Appendix E Activites Performed at PNP

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October 23, 2023

 Platoon formation upon arrival at Bongabong Municnipal Station;
 Criminology Interns were endorsed in Bongabong Municipal Station by OJT
Coordinator Mr. Raymond F Taladtad
 Acknowledgement from PLt Doan Ramon H Camacho was given which
indicates the commencement of the On-the-Job Training;
 Orientation regarding rules and policies of station was given by PEMS Margie
M Dotosme and further discuss the works of administrative section;
 Overall Marcher and Marcher of the Day;
 Assigned for documentation;
 Station cleaning before departure

October 24,2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to present Administrative
Personnel PEMS Margie M Dotosme;
 We conducted Reception Rites led by PSSg Arnel M Briñosa;
 Instructed as Reception Rites Marcher;
 After reception, we were given ample time to clean ourselves and redress in
proper attire for daily duties;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Took photos for documentation;
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.

October 25, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to present Administrative
Personnel PEMS Margie M Dotosme;
 Cleaning the respective area specified for OJT Interns;
 Supervised co-trainees in their respective duties outside the station;
 Attended lecture on Investigation’s by PSSg Arnel M Briñosa;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure
October 31, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the respective area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Encoding Votes of Bongabong Barangay Elections;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Final formation for departure.

November 1, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Assigned at the back gate;
 Posted front gate in the afternoon;
 Station cleaning before departure;

November 6, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reported to duty;
 Attended the flag ceremony at Bongabong Municipal Gymnasium;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.

November 7, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Mobile Patrolling along the highway of Labasan Bongabong.
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;

November 13, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Guarded the front gate;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area in the afternoon;
 Attended lecture on VAWC by PCpl Jennifer R Glasite followed by PCpl
Colangoy discussed about Police Blotter.
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Station cleaning before departure;
November 14, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the respective area specified for OJT Interns;
 Attended the flag ceremony at Bongabong Municipal Gymnasium;
 Mobile Patrolling along the highway of BB1 Bongabong;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for records;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
November 15, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Paper arrangements in Admin Office;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
November 20, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Sprucing up the area around the station;
 Paper arrangements in Investigation’s Office;
 Attended the actual Disassembly and Assembly of Firearms conducted by
PCpl Edcelle T Fernandez;
 We started to make a skeletal parol;
 Taking photos for records purposes;
 Station cleaning before departure;
November 21, 2023
 Reported to duty;
 Regular cleaning of the area;
 Added design on Parol;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
November 22, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Attended demonstration of production of dishwashing liquid soap by PEMS
Edna J Belderol;
 Continuation of making Parol;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for records;
 Final formation for departure.

November 27, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 General cleaning of the station;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
November 28, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Attended lecture on RA 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act discussed by PEMS
Edna J Belderol;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Guarded the back gate;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;

November 29, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Regular cleaning of the area;
 Paper arrangements in Investigation’s’s Office;
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;

December 06, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Provided letter for approval in Bongabong Technical and Vocational High
School to conduct a symposium.
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;

December 07, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Regular cleaning of the area;
 Joined on parade in celebration of Bongabong Day 2023.
 Roving around the co-trainees’ designated area;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;

December 11, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Spearheaded the symposium in Bongabong Technical and Vocational High
 Discussed the RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002.
 Served snacks for students;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;

December 12, 2023

 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reporting to duty;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the Station;
 Approval of program proper for the graduation;
 Taking photos for documentation;
 Final formation for departure.
December 13, 2023
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and reported to duty;
 Cleaning the respective area specified for OJT Interns;
 Prepared the venue for OJT Graduation and other pertinent matters related to
graduation ceremony.
February 12, 2024
 Platoon formation upon arrival at Bongabong Municnipal Station;
 Criminology Interns were endorsed in Bongabong Fire Station by OJT
Coordinator Mr. Raymond F Taladtad;
 Acknowledgement from SFO3 Katrina M Cahilig was given which indicates the
commencement of the On-the-Job Training;
 Orientation regarding rules and policies of the station and warmed welcoming
through reception led by SFO1 Joseph M Dimayuga;
 Overall Marcher and Marcher of the Day;
 Performed physical conditioning exercises before lunch;
 Recitation of 11 General orders;
 Executed dozen exercises;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
February 13, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Executed physical conditioning;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Attended discussion about the Functions of BFP by F01 Jopril B Dumanlang
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Final formation for departure.
February 14, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Celebrated Valentine’s day
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Final formation for departure.
February 19, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Attended lecture on Knot Tying by F01 Leonard M Closa;
 Performed exercises before lunch;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
February 20, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Decorated fence with orchids in woods;
 Practice for Indak sa Kalye
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Final formation for departure.
February 21, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Dance practice for Indak sa Kalye;
 Attended lecture on the continuation of Knot Tying by FO1 Jopril B Dumanlang
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Final formation for departure.
February 26, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Executed physical conditioning;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Attended demonstration on Transfer the Victim and Carrying the Victim by FO1
Leonard M Closa;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
February 27, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Executed physical conditioning;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Dance practice for Indak sa Kalye;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Final formation for departure.
February 28, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Executed physical conditioning;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Dance practice for Indak sa Kalye;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure;
February 29, 2024
 Final dance practice for Indak sa Kalye;
 Afternoon dismissal.
March 1, 2024
 Performed Indak sa Kalye at Bongabong Market Zone;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 3, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 General cleaning
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.
March 4, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Joined on Unity Walk
 Performed an Dance Number at ICST Gymnasium;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station;
 Final formation for departure.
March 5, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 6, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Grasscutting at the hillocks;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 11, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Preparation on Roadway Band
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.
March 12, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Participated on Roadway Band;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.
March 13, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Preparation for Open House and Fire Square Road Show;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 14, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Marcher of the Day
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Assisted children together with BFP Personnel during the Open House and Fire
Square Road Show;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.
March 18, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Designated as Platoon Leader in Rank Inspection initiated by FO1 Jopril B
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 19, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Joined Parade in celebration of Sulyog Festival;
 Attended lecture and demonstration on Fire Extinguisher and Bandaging by FO1
Leonard M Closa;
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.
March 20, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Attended lecture about Five ways to Prevent Fire by F03 Enoch G Flores
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 25, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Performed hose throwing and hose folding demonstrated by FO1 Jopril B
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Platoon formation for logging out and proper departure.
March 26, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Approval of program proper for the graduation;
 Executed actual Firefighting initiated by FO1
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon;
 Formation of the platoon for correct log-out and departure.
March 27, 2024
 Daily accounting of OJT attendance and proper entering;
 Cleaning the station’s area of responsibility;
 Prepared the venue for OJT Graduation and other pertinent matters related to
graduation ceremony.
 Cleaning the vicinity of the station in the afternoon.

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