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Sonochemical coating of silver nanoparticles on textile fabrics (nylon,

polyester and cotton) and their antibacterial activity

Article in Nanotechnology · June 2008

DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/19/24/245705 · Source: PubMed


445 5,774

6 authors, including:

Ilana Perelshtein Geoffroy Guibert

Bar Ilan University Réseau Hospitalier Neuchâtelois


Aharon Gedanken
Bar Ilan University


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Sonochemical coating of silver nanoparticles on textile fabrics (nylon, polyester and cotton)

and their antibacterial activity

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2008 Nanotechnology 19 245705


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Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 245705 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/19/24/245705

Sonochemical coating of silver

nanoparticles on textile fabrics
(nylon, polyester and cotton) and
their antibacterial activity
Ilana Perelshtein1, Guy Applerot1, Nina Perkas1 ,
Geoffrey Guibert2, Serguei Mikhailov2 and Aharon Gedanken1,3
Department of Chemistry, Kanbar Laboratory for Nanomaterials,
Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie IMA-Arc, NEODE, 17 Eplatures-Grise,
CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland


Received 3 March 2008, in final form 18 March 2008

Published 12 May 2008
Online at

Silver nanoparticles were synthesized and deposited on different types of fabrics using
ultrasound irradiation. The structure of silver–fabric composites was studied by
physico-chemical methods. The mechanism of the strong adhesion of silver nanoparticles to the
fibers is discussed. The excellent antibacterial activity of the Ag–fabric composite against
Escherichia coli (gram-negative) and Staphylococcus aureus (gram-positive) cultures was

1. Introduction in their cell walls. Recent research has demonstrated that

the antibacterial activities of silver nanoparticles depend on
The development of new clothing products based on the chemisorbed Ag+ , which is readily formed on the surface of
immobilization of nanophased materials on textile fibers has silver nanoclusters due to their extreme sensitivity to oxy-
recently been of increasing interest to both the academic gen [8–10]. However, the mechanism of the delivery of sil-
and the industrial sectors [1, 2]. Today, a wide range of ver ions from silver nanoclusters to the bacteria needs further
nanoparticles with various structures can be immobilized on investigation.
the fibers, bringing new properties to the final textile product. Nanostructured silver deposited on textile substrates can
Silver ions, which have been used throughout history be used to make smart functional textiles, which have great
as an antimicrobial agent, have recently received renewed potential for applications ranging from antibacterial materials
interest [3, 4]. The reason for this is because some bacterial to conductive shields and electronic sensors [11].
strains have demonstrated an increasing resistance toward Different methods have been used for the deposition of
antibiotics. At the same time, the powerful antimicrobial silver nanoparticles on fabrics. For example, a poly(ethylene
activity of silver is known to be effective against nearly 650 terphthlate) fabric (meadox double velor) was coated with
types of bacteria. metallic silver using a patented ion-beam-assisted deposition
Several investigations have been carried out on the mech- process developed by the Spire Corporation (Bedford,
anism of the bactericidal activity of silver nanoparticles [5–7]. MA) [12]. Other methods were constant pressure padding [13]
Experiments showed that, upon silver treatment, Escherichia and the reduction of silver ions by ethanol or isopropanol [14].
coli cells were damaged, showing the formation of ‘pits’ Some of the methods are based on reactions in the liquid
medium and require surfactants, reducing agents or templates
3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles, resulting in the

0957-4484/08/245705+06$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 245705 I Perelshtein et al

presence of impurities in the final products. This method has

some disadvantages with regard to the environment.
Sonochemical irradiation has been proven as an effective
method for the synthesis of nanophased materials [15], as well a b
as for the deposition and insertion of nanoparticles on/into
the mesoporous ceramic and polymer supports [16–18]. Our
previous work [19] was based on coating nylon chips with
nanosilver. The silver–nylon nanocomposite was used as a
master batch for the production of nylon yarn by a melting and
spinning process. Antibacterial tests of the final silver–nylon
fabrics show very promising results. Our further aim was to
avoid the fiber production stage and to develop a direct method
for coating commercial fabrics with silver nanoparticles.
Figure 1. Cotton fabric before (a) and after (b) coating with silver
In this paper, we report on a new method for preparing nanoparticles.
fabrics such as nylon, polyester and cotton with antibacterial
(This figure is in colour only in the electronic version)
properties by coating them with silver nanoparticles. This
process was carried out by ultrasound radiation in a one-step
reaction procedure, a process that did not involve any toxic
enabling the creation of many seeds which eventually lead to
chemicals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report
the formation of silver nanoparticles.
on the deposition of silver nanoparticles on fabrics using the
The sonication flask was placed in a cooling bath at a
sonochemical method.
constant temperature of 30 ◦ C during the sonication. At the
The resulting sonochemically deposited silver fabrics
end of the reaction, the color of the fabric changed from white
were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution
to gray (figure 1). The product was first washed thoroughly
scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM) and Raman spec-
with water to remove traces of ammonia, then with ethanol, and
troscopy. The thickness of the Ag coating was characterized
dried under vacuum. The adhesion of the deposited silver was
by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and particle-
checked by washing the coated fabric for at least 20 washing
induced x-ray emission (PIXE). The mechanical properties of
cycles. Each cycle lasts 2 h and is conducted in hot (40 ◦ C)
the silver-coated materials and the untreated materials were
also measured and compared. Finally, the antimicrobial ac-
tivity of the particles deposited on fabrics was tested against
gram-negative (E. coli) and gram-positive (Staphylococcus au- 2.2. Characterization
reus) bacteria. The silver content in the fabrics was determined by volumetric
titration with KSCN according to the Folgard method [20]
2. Experimental details after dissolving the sonicated product in HNO3 . The x-
ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the product were measured
2.1. Synthesis with a Bruker D8 diffractometer (Karlsruhe, Germany) with
Cu Kα radiation. The particle morphology and the size of the
All the chemical reagents, of chemical grade, were purchased noble metal nanoparticles were studied with a high resolution
from Aldrich and used without further purification. The scanning electron microscope, HR-SEM (JEOL-JSN 7000F).
concentration of the precursor was changed in order to obtain The Raman spectra were collected with a JY Horiba Olympus
the best conditions for coating silver nanoparticles on the Bx41 spectrometer (Longjumeau, France) with a 514 nm
fabrics, and the antibacterial activity was measured at different Ar+ ion laser excitation source. The mechanical tests were
Ag concentrations. performed on a mechanical testing machine, ZWICK 1445
In a typical reaction, a 0.002 M solution of water and (Zwick GmbH & Co., Germany).
ethylene glycol (EG) (10:1 v/v) of AgNO3 was purged under
Ar for 1 h in order to remove traces of O2 /air. The purging
2.3. Bactericidal test
was done in the presence of the fabric (∼0.7 g of cotton 4 ply,
gauze of 13 threads cm−2 ). In the next stage, the solution was The antibacterial activity was tested against gram-negative E.
irradiated for 1 h with a high intensity ultrasonic horn (Ti horn, coli (strain 1313) as well as for gram-positive Staphylococcus
20 kHz, 600 W at 70% efficiency) under a flow of Ar. A 25% aureus (strain 195) bacteria. Both strains were obtained
aqueous solution of ammonia (molar ratio NH3 :AgNO3 = 2:1) from the Bacteriology Laboratory of the Meir Hospital, Kfar-
was added to the reaction slurry during the first 10 min of Saba, Israel. A typical procedure was as follows: cultures
sonication. EG was used as a polyol reducing agent. The of the bacteria were grown on nutrient agar (Difco, Detroit,
EG reduces the silver ions to metallic silver. The addition of MI) overnight. These cultures were then transferred into
ammonia forms the [Ag(NH3 )2 ]+ complex. The equilibrium a nutrient broth (NB) at an initial optical density (OD) of
constant for the formation of [Ag(NH3 )2 ]+ is large ≈107 , 0.1 at 660 nm and allowed to grow at 37 ◦ C with aeration.
which dictates a small amount of Ag+1 in equilibrium with When the cultures reached an optical density of 0.3 OD at
the complex. Thus the reduction process is slowed down, 660 nm (the beginning of the logarithmic phase), they were

Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 245705 I Perelshtein et al

Table 1. Silver content in the fabrics. shock waves and microjets that cause effective stirring/mixing
Type of fabric Silver content (wt%) of the adjusted layer of the liquid. The after-effects of the
cavitation are several hundred times greater in heterogeneous
Nylon 1.4
systems than in homogeneous systems [21]. In our case, the
Polyester 1.2
Cotton 1.1 ultrasound waves promote the fast migration of the newly
formed silver nanoparticles to the fabric’s surface. This fact
might cause a ‘specific melting’ of the substrate surface, which
centrifuged and washed twice with saline at pH 6.5 to yield a may be the reason why the particles strongly adhere to the
final bacterial concentration of approximately 108 CFU ml−1 . fabric’s surface, regardless of its properties. This phenomenon
4.5 ml of a saline solution containing the impregnated fabric occurs in spite of the free floating of the fabric. The reason is
(2 cm2 in size) at 1 and 6 wt% concentration of coating that the speed of the jets is so much faster than the movement
was poured into a vial with an inner diameter of 2.5 cm. of the fabric that it can be considered as standing still.
500 μl of the strain cells was then pipetted into the vial. The The characterization measurements of the three types
initial bacterial concentration in the vial was approximately of fabrics sonochemically coated with silver nanoparticles
107 CFU ml−1 . To ensure that any decrease in bacterial indicated that the fabrics exhibited similar properties. This is
number was likely to be due to exposure to a coated bandage the reason why we present results for only one coated fabric,
treatment, two controls were included in the experiment: the namely cotton.
first, with saline (without the fabric), and the second with
saline with an uncoated fabric. Bacterial suspensions were 3.1. Structure and morphology of the silver–fabric composite
incubated and shaken at 170 strokes min−1 at 37 ◦ C for up to
4 h. Samples of 100 μl each were taken at a specified time, The XRD patterns (figure 2) of sonochemically deposited Ag
diluted tenfold in saline and then transferred onto nutrient agar nanoparticles on a cotton fabric demonstrate that the silver
plates (Difco). The plates were allowed to grow for 24 h at is crystalline in nature, and the diffraction peaks match a
37 ◦ C and then counted for viable bacteria. The viable bacteria face-centered cubic (fcc) phase of Ag (PDF: 4–783). The
were monitored by counting the number of colony-forming peaks at 2θ = 38.03◦ , 44.23◦ , 64.39◦ and 77.32◦ are assigned
units from the appropriate dilution on nutrient agar plates. to the (111), (200), (220) and (311) reflection lines of fcc
Ag particles, respectively. No peaks characteristic of any
3. Results and discussion impurities were detected. The particle’s size estimated by the
Debye–Scherrer (DS) equation is 80 nm.
In this research, we coated textile substrates with silver The HR-SEM micrographs of cotton fibers before and
nanoparticles by a sonochemical method. The images of the after the deposition of Ag nanoparticles are shown in figure 3.
uncoated and silver-coated cotton are presented in figure 1. The image in figure 3(a) demonstrates the smooth structure
One of the aims of this study was to investigate the interaction of the cotton fabric before coating with silver nanoparticles.
between the fiber’s surface and the metallic silver as a result After the sonication, the homogeneous deposition of silver
of sonochemical irradiation: the options that can result from nanoparticles on the cotton yarn is observed (figure 3(b)).
the sonication are the formation of a chemical bond between Figure 3(c) is a higher magnification image measured in order
the silver and the functional groups of the substrate, and the to obtain a particle size distribution. The calculated average
physical adsorption of the silver nanoparticles on the surface size of the silver nanoparticles deposited on the surface of the
of the fabric. We performed experiments on three types of cotton fibers is 80 nm, and it matches well the XRD results.
fabrics: nylon, polyester and cotton. These fabrics differ in However, some aggregates consisting of small particles are
their functional groups, which are amide, ester and alcohol, also observed.
respectively. All these fabrics were exposed to the same
reaction conditions, i.e. reagent concentration, reaction time, 3.2. Spectroscopy studies
temperature and sonication power. The silver content in the
fabrics was determined by volumetric titration and the results Raman spectroscopy has been applied for the characterization
are presented in table 1. of a silver–cotton composite and to provide knowledge about
The amount of silver deposited on the three different the structure, bonding nature and changes in the material’s state
fabrics is almost the same. This indicates that the amount of upon its sonochemical reaction. The Raman spectrum of the
deposited silver is independent of the nature of the substrate. coated cotton fabric is presented in figure 4(b). The spectrum
This also indicates that most probably the mechanism of closely resembles the spectrum of amorphous diamond-like
coating by ultrasound irradiation is not involved in the creation carbon, and can be resolved into the G (graphitic) and D
of new bonds between the silver and the functional groups of (disordered) Raman bands near 1600 cm−1 and 1350 cm−1 ,
the substrate. We can therefore conclude that the coating is, in respectively. In the Raman spectrum of the pristine cotton,
fact, a physical adsorption of the nanoparticles on the substrate these bands are not found (figure 4(a)). Obviously, here
as a result of the sonication. The sonochemical irradiation we observe the effect of surface-enhanced Raman scattering
of a liquid causes two primary effects, namely cavitation and (SERS), typical for silver nanoparticles deposited on pure
heating. When the microscopic cavitation bubbles collapse carbon and widely used for the characterization of carbon-
near the surface of the solid substrate, they generate powerful containing material [22–24].

Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 245705 I Perelshtein et al

Figure 2. XRD pattern of Ag nanoparticles deposited sonochemically on a cotton fabric.

a b

Figure 4. (a) Raman spectra of pristine cotton fabric, (b) fabric
coated with Ag nanoparticles.

material stays on the fabric for at least 20 washing cycles

without a reduction in the silver content. The washing process
Figure 3. (a) HR-SEM images of pristine fibers, (b) fabrics coated is conducted in hot (40 ◦ C) water for 2 h per cycle. The silver
with Ag nanoparticles at a low magnification, (c) fabrics coated with content in the fabrics was determined by volumetric titration
Ag nanoparticles at a high magnification. with KSCN according to the Folgard method [20].

3.3. RBS–PIXE measurements

Similar Raman spectra are observed for other fabrics after
silver deposition by ultrasound irradiation. From this data RBS analysis is based on elastic collisions between ions and
we can assume that the temperature and speed of the silver the atomic nucleus. The slowing down of ions in matter
nanoparticles thrown to the fabric’s surface by sonochemical provides depth information. The PIXE analysis is based on
microjets are high enough to cause melting and carbonization ionization of the inner shells of atoms. These techniques
of the fibers at the points of their contact with the silver nuclei. are non-destructive and allow absolute quantitative analysis.
These ‘hot spots’ become the center of fusion of the silver Scanning micro-PIXE–RBS analysis, where the ion probe is
nanoparticles and the fabric’s substrate. As a result, the silver focused to a micrometer level and scanned over the sample,
nanoparticles are strongly adhered to the fabric, and the coated allows us to obtain the lateral distribution of elements [25].

Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 245705 I Perelshtein et al

Figure 7. Mechanical properties of the cotton fabric before and after
the deposition of Ag nanoparticles.
Figure 5. Distribution of Ag on the textile fiber in selected regions 1
and 2 from PIXE cartography, 1 mm2 area.

3.4. Mechanical properties

Table 2. Estimation of the Ag thickness layer (at cm−2 ) coating on
the two cotton fibers by RBS analysis in selected regions 1 and 2. The tensile mechanical properties of a common impregnated
fabric were studied on a universal testing machine, Zwick
Thickness (at cm−2 ) Region 1 Region 2
1445. Fabric samples folded four times with a gauge length
Cotton sample 134.3 ± 9.4 98.5 ± 6.8 of 60 mm and a width of 40 mm were placed in special
grips. The silver-coated samples showed a rather more brittle
behavior compared to the pristine fabric. Ultimately, the
tensile force for the coated sample was ∼10% less than that
of the non-impregnated one (figure 7). The observed changes
in the mechanical behavior of the yarn is in a range that is
acceptable for standard cotton fabrics. According to this result,
we conclude that the sonochemical treatment of the fabric did
not cause any significant damage to the structure of the yarn.

3.5. Bactericidal tests

The antibacterial activity of the coated cotton fabric could be
traced at very low concentrations of coating. Cultures of the
Figure 6. Ag profile as a function of depth in region 1 as deduced
bacteria were eradicated completely after 1 h of treatment with
from RBS analysis. the 6% (wt%) coated fabric, and after approximately 1.5 h for
the 1 wt% sample. The results are presented in table 3.
The antimicrobial activity of the silver-coated cotton
Two kinds of area were selected for RBS analysis: (1) Ag fabric containing 1 and 6 wt% of silver corresponds to the
intensity high and (2) Ag intensity low. In these two regions the maximal possible silver concentration in the saline solution,
Ag thickness profile and the Ag depth profile were estimated 0.13 or 0.78 mg ml−1 , respectively. However, the diffusion of
and presented in figure 5. The different thickness layers are silver ions from the deposited silver nanoclusters to the saline
summarized in table 2. is very slow, and only a small part of the total amount of silver
For Ag thickness layer it was found that, whatever the can participate in antibacterial activity. Nevertheless, even the
region, an Ag coating layer was present, but some variations total possible amount of silver is much less than the minimum
in the Ag thickness are observed. For example, in region 1 inhibitory concentration (MIC) in a solution that is commonly
a thickness layer of 134.3 ± 9.4 at cm−2 is measured, while used in commercial preparations (10 mg ml−1 ) [10]. More
the silver thickness in region 2 is 98.5 ± 6.8 at cm−2 . Thus a likely, the observed required time window of 1.5 h to reduce
thickness variation of 30% was detected. the initial amount of CFU to zero is due to the velocity
The Ag profile distribution was as follows: in region 1, of Ag+ ions, which are responsible for the antibacterial
scanning the Ag profile from the outer surface to the cotton activity. Thus, the sonochemically prepared silver-coated
fiber showed that, after the pure Ag surface layer, some traces fabrics exhibit excellent antibacterial properties, probably due
of Ag were present inside the fiber (figure 6). A few atomic to the high association of the Ag nanoparticles with the
per cent, i.e. 3–4 at.%, were measured. In region 2, no Ag was membrane.
detected deeper than the pure Ag layer.
In conclusion, all the fibers are covered with a pure Ag 4. Conclusions
layer. The thickness of this layer can vary by approximately
30%. Some traces of Ag (3–4 at.%) were sometimes detected Silver nanoparticles were deposited onto the surface of
locally in the fiber as deep as several hundred nanometers. different fabrics (nylon, polyester and cotton) by ultrasound

Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 245705 I Perelshtein et al

Table 3. Antibacterial activity test using E.coli 1313 and Staph. aureus 195. The viable bacteria were monitored by counting the number of
colony-forming units (CFU); N/No : survival fraction. Results for the control experiment of saline without a fabric were the same as for the
Duration of treatment
1h 2h
% reduction % reduction
Treatment CFU ml−1 N/N0 in viability CFU ml−1 N/N0 in viability
E. coli
Blank (clean fabric) 1.76 × 107 1 — 1.76 × 107 1 —
6% sample 0 ∼10−8 100 0 ∼10−8 100
1% sample 2.50 × 106 1.43 × 10−1 85.7 0 ∼10−8 100
Staph. aureus
Blank (clean fabric) 1.54 × 107
1 — 2.11 × 107 1 —
6% sample 0 ∼10−8 100 0 ∼10−8 100
1% sample 1.17 × 106 7.60 × 10−2 92.4 0 ∼10−8 100

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