CFR 1998 Title48 Vol1 Sec49 601 2

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Federal Acquisition Regulation 49.


Subpart 49.6—Contract Contracting Officer

Termination Forms and Formats 49.601–2 Letter notice.
49.601 Notice of termination for con- The following letter notice of termi-
venience. nation is suggested for use if a contract
for supplies is being terminated for
(See 49.402–3(g) for notice of termi-
convenience. With appropriate modi-
nation for default.)
fications, it may be used in terminat-
49.601–1 Telegraphic notice. ing contracts for other than supplies
and in terminating subcontracts. This
(a) Complete termination. The follow- notice shall be sent by certified mail,
ing telegraphic notice is suggested for return receipt requested. If no prior
use if a supply contract is being com- telegraphic notice was issued, use the
pletely terminated for convenience. If alternate notice that follows this no-
appropriately modified, the notice may tice.
be used for other than supply con-
XYZ Corporation [At the top of the notice, set out all special de-
tails relating to the particular termination; e.g.,
New York, NY 12345
name and address of company, contract number
Contract No. ............... is completely ter-
of terminated contract, items, etc.]
minated under clause ..........., effective
(a) Effective date of termination. This con-
.......... [insert ‘‘immediately’’ or ‘‘on
firms the Government’s telegram to you
..............., 19..’’, or ‘‘as soon as you have de-
dated .........., 19...., terminating ..............
livered, including prior deliveries, the fol-
[insert ‘‘completely’’ or ‘‘in part’’] Contract
lowing items:’’ (list)]. Immediately stop all
No. ...... (referred to as ‘‘the contract’’) for
work, terminate subcontracts, and place no
the Government’s convenience under the
further orders except to the extent [insert if
clause entitled ......... [insert title of appro-
applicable ‘‘necessary to complete items not
priate termination clause]. The termination is
terminated or’’] that you or a subcontractor
effective on the date and in the manner stat-
wish to retain and continue for your own ac-
ed in the telegram.
count any work-in-process or other mate-
(b) Cessation of work and notification to im-
rials. Telegraph similar instructions to all
mediate subcontractors. You shall take the fol-
subcontractors and suppliers. Detailed in-
lowing steps:
structions follow.
(1) Stop all work, make no further ship-
ments, and place no further orders relating
Contracting Officer to the contract, except for—
(i) The continued portion of the contract,
if any;
(b) Partial termination. The following
(ii) Work-in-process or other materials
telegraphic notice is suggested for use that you may wish to retain for your own ac-
if a supply contract is being partially count; or
terminated for convenience. If appro- (iii) Work-in-process that the Contracting
priately modified, the notice may be Officer authorizes you to continue (A) for
used for other than supply contracts. safety precautions, (B) to clear or avoid dam-
age to equipment, (C) to avoid immediate
DATE—————————— complete spoilage of work-in-process having
XYZ Corporation a definite commercial value, or (D) to pre-
New York, NY 12345 vent any other undue loss to the Govern-
Contract No. ..... is partially terminated ment. (If you believe this authorization is
under clause ...................., effective .............. necessary or advisable, immediately notify
[insert ‘‘immediately’’ or ‘‘on ..............., the Contracting Officer by telephone or per-
19..’’]. Reduce items to be delivered as fol- sonal conference and obtain instructions.)
lows: [insert instructions]. Immediately stop (2) Keep adequate records of your compli-
all work, terminate subcontracts, and place ance with subparagraph (1) above showing
no further orders except as necessary to per- the—
form the portion not terminated or that you (i) Date you received the Notice of Termi-
or a subcontractor wish to retain and con- nation;
tinue for your account any work-in-process (ii) Effective date of the termination; and
or other materials. Telegraph similar in- (iii) Extent of completion of performance
structions to all subcontractors and suppli- on the effective date.
ers. Detailed instructions follow. (3) Furnish notice of termination to each
llllllllllllllllllllllll immediate subcontractor and supplier that

49.601–2 48 CFR Ch. 1 (10–1–98 Edition)
will be affected by this termination. In the cations made in the performance of the con-
notice— tract.
(i) Specify your Government contract num- (g) Employees affected. (1) If this termi-
ber; nation, together with other outstanding ter-
(ii) State whether the contract has been minations, will necessitate a significant re-
terminated completely or partially; duction in your work force, you are urged
(iii) Provide instructions to stop all work, to—
make no further shipments, place no further (i) Promptly inform the local State Em-
orders, and terminate all subcontracts under ployment Service of your reduction-in-force
the contract, subject to the exceptions in schedule in numbers and occupations, so
subparagraph (1) above; that the Service can take timely action in
(iv) Provide instructions to submit any assisting displaced workers;
settlement proposal promptly; and (ii) Give affected employees maximum
(v) Request that similar notices and in- practical advance notice of the employment
structions be given to its immediate sub- reduction and inform them of the facilities
contractors. and services available to them through the
(4) Notify the Contracting Officer of all local State Employment Service offices;
pending legal proceedings that are based on (iii) Advise affected employees to file ap-
subcontracts or purchase orders under the plications with the State Employment Serv-
contract, or in which a lien has been or may ice to qualify for unemployment insurance,
be placed against termination inventory to if necessary;
be reported to the Government. Also, (iv) Inform officials of local unions having
promptly notify the Contracting Officer of agreements with you of the impending reduc-
any such proceedings that are filed after re- tion-in-force; and
ceipt of this Notice. (v) Inform the local Chamber of Commerce
(5) Take any other action required by the and other appropriate organizations which
Contracting Officer or under the Termi- are prepared to offer practical assistance in
nation clause in the contract. finding employment for displaced workers of
(c) Termination inventory. (1) As instructed the impending reduction-in-force.
by the Contracting Officer, transfer title and (2) If practicable, urge subcontractors to
deliver to the Government all termination take similar actions to those described in
inventory of the following types or classes, subparagraph (1) above.
including subcontractor termination inven- (h) Administrative. The contract adminis-
tory that you have the right to take: tration office named in the contract will
[Contracting Officer insert proper identification identify the Contracting Officer who will be
or ‘‘None’’]. in charge of the settlement of this termi-
(2) To settle your proposal, it will be nec- nation and who will, upon request, provide
essary to establish that all prime and sub- the necessary settlement forms. Matters not
contractor termination inventory has been covered by this notice should be brought to
properly accounted for. For detailed infor- the attention of the undersigned.
(i) Please acknowledge receipt of this no-
mation, see part 45.
tice as provided below.
(d) Settlements with subcontractors. You re-
main liable to your subcontractors and sup-
pliers for proposals arising because of the (Contracting Officer)
termination of their subcontracts or orders.
You are requested to settle these settlement
proposals as promptly as possible. For pur-
poses of reimbursement by the Government,
settlements will be governed by the provi-
(Name of Office)
sions of part 49.
(e) Completed end items. (1) Notify the Con-
tracting Officer of the number of items com- llllllllllllllllllllllll

pleted under the contract and still on hand

and arrange for their delivery or other dis- (Address)
posal (see 49.205).
(2) Invoice acceptable completed end items Acknowledgment of Notice
under the contract in the usual way and do
not include them in the settlement proposal. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a
(f) Patents. If required by the contract, signed copy of this notice on ............, l9.......
promptly forward the following to the Con- Two signed copies of this notice are re-
tracting Officer: turned.
(1) Disclosure of all inventions, discoveries, llllllllllllllllllllllll

and patent applications made in the per-

(Name of Contractor)
formance of the contract.
(2) Instruments of license or assignment on
all inventions, discoveries, and patent appli- By llllllllllllllllllllll

Federal Acquisition Regulation 49.602–5
(Name) from the termination of fixed-price
contracts if the total proposal is less
llllllllllllllllllllllll than $10,000 (see 49.206–1(d)).
(Title) 49.602–2 Inventory schedule forms.
The following forms shall be used to
(End of notice) support settlement proposals submit-
ted on the forms specified in 49.602–1(a),
Alternate notice. If no prior tele-
(b), and (c) (see 45.606):
graphic notice was issued, substitute
the following paragraph (a) for para- (a) Standard Form 1426, Inventory
graph (a) of the notice above: Schedule A (Metals in Mill Product
Form), and Standard Form 1427, Inven-
(a) Effective date of termination. You are no- tory Schedule A—Continuation Sheet
tified that Contract No. ...... (referred to as
‘‘the contract’’) is terminated ..............
(Metals in Mill Product Form).
[insert ‘‘completely’’ or ‘‘in part’’] for the (b) Standard Form 1428, Inventory
Government’s convenience under the clause Schedule B, and Standard Form 1429,
entitled .............. [insert title of appropriate Inventory Schedule B—Continuation
termination clause]. The termination is effec- Sheet (used for reporting raw mate-
tive .............. [insert either ‘‘immediately rials, purchased parts, finished compo-
upon receipt of this Notice’’ or ‘‘on ...........,
l9...,’’ or ‘‘as soon as you have delivered, in- nents, finished product, plant equip-
cluding prior deliveries, the following ment, and miscellaneous inventory).
items:’’ (list)]. Reduce items to be delivered (c) Standard Form 1430, Inventory
as follows: [insert instructions]. Schedule C—(Work-in-Process), and
Standard Form 1431, Inventory Sched-
49.602 Forms for settlement of termi-
nated contracts. ule C—Continuation Sheet (Work-in-
The standard forms listed below shall (d) Standard Form 1432, Inventory
be used for settling terminated prime
Schedule D (Special Tooling and Spe-
contracts. The forms at 49.602–1 and
cial Test Equipment), and Standard
49.602–2 may also be used for settling
terminated subcontracts. Standard Form 1433, Inventory Schedule D—Con-
forms are illustrated in subpart 53.3. tinuation Sheet (Special Tooling and
Special Test Equipment).
49.602–1 Termination settlement pro- (e) Standard Form 1434, Termination
posal forms. Inventory Schedule E (Short Form for
(a) Standard Form 1435, Settlement use with SF 1438 Only).
Proposal (Inventory Basis), shall be
used to submit settlement proposals re- 49.602–3 Schedule of accounting infor-
sulting from the termination of fixed- mation.
price contracts if the proposals are Standard Form 1439, Schedule of Ac-
computed on an inventory basis (see counting Information, shall be filed in
49.206–2(a)). support of a settlement proposal unless
(b) Standard Form 1436, Settlement the proposal is filed on Standard Form
Proposal (Total Cost Basis), shall be 1438, Settlement Proposal (Short Form)
used to submit settlement proposals re- (see 49.206–1(e)).
sulting from the termination of fixed-
price contracts if the proposals are 49.602–4 Partial payments.
computed on a total cost basis (see
Standard Form 1440, Application for
Partial Payment, shall be used to
(c) Standard Form 1437, Settlement
Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type apply for partial payments (see 49.112–
Contracts, shall be used to submit set- 1).
tlement proposals resulting from the
49.602–5 Settlement agreement.
termination of cost-reimbursement
contracts (see 49.302). Standard Form 30 (SF 30), Amend-
(d) Standard Form 1438, Settlement ment of Solicitation/Modification of
Proposal (Short Form), shall be used to Contract, shall be used to execute a
submit settlement proposals resulting settlement agreement (see 49.109–1).


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