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Recent Research in Science and Technology 2011, 3(1): 97-100

ISSN: 2076-5061



Y.B. Kannan∗
Department of Physics, A.P.S.A.College, Tiruppattur – 630 211, Tamil Nadu, India

The absorption coefficient of glass medium (green and violet color glasses) of various thicknesses, when the medium is
exposed to sodium light has been studied using LDR. The value of absorption coefficient has been found almost constant in
all cases as expected.
Keywords: Absorption Coefficient; Anisotropic Solid; EM wave; LDR

Introduction plate is taken as ‘x’. The readings are tabulated as

“Absorption coefficient is a measure of the rate of shown in the below tables.
decrease in intensity of electromagnetic radiation when No medium (except vacuum) is perfectly
it passes through a given substance”. transparent when light passes through it. When light
Generally, the absorption spectrum of a substance passes through a medium, its energy is partially
can be observed by passing white light through it and absorbed; increasing the internal energy of the medium
examining the transmitted light with a spectroscope and the intensity (power per unit area) is
and from that the absorption coefficient will be correspondingly attenuated. The decrease in intensity
calculated. . In this work, the absorption coefficient is (dI) is found to be proportional to the initial intensity (I),
calculated using Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). The and the thickness (dx) through which the light passes.
basic principle of LDR is that the resistance depends Mathematically it is given by dI = - α I dx, …(1) where
on the intensity of the light falling on it. We know that the proportionality constant α is called absorption
current flowing through LDR is proportional to intensity coefficient, which depends on the material.
of light falling on it and resistance is inversely The intensity after passage through a slab of
proportional to current. So, resistance is inversely thickness x can be obtained by integrating the equation
proportional to intensity. (1), we get Ix = Ioe-αx… (2) Where Io is the intensity at x
= 0, Ix is the intensity at a distance x.
Experimental setup In this work the intensity is measured indirectly by
Light would be removed from the transmitted measuring the change in the resistance of the LDR
beam by scattering as well as absorption, but the before and after the light passing through the medium
scattering is reduced if the substance is in a of given thickness. So the formula in terms of
homogenous state such as a single crystal, a liquid, or resistance becomes, Rx = Roeαx… (3) Where Ro is the
an amorphous solid. In true absorption the light resistance at x = 0, Rx is the resistance at a distance x.
disappears, the energy being converted into heat. The From equ.(3) the absorption coefficient is given by
absorption depends on the nature of the body as well α = [log (Rx/Ro)] /x.
as on the radiation used.
Ordinary glasses with green color and violet color
of various thicknesses have been used in this work.
Sodium light (15 Watts) is placed inside a dark room.
The given glasses, one by one, of a particular color is
placed at a specified distances from the lamp. LDR
with multi-meter is placed next to glass plates. The
knob of multi meter is in 20k ohms range. The value of
resistance in multi-meter without any glass plate is
taken as Ro. The value of resistance in multi-meter with
glass plate is taken as Rx. The distance of LDR from
sodium lamp is taken as‘d’. The thickness of the glass

Corresponding Author, Email: ybkans@gmail.com
Y.B.Kannan/Rec Res Sci Tech 3 (2011) 97-100


Table 1: To find the absorption coefficient of green glass plate

No. Value of Resistance in Multimeter
with green glass of with green glass of
without glass Ro thickness with green glass of thickness thickness
(KΩ) x1 = 4.876x10-3m x2 = 9.752x10-3m Rx2 (KΩ) x3 = 14.628x10-3m
Rx1 (KΩ) Rx3 (KΩ)
1 15 3 6 13 40
2 30 4 10 19 44
3 45 5 13 26 59
4 60 7 18 37 94
5 75 10 23 47 124

Model Calculation: α = [log(26/5)] / 9.752x10-3.

d=15cm α = 73.4211.
1) Ro = 3K. Rx1 = 6K. x1 = 4.876x10-3m.
α = [log(6/3)] / 4.876x10-3. d=30cm.
α = 61.737. 3) Ro = 4K. Rx3 = 44K. x3 = 14.628x10-3m.
α = [log(44/4)] /14.628x10-3.
d=45cm α = 71.19173.
2) Ro = 5K. Rx2 = 26K. x2 = 9.752x10-3m.

Table 2: Absorption coefficient of green glass plate

No. ‘d’ cm Absorption coefficient α ( m-1)

x1 = 4.876x10-3m. x2 = 9.752x10-3m. x3 = 14.620x10-3m.
1 15 61.737 65.301 76.903
2 30 81.611 69.390 71.191
3 45 85.105 73.421 73.276
4 60 84.121 74.149 77.114
5 75 74.185 68.918 74.741

Table 3: Ratio of change in the resistance value and the absorption coefficient value in the multi-meter, when the green glass plate’s
thickness increases two times. (From 4.888mm to 9.776mm)

No. ‘d’ cm Rx2 (9.752mm) / Rx1(4.876mm) αx2(9.752mm) / αx1(4.876mm)

1 15 13 / 6 = 2.166 65.301 / 61.737 = 1.057
2 30 19 / 10 =1.90 69.390 / 81.611 = 0.850
3 45 26 /13 = 2.00 73.421 / 85.105 = 0.862
4 60 37 / 18 = 2.05 74.149 / 84.121 = 0.881
5 75 47 / 23 = 2.04 68.918 / 74.185 = 0.919

Table 4: Ratio of change in the resistance value and the absorption coefficient value in the multimeter, when the green glass plate’s
thickness increases three times. (From 4.888mm to 14.628mm)

No. ‘d’ cm R x3(14.628mm) / R x1(4.876mm) α x3 (14.628mm) / α x1(4.876mm)

1 15 40 / 6 = 6.66 76.903 / 61.737 = 1.245
2 30 44 / 10 = 4.4 71.191 / 81.611 = 0.872
3 45 59 /13 = 4.5 73.276 / 85.105 = 0.861
4 60 94 / 18 = 5.2 77.114 / 84.121 = 0.916
5 75 124 / 23 = 5.3 74.741 / 74.185 = 1.007
Y.B.Kannan/Rec Res Sci Tech 3 (2011) 97-100

Table 5: Ratio of change in the resistance value and the absorption coefficient value in the multimeter which is connected in parallel to the
LDR, when the green glass plate’s thickness increases one and half times. (From 9.752mm to 14.628mm)

No ‘d’ cm R x3 (14.628mm) / R x2(9.752mm) α x3(14.628mm) / α x2(9.752mm)

1 15 40 / 13 = 3.07 76.903 / 65.301 = 1.177
2 30 44 / 19 = 2.31 71.191 / 69.390 = 1.025
3 45 59 /26 = 2.26 73.276 / 73.421 = 0.998
4 60 94 / 37 = 2.5 77.114 / 74.149 = 1.039
5 75 124 / 47 = 2.6 74.741 / 68.918 = 1.084

Table 6: To find the absorption coefficient of violet glass plate

No. Value of Resistance in Multimeter
with violet glass with violet glass with violet glass
without glass of thickness of thickness of thickness
Ro (KΩ) x1 = 4.888x10-3m x2 = 9.776x10-3m x3 = 14.628x10-3m
Rx1 (KΩ) Rx2 (KΩ) Rx3 (KΩ)
1 15 3 10 37 94
2 30 4 15 52 117
3 45 5 20 69 134
4 60 7 27 83 151
5 75 10 35 110 193

Model calculation: α = [log(52/4)] /9.776x10-3.

d=15cm. α = 113.946
1) Ro = 3K. Rx = 10K. x = 4.888x10-3m.
α = [log(10/3)] /4.888x10-3. d=75cm.
α = 106.971. 1) Ro = 10K. Rx = 193K. x = 14.664x10-3m.
α = [log(193/10)] /14.664x10-3.
d=30cm. α=87.667
2) Ro = 4K. Rx = 52K. x = 9.776x10-3m.

Table 7: Absorption coefficient of violet glass plate

‘d’ Absorption coefficient α ( m-1)
cm x1 = 4.888x10-3m. x2 = 9.776x10-3m. x3 = 14.664x10-3m.
1 15 106.971 111.608 102.018
2 30 117.436 113.946 99.981
3 45 123.171 116.599 97.390
4 60 119.939 109.858 90.962
5 75 111.306 106.525 87.667

Table 8: Ratio of change in the resistance value and the absorption coefficient value in the multimeter, when the violet glass plate’s
thickness increases two times. (From 4.888mm to 9.776mm)

No ‘d’ cm Rx2(9.776mm) / Rx1(4.888mm) α x2(9.776mm) / α x1(4.888mm)

1 15 37 / 10 = 3.7 111.608 / 106.971 = 1.043
2 30 52 / 15 = 3.46 113.946 / 117.436= 0.970
3 45 69 / 20 = 3.45 116.599 / 123.171 = 0.946
4 60 83 / 27 = 3.07 109.858 / 119.939 = 0.915
5 75 110 / 35 = 3.14 106.525 / 111.306 = 0.957
Y.B.Kannan/Rec Res Sci Tech 3 (2011) 97-100

Table 9: Ratio of change in the resistance value and the absorption coefficient value in the multimeter, when the violet glass plate’s
thickness increases three times. (From 4.888mm to 14.628mm)
No ‘d’ cm Rx3(14.628mm) / Rx1(4.888mm) α x3 (14.628mm) / α x1(4.888mm
1 15 94 / 10 = 9.4 102.018 / 106.971 = 0.953
2 30 117 / 15 = 7.8 99.981 / 117.436 = 0.851
3 45 134 / 20 = 6.7 97.390 / 123.171 = 0.790
4 60 151 / 27 = 5.6 90.962 / 119.939 = 0.758
5 75 193 / 35 = 5.5 87.667 / 111.306 = 0.787

Table 10: Ratio of change in the resistance value and the absorption coefficient value in the multimeter, when the violet glass plate’s
thickness increases one and half times. (From 9.776mm to 14.664mm)

‘d’ Rx3(14.664mm) / α x3(14.664mm) / α

cm Rx2(9.776mm) x2(9.776mm)
102.018 / 111.608 =
1 15 94 / 37 = 2.5
2 30 117 / 52 = 2.25 99.981 / 113.946 = 0.877
3 45 134 / 69 = 1.94 97.390 / 116.599 = 0.835
4 60 151 / 83 = 1.81 90.962 / 109.858 = 0.828
5 75 193 / 110 = 1.75 87.667 / 106.525 = 0.823

Discussion and Conclusion intensity of the incident light. Again owing to

In the case of green glass plate, reflection at the second surface, I is not the
• When the thickness increases twice, the ratio emergent intensity for a body of total
of resistance for those two thicknesses also thickness x.
varies twice at the corresponding distances. • The variation in absorption coefficient in this
• When the thickness increases thrice, the ratio work is due to the fact that the instrument
of resistance for those two thicknesses varies used in this experiment may not be very
from 4.5 times to 6.5 at the corresponding sensitive to reflect the actual nature of glass
distances. plate.
• When the thickness increases one and half • When the thickness increases, it need not
times the ratio of resistance for those two necessarily increase linearly as absorption
thicknesses varies from 2.2 times to 3 times formula is exponential.
at the corresponding distances. The losses due to reflection as mentioned in the
first point can be eliminated by measuring the
In the case of violet glass plate emergent intensity for two different thicknesses.
• When the thickness increases twice, the ratio 1. In all cases, the absorption
of resistance for those two thicknesses varies coefficient for a given type of glass
from 3.0 to 3.7 at the corresponding distances. plate is almost constant, as
• When the thickness increases thrice, the ratio expected.
of resistance for those two thicknesses varies 2. From the above fact, it seems that
violet glass plate absorbs more
from 5.5 times to 9.4 times at the
corresponding distances. yellow light than that of green glass
• When the thickness increases one and half
times, the ratio of resistance for those two Reference
thicknesses varies from 1.75 to 2.5 at the White, H.E., Jenkins, F.A., Fundamentals Of Optics,
corresponding distances. 4TH International Edition, (1981), McGraw Hill,
p.no.457 – 468.
The variation in absorption coefficient is due to the
following fact:
• When attempting to determine the absorption
coefficient, it must be remembered that in the
equation I = Ioe-αx, Io is the intensity of the
light that enters the body; since some light is
reflected at the first surface, it is not the

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