Documentation EMS

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Employee Management


1. Introduction
2. Complete Flow Chart
3. Objectives
4. Functional Requirements
5. Non-Functional Requirements
6. System Architecture
7. User pages and screens
8. Advantages of EMS
9. Disadvantages of EMS
10. Applications
11. SAAS Application
12. Glossary
13. Appendices
14. Technologies Used
15. Purpose of Documentation
16. Future Scope
17. Conclusion

Employee management system(EMS) is a software application designed to
help businesses efficiently manage their employees' information, tasks,
schedules, and performance. Here's a breakdown of some key features
typically found in an employee management system.
An Employee Management System (EMS) is a software solution designed to
streamline and automate various aspects of managing an organization's
workforce. It serves as a centralized platform for HR professionals and

Employee Management System 1

managers to handle employee-related tasks efficiently, from recruitment and
onboarding to performance management and offboarding.

Actors in employee management system:

Employees are the primary users of the EMS. They interact with the system to
access personal information, submit leave requests, view pay stubs, update
their profiles, and participate in performance evaluations and training

Managers or supervisors use the EMS to oversee and manage their team
members. They approve leave requests, conduct performance reviews, track
attendance, assign training, and access reports and analytics related to their
team's performance and productivity.

Human Resources (HR) Administrators:

HR administrators are responsible for managing the EMS and ensuring its
smooth operation. They handle tasks such as employee onboarding and
offboarding, updating employee records, processing payroll, managing benefits
and compliance, and generating reports and analytics.

System Administrators:
System administrators are responsible for the technical management and
maintenance of the EMS. They handle tasks such as system configuration, user
management, security settings, software updates, and troubleshooting
technical issues.

Finance Department:
The finance department may interact with the EMS to review payroll data, track
labor costs, reconcile financial records, and ensure compliance with accounting
standards and regulations.

Admins of employee management system:

Employee Management System 2

HR Administrators:

HR administrators are responsible for managing employee-related processes

within the EMS. Their duties may include:
Employee onboarding and offboarding.
Managing employee records, including personal information, employment
history, and performance evaluations.
Processing payroll, including calculating salaries, wages, deductions, and
Managing benefits administration, including enrollment, eligibility, and coverage
Handling leave management, including approving leave requests, tracking
balances, and enforcing leave policies.
Conducting performance evaluations and managing training and development

System Administrators:
System administrators are responsible for the technical management and
maintenance of the EMS platform. Their duties may include:
System configuration and customization, including setting up user roles,
permissions, and workflows.
Installing updates and patches, ensuring the EMS is running smoothly and
Managing integrations with other systems and services, such as payroll
providers, time and attendance systems, and HRIS platforms.
Troubleshooting technical issues and providing technical support to users.
Monitoring system performance, security, and compliance with IT policies and

Finance Administrators:
Finance administrators oversee financial aspects of the EMS, particularly
related to payroll processing and budget management. Their duties may
Reviewing payroll data and ensuring accuracy of financial transactions.
Tracking labor costs and budget allocations.
Generating financial reports and analysis related to payroll expenses.
Collaborating with HR administrators to ensure compliance with financial
regulations and accounting standards.

Employee Management System 3

2.Complete Flow Chart:


1. Employee:

Represents individual employees within the organization.

Contains attributes such as employee ID, name, contact information,

employment status, department, position, and manager.


Represents users who interact with the EMS.

Includes attributes such as username, password, email, and role (e.g.,

employee, manager, administrator).

3.Attendance Record:

Stores data related to employee attendance and work hours.

Includes attributes such as date, time in/out, total hours worked, and any
relevant notes or comments.

4.Leave Request:

Represents a request submitted by an employee for time off.

Contains information such as the type of leave (e.g., vacation, sick

leave), start and end dates, reason for leave, and current status (e.g.,
pending, approved, rejected).

5.Performance Review:

Stores data related to employee performance evaluations.

Includes attributes such as review period, performance criteria, ratings,

comments, and goals for improvement.

Employee Management System 4

6.Payroll Entry:

Represents a record of employee compensation and benefits.

Contains data such as salary, bonuses, deductions, taxes, and net pay
for a specific pay period.

7.Training Course:

Represents a training program or course available to employees.

Includes details such as course name, description, instructor, duration,

location, and prerequisites.

9.Document or File:

Stores documents and files related to employee management.

Includes HR documents, contracts, policies, certifications, and

performance reviews.


Represents organizational units or departments within the company.

Contains attributes such as department name, manager, location, and


11.Task or Assignment:

Represents tasks or assignments assigned to employees.

Contains details such as task description, due date, priority, and status
(e.g., pending, in progress, completed).


Represents generated reports and analytics.

Includes data such as attendance summaries, leave balances,

performance metrics, and payroll summaries.

4.Functional Requirements:

1. Employee Information Management:

Employee Management System 5

Storing and managing employee data, including personal details, contact
information, employment history, and job-related information.

Updating and maintaining employee records with changes in

employment status, roles, or personal information.

2.Attendance Tracking:

Recording and tracking employee attendance, including clock-in/clock-

out times, work hours, breaks, and any attendance exceptions.

Generating attendance reports and summaries to monitor employee

attendance patterns and trends.

3.Leave Management:

Managing employee leave requests, including vacation, sick leave,

personal leave, and other types of time off.

Allowing employees to submit leave requests, managers to review and

approve requests, and HR administrators to track leave balances and

Automating leave calculation and approval processes to ensure accurate

and timely leave management.

4.Performance Evaluation:

Conducting performance evaluations and assessments for employees

based on predefined performance criteria and goals.

Documenting performance feedback, ratings, and comments from

managers and supervisors.

Setting performance goals and development plans for employees to

improve performance and career growth.

5.Payroll Processing:

Processing payroll for employees, including calculating salaries,

deductions, taxes, and benefits.

Generating pay stubs, tax forms (e.g., W-2, 1099), and other payroll-
related documents.

Automating payroll calculations and tax deductions to ensure accuracy

and compliance with regulatory requirements.

6.Training and Development:

Employee Management System 6

Managing employee training programs, courses, and certifications.

Tracking employee training progress, completion status, and


Assigning training courses based on job roles, skill requirements, and

career development plans.

7.HR Analytics and Reporting:

Generating reports and analytics on various HR metrics, such as

employee attendance, leave usage, performance evaluations, turnover
rates, and training effectiveness.

Analyzing data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in

workforce management.

8.Document Management:

Storing and managing HR-related documents and files, such as

contracts, policies, employee handbooks, and performance reviews.

Ensuring document security, version control, and compliance with

regulatory requirements.

Providing easy access to documents for employees, managers, and HR


9.Employee Self-Service:

Offering self-service capabilities for employees to access and manage

their HR-related information, such as updating personal details, viewing
pay stubs, submitting leave requests, and accessing company policies.

10.Compliance and Security:

Ensuring compliance with labor laws, regulations, and organizational


Implementing security measures to protect sensitive employee data and

ensure data privacy, including role-based access controls, encryption,
and audit trails.

11.Employee Engagement and Feedback:

Employee surveys and feedback collection

Recognition and rewards programs

Employee Management System 7

Employee satisfaction and morale tracking

Exit interviews and feedback analysis

12.Communication and Collaboration:

Internal communication tools (chat, messaging)

Employee directory and organizational chart

Team collaboration spaces

Announcement and notification features

13.Benefits Administration:

Enrollment in employee benefits programs (healthcare, retirement,


Benefits eligibility and enrollment tracking

Open enrollment management

Benefits deductions and contributions tracking

14.Offboarding and Separation:

Exit interviews and offboarding workflows

Equipment and asset return management

Documentation and record-keeping

Employee offboarding surveys

15.Employee Performance Tracking:

Continuous performance tracking and feedback

Goal alignment and tracking progress

Performance improvement plans (PIPs)

360-degree feedback assessments

16.Skill and Competency Management:

Skills inventory management

Competency assessment and tracking

Identifying skill gaps and training needs

Succession planning and talent development

Employee Management System 8

17.Shift Management:

Shift scheduling and rotation

Shift swapping and adjustments

Overtime management and approval

Shift differential calculations

18.Employee Recognition and Rewards:

Employee recognition programs

Peer-to-peer recognition

Reward points and redemption options

Recognition analytics and reporting

19.Safety and Incident Reporting:

Incident reporting and tracking

Safety training compliance tracking

OSHA compliance management

Safety incident investigation workflows

20.Workforce Planning and Forecasting:

Demand forecasting and workforce planning

Predictive analytics for staffing needs

Scenario planning for workforce changes

Budgeting and resource allocation

21.Employee Surveys and Feedback:

Pulse surveys for real-time feedback

Employee engagement surveys

Culture and climate surveys

Action planning based on survey results

22.Mobile Access and Apps:

Mobile-friendly interface for accessing EMS features

Mobile apps for on-the-go access

Employee Management System 9

Clock-in/clock-out functionality via mobile devices

Push notifications for important updates

23.Document Management:

Centralized repository for HR documents

Document version control and access permissions

Electronic signature integration for document signing

Document expiry and renewal reminders

24.Employee Assistance Programs (EAP):

Access to EAP services and resources

Mental health support programs

Referral services for counseling and support

Tracking usage and effectiveness of EAP services

5.Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Performance:

The system should respond to user requests within a specified time

frame, ensuring optimal performance even under high loads.

It should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users without

experiencing degradation in performance.

2. Scalability:

The system should be scalable to accommodate an increasing number

of employees and users as the organization grows.

It should support scalability in terms of data storage, processing power,

and network bandwidth.

3. Reliability:

Employee Management System 10

The system should be reliable, with minimal downtime and high
availability to ensure continuous access for users.

It should have built-in mechanisms for fault tolerance, recovery, and

disaster recovery.

4. Security:

The system should enforce strict access controls and authentication

mechanisms to protect sensitive employee data from unauthorized

It should comply with industry standards and regulations for data

security and privacy, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or SOC 2.

5. Usability:

The system should be user-friendly and intuitive, with a clear and

consistent user interface.

It should provide support for multiple languages, accessibility features,

and customization options to accommodate diverse user needs.

6. Maintainability:

The system should be easy to maintain and update, with modular

architecture and well-documented code.

It should support version control, code repositories, and automated

testing to facilitate continuous integration and deployment.

7. Interoperability:

The system should be compatible with other systems and applications

commonly used in the organization, such as accounting software, email
clients, or HRIS platforms.

It should support standard data exchange formats and APIs for

seamless integration with third-party systems.

8. Compliance:

The system should comply with relevant industry regulations, legal

requirements, and organizational policies.

It should undergo regular audits and security assessments to ensure

compliance with applicable standards and guidelines.

9. Performance Load:

Employee Management System 11

The system should be able to handle a specified number of concurrent
users and transactions without exceeding predefined performance

It should be tested under load conditions to verify its performance

capabilities and identify potential bottlenecks.

10. Data Integrity:

The system should ensure the integrity and accuracy of employee data
by implementing data validation, error handling, and data encryption

It should provide backup and recovery procedures to protect against

data loss or corruption.

6. System Architecture:
1. Application Layer:

The Application Layer contains the core logic and functionalities of the
EMS. It includes:

User Management: Handles user authentication, authorization, and

role-based access control.

Employee Information Management: Manages employee data,

including CRUD operations on employee records.

Attendance Tracking: Tracks employee attendance and work hours,

including clock-in/clock-out functionality.

Leave Management: Manages employee leave requests, approvals,

and balances.

Performance Evaluation: Conducts performance evaluations, sets

goals, and provides feedback.

Payroll Processing: Calculates employee salaries, deductions, taxes,

and benefits.

Training and Development: Manages employee training programs,

courses, and certifications.

Reporting and Analytics: Generates reports and analytics on HR

metrics and trends.

Employee Management System 12

2.Business Logic Layer:

The Business Logic Layer contains the business rules and processes
that govern the behavior of the EMS. It includes:

Validation rules for user inputs and data integrity.

Workflow rules for processing leave requests, performance

evaluations, and payroll.

Calculation rules for calculating employee salaries, deductions, and


Business rules for generating reports and analytics based on user


3.Data Access Layer:

The Data Access Layer manages the interaction with the underlying data
storage systems. It includes:

Database Management System (DBMS) for storing and retrieving

employee data, attendance records, leave requests, payroll
information, and training data.

APIs and data access methods for accessing and manipulating data
stored in the database.

Data caching mechanisms for improving performance and reducing


4.Integration Layer:

The Integration Layer facilitates communication and integration with

external systems and services. It includes:

APIs and web services for integrating with third-party applications,

such as accounting software, time and attendance systems, and
HRIS platforms.

Message queues and event-driven architecture for asynchronous

communication and event processing.

Data transformation and mapping tools for converting data formats

and protocols between different systems.

4.Infrastructure Layer:

Employee Management System 13

The Infrastructure Layer comprises the underlying hardware and
network infrastructure that supports the operation of the EMS. It

Servers, virtual machines, or containers for hosting the EMS

application and database.

Network infrastructure for connecting users to the EMS, including

routers, switches, and firewalls.

Cloud infrastructure services, such as compute, storage, and

networking services, for scalable and reliable deployment of the

7.User Pages and Screens:


1.Signup Page:
It is mail Id verification Page.

When mail Id enter it will sent Verification code to entered Gmail.

2.OTP Verification Page:

Here we can enter received verification code.

3.Login Page:
Enter mail Id and Password in this page.

4.Invalid Username/Password:
Entered mail Id and Password is incorrect, showing error page.

5.Password Reset Page:

If we forget the password. Then we can provide our mail ld to get link.

6.Confirm Password Page

Employee Management System 14

We can reset the password here.

7.Forgot Password
We can Enter new password.

Tracked Hours


Upcoming holidays


Weekly-time sheet

Total working hours




Overtime Rules

12.Personal information
Employee Info



Bank Info

Leave Details

Employment History

Employee Management System 15

Contact information

13.About us
Mission and vision

History and background

Leadership and staff information

14.Help/Support Center
Contact Us


customer support

15.Terms and Conditions


terms and condition

User details


Clock In

Break In

Break Out

Clock Out

18.Social Media Integration

Links to the organization's social media profiles

Social sharing buttons for news and updates

19.Self Services

Employee Management System 16

My performance


Org Chat

Pay slips

IT Declaration



20.HR Management
My Request

Create Hr Request

Account has been logged out.

1.Signup Page:
It is mail Id verification Page.

When mail Id enter it will sent Verification code to entered Gmail.

2.OTP Verification Page:

Here we can enter received verification code.

3.Login Page:
Enter mail Id and Password in this page.

4.Invalid Username/Password:
Entered mail Id and Password is incorrect, showing error page.

5.Password Reset Page:

Employee Management System 17

If we forget the password. Then we can provide our mail ld to get link.

6.Confirm Password Page:

We can reset the password here.

Tracked hours


Upcoming holidays

8.Leave Management:
Employee leave reports

Pending leave approval

Approved leave applications

9.Profile Information:
Personal Information


Contact Information

Employee Information

Aadhar and pan information

Address Information

10.Salary Management:
Employee salary details

Employee salary pending details

Employee salary credited details

11.Employee Management:
List of all employees

Employee Management System 18

Adding new employee

Edit existing new employee details


1. Create tasks
2 Assign tasks
3. Status tasks

12.Onboarding process:
Offer released

Offer accepted list

Offer reject list

Joining date share list

Onboarding complete list

Calculating salaries and taxes.

14.Training and Development:

Awaiting for training employee list

Ongoing training employee list

Training completed employee list

15.Appraisal and Promotions:

Appraisal eligible list

Promotion selected list

Account has been logged out.


Employee Management System 19

1.Signup Page:
It is mail Id verification Page.

When mail Id enter it will sent Verification code to entered Gmail.

2.OTP Verification Page:

Here we can enter received verification code.

3.Login Page:
Enter mail Id and Password in this page.

4.Invalid Username/Password:
Entered mail Id and Password is incorrect, showing error page.

5.Password Reset Page:

If we forget the password. Then we can provide our mail ld to get link.

6Confirm Password Page

We can reset the password here.

Employee Activities

Employer Activities



User Registration


9.Employee Management:
List of all employees

Employee Management System 20

List of all employers

Generate reports

10.Salary Management:
Employee salary details

Employer salary details

11.Leave Management:
Generate leave Reports

Pending leave applications

Approved leave applications

12.Department Management:
Hr Department

Accounts Departments

CRM Department

13.Manage Roles and Permissions:

Assigning permissions by using role

14.Attendance Management:
Employee attendance reports

Employer attendance reports

Edit employee/employer attendance

15.Profile Information:
Personal Information


Contact Information

Employee Information

Employee Management System 21

Aadhar and pan information

Address Information

The account has been logged out.

8.Advantages of EMS:
EMS automates repetitive HR tasks such as payroll processing, leave
management, and attendance tracking, saving time and reducing manual
It streamlines workflows and eliminates paperwork, enabling HR professionals
to focus on strategic initiatives and employee engagement.


By centralizing employee data and processes, EMS ensures data consistency

and accuracy across the organization.
Automated calculations and processes minimize errors in payroll processing,
leave accruals, and compliance reporting.

EMS helps organizations comply with labor laws, regulations, and internal
policies by enforcing standardized processes and documentation.
It provides audit trails, reports, and notifications to ensure adherence to legal
requirements and deadlines.

EMS provides employees with self-service portals where they can access and
update their personal information, view pay stubs, submit leave requests, and
track their attendance.
Transparency in HR processes fosters trust and engagement among
employees, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Cost Savings:

Employee Management System 22

By automating manual processes and reducing paperwork, EMS lowers
administrative costs and improves operational efficiency.
It minimizes the risk of errors and compliance violations, avoiding potential
fines and penalties associated with non-compliance.
Employee Satisfaction

9.Disadvantages of EMS:
Cost of Implementation and Maintenance:
Implementing an EMS can be costly, involving upfront expenses for software
licenses, customization, integration, and training.
Ongoing maintenance costs, including software updates, support, and license
renewals, can also add to the total cost of ownership.

Complexity and Customization Challenges:

EMS solutions may be complex and require customization to align with the
unique needs and workflows of an organization.
Customization can be time-consuming and costly, and may require specialized
technical expertise.

Resistance to Change:
Introducing an EMS may face resistance from employees who are accustomed
to traditional HR processes or fear job displacement due to automation.
Resistance to change can hinder adoption and undermine the success of the
EMS implementation.

Data Privacy and Security Risks:

Centralizing sensitive employee data in an EMS poses risks related to data
privacy, security breaches, and unauthorized access.
Organizations must implement robust security measures, encryption protocols,
and access controls to protect employee information from cyber threats and
data breaches.

Dependency on Technology:
Organizations become reliant on the EMS for critical HR functions, making them
vulnerable to disruptions in technology, such as system outages, downtime, or
software bugs.

Employee Management System 23

Dependency on technology may also pose challenges during system upgrades
or migration to new platforms.

Training and User Adoption Issues:

Employees and HR staff may require training to effectively use the EMS, which
can be time-consuming and disrupt productivity.
Poor user adoption or inadequate training may lead to underutilization of the
EMS and limit its effectiveness in achieving organizational objectives.

Lack of Flexibility and Scalability:

Some EMS solutions may lack flexibility and scalability to accommodate
changes in organizational structure, workforce size, or business requirements.
Customizing or scaling the EMS to meet evolving needs may be challenging
and require additional investment.

10.Applications of EMS:
1. Corporate Organizations:

Large corporations and multinational companies use EMS to efficiently

manage their workforce spread across different departments, locations,
and regions.

EMS helps streamline HR processes such as employee onboarding,

attendance tracking, leave management, performance evaluation, and
payroll processing.

2. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs):

SMEs utilize EMS to automate manual HR tasks, improve operational

efficiency, and reduce administrative overhead.

EMS allows SMEs to manage employee data, attendance, leave,

performance, and payroll in a centralized and cost-effective manner.

3. Educational Institutions:

Schools, colleges, and universities use EMS to manage faculty, staff,

and student employees.

EMS helps educational institutions track faculty attendance, manage

leave requests, conduct performance evaluations, and facilitate training

Employee Management System 24

and development programs.

4. Healthcare Organizations:

Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities use EMS to manage their

healthcare workforce, including doctors, nurses, and support staff.

EMS assists healthcare organizations in scheduling shifts, tracking

employee certifications and licenses, and ensuring compliance with
healthcare regulations.

5. Retail and Hospitality Industry:

Retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and hospitality businesses use EMS to

manage their frontline employees, including sales associates, servers,
and housekeeping staff.

EMS helps schedule shifts, track attendance, manage time-off requests,

and monitor employee performance in retail and hospitality settings.

11.SAAS Application:
Ems is a SAAS based application which we are using.

“SAAS" stands for "Software as a Service." It is a software distribution

model where applications are hosted by a third-party provider and
made available to customers over the internet. In a SaaS model, users
access the software through a web browser or application interface,
rather than downloading and installing it on their own computers or

1. Functionalities
4.Screens& Pages
6.Reference Websites

Employee Management System 25


Suma payroll


One pay

14.Technologies Used:
Java Script


15.Future Scope:
The future scope for Employee Management Systems (EMS) is promising, with
advancements in technology and evolving workforce dynamics driving
innovation in HR practices. Here are some areas of future growth and
development for EMS:

AI and Machine Learning Integration:

AI and machine learning algorithms can analyze large volumes of employee

data to identify trends, predict future workforce needs, and provide
personalized recommendations for talent management, skill development, and
performance improvement.
AI-powered chatbots can enhance employee self-service capabilities by
providing instant support and assistance for routine HR inquiries, reducing the
burden on HR staff.

Predictive Analytics for HR Decision Making:

Predictive analytics tools can forecast employee turnover, identify flight risks,
and recommend retention strategies to proactively address talent attrition.
Predictive models can optimize workforce planning, recruitment strategies, and
succession planning by analyzing historical data and predicting future
workforce trends.

16.Purpose of Documentation:

Employee Management System 26

The purpose of this document is to describe the functionality and
specifications of the design
of a web application for Managing Employees and their payroll. The expected
audiences of this
document are the developers and the admin of the web application. Now with
the help of this
system the admin has the information on his finger tips and can easily
prepare a good record
based on their requirements.

In conclusion, the Employee Management System (EMS) represents a
pivotal tool for modern organizations seeking to optimize their workforce
management processes, enhance employee experience, and drive business

Through automation, analytics, and self-service capabilities, EMS solutions

streamline HR operations, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with
regulatory requirements. By centralizing employee data, facilitating
communication, and enabling data-driven decision-making, EMS empowers
organizations to make informed choices, identify trends, and implement
strategies for workforce optimization.

Employee Management System 27

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