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Name: Jamshed

Physics 11th
Roll No.________ Name: _______________
Time Allowed: 00 Total Marks:

Sr. Questions A B C D
1 A set of frequencies, which is multiple Beat Harmonics Doppler Nodal
of fundamental frequency is called: frequency frequencies frequencies
2 A simple pendulum has a bob of mass 1/4f 1/2f f 2f
„m‟ and its frequency is „f‟. If we
replaced the bob with a heavier one, say
of „2m‟, then what will be its new
3 A stationary wave is set up in the air Always a node Always an Neither nod Sometimes a
column of a closed pipe. At the closed is formed antinode is nor antinode is node and
end of the pipe. formed formed sometimes an
antinode is
4 A wave in soft string reflects from a 0° 90° 180° 76°
hard steel rod. Its phase difference
relative in the incident wave will be?
5 According to Laplace correction sound Adiabatic Isothermal Isobaric Isochoric
travel in air under the conditions of
6 At antinodes produced in sound waves: The pressure Pressure is Pressure is None of these
is minimum maximum and maximum
and velocity is velocity is
maximum minimum
7 At the open end of an organ pipe: Nodes are Antinodes are Either nodes Neither nodes
formed formed or antinodes nor antinodes
may form may form
8 Beats are formed when two notes of 𝑓₁ + 𝑓₂ 𝑓₁ − 𝑓₂ /2 /2
frequencies 𝑓₁ and 𝑓₂ (𝑓₁ > 𝑓₂) are
sounded together. The beat frequency
will be:
9 Beats are result of? Diffraction Constructive Destructive Alternate
interference interference constructive
10 Do dolphins navigate by using? EcholocationDoppler effect Reflection of All of these
11 Echo is the phenomenon of? Interference Reflection of Refraction of None of these
of sound sound sound
12 Energy is not transferred by? Longitudinal Transverse Stationary Electromagnet
waves waves waves ic waves
13 For destructive interference of sound nλ (n+1/2) λ Sometimes nλ None of these
waves, the path difference between two and sometimes
interfering sounds should be? (n+1/2) λ
14 For ultrasonic waves: Frequency is Frequency is Frequency All of the
in the audible greater than lower than 20 above
range 20 kHz Hz
15 If a string vibrates in n loops, the 2l/n nl/2 2n/l l/2n
wavelength of stationary waves will be:

Test Paper Generator: App Developer: JAMSHED IQBAL 1

Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
16 If the pressure of the gas is doubled, Also doubled Becomes half Not affected Increases four
then the speed of sound: times
17 If the stretching force T of wire Decreases Increases Remains the All of the
increases, then its frequency? same above
18 If the temperature increases the Increases Decreases No change None of these
frequency of tuning fork?
19 If two waves of the amplitude of ‘x’ 60° 120° 180° 0°
produce a resultant wave of amplitude
‘x’ then the phase difference between
them will be?
20 In a stationary wave, the particle Maximum Minimum Zero Constant
velocity at the node is:
21 In open organ pipe: Only even Only odd Both even and Selected
harmonics are harmonics are odd harmonics harmonics are
present present are present present
22 Increase in the velocity of sound in the 1.61ms⁻¹ 61.0ms⁻¹ 0.61ms⁻¹ 2.00ms⁻¹
air of 1°C rise in temperature is?
23 Increase in velocity of sound in air for 0.61 𝑚𝑠⁻¹ 61 𝑚𝑠⁻¹ 1.61 𝑚𝑠⁻¹ 2 𝑚𝑠⁻¹
1°𝐶 rise in temperature is:
24 It is possible to distinguish between Refraction Polarization Interference Diffraction
transverse and longitudinal waves form
the property of?
25 Periodic alteration of sound between Interferece Resonance Doppler effect Beats
maximum and minimum loudness are
26 Silence zone takes place due to: Constructive Destructive Beats Resonance
interference interference
27 Stationary waves are generated on a 𝑓₁ = 𝑣 × 𝑙 f₁=v/2l ⁽⁽ f₁=2l/v
string of length “l”, its fundamental
frequency is given by:
28 The fixed ends of a vibrating string are antinodes nodes overtones neither nodes
nor anti-nodes
29 The particles in the wave separated (n) (n+1) (n+1/2) Both a and c
through _______ multiple of λare out of
phase to each other.
30 The velocity of sound in a vacuum is? 332ms-1 320ms-1 Zero 224ms-1

Solve the following Short Questions

Q.No. 1: Why the pitch of sound increases when a observer moves towards a stationary source?
Q.No. 2: Why Radar, cannot detect under water objects?
Q.No. 3: What is the principle of superposition?
Q.No. 4: A transverse wave has a speed 200/sec. Find the wavelength λ of wave if frequency is kHz?
Q.No. 5: Expain, how stationary waves are produced in air column organ pipes?
Q.No. 6: Differentiate between constructive and destructive interference.
Q.No. 7: Explain how the speed of transverse wave in a string will change if its tension is made four times?
Q.No. 8: How the velocity of a wave will change if “Tension” is made 16 times?
Q.No. 9: How wave length and frequency are related with the speed of propagation of a wave?
Q.No. 10: What are progressive waves?
Q.No. 11: What is mean by the phase coherence? How does it affect the interference?
Q.No. 12: What is radar?

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Name: Jamshed

Q.No. 13: What is reflection of waves? Describe the general rules for reflection of transverse wave from the
boundary of two different media?
Q.No. 14: Why are both odd harmonics produced in an open pipe?
Q.No. 15: What is the frequency of the wave in the first mode of vibration of stretched string?
Q.No. 16: Why sound travels in hydrogen than that in oxygen?
Q.No. 17: Why are both only odd harmonic produced in a closed pipe?
Q.No. 18: Why stars moving towards Earth show a blue shift and those moving away show a red shift?
Q.No. 19: Write three uses of Dopplerls effect?

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