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English CA 2.

1. In each of the sentences below, underline the subordinate clause and circle
the subordinate conjunction.
1. After John caught the fish, Catherine caught one fish.
2. The prince and his knights rode into the valley because the dragon had
burned the village.
3. If Lousie goes to the store, she will be late for the movie.
4. I like to eat lunch outside when the sun is shining.
5. Since his car broke down, Mr. Evans rides the bus to work.
6. In Paris, the French boy played on the bridge until his mother called him
7. While the family slept, the mouse ran through the kitchen and ate the
8. Unless you have another idea, we will play Will’s game this afternoon.
9. When the president arrives, he will give a speech.
10.They went out to eat because they were hungry.
2. If the underlined part of the sentence is an independent clause, write (Ind)
in the blank. If it is a subordinate clause, write (Sub) in the blank.
1. ________ Since you won’t give me a discount, I can’t afford to buy it.
2. ________ By the time you get there, the show will already be started.
3. ________ Now that you have taken Spanish, you are ready for your trip
to Mexico.
4. ________ You need to let me know whenever you are in town the next
5. ________ Although I didn’t think I would like it, I enjoyed reading
6. ________ When I first heard that song, I knew it was going to a big hit.
7. ________ I am going to be finished eating by the time you get there.
8. ________ Whenever you play that song, it makes me want to dance.
9. ________ Although I am taking three history classes, I prefer math and
10. ________ You need to turn on the dishwater after you finish cleaning
the kitchen.
11.________ When she entered the room, everyone stopped talking and
watched her.
3. Add your own subordinate clause to the sentences below. Remember to

punctuate your sentences correctly.

1. He doesn’t have any money ___________________________________.

2. _____________________________________ the children behaved well.

3. I’d love a slice of cake ________________________________________.

4. Before the party had started ___________________________________.

5. _________________________________________ I took a deep breath.

4. Use the prefixes and roof words below to create new words.

Prefixe Root Words


bi- Plane boss polite tidy Movable

im- operate moral cep Husband exit

un- wife ped star Certain focal well

co- author Friend safe patient ordinate

ex- Mature employer chained lingual

co- ex- un- bi- im-

5. Look at the example and then complete.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

hopefulness hope hopeless hopefully

1. help 2. 3.
4. thought 5. 6.

7. harm 8. 9.

10. use 11. 12.

13. fear 14. 15.

6. Determine if each sentence is simple, compound or complex.

Sentences Simple Compound complex

1. The children wore their dirty
2. It was time for bed, yet it was still
light outside.
3. The front door was locked, so she
entered through the back.
4. They took a lot of pictures when
they visited Montana.
5. After the show began, he sat very
6. The girl was wearing a red dress.
7. He was playing on his computer.
8. Georges would like to play, for he
is the best player on the team.
9. Before the bell rings, the student
lined up at the door.
10.We turned off the lights.
11.We turned off the lights, and we
went to sleep.
12.We turned off the lights after our
mom told us to go to sleep.
7. Summary: Choose the correct one.
1. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?
a. Mr. Sayer had to stop his assembly because the children were excited.
b. A dog snuck into school and was returned to his owner.
c. The owner of the dog didn’t look after him properly.
d. Mr. Jones fixed the fence at school after a dog got in and interrupted
assembly before being returned to his owner.
2. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?
a. Jayne was nervous because she skipped breakfast.
b. Jayne is about to perform onstage in a competition and is nervous.
c. Jayne has spent a lot of time practicing for her performance.
d. Jayne was feeling cold and scared after performing.
3. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?
a. Getting a dog is the best thing you can do as they all make great pets
and love attention.
b. Getting a dog is a big commitment as they need lots of care. Some
dogs like more exercise than others and some like more sleep.
c. You should think carefully about getting a dog as it is a big
commitment and different dogs have different needs.
d. Dogs need lots of care and attention. You should never get a dog if
you’re not at home all day.

4. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?

a. The boy was scared by a spooky house and ran away.
b. The boy was delivering leaflets and was scared but he knew it was in
his imagination.
c. The boy littered in the garden of a scary house after he was scared by
the lights flashing.
d. The owls and bats made the boy nervous so he ran away.

5. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?

a. The first Tour De France took place on 6th July 1903 and was won by
Maurice Grain. The race is longer now and has mountain climbs.
b. The Tour De France was created in 1903 and was 2428 km long. The
winner of the first race was Maurice Grain.
c. The first tour De France was much harder than today’s as only 21
cycling finished the race. The finish line was in Paris. Now it includes
mountain climbs.
d. The Tour de France is a cycling race held in France every year. It began
on 6th July, 1903 and covered 2428 km.

6. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?

a. Walking to school is a good form of exercise and is helpful to the
b. More people are walking to places but they should be careful as
there has been an increase in car accidents.
c. More and more people are walking to work as it is good for their
health and the environment.
d. There were more car accidents in Australia this year so people are
walking to work or school.

7. Which of the following is the best summary of the text above?

a. Guinea pigs don’t like places to be noisy or wet.
b. Guinea pigs are difficult to care for and you should think carefully
before getting one.
c. Guinea pigs need a large hutch and a safe area that is dry, warm and
quiet, where they can be away from other pets.
d. Guinea pigs make great pets and are really easy to look after- they
don’t need much at all.

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