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ICT Department
The Internet: ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
What is the Internet? ...................................................................................................................................... 2
The history and evolution of the Internet: .................................................................................................... 2
Types of Internet Connections: ..................................................................................................................... 3
Internet Service Providers (ISPs): ................................................................................................................. 3
The World Wide Web ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Web Browsers ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Search Engines ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Common Internet Services ............................................................................................................................ 5
Netiquette and Digital Citizenship .................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Computer Networks .................................................................................................................... 7
1. What is a Computer Network? ..................................................................................................................... 7
2. Types of Computer Networks: ...................................................................................................................... 7
3. Components of a Computer Network: .......................................................................................................... 8
4. Communication in Computer Networks: .................................................................................................... 10
5. Network Topologies: .................................................................................................................................. 11
6. Benefits of Computer Networks: ................................................................................................................ 13
7. Disadvantages of Computer Networks ....................................................................................................... 13
Hackers and Hacking .......................................................................................................................................... 14
1. What is Hacking? ........................................................................................................................................ 14
2. Motivations: ............................................................................................................................................... 14
3. Types of Hackers: ....................................................................................................................................... 15
4. Common Hacking Techniques: ................................................................................................................... 16
5. Protecting Against Hacking:........................................................................................................................ 16
6. Legal Consequences of Hacking: ................................................................................................................. 17
7. Reporting Suspected Hacking: .................................................................................................................... 17
Introduction to Programming: ............................................................................................................................ 18
1. What is programming? ............................................................................................................................... 18
2. Why is programming important? ............................................................................................................... 18
3. How to code or program ............................................................................................................................ 19
Algorithms and Sequences: ........................................................................................................................ 19
Variables and Data Types: .......................................................................................................................... 20
Conditional Statements: ............................................................................................................................ 21
Loops: ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Inputs and Outputs: ................................................................................................................................... 22
Debugging and Troubleshooting: ............................................................................................................... 22
Problem-Solving Skills: ............................................................................................................................... 22
Creativity and Projects: .............................................................................................................................. 23
Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................................................................................ 27

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The Internet:

What is the Internet?

▪ The Internet is a global network of
interconnected computers and devices
that allows for the exchange of
information and communication.
▪ It enables people to access information, communicate with others, and
perform various online activities.
▪ The Internet is made up of millions of smaller networks and computers
around the world, all connected to each other.

The history and evolution of the Internet:

▪ The origins of the Internet can be traced back to the 1960s, when the
U.S. Department of Defense developed a network called ARPANET to
connect computers for research and communication.
▪ In the 1980s, the Internet began to be used by the public, with the
development of new technologies and protocols.
▪ The World Wide Web, created by Tim Berners-Lee in the 1990s,
changed the way information is shared and accessed on the Internet.
▪ Since then, the Internet has grown rapidly, with the development of
new technologies, applications, and devices that have made it an
essential part of our daily lives.

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Types of Internet Connections:
1. Broadband Connection:
• A high-speed internet connection that allows for fast and reliable
data transfer.
• Examples include cable, ADSL, fiber optic, and satellite

2. Dial-up Connection:
• An older and much slower type of internet connection that uses a
telephone line but it’s no longer used.
▪ When a computer is connected to the internet, it is said to be online.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs):

1. Role of ISPs:
• ISPs are companies that provide internet access to customers.
• They set up and maintain the infrastructure needed for internet

2. Choosing an ISP:
• Factors to consider when selecting an ISP include speed,
reliability, data limits, and cost.
3. Examples of ISPs in Zimbabwe are ZOL, Utande, TelOne

The World Wide Web

▪ The World Wide Web (WWW) is a system

of interconnected documents and
resources that can be accessed over the
▪ The WWW was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in
1989 while he was working at CERN.
▪ The WWW uses web pages, which are documents containing text, images,
videos, and other multimedia content.
▪ Web pages are connected through
hyperlinks, clickable elements that allow
users to navigate between different pages
and resources on the web.
▪ Web addresses, also known as URLs
(Uniform Resource Locators), are used to
locate and access specific web pages on
Tim Berners-Lee
the internet.
▪ A group of related pages grouped together by hyperlinks is called a website
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Web Browsers
▪ To access the WWW, you need a web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox,
Safari, or Edge.
▪ These are applications that interprets and displays web pages, allowing
users to interact with them.

▪ A person who is accessing the internet using a web browser is said to

 Browsing
 Surfing
 Searching
 Navigating

Search Engines

▪ Search engines are digital tools used to find websites

and information on the internet.
▪ You type in what you’re looking for, called a search
query, and the search engine gives you a list of results.
▪ These results are called search results and they
include links to web pages, images, videos, and more.
▪ Search engines use special programs
called algorithms to decide which results to show you
and in what order.
▪ They look through billions of web pages to find matches for your search query.
▪ Popular search engines include Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
▪ They can also help you with homework, finding pictures, or learning about new

 Remember, search engines are powerful tools, so always use them wisely and
safely! 🌐🔍

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Common Internet Services

Email: Email stands for electronic mail. It is an online service

that allows us to send and receive messages over the internet.

Instant messaging: Instant messaging services like

WhatsApp, Messenger, and Skype enable real-time text and
voice communication with others over the internet.

Online search: Search engines like Google, Bing, and

Yahoo help us find information on the internet by
typing in keywords or questions.

Online shopping: Online shopping websites like Amazon

and eBay let us buy products and have them delivered
to our doorsteps.

Online banking: Banks provide online banking services that

allow us to manage our accounts, transfer money, and pay
bills over the internet.

Streaming services: Streaming platforms like Netflix,

YouTube, and Spotify offer a wide range of movies, TV
shows, music, and videos that we can watch or
listen to online.

Video conferencing & Online Learning: Video

conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and
Google Meet enable us to have face-to-face meetings
and virtual classrooms over the internet.

Cloud storage: Cloud storage services like Google

Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive let us store and
access files, such as documents and photos, on the
internet so we can access them from anywhere.

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Netiquette and Digital Citizenship

▪ Netiquette refers to the rules of
etiquette that apply to online
behavior and communication.
▪ It includes guidelines for
respectful and responsible online

Responsible Digital Citizen:

▪ A responsible digital citizen is someone who uses technology in a
safe, ethical, and responsible manner.
▪ This includes respecting others' privacy, not sharing personal
information, and being aware of the potential risks of online

Consequences of Online Behavior:

▪ Online behavior can have real-world consequences, both positive
and negative.
▪ It's important to be mindful of what you post online and how it
may impact others.

Tips for Responsible Online Behavior:

▪ Think before you post.
▪ Be respectful of others.
▪ Protect your privacy.
▪ Be aware of the risks of online interactions.
▪ Use technology responsibly and ethically.

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Introduction to Computer

1. What is a Computer Network?

- A computer network is a
collection of interconnected
devices that can communicate and
share resources with each other.

2. Types of Computer Networks:

1. WAN (Wide Area Network): WAN is a network that spans a
large geographical area, connecting multiple LANs or other
networks together. It enables communication between
computers and devices in different locations, often using the internet.

2. LAN (Local Area Network): LAN is a network that connects

devices within a limited area, like a home, school, or office. It
allows computers and other devices to share resources, such as
files and printers, within the network.

3. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): MAN is a network that

spans across a city or metropolitan area, connecting multiple
LANs and other networks. It covers a larger geographical area
than a LAN but is smaller than a WAN.

4. PAN (Personal Area Network): PAN is a network

designed for personal use and typically spans a very
short distance, usually within a person's immediate
surroundings. It connects personal devices like
smartphones, tablets, and laptops, allowing them to communicate and share
data wirelessly.

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3. Components of a Computer Network:

- Nodes: Devices connected to the network, including computers, laptops,

servers, printers, and smartphones.

- Network Cables: Physical connections (e.g., Ethernet cables) that transmit

data between devices.

- Wireless Media: Uses Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or satellite technology to connect

devices without the need for physical cables.

- Network Devices: Equipment that enables communication and data

transfer, such as routers, switches, and modems.

1. Switch: A switch is a device that helps connect multiple devices, like

computers, printers, and game consoles, within a local network (such as a
home or classroom). It allows devices to communicate with each other by
sending data to the intended device. Think of it as a traffic controller that
directs data to the right destination.

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2. Router: A router is a device that connects different networks together,

such as a home network to the internet. It chooses the best path for data to
travel from one network to another. It helps devices in your home network
access the internet and also provides security by blocking unwanted traffic.


3. Modem: A modem is a device that allows your computer or home network

to connect to the internet. It connects to your internet service provider (ISP)
through technologies like ADSL (phone line), or fiber.
It translates the data from your devices into a format that can be sent
over the internet, and vice versa.
This is called modulation-demodulation (modem)

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Other forms or shapes of modems

Internet-modem-router-LAN Connection

4. Communication in Computer Networks:

- Protocols: Rules and standards that govern how data is transmitted and
received across the

- IP Address: Unique numerical identifier assigned to each device on a


- Data Transmission: Data is sent in small units called packets, which are
reassembled at the destination

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5. Network Topologies:
1. Bus Topology: In a bus topology, all devices are connected to a single
communication line, like a bus. Data travels along this line, and each device
receives the data and decides whether it is intended for that device.

2. Star Topology: In a star topology, all devices are connected to a central

device, usually a switch or a hub. Each device has its own dedicated
connection to the central device. It's like having spokes connecting to the
center of a wheel.

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3. Ring Topology: In a ring topology, devices are connected in a circular
manner, forming a closed loop. Each device is connected to two neighboring
devices, and data travels in only one direction around the ring. It's like passing
a message in a circle from one person to the next.

4. Mesh Topology: In a mesh topology, devices are connected to multiple

other devices, creating multiple paths for data to travel. This redundancy
helps ensure that if one connection fails, data can still find another path. It's
like having multiple roads to reach different destinations.

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6. Benefits of Computer Networks:
- Sharing Resources: Networks allow sharing of devices like printers,
scanners, and internet connections among
multiple users.

- File Sharing: Users can share and access

files stored on different computers within
the network.

- Communication: Networks enable

communication through email, video
conferencing, and instant messaging.

- Collaboration: Users can work together

on projects and share information easily
within a network.

- Centralized Management: Networks allow

centralized management of resources, security, and software updates.

7. Disadvantages of Computer Networks

- Unauthorized Access/Hacking: People gaining access to a network or its

resources without proper permission.

- Data Breaches: Sensitive information

being accessed, stolen, or exposed to
unauthorized individuals.

- Malware Attacks: Harmful software, such

as viruses or ransomware, infecting network
devices and causing damage or data loss.

- Phishing: Deceptive emails or messages

tricking users into revealing sensitive
information or downloading malicious

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Hackers and Hacking

1. What is Hacking?
- Hacking refers to unauthorized access of
computer systems & networks.

2. Motivations:
Hackers may be driven by various reasons,

- Stealing Money: Hacking to take people's

money or financial information.

- Finding Secrets/Spying: Trying to discover hidden or secret information

about people or organizations.

- Getting Revenge: Hacking to get back at someone or harm them because

of personal reasons.

- Causing Trouble: Hacking to create chaos or disrupt computer systems just

for fun.

- Showing Off: Hacking to impress others or to prove their skills to friends or

online communities.

- Breaking the Rules: Hacking because they enjoy breaking the rules or
going against what is allowed.

- Copying Ideas: Hacking to steal ideas or inventions from others for

personal gain.

- Making Others Look Bad: Hacking to damage someone's reputation or

make them look bad online.

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3. Types of Hackers:
- Black Hat Hackers: Engage in hacking for personal
gain, to cause harm, or for illegal activities.

- White Hat Hackers: Ethical hackers who use their

skills to identify vulnerabilities and help improve

- Grey Hat Hackers: Individuals who may exploit

vulnerabilities but without malicious intent.

- Script kiddies: individuals who lack significant

programming or hacking skills but attempt to launch
cyber-attacks or engage in malicious activities using
pre-existing hacking tools or scripts developed by
more skilled hackers.

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- Ethical Hacking (White Hat Hackers):

- Ethical hacking involves authorized penetration testing to identify

vulnerabilities and strengthen security.

- Importance: Ethical hackers play a vital role in helping organizations

identify and fix security weaknesses before malicious hackers exploit them.

4. Common Hacking Techniques:

- Phishing: Sending deceptive
emails or messages to trick users
into revealing sensitive

- Password Attacks: Brute-

forcing, guessing, or stealing
passwords to gain unauthorized

- Malware: Malicious software that can infect computers and networks, such
as viruses, worms, or ransomware.

- Social Engineering: Manipulating people through deception or persuasion

to obtain sensitive information.

- Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Overloading a website or online service

with too much traffic, making it unavailable for others.

5. Protecting Against Hacking:

- Strong Passwords: Use unique, complex
passwords and consider using password

- Software Updates: Regularly update operating

systems, applications, and antivirus software to
patch vulnerabilities.

- Firewalls: Install and configure firewalls to

monitor and control incoming and outgoing
network traffic.

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- Security Awareness: Educate yourself and others about online threats,
phishing scams, and safe browsing habits.

- Encryption: Method of converting data into a secret code to prevent

unauthorized access.

6. Legal Consequences of Hacking:

- Hacking is illegal and can result in severe penalties, including fines and

- Cybersecurity Laws: Countries have specific laws to combat hacking and

protect individuals and organizations from cybercrimes.

7. Reporting Suspected Hacking:

- If you suspect hacking activity or
come across any security breaches,
report it immediately to a trusted
adult or IT personnel.

- Reporting helps protect yourself

and others from potential harm and
assists in investigating and
preventing further attacks.

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Introduction to Programming:
1. What is programming?

- Giving instructions to computers in

a language they can understand to
perform tasks.

2. Why is programming important?

1. Creating Websites and Apps:

▪ Websites: Programmers use
languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build websites. These
sites allow us to shop online, read news, and learn new things.
▪ Mobile Apps: Apps on our smartphones (like games, social media,
and educational apps) are created using programming.

2. Smart Devices and Appliances:

o Examples:
▪ Washing Machines: They use code to control water temperature
and cycle duration.
▪ Smart Thermostats: These adjust room temperature efficiently
using programming.
▪ Traffic Lights: The timing of traffic lights is managed by code.

3. Problem-Solving Skills:
o Coding and Logic: When you write code, you break down
complex problems into smaller steps. This helps develop
problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
o Creativity: Coding allows you to create new things, like games or

4. Everyday Tasks Made Easier:

o Driving: Cars have computer programs controlling engines,
brakes, and safety features.
o Cooking: Even baking a cake can be easier with a timer or
temperature control using code.
o Elevators: They move smoothly because of programming.

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5. Staying Connected:
o Video Calls: We can chat with family and friends worldwide using
video calls, thanks to coding.
o Messaging Apps: Instant messaging and sharing photos are
possible due to programming.

Remember, coding isn’t just for experts—it’s a superpower that lets you shape
the digital world around you! 🚀🌟

If you’re curious, YOU can explore more about coding and try creating your
own simple programs. Who knows? Maybe you’ll build the next big app or
game! 😊

 Remember, programming is like learning a new language, but instead

of talking to people, you're talking to computers. It's a fun and powerful
skill that can help you create, solve problems, and explore the digital
world around you.

3. How to code or program

Algorithms and Sequences:

-Understanding algorithms as step-by-step instructions to perform a task.

-Examples of day-to-day algorithms are following a recipe, brushing teeth,

tying shoelaces.

Well known
computer algorithms:
• Linear searching
• Bubble sorting

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Variables and Data Types:
-Variables are containers to store information in a program.
-Variables can contain different types of data for examples whole numbers,
decimals, dates etc

-Common Data Types:

• (Integer): Whole Numbers, simple and whole. Examples: 1, 5, 10.

• (Float): Decimal Numbers, deliciously precise! Examples: 3.14, 2.5.
• (String): Text, Strings are for text, like your name or a message. Example: “Hello,
• (Boolean): True/False, Booleans help us decide between true (yes) or false (no).
Example: Is-Expired = False
• Date/Time: Help us code time e.g. DOB = 13/09/2015

-Assigning values to variables:

 Variables are given unique names in a single program to identify.
 Let’s say we have three variables, Age(integer), name(string),


 Assigning values to variables is like putting stuff (values) in the containers


-age = 9,
-name = "Jo-anne"
-gender = “girl”

Just as stuff in
containers can be
changed for different
stuff, values in
variables can also be

-age = 8
-name = “Veer”
-gender = “boy”

 Try to create this program with the three variables as shown in the

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Conditional Statements:
- Understanding conditional statements (if-else statements):

- Making decisions based on conditions.

- If it's raining, take an umbrella.

- Writing simple conditional statements:

- If age > 10, print "You are a teenager!"

- Introducing loops (e.g., repeat, forever):

- Repeating instructions multiple times.

- move 10 steps forever

- Repeat 10 times, print "Coding is fun!"

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Inputs and Outputs:
- Taking user input and displaying output:

- Asking for information and showing results.

- Examples of input and output in programming:

- Asking for a name and greeting the person.

Input: ask Output: say

Debugging and Troubleshooting:

- Identifying and fixing common errors in programs:

- Missing or misplaced instructions.

- Testing and debugging programs:

- Running the code, checking for errors, making corrections.

- Strategies for troubleshooting code:

- Reading error messages, checking variables, asking for help.

Problem-Solving Skills:
- Developing logical thinking and problem-solving strategies:

- Breaking down problems into smaller steps.

- Dividing tasks into smaller, manageable parts.

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Creativity and Projects:
- Designing unique games, stories, or interactive art.

- Try to create a personalized animation or

building a simple quiz.

- Who knows, you might

end up being the next
Mark Zuckerberg! 😊

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@ - at

ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AI – Artificial Intelligence

AR – Augmented Reality

BCc – Blind Carbon Copy

BIOS – Basic Input/output System

BIT – Binary Digit

BMP – Bitmap

CAN – Cosmopolitan Area Network

C.P.U – Central Processing Unit Cc – Carbon Copy

CTS – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

DVD – Digital Versatile Disk

Email – Electronic Mail

FTP – File Transfer Protocol

GB – Gigabyte

GHz- Giga Hertz

GUI – Graphical User Interface

HB - Hexabyte

HDD – Hard Disk Drive

HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface

HTML – Hypertext markup language

HTTP- Hypertext transfer Protocol

ICT – Information and Communication Technology

IM – Instant Messaging

IP – Internet Protocol

ISP – Internet Service Provider

IoT – Internet of Things

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KB – Kilobyte

LAN – Local Area Network

MAN – Metropolitan Area Network

MB – Megabyte

MHz – Mega Hertz

MODEM – Modulator Demodulator

NFC – Near Field Communication

O.S – Operating System

PAN – Personal Area Network

PC – Personal Computer

PDF – Portable Document Format

RAM – Random Access Memory

ROM –Read Only Memory

RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury

RTF – Rich Text Format

SD – Secure Digital

SDSL – Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line

SMS – Short Message Service

TB – Terabyte

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

USB – Universal Serial Bus

VDU – Visual Display Unit

VGA – Video Graphics Array

VPN – Virtual Private Network

VR – Virtual Reality

VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol

WAN – Wide Area Network

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WMAN – Wireless Metropolitan Area Network

WPAN – Wireless Personal Area Network

WIFI – Wireless Fidelity

WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

WWW – World Wide Web

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + A Highlight whole document

Ctrl + B Bold text
Ctrl + C Copy text
Ctrl + D Change the font
Ctrl + E Center a line
Ctrl + I Italicize text
Ctrl + J Justify text
Ctrl + L Align text left
Ctrl + N Open New Document
Ctrl + O Open Document
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + R Align text right
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + T Insert a tab
Ctrl + U Underline text
Ctrl + V Paste text
Ctrl + X Cut the selected item
Ctrl + Y Redo an action
Ctrl + Z Undo an action
F1 Display Windows Help

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