t grow up as you expected? You even willingly bet the fate of the whole country on such a

If Schild didn’t appear in the royal capital, or even if he did appear, but without the strength to
overcome his trials, the kingdom might have well been destroyed by the New Demon Lord’s

“I don’t know what kind of instructions you gave, but Zaria and the others were serious enough
in their mission to destroy the kingdom. Seriously, what were you thinking, doing this to the
kingdom you are supposed to rule?”

“My royal creations cannot do something that grand. In the first place, I’m just trying to claim
the center of power back to the royal family.”

The king said simply.

“And I wasn’t worried. You will come. You will come, and you will overcome all the
challenges I have prepared for you. And all this has come true.”

With his tremendous physical strength, he became the most powerful monster slayer, and his
name became well-known.

Because he has played an active role in various battles masterminded by Zaria and others, he
got recognized by all kinds of people.

With his unparalleled “Majesty of the Lion,” he has taken many women by the hand and won
them over to his side.

He is now regarded as a hero for his victories.

“The nobles have been exhausted by the long struggle for power and were reduced in number
by the real war that has recently occurred. Also known as the “Monster Swarm Extermination
Battle.” Adding that you have seized substantial military power, the Knights, and the support of
the people on your side, there is longer any way for them to resist you.”


“The kingdom has regained its original form. The king now stands at the top of the kingdom
and rules with authority, as he has been. The foolish nobles who ruled the country died out, and
only the nobles who remained were those who were wise and who should be the king’s hands
and feet. My job here is done.”
Preslate’s far-reaching plan is now fulfilled.

“…Then what about Zaria, Berzeld, Ante, and Argome? What will happen to them afterward?”

Then Schild’s bitter, vindictive voice overlapped with his father’s.

“Especially Zaria. Was she only a pawn in your game, a stepping stone for the rigged match
you’re creating? She was looking up to you, you know! And so are Berzeld, Ante and Argome!
They all look up to you as a parent! As a father! And you’re going to throw them away like
that, like some sort of used goods?!”


“That’s not all! Indeed, many nobles died in the battle you have caused, with most of them
being arrogant ones, but among them are also innocents who died as collateral damage! In fact,
if I weren’t there, Serenea would have died in it as well!”

There must have been many more who had their fates twisted by the king’s schemes.

“Is this what a king does? To despise his people, whom he should be facing, and to take
advantage of them through a scheme? In the end, the only one who has benefited from this ploy
is you! You who –“

“It isn’t me who benefitted from this in the end. It is you.”

Chapter 38 – Father

“It isn’t me who benefitted from this in the end. It is you.”

The father interrupted his son’s speech.

“This was all for you. I hatched this conspiracy to regain what was rightfully yours. Now that
you have it back, you can use it to feed your people, those who are left.”

King Preslate was unable to do this.

Because he is a weak and isolated king.

“I am a weak king. I spent most of my reign barely regaining the power I should have wielded.
You are right. I am weak, and I am not fit to be king.”


“I got it back. I spent my whole life regaining the power of a king, which a king should wield.
That is my achievement that no one can deny. But it is not me who shall wield my
achievement. It is you.”

He pointed his finger at Schild.

“You said I don’t deserve to be king? Then you must show, by your actions, what a real king is.
That you have what it takes. Use what you inherited from me, and show it to the people that
denied me! Even if it means denying me as your father, as a king, even if it makes me the

“You still want me to move according to your plot!?”

“No, for it is you who will write the plot. Or rather, you’ve been doing it from the beginning.
I’m just waiting for you to believe in me.”

Then, King Preslate repeated himself for the third time.

“I am a weak king. I’ve spent all my life gaining power, which cost me to become unable to
face my people. In that case, you will be the king who does. For you now have the power.”

Does he mean the power of might, his strongest fighting power, and the “Majesty of the Lion”
that Schild was born with?

Or was he referring to the power of authority, the power that his father had spent half his life

Schild did not know which it was.

If he referred to the original question, then it would seem that both were given to him by his

“Every king is like that. No matter who the predecessor, he will pass on something to help their
future generations.”

“…what are you going to do from now on?”

The reason this was asked instead is because Schild himself does not have a definite answer as
to what he would do from here.

“I’ve already done my job. It is your time now.”

“You’re not going back to the royal capital?”

“It’s your castle now. You will be the master of the place, and you will show me that you are a
strong king who can repudiate my deeds.”

Schild was at a loss.

Should he be really repudiating his father? Denying all that he has done for him? Indeed, his
methods were wrong, but he is still his family. There’s also the feeling that inside him, his
father may have wanted this all along.

“I am content to stay here and continue my research on monster control. It would be a nice,
quiet way to spend the rest of my life.”

“What are the chances of that research becoming a threat in the future?”

“You’re looking at things from a bird’s eye view. That’s exactly the point of view of a ruler.”

“Stop kidding around. So, what do you think?”

“Don’t worry. I’m the only one who can handle this research.”


“I haven’t told you. My mother…who is also your grandmother. She was a Demon.”

Schild’s eyes widened at this unexpected admission yet again.

“It was when humans and demons were still fighting each other in earnest. A Demon Race
village was conquered, and a woman of the Demon Race was presented as a sex slave to King
Protesto, who was a prince at that time. Back then, it was an acceptable practice.”

King Protesto, the father of King Preslate, playfully raped the demoness, and a half-human,
half-demon boy was born.

“I was born from that demoness,” Preslate said.

“I have half-demon blood in my body. That blood makes allows me to practice the technique of
creating and controlling monsters. No other pure human being can handle this research. Nor I
can involve them in it.”

“So that’s how it is.”

“When I negotiated with the real Demon Lord, he was unapproachable at first. But when I told
him about my birth, he finally receded.”


“My mother was unhappy until the end. She was nothing more than a sex toy to my father, but
even so, she was happy when I was born. Unusually, he took her as his concubine. But that was
a mistake.”

The special treatment aroused criticism from those around her, and she was harassed by many
of her rivals in the royal court.

“Adding that they were originally from different species, their living environment did not
match. In the end, mother died of illness after a period of weakness.”

His father had the same father, who abandoned him, and a mother who left him, unable to carry
on the life she was having.

The obvious but unimaginable fact stunned Schild.

“Like my father, I laid my hands on a village girl, impregnated her, and threw her away with
her baby. We are the same, right? For you are also abandoned by me. The only difference is
that your mother’s treatment is better than mine. I know what I was doing when I abandoned
you and your mother at the border. And I didn’t regret this up to this day.”


“I know you’re angry. But I’ve done what I had to do. If it helps you eliminate your anger by
allowing myself to be cut by you here, then perhaps that’s not a bad way to end it.”

Schild’s dominant hand gripped the hilt of his sword, which was lowered to his waist.

It was the only thing his father had left for him when he was born.

And that sword he gripped…

He drew it out.

Schild stepped out of the hut and started to walk outside.

The sword was already back in its sheath.

In his right hand was a lock of hair, tied up in a knot.

Even if he would never return to the royal capital again, he should at least bring back a lock of

So he cut it off.

If he looked out the cabin window, he would see his father’s face with a new haircut.

But Schild never looked back until the hut disappeared behind the horizon.

Schild went on.

Through the empty wilderness, just as he had spent the first half of his life on the road.

“Now then… where should I go now?”

His mission of finding his father is now over.

His new life is about to begin.

What he has carried since the day he was born is gone, and now he must decide for himself
what he will carry next.

“Where should I go? Or rather…should I go back?”

To go forward or to go back.

For the first time in his life, Schild also felt.

That he is now free.

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